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Does anyone have any tips on speeding up diary writing/shows?



I remember when I tried for a bit it took me like an hour to get one show done.



I’m definitely wanting to try at least one dairy for 2020, I’ve tried 2016 but the stagnant feel of the game world and national battle system always kill my long term motivation.


Overall 2020 I can probably maybe find a way to play TEW the way I want to, which is a dynamic, ever evolving long term gameworld that plays out differently every time you boot it up(2016 is literally the antithesis of this, more than any other single entry in the series due to the way National Battles ruined a huge part of the game)


All that being said, if I’m going to do a 3 or so year diary I’m going to need a way to efficiently write up all the shows.


Depending on the style you want to maintain, my first suggestion is to copy and paste all the show details (results, match descriptions, anything you find pertinent) into a google doc. Book ahead. And then when you have some time to kill, start the write up for the shows. You'll find the style/pacing that works for you.


For instance, I'm three or four shows ahead in the FCW diary and probably three shows ahead in TIER-1 as well, because I'll spend some time booking and getting things set up and then when I have some time to kill, I'll work on the shows.


For the climb, which was obviously very stripped down, it was a lot easier because I didn't really write any show results other than some promo descriptions and the occasional match description, but even then I was always multiple shows ahead (eventually I'd catch up and then go on a booking spree to get ahead again). I can usually crank out a TIER-1 show in about half an hour, but that has no promos to worry about. An FCW show is a half hour to forty-five minutes, depending.

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Depending on the style you want to maintain, my first suggestion is to copy and paste all the show details (results, match descriptions, anything you find pertinent) into a google doc. Book ahead. And then when you have some time to kill, start the write up for the shows. You'll find the style/pacing that works for you.


For instance, I'm three or four shows ahead in the FCW diary and probably three shows ahead in TIER-1 as well, because I'll spend some time booking and getting things set up and then when I have some time to kill, I'll work on the shows.


For the climb, which was obviously very stripped down, it was a lot easier because I didn't really write any show results other than some promo descriptions and the occasional match description, but even then I was always multiple shows ahead (eventually I'd catch up and then go on a booking spree to get ahead again). I can usually crank out a TIER-1 show in about half an hour, but that has no promos to worry about. An FCW show is a half hour to forty-five minutes, depending.


I am the exact opposite. I have 10 Word documents on my desktop where I'm working on upcoming shows, and I don't start booking on TEW until the night before I'm going to post it, when the script for that episode is finished.


Which is all down to style and where the focus is. When I used to book ahead, I'd often get stuck having booked an angle, and when it came time to put pen to paper, I'd have nothing interesting to say about it. Because promos and matches are my No.1 focus, I need to start in that direction.

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I write as I play - *click* opening match, write up *click* angle, write up *click* second match, write up...


If I run out of time, I click through quickly and c&p the dirt sheet etc. for later writeup, but I find I write best in the moment.


I also find that having time to myself just to write is important... which is why I'm often still awake until 2 on Friday/Saturday nights, as I can sleep in to some degree the following morning. Also, Red Bull helps keep the creative fires burning!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only real advice here is write, write, write. Experiment a bit, see what you enjoy and what not, find what you're good at, go with what works for you but most of all, just write. After a while, it'll get much easier and it'll pour our on its own. Even embedding images or formatting the text will be faster.


My process is very similar to that of James Casey, except much of the writing is done while I'm slacking at my office job instead of staying up at night :rolleyes:


I've found that booking too far ahead and then coming back to write out shows is not what works for me. I may have forgotten why I booked a certain match the way I did or what I wanted someone to say in an angle and more often than not, I've messed stuff up: people were written as champions when they still had a couple of shows before they'd actually win gold or before the actual betrayal/disposition turn/gimmick change.


Much like JC above, I click to see the next match or angle, write it out, move to the next, repeat. It helps me stay in the moment and wanting to see how the show actually plays out is good motivation to keep writing because I want it to be done quick so I can click to see the next segment.


As for writing per se, Self and Historian have me pretty much covered. I've found out I'm not that good writing out matches move by move and honestly if you're doing anything more than a single show per month, it ends up slowing your actual game time and burning up ideas. What I try to do is narrate the main point I'm trying to get across.


For angles, it'll be something along the lines of "X comes out looking angry, he grabs a mic, says that Y got a fluke victory at the last show because he cheated to defeat him and isn't good enough to beat him in a clean, straightforward wrestling match, Y comes out and calls X a crybaby, says he'll shut him up for good when they meet again for the rematch at the upcoming event."


To use the same example, when X and Y have that match I'll ask myself what story I'm trying to tell through it, then check the participants' size, style, gimmick as well as strong and weak points in their stats. In this case, let's assume X is a babyface with solid technical wrestling skills, which is probably why I had him talk about "a clean, straightforward wrestling match" in his promo. He's probably under a Machine or another Legitimate gimmick too. The problem is, he's inexperienced. So he's probably a blue chipper I want to get over: he lost the first match to the veteran dastardly heel and now he's gotta win to stay relevant. Now we've established his opponent is a heel, a veteran and a cheating S.O.B. Looking at his stats, he's mainly an Entertainer with good mic skills and his only decent in-ring attribute is brawling. He's also smaller than the babyface.


This results in the following game plan for each

Face: Follow the rules, wrestle clean, use his size/power advantage and technical prowess to ground the heel, eliminate his brawl-based offense and work him over with submissions.

Heel: Basically avoid direct confrontation since he's smaller and not as good a wrestler, use his experience and talking to break up the match flow, interrupt the pace, leave the ring, insult the face and generally mess up the face's gameplan.


With the above and knowing I want the face to win, I gotta decide on the finish. If I want this to be the end of the feud, I'll probably book the face to win via submission: it fits his style, gameplan and is extra humiliating for the heel. If I want the feud to go on into a third and final match, I'll have him win via flash pinfall. That way the heel can claim this also was a fluke win and the face can agree he didn't really beat him, leading into their third match.


So in writing the match out, I'll start with the babyface coming in all fired up and hitting a few takedowns (babyface shine & gameplan showcase). The heel, as a veteran, will quickly realize what's going on and will roll out of the ring, signalling for a timeout, according to his own gameplan laid out above. This will lead the fired up babyface to give chase outside the ring, but turns out it was all a trap by the crafty veteran to lure him into wrestling the kind of dirty ringside brawl that suits him! The veteran's gonna work over the face for a while to gain some heat and add drama to the match, maybe bust the face open too, but he has to score a pin to win the match so eventually he'll drag the face back to the ring. That'll be a two count, there's still fight left in the young babyface! That spot starts the face's comeback and now in the ring, doubly fired up, the face will take control of the match, ground the veteran and finally get the win.


Click, on to next segment. Like I said, the more you write out stuff, the more you already know your roster and the more you've already laid out plans with storylines and where you wanna go with each worker, the easier and faster it'll be.


Hope that helps.

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Vince McMahon ''How dare he … He called us racists … HE SAID WE ARE RACISTS! I'm not a racist … ARGHHHHHH …. I want Shelton Benjamin killed!!!"


Stephanie ''Ummm Dad it wasn't Shelton''


Vince ''Of course it was Shelton Benjamin - I recognise Shelton Benjamin when I see him - he's black … don’t worry about hiring someone to kill him … Get me my gun and I'll shoot him myself!''


Stephanie ''Dad you need to calm down … you'll give yourself a heart attack''


Vince ''I'll be fine as soon as Shelton Benjamin is dead!!!''


Stephanie ''Look dad I've spoken to legal and you cant kill Shelton Benjamin’’ (under her breath) ''or Jordan Myles ...who is a totally different person''


Stephanie ''… they said it would be considered murder''


Vince ''Pish Posh what am I paying them for … I'm rich … I should be able to kill whomever I want''


Stephanie ''Look dad I'm just going to call Paul and see if he can arrange for Shelton to disappear''


Vince ''Thanks Princess you've always been a wonderful daughter … so caring … you'll get rid of Shelton for me … oh and please make it hurt … I want him to suffer''


Stephanie picks up her phone and calls her husband '


Stephanie ''Hi honey … yeah I'm fine … I'm here with Dad and ... well … we have a Code Red …. yeah Code Red ... uh-huh that's right …. yeah he wants to shoot Shelton Benjamin …… Yes, I told him about Jordan Myles being a different person … look we knew this was coming what with the whole FL -Xnay Oney-May-Itpay … yep … I think that would be for the best …. horse tranquilisers I think''


Vince ''Not tranquilisers Stephanie … I want him to be in terrible pain before he dies''


Stephanie ''Did you hear that Paul … yes he wants Shelton to die slowly … yeah I'm safe … It will all be fine as long as we make Shelton Benjamin disappear … look I might have to let you go I can see some frothing in the mouth area … Yeah hurrying would be a really good idea''


Vince ''No Not hurrying … SLOWLY Steph …. make it slow''



3 Hours later a Private Ambulance from the Stamford Home for the Permanently Befuddled pulls out of WWE Headquarters ''




Triple H ''That was terrible''


Stephanie ''It was very sad when he bit the orderly''


Triple H ''I'm sure they can re-attach the finger''


Stephanie ''Not after it's been through Dad's stomach they wont''


Triple H ''What do we do now?''


Stephanie ''Well I dont know about you but I’m buying Shelton Benjamin a big gift basket”





Be afraid people – From the diseased mind that brought you the WS_X comes th tale of one womans quest to rule the Wrestling World Stephanie – The Princess Diaries


Lets see what the critics are saying


“8 out of 5 stars” – Dave Meltzer


“Magnificent” - Wrestlinginc


“Superb” - PWI


“Who are you and why are you bothering me?” - Dwayne The Rock Johnson


“Meep” - Teddy the Wonder Lizard


‘Are you not Entertained” - Russel Crowe


(NB: The above comments may have been used out of context and may have no relationship to Stephanie – The Princess Diaries. Anyone who reads Stephanie - The Princess Diaries based on these comments has only themselves to blame)





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Vince McMahon ''How dare he … He called us racists … HE SAID WE ARE RACISTS! I'm not a racist … ARGHHHHHH …. I want Shelton Benjamin killed!!!"


Stephanie ''Ummm Dad it wasn't Shelton''


Vince ''Of course it was Shelton Benjamin - I recognise Shelton Benjamin when I see him - he's black … don’t worry about hiring someone to kill him … Get me my gun and I'll shoot him myself!''


Stephanie ''Dad you need to calm down … you'll give yourself a heart attack''


Vince ''I'll be fine as soon as Shelton Benjamin is dead!!!''


Stephanie ''Look dad I've spoken to legal and you cant kill Shelton Benjamin’’ (under her breath) ''or Jordan Myles ...who is a totally different person''


Stephanie ''… they said it would be considered murder''


Vince ''Pish Posh what am I paying them for … I'm rich … I should be able to kill whomever I want''


Stephanie ''Look dad I'm just going to call Paul and see if he can arrange for Shelton to disappear''


Vince ''Thanks Princess you've always been a wonderful daughter … so caring … you'll get rid of Shelton for me … oh and please make it hurt … I want him to suffer''


Stephanie picks up her phone and calls her husband '


Stephanie ''Hi honey … yeah I'm fine … I'm here with Dad and ... well … we have a Code Red …. yeah Code Red ... uh-huh that's right …. yeah he wants to shoot Shelton Benjamin …… Yes, I told him about Jordan Myles being a different person … look we knew this was coming what with the whole FL -Xnay Oney-May-Itpay … yep … I think that would be for the best …. horse tranquilisers I think''


Vince ''Not tranquilisers Stephanie … I want him to be in terrible pain before he dies''


Stephanie ''Did you hear that Paul … yes he wants Shelton to die slowly … yeah I'm safe … It will all be fine as long as we make Shelton Benjamin disappear … look I might have to let you go I can see some frothing in the mouth area … Yeah hurrying would be a really good idea''


Vince ''No Not hurrying … SLOWLY Steph …. make it slow''



3 Hours later a Private Ambulance from the Stamford Home for the Permanently Befuddled pulls out of WWE Headquarters ''




Triple H ''That was terrible''


Stephanie ''It was very sad when he bit the orderly''


Triple H ''I'm sure they can re-attach the finger''


Stephanie ''Not after it's been through Dad's stomach they wont''


Triple H ''What do we do now?''


Stephanie ''Well I dont know about you but I’m buying Shelton Benjamin a big gift basket”





Be afraid people – From the diseased mind that brought you the WS_X comes th tale of one womans quest to rule the Wrestling World Stephanie – The Princess Diaries


Lets see what the critics are saying


“8 out of 5 stars” – Dave Meltzer


“Magnificent” - Wrestlinginc


“Superb” - PWI


“Who are you and why are you bothering me?” - Dwayne The Rock Johnson


“Meep” - Teddy the Wonder Lizard


‘Are you not Entertained” - Russel Crowe


(NB: The above comments may have been used out of context and may have no relationship to Stephanie – The Princess Diaries. Anyone who reads Stephanie - The Princess Diaries based on these comments has only themselves to blame)






This looks AMAZING!!

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WOW: Women of Wrestling




Earlier tonight, AXS TV announced that the second part of WOW: Women of Wrestling's season two will premier in January 2020. WOW will be returning to it's weekly Saturday night time slot.


WOW: Women of Wrestling founder, David McLane stated to fans on his Twitter to expect a slightly different WOW: Women of Wrestling when it returns in January. Speculations are running rampant in the IWC on what exact changes will be made. Rumor has it that AXS TV's new majority owner Anthem Sports & Entertainment is not happy with some of the campier characters that have been featured in WOW: Women of Wrestling and they may be requesting changes.


The second season mid finale of WOW: Women of Wrestling saw the team of Adrenaline and Fire capture the vacant WOW: Women of Wrestling Tag Team Championships and The Beast defeating the reigning WOW: Women of Wrestling World Champion, Tessa Blanchard, to become the new Champion.


Who will be challenging Adrenaline and Fire for the WOW: Women of Wrestling Tag Team Championships?


Who will be stepping up to challenge The Beast for her newly won World Championship?


What new Superheroes will be joining WOW: Women of Wrestling?


All these questions will be answered, when WOW: Women of Wrestling returns in January!


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  • 2 weeks later...



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7xxgRUyzgs0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Steph, Shane & Regal look shocked as the familiar strains of Cult of Personality hit






CM Punk and AJ Lee hit the stage area



Steph “What the hell are you doing here? … Security … SECURITY!!!”


CM Punk “Whoa … Whoa there … I can see the vein in your neck popping out you’ll give yourself a stroke Steph … you need to relax … watch some Hockey … go on a second honeymoon ... You could renew your vows with that meathead you married … that’s always fun … especially if you get a notice firing you on your freaking Wedding Day … seriously on my freaking WEDDING DAY!!!”


Steph “I had nothing to do with that … I only heard about it after the fact”


CM Punk “I DONT CARE! … You or one of your family made that call … then to add insult to injury you backed that moron who could have freaking killed me when he sued me for saying his misdiagnosis COULD HAVE FREAKING KILLED ME!”


Steph “Again I had nothing to do with tha ..”


CM PUNK “AND AGAIN … I … DO … NOT … CARE! One of you did it and your all in that big McMahon blob of hate and incompetence … I have zero interest in you … I have zero interest in your moron of a husband … I have zero interest in the McMahons period!”


Steph “Look I thought we were getting past this stuff – you were doing analysis on Backstage … I was hoping that maybe one day we could make peace”


CM PUNK “Peace … PEACE! You want peace well you ain’t getting peace … NO PEACE!!!”


Steph “Look … Phil … lets just move on … say what you want to say and leave the WWE forever if you want”


CM Punk “Oh I’ll say what I want to say … but I’m not going anywhere”


Steph “You’re not employed here anymore and If I have to get Security to escort you out I will”


CM Punk “That’s where your wrong”


Steph “Wrong … what do you mean wrong?”


CM Punk “A few weeks ago I was sitting at home watching the Hockey with my wife AJ and the phone rings and it’s your Dad Vince”


Steph “Dad?”


CM Punk “Yeah … he was kind of ranting about Shelton Benjamin … I have no idea what that was about …. I was about to shout some obscenities at him and hang up when he told me to go to my front door … now I half expected a hit squad or someone serving me with a Subpoena but no there was nothing bad … nothing bad at all ... just a Lawyer and a big old Dump Truck”


Steph “Dump Truck?”


CM Punk smiles smugly “Yeah a big old Dump Truck … and you know what it was filled with?”


Steph “I think I know where the missing money accounting was telling me about last week is”


CM Punk “I have never seen so much money … I'm not a greedy man but … we are talking a staggering amount of money and guess what? It’s mine now … Mine along with a beautiful new WWE contract.”


Steph “Well that makes me your boss so you ...’’


CM Punk “No … NO … NO!!! You're not my boss ... you pretentious cretin … you might be in charge of this place but you WILL NEVER BE IN CHARGE OF ME!!! You see the contract gave me complete control of my career … your crazy old Dad was willing to give me anything I wanted … I can come and go as I please … When I please and … Oh this is the good bit … do pretty much whatever I please ... to whomever I please … and you … you stuck up little Princess cant do a thing about it”


Steph “Oh crap”


CM Punk “Yeah I thought you’d feel that way … I’m going to do everything my way, on my own terms and on my own timetable. I’m under my own rules and there’s not a thing you can do about it … and my first order of business is to announce that CM Punk will be Main Eventing Wrestlemania 36 in Tampa Florida … now I don’t really care which belt I’m going for … I’ll let whomever wins the Royal Rumble decide who they want to challenge and I’ll take whomever is left because … I’m the BEST IN THE FREAKING WORLD!!! I’ll beat whomever gets thrown up against me because I’ve waited a long time to Main Event Wrestlemania and you and your family have done everything it could to stop me achieving my dreams … but not now … now I have the power … and 2020 is the YEAR OF PUNK!”


The crowd goes nuclear as the show ends.




Stephanie the Princess Diaries now with all new Punky Goodness!







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<p>Alrighty, I am starting my first diary here on GDS. I will be playing as UPJ from the ThunderVerse due to my familiarity with them, and loving puro. You can read a small update from my game <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2383526&postcount=485" rel="external nofollow">here</a>, a small guide on my booking <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2383908&postcount=488" rel="external nofollow">here,</a> and a long, rambing reply about how I book puro <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2384139&postcount=490" rel="external nofollow">here</a>.</p><p> </p><p>

My question I have for you guys is it hard to get into a diary of a game that is already three years in? I've been playing this save for like a month with no plans of starting a diary until recently. I can definitely just start a new save for a diary, and keep playing this one on the side for sure, and I don't want a diary to slow down my progress, but it is a kick-ass save that I want to share. </p><p> </p><p>

So yeah, better to start a diary with a fresh and new game, or is it just fine to roll with an already-started game?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dalton0911" data-cite="dalton0911" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Alrighty, I am starting my first diary here on GDS. I will be playing as UPJ from the ThunderVerse due to my familiarity with them, and loving puro. You can read a small update from my game <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2383526&postcount=485" rel="external nofollow">here</a>, a small guide on my booking <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2383908&postcount=488" rel="external nofollow">here,</a> and a long, rambing reply about how I book puro <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2384139&postcount=490" rel="external nofollow">here</a>.<p> </p><p> My question I have for you guys is it hard to get into a diary of a game that is already three years in? I've been playing this save for like a month with no plans of starting a diary until recently. I can definitely just start a new save for a diary, and keep playing this one on the side for sure, and I don't want a diary to slow down my progress, but it is a kick-ass save that I want to share. </p><p> </p><p> So yeah, better to start a diary with a fresh and new game, or is it just fine to roll with an already-started game?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Depends how you intend to write it I would guess. Some people embellish their stuff with a lot of detail, some a shorter. You would have records of your shows so writing from any point isn't a issue other than details of the world around you.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dalton0911" data-cite="dalton0911" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So yeah, better to start a diary with a fresh and new game, or is it just fine to roll with an already-started game?</div></blockquote><p> As long as you're enjoying the save and have a story you want to tell, either is fine. I've made a diary of my Road to Glory save 16 years into the save, but I've also started saves specifically for a diary. Same with how people play/write stuff, some run a segment, write it on the spot and continue, others run a bunch of shows ahead of time, take notes and write each out at their leisure. There's no rule to it, try it out and see what works best for you.</p>
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The Rip Chord Invitational: Where Legends are Born


Sam Keith stepped through the ropes in a fluid, practiced motion. Despite all the wars and injuries he had battled through, all the blood and sweat he had poured out, this was his still his natural habitat. He traded his tights for slacks and his boots for dress shoes, sure, but he looked like he belonged on the mat.


Outside the ring, the press had assembled. When a legend like Sam Keith says he has an announcement that will change the business forever, you stop and you listen. Their cameras flashed as Keith approached the podium set up in the middle of the ring. Whatever he had to say, this was a moment to capture.


Keith coughed into his hand, then reached out adjusted the microphone on the podium. "January first," he said. "2016. New Year's Day. Today's a day of resolutions. New beginnings. I have a resolution, myself. I know I probably don't seem like the type, but it's true."


"Most people want to lose weight. Learn something new. Run a marathon. But I'm not most people. I'm a wrestler, from head to toe, down to my core. And for better or worse, that means I'm larger than life. Everything I do is, right down to resolutions."


"So it makes sense that when I make a resolution, I go big. In 2016, I'm making a change. Not just for me, though. That's not enough. That just whets my appetite. No, in 2016 I'm making a change for this entire industry that we lovingly call professional wrestling."


A murmur went through the crowd as attendees whispered to one another, eager to hear more. Journalists furiously scribbled down notes.


Keith's lips spread into a wry grin beneath his scraggly beard. "Rip Chord could have chosen anyone in the business to take over MAW when he retired, and he chose me. Why? Because he knew that I was the only man he could trust to run it right."


"Since it's inception, MAW has had a reputation as the place wrestlers came to get somewhere else. It's been a stepping stone. Rip is one of the greatest legends this business has ever known, and I'll be damned if I let his creation be known as a stepping stone. Moving forward, MAW will not be the layover you stop in at for a cup of coffee on your trip to New York or Florida. No, moving forward MAW will be THE destination for wrestling."


"Rip is a legend. I keep saying it, but it's true. What I'm announcing here today revolves around that man, not me. That's why, and it does pain me to say this, I've canceled the Sam Keith Invitational this year. I run this company, but this company isn't about me. It's about the athletes that pour buckets of blood and sweat on this mat. They leave bits of their souls in here every night, and they don't need to be chasing after a trophy with their boss's name on it."


"The trophy they do need to strive for is the one that's been here from the beginning. The Rip Chord Invitational. The hottest prize on the independents. A trophy that means you are the cream of the crop, the cat's meow, and the apple of this industries eye."


"At least that's what we tell ourselves. Everyone that's won the RCI has been great, that's undenable, but I'd be lying if I said they were the best. Why? Because they haven't beaten the best. Findlay didn't beat Frankie Perez. Mainstream Hernandez didn't beat Mikey James. My own son Greg, talented as he is, didn't beat anyone that's not our shows every month."


"This year, that changes. I have scoured the continent to find the best independent wrestlers North America has to offer, and I have locked them down for the Rip Chord Invitational. When I say this YEAR everything changes, I mean it, too. RCI is no longer in January. This is the biggest tournament MAW, wrestling, hell, the world has ever seen.


"From January through November, over 11 shows, the best 64 independent wrestlers in North America will scratch and claw to the top of the mountain. When there's one man left standing, and only then, he's going to hold up a trophy with Rip Chord's name on it, and he's going to look down at the fallen men below and know that without a shadow of a doubt he is the absolute best wrestler there is."


Keith leaned back from the podium, and the journalists erupted. Hands shot up, cameras flashed, and people shouted questions louder and louder, hoping Keith would hear and answer them.


But Keith had nothing more to say. This announcement was about making them hungry for more. No names would be named. No potential matchups. There damn sure wouldn't be any brackets announced. He would let this sit for a while. Let the antipation build. And just before the excitement started to wane, he would begin to drop some names


Leaving this here for now instead of just starting a new topic as I won't be able to actually sit down and start writing on this one until after, fittingly, the new year. The scenario and tournament bracket is all set up, so I'm excited to get back to my own computer and start dropping the entrants and bracket in an actual topic!


I haven't written a diary here in years, and I'm excited to sit down and write one that doesn't have the burden of being open ended. It's just 11, maybe 12 shows, with everything built to a logical conclusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize if this has already been discussed before but I am really bad at coding/html especially when it comes to these forums.


I am trying to make a simple table and after an hour, I still can't get the damn thing to work.


I feel like this type of thing may deter some from creating dynasties or from continuing them.


Has anyone ever thought about creating a sticky to help people with coding/html? People can post codes and help others.


Just a suggestion :)

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Absolutely disgusted at the idea of Burning Hammer shifting to a more westernized product over the last few years, the change to a full time schedule was the final straw. Komine's brianchild was a mere shell of what he had built.



He'd ignored Takeda's treachery for far too long. Now with the help of a very "patriotic" billionaire Komine was ready to go to war!


Blood is in the water and the sharks are circling...




Coming Early 2020

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Absolutely disgusted at the idea of Burning Hammer shifting to a more westernized product over the last few years, the change to a full time schedule was the final straw. Komine's brianchild was a mere shell of what he had built.



He'd ignored Takeda's treachery for far too long. Now with the help of a very "patriotic" billionaire Komine was ready to go to war!


Blood is in the water and the sharks are circling...




Coming Early 2020



Oh my - this could be fun.

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Slightly late into the new year, but just wanted to wish a happy new year to everyone and thank you all for the support of my diary in 2019, including the recent DOTM voting - thanks to those who voted. Really enjoying writing it and hope everyone else is enjoying it too. Plenty more to come as we progress further into 2020, and hopefully implementing some new ideas along the way.


Hoping to get a general opinion on something I'm planning at the moment - I'm looking to start posting in this thread with a WWE.com style graphic just to promote the diary and give people who maybe haven't read a little preview of what's going on. Like a main headline and a few smaller ones, exactly like you see when you first open up WWE.com.


Hopefully it's something nobody would mind me posting and just hoping to get more people involved!


Thanks again for all the support and hope everyone else continues to enjoy writing as much as I do.

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<p><center><a href="<a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2386720&postcount=47" rel="external nofollow">http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2386720&postcount=47"><img</a> src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/zcLHTLB.png" rel="external nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/zcLHTLB.png"></a></a></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="font:15px Roboto Slab;width: 1000px;text-align:justify;">This is the first of the WWE.com style previews that I'll be posting in here. Just to give people who might not have had the opportunity to see what's going on the chance to check it out. Hopefully this is all good!</div></p><p> </p><p>

<link href="<a href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700,900&display=swap" rel="external nofollow">https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700,900&display=swap"</a> rel="stylesheet"></p><p>

<link href='<a href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab'" rel="external nofollow">https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab'</a> rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></center></p>

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I am currently about 10 months ahead in-game of my diary (NJPW 2019 - Long Term), so I am thinking of slowing down (in-game) so that my writing can catch up to it a bit.


In the meantime I am considering starting a new dynasty on the side with NXT UK, I understand to do this without booking the entire WWE product I'll need to edit the relationship with WWE and make it a working agreement instead of a developmental/child company agreement. Do you think it's possible to run a successful federation this way? We would still have the WWE Network broadcasting deal for the TV Show/Events and all the workers contracts would have to change from developmental to written/PPA. I think the hardest part would be that basically no workers in the Fleisch mod have any pop in the UK, even Pete Dunne has like E pop in the British Isles I believe, so it could absolutely stink and fail.


I'm also contemplating a PROGRESS dynasty or perhaps Dragon Gate. Thoughts?

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I am currently about 10 months ahead in-game of my diary (NJPW 2019 - Long Term), so I am thinking of slowing down (in-game) so that my writing can catch up to it a bit.


In the meantime I am considering starting a new dynasty on the side with NXT UK, I understand to do this without booking the entire WWE product I'll need to edit the relationship with WWE and make it a working agreement instead of a developmental/child company agreement. Do you think it's possible to run a successful federation this way? We would still have the WWE Network broadcasting deal for the TV Show/Events and all the workers contracts would have to change from developmental to written/PPA. I think the hardest part would be that basically no workers in the Fleisch mod have any pop in the UK, even Pete Dunne has like E pop in the British Isles I believe, so it could absolutely stink and fail.


I'm also contemplating a PROGRESS dynasty or perhaps Dragon Gate. Thoughts?


I'd be a little concerned with AI Vince dumping the working agreement and going to war. You might be better off putting NXT UK into an alliance with WWE. I imagine you'd be running a product that doesn't rely overmuch on popularity, so the low pop might not hurt you too much. Could probably work but I'd do a quick test run first once you've made edits to see if any problems crop up.

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