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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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A couple of initial thoughts:


*I love the main Match Results screen now giving the individual in-ring ratings of the workers. "Adam Matravers had an in-ring performance of 82. Grave Digger had an in-ring performance of 32."


*I think the "Match Aims" would be better suited as a separate drop-down menu, rather than adding to the already extensive list of RA notes. I certainly appreciate the descriptions, though they could easily be in a tooltip like so many other things.


I can't wait to build towards a "Once in a Lifetime" match!

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Can someone post the Cornellverse original database for TEW 16 somewhere? Not sure where to ask this or whether to start a topic in TEW 16 mods just for this lol If someone would be kind enough to post it that would be awesome. I converted a TEW 13 RW mod but since it has issues and I have to wait for a patch I thought I'd play the Cornellverse until the full version comes out.
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I'm absolutely loving everything I've seen so far. Not much more to say, really. The only downside (and it's not actually a fault) is that it's 2016, so too many of my favorites are going to be at risk for time decline, but that's the way it goes, right? This is only my second TEW game, so I'm simply not used to it yet. :D


I finally got the render folder in order (wish I had kept track of the renders whose filenames have been changed so I could post a list here :/ I remember some, but definitely not all), but I'll probably wait for the full version before jumping into booking. Just going to keep checking out the updated game world over the next week, and probably see about converting my TEW13 skin. For that reason I have to say a big THANK YOU for not changing things up too much. :) The difference in WMMA4's skin made converting my WMMA3 skin pretty much impossible (particularly the black text where there used to be white), but this time it looks like it should be relatively easy.



P.S. The search feature is the most underrated update yet, IMO. This is a godsend.

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A couple of initial thoughts:


*I love the main Match Results screen now giving the individual in-ring ratings of the workers. "Adam Matravers had an in-ring performance of 82. Grave Digger had an in-ring performance of 32."


*I think the "Match Aims" would be better suited as a separate drop-down menu, rather than adding to the already extensive list of RA notes. I certainly appreciate the descriptions, though they could easily be in a tooltip like so many other things.


I can't wait to build towards a "Once in a Lifetime" match!



Where's the Twice in a Lifetime tag, though?

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KC Glenn...



The betrayal. My heart is so broken right now :(



The Tommy Cornell/TCW betrayal also quite sad. USPW move was great though. I expect them to definitely end up screwing up in the next few years though. WCW in the making


Matt Keith going to Burning Hammer with KC was a huge shock. Figured Greg would go not Matt

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A couple of initial thoughts:


*I love the main Match Results screen now giving the individual in-ring ratings of the workers. "Adam Matravers had an in-ring performance of 82. Grave Digger had an in-ring performance of 32."


*I think the "Match Aims" would be better suited as a separate drop-down menu, rather than adding to the already extensive list of RA notes. I certainly appreciate the descriptions, though they could easily be in a tooltip like so many other things.


I can't wait to build towards a "Once in a Lifetime" match!


Is there a once in a lifetime feature? Explain!

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So, my first reactions.

When launching the game, I was glad to see that the layout looks familiar. Hasn't changed much from TEW 2013.

Music on the main screen is nice, although I'm not necessarily a big fan of that song, but that's just personal taste, so it doesn't matter. Would like to be able to turn the music on and off with one click, though. I remember it was possible in TEW 2005. But then again, how long is the main screen open anyways? You just go and load up your save game in a matter of seconds most of the time. So, again not a big deal.


I immediately started a new game, chose a user character and then went through the list of promotions from top to bottom. I somehow missed that Cornell is in 21CW now, so until I got to the SWF, I thought to myself: "Hm, not much has changed in the Cornellverse, has it?" Boy did I not know what was still to come.


Then I got to the SWF. Noticed that they're at #2. Interesting, that means that TCW has to be #1, right? Was shocked to see that it was actually USPW who is the powerhouse now. With the announcement that national battles will now only require two companies, I was almost certain that USPW would be back at cult level.


Started another game as EMLL in order to get my first achievement by raising them to regional. I must say, booking a show takes a lot more time now with the new requirements for match aims. But that may be due to EMLL's product.

Also not a fan of the inversion of the booking order with the main event being at the top, but that'll probably not take long before I get used to it.


Had a first wrestler's court incident as well. Pyromaniac got sentenced to buying everyone a drink after the show. Hilarious!


Not sure I like the much stricter requirements for attaining international size, but the new broadcasting system might make it much easier to gain popularity in other game areas, which would compensate for that.


It's way way too early to make an educated judgement on the game, but so far it looks really nice and I can already envision myself pulling all-nighters playing the game - and in fact, I already had my first one :D .

I've already seen a German video on Youtube titled "TEW 2016 - a disappointment", which is just such a stupid thing to say after playing a demo version that is only out for a few hours.


Thank you Adam and everyone who has been working on the game. I guess you'll have a few stressful weeks ahead of yourself, so I wish you strong nerves while you work your butt off for our enjoyment.

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about the whole booking the main event down thing, it's funny because I have constantly fought against naturally setting it up that way ... so now I'm going to have to fight against my instinct to reverse it because my initial instinct was right. :confused:
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about the whole booking the main event down thing, it's funny because I have constantly fought against naturally setting it up that way ... so now I'm going to have to fight against my instinct to reverse it because my initial instinct was right. :confused:


There's no reversing it...


The game still acts like all the other games, but just displays it differently. You still book your main event last.


That said, here's some negativity. The "sticky window" feature is totally worthless. It only applies to the main TEW window, not the popups.

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Is anyone else having issues with auto booker? I just used it for the first time to test it out (on a night with my B show and A show), and both shows were penalized for having too many matches and not enough angles and interviews, but I didn't get any warnings when I hit Start Show that I was over my match percentage.


One thing I'm really digging is the Replace Champion thingy. I'm playing a converted real world data, and wanted to move Finn Balor up to the main roster, but he's NXT Champion. So it's really cool instead of recalling him and vacating the title, I can just put it on someone else, and I guess pretend there was a house show title change or something.

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