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RevPro: Something more than Honor

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[B]RevPro: Something more than Honor[/B] Marvelous Mitch Fuller rolled up the San Diego Kid and with a handful of tights kept him down for the three to win the main event. Peeking out from behind the curtain, I watched him roll out of the ring as the boos rained down. Unfortunately, I could tell that they weren’t criticizing Fuller’s underhanded tactics but rather the quality of the show they’d just seen. A parade of fat has-beens who hadn’t even touched a Big Three ring in the last decade had marched out and put on a steady stream of slow, boring matches. Hurting the card was the fact that four of my six midgets hadn’t shown, ruining my plans for the curtainjerker. As Marvelous Mitch took a 3/4-full Big Gulp in the face and crumpled to the floor, I ducked back into the backstage area in disgust. I could feel a return to a day job coming on strong—booking for Super Star Wrestling and its devoted fanbase of fourteen bored teenagers just wasn’t working out. I looked around for my coat but Darrin Peet, SSW’s promoter and the man who I’d booked the past two months of shows for, found me first. “Stupid ingrates,” he reasoned, referring to the angry mob that was once an audience. “They wouldn’t know a good wres-er-lin show if it crawled up inside them and gave them colon cancer.” He handed me my coat and clapped me on the shoulder. “Think I’ll stop puttin’ on shows for a couple weeks—it’ll get ‘em juicin’ for more when we do come back, huh, bro?” Peet winked at me and began to walk away. It was patently obvious that I would never see this man, or my owed paycheques, ever again. He stopped and yelled back at me: “Oh! I forgot, your cell was goin’ off like crazy. You better check it.” Just as I dug into my coat pocket to find my cell phone, it rung and I answered. “Hello?” “Jimmy Jim!” The energetic, squeaky voice of Marshall Waters was on the line. A high-school friend and multi-millionaire at twenty-three thanks to his “Hu-Mover” and the [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segway]human transporter boom[/URL] of the early 2000s, I was surprised to be talking to him. Every few months, he would get himself involved in some sports-related catastrophe, whether it be owning the Anchorage Abominable Snowmen of the failed World Ice Hockey League or the Brooklyn Blaxploitation of the equally-disastrous American Basketball Circuit. I couldn’t figure out how he hadn’t blown all his money yet, but he always kept me abreast of his latest acquisitions. “Marshall, what’s your new toy?” “Come on, Jehovah! You think I only call when I have some new venture to brag about?” The line briefly went dead. “Alright, you got me. It’s a wrestling league. I figure it’s gotta work out better than that lacrosse team. Did I ever tell you--" “Hold on a second, buddy. What did you buy?” “A wrestling league. It’s called—" I heard papers shuffling. “[B]Ring of Honor[/B]. Do you think you could run it for me for a while?” Do I think I could run it for a while? Goodbye, Super Star Wrestling. This was the chance of a lifetime. ROH was known as the independent by which all other independents are judged. Good wrestling. No--[I]Great[/I] wrestling. Satisfied customers every night. No egos allowed. It was any booker’s dream to work with such a great young roster. “I—it’s just—of course I’ll--“ “What’s wrong? Is it the money? Trust me, you’ll be well compensated.” When I finally was able to break in and tell him that, yes, of course, I’d be his head booker, I let Marshall know that I would do my best to uphold the standards that Ring of Honor had set with its pure in-ring competition that matched that of other sports. His response stunned me. “Jimmy, I don’t think so. With that kind of attitude, we’ll never get past being known only in a corner of the United States. I’m counting on you to grow this company into something huge. I’m thinking ‘facelift.’ Major facelift.” It seemed like Ring of Honor was going to fall in among the Abominable Snowmen and Blaxploitation if we messed with the hardcore fanbase. But on the other hand, Marshall had a good point. It wouldn’t be easy, but if we could put together a product that most types of wrestling fan could take something away from, we’d change the industry for good, for the better. “Come see me Wednesday, Jim. I’m signing the paperwork, you should be there. We can do something special here.” He was right. I told Marshall I’d meet him in Philadelphia and immediately began thinking about changing this small promotion for the better.
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Wrestlingdirtsheet.com – ROH News: New ownership, event news and more! [I]Rumours have been swirling about the future of Ring of Honor after recent documents have indicated that the company has in fact changed hands. The new owner, as shown in recent legal filings, is Waters Tech, effective as of Wednesday. Some Internet speculation has predicted the promotion to be selling its tape library to the WWE and ceasing operations, but this is far from substantiated at this time. What is certain is that Ring of Honor will still be putting on its first show of 2006, [B]New Beginnings[/B], in two weekends’ time, and a main event has been signed! In what promises to be a huge encounter, [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] will put his World Heavyweight Championship on the line against [B]Samoa Joe[/B]! Can the Samoan Submission Machine regain the title he held for twenty-one months, or will the American Dragon continue his reign as champion? Two more championship matches have been added to the line-up, as the Tag Team Champions, Generation Next’s [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Roderick Strong[/B], will face the high-flying combination of [B]Jimmy Yang [/B]and [B]AJ Styles[/B], and [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] will defend his Pure Wrestling Title against [B]Chad Collyer[/B]. Also confirmed for Friday’s card: [B]Alex Shelley vs. Jack Evans Homicide vs. Jay Lethal Colt Cabana vs. Christopher Daniels[/B] One Ring of Honor mainstay who won’t be at the show is [B]Steve Corino[/B]. The King of Old School received an offer to become head booker for USA Xtreme Wrestling, and considering the uncertainty surrounding ROH, he was wise to accept it. [/I]
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RevPro: Something more than Honor [I]You can only prepare for so long before you start to lose your mind. I had, to my knowledge, talked to every contracted individual within ROH about my plans for the company, and called Marshall in excess of ten times to run ideas by him. My pre-show speech was in the books. Each performer knew what he was supposed to do. There was nothing left to accomplish. The crowd was growing restless. Let’s do it.[/I] [B] ROH New Beginnings – January 13, 2006 Held at the First Arena in Elmira, New York Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B] [B]Match 1: AJ STYLES vs MATT SYDAL vs JACK EVANS vs CHRIS SABIN[/B] Styles took this one, hitting Sydal with a second-rope Styles Clash, to kick off the evening’s proceedings with an unadvertised four-way bout. It lasted about eleven minutes. [B]Winner: “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, C+[/B] Before Sydal could be peeled off the mat, the fun-loving [B]Colt Cabana[/B] came out to the ring before his match with [B]Christopher Daniels[/B]. He insulted the Fallen Angel in his usual humorous fashion, asking him “Why you gotta dress like a goth chick?! You tryin’ to embarrass me?!” in a reference no one seemed to understand, but still appreciated. [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 2: CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs COLT CABANA[/B] The match of the night had the crowd rocking, and Daniels pulled it out with a cradle with two whole hands of tights at the thirteen-minute mark. [B]Winner: “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, B- [/B] Cabana seemed upset after the match and was leaving until [B]Homicide[/B] hit the ring. Homicide took a mic and looked at Cabana with disgust on his face. Homicide called him a joke and told him that it’s no surprise Cabana’s never held a singles title in ROH--he doesn't take himself, or his opponent, seriously. Homicide tells Cabana to drag his ass out of the ring and watch what he’s about to do to [B]Jay Lethal[/B], because he might learn something. Instead of fighting back, Cabana continued walking to the backstage and seemed deep in thought. [B]C-[/B] [B]Match 3: HOMICIDE vs JAY LETHAL[/B] Lethal never had much of a shot in this one. The Notorious 187 dominated the action and finished the speedy youngster off in approximately eight minutes with the Kudo Driver. [B]Winner: “The Notorious 187” Homicide, C+[/B] [B]Match 4: CHRIS SABIN vs JIMMY RAVE[/B] The second unadvertised match of the evening, Sabin and Rave had a 50/50 bout that ended with a Cradle Shock and a clean victory for the Future. [B]Winner: “The Future” Chris Sabin, C+[/B] [B]Match 5: ROH TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: RODERICK STRONG/AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. AJ STYLES/JIMMY YANG[/B] Strong and Aries of Generation Next controlled most of the match, making frequent tags and keeping Yang away from his partner. Strong to hit his double knee gutbuster on a disabled Yang at 16:30 for the title defense. [B]Winners, and still ROH Tag Team Champions: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, C+[/B] INTERMISSION [B]Match 6: ROH PURE WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP: NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. CHAD COLLYER[/B] After the break, McGuinness proved that he was “in it to win it” and had Collyer handled in a technical wrestling affair that lasted fourteen minutes. [B]Winner, and still ROH Pure Wrestling Champion: Nigel McGuinness, C+[/B] [B]Alex Shelley[/B] came out before his match with [B]Jack Evans[/B] with not his usual camcorder, but a veiled easel. Shelley took a mic and said it was his sad duty to report that the Embassy had officially been deported, but the fans could rejoice in the fact that Alex is still around. Shelley said that any fan knows how creative he is in the ring, but not many know how creative he is outside of it. Alex says that he is so successful because he “visualizes his successes” and with that takes the sheet off of the easel, revealing the canvas to be painted with a picture of Shelley pinning Jack Evans. It is signed “the Exhibitionist, Alex Shelley”. [B]C[/B] [B]Match 7: ALEX SHELLEY vs JACK EVANS[/B] Shelley barely had time to put his easel at ringside before Evans invaded. With the referee incapacitated, Shelley was knocked to ringside and Evans tried to hit his Stuntin’ 101 720 moonsault to the floor. Shelley had the wherewithal to throw his heavy easel in the way and Evans took a huge bump plowing through it. “The Exhibitionist” rolled in to make the count as the referee came to and awarded Shelley the match by count-out at 13:21. [B]Winner: “The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley, C[/B] [B]Main Event: ROH WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. SAMOA JOE[/B] The Dragon and the Machine kept it stiff and intense, but displayed their respect for each other throughout. The end came when Danielson looked to be beat and was brought up for the Musclebuster. Danielson escaped it to put Joe down with a crucifix which he rolled out of, but immediately rolled Joe up with a second crucifix to get the three at 20:55. [B]Winner, and still ROH World Heavyweight Champion: “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, C+[/B] After the match, Danielson extended his hand to Joe which he took and shook. The fans loved this, but a strange entrance theme hit and [B]Don Cyrus[/B] (Don Callis) walked through the curtain, wearing a sharp suit. He produced a microphone and commended Joe and Dragon on their match. “[B]It’s just too bad,[/B]” he said, “[B]that that was the last match in Ring of Honor history.[/B]” Joe and Danielson looked puzzled as the fans erupted in boos. “Come on, I know you people read the Internet! It’s the worst kept secret in wrestling that ROH has been purchased. And the ownership group, which prefers to remain anonymous, has hired myself, Don Cyrus, to manage their investment. Now, they briefly considered scrapping this federation and selling it off to everyone’s favourite elephant. But nah, that wouldn’t be right, they said, and I agreed. No, that’s not what this federation needs.” “What’s needed in Ring of Honor is a change. Not just in style, but in… name. We have a phenomenal roster of talent here in ROH, and we are going to do you all a favour and set it free. Ladies and gentlemen, you are witnessing history here tonight. You came for a wrestling show, but you got a revolution. Someday, you’ll tell your grandchildren that you were in New York when everything changed forever! Joe, Bryan, New York, I give you…” [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5303192471.jpg[/IMG] A large banner falls over the entranceway that reads “RevPro: Revolutionary Pro Wrestling”. “[B]Revolutionary… Pro… Wrestling![/B]” “I invite everyone here in Elmira and across these United States to be a part of this. That includes you, Bryan Danielson. That includes you, Samoa Joe. And that includes everyone else in the dressing room who were once a part of Ring of Honor wrestling, but are now riders on the storm. To everyone in attendance tonight, and to those who will read this speech ten years from now, the revolution starts [B]now[/B].” Cyrus finally lowers his mic and looks confidently at Danielson and Joe before leaving. They are left confused in the middle of the ring. The crowd lingers, stunned. [B]B-[/B] [B]ROH New Beginnings Overall Rating: C+[/B] [U]Next[/U] Ring of Honor may be no more, but they still have two shows scheduled for next weekend. Will these shows instead mark the debut of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling?
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IndieHearsay.com – Top Story: What is “RevPro”? [B]IndieHearsay.com – Top Story: What is “RevPro”?[/B] Monday, January 16, 2006 - The wrestling community is still reeling from Friday’s shocking Ring of Honor show, [B]New Beginnings[/B]. It was supposed to be their first show of 2006, but now appears to be their last of all time. The promotion has been rebranded [B]“Revolutionary Pro Wrestling”[/B], or as their banner displayed at the show seemed to indicated [B]“RevPro”[/B] for short. The company is expected to retain most if not all of the promotion’s top talent, and it will be interesting to see how those who made ROH what it was are utilized. - Ring of Honor’s two shows for this weekend have officially become RevPro shows. Friday’s event in the Great Lakes is now [B]“RevPro Starting the Fire”[/B] and the larger Saturday card for the Mid Atlantic has become [B]“RevPro Inauguration”[/B]. With the events being staged in two of Ring of Honor’s hottest areas, the fan response to the promotion rebrand will be important to the company’s future. - Partial cards for the two shows have been listed on the organization’s website, RevPro.com. Here are some of the confirmed bouts as they stand. [B][U]Starting the Fire[/U][/B] [B]The Ring Crew Express vs. Austin Aries/Roderick Strong AJ Styles vs. Cloudy[/B] [B][U]Inauguration[/U] Main Event: A Title Defense by Bryan Danielson Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Yang BJ Whitmer vs. Alex Shelley Tony Mamaluke vs. Matt Stryker[/B] - Word has leaked that RevPro is negotiating with [B]a major Japanese star[/B] to work a selective number of dates in order to lend credibility to the company. - In an interesting backstage development, sources close to [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Lacey[/B] have confirmed that the two are finished as a couple. This isn’t expected to have any impact on their employment status with RevPro. [U]Next:[/U] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s first event, Starting the Fire
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Friday, January 20, 2006. [I]The substitution had been made. I expected some fans to lash out against the change from ROH to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, but not like this. One particularly ardent fan had hacked into the website to gain my contact info, and then put a brick through my window at three in the morning. He beat my alarm clock by fifteen minutes; it was an early flight out to the first event. As we were de-iced, I read an email from Marshall Waters on my laptop. He was very supportive and said he enjoyed the show, but wondered why “the fat guy didn’t win”, adding “seems like he could just sit on the other guy”. I was beginning to wonder if Marshall[/I] got[I] wrestling. I replied and let Waters know about my idea for “Pro Radio”, an audio-only broadcast of all our events on the website. It was a good way to keep the fans current on storylines when we weren’t in their area without being cost prohibitive. It would have to suffice until we got some kind of television deal. It would be a tough weekend. If things worked out, the Friday and Saturday shows would go a long way in building a foundation for the future. The only way to keep ROH’s fanbase with us as we try to gain new fans would be to give them what they came for originally: great wrestling. Hardcore fans are naturally opposed to change, but maybe this could be spun to the promotion’s advantage in the way of a storyline… [/I]
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RevPro: Something more than Honor [B]RevPro Starting the Fire – Friday, January 20, 2006 Held at the Wexford County Civic Center in Cadillac, Michigan Attendance: 1,900 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B] [B]Match 1: JIMMY JACOBS vs. EL GENERICO[/B] Two lesser known members of the RevPro roster were out first to warm up the audience. Both combatants took to the air and crammed as many spots as possible into their eight minutes of action. The end came with Generico positioning Jacobs on the top turnbuckle for his Super Brainbuster, but Jacobs flipped out of it to drive the Generic One all the way down with a powerbomb that he held on to for the three. [B]Winner: Jimmy Jacobs at 8:40, C[/B] [B]Homicide[/B] walks out to the ring with a microphone. He informs the crowd that he can’t wait to get the hell out of Cadillac after he beats Michigan-native [B]Chris Sabin[/B] later on. [B]C[/B] [B]Match 2: CLOUDY (w/ Lacey) vs. AJ STYLES[/B] The innovative AJ dominated the early-going of the match until Lacey got involved on behalf of her client and held onto Styles’ foot when he ascended to the top rope. This allowed Cloudy to hit a quick springboard supercanrana but the former Special K member couldn’t follow up with anything substantial. AJ soon regained the advantage and held off the pesky Lacey long enough to plant Cloudy with the Clash and get the three. [B]Winner: “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles at 10:36 , C[/B] After the ring had cleared, [B]Jimmy Rave[/B] entered without his normal accompaniment, Prince Nana. Rave said that fans may have heard about Nana’s departure from North America, but claimed that they still will see lots of Jimmy Rave in 2006, because this will be his breakout year. Rave takes off his robe to show off new trunks that read “Mr. 2006” on both legs. He says that he can’t wait one more second to get started in the new year, so someone had better come down to the ring and face him. He begins to get impatient when no one emerges from the backstage, but then “Ikari no Jushin” hits and the crowd begins to buzz… [B]it’s Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B]! Rave flips out and protests but Lyger marches down the aisle and salutes the fans. Without a word, Lyger slides into the ring and prepares for action. Referee Jim Korderas surveys the situation and calls for the bell. This match is on! [B]C[/B] [B]Match 3: JIMMY RAVE vs. JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER[/B] This unexpected treat got the crowd going. Rave used dirty tricks to get ahead in the opening minutes, and began to work on Lyger’s right leg, wrapping it around the ring post at one point. Rave missed a running clothesline which allowed Lyger to connect with a pivotal Rolling Koppou kick. Rave tried to strike back with a hurricanrana but Lyger caught him and blasted Mr. 2006 with a Running Liger Bomb for the pin! [B]Winner: Jushin Thunder Lyger at 9:03, C+[/B] Lyger gets a very warm reaction from the audience, and [B]AJ Styles[/B] walks out to join the crowd in applauding the legend. He produces a microphone and welcomes the Japanese star to RevPro. Styles tells Lyger that he is one of his idols, and that he would be honoured if he would face him in a match later on, because he knows they could tear the house down together. Lyger thinks for a moment, and then nods, popping the crowd. He’ll face AJ Styles in the main event! [B]B[/B] [B]Match 4: ROH TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: AUSTIN ARIES AND RODERICK STRONG c. vs. THE RING CREW EXPRESS (DUNN AND MARCOS)[/B] This bout was even to begin with, as Dunn and Marcos used high-risk offence to put the tag champs on the defensive. Aries and Strong managed to slow down the pace, and the championship match quickly turned into an exhibition as the champs built a decided advantage over the Ring Crew Express. The Generation Next members showed why they have the straps, finishing off Dunn with a double knee gutbuster and 450 splash to win. [B]Winners, and still ROH Tag Team Champions: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong at 14:47, C[/B] Intermission [B]Match 5: CHRIS SABIN vs. HOMICIDE[/B] The crowd was behind the Future all the way after the break, and Sabin almost picked up the victory after a Cradle Shock at the sixteen minute mark, but Homicide stuck his foot on the ropes to narrowly escape defeat. The referee took a bump as the Notorious 187 reversed an Irish whip to send Sabin hurtling into him, and the match made its way to the floor. There, Homicide blasted Sabin with a killer chairshot that put him down and out. When the referee came to, he had no choice but to count Sabin out, giving Homicide the win. [B]Winner: “The Notorious 187” Homicide at 22:03, B-[/B] [B]Lacey[/B] was back out to give away some fresh Revolutionary Pro Wrestling T-shirts and looked none too happy. The crowd response alternated between cat calls and jeers. [B]B[/B] [B]Match 6: SAMOA JOE vs. RODNEY REDD[/B] The man who performed as Rodney Mack in WWE knew he’d have his hands full when he made his entrance, as the crowd started up a “Joe’s Gonna Kill You” chant before he’d even entered the ring. The audience had it pegged, as an angry-looking Joe took out his frustrations on Redd, kicking him raw for almost ten minutes and finishing him off with a Triangle Choke, taking the match in a walk. [B]Winner: “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe at 11:41, B-[/B] Joe refused to let up on the choke, and it took the appearance of several officials to get him to release the hold. A pissed-off Joe stalked to the back, stopping only to look up at a “RevPro” banner with contempt as he left. [B]B-[/B] [B]Main Event: JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER vs. AJ STYLES[/B] Lyger and Styles shook hands to begin the contest and the respect remained through the entirety of the bout. The competitors traded quick mat holds until Styles raised the stakes and launched himself over the top rope to clobber a defenseless Lyger with a plancha. The wily Lyger took control, putting Styles through the wringer with pointed kicks and quick offense. Lyger tried to hit a Rolling Koppou kick, which had turned the tides in his earlier match, but Styles caught the foot and flipped into a victory roll that was enough for three and a surprise victory. Lyger was quickly up and, looking slightly shocked, applauded Styles slowly. Lyger raised Styles’ arm and whispered something into his ear as the show ended. [B]Winner: “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles at 23:51, B[/B] [B]Starting the Fire Overall Rating: B[/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - [B]Dean Malenko[/B] was spotted helping out backstage, and had a hand in almost all of the matches that were on the slate. - Former WWE referee [B]Jim Korderas[/B] made his RevPro debut, officiating all seven matches. He was cut from the nation’s top promotion when they made the switch to use one referee crew for both television shows. - Though it was intended to be the smaller show of the weekend, Starting the Fire launched RevPro into [B]cult status[/B]. The promotion can now put on larger shows and hopefully draw larger crowds. - After the show, an updated preview for “Inauguration” was listed on RevPro.com, stating that [B]Don Cyrus[/B] would be addressing the title belt situation during the event. [U]Next:[/U] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's Inauguration
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RevPro Inauguration [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [B]RevPro Inauguration – Saturday, January 21, 2006 Held at the Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, Maryland Attendance: 3,590 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B] [B]Match 1: CHAD COLLYER vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B] The master technician Collyer had ten years of in-ring experience over young Roderick Strong, but the Messiah of the Backbreaker, who’s been booked on every show thus far, broke out his usual set of hard-hitting maneuvers and snagged the win with a CX 03. [B]Winner: “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong at 12:32, C[/B] [B]Don Cyrus[/B] came down to the ring after being introduced as Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s “Commissioner and Personnel Manager”. He had an assistant following him and carried a large briefcase. He entered the ring and pulled out a microphone. “Welcome to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s Inauguration! I have been told that tonight there are almost four thousand of you in attendance. For that, I say… thank you. You are privileged to be here, because we’re taking a big step in a proud new era of wrestling in this ring. But tonight, we’re also conducting… some [I]personnel turnover[/I].” “You see, when I inherited the wrestlers of Ring of Honor, I inherited a bloated, oversized roster. Now a lot of the people on that roster have already been cut, behind closed doors. They didn’t need to be embarrassed by me firing them in front of a crowd. But after I’d handed out pink slip after pink slip, the thought occurred to me that a cornered animal is an animal that’s going to fight with its teeth, and its claws. Someone with everything to lose is going to wrestle like it’s their last match! And for some backstage tonight, it [I]will[/I] be their last match in this promotion.” “Tonight, we’re ‘trimming the fat’. Because in the matches of [B]Matt Stryker[/B] versus [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B], and [B]Alex Shelley[/B] versus [B]BJ Whitmer[/B], the loser’s contract will be severed, and they will not be a part of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Now, on to the fun part…” “Ring of Honor had four champions, as some of you will recall. There were the Tag Champions, the Pure Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion. All of them are very proud individuals and are truly worthy of the titles they hold. The only problem is that Ring of Honor no longer exists. Now to strip them of their titles and leave these four performers with nothing wouldn’t be fair. So, right now, at RevPro Inauguration, I’m giving these champions a chance… for a [I]trade-in[/I]. All they have to do is come down to the ring, lay their scrap of ROH iron in my hands, and they will be rewarded with a fresh Revolutionary Pro Wrestling championship of greater value. First, I’d like to call down to the ring… [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Roderick Strong[/B].” Aries and Strong made their entrance looking pleased and started pulling off the belts before they were even in the ring. They shook hands with Don Cyrus and handed over their belts. Cyrus gave the belts to his assistant and gave Aries and Strong sleek silver belts. “Thanks for your co-operation, and you are now the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions. Now, could [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] please make his way to the ring?” McGuinness’ music hit and he walked out wearing the ROH Pure Championship. As he entered the ring, he looked unsure of what to do. After what seemed like a tough decision, he gave over the belt. “Thank you, Nigel. I know how difficult that choice must have been. And so…” Cyrus gave him the new silver title. “This is your title. And I do mean, your title. As the first holder of this belt, you deserve to name this championship and its stipulations. Finally, I would like [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] to come out with his Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship.” Cyrus and his assistant waited, and waited. “I know you have a match later, but this is important.” American Dragon still failed to appear. “Let’s do this, Bryan, so we can move on, and make you Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s first World champion.” When Danielson didn’t come, Cyrus lost his temper. “You’re making the mistake of a lifetime, Bryan! All I wanted to do was take your ratty, hanging-off-the-strap belt and give you a new one so we could forget Ring of Honor ever existed! But you can have it your way, champ, because now we’re going to do things the hard way. Tonight, I’m going to get that belt off of you when Austin Aries steps between the ropes and pins you one-two-three!” Cyrus dropped the microphone and left the ring after shaking hands with Strong, Aries and McGuinness one more time. [B]C-[/B] [B]Match 2: COLT CABANA vs. JIMMY YANG[/B] Cabana came out without any of his usual playfulness and looked very focused, perhaps taking Homicide’s advice from last week to heart. Yang tried to shake hands before the match but Cabana locked up with him instead, grabbing the early advantage by driving him to the mat. Colt controlled most of the match, and when Yang went up for Yang Time, Cabana jumped to his feet and clobbered his opponent with a clothesline on his way down, having figured Yang out. A Colt 45 was enough for the three count, and Cabana slid out of the ring before the referee could raise his hand, talking to himself and looking pumped up. [B]Winner: Colt Cabana at 15:41, C[/B] [B]Match 3: TONY MAMALUKE vs. MATT STRYKER[/B] The first “Pink Slip” match of the night was hotly contested with Mamaluke and Stryker both going for frequent pin attempts. After battering each other for over ten minutes, Stryker had Mamaluke up for the Stryker Driver, but Mamaluke wriggled out to turn it into a huge tornado DDT. He made the cover and pulled Stryker’s tights for good measure, getting the three. An exhausted Mamaluke’s hand was raised and Matt Stryker is history. [B]Winner: Tony Mamaluke at 11:27, C+[/B] With Austin Aries already in the ring, [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] came out with the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. Danielson called for a microphone and raised a hand to Aries, telling him to stop. “Hold on just a second there, Austin, because I have something to say. I was in Ring of Honor since day one, and it’s insulting that I would be asked to hand over this title that means so much to me. This is a symbol of how hard I’ve fought to get to where I am today, and how hard so many others like me fought to put ROH on the map.” Danielson turned to the backstage area. “Cyrus, you might be running the show, but I’m the champ, and there’s only two ways that this belt will come off my waist: if someone pins me in this ring, or if you pick it off my [I]cold, icy corpse[/I]. You can send all the enforcers you wan—“ Aries attacked Danielson from behind, knocking him to the mat. The referee called for the belt, and this championship match is on. [B]C[/B] [B]Match 4: ROH WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. AUSTIN ARIES[/B] Danielson took a pounding from the very start, and Roderick Strong’s presence at ringside didn’t help, as he threw the champion into the guardrail when Jim Korderas was distracted. Strong was eventually tossed from ringside and with the odds evened, American Dragon took control. Almost twenty minutes into the match, Aries was grounded and Danielson hooked in the Cattle Mutilation to the crowd’s delight. With Aries on the verge of tapping, in came [B]Abyss[/B] to stomp on the champion, causing the disqualification. What the hell? [B]Winner, and Still ROH World Heavyweight Champion, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson at 19:45, C+[/B] The monster Abyss continued to stomp on Danielson as Roderick Strong reemerged from the back to make it a three-on-one. The tag champs whipped American Dragon into a huge Black Hole Slam to put Dragon down for good. As the assault continued, [B]Samoa Joe[/B] ran down the aisle to bail out his friend. Abyss left the ring, leaving Aries and Strong to face some lethal kicks and both were tossed to ringside. As Abyss dragged the tag champs towards the backstage, Joe took a microphone. “Abyss! I don’t know what the hell you’re doing back in this company, but I want your overgrown ass in this ring later tonight. If you’ve got any guts, you’ll accept!” Abyss nodded as he walked away, accepting the challenge and leaving Joe to tend to his fallen ally. [B]C-[/B] Intermission After the break, [B]“The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley[/B] was in the ring with another veiled painting. “Tonight, I’m facing BJ Whitmer in a match that will see who will be fired from this company. Once again, I visualized my success and created this masterpiece just about an hour ago.” Shelley unveils the painting to show Whitmer standing in an unemployment line. [B]C[/B] [B]Match 5: “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. BJ WHITMER[/B] A fired-up Whitmer was the one having success in the opening minutes, but Shelley used his speed to dance around Whitmer in this one, and didn’t have much trouble in tiring his opponent out. A Shellshock sent Whitmer out of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling for good. [B]Winner: “The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley at 12:42, C[/B] [B]Match 6: JAY LETHAL vs. NIGEL McGUINNESS[/B] After being introduced, McGuinness whispered something into the ear of the ring announcer. “And this match is for the [B]Greater London Championship![/B]” Jay Lethal gave the champion a few scares in this one, and got a near-three after a Lethal Injection, but a Tower of London cutter spelled victory and a successful defense for McGuinness. [B]Winner, and Still RevPro Greater London Champion, Nigel McGuinness at 15:06, C+[/B] [B]Main Event: “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE vs. ABYSS[/B] In a battle of the giants, both men made several attempts to knock the other down in the early-going, but it was Abyss who finally knocked Joe to the mat with a massive boot to the head. Midway through, Commissioner and Personnel Manager Don Cyrus emerged from the back to take a seat at ringside. After the two big men slugged away at each other and brawled all over ringside, Joe had Abyss set up in the corner for the Musclebuster. Don Cyrus hopped onto the apron beside Joe and began talking to him. Joe told him to shut up but Abyss worked in a thumb to the eye, with the referee’s attention on Cyrus. Joe stumbled backwards and was crushed with an Elephant Charge in the corner, followed by a Black Hole Slam. Abyss covered Joe for the pin as Cyrus pumped his fist in the air. [B]Winner: Abyss at 21:46, C+[/B] Cyrus slid into the ring and pointed to Joe, instructing Abyss to keep going. Abyss continued the beatdown, crushing him with a Shock Treatment as Cyrus ate it up. Cyrus finally patted the giant on the back, and led him to the back as Joe struggled to move in the ring. [B]C[/B] [B]RevPro Inauguration Overall Rating: C+[/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - With Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s profile having risen after Starting the Fire, the attendance numbers were a very pleasant surprise, and the company is now predicted to end the month in the black. - [B]RevPro’s Blown Away![/B] is next up as the last show of January. The company will have the single weekend show to focus on, and so many of the top stars that are contracted to the promotion should be appearing. - Word from the back was that [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B] is making great strides with his in-ring work, and that there is a good spot waiting for him if his strong work ethic continues. - [B]Dean Malenko[/B] was again noted to be backstage helping out with match planning, and is basically confirmed to be a permanent fixture in RevPro. [U]Next:[/U] The preview for [B]RevPro Blown Away![/B]
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The RevPro.com Preview for Blown Away! [U]The [B]RevPro.com[/B] Preview for Blown Away![/U] Monday, January 23, 2006 After two hot shows last weekend, [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] returns with [B]Blown Away![/B] Several big matches have already been confirmed for the Friday event, and tickets are still available. After the monster, [B]Abyss[/B], made his Revolutionary Pro Wrestling debut by obliterating both [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] and [B]Samoa Joe[/B], the two “ROH Loyalists” are out for revenge. They’ll get a chance when they take on [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Roderick Strong[/B] in the main event for the [B]RevPro Tag Team Championships[/B]! The Generation Next members have had no trouble with their opponents in recent weeks, and have gotten cozy with Commissioner and Personnel Manager [B]Don Cyrus[/B]. Will the champs be able to continue their success or will we have new champions crowned? At Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s[B] Starting the Fire[/B], the fans got an unexpected treat when [B]“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles[/B] and [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] went toe-to-toe in an impromptu main event. Styles eked out a win in that one, but the two will meet again in a triple threat match when they’re joined by [B]the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels[/B]! When this once-in-a-lifetime encounter takes place, will Lyger even the score against Styles or will the Fallen Angel surprise them both and pull out the win? Inspired by [B]Homicide[/B]'s comments towards him, [B]Colt Cabana [/B]exhibited a new attitude on Saturday night when he dismantled [B]Jimmy Yang [/B]with relative ease. Is the fun-loving Colt gone for good in favour of a new, all-business outlook? We’ll find out at Blown Away! when Cabana is tested by [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B]. Mamaluke is fresh off of a hard-fought, career-saving victory over Matt Stryker. Can he ride this high to an even bigger win? As well, Don Cyrus has promised that an “earth-shaking” announcement will be made Saturday. He says that that it will “give us a chance to compete with the big boys”. The only way to find out what this means is to be there in person for Blown Away!
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RevPro Blown Away! [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [B]RevPro Blown Away! – Friday, January 27, 2006 Held at the Agganis Arena in Boston, Massachusetts Attendance: 2,707 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes [/B] [B]Match 1 “THE MONSTER” ABYSS vs. JIMMY YANG[/B] Don Cyrus’ apparent enforcer was the first to enter the ring on Friday night, but Yang took the offensive from the ringing of the bell and tried some high-risk offense that paid off, eventually diving onto Abyss from the top turnbuckle to the outside. Abyss drove Yang head-first into the steps to turn the tables, and powered through the high-flier, ending the match with a gigantic Black Hole Slam. [B]Winner: “The Monster” Abyss at 9:40, C+[/B] [B]Match 2 TONY MAMALUKE vs. COLT CABANA[/B] Once again, Cabana made his entrance with a no-nonsense expression on his face. Mamaluke put up a fight, and both competitors had near falls, but it was a driven Colt who took the decisive win with a Colt 45. [B]Winner: Colt Cabana at 13:06, C+[/B] Cabana took a microphone after the match and looked towards the entranceway. “[B]Homicide[/B], thanks are in order. You gave me the wake-up call I needed. You were completely right—I hadn’t won a singles title in my entire time with Ring of Honor, and unlike you, I had my own attitude to blame, and not the white man holding me down. But now… look at me. In two straight weeks, I’ve demolished two top wrestlers. I’m a changed man. So give yourself a pat on the back.” “Or better yet, I’ll do it for you. I want to personally show you how much better I am now. I want you in a match, Homicide, and I won’t be taking no for an answer.” [B]C+ Match 3 SHANNON vs. JACK EVANS[/B] This match marked the first appearance of Shannon (Moore), who sported a mohawk and wore several layers of eye make-up to the ring. Despite being affiliated with Generation Next, Evans got a very warm reaction for his entrance. Shannon and Jack pulled out all the stops for a nice cruiser bout, and Evans put his opponent down for the 630 and went up top, but Shannon got the knees up, looking like he’d broken Evans’ back. Shannon quickly hit a corkscrew senton to earn the hard-fought victory. [B]Winner: Shannon at 14:52, C+[/B] Shannon caught his breath and called for a microphone in the middle of the ring. He surveys the crowd slowly. “So this… is my next stop. I’ve been KICKED out of WWE, and TOSSED from TNA, and I’m not the least bit surprised. That’s because it was clear that I’m just too damn alternative for either of those places. But this is Revolutionary Pro Wrestling! The renegade! This is where I’m going to make my home, and make no mistake, you’ll be seeing a lot of me. If I’m treated well, I might even invite a few friends to the party.” “But never forget, as different and extreme and alternative as I am, and no matter how much you will want to be me…” Shannon pauses, and says gravely, “… [I]you don’t know… the way I feel.[/I]” Shannon dropped the mic and climbed to the second rope to play to the crowd. [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 4 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL McGUINNESS c. vs. JIMMY JACOBS[/B] The Greater London Champion Nigel McGuinness had little trouble in this match, working over Jacobs and ending the contest with a powerful Tower of London and another successful defense. [B]Winner, and still champion, Nigel McGuinness at 11:46, C[/B] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] and [B]Samoa Joe[/B] entered the ring to the crowd’s delight, but looked angry. Danielson called for a microphone but before he could say anything, [B]Abyss [/B]started making his way down the aisle. The ROH Champion and the Samoan Submission Machine called him on and Abyss nodded as he slowly walked towards them. Behind Joe and Danielson, [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Roderick Strong[/B] jumped the barrier and slid in to attack from behind. The Loyalists held their own and fought back until Abyss entered and made it a three-on-two. Danielson and Samoa Joe were pummeled and looked to be at a severe disadvantage going into their main event tag match. [B]C-[/B] Intermission After the intermission, [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] walks through the curtain with a microphone. He speaks as he makes his way to the ring. “You people didn’t forget about me, did you? Stupid question--of course not. As great as that match between [B]AJ Styles[/B] and [B]Jushin Lyger[/B] was, Cyrus was wise enough to realize that the only thing that could make that match better was the Fallen Angel. And in a few minutes, I’m going to prove why I’m the best talent ever to grace a wrestling ring when I show the Past and the Future why I… am God’s Present… to wrestling.” [B]B[/B] [B]Match 5 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES vs. JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER[/B] The audience was into every second of this one. The action was fast and furious and a faint “RevPro (clap-clap-clap)” chant was barely audible from the back of the arena. Lyger hit a Rolling Koppou kick on both men and seemed to have the bout sewn up, but, in a shocking moment, [B]Giant Bernard[/B] of New Japan Pro Wrestling (Matt Bloom) interfered, dragging Lyger out of the ring by his foot and beating him down. Before security could intervene, Bernard had hit Lyger with a choke bomb on the floor. Security dragged Bernard away as he struggled to break loose. Daniels and Styles continued the match and when Daniels tried to backdrop a streaking Styles, he stopped short and hooked the Fallen Angel up with the Styles Clash for the three. Lyger had to be helped to the back by security and AJ Styles. [B]Winner: “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles at 26:37, B[/B] [B]Match 6 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. MATT SYDAL[/B] Homicide tore through the young but promising Sydal, nailing him with a Kudo driver to end the domination. [B]Winner: “The Notorious 187” Homicide at 6:50, C+[/B] After the match, Homicide took a microphone and told the crowd that he’d be happy to face Colt Cabana. He said that the story would stay the same—Cabana loses when it counts, and Homicide claws his way to the win, because that’s how it’s always been. [B]C[/B] Once Homicide had left, announcer [B]Dave Prazak[/B] got into the ring and said that he would now be making a huge announcement on behalf of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. On February 10th, RevPro will be making its [B]Pay-Per-View debut![/B] UrbanXtra subscribers will be able to order and watch Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s event, [B]Breakout[/B], live across the United States. Prazak ended by asking the entire country a question: “Are you ready?” [B]Main Event FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS AUSTIN ARIES AND RODERICK STRONG c. vs. “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON AND “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE[/B] Danielson and Joe had the odds against them from the start after the beating they endured earlier in the night. Despite that, they wouldn’t say die and stayed alive after endless tandem moves from Aries and Strong. Danielson’s back was softened up by the Generation Next members, but he finally made the tag to bring Joe in. Samoa Joe was a house of fire, dispensing of Austin Aries to ringside and kicking Roderick Strong raw. Joe brought Strong up in the air for the Musclebuster but [B]Abyss[/B] nailed him with a big boot to the head to cause the DQ. [B]Winners by Disqualification: “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and “the Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe at 26:33, C+[/B] Joe went down hard as Aries slid back in and the three-on-two from earlier was re-established. Roderick Strong brought in a chair and Danielson was brought to his feet, but in the nick of time, [B]AJ Styles[/B] ran down the aisle and into the ring. Aries was knocked down and Strong’s chair was kicked back into his face. Styles took aim at Abyss but couldn’t knock him down. Abyss turned AJ around and started hammering his back with clubbing blows. Styles countered by hitting a Pele kick that sent the big man stumbling, and Bryan Danielson soared off the top turnbuckle with a cross body that finally sent him down! Abyss rolled out as Roderick Strong barely got up to his feet, and Joe crushed him with the Musclebuster that he was owed. As Aries and Abyss dragged an out-cold Strong to the back, Styles showed three fingers on each hand, indicating that the odds were now even. [B]C-[/B] [B]RevPro Blown Away! Overall Rating: C+[/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - The big news from this event, that Revolutionary Pro Wrestling had secured a Pay Per View deal beginning in February, was confirmed by UrbanXtra subscribers who noted that a short preview video was now running on the provider. - RevPro has one live event scheduled for the beginning of February, [B]Life on the Line[/B], before their nationwide Pay TV debut. - [B]Julius Smokes[/B] has been getting praised for his colour work after moving from managerial duties to the booth, with some commenting that he has "so much potential", and that he improves many matches with his energy. Conversely, announcer [B]Dave Prazak[/B] has been getting criticized for his work that a few have called “detrimental to the product”. - It’s been confirmed that [B]“Double A” Arn Anderson[/B] is working in a backstage role similar to that of WCW alum [B]Dean Malenko[/B]. Anderson had a hand in the match-of-the-night triple threat match. As well, recently pink-slipped WWE worker [B]John Laurinaitis[/B] has taken a backstage role with RevPro where he does a lot of travel co-ordination for the workers. Given his reputation with [B]World Wrestling Entertainment[/B], there are no plans to give him say with the in-ring product. [U]Next[/U]: The preview for [B]RevPro Life on the Line! [/B]
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RevPro.com News Items for Tuesday, January 31, 2006 The biggest story coming from Friday night’s Blown Away! was [B]“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles[/B] bailing out [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] and [B]Samoa Joe[/B] against [B]Don Cyrus[/B]’ hand-picked army of [B]Abyss[/B], [B]Austin Aries[/B] and [B]Roderick Strong[/B]. The Commissioner/Personnel Manager was said to be furious on Monday morning in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s offices, and swiftly booked a gigantic six-man tag match for [B]Life on the Line[/B]! In the last event before RevPro goes live on Pay Per View the next week, the “ROH Loyalists” will have evened odds and a chance to get even! Don Cyrus, who will be in attendance on Friday, also says he’ll make an announcement regarding a Revolution Pro Wrestling World Title. With his attempts to take the Ring of Honor Championship from Bryan Danielson having failed so far, what will his plan be to crown the company’s first World champion? [B]Homicide[/B] and [B]Colt Cabana[/B] will face off at [B]Breakout[/B], but first, they’ll be in the ring at Life on the Line when they pick a partner and do battle in a tag match! Who will these enemies select? At Blown Away!, [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] was attacked by an individual who was promptly ejected from the arena. Lyger, who did not suffer any serious injuries from the attack, demanded that RevPro officials book a match between the two. Lyger has said he will withhold his name from future events until the individual is signed to a contract. It is not Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s policy to reward those who have disrupted events, so we wish the best to Jushin and hope he will return soon. The strange [B]Shannon[/B] made his RevPro debut, defeating [B]Jack Evans[/B] in a hard-fought match and telling the fans that he planned to make an impact on the company. He also said he might bring some friends to join him in RevPro--will he have any of them with him when he faces [B]Chris Sabin[/B] this weekend? The upcoming launch of [B]“Pro Radio”[/B], an audio-only broadcast of all live RevPro shows on this very website, has been dropped without explanation. It is not yet clear why the project has been ended. Stay tuned to this site, as the Pay Per View is only ten days away!
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RevPro: Something more than Honor [B][U]Current Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Roster[/U][/B] [B]"The Monster" Abyss [/B](Main Eventer) [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger [/B](Main Eventer) [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels [/B](Main Eventer) [B]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson [/B](Main Eventer) [B]"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]Colt Cabana [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Jimmy Yang [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Tony Mamaluke [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Austin Aries[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Rodney Redd [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Chris Sabin [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Shannon [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B]Roderick Strong [/B](Midcarder) [B]Jack Evans[/B] (Midcarder) [B]"Mr. 2006" Jimmy Rave [/B](Midcarder) [B]Chad Collyer [/B](Midcarder) [B]"The Exhibitionist" Alex Shelley [/B](Midcarder) [B]El Generico [/B](Lower Midcarder) [B]Nigel McGuinness [/B](Lower Midcarder) [B]Jay Lethal [/B](Lower Midcarder) [B]Jimmy Jacobs [/B](Lower Midcarder) [B]Matt Sydal [/B](Opener) [B]Dunn [/B](Opener) [B]Marcos [/B](Opener) [B]Cloudy [/B](Opener) [B]Lacey [/B](Manager) [B][U]Current Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Champions[/U][/B] RevPro World Heavyweight Champion: None RevPro Greater London Champion: [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] RevPro Tag Team Champions: [B]Austin Aries [/B]and [B]Roderick Strong[/B] Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion: [B]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/B]
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RevPro Life on the Line [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [B]RevPro Life on the Line – Friday, February 3, 2006 Held at the Andy Sayers Civic Center in Jacksonville, Florida Attendance: 1,992 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B] [B]Match 1 MATT SYDAL vs. CLOUDY (w/ LACEY)[/B] Lacey was active in this one, tripping up Matt Sydal at every turn and giving her client a chance to take home a victory. Despite the outside interference, Sydal remained impressive and grabbed the win with a Double Helix. [B]Winner: Matt Sydal at 8:03, C-[/B] After the match, Lacey entered the ring and tore Cloudy apart on the mic, calling him "a jobber" and "not worthy of my help". He tried to apologize but she stalked off, looking incredibly angry. [B]F[/B] [B]Match 2 “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. SHANNON[/B] The newcomer Shannon had his first big challenge in Sabin, and the two had a very hard-fought encounter. Shannon got suplexed out of the ring at the thirteen-minute mark, and when Sabin reached through the ropes to drag him back in, a frustrated Shannon nailed him with a chairshot to cause a DQ. [B]Winner: Chris Sabin by disqualification at 13:55, C+[/B] [B]“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles[/B], [B]Samoa Joe[/B] and the ROH World Heavyweight Champion, [B]“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson[/B] walked out to a good ovation. Styles did most of the talking, saying that he’s proud to be fighting alongside the Ring of Honor Loyalists, and promised that now that the odds are even, Don Cyrus’ team would get the beatdown of a lifetime in the main event. [B]C[/B] [B]Match 3 CHAD COLLYER vs. RODNEY REDD[/B] Redd tried to power right through the technician, but eventually got hooked into the Texas Cloverleaf and had no choice but to tap. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer at 10:58, C+[/B] Before his match, [B]“The Notorious 187” Homicide[/B] took the microphone and said that it wasn’t easy finding a tag partner for tonight on such short notice, but said he found a worthy ally… [B]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/B]! Rave and Homicide took turns bashing Cabana before his music hit… [B]C-[/B] [B]Match 4 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE and ”MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE vs. COLT CABANA and ???[/B] Colt Cabana walked through the entrance and was followed by [B]Jimmy Yang[/B]! Despite going at it only a few weeks ago, Cabana and Yang were on the same page and had Rave and Homicide on the run. When the match broke down, Cabana and Homicide brawled through the crowd, leaving Rave and Yang in the ring. Rave tried to hit his facebuster finisher called the Raveolution but Yang backdropped him, holding on and rolling back over with a victory roll for the three count! Taking the loss again, Rave just can’t get on track in “his year”. [B]Winners: Colt Cabana and Jimmy Yang at 14:43, C+[/B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s Commissioner and Personnel Manager [B]Don Cyrus[/B] hit the ring to address the crowd. He said that he’s sorry that things had to be this way, and that Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles have such a problem with authority. He called Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Abyss “model employees” and said they would undoubtedly triumph later on. At the [B]Breakout[/B] Pay Per View, though, Cyrus said that if Danielson was so set on holding on to his Ring of Honor Championship, he could defend it against the newly-hired… [B]Giant Bernard[/B]! The man who attacked [B]Jushin Lyger[/B]! How can he be the newest hire? Cyrus also said that Revolutionary Pro Wrestling can’t possibly hang its hat on that extinct, worthless title. He announced that there would be a four-way match at Breakout to determine the first RevPro World Heavyweight Champion. Cyrus said that even though AJ Styles is incredibly thoughtless, he’s also undeniably talented and that he had the first spot in the match. Cyrus congratulated him and wished him luck against the other three competitors in the title match… Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Abyss! It’ll be a glorified three-on-one at the Pay Per View, with the new Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Championship hanging in the balance! [B]C[/B] [B]Match 5 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JACK EVANS[/B] Jack Evans came out to another favourable crowd reaction. Even though he pulled out every high-risk maneuver in his playbook, the experienced Fallen Angel maintained a match-long advantage and took the win with an Angel’s Wings. [B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 15:55, C+[/B] [B]Main Event “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON, “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE and “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES vs. AUSTIN ARIES, RODERICK STRONG and “THE MONSTER” ABYSS[/B] Don Cyrus emerged from the backstage area during the match and stood in the aisle to observe. The end came when Roderick Strong had AJ up for the “CX Section” double knee gutbuster, but Styles reversed it into a Clash, which got the pinfall when Joe and Danielson held off Aries and Abyss. The show ended with Cyrus glaring at the victorious team and mouthing “wait until the Pay Per View”. [B]Winners: AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe at 27:20, C+[/B] [B]Life on the Line Overall Rating: C+[/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - Soon after the show concluded, RevPro.com added a [B]Chris Sabin vs. Shannon[/B] rematch to the Breakout card. This joins the World Title Four-Way, Danielson vs. Bernard, and Homicide vs. Colt Cabana on the Pay Per View. - After the Pay Per View, Revolutionary Pro Wrestling will take a break, returning on the last weekend of the month with an event titled [B]"Stay on the Ground"[/B]. [U]Next:[/U] [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B]’s debut Pay Per View event, [B]Breakout[/B]!
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thanks! No, I switched to Cutting Edge so I could run some angles without the fans crapping all over them... as much. Breakout will be up soon, so anyone can make predictions/comments if they wish. The card so far is: RevPro World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles vs. Abyss vs. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Bryan Danielson c. vs. Giant Bernard Grudge Match: Homicide vs. Colt Cabana Chris Sabin vs. Shannon [B]Added! RevPro Greater London Championship: Nigel McGuinness c. vs. Jimmy Yang Added! Samoa Joe vs. Sean Waltman[/B]
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RevPro World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles vs. Abyss vs. [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs. Roderick Strong ROH World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] c. vs. Giant Bernard Grudge Match: Homicide vs. [B]Colt Cabana[/B] Chris Sabin vs. [B]Shannon[/B] RevPro Greater London Championship: [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] c. vs. Jimmy Yang [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Sean Waltman
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RevPro Breakout – Friday, February 10, 2006 [B][color=#870140]RevPro Breakout – Friday, February 10, 2006 Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View Held at the Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey Attendance: 6,989 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]DARK MATCH “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY/“MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE/CLOUDY vs. JIMMY JACOBS/MATT SYDAL/EL GENERICO[/color][/B] This six-man match warmed up the crowd, although Lacey was nowhere to be found after her recent blow-up with Cloudy. Rave and Shelley showed a lot of cohesion, and “Mr. 2006” picked up his first pin of the year when he spiked Jacobs with the Raveolution. [B][color=#870140]Winners: Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley and Cloudy at 10:50, C[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MATCH 1 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JAY LETHAL[/color][/B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling is live, nationwide! Daniels was the first performer to hit the screen, and he and Lethal went all out looking for the victory. In the end, Daniels was too much and won with an Angel’s Wings in the opener. [B][color=#870140]Winner: “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels at 13:38, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]Dave Prazak[/color][/B] and [B][color=#870140]Julius Smokes[/color][/B] were shown in the booth, and briefly caught the fans up on the main events, noting that [B][color=#870140]Giant Bernard[/color][/B] would challenge [B][color=#870140]the American Dragon[/color][/B] for his ROH World Heavyweight Championship, and that the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship would find a waist by the night’s end, with [B][color=#870140]AJ Styles, Abyss, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong[/color][/B] taking part in the four-way to crown a champion. [B][color=#870140]C-[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MATCH 2 NO DISQUALIFICATION COLT CABANA vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/color][/B] The special stipulation was announced as Cabana made his way to the ring. Homicide went under the ring for weapons more than once, nailing Cabana with a garbage can shot at one point, but Cabana held his own and to his credit didn’t touch a foreign object once. Homicide almost got the win after a huge top-rope chair shot, but Cabana kicked out at the last second. Despite failing to take advantage of the No DQ stip, Colt put Homicide on the defensive and hit his Colt 45 for another convincing victory. [B][color=#870140]Winner: Colt Cabana at 19:05, C+[/color][/B] After the match, Homicide was laying on the mat when Colt Cabana grabbed a microphone. “How does it feel, Homicide? How does it feel… to have unleashed a monster?” Cabana extended his hand. What? “Grab my hand, Homicide.” Homicide wasn’t biting. “I said, grab my hand, [I]before I slap you in the face with it.[/I]” This time, Homicide grabbed his hand and Cabana pulled him up to his feet. “That was a nice try. But unfortunately for you, I was operating on a different level. I feel like I could conquer the world, and the truth is… [I]I’m going to.[/I]” “I don’t need a gimmick, I don’t need a hook. Everything I need to be the biggest presence in this industry has been inside me all along. I never would’ve known that when I had that band around my head and those dumbass glasses. And it was you who showed me that. It’s funny how things work out, isn’t it? If you want a rematch, Homicide, you can have one… but I wouldn’t recommend it.” Cabana lowers the mic and starts to exit the ring, but stops. “Oh, and don’t forget the name… it’s not Colt Cabana. It’s [B][color=#870140]Scott Colton[/color][/B].” With that, Colton leaves the ring and begins walking to the back, leaving a stunned and hurting Homicide shaking his head. [B][color=#870140]B[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MATCH 3 “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. SHANNON[/color][/B] Sabin had his chance at revenge after Shannon nailed him with a chair in Florida. They tore the house down, with a hot-headed Sabin nearly grabbing the victory a few times. After driving the Future into the steps, Shannon re-entered the ring and took the referee aside, claiming one of his piercings had been torn out. With the official distracted, two shabbily-dressed young men ran down the aisle and continued the beatdown on Sabin. One slammed Sabin into the barrier, and the other climbed to the apron to deliver a huge twisting springboard tornado DDT! The men took off through the crowd, and the referee counted out a destroyed Chris Sabin. Who were those guys? [B][color=#870140]Winner by count-out: Shannon at 15:45, B[/color][/B] Backstage, we saw [B][color=#870140]Jack Evans [/color][/B]at a catering table. From behind, his fellow Generation Next members [B][color=#870140]Austin Aries[/color][/B] and [B][color=#870140]Roderick Strong[/color][/B] approached, wearing the Tag Team Titles. They asked if he’ll be out there later supporting them. He didn’t answer, so they asked again. Evans still didn’t respond, so they grabbed his shoulder. He turned around, revealing that he was wearing earbuds. “Oh, you must not have heard us,” Aries said. Evans removed his earbuds. “Naw… I heard you. And the answer’s no. Y’all used to be about stealin’ your spots...” Evans tapped their belts with his knuckles. “And now you’ll suck up to a suit just to have job security. I ain’t about shakin’ hands with Cyrus or nobody, and [I]you know that… men.[/I]” Evans puts his earbuds back in and goes to leave, but they attack, throwing him into the wall and laying him out. They turn the catering table over on him before leaving. So much for that alliance. [B][color=#870140]C-[/color][/B] Still backstage, [B][color=#870140]AJ Styles[/color][/B] is in the interview position. He says that there’s no doubt that he’ll be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s first World Champion, because the company and him have too much in common: they’re both fresh, cutting edge and willing to take risks. He says that once he has the belt around his waist, he’ll extend a challenge to Bryan Danielson to face him in a Champion vs. Champion match. [B][color=#870140]C[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]Match 4 SEAN WALTMAN vs. “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE[/color][/B] Waltman had the experience of having wrestled in many top promotions, but it didn’t make much of a difference. Waltman hit his triple kick in the corner but Joe just clotheslined him down, looking like he barely felt it. Joe hit a stiff kick to the chest and then locked on the Triangle Choke for the lightning-quick victory! Joe left the ring swiftly, looking just as pissed off as when he entered it. [B][color=#870140]Winner: Samoa Joe at 2:48, C[/color][/B] Out was [B][color=#870140]Giant Bernard[/color][/B], Don Cyrus’ latest hire, before his title match. He took a microphone and explained that years ago, he tried to make a name for himself in North America, but was held down. So he went to Japan, and only there did the fans accept him for what he was: a force to be reckoned with. But, he said, there was one man that he knew he’d have to beat to become the biggest name in Japan—Jushin Thunder Lyger. He worked up the reputation to finally warrant a match with him, and what did Lyger do? “He packed up his **** and came here.” Bernard said that he had no choice but to get on a plane to America and get his hands on “that scrawny bastard”. Bernard said that fear sent Lyger home to Japan, and that since Don Cyrus had the good sense to sign him to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, he’s finally going to be a force to be reckoned with North America, and that starts by taking the antique around Bryan Danielson’s waist, the Ring of Honor Championship. [B][color=#870140]B-[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MATCH 5 FOR THE RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. GIANT BERNARD[/color][/B] Bernard exploited his big size advantage, tossing Danielson around the ring, but the Dragon fought back valiantly. Bernard hit power moves to wear down the champion, but Danielson kept finding a way to slip a shoulder up. At the seventeen-minute mark, Bernard had Danielson up in the choke bomb, but the crowd roared as [B][color=#870140]Jushin Lyger[/color][/B] raced down the aisle. He’s here! Lyger slid in and tried to attack Bernard, but the referee held him back. Bernard dropped the American Dragon as he called on Lyger. From behind, Danielson surprised Bernard by rolling him up with a schoolboy. Lyger wisely slid back out of the ring, and the referee counted. One… two… [B][color=#870140]three![/color][/B] Dragon retains! After the pinfall, Bernard got up and was livid, stomping around the ring and shouting at Lyger who was walking away, his work done. [B][color=#870140]Winner, and Still ROH World Heavyweight Champion, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson at 18:03, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MATCH 6 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. JIMMY YANG[/color][/B] Yang took to the air for this one to counter Nigel’s awesome mat skills. In a hard-fought bout, Yang stunned McGuinness with a high kick and followed it up with a cross body from the top rope. McGuinness used the momentum to roll on top, but Yang did the same thing to get the cover. One… two… [B][color=#870140]three! [/color][/B]A new champion! [B][color=#870140]Winner, and New RevPro Greater London Champion, Jimmy Yang at 13:59, C+[/color][/B] McGuinness rolled to ringside as Yang got his arm raised. Catching his breath, McGuinness took a microphone. “Good show, good show. You had me, Yang. You earned that pin, and you earned this belt…” Nigel picked up the belt and waved it at Yang, before pulling it back. “[I]As long as you can show me your papers.[/I]” Papers? Yang looked at the referee who was equally confused. Nigel continued, “You know what I mean. The papers that show you’ve resided in the Greater London area. That is, after all, the requirement to be champion.” Since when?! “When Cyrus said I could pick the stipulation, he wasn’t joking.” Yang looked plaintively at the referee but he just shook his head, knowing his hands are tied. “Sorry, Yang, but the belt… she stays with me. Better luck next time!” McGuinness collected his belt and headed to the back as Yang yelled at him. [B][color=#870140]Still RevPro Greater London Champion, Nigel McGuinness C-[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]MAIN EVENT FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “THE MONSTER” ABYSS vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. AUSTIN ARIES vs. “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES[/color][/B] Before any of the four wrestlers could make their entrance, [B][color=#870140]Commissioner and Personnel Manager Don Cyrus [/color][/B]was out to show off the sleek silver belt and take a seat at ringside. Not surprisingly, Cyrus’ Army had the advantage early, as it was three-on-one with Styles taking a tremendous beating. After Aries nailed a 450 Splash, he made a cover but was yanked off by Abyss, who wanted to win the belt himself! The two argued, and Strong made a cover behind their backs, but they pulled him off too. The three were at each other’s throats as Cyrus screamed at them to work together. Styles pulled himself together in the confusion and dispatched Strong and Aries to ringside. Alone with Abyss, Styles hit some big moves and, with the Monster laying on his back, connected on a Spiral Tap. He covered, but Roderick Strong broke it up at the last moment. Abyss rolled to ringside as Strong attacked Styles. AJ fought back, and flattened Strong with a Styles Clash. Jim Korderas started to count, but Aries pulled him out. Styles got up to protest and Aries guillotined him on the top rope from the outside, putting him down. As Aries collected a chair to use, [B][color=#870140]Jack Evans[/color][/B] came out of nowhere to steal the chair away and drill him! In the ring, Strong had a cover on Styles near the corner, but Evans ascended the top turnbuckle and hit a 630! Strong rolled off as Evans slid back out and pushed the referee back in. Styles covered, one… two… [B][color=#870140]No![/color][/B] Strong barely got out of it. Abyss climbed back into the ring and took control, with only him and Styles left standing. Abyss whipped Styles into the ropes and brought him up for a Black Hole Slam, but Styles raked his eyes, and somehow brought the Monster up for a Styles Clash. He’s down! Styles covered, but up on the apron was Don Cyrus. He seemed to be telling the referee to send Jack Evans to the back because of his interference. Korderas was forced to point Evans to the back as Styles broke his own cover. He walked over to Cyrus but the Commissioner got down and went back to his seat. Styles yelled at him from the corner but Abyss was up behind him and avalanched him into the corner. He followed up with a Black Hole Slam and got the pin to become Champion. [B][color=#870140]Winner, and New RevPro World Heavyweight Champion, Abyss at 22:10, C+[/color][/B] Don Cyrus brought in the title belt and presented it to Abyss. They began to celebrate with the belt, but [B][color=#870140]Bryan Danielson[/color][/B]'s music hit and they stop. American Dragon walked halfway down the aisle with the ROH Championship on his shoulder. He patted the belt, and then pointed to Abyss’ title. These two are on a collision course! [B][color=#870140]C[/color][/B] [B][color=#870140]RevPro Breakout Overall Rating: C+[/color][/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - The preliminary ratings on Monday indicated that [B][color=#870140]Breakout[/color][/B] had about five thousand buys on UrbanXtra, a figure that is to be expected given that most of the nation’s wrestling fans are unfamiliar with the product. - It is rumoured that it took more than two thousand dollars to bring [B][color=#870140]Sean Waltman[/color][/B] in to do the quick job to [B][color=#870140]Samoa Joe[/color][/B]. Despite that figure, it was considered “money well spent” to get Joe over as a monster. - Independent workers [B][color=#870140]Jody Fleisch[/color][/B] and [B][color=#870140]Trent Acid[/color][/B] made their debut in the Sabin/Shannon match, and are expected to play the role of lackeys to [B][color=#870140]Shannon[/color][/B]. - The company continues to be unhappy with [B][color=#870140]Dave Prazak[/color][/B]’s announcing work, and it is said that RevPro is exploring its options in bringing in a new head play-by-play man. - IndieHearsay.com had an interview scheduled with RevPro booker Jim Jehovah after the show, but he cancelled, citing unexpected travel plans to New York City and, more specifically, Rockefeller Center. The site hopes to instead conduct a phone interview in the coming weeks. [U]Next:[/U] A huge development!
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RevPro World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles vs. Abyss vs. [B]Austin Aries [/B]vs. Roderick Strong ROH World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Bryan Danielson [/B]c. vs. Giant Bernard Grudge Match: Homicide vs. [B]Colt Cabana[/B] Chris Sabin vs. [B]Shannon[/B] RevPro Greater London Championship: Nigel McGuinness c. vs. [B]Jimmy Yang[/B] [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Sean Waltman
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Press Release - February 14, 2006 [B][U]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE[/U] THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED!; Bravo and Revolutionary Pro Wrestling tag up for Saturday night block[/B] New York – February 14, 2006 -- The Bravo television network (BravoTV.com) is shaking up their Saturday nights starting in March, and one of pro wrestling’s rising promotions will be featured on its new “Underground Saturday” block, which will span 10 PM to 1:30 AM. “You can’t get anywhere without taking some chances here and there,” said Bravo President Gil Meyer. “It’s no secret that Saturdays aren’t a great night for airing original programming, but there’s an audience out there, and so we’re glad to catch a rising star in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” Continued Meyer, “Saturday nights are going to be about the unusual and the underground, and what is RevPro if not that?” Bravo’s “Underground Saturday” will begin at ten o’clock with “Between The Walls”, a reality show starring arena football quarterback Bryce Hokem, and is followed by another unscripted series, “Streetsweeper”, a factual account of one New York City street sweeping machine. Then, as the clock strikes midnight, RevPro’s [B]“Televised Revolution”[/B] will hit the airwaves for a ninety-minute block of wrestling action featuring combatants AJ Styles, Jushin Thunder Lyger, Abyss, "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, and other independent stars. “This is a great deal for us,” said Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Operating Officer Jim Jehovah. “We get a chance to be on TV sets in the United States and Canada, which is absolutely thrilling. Of course we wish that had a slot earlier in the evening, but our audience will find us. The door is definitely open to moving into an earlier hour if we perform well, so basically, the ball is ours to run with.” RevPro has signed on to produce twenty-four episodes of “Televised Revolution” with the first episode appearing on March 3, 2006. [I]- A joint release of Bravo Television and Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/I] [CENTER] [/CENTER] [U]Next:[/U] RevPro Stay on the Ground (live event)! (oh, and thanks for the interest, guys)
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RevPro Stay on the Ground [B]Breakout[/B] had given our national popularity a healthy shot in the arm, as it now seemed we were generating chatter in places we hadn’t even come close to setting up a ring in (see below). But before we launched our television show in the first week of March, we brought a small crew of regulars to an area we hadn’t touched before: the Northwest. There was no Danielson, Abyss, Styles or Daniels, but some of our other notable stars were present to give Seattle a taste of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Great Lakes: C Mid Atlantic: C Mid South: C- Mid West: C- New England: C North West: C- South East: C- South West: C- Tri State: C+ Puerto Rico: F [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [B]RevPro Stay on the Ground – Friday, February 24, 2006 Held at the Espie Convention Center in Seattle, Washington Attendance: 1,017 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B] [B]MATCH 1 [U]CLOUDY (w/ Lacey) vs. EL GENERICO[/B][/U] Lacey was back by Cloudy’s side for this one, but didn’t look happy at all, spending the whole match with her arms crossed, looking disinterested. Cloudy seemed inspired in this one, taking Generico apart with some impressive top rope offense. Generico whipped Cloudy into the corner, but he clambered up the turnbuckles and flipped back with a moonsault. Landing behind Generico, he nailed a reverse DDT and covered for the three and the slight upset. [B]Winner: Cloudy at 8:31, C-[/B] Lacey still won’t look at Cloudy. He takes a mic and says he’s a changed man, and that he’d do anything to keep her. Cloudy asks Lacey to forgive him for his past matches, and her cold façade seems to break. He jumps out of the ring and hugs her, but she squirms out of it and he follows her to the back. [B]D[/B] [B]MATCH 2 [U]JAY LETHAL vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE vs. MATT SYDAL[/B][/U] This was a wild triple threat match that was given the time to play out. Lethal dropkicked Sydal from the apron into the barrier, but Mr. 2006 turned him around and hit a devastating Raveolution that was enough for three. [B]Winner: Jimmy Rave at 15:04, C[/B] Rave took a microphone after his match and, breathing heavily from exertion, assured the Washington crowd that “that was nothing. At Televised Revolution next Saturday night, when I get a chance to show this whole continent why this is my breakout year, I’m going to be issuing an open challenge. And if I don’t win, I’ll stop calling myself Mr. 2006 and acknowledge that this isn’t my year. But trust me… I’ll win.” [B]C-[/B] [B]MATCH 3 [U]RODERICK STRONG (w/ Austin Aries) vs. SCOTT COLTON[/U][/B] The Messiah of the Backbreaker took it to the new-attitude Colton, and had Aries on the outside to help him out. Whenever Colton took the advantage, Aries provided a distraction and Strong was able to strike. Colton still had a great match and set Strong up for the Colt 45 but Aries slid in and clotheslined him down to cause the DQ. The Tag Team Champs quickly headed for the hills with their belts. [B]Winner by disqualification: Scott Colton at 15:54, C+[/B] Once the ring had cleared, [B]Homicide[/B] was out to cut a promo before his match. He told the fans that Colton’s win over him at Breakout was a fluke, and that Scott was a classic case of “same ****, different package”. He might seem like a changed man, but he’s going to fail just like he’s failed before. Homicide said he’s finished dealing with Colton, because he’s not worth the trouble. [B]C[/B] [B]MATCH 4 [U]“THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. CHAD COLLYER[/U][/B] This one stayed close to the mat, and while Homicide is experienced in this kind of match, Collyer was with him every step of the way and wore him down with leg submissions. Homicide brawled back and beat Collyer around, but the technical whiz stuck to his gameplan and worked on Homicide’s knee. Frustrated, Homicide brought a steel chair in but the referee stopped him. The Notorious 187 threw the chair into the corner, and as the referee removed it from the ring completely, Homicide jacked Collyer with a pair of brass knucks, and got the win. [B]Winner: Homicide at 17:44, C+[/B] [B]Lacey[/B] came out to fire off some merchandise that featured the logo for the television show. [B]B-[/B] [B]MATCH 5 [U]JACK EVANS vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/U][/B] Evans, who’s no stranger to the Northwest, had the crowd behind him in this one, and put on a nice show with Mamaluke. Evans took it with his trademark 630 senton. [B]Winner: Jack Evans at 14:56, C+[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT [U]AUSTIN ARIES vs. “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE[/U][/B] Lots of history between these two dating back to ROH and its World Title. A characteristically-pissed Joe began the match by trying to tear through Aries in as little time as possible, but Aries slowed the pace, rolling to ringside and forcing Joe to go at his speed. Joe was lured into a game of cat-and-mouse which he lost, allowing Aries to stomp his back as he tried to slide back in. The Tag Champ weakened Joe’s back, but he knocked Aries down in the corner long enough to daze him with a running kick to the head. [B]Roderick Strong[/B] made his way to ringside and stood on the ring apron. Joe pretended not to see him, but fired off a surprise charging elbow that caught Strong in the jaw and knocked him to the floor. As the referee yelled at Strong, Aries snuck up on Joe with a low blow and a cover. Joe struggled to kick out but couldn’t—Strong was holding his legs from the outside! Aries collected the three and rolled out quickly to join his partner. As they hightailed it, Joe struggled to his feet and kicked the turnbuckles in anger. [B]Winner: Austin Aries at 21:44, C+[/B] [B]Stay on the Ground Overall Rating: C+[/B] Next: RevPro debuts Televised Revolution on Bravo! [I]Confirmed: The RevPro World Champion, Abyss, will defend his title (RevPro.com) Jimmy Rave’s open challenge[/I]
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[QUOTE=Jehovah] Lacey was back by Cloudy’s side for this one, but didn’t look happy at all, spending the whole match with her arms crossed, looking disinterested.[/QUOTE] To quote CM Punk: "Lacey is a medical mystery, she's the only woman to constantly be on her period." Good show. Keep it up.
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My stress ball looked like a raisin. Sitting in my office in our still unfurnished Philadelphia offices, I had more troubles than time to deal with them. Since it was now a new month, the financials for February were in my hands, and they weren’t pretty. After bringing in seventy thousand dollars of profit in January, we had lost almost thirty thousand last month. Merchandise revenue had fallen, likely a direct result of having held less shows. It was a complete letdown, as I was hoping to contract some independent bands to produce original music in preparation for our television launch. Looks like our theme would have to be something my buddy made in Fruity Loops for the time being. As well, I was beginning to wonder if we were being successful in forging our own identity. Yes, we were gaining fans, but one scathing online article that branded us “TNA Jr.” was stuck in my mind, probably because it made some pretty valid points. Who were some of our top stars? AJ Styles, the Fallen Angel, Samoa Joe, and Lyger, as well as Chris Sabin and our tag team champions, Aries and Strong, were all under TNA contract. Lyger even held their X-Division title. It didn’t help that our timeslot, midnights on Saturday, would be right after their flagship show, iMPACT!. The last thing I wanted to look like was a leech, using another company’s stars to make a name for myself. The talent we shared with the Jarretts would be invaluable to the rise of our company, no doubt, but a grand gesture would have to be made soon to show that we’re no TNA Jr.. My cell phone came to life in my pocket. I looked at the display: Marshall. I pried it open. “Hey Marshall, what’s up?” “The same, Jimmy Jim. How do the numbers look?” White lie time. “They’re promising… promising.” “You know, I get the same info you do, Jim. That was a test.” Whoops. “Sorry about that, Marshall. We’re in the red but I think we’ll bounce back with the TV launch. More sponsorship money should help us out there.” “I believe you, and I’m behind you. But remember, I’m a businessman and this is my business venture. If we keep losing money, my hand will be on the plug.” “I understand, Marshall. Thanks for the call.” So there’s another layer of tension. It was a good thing I hadn’t thought this job would be easy. My day was now full; I would interview the last two candidates who were vying to direct the television show that was only four days away, and then dig out AJ Styles’ phone number.
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RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 101) [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 101) Taped on Friday, March 3, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, March 4, 2006 Held at the War Memorial Center in Syracuse, New York Attendance: 3,042 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]DARK MATCH GIANT BERNARD vs. CHAD COLLYER[/color][/B] Bernard was just too big and too strong, crushing Collyer with a Giant Bomb for an easy victory. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Giant Bernard at 4:37, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]DARK MATCH JAY LETHAL vs. SHANNON[/color][/B] Lethal busted out a spinning enziguri in this one, but Shannon had control of most of the match, ending it with a flipping neckbreaker from the second rope. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Shannon at 9:45, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Lacey[/color][/B] fired off some tees minutes before the cameras started to roll. [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] The show begins with [B][color=#892331]Don Cyrus[/color][/B] in the middle of the ring with a microphone. He welcomes fans to Televised Revolution and says that the revolution begins here! Cyrus says that it will be a proud night for the company, and begins to run down the card, announcing that the Fallen Angel will take on Jimmy Yang and that the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Champion, Abyss, will be defending his title. With that, [B][color=#892331]AJ Styles[/color][/B]’ theme hits and he walks down the aisle to the crowd’s delight. He enters the ring and brings out his own microphone. “Cyrus, I should have the World Title around my waist right now. But because I was in a glorified handicap match, and because you made the referee throw Jack Evans out when I had Abyss beaten—that’s right, beaten—I have nothing. I don’t know if this is in your vocabulary, but I want you to do [I]the right thing[/I] and give me your monster in the ring tonight, because I can guarantee all three thousand of these fans will go home happy.” The fans cheer and Cyrus moves to speak, but [B][color=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/color][/B]’s music hits and the crowd pops. Danielson walks through the curtain with the ROH World Championship around his waist. He has a mic too. “Not so fast. AJ, you’re young, you’re quick, you’re [I]phenomenal[/I]. But you had your shot. No matter what you feel you’re owed, it’s time for Abyss to face someone else, and that someone is me.” The crowd cheers for this too, but Danielson isn’t finished. “Don, I know you don’t want to give me Abyss, but if you do…” Danielson raises the ROH belt in the air. “I’ll put this on the line.” Cyrus looks excited at this prospect, but the look fades. “You both make valid points, but unfortunately, Abyss’ opponent for tonight’s already been decided. I want to unleash his animal instincts for good here tonight, and so, in a No DQ match, he’ll be facing… Cloudy.” [I](Prazak: Give me a break! Cloudy’s hardly deserving of a championship match!)[/I] Cyrus continues, “However, we have our second Pay Per View coming up in three weeks, and I would love to see the Monster rip one of you limb from limb. So tonight, you two will face off, and that Ring of Honor antique will be up for grabs. Whichever one of you wins will get to face Abyss in a title-versus-title match live on Pay Per View! And I promise, once Abyss wins the ROH Championship, I’ll retire it to where it belongs… a scrapyard.” Cyrus leaves the ring as the crowd buzzes, and Styles and Danielson stare at each other warily. [I](Prazak: This is classic divide-and-conquer—it’ll be the American Dragon facing the Phenomenal AJ Styles in the main event! Smokes: Who cares ‘bout that? I’m waiting for Abyss and Cloudy.) [/I][B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 1 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JIMMY YANG[/color][/B] Cyrus joined Prazak and Smokes at ringside to commentate, saying that he wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. Daniels was in the first PPV match in RevPro history, and now he’s in the first televised match. Yang nailed Daniels with a flying corkscrew to get two and a half, but the Fallen Angel was simply inspired. Looking like he didn’t want to waste any time, he hit an Angel’s Wings and hooked the leg for the victory. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 9:56, B[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 2 NO DISQUALIFICATION FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “THE MONSTER” ABYSS c. vs. CLOUDY (w/ LACEY)[/color][/B] Cloudy was trembling as he came out with Lacey, and Abyss stomped him down as soon as he entered, throwing him from pillar to post. But as Abyss lunged for him, he was able to duck under it and kick at the big man’s legs. Abyss went down to one knee and Cloudy went to the second rope, diving off with a dropkick right to Abyss’ face. [I](Prazak: Cloudy has the champion staggered!)[/I] Cloudy felt the crowd’s energy and called for Lacey to get him a chair. She picked one up and got on the apron to give it to him, but as he reached for it, she pulled it away. What the hell? Abyss easily clubbed him down from behind and Lacey gave him the weapon. [I](Prazak: What in God’s name is going on here? Smokes: I think she’s going with a winner!)[/I] As Cloudy got up, Abyss blasted him with a huge chairshot, causing Lacey to cheer wildly. One Black Hole Slam later and Abyss had it won. [B][color=#892331]Winner, and Still Champion: Abyss at 3:38, C[/color][/B] Lacey got into the ring and pointed angrily at the fallen Cloudy, instructing Abyss to continue the beatdown. He brought Cloudy up and hit a Shock Treatment that nearly broke him in half. Abyss threw Cloudy over the top rope to ringside like a piece of garbage as Lacey clung to his arm and whispered into his ear, looking happier than ever. The two left together as officials came down to help Cloudy out. [B][color=#892331]D[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 3 SCOTT COLTON vs. RODNEY REDD[/color][/B] Colton had no trouble with the former Rodney Mack, winning the match with a sharp missile dropkick. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 6:02, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Shannon[/color][/B] came to the ring, followed by the same two men who attacked Chris Sabin a few weeks ago. They’re dressed shabbily, with many piercings and ripped jeans. Shannon took a microphone as the two men chatted behind him. “Some time ago, I told you all that I might bring a couple of friends to RevPro if I liked it here, and I guess you could say… I like it here. Chris Sabin knows exactly what I mean. He tried to alienate me, and make me feel like I didn’t belong here. I do belong here, Chris! I just needed two like-minded individuals who know what I’m going through by my side, and who will have my back. And now I have them… their names are [B][color=#892331]Xile[/color][/B], and [B][color=#892331]Morley Depraved[/color][/B]. Together, we are the Alternative. Sabin, we’re going to make your life hell until you know just how we feel. No, no… scratch that. [I]You’ll never know… the way we feel.[/I]” [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] After a commercial break, [B][color=#892331]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/color][/B] was in the ring with a microphone and his ring attire. “I’ll make this quick. I issued an open challenge for anyone on the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling roster to face me this week, so let’s get this over with. Who’s going to get pinned by me?” There is a short wait, and then “Ikari no Jushin” hits. Rave begins to freak out. [I](Prazak: Not again!)[/I] [B][color=#892331]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/color][/B] walks through the curtain and points at Rave. Lyger’s taking the challenge! [I](Smokes: Just like Rave’s last challenge, Lyger’s saying he’s game!) [/I][B][color=#892331]C[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 4 “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE vs. JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER[/color][/B] As soon as he entered, Rave tried to hit Lyger with a clothesline but Jushin ducked it and knocked Rave out of the ring with a Rolling Koppou kick. Rave hung on for dear life for most of this match, narrowly kicking out of Lyger’s many inventive pin attempts. After being backed into the corner by Lyger, Rave struck back with a front dropkick that sent Lyger backwards and into referee Jim Korderas who was sent sprawling. Lyger recovered and put Rave in position for a brainbuster suplex, but [B][color=#892331]Giant Bernard[/color][/B] slid into the ring wearing street clothes. He pulled out a tire iron and nailed Lyger in the back of the head with it. Lyger went down quickly and Bernard took off. A shocked Rave pulled himself together and made the cover, hooking both legs. The referee eventually came to, and recorded the pinfall. Rave wins, what an upset! [B][color=#892331]Winner: Jimmy Rave at 12:46, B-[/color][/B] Mr. 2006 got his arm raised by Jim Korderas but needed the referee’s help to stay on his feet. Rave began a raucous celebration that had him climbing onto the announce table and thrusting his arms in the air. He tried to start a “2-K-6” chant that failed to catch on. [B][color=#892331]C-[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 5 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. JACK EVANS[/color][/B] Shelley had his easel with him but Evans ran down the aisle behind him and knocked him down before he could enter the ring to show it off. Shelley and Evans pulled out all the stops, and Evans eventually slammed the Exhibitionist near the corner. He headed up top for the 630 when [B][color=#892331]Austin Aries[/color][/B] started down the aisle. Evans began arguing with him and calling him on when Shelley jumped to his feet and crotched Evans on the turnbuckle. Shelley dropped him with a top rope DDT and covered him for the win. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:33, C+[/color][/B] Aries entered the ring and began a beatdown on his former Generation Next stable member. Aries powerbombed Evans and went to the top rope, flipping off with a nasty 450 Splash that put Jack down for good. [B][color=#892331]C-[/color][/B] Backstage, AJ Styles was with interviewer John Laurinaitis who asked him about his upcoming match. AJ said he has a ton of respect for Bryan Danielson, but that he’d be giving him the fight of his lifetime tonight, and that he fully expected to win. [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MAIN EVENT FOR THE RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES[/color][/B] This match had the crowd split, with no wrestler really getting more support than the other. Danielson slapped the Cattle Mutilation on early, but Styles managed to reach the ropes with his leg. AJ turned a hurricanrana attempt by Dragon into a Styles Clash and covered quickly, but Danielson barely stuck his shoulder up. [I](Smokes: Did Danielson just kick out of the Styles Clash? Did I just see that?)[/I] Styles kept up the pressure, and tried to put Danielson’s shoulders on the mat with a backslide, but the champion turned it into another Cattle Mutilation that Styles couldn’t elude, and he submitted. [B][color=#892331]Winner, and Still Champion: Bryan Danielson at 17:35, B[/color][/B] As the fans roared, Danielson called for a microphone. He turned to the entranceway. “Abyss… I might not have been able to get my hands on you tonight, but in three weeks… [I]you’re mine![/I]” [B][color=#892331]C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/color][/B] [U] Post-show notes:[/U] - The show drew a rating of about twenty-two thousand viewers in North America. It’s to be expected considering the poor timeslot and Bravo’s limited promotional reach. However, it increased our standing all across the United States and gave us a larger foothold in Canada. - It was announced on RevPro.com shortly after Televised Revolution’s airing that Don Cyrus would be “congratulating” Bryan Danielson during next week’s episode. What does this mean? - It was also posted that [B][color=#892331]RevPro Greater London Champion Nigel McGuinness[/color][/B] would have to wrestle an eligible contender for his title on Televised Revolution, or have the belt stripped. - Shannon's stablemates Xile (Jody Fleisch) and Morley Depraved (Trent Acid) are expected to make their wrestling debut on next week's show. - The second RevPro Pay Per View has been confirmed by UrbanXtra, and its title is [B][color=#892331]“Double or Nothing”.[/color][/B]
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The Televised Revolution Preview for March 11, 2006 [U][B]From RevPro.com:[/B][/U] Fresh off of its debut on Bravo Television last Saturday, Revolution Pro Wrestling is returning with its second episode, with several matches already booked for the midnight spectacular! Last week, [B]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/B] was pitted against [B]"the Phenomenal" AJ Styles[/B] in a match for the Ring of Honor Championship, and came out on top, forcing the submission with his Cattle Mutilation finisher! RevPro Commissioner and Personnel Manager[B] Don Cyrus[/B] has announced that he will offer his "congratulations" to Danielson this Saturday. Has Cyrus turned a new leaf, or does he have something else in store? [B]"Mr. 2006" Jimmy Rave[/B] scored a gigantic victory over living legend [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] in Televised Revolution's debut episode thanks to some timely interference from [B]Giant Bernard[/B] and his tire iron. Bernard won't have any foreign objects at his disposal when he faces [B]"the Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B]! Who will win this battle of the behemoths? [B]RevPro Greater London Champion Nigel McGuinness[/B] recently revealed his title's stipulation that any challenger must have lived in the London area to be a contender. With no known RevPro competitor fitting this criteria, McGuinness has been forced to find an opponent to defend his belt against this week. Will his streak of defences continue or will a new face shock him with the gold on the line? After being attacked by former comrade [B]Austin Aries[/B] after his match against [B]"the Exhibitionist"[/B], [B]Jack Evans[/B] has promised to respond to the Tag Team Champions. What will he have to say after being knocked out in the middle of the ring? Also announced: [B]"the Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B], who has been absolutely dominant in recent action, will meet [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B], and "the Alternative"--[B]Shannon, Xile and Morley Depraved[/B]--will make a first by teaming up for a six-man tag. (Any predictions or comments are welcome)
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