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RevPro: Something more than Honor

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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Televised Revolution Preview for May 18, 2006 FINAL FOUR[/B] Last week, the RevPro Number One Contender’s Tourney began, and Christopher Daniels, Shannon, Jack Evans and Giant Bernard all went down. Only four competitors are left, and after Saturday, the finals will be set. Who’s going to make it to Honor Never Fades? [B] SEMI-FINAL MATCH #1 “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B] It was Homicide who verbally abused Scott Colton when he called himself Colt Cabana and set him on the vicious tear that is still ongoing. Now Homicide will have to slay the monster he created if he wants to advance to the finals and keep his chance at the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship alive. [B] SEMI-FINAL MATCH #2 SAMOA JOE vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/B] Few were surprised when Joe choked out the Alternative’s Shannon to win his opening round match, but it was a definite shocker when the Exhibitionist was able to pin the Fallen Angel and move on. Shelley has emerged as a major dark horse, and if he can come out of Televised Revolution with another win against Samoa Joe, he’ll have opened the eyes of the entire wrestling world to his “in-ring art”. [B]VAMPIRO vs. AUSTIN ARIES[/B] Six days before Aries teams with Roderick Strong to take a shot at Vampiro and Abyss’ tag team championships, he’ll have a chance to weaken the mysterious Vampiro in singles action. RevPro.com has learned that Strong will be fulfilling a previous booking on Saturday night, and thus won’t be in the arena. Left on his own, can Aries escape Televised Revolution in one piece? [B]BILLY GRAHAM HAS BEEN PUNKED[/B] Bryan Danielson made it official last week: he wants CM Punk in the ROH Championship Retirement match at Honor Never Fades. There’s only one problem: as most know, Punk is under contract to Ohio Valley Wrestling, a territory of the WWE. Billy Graham will be in the arena this Saturday, and you have to believe he’s been working hard to get Punk for the Pay Per View main event. With less than a week to go until the belt gets one last sendoff, we’ll get some kind of update. Can Graham keep his promise to the double champion?[/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 111) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, May 18, 2006 Held at the Florence Civic Center in Florence, South Carolina Attendance: 2,817 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] DARK MATCH JIMMY JACOBS vs. JACK EVANS vs. JAY LETHAL[/B] Evans took this wild three-way with a 630 on Jimmy Jacobs. [B] Winner: Jack Evans at 11:35, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 SEMI-FINAL #1 SAMOA JOE vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/COLOR][/B] Shelley was wary of Joe in the opening minutes but after being kicked raw by the Samoan he played dirty and raked the eyes of his opponent. Shelley managed to put Joe down with a tornado DDT but also hit the ref as he swung out of the corner. The Exhibitionist went to ringside and slid his easel into the ring, placing it in the corner. Shelley backed Joe up and tried to whip him into it but Joe held on and wasn’t budging. Joe chopped Shelley and sent him in with an irish whip, but Shelley put the brakes on at the last second. The Exhibitionist pointed to his head but turned around right into a running boot from Joe that knocked his body through the easel, demolishing it. ([I]Rave: Did you see that? Smokes: Shelley got plowed right through his damn easel![/I]) Joe scooped a waylaid Shelley up and planted him with a Musclebuster for the pin. ([I]Rave: Ring it up! Joe is through to the finals, he’ll face either Scott Colton or Homicide![/I]) Joe picked up his towel and left as the groggy referee tried to make sense of the wooden wreckage. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 11:58, B Vampiro[/COLOR][/B] was standing with [B][COLOR=#892331]Lacey[/COLOR][/B] in the interview position. John Laurinaitis said that Austin Aries and his partner Roderick Strong seemed intent on regaining their tag team titles. “You’re naïve, Johnny! Do you really think Austin Aries wants a belt? What he really wants is this beautiful woman I’ve got on my arm. See, she dumped him a couple months ago when it became clear that he was never going to amount to more than a midcard loser. And now, she’s hooked up with a pair of winners like myself and Abyss and she couldn’t be happier. Isn’t that right, baby? Austin, I’ve got you tonight, and your partner is on the other side of the country. When Abyss and I are through with you, you won’t even want to show up on Friday.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Homicide[/COLOR][/B] was taping his wrists backstage when [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] approached him. “Whassup, Superstar? Comin’ to give me some encouragement? Save it, ‘cause I don’t need none.” “Homicide, you should be suspended right now for what you had Accomplice do to Jack Evans last week. But I can’t suspend you, because you’re still in the tournament.” Homicide smiled. “But I can suspend Accomplice, and I did, for two weeks.” Homicide’s smile faded. “That’s right. Tonight, if you want to win, you’ll have to do it with something you haven’t used in a while: your natural talent. Good luck.” Graham walked off, leaving Homicide to swear to himself. [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 2 AUSTIN ARIES vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/COLOR][/B] Aries did seem preoccupied by Lacey at ringside, which allowed Vampiro to maintain an advantage throughout the match. Aries hit his 450 Splash at one point, but Lacey jumped onto the apron and distracted the referee. Aries grabbed her by the hair but Vampiro gave him a low-blow from behind and hit a nasty Nail in the Coffin for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Vampiro at 11:41. B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] hit the ring and they hit a tandem powerbomb on Aries as Lacey applauded. ([I]Rave: It’s a three-on-one, Roderick Strong isn’t here tonight![/I]) Aries got tossed over the top to the floor and Vampiro asked for a microphone. “That felt good, didn’t it, big man?” Abyss nodded expressively and cracked his knuckles. “We’re not done here tonight. See, I’m all warmed up for Honor Never Fades, but Abyss ain’t. He needs to kick someone’s ass tonight so that he’s ready. Why doesn’t someone from the back come out here and accept the challenge to take on big Abyss here tonight?” ([I]Rave: Is anyone going to step up? Smokes: Who’d want to?[/I]) There was a pause and then CM Punk’s ROH music hit and a roar erupted from the crowd as they jumped to their feet. ([I]Rave: You’re kidding me![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] stepped out from the curtain and surveyed the cheering crowd. ([I]Smokes: That’s CM Punk! He’s here![/I]) Punk took out a microphone and looked towards Abyss and Vampiro. “Just give them a second, I think they’re almost done.” When the crowd’s cheering subsided a little, he continued. “Abyss, you know, we must have more in common than I once thought, because I also need a tune-up match for Honor Never Fades!” ([I]Rave: Is that a confirmation?[/I]) “I thought I was finished with Ring of Honor. But then I get a call last week from someone giving me the chance to wrestle in a match so I could be the last ROH Champion in history. It took some pleading and persuading on my part to make it happen, but everyone here knows I wouldn’t miss that party.” ([I]Rave: There you go, it’s Punk against Danielson at Honor Never Fades! Smokes: Graham got it done![/I]) “So I come to the arena tonight just hoping to see some old friends, and you guys, so full of pride with your shiny rinky-dink belts, annoy me with this garbage. Well, Big Smoke, if you want a match with me tonight, you got it.” Punk put his microphone down and pointed at Abyss before playing to the crowd. ([I]Rave: Did I hear that right? CM Punk’s going to wrestle here tonight, and against that monster, Abyss! Smokes: That ain’t my idea of something to do before you got a title match![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 ALPHA vs. “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN[/COLOR][/B] Once the bell had rung, Alpha, perhaps better known as Ken Doane, offered his hand to Sabin, but hammered him with a right hand when he moved to shake it. Despite his confidence, Alpha didn’t do much else but get schooled by his opponent. Sabin ended things quickly with a Future Shock. ([I]Rave: Sabin wins convincingly and looks in top form to face Nigel McGuinness![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Chris Sabin at 5:50, C[/COLOR][/B] As soon as the three had been counted, [B][COLOR=#892331]Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR][/B] dashed down the aisle with his title belt and slid in behind Sabin. When he turned, McGuinness ran and nailed him in the head with the gold. Nigel kissed the belt and talked some trash to the downed Sabin before leaving again. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 4 SEMI-FINAL #2 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Colton was in top form but Homicide kept him grounded and worked on the right leg with stomps and knees. Colton fired back with some suplexes and eventually went to the top rope, looking for his Pro Line. Homicide ducked out of the way and watched Colton crash and burn. Homicide circled his prey and attempted to hook in the Kudo Driver, but the Professional reversed the attempt and made it a backslide. ([I]Rave: Homicide’s shoulders are down! One, two, three! Yes, it’s over![/I]) Colton broke the pin and rolled to ringside where he began to celebrate emphatically. ([I]Smokes: Scott Colton’s going to Honor Never Fades! Rave: And he’ll have Samoa Joe in the ring in the finals of this tournament.[/I]) Homicide got up to his knees and couldn’t believe Colton had pinned him. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 13:45, B[/COLOR][/B] As Scott Colton walked up the aisle, [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] passed him with a microphone on his way to the ring. “Homicide, it’s me again. I’ve got some good news and bad news. The bad news is: you just got beat.” The crowd cheered and Homicide looked like he was going to explode. “The good news is: you’re still going to wrestle at Honor Never Fades. You see, I was going to send you on a long, unpaid vacation after tonight, but another wrestler convinced me otherwise so he could fade you on Friday. And without further ado, here he is!” [B][COLOR=#892331]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] burst through the curtain and ran down to the ring. ([I]Rave: The Fallen Angel![/I]) Before Homicide could bail, Daniels rocked him with some right hands and clotheslined him hard to the floor. ([I]Rave: Christopher Daniels got a piece of Homicide, but he’ll get the whole thing in just six days![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B Melina Perez[/COLOR][/B] made her way to the ring and was followed by [B][COLOR=#892331]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/COLOR][/B]. She took a microphone. “An injustice has been done! Never before in my time in this business have I seen someone ignored, slighted and spit upon like my client, Jimmy Rave. There is a tournament with the eight top contenders to the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship, and somehow, Mr. 2006 did not make the cut. It’s ridiculous! He’s better than anyone else that was chosen, especially Jack Evans. This is a guy who rode on an elephant’s back to the tag team championships, and suddenly he’s more worthy than Jimmy Rave?” Melina continued but was cut off by [B][COLOR=#892331]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B]’ entrance. He said that if Melina thought Jimmy was better than him, he could prove it at the Pay Per View. Rave nodded his approval. [B][COLOR=#892331]C[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, a tired [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton [/COLOR][/B]walked right into the path of [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B]. Both men stopped and Colton spoke. “You looked good out there. I intend on coming out with the win on Friday, but good luck anyway.” Colton stuck out his hand. Joe nodded but simply wiped his face with his white towel and put it in Colton’s open hand. Joe walked off, and Colton looked confused. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ABYSS (w/ Vampiro and Lacey) vs. CM PUNK[/COLOR][/B] Punk started off extremely hot, nailing Abyss with ten punches in the corner, but took a big spinebuster that slowed him down. Abyss went to his power set, and Lacey distracted the referee with a broken nail allowing Vampiro to enter the ring and strangle Punk. When things seemed bleak, Austin Aries walked down to ringside and started to brawl with Vampiro. ([I]Rave: Aries is evening things out a bit![/I]) The referee got distracted by this, and stuck his head through the ropes to try and break up the fight. Lacey got into the ring and slapped Punk in the face. He just smiled and she tried another slap, but he caught her hand and flung her into Abyss. The monster became concerned with Lacey, who rolled to the floor, and Punk was able to nail him with a Shining Wizard. As Aries dragged Vampiro backstage, Punk brought Abyss into the corner and nailed him with a huge Pepsi Plunge. ([I]Rave: There it is, Pepsi Plunge! One, two, three! Punk wins![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: CM Punk at 13:55, B-[/COLOR][/B] Punk pulled his arm away from the referee and asked for a microphone. “Damn, that felt good… Bryan Danielson, you’re not here but I know you’re watching.” Punk looked directly at the hard camera. “In six days, you’re going to have the prestigious honor of being in the last ROH title match there ever was. But that’s as far as it goes. We both know that one name is synonymous with Ring of Honor’s legacy, and that’s mine. The stars are going to align Friday night, and ROH will be laid to rest just as it should be, with the belt around my waist one last time.” Punk dropped the mic and raised his arms to the audience. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - CM Punk's contract is short-term. He's still signed to OVW and will leave RevPro to return there after Honor Never Fades, win or lose. - That's about it. The Pay Per View is next, predict if you’d like. Here’s the six confirmed matches: [quote]Bryan Danielson c. vs. CM Punk Samoa Joe vs. "The Professional" Scott Colton Abyss/Vampiro c. vs. Roderick Strong/Austin Aries "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide Nigel McGuinness c. vs. Chris Sabin "Mr. 2006" Jimmy Rave vs. Jack Evans [/quote]
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Final Preview – RevPro Honor Never Fades From RevPro.com:[quote] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Final Preview – RevPro Honor Never Fades[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b] Friday, May 24, 2006[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [IMG]http://f5.putfile.com/6/15417453313.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Send-off Match “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] Bryan Danielson unleashed a shocking statement when he chose WWE signee and former ROH Champion CM Punk to face at Honor Never Fades, and Punk made a statement of his own by appearing at Televised Revolution and defeating Abyss. Punk made it clear that he feels he’s the name that's synonymous with ROH, and that he’s destined to win on Friday, but American Dragon has weathered every single competitor that has come his way in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. It will be a hard-fought main event in Hartford, and one man will go down in history as the last wrestler to ever hold Ring of Honor’s highest accolade. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Tournament Finals – For the RevPro Championship #1 Contendership Samoa Joe vs. “The Professional” Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] Both men have faced two rounds of fierce competition, and it’s time for a third. Joe sawed through Shannon and Alex Shelley, while the Professional had what was arguably a tougher route facing Giant Bernard and Homicide. The crowd will once again be forced to pick sides, and with both men’s respective followings in attendance, it’ll be interesting to see who the fans gravitate towards at the Fotoclick Center. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]For the RevPro Tag Team Championships Abyss and Vampiro with Lacey vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong[/COLOR][/B] Aries and Strong will look to become two-time Revolutionary Pro Wrestling tag champs by beating the odds and their former allies under the guidance of Don Cyrus, Abyss and Vampiro. The reigning champs have no defenses to their name, but have shown their destructive nature in the past. Will bigger be better this Friday? [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Notorious 187” Homicide[/COLOR][/B] Homicide chose to trash talk the Fallen Angel after he was beaten by Alex Shelley in the tournament quarter-finals, and Daniels will try to make him pay for that. Accomplice has been suspended, so there will be no one to help Homicide eke out a cheap victory this time. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]ALSO For the Greater London Championship Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] It’s rematch time, and if Sabin prevails, he’ll be able to rename the belt to his liking. Nigel will try for his eighth defense of his prized possession, but how many of those were truly defenses? [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Jack Evans vs. “Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/COLOR][/B] Melina Perez’ only client will be forced to prove that he belonged in the field of eight for the tournament by defeating Jack Evans, who the fans voted in over him. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]“The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal[/COLOR][/B] Shelley came up short in the semis, but may be able to redeem himself against Lethal, who hasn’t been having much luck in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Can Jay step up and make some serious waves by beating the Exhibitionist?[/CENTER] [/quote]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]RevPro Honor Never Fades – Friday, May 24, 2006[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b] Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b] Held at the Fotoclick Center in Hartford, Connecticut[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b] Attendance: 4,120[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b] Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] [B] DARK MATCH MORLEY DEPRAVED vs. CHAD COLLYER[/B] Chad controlled this one, but when he went for the Cloverleaf, Depraved rolled him up with a small package and latched onto the ropes for the cheap and surprising victory. Collyer wasn’t happy with himself after the fact. [B] Winner: Morley Depraved at 9:03, C- [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://f5.putfile.com/6/15417453313.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The show began with [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] walking to the ring. He took a microphone and addressed the crowd. “Good evening, Hartford!” That one got a big pop. “My name is CM Punk and I am going to be in your main event, competing for the Ring of Honor Heavyweight Championship. However, that belt is currently held by Bryan Danielson. Now I was just going to keep my head down and hang out backstage until my match, but then I realized that I haven’t gotten to wish Bryan good luck face to face. So champ, if you can hear me right now, please come out to the ring for a minute.” There was some silence before [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B]’s theme kicked out and he emerged from behind the curtain to enter the ring. “Hey Bry. I looked at the names you’ve beaten in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling so far to keep your belts, and it’s been truly impressive. I mean, there’s been AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Abyss, Billy Kidman—those are some great wrestlers, and you beat them all. You deserve kudos, my man.” Bryan Danielson raised a microphone to speak but Punk continued. “Yet you haven’t defended your ROH Title against me. That hasn’t been eating away at you, has it? The fact that you’ve become the heir to Ring of Honor’s legacy yet you haven’t beaten the one person who everyone associates with ROH? I guess that’s why we’re here. Anyway—” Punk extended his hand. “Best of luck later.” Danielson shook his hand and Punk held it tight for a moment before releasing it. Danielson moved to leave. Punk raised his microphone again. “You know, I guess it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if you won later. I mean, this is probably all you’re going to have.” Danielson stopped. “Me, I’m signed with you-know-who. I’m on the verge of blowing up so big that every fourteen-year-old kid will have a shirt with my face on it. I’ll have catchphrases, movies, women, and you? You’ll be stuck here, racking up wins against nobodies. You’re destined to be the big fish in a little pond, Bryan. Being the last Ring of Honor Champion is probably the only monumental thing you’ll ever do. So I’m going to let you have this one—actually, screw it. I’m going to beat you anyway.” Punk turned away and smiled, and Danielson charged from behind with a forearm smash to the back of the head. ([I]Rave: Danielson’s had enough![/I]) Danielson straddled Punk and continued to nail him with huge forearms to the head. Several wrestlers and officials poured down the aisle to pull American Dragon off of Punk. Danielson was pushed and pulled to ringside as he tried to get at Punk. ([I]Rave: At this rate, there won’t be any main event![/I]) Punk scrambled for a microphone as he was held at bay. “Come on, big fish! Come get me!” ([I]Smokes: CM Punk’s messing with Danielson’s game, it’s classic![/I]) [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B MATCH 1 “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. JACK EVANS[/COLOR][/B] Rave took direction from Melina all the way through, but Evans kept up his assault. He hit the 630 Senton for the victory to Melina’s dismay. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner: Jack Evans at 9:45, C+ Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] was backstage with interviewer John Laurinaitis and was holding Joe’s towel from Saturday. John asked him why he still had it and the Professional said that he’s been trying to figure out why Joe gave it to him. “I thought Joe might not have any respect for me—he took his sweaty towel and put it in my hand. Anyway, I held on to it because he must have made some mistake; I’m not someone to be disrespected. I’m going to return his towel and then show him why disrespecting me is a mistake.” [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B+ MATCH 2 FOR THE GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN[/COLOR][/B] Nigel stalled at the beginning but Sabin finally got his hands on him and things picked up. Sabin took him up for the Cradle Shock but Nigel reversed it into a Tower of London cutter. He covered but only got two. After distracting the referee, Nigel was able to nail Sabin with the title and get three. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 11:44, B Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] came down to the ring, noticeably without his easel. “I wish I could have a picture for you fine Connecticutians tonight, but unfortunately, I was kicked through my easel last week by Samoa Joe and I’m not able to paint anything.” The fans cheer. “But that doesn’t matter, because the art I create between these ropes is ten times better than anything anyone could make with a brush and paint. Joe, don’t think I’m going to forget about you. Watch your back. ” [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B- MATCH 3 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. JAY LETHAL[/COLOR][/B] Shelley was fired up and didn’t take long to lay Jay Lethal out with the Shellshock. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:27, B- Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] cut a promo backstage, saying he wasn’t here to pin Homicide, or even embarrass him. He was here to put Homicide out of commission. It hasn’t been a good few weeks for the Fallen Angel, and he said all that frustration was going to be released when he had his hands around Homicide’s neck. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B+[/COLOR][/B] The interview was interrupted when we could hear sounds of a struggle. The camera panned around wildly to find [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B] on the receiving end of a beatdown from [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Roderick Strong![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] soon rumbled into view, and Aries and Strong took off. Abyss was enraged as he stood over Vampiro. ([I]Rave: The challengers are getting their licks in while they can![/I]) [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]C MATCH 4 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Daniels was a house of fire, headscissoring Homicide out to the floor in the opening moments and hitting a devastating plancha to follow it up. Daniels rolled Homicide back in and tried for the Angel’s Wings but Homicide slipped out and hit a straight boot to the jaw. Homicide tried his best to hold the Fallen Angel at bay but it couldn’t be done. Homicide broke out of a DDT attempt with a nasty punch to the threat that knocked Daniels down. Homicide left the ring and walked to the back, not wanting any more part of the match. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner, by count out: Christopher Daniels at 14:46, B+ MATCH 5 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS ABYSS and VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG[/COLOR][/B] This was a wild match that for all intents and purposes was under tornado rules. Abyss picked Strong up over his head at ringside in an attempt to drop him on the barrier but Aries rocked him with a suicide dive before he could. Strong took Vampiro into the ring and hit his fireman’s carry gutbuster. ([I]Rave: That compacted his stomach, that has to be it![/I]) Strong covered but Lacey pulled the referee out after two. She got into the ring and slapped Strong in the face. Without thinking, he scooped her up and delivered a huge side backbreaker that put her down and writhing in pain. ([I]Rave: Strong just crushed Lacey with a backbreaker! Smokes: Uh oh…[/I]) In a fury, Abyss got back into the ring and threw Strong hard out to ringside. Aries got back in and fell prey to the two-on-one, getting pinned after a big Black Hole Slam. Vampiro and Abyss had to help Lacey out of the ring afterwards. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winners, and still champions: Abyss and Vampiro at 13:37, B- Samoa Joe [/COLOR][/B]walked down a hallway on the way to the ring. John Laurinaitis came in from the side and asked him what he was thinking about before his match. Joe simply replied, “Getting my towel back” and walked on. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B MATCH 6 TOURNAMENT FINALS FOR THE #1 CONTENDERSHIP TO THE REVPRO CHAMPIONSHIP SAMOA JOE vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Before the match, Scott Colton brought the white towel into the ring and held it up for Joe. Colton threw it at his chest, causing Joe to kick him stiffly, and we were off. Joe went for a running kick to the fallen Colton, but he moved and swept out Joe’s feet. Colton hit some elbow drops and went to the second rope for a short dropkick. Colton wore down Joe but got powered back into the corner and dumped to ringside. Joe hit his Óle kick against the guardrail and Colton later whipped him into the announce table. Colton slipped behind Joe and hit a back suplex through the table. ([I]Rave: Our announce position is in shambles as Joe just got driven through it![/I]) Colton rolled Joe in and perched himself on the top rope. He came off with a clothesline attempt but was caught and driven down by Samoa Joe. Joe covered, but only got two. Joe took Colton up into the corner and looked to be preparing for the Musclebuster, but Colton kicked him backwards. Colton again tried for the Pro Line but Joe shoved him out of the air right into the referee. ([I]Rave: Jim Korderas has been knocked out to the floor![/I]) Joe swore to himself and took Colton back up, hitting him with more kicks. Colton ducked a high roundhouse and prepared Joe for a Colt 45. After some struggle, he drove Joe down with it. ([I]Rave: The Colt 45! But there’s no one to count![/I]) As Colton reached through the ropes to try and rouse the referee, Alex Shelley slid into the ring from behind and started stomping on Joe. ([I]Smokes: Shelley’s in the ring! Rave: And he’s taking an opportunity to get Samoa Joe back![/I]) The Professional turned around and started brawling with Alex Shelley. Shelley knocked him backwards and pulled out some kind of mace. He moved towards Colton and sprayed him directly in the face. Colton frantically wiped at his eyes and fell to ringside. ([I]Rave: For God’s sakes, Shelley just maced Scott Colton.[/I]) Shelley turned back to Joe, who was on his knees in the corner. The Exhibitionist started laying in punches but Joe fired back with hard chops. At ringside, Scott Colton grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. Shelley got turned around by a hard kick to the jaw by Joe and tried to keep on his feet. Colton steadied himself and swung at Shelley, but he moved and Colton connected with a chair shot on Joe. ([I]Rave: No! Colton just crushed Joe with that mighty shot! Smokes: He was trying to get Shelley![/I]) Shelley scrambled out of the ring and hightailed it to the back as Colton dropped the chair and ran his hand through his hair. A groggy Jim Korderas stepped back into the ring and Colton reluctantly covered Joe. ([I]Rave: Colton’s covering! Two, three! Colton takes it![/I]) Colton got back to his feet and the referee raised his hand. He looked conflicted as he looked down at Joe. ([I]Smokes: He definitely didn’t want to win it that way. Rave: No way, and thanks to Alex Shelley, the whole integrity of the tournament just went into the can.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner, and number-one contender: Scott Colton at 20:49, B[/COLOR][/B] A brief video aired chronicling Bryan Danielson’s announcement of CM Punk as his opponent, and his unexpected appearance on Televised Revolution. [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP SEND-OFF MATCH “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON vs. CM PUNK[/COLOR][/B] Punk slapped Danielson in the face to begin things, and Danielson tackled him down into the corner in response. Danielson laid in more stiff forearms and had Punk completely defenseless. The referee backed him off but Punk charged out with a clothesline that knocked him inside-out. Punk washed Danielson’s face with the sole of his boot before taking him back up. Danielson ducked behind him and nailed a big German suplex. Danielson tried to continue the assault but Punk pulled the referee between them to take a breather. Danielson pushed the referee aside, opening the door to an eye gouge from Punk. Punk pulled Danielson backwards into the turnbuckles, trying to prepare for a Pepsi Plunge, but American Dragon back body dropped him to the mat. Danielson got down and tried to apply the Cattle Mutilation. ([I]Rave: If he gets it on, forget about it![/I]) Punk scrambled to tangle his legs in the ropes. Danielson broke it and stomped on Punk’s upper back. Danielson hit some more suplexes and then crotched Punk in the corner. Danielson climbed up with him. ([I]Rave: Maybe a superplex coming up here?[/I]) Punk slipped in a punch to the ribs and pushed his head between his legs. ([I]Smokes: Here it comes!)[/I] In one swift moment, Punk jumped off and hit the Pepsi Plunge.[I] (Rave: Wow! He covers, one, two, thr-no! Danielson kicked out![/I]) Punk quickly took Danielson back up and hit a standing version of the move. He covered once more, but Danielson kicked out, flipping onto his stomach. Punk quickly snapped into action, applying the Anaconda Vise. ([I]Rave: The Vise! The champion is in a world of trouble![/I]) Danielson struggled to get free as Punk cinched it in tighter. Danielson fought his way to the corner where he put his feet on the middle turnbuckle. Danielson got into a horizontal position and pushed backwards, landing on Punk and breaking the hold. Both men got to their feet and Punk charged with a lariat. Danielson ducked it and hit the Dragon Suplex with a bridge. ([I]Rave: Dragon Suplex! One, two, no! Not three![/I]) Danielson rolled with the bridge and took Punk back up to his feet, then hit a second Dragon suplex. ([I]Rave: My God, one more! The cover, two, no, Punk got out again! The match continues[/I].) Danielson rolled through one more time and hit a third. ([I]Rave: Rolling Dragon suplexes, I’ve never seen this before! The pin, two, no! Again, Punk is out![/I]) Dragon pulled Punk up and hit him with a fisherman buster. He covered. ([I]Rave: One, two, no! Two and a half! That was a move from the playbook of the first ever ROH champ, Low Ki![/I]) Dragon took a dazed Punk back up, but he fought away from him and ducked behind to apply a full nelson. Punk tried for a Dragon suplex, but American Dragon landed on his feet behind him. Danielson hit a nasty Dragon suplex without a bridge. ([I]Rave: Oh no, Punk landed right on his head with that one! Danielson covers, two, three! Yes, it’s over! American Dragon wins![/I]) [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 32:44, B-[/COLOR][/B] Danielson slowly got to his feet afterwards and was handed the Ring of Honor Championship for the last time. ([I]Rave: Danielson wins, and he will go down in history as the last ROH Champion.[/I]) Punk crawled to the corner and started pulling himself up by the turnbuckles. He turned around and was face-to-face with Danielson. Danielson, holding one strap, extended the other to Punk. He was reluctant, but scanned the crowd for their approval. He finally grabbed it and they both held the gold up to all four sides of the ring. ([I]Smokes: What a way to say goodbye to ROH![/I]) [B][COLOR=#4a4c1b]B Honor Never Fades Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - Well that didn’t go exactly as intended. Danielson and Punk didn’t click according to Dean Malenko, and Bryan Danielson was off his game to compound things. However, salvaging a B rating on the night after that is pretty good, and is due to the showstealing Daniels-Homicide match. Attendance was also way down from Angels and Devils, but on the plus side, our buyrate took a nice jump to 7,400 buys. We are officially no longer the world’s lowest drawing Pay Per View promotion. Take that, Dragon Gate! The attendance thing sucked, but we’re now on the verge of cracking C+ in three areas other than Tri State, which will open up some other options for holding our biggest shows. - Punk has returned to Ohio Valley Wrestling after working two shows with us. - Only ten minutes after the show was off the air, RevPro.com announced that Christopher Daniels would get a rematch with Homicide in only 24 hours on Televised Revolution. Billy Graham was quoted as saying, “The match will keep happening until Homicide stays and fights.”
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IndieHearsay.com - May 25 13:42:40 [B][U]IndieHearsay.com Headlines[/U] [U] RevPro: PPV Fallout, Televised Revolution, Japanese recruitment[/U][/B] - [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] held [B]“Honor Never Fades”[/B] last night in Hartford and, aside from an underwhelming main event with [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] defeating [B]CM Punk[/B], largely delivered. The live crowd was smaller than expected but the early reports from [B]UrbanXtra[/B] point to a very healthy buyrate. Suspecting burnout with the loyal [B]Tri State[/B] crowd, one source is saying it’s [B]“very likely”[/B] their next event at the end of June will emanate from [B]Michigan[/B] in the [B]Great Lakes[/B] area, their second-strongest territory. - [B]RevPro.com[/B] has posted a preview for [B]Televised Revolution[/B] tonight. After winning the number-one contendership under extremely controversial circumstances, [B]Scott Colton[/B] will be in attendance and will undoubtedly have something to say now that he's next in line to wrestle [B]Bryan Danielson[/B]. By decree of [B]Billy Graham[/B], [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] will get another crack at [B]Homicide[/B], and [B]Abyss[/B] is also set to face [B]Roderick Strong[/B] after Strong hit [B]Lacey[/B] with a backbreaker at the PPV. Danielson was not on the plane to Oklahoma; he’ll take the night off after fears from management that the World Champion was being [B]“spread too thin”[/B]. - One week after [B]Bob "Hardcore" Holly[/B] was cut loose from World Wrestling Entertainment, it doesn't look like there will be any takers on the indy scene. [B]TNA[/B] has already made it clear that they're not interested, and Revolutionary Pro Wrestling has stated that the price tag is too high. In the weeks leading up to the end of his contract, Holly was given what some called "a loyalty push" going cleanly over the likes of stars like [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and even [B]Chris Benoit[/B]. Even though his notoriety had risen substantially, the WWE didn't offer him a new contract, a sign of the wrestling's current bust period if there ever was one. RevPro doesn't seem to be interested right now but some close to the company say when they need popular talent, they're likely to turn to the WWE vet. - The company continues to sign young unknown talent, but this time it’s gone overseas. A young Japanese worker named [B]Tomoaki Koizumi[/B] has received and signed a contract from RevPro and is on his way to America, according to [B]PuroNippon.com[/B]. He’s been classified as a textbook strong style worker but has absolutely no experience with any notable promotion, which has raised some eyebrows. There’s no timetable for his television debut in the United States, but he’ll have an uphill battle in solidying his spot and learning the ropes at the same time. It could be difficult--sources say he can't speak English. [U] Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[B][COLOR=#892331] RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 112) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, May 25, 2006 Held at Garner Place in Norman, Oklahoma Attendance: 1,846 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM JIMMY YANG vs. AUSTIN ARIES[/B] It was announced before the match that this one would be taped and uploaded to RevPro.com, as would all dark matches from now on (hopefully explaining why they seem to have an effect everywhere). This was a good way to start the plan, as Aries downed Yang with a 450 splash after an exciting match. [B] Winner: Austin Aries at 14:23, B-[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B]’s music hit and he walked out to the ring. ([I]Rave: Welcome aboard, folks. You’re looking at the Professional, who last night won the number-one contendership to Bryan Danielson’s RevPro Championship after Alex Shelley interfered, attacking Samoa Joe. Smokes: He won, but he ain’t look too happy, man.[/I]) “I am the number-one contender, and I’m only one step away from being the World Champion, which has been my ambition ever since I became a professional wrestler. I should be on top of the world right now… but I’m not. I know in my heart that I could have taken Joe down on my own, but Alex Shelley didn’t let me prove it. Joe, that’s not the way I wanted to win it, and you know I didn’t mean to hit you. I’ll make this up to you, but tonight, Alex Shelley, Billy Graham’s given me a chance to get even with you in the main event, and I’m going to enjoy it.” ([I]Rave: Colton and Shelley here tonight![/I]) “I know a lot of you don’t think I deserve to be the number-one contender, and that’s fair. But next week, when I get my chance against Bryan Danielson, I’m going to redeem myself. You’ll all be able to see what I know, and that’s that I’m the best wrestler in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. I’m not a joke anymore—I’m the real deal. Bryan, it’s going to be an honor to face you for the championship. You’re not here tonight, so I know you’ll be rested and bringing your A-game next week, and that’s great. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just… be ready for the match of your life. Because I will be.” Colton left the ring as his music played again. ([I]Rave: Colton’s got his shot at the big prize next week, but tonight, he’ll be able to release some aggression on Alex Shelley! Smokes: Believe me, Shelley loves this match even more. He can prove that he should be the number-one contender by beating Colton right here in front of everybody.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+[/COLOR][/B] Speaking of [B][COLOR=#892331]Shelley[/COLOR][/B], we went backstage to where he was sitting with Rob Rave. A graphic reading “EARLIER TODAY” flashed on the screen. ([I]Rave: Folks, I got a chance to ask Alex Shelley a few questions this afternoon and things got extremely interesting. Just take a look.[/I]) Rave asked, “Alex, there’s almost no one who’d want to provoke Samoa Joe, but you did. Why?” “You answered your own question, Rob. No one else would want to provoke Joe, so I did. Why’s that? Because I’m unique. There [I]is [/I]no one else like me in this company, or on this planet. It’s always an uphill battle for unique people like myself to be recognized for their excellence, so I punked out Joe and make sure he got his ass beat so people would say “Damn, Alex Shelley really is different”. People will say 'Joe’s Gonna Kill You', but I’m not afraid to die. All he’ll do is immortalize me, and make the art I create in the ring live on for centuries. I’m not scared—” Suddenly, there was a commotion and a few people started shouting as the camera shook. Rob Rave stood up and Shelley quickly ran out of frame. [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] stepped into frame and threw a television monitor in the direction Shelley ran off in. ([I]Smokes: Is Shelley sure he ain’t scared? Rave: Joe was hot, and Alex Shelley was lucky to escape with his limbs still attached.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 1 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/COLOR][/B] Daniels again beat Homicide from post to post, and got a close two count after connecting with the Best Moonsault Ever. The action spilled to ringside, where Homicide hit Daniels’ head off of the barrier to knock him down. Homicide scooped up a steel chair and waited on Daniels to get to his feet, and then clobbered him for the blatant DQ. ([I]Rave: What a shot! Smokes: Homicide don’t even care if he loses![/I]) Homicide dropped the chair and walked up the aisle smiling. ([I]Rave: Looks like we’re going to get Round Three next week, Graham says they’ll keep going at it until there’s a clean winner![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 18:52, B MATCH 2 TONY MAMALUKE vs. SAMOA JOE[/COLOR][/B] Joe stalked out to the ring and attacked Mamaluke not even waiting for the bell. Joe kicked the hell out of Mamaluke and chopped his chest beet red in the corner. Mamaluke tried a headscissors takedown out of desperation but Joe blocked it into a powerbomb and slapped on the choke for the lightning-quick win. ([I]Rave: With the way Joe’s been fired up by Alex Shelley, Mamaluke didn’t stand a chance at all![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 2:05, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Christopher Daniels [/COLOR][/B]was backstage, and said next week he’d finish Homicide once and for all, as he would be asking Commissioner Billy Graham to make the match no disqualification! [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 SHANNON vs. CHAD COLLYER[/COLOR][/B] Rave and Smokes mentioned how Collyer was out to prove something after he was upset by Shannon’s stablemate Morley Depraved in the Honor Never Fades pre-show. Collyer went for the Texas Cloverleaf early and often, but Shannon kept kicking him away and wriggling out. Shannon took control and stunned Collyer long enough to hit the You Don’t Know The Way I Feel flipping neckbreaker for three to hand Collyer another loss. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Shannon at 10:31, C+ MATCH 4 ABYSS vs. RODERICK STRONG[/COLOR][/B] Lacey was noticeably absent from ringside after Strong hurt her with a backbreaker the night before. Abyss controlled the match due to his size, as Strong couldn’t get him into the air for anything. Strong did his best to wear down Abyss with some hit-and-run offense, but the Monster won with a huge Shock Treatment. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Abyss at 14:49, C+[/COLOR][/B] Abyss took a chair into the ring and measured Strong for a shot, but [B][COLOR=#892331]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] ran down the aisle and Abyss cautiously exited. ([I]Rave: Looks like when the odds aren’t in his favour, Abyss isn’t interested in a fight![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C[/COLOR][/B] A short video played chronicling Scott Colton’s lengthy win streak, and we saw him defeating the likes of Jimmy Yang, Homicide, Jushin Thunder Lyger, Giant Bernard, Shannon, and Vampiro. The last shot was a still of Bryan Danielson as his match against the champion for next week was hyped one more time. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/COLOR][/B] The first few minutes were nothing but a brawl as Colton got a piece of Shelley like he wanted. Colton eventually established control and suplexed Shelley around the ring. Shelley fired back and slowed the match down with some ground submissions. At that point, five security guards walked through the entrance backwards. ([I]Smokes: What the hell’s this?[/I]) Their motive became clear as Joe followed them out. ([I]Rave: Joe’s crashing this match![/I]) They tried to stop him but Joe threw them aside one by one. One of them tried to zap him with a taser but Joe grabbed his arm and hit a stiff short-arm clothesline to put him down. Joe climbed into the ring but Shelley saw him and again took off. More security guards came into the ring to restrain Joe and the referee threw the match out. [B][COLOR=#892331]No Contest at 7:51, C+[/COLOR][/B] Joe tried to struggle past the security as Shelley made a getaway through the audience. ([I]Rave: Joe’s eventually going to get his hands on Shelley, and when he does, it won’t be pretty! The Exhibitionist can’t hide forever. Smokes: He’s sure as hell trying![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Colton and Shelley didn’t click, which is too bad as I was banking on their eight minutes at the end of the show to end things on a high note. Our poor overall rating kept us just under cracking C+ in the Great Lakes region once again, but next week’s show should get us over that hump. Confirmed for next week's Televised Revolution: [quote]For the RevPro World Championship: Bryan Danielson defends against Scott Colton! "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide - No Disqualification![/quote]
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [quote][B]Televised Revolution Preview for June 2, 2006 BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET [/B][FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] [B] REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - BRYAN DANIELSON vs. SCOTT COLTON[/B] It was just eight days ago that American Dragon outbattled CM Punk to retire the Ring of Honor Championship. But now, the champion will have to shift his focus back to the RevPro World Championship when "The Professional" Scott Colton calls his shot on Saturday night! Colton has been on an unbelievable tear, downing wrestler after wrestler on his way to the top. There's only one man left to beat. Can Danielson prolong his reign as Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's top wrestler or is Colton's time now? [B] CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. HOMICIDE - NO DQ[/B] We'll see this match for the third time in the last two weeks thanks to Billy Graham's stipulation that Homicide will have to keep facing Daniels until there's a clean victor. The Fallen Angel petitioned the Commissioner for a "No Disqualification" match, and was granted his request. Homicide can't take a cheap out like last week, as either man can use any weapon to get the win. In his last chance to exact revenge on Homicide, Daniels may finally pin him to the mat. [B] GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP - JACK EVANS vs. NIGEL MCGUINNESS[/B] Nigel will return to the ring to put his Greater London Championship on the line against Jack Evans! He slipped by Chris Sabin at Honor Never Fades, but might have a tougher time countering the high-risk offense of Evans, who also came out with a win on the Pay Per View. The belt can be renamed by the challenger if he wins, but will Evans succeed where eight others have failed? [B] CHAD COLLYER AND CLOUDY vs. THE ALTERNATIVE[/B] He might know more holds than anyone else in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, but Chad Collyer has still had no luck against members of the Alternative. Both Shannon and Morley Depraved have beaten him recently, but he'll team up with Cloudy to take a shot at Xile and Depraved on Saturday. Can he change his luck against Shannon's misfits or is disappointment in the cards again? This and more when the clock strikes twelve on Saturday night![/quote]
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 113) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, June 2, 2006 Held at Peach Place in Savannah, Georgia Attendance: 1,704 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM ALEX SHELLEY vs. CHRIS KERRY[/B] Newcomer Chris Kerry drew the Exhibitionist in the online match but was completely overwhelmed. Shelley riled up the crowd for a while before hitting the Shellshock and mercifully ending things. [B] Winner: Alex Shelley at 9:27, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 FOR THE GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. JACK EVANS[/COLOR][/B] Jack really took the fight to the defending champion, connecting on a Stuntin’ 101 outside the ring, but Nigel slowed the pace down with some mat holds and battered Evans’ legs, eliminating his speed advantage. When he couldn’t get three, Nigel again brought the title belt in without the referee seeing and nailed Jack with it for the cheap victory. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 9:06, B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, John Laurinaitis was standing with the “Modern Monsters” trio of [B][COLOR=#892331]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Lacey[/COLOR][/B], who was making her on-screen return and looked like she was slightly favoring her back. Laurinaitis asked about Vampiro’s match against Chris Sabin later, and Vampiro said he’d be taking Lacey to ringside with him to prove that she wouldn’t live in fear of lowlifes who would love to hurt women. “I’m going to make sure nothing happens to her,” with a glance towards Abyss, “since nothing should have happened to her in the first place.” Vampiro walked out of frame and Lacey followed him. Abyss hesitated, looking angry, before walking off in the opposite direction. [B][COLOR=#892331]B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] was shown stretching against a wall and giving himself a motivational talk. ([I]Rave: It’s his big night! He’s got Bryan Danielson in the main event, and if he wins, he walks out with the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling World Championship. Smokes: He looks damn ready.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 2 “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/COLOR][/B] Lacey did her best to distract Sabin from ringside but he wasn’t biting. Vampiro pulled Sabin out to the floor where they began to brawl. Lacey held up the referee as Vampiro choked Sabin out with some camera cables and dropped him crotch-first on the barrier. Sabin seemed to tweak his groin which left him prey to the Nail in the Coffin. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Vampiro at 6:44, C+[/COLOR][/B] Afterwards, Vampiro circled around Sabin as Lacey entered. He worked him over with hard stomps to further injure the groin. He pulled the defenseless Sabin up and spiked him with a second Nail in the Coffin, causing Lacey to clap and cheer. ([I]Rave: What is this, a show for Lacey? He’s laying waste to Chris Sabin! Smokes: Maybe the man’s trying to make himself look better than his partner.[/I]) Vampiro led Lacey away as Sabin cast an angry look his way from the mat. [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] was with Laurinaitis, and announced that for the first time on June 22nd, Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s next Pay Per View event would take place outside of the Tri State area. It will be “Motor City Carnage” live from Detroit, Michigan! He also said that tonight’s main event of Bryan Danielson versus Scott Colton, due to its importance, would be getting a whole half hour time limit at the end of the broadcast. He continued, saying he wished both men luck, but [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] walked in to interrupt, saying no one cares about Colton or Danielson, only Alex Shelley’s wellbeing. “And I’m fine, thank you very much.” Shelley said that he heard Graham had banned Samoa Joe from the arena tonight, and Graham confirmed this. “I saw the look in his eyes last week, and he was ready to do something to you that he would regret,” said Graham. “So I gave you a one-week reprieve.” “Reprieve? Reprie—listen to me, one million times over, I am not afraid of Samoa Joe.” “Great—because in Detroit, you’ll have him one-on-one.” Shelley looked like he’d been punched in the stomach, but soon shook it off and put on a look of courage. “That’s great news, Billy, because Detroit is where I’m from. That’s my HQ. I’ll pin Joe one-two-three.” Shelley turned to walk away but Graham put a hand on his shoulder. “Just, uh… one more thing. Next week, Joe’s back, and I know you’d love a chance to scout him up close before Motor City Carnage. So you bring a partner, and he’ll bring a partner, because there’s going to be a tag match.” Shelley fumed and walked away. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 THE ALTERNATIVE vs. CHAD COLLYER and CLOUDY[/COLOR][/B] The makeshift team of Collyer and Cloudy started off hot, with Cloudy hitting a plancha onto both Xile and Depraved in the early-going. But the Alternative worked a two-on-one advantage with frequent tags, keeping Collyer stranded in his corner. Chad finally got the tag, but made the mistake of going to the outside with Morley Depraved, and Xile hit Cloudy with a sharp springboard dropkick for a quick three. Collyer was beside himself after the fact, now 0-3 against the Alternative. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: The Alternative at 5:39, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] was being interviewed backstage, and was talking about how he could feel something special in the air tonight. “The fans are a little more electric and I’ve got a little more adrenaline. It’s destiny, John, and tonight, I’m going to fulfill it. When I win tonight and become the RevPro World Champion—" "[I]When [/I]you win?” [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] stepped between Colton and Laurinaitis’ microphone, also decked out in his trunks with the belt slung over his shoulder. “There’s no when about it, Scott, it’s [I]if[/I] you win. You’re a great wrestler, but destiny has nothing to do with it. Once we’re out there, it’s my body and mind against yours. If you’re good enough to beat me, then you’ll win. That’s all.” Colton looked hard at Danielson and then walked away from the interview. ([I]Smokes: That was tense.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] Elsewhere, [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] was walking down a hall when he was stopped by [B][COLOR=#892331]Chad Collyer[/COLOR][/B]. “Can I have a second, Billy? No matter what I do, I can’t win out there. The damn Alternative's gotten me three straight times. You’ve had a great career, do you have any advice?” “Chad, as much as it’s about talent, it’s about drive. Unless you give yourself a reason to win, you’re not going to. You have to light a fire inside yourself. Know what I mean?” Collyer thought about it and seemed to understand. “Thanks a lot.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 4 NO DISQUALIFICATION “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] The announcers hammered home that Accomplice was finishing his suspension and wouldn’t be able to help Homicide. Daniels looked taxed after almost two weeks of trying to defeat Homicide, who finally brought the fight with everything legal. He brought a chair in early and set it up to back body drop Daniels onto it. Homicide pulled up its mangled remains and threw it full-force into Daniels’ head as he recovered. He tried a pin but the Fallen Angel got out. With the chair now exposing some twisted, sharp steel, Homicide put it down and set Daniels up for a Kudo Driver. ([I]Smokes: That’s going to slash up his back, Rave![/I]) Daniels fought out while upside down by working an arm free and hitting some elbows, and clotheslined Homicide down. Daniels created an advantage and hit a huge Angel’s Wings, but Homicide stuck the shoulder up at two and three-quarters. ([I]Rave: So close![/I]) Daniels pulled Homicide to his knees but he stuck a thumb in his eyes to stun him. Homicide took the jagged chair and hit a swinging shot that opened up a gash on Daniels’ forehead. As the blood ran down Daniels’ face, Homicide brought in a second chair and nailed the Fallen Angel across the back with it. He put the chair in the seated position and nailed a Kudo Driver onto it, crushing it. ([I]Rave: Big Kudo Driver! That chair crumpled like it was nothing![/I]) Homicide covered, and got three. ([I]Rave: Homicide takes the win, ending this series, and showing that he can fight when he wants to.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Homicide at 13:28, B[/COLOR][/B] A short video played, highlighting Bryan Danielson’s path to this evening with his successful defenses of the RevPro World Championship. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Colton looked pumped making his entrance. ([I]Rave: As he put it, this is his chance to do what he feels he’s destined for. The only catch is Bryan Danielson stands in his way.[/I]) Danielson offered a handshake beforehand, and Colton shook it without thinking and circled the champion, not wanting to waste any time. Danielson got some early takedowns that frustrated Colton, but after Dragon applied a rear waistlock on the mat, Colton elbowed out of it and slapped on a shoulderlock to punish Danielson. Colton drove in some knees to the shoulder and kept the shoulderlock clamped on. Danielson finally got to the ropes and the referee forced the break. Danielson grimaced as he held his shoulder and flashed an “it’s on now” look towards the challenger. Danielson locked up with Colton again and switched around to a full nelson. He lifted Colton off the ground, but the Professional rolled forward with a victory roll-type pin. ([I]Rave: A quick two, but that’s it.[/I]) Danielson quickly recovered and knocked Colton to his back. Danielson dropped an elbow and applied a headlock, but Colton forced Dragon to the mat and put on another shoulderlock, driving in yet more knees. ([I]Smokes: Colton’s playin’ for keeps, he’s working the Dragon's right shoulder hard.[/I]) Danielson rolled and flipped Colton onto his back for a modified Northern lights pin. Colton kicked out and rushed back at Danielson. Dragon ducked behind Colton and hit a release German suplex that hurt Colton. ([I]Rave: Big German suplex there, and the challenger is reeling.[/I]) Danielson pulled Colton into the corner and hit some big chops. Colton fired back with right hands, but Danielson blocked one and monkeyflipped Colton into the middle of the ring. Colton rolled onto his stomach in pain and Danielson locked in a double chickenwing, then rolling forward. ([I]Rave: Cattle Mutilation locked in! But Colton breaks free.[/I]) Colton got to one knee and hit a forearm to Danielson’s stomach. The champion got scooped up and driven with a hard shoulderbreaker, and Colton didn’t release his hold, taking Danielson up and down for a second one. ([I]Rave: What impact! The Professional’s doing a professional job of ripping apart that shoulder.[/I]) Colton stomped the shoulder, and then brought Danielson up to toss him straight down onto it. ([I]Rave: We’re about twenty minutes in now, remember that Graham has given this one a thirty-minute time limit and even that might not be enough![/I]) Colton seemed to sense the urgency and bodyslammed Danielson down before heading to the top rope. ([I]Rave: You know what he’s after here.[/I]) Colton waited on Dragon who slowly got to his feet. Colton leapt off but Danielson dropkicked him out of the air. ([I]Rave: Nothing doing on the Pro Line, the champion knew it was coming![/I]) Danielson followed Colton into the corner and tried to hit a Dragon suplex, but Colton hooked the turnbuckle with his legs, sending Danielson rolling backwards. Colton sprung to the second turnbuckle and jumped backwards, nailing Danielson with a version of the Pro Line. Danielson was dazed but Colton took too long to cover and Danielson was already up to one knee. Colton nailed him with an elbow and hooked him up with a Colt 45 attempt, but Danielson refused to be lifted. Dragon ducked out of it and rolled Colton up. ([I]Rave: One, two, nearly three! The clock is ticking down on this one with still no winner![/I]) Colton broke the pin and got Danielson with a small package that was broken. Danielson pulled Colton out of the pinning combination with a big suplex and then took him back up with a full nelson lock. ([I]Rave: The Dragon suplex will end it![/I]) Colton elbowed out of it, rocking Danielson’s jaw with hard shots, and then ducked behind to hit a Dragon suplex of his own. Colton stumbled to the corner and perched himself up top. Danielson pulled himself up by the ropes, and Colton crushed him with a huge Pro Line. ([I]Rave: There it is, he floored the world champion![/I]) Colton moved to cover the champion but the bell rang. ([I]Rave: I think that’s it, I think the thirty minutes is up![/I]) Colton looked to ringside as the decision was announced: time limit draw. He swore and fell to his knees. ([I]Rave: Due to the constraints of TV, Colton’s chance has slipped through his fingers! Smokes: He hit Danielson with the Line, he mighta had him![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: None (Time Limit Draw) at 30:00, B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - We cracked C+ popularity in the Great Lakes region with this one, which thankfully gives us another area to run Pay Per Views in. New England and Mid Atlantic will hopefully soon follow, which will really help us make profits. - The main event gave us our best rating of all time, well over 45,000 viewers. - Canadian Greg Pawluk made his debut with us, wrestling as Chris Kerry in the dark match. - Samoa Joe vs. Alex Shelley is the first match made for Motor City Carnage on June 22nd.
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [quote][B]Televised Revolution Preview for June 9, 2006 HOMICIDE'S CHANCE [/B][FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] If he's the King of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, then [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] must feel like his kingdom is under siege. He fought [B]Scott Colton[/B] to a thirty-minute draw on last week's Televised Revolution to retain his World Championship, and just a week removed from that grueling battle, American Dragon will be challenged again, this time by [B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B]! After a convincing victory over [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] in a No Disqualification match, Homicide petitioned the Commissioner's office for a shot at Bryan Danielson this week, and, surprisingly, had his request granted. The champion has had a difficult schedule to say the least, and Homicide will certainly bring the fight in order to fulfill his quest of becoming Champion. With [B]Accomplice[/B] returning from suspension, you'd have to be crazy to count him out. [B]Billy Graham[/B] has made it clear that he won't play favorites with the wrestlers, but will this policy backfire when perhaps his most detested worker becomes RevPro's figurehead? Scott Colton cannot be happy about the way his title shot worked out. He expected to leave as a champion, and instead saw his title opportunity slip away without even being pinned. Many are even saying that he had Danielson beaten when the bell rang. The Professional is expected to be in the arena on Saturday. What will he have to say, if anything, and now that he's no longer the number-one contender, what is he setting his sights on? There will be a second title defense on Bravo, as [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] will put his Greater London Championship on the line against [B]Roderick Strong[/B]! We'll also see the huge mystery tag match with [B]Samoa Joe[/B] and [B]Alex Shelley[/B]. Each man has been asked to bring a partner to Televised Revolution. The Exhibitionist might have to bring an army to keep Joe from tearing his head off. With their Motor City Carnage match looming, who will prevail this week? [B] For the RevPro World Championship: Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide For the RevPro Greater London Championship: Nigel McGuinness vs. Roderick Strong Mystery Tag: Samoa Joe and ??? vs. Alex Shelley and ???[/B] [/quote]
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IndieHearsay.com Breaking News [B]RevPro Fires Giant Bernard - [U]IndieHearsay.com [/U][/B]Sources from within Revolutionary Pro Wrestling have confirmed that [B]Giant Bernard[/B] has indeed been fired from the company. The All Japan Pro Wrestling star has been noticeably absent from RevPro cards recently. As his notability in Japan has increased, his availability to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling has decreased. The final straw is said to have been the company attempting to book Bernard for the upcoming Televised Revolution taping, but not getting a reply from the former A-Train, causing them to juggle their plans for the show. RevPro has issued no official statement, but Giant Bernard has been removed from their roster page. As he departs, so does a big piece of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's young history. He challenged Bryan Danielson on the company's very first Pay Per View event, BreakOut. Danielson defeated him, and some say this victory was crucial to the champion getting over nation-wide and becoming more than a mere regional star.
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[quote]This week: [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B] challenges [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Roderick Strong[/COLOR][/B] challenges [B][COLOR=#892331]Nigel McGuinness![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Jimmy Yang[/COLOR][/B] faces the Monster, [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss![/COLOR][/B] And [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] square off in tag team warfare![/quote] [B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 114) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, June 9, 2006 Held at the Springfield Civic Center in Springfield, Massachusetts Attendance: 3,333 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B] Talk about inspired—the former number-one contender simply dismantled the Japanese prodigy in his debut. Colton worked on both of Koizumi’s knees so that he couldn’t evade the devastating top rope clothesline. [B]Winner: Scott Colton at 10:33, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 ABYSS vs. JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] The big man looked like he was taking out some frustration on Yang, but his smaller opponent kept slipping away and scoring with hit-and-run offense. Abyss finally crushed Yang to the mat with a huge powerslam, but Chris Sabin interrupted the match by running to ringside. As the referee checked on Yang, Abyss got guillotined on the top rope by Sabin, and Yang recovered to hit a corkscrew splash. ([I]Rave: Yang covers, two, three! He just won![/I]) Yang slid out of the ring and began celebrating with Sabin, who pointed and shouted at Abyss. ([I]Rave: Looks like the sins of Vampiro have been visited upon his tag partner! Abyss didn’t do a thing to Chris Sabin but he’s been dragged into it because of Vampiro’s vicious assault last week.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Jimmy Yang at 9:37, B [/COLOR][/B] Cameras went backstage to a shocking sight: [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B] laid out on the floor, holding his head. A group of officials began to form around him. [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice[/COLOR][/B] ran into the scene and started freaking out. He threw a chair against the wall and started screaming, “WHO DID THIS?! WHO THE F*** DID THIS?!” ([I]Rave: Homicide is down and I don’t think anyone saw it happen! Smokes: The man's messed up, and he’s supposed to fight in the main event![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C- Jimmy Yang[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] sauntered into the interview position. John Laurinaitis gave them a microphone, and Sabin announced he’d found a like-minded partner who was going to help him take down Abyss and Vampiro. Yang challenged the tag team champions to a match at Motor City Carnage. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 2 AUSTIN ARIES vs. SHANNON[/COLOR][/B] The leader of the Alternative really couldn’t get an offensive going here. Aries was quick, and stiffed the hell out of Shannon at every turn. He finished things off for a decisive win with a brainbuster and 450 Splash. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Austin Aries at 8:06, B Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] was in his office with John Laurinaitis and didn’t look happy. He was asked about Homicide’s condition, and Graham said Homicide wasn’t even coherent when the doctor examined him. “Homicide’s in no condition to compete tonight, and so he won’t. But Bryan Danielson’s still going to defend his RevPro Championship. [B][COLOR=#892331]The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B], came to me just a few minutes ago and volunteered to compete if Homicide couldn’t. We need a main event, and Daniels has shown he can hang with the champ. Therefore, tonight, it’s going to be Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson with the belt on the line.” ([I]Rave: Did you hear that? The Fallen Angel has stepped up to the plate, and will wrestle in place of Homicide? Smokes: I guess it makes sense, think about how much grief Homicide gave Daniels. I figure he deserves it![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 FOR THE GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. RODERICK STRONG[/COLOR][/B] The challenger hit McGuinness with a vicious second-rope backbreaker in the earlygoing and it hampered Nigel for the rest of the match. Nigel looked ready to submit when Strong had him in a bow-and-arrow submission but he subtly raked Strong’s eyes to get free. Nigel pulled out a pair of brass knuckles but Strong picked him up into a fireman’s carry anyway. Roderick connected on his Death by Roderick gutbuster finisher but not before Nigel managed to nail him with the knucks on the way down. Nigel dragged himself over to the KO’d Strong and got the count from a confused referee. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 14:51, C+[/COLOR][/B] John Laurinaitis entered [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B]’s dressing room and found him sitting on a bench with his head down. He was asked how he felt about the Fallen Angel challenging Bryan Danielson in the main event, and replied, “How do I feel? I’m still reeling from last week, when I got my chance to be the man in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling taken away because our ninety minutes were up, and Bravo had to get an Actor’s Studio rerun on. I didn’t get pinned, and I didn’t give up, and yet I’m the odd man out once again. All I can say about Daniels is it’s a little suspicious that Homicide gets laid out and Daniels swoops right in to get another title shot. He said he wanted to take Homicide out of commission like three weeks ago, and no one thinks it’s funny that he’s in the building tonight when he doesn’t even have a match? I don’t care who wins tonight, but whoever the champion is better watch out for me, because I’m not giving up.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B+[/COLOR][/B] In the ring, [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] had a microphone. “Graham, you told me to bring a partner this week, and so I arranged for one. Then you fired the hairy bastard because he was sucking back too much sake to make the plane trip over here!” ([I]Rave: I think I just hit with a piece of kayfabe.[/I]) “But I got someone who’s even better to watch my back tonight: please welcome, with the lovely Melina Perez, [B][COLOR=#892331]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/COLOR][/B]!” Rave was led through the curtain by Melina. ([I]Rave: Two former Embassy members reuniting here![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 4 ALEX SHELLEY and JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. SAMOA JOE and ???[/COLOR][/B] Joe walked through the entrance and Jack Evans soon followed. ([I]Rave: No surprise here, these two were the tag champions not too long ago![/I]) Shelley got his licks in on Evans but when he tagged out to Joe, Shelley tagged Rave in and jumped down to the floor. Rave tried to fend off Joe but got run over by a massive clothesline. Joe put Rave in the choke, and Shelley used this opportunity to climb in and stomp out Joe. He recovered, and Shelley, seeing the look in Joe’s eyes, wisely retreated back out to the floor. ([I]Rave: Shelley says no way![/I]) Shelley gave Joe the finger from the outside, but Jack Evans ran along the apron and clobbered Shelley with a front somersault. Joe blocked a low-blow from Rave to set him up for a Musclebuster, and Evans kept Melina at bay so the referee could count it. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: Samoa Joe and Jack Evans at 14:34, B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, a jubilant [B][COLOR=#892331]Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR][/B] was bragging to some ring crew workers who just looked like they wanted to get out of there. “Goddamnit, yes! Once again, London’s Nigel McGuinness brings home the win. That was defense number… I think I lost count! I've actually lost count! Roderick Strong got his ass [I]beat[/I], and so will the rest of RevPro!” Suddenly, the workers scattered and Nigel seemed to sense someone behind him. He turned to face [B][COLOR=#892331]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B]. Nigel turned coy, “Oh… hey, man, good match earlier.” Aries got close to Nigel. “You, me, Detroit. And if you p***y out… I’ll come for you.” Aries slapped Nigel HARD across the face and walked away. Nigel looked shocked. [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] was in the interview position. Laurinaitis briefed him on Scott Colton’s earlier comments, but the Fallen Angel shook them off. “I’ve said it from the beginning: I’m here to wear the gold. I didn’t attack Homicide, but I’m still going to take his spot tonight, and become the new RevPro World Champion.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] These two knew each other well, and it showed, as there was reversal after reversal. After about ten minutes of a potentially-classic standoff, Accomplice invaded the ring and nailed Christopher Daniels with a brutal chairshot straight to the head. ([I]Rave: Accomplice is attacking first and asking questions later![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 11:45, B Still champion: Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice[/COLOR][/B] began choking Daniels who was struggling for air. Bryan Danielson tried to pull him away but got shoved backwards. ([I]Rave: Accomplice is absolutely possessed! He’s going to strangle the life out of the Fallen Angel right in the middle of the ring![/I]) A pool of referees, workers and wrestlers flooded down the aisle and by sheer numbers managed to yank Accomplice away from the Fallen Angel, who was hurt. [B][COLOR=#892331]C- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-Show Notes[/U]: - We achieved C+ popularity in New England with this one. Another solid show next week and the Mid Atlantic will follow, giving us four strong regions to work with. - Aries vs. McGuinness and Sabin/Yang vs. Abyss/Vampiro have been added to Joe vs. Shelley for the Motor City Carnage card with only one TV taping left before it.
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[B][U]RevPro.com Newsline for Wednesday, June 14, 2006[/U][/B] - After being attacked in Springfield last week, [B]Homicide[/B] is said to be suffering from [B]post-concussion syndrome[/B] and is currently at his home in Brooklyn, New York. His assailant is still unknown, though after [B]Scott Colton[/B]’s speculation that it was [B]Christopher Daniels[/B], [B]Accomplice[/B] throttled the Fallen Angel in the middle of the ring. In response, Daniels has asked for a [B]no holds barred match[/B] with Homicide’s right hand man for Motor City Carnage in Detroit! [B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B] has said the match will happen if Accomplice consents, but he hasn’t issued a response yet. Will he reply this Saturday night on Bravo! - With only one television taping left before RevPro’s first Pay Per View outside of the Tri State area, World Champion [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] is still without an opponent for the event. He’s had a full dance card in recent weeks, turning back Scott Colton and Christopher Daniels in televised matches. Will this situation be cleared up on Saturday, or will Danielson have a well-deserved night off at Motor City Carnage? - Disgusted with [B]Alex Shelley[/B]’s ducking of [B]Samoa Joe[/B], Billy Graham has ordered the Exhibitionist to spend [B]five minutes in the ring[/B] with the Samoan Submission Machine at Televised Revolution! Said Graham, “[I]It won’t be a match, Shelley just has to be between the ropes with Joe for five minutes. If he doesn’t show up or leaves before the clock runs out, he’ll be suspended![/I]” With just six days to go before their match in Detroit, will Joe get his hands on Shelley after weeks of waiting? - RevPro.com has received word that [B]Chad Collyer[/B] has requested and received permission to [B]tour[/B] [B]Japan[/B] on an indefinite basis. Revolutionary Pro Wrestling wishes Chad the best of luck plying his trade on the other side of the world and hopes he returns soon. - Here’s the current card for Motor City Carnage on June 22nd: [QUOTE][IMG]http://f10.putfile.com/7/18302443565.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#071e93]Samoa Joe vs. "The Exhibitionist" Alex Shelley Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries Abyss and Vampiro vs. Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang[/b][/color][/QUOTE] [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[quote]This week: [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] faces [B][COLOR=#892331]Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B]! And [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] gets five minutes with [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B]![/quote] [B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 115) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, June 16, 2006 Held at the Felipe Castillo Auditorium in Las Cruces, New Mexico Attendance: 1,905 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes [/COLOR][/B][B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM T.J. WILSON vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B] The youngster from Stampede Wrestling in Calgary showed potential but was thoroughly outclassed by Shelley, who was tuning up for Motor City Carnage. [B] Winner: Alex Shelley at 6:49, C[/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM SAMOA JOE vs. ALPHA[/B] Joe plowed through Alpha, who was too inexperienced to put up a fight, and won with a Musclebuster. [B] Winner: Samoa Joe at 4:43, C+[/B] [FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] As the crowd settled into their seats after the opening pyrotechnics, [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] walked through the curtain in a black T-shirt and jeans and brought them back to their feet. ([I]Rave: Welcome to Televised Revolution, and that’s the Professional![/I]) He took a microphone. “I’ve never asked for much from Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. From the moment that Ring of Honor became RevPro, all I’ve done is keep my mouth shut and wrestle. But now, I’m making a special request. I want a return match against Bryan Danielson for the World Championship. I had him beaten when the bell rang last time, and since Dragon doesn’t have anyone to face at Motor City Carnage, I want him with the title on the line, one more time.” [COLOR=black]After some silence,[/COLOR][B][COLOR=#892331] Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] walked out and he had a microphone too. “Scott, Bryan Danielson isn’t here to accept your challenge. He’s been given the night off, because lately he’s been defending the title just about every night. But I'm here, and you’re right—Bryan Danielson doesn’t have a match six days from now. So the answer is yes. You can have one more shot at the title when you face the World Champion at Motor City Carnage.” Colton beamed as the crowd popped. “But just… one more thing. Since you’re here tonight, I’m going to ask you to wrestle in the main event, and it’s going to be against Accomplice.” ([I]Smokes: That’s a death sentence, that guy’s got a screw loose![/I]) Graham’s music hit again as he left. ([I]Rave: Colton got the match he wanted, but he’ll have to get through Accomplice before then![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 1 MORLEY DEPRAVED vs. JIMMY JACOBS[/COLOR][/B] These two lower-carders pulled out the stops to try and impress the crowd, but it ended in a draw when Accomplice hit the ring and crushed both men with chair shots. [B][COLOR=#892331]No Contest at 7:04, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice[/COLOR][/B] tossed both Jacobs and Depraved over the top rope and stomped around the ring, tearing at his hair. He grabbed a microphone and looked into the hard camera. Accomplice growled, “ANGEL… YOU’RE… ON!” Accomplice smashed the chair over the ring post before leaving. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR][/B] was in the interview position with John Laurinaitis. He said that Austin Aries had made a mistake in slapping him last week. "I'm the Greater London Champion, and you do [I]not[/I] do that to me." Nigel called himself “RevPro’s greatest champion” and asked Aries to watch the next match very closely. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 2 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. MATT SYDAL[/COLOR][/B] Nigel had Sydal beaten with his Tower of London cutter after just a few minutes, but waited for Sydal to slowly recover before hitting two more. Nigel finally pinned him for the convincing victory. At the end, he held Sydal’s head up to the camera and shouted threats at Austin Aries. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 7:32, C[/COLOR][/B] After a commercial break, [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] was in the ring. “Billy Graham must think he’s pretty smart for ‘sentencing’ me to five minutes with Samoa Joe, but—” [B][COLOR=#892331]Joe[/COLOR][/B]’s music cut him off and the Samoan Submission Machine walked down the aisle with a smile on his face. ([I]Rave: I think Joe’s gonna enjoy this.[/I]) Joe got into the ring, and a clock on the screen starting ticking down, but Shelley held his hand up. “Just one second, Joe. I know you might think that you want to tear me to pieces right now, but there’s something I have to show you first that will change your mind.” ([I]Rave: What’s he talking about?[/I]) Joe continued to advance, but Shelley pulled out mace and sprayed Joe in the face with it, causing him to fall. ([I]Rave: Dammit, he’s got that mace again! Where’s he getting this stuff, is he in a women’s self-defense class?[/I]) Shelley starting laying in boots to Joe’s stomach as the big man tried to rub the mace out of his eyes. Joe stumbled to the corner and Shelley started working him over with knees. Joe managed to shove Shelley backwards, but couldn’t see where he went. Shelley slyly walked close to the ropes and got close enough to nail Joe with more kicks. Joe fell to one knee, and Shelley went behind him to drive in more right hands to the back of the head. Joe grabbed Shelley and stood up with the Exhibitionist on his back. ([I]Rave: Joe has him![/I]) Joe crushed Shelley backwards into the corner and started hitting him with hard chops. Shelley tried to get through the ropes, but Joe got him by the hair and threw him into the center of the ring. Shelley scrambled to his feet, and Joe hit a flying kick to the chest. Shelley fell to ringside as the clock ran out. Shelley crawled over the barrier and beat a hasty retreat as Joe wiped the last effects of the mace from his eyes. ([I]Rave: Joe finally got some licks in on Shelley, but I'm sure there’s a whole lot more coming on Friday![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] The screen went black, and a message faded up. “The following is a paid advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” It cut to a simple camouflage background, and someone in fatigues and a large helmet walked into view. He had a green-tinted facemask that completely obscured his face. He spoke, and his voice was digitized, as if put through a filter. “Superstars of RevPro… I have been watching, and all I have seen is weakness. Weakness of the body, and weakness of the mind. I've spent my life turning young men into machines of destruction, and eliminating weakness is what I do best. My name is [B][COLOR=#892331]Commander Combat[/COLOR][/B], and I’m coming to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling to whip some wrestlers into shape. We’re going to take RevPro by storm. Keep your eyes to the sky, because the first recruits… are about to be drafted.” ([I]Rave: What the…[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 ABYSS vs. “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN (w/ Jimmy Yang)[/COLOR][/B] Vampiro and Lacey were nowhere to be found, and so Abyss had to contend with the distraction of Yang at ringside. Abyss succumbed to a big tornado DDT, and Sabin and Yang looked ready for their chance at the tag titles. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Chris Sabin at 13:46, C+[/COLOR][/B] Afterwards, [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] got to his feet and was angry, tearing a turnbuckle out of the corner and throwing it into the crowd. ([I]Rave: There is some serious trouble in the house of the tag team champs. Where was Vampiro when Abyss needed him?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] was warming up backstage. Laurinaitis approached him, and Colton said that while Danielson was at home, he would defeat Accomplice and roll into Detroit just that much more ready. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 4 (MAIN EVENT) “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. ACCOMPLICE[/COLOR][/B] Accomplice was ready for a bare-knuckle fight, which stymied Colton who tried to out-wrestle him. Colton scored with a few big suplexes, but Accomplice had a wild look in his eye and stunned the Professional with some wild punches. When the referee tried to step him, Accomplice cold-****ed him and kept up the assault. ([I]Rave: What a sucker punch, the referee is down![/I]) Colton stopped him long enough to hit a massive superplex that laid out both men in the middle of the ring. They struggled to get to their feet, but the crowd started to part down the middle. ([I]Rave: What’s happening?[/I]) Christopher Daniels jumped the rail and sprang up to the top rope. He came off with a perfect moonsault on Accomplice, and picked him up to nail an Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Fallen Angel just KO’d Accomplice![/I]) The referee started to pull himself up by the ropes, and Daniels hopped out to ringside. Colton pulled Accomplice to his feet and hit a Colt 45 for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 18:08, B-[/COLOR][/B] Colton rolled under the bottom rope and [B][COLOR=#892331]the Fallen Angel[/COLOR][/B] got back in to nail away at Accomplice with punches. ([I]Rave: Daniels has him in a no holds barred match in Detroit, but he’s destroying Accomplice right now![/I]) As Daniels drew blood on Accomplice, Rave and Smokes hyped the Pay Per View one more time. [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [U] Post-Show Notes[/U]: - We were a little light on wrestling this week which hurt our overall rating and kept us at C popularity in the Mid Atlantic heading into the Pay Per View. Daniels/Accomplice and Colton/Danielson have pushed the match count to five for Friday. [U]Next[/U]: Motor City Carnage!
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[I]From RevPro.com:[/I] [quote][CENTER] [IMG]http://f10.putfile.com/7/18717481588.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#071e93]Final Preview – RevPro Motor City Carnage Friday, June 22, 2006 Cobo Arena – Detroit, Michigan For the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship: “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson c. vs. “The Professional” Scott Colton[/B][/color] The last time these two stepped into the ring together, they battled to a thirty-minute time limit draw that left the fans wanting more. They’ll get more at Motor City Carnage. Bryan Danielson has been the ultimate “fighting champion”, and ever since defeating Abyss has retained his belt in every defence. His only scare came against Colton on an episode of Televised Revolution. After hitting the Pro Line, the Professional may have had Danielson beaten. We’ll never know, because time ran out. In Detroit, Colton will have a chance to prove his worth, cement his place in the main event, and, most importantly, become the third Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Champion. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Motor City Street Fight “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. Accomplice[/B][/color] All it took was Scott Colton to speculate that the Fallen Angel was responsible for the attack on Homicide, and Accomplice brutally assaulted Daniels, costing him a chance at the RevPro Championship. Falls count anywhere and everything is legal in this match, a Motor City Street Fight. The Fallen Angel requested it, and the rules will play right into the hands of Accomplice, who is at his best with a weapon in hand. Daniels is one of the most skilled wrestlers in the world, but it doesn't mean a thing in this kind of match. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Samoa Joe vs. “The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley[/B][/color] Shelley has been talking a tough game in the last few weeks, just not when Joe’s been around. The Samoan Submission Machine will finally get Shelley in the ring, and not just for five minutes. Shelley maintains that he isn’t afraid of Joe, could he pull off a huge upset and take down the giant? [B][COLOR=#071e93]For the RevPro Tag Team Championships: Modern Monsters (Abyss & Vampiro) c. vs. Chris Sabin & Jimmy Yang[/B][/color] Abyss has been hung out to dry by his partner and Lacey in the past couple of weeks, as Vampiro has been nowhere to be found when Sabin and Yang have made their assaults. Can their fractured unit withstand the barrage that the high-fliers will certainly bring their way? [B][COLOR=#071e93]For the RevPro Greater London Championship: Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries[/B][/color] Aries took exception to the way Nigel beat his partner, Roderick Strong, and made a challenge to the champion in the way of a hard slap across the face. As always, if Aries wins the belt, he'll be able to rename it whatever he pleases. Who's going to come out on top? [B][COLOR=#071e93]ALSO: The Ring Crew Express (Marcos & Dunn) vs. “Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave and ???[/B][/color] Melina Perez can be very persistent, and very annoying. That said, when she petitioned RevPro to get her client Jimmy Rave a match on Pay Per View, they didn’t have much of a choice but to comply. Unfortunately, the best they could do was a tag match against the Ring Crew Express. Rave and Melina will have to bring a partner, who will it be? [B][COLOR=#071e93]Shannon vs. Jack Evans[/B][/color] This bonus match has just been announced by Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham. Will the leader of the Alternative prevail or will it be the master of the 630 Senton? [/CENTER] [/quote] [U]Prediction Key[/U]: RevPro Championship: Bryan Danielson vs. Scott Colton Motor City Street Fight: Christopher Daniels vs. Accomplice Samoa Joe vs. Alex Shelley Tag Team Championship: Abyss/Vampiro vs. Chris Sabin/Jimmy Yang Greater London Championship: Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries The Ring Crew Express vs. Jimmy Rave and ??? Shannon vs. Jack Evans
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[B][COLOR=#071e93][CENTER]RevPro Motor City Carnage – Friday, June 22, 2006 Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View Held at the Cobo Arena in Detroit, Michigan Attendance: 4,070 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM TONY MAMALUKE vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B] The online upload featured Strong getting pushed to the limit by Tony Mamaluke, but prevailing with the Death by Roderick gutbuster. [B]Winner: Roderick Strong at 15:19, C+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://f10.putfile.com/7/18717481588.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=#071e93]MATCH 1 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. AUSTIN ARIES[/COLOR][/B] The champ pulled out every dirty trick in the book to hold off Aries, and raked the challenger’s eyes before nailing him with a quick Tower of London. Nigel covered but Aries kicked out. ([I]Rave: No! Aries got the shoulder up![/I]) Nigel stomped Aries out of frustration and went to the corner to pick up his title belt. He turned around but Aries dropkicked the gold right into his face. Aries quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle, got his balance and came off with a perfect 450 Splash. ([I]Rave: The 450, he nailed it! Cover, two, three! Yes! Aries wins, new champion![/I]) Austin got his arm raised and couldn’t seem to believe it. ([I]Smokes: How ‘bout that, man gets to call the belt whatever he want! Rave: We just got started and a title belt has already changed hands.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winner, and new champion: Austin Aries at 15:35, C+ Abyss [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#071e93][COLOR=Black]was[/COLOR][/COLOR]standing backstage psyching himself up when [B][COLOR=#071e93]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#071e93]Lacey[/COLOR][/B] entered the room. Vampiro put his hand on Abyss’ shoulder. “Listen, I know I’ve been all over the place the last couple of weeks, but I—” He looked to Lacey. “We’ve—been busy. But I’m here tonight, so let’s go out and rip those little morons to shreds, alright?” Abyss breathed heavily for a moment, and then scooped his tag belt off of a table and stormed off. [B][COLOR=#071e93]B- MATCH 2 THE RING CREW EXPRESS vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) and ???[/COLOR][/B] Rave paused during his entrance, and an energetic Alpha joined him in the entranceway. ([I]Rave: That’s Alpha, a RevPro newcomer. He’s Rave’s partner?[/I]) Alpha and Rave made frequent tags and worked over both Marcos and Dunn. Rave was spot-on, but Alpha really came into his own. The Express mounted a comeback against Mr. 2006, but Alpha was tagged back in and ended the match himself, crushing Dunn with a big cobra clutch slam. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winners: Jimmy Rave and Alpha at 8:40, C MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MODERN MONSTERS (w/ Lacey) c. vs. CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] Abyss didn’t need to be a team player in this match. After a back-and-forth first few minutes, Abyss knocked Sabin off of the apron to ringside and powered through Jimmy Yang, ending things with a Black Hole Slam as Vampiro could only watch. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winners, and still champions: Modern Monsters at 10:56, C+ Abyss[/COLOR][/B] wasn’t done, crushing Yang with a giant powerbomb after the bell had rung. Vampiro and Lacey grabbed their half of the belts and started walking up the aisle, clearly disturbed by Abyss' rage. [B][COLOR=#071e93]C[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B][COLOR=#071e93]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] was holding a baseball bat beside interviewer John Laurinaitis. He was asked if he thought he was ready for the kind of warfare his street fight would require. Daniels thought about the question, and simply replied, “Well, watch this.” Daniels swung at a road sign that was part of the set, bending it backwards, and continued madly destroying his surroundings as Laurinaitis ran for cover. [B][COLOR=#071e93]A[/COLOR][/B] In the ring, [B][COLOR=#071e93]Rob Rave[/COLOR][/B] had a live microphone and asked the audience to welcome the RevPro World Heavyweight Champion, [B][COLOR=#071e93]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B]! The champion came down to the ring, and Rave quizzed him about what he thought of his opponent. Danielson gave a lot of respect to Colton, but Rave caught him off guard with his last question: “What do you think of many people saying that you’ve finally found an opponent you can’t beat?” Danielson said we would find out later if that was true or not, and left the ring, abruptly ending the interview. [B][COLOR=#071e93]B MATCH 4 JACK EVANS vs. SHANNON[/COLOR][/B] Evans dusted off most of his trademark spots, and finished Shannon with the 630 Senton for a convincing win. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winner: Jack Evans at 6:48, B- MATCH 5 MOTOR CITY STREET FIGHT ACCOMPLICE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS [/COLOR][/B] Daniels was on the defensive to begin with, as Accomplice dominated with a trash can. The brawl made its way up to the entranceway, where the Fallen Angel struck back by throwing Accomplice head-first into the driver’s door of a rusted-out Pontiac. For every weapon shot Accomplice hit Daniels with, the Fallen Angel had a reply. Accomplice connected with a second-rope chair shot, but Daniels narrowly slipped a shoulder up on the pin attempt. Homicide’s cohort was angry, and went back to the corner for another try, but Daniels met him there, and hit a second-rope version of the Angel’s Wings. The Fallen Angel pinned him, but Accomplice wriggled out at the last moment. Daniels was unfazed, heading up top with the steel chair and springing backwards with a version of the Best Moonsault Ever that planted the chair right across Accomplice’s face. The pin finally got three. [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 20:07, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#071e93]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] was backstage with John Laurinaitis. He tried to ask a question, but Shelley grabbed the microphone away. “Grab a smoke break, Ace, because I know what you’re going to ask. Aren’t you afraid of Joe? For the millionth time, aren’t you afraid like everyone else? I’m tired of responding to all you idiots, so tonight, I’ll do it in my ring, in my HQ, in Detroit Rock City, baby! My fanbase is here in full force, and Joe, I’m taking you down so that no one will ever be scared of you again.” [B][COLOR=#071e93]B MATCH 6 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. SAMOA JOE[/COLOR][/B] Shelley didn’t seem to have the crowd support that he promised. He was thoroughly patted down by Jim Korderas but the referee didn’t find anything. (Rave: No mace tonight, which is surprising.) Joe opened up with some big kicks early that waylaid Shelley, but the smaller Exhibitionist worked over Joe's leg with a hard baseball slide and applied a ground submission that tore at it. Joe had trouble walking, and when he hoisted Shelley up for the Musclebuster, the leg buckled and they both came crashing down. Shelley propped Joe’s leg on the second rope and came down on it hard, but after the third jump onto the shin, Joe wrapped an arm around his neck and applied the Triangle Choke. ([I]Smokes: The Choke, outta nowhere![/I]) Shelley didn’t have any choice but to tap. ([I]Rave: Joe wins it![/I]) [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winner: Samoa Joe at 16:52, B[/COLOR][/B] A video played, showing clips of Colton and Danielson’s last match, and Colton’s impassioned plea last week for a rematch. [B][COLOR=#071e93]B[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, Laurinaitis was posted outside of Scott Colton’s dressing room. The door opened, but Colton blew right by him, his mind focused on his match. [B][COLOR=#071e93]B+ MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] The fans see-sawed between either man in the beginning as the momentum shifted back and forth. ([I]Rave: The fans don’t know who to root for, Train. Smokes: These the two most popular guys in the federation going at it, of course they confused.[/I]) Danielson scored with some suplexes but Colton elbowed out of a Dragon suplex attempt and hit a T-bone suplex of his own that dropped the champion right onto his shoulder. Danielson writhed in pain and Colton moved in with a shoulderlock. ([I]Rave: Colton picking up right where he left off last match, working on that shoulder.[/I]) Danielson fought back but the more Colton pounded his shoulder the less he could do. The Professional hooked him up with a Colt 45 attempt, and Danielson hip tossed him to the mat to reverse it, but hurt himself doing so. Danielson nailed Colton with a Northern lights suplex, and Colton flipped onto his stomach involuntarily. American Dragon used the opportunity to slap on the Cattle Mutilation. ([I]Rave: Cattle Mutilation, there it is![/I]) Colton screamed out in pain, and Danielson did the same as the lock punished him just as much. Colton struggled not to tap, but the champion broke it and clutched at his shoulder. Danielson took Colton up and tried for a Russian leg sweep, but Colton hit him with an elbow and nailed a tombstone shoulderbreaker. Colton covered but Danielson got out of it. Colton signaled for the end and headed to the top rope as more than half of the fans in attendance cheered. ([I]Rave: Pro Line time! This’ll be the end![/I]) Colton got up top but Danielson met him with right hands from a standing position. Danielson climbed up and hooked Colton into a superplex position. The Professsional blocked the attempt and grabbed hold of Danielson’s arm, then jumped down to ringside, hanging American Dragon’s shoulder on the top rope and sending him to his back in pain. ([I]Rave: What a move, that shoulder’s got to be ruined by this point![/I]) Colton pulled Danielson out to ringside and nailed him with some chops across the chest, turning it bright red. Danielson fell back against the announce table and Colton rolled into the ring. ([I]Rave: The champion’s right in front of us, and what is Scott Colton up to?[/I]) Colton once more went to the top rope as Danielson remained dazed. ([I]Smokes: He’s goin’ for the Pro Line![/I]) Colton jumped to the outside and connected with the clothesline, blasting Danielson and plowing himself through the announce position as Rave and Smokes scattered. Colton held his knee as he laid on the floor and the fans went nuts. ([I]Rave: If we’re still on, Colton just went kamikaze through our table and both of these guys are struggling to get up with the count on![/I]) The referee began to count to ten. Colton tried to pull himself back up but his knee gave out and he couldn’t make it. Danielson slowly crawled to the ring apron and rolled in as Korderas got to nine. Colton yelled out in anguish as the ten count was reached and the crowd booed. ([I]Rave: Colton’s been counted out! Like it or not, the champion has survived another match![/I]) [B][COLOR=#071e93]Winner by countout, and still champion: Bryan Danielson at 36:17, B[/COLOR][/B] Bryan Danielson stood up in the corner and was handed his belt by the referee, but he didn’t seem satisfied. ([I]Rave: Danielson wanted to pin Colton or make him submit to prove a point, but he didn’t get to.[/I]) On the outside, a seated Colton held his knee and refused treatment from medics. He and Danielson stared at each other as the screen faded to black. [B][COLOR=#071e93]B+ Motor City Carnage Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Another topsy-turvy Pay Per View. The Colton/Danielson main event was deemed to be generally worse than their TV match, and after our insiders predicted we’d sell close to 7,500 tickets, we rented a ten thousand seater and only ended up drawing four thousand paying customers with the poor state of the industry. But on the plus side, we shattered our previous buys number with 8,700 of them. It should be enough to break even for the month, but we’ll have to see what June’s last show, the Televised Revolution taping, brings. [I]Fast Results[/I]: [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] def. Scott Colton to retain the RevPro World Heavyweight ([B]B[/B]) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] def. Alex Shelley ([B]B[/B]) [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Accomplice ([B]C+[/B]) [B]Jack Evans[/B] def. Shannon ([B]B-[/B]) [B]Modern Monsters [/B]def. Sabin/Yang to retain the RevPro Tag Team Championships ([B]B-[/B]) [B]Rave and Alpha[/B] def. The Ring Crew Express ([B]C[/B]) [B]Austin Aries[/B] def. Nigel McGuinness to win the RevPro Greater London Championship ([B]C+[/B]) [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B][quote] [B] Televised Revolution Preview for June 23, 2006 ALL HANDS ON DECK[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM BILLY GRAHAM[/B] The successful Motor City Carnage is in the books, but sources are indicating that Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham is far from happy, especially with the outcome of the main event. Bryan Danielson took a count out victory over challenger Scott Colton, who appeared to injure his knee in the final moments and couldn’t return to the ring. Graham will have a chance to speak when Televised Revolution begins, and he has ordered both Danielson and Colton to be in Erie, Pennsylvania. Just what will he have to say? [B] MODERN MONSTERS vs. THE ALTERNATIVE[/B] Abyss and Vampiro left Detroit with their Tag Team Championships in their possession after a successful defense against Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang, but they won’t have any time to enjoy it. They will have to face Xile and Morley Depraved of Shannon’s Alternative in more tag action and their gold will be up for grabs. Abyss plowed through the competition almost single-handedly last night, but will the story be different this time around? [B] AUSTIN ARIES SPEAKS[/B] Nigel McGuinness’ long reign as the Greater London champion came to a close after his loss to Austin Aries, who now holds the belt. Aries has been given the chance to rename the belt, and he’ll be in Erie with a chance to address the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling audience. Has he made any decision yet? [/quote]
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 116) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, June 23, 2006 Held at the Erie Civic Center in Erie, Pennsylvania Attendance: 3,137 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM JIMMY YANG vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B] Yang was less than 100% after his beating from Abyss at Motor City Carnage, but still was able to defeat his Japanese compatriot soundly. [B]Winner: Jimmy Yang at 8:46, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] began the show in the ring with a microphone. “When I booked Scott Colton against Bryan Danielson for Motor City Carnage, I said the fans would be getting what they wanted. However, the result of the match was far from what anyone wanted. It was a count-out victory after Colton couldn’t get back into the ring, and I can’t blame anyone in the audience for being upset with that. We said that the match would determine which man was better: Danielson or Colton, and that didn’t happen.” “I’ve asked both men to be here tonight, and they are here. Therefore, we’re going to settle this once and for all here tonight. ONE MORE TIME, Bryan Danielson will defend against Scott Colton, and the match won’t be over until either man gets a pin or submission victory. This rivalry will be laid to rest in Erie, Pennsylvania!” The fans cheered as Graham handed the microphone back to the timekeeper. ([I]Rave: There it is! The trilogy will be completed here on Bravo! Who’s going to walk out as champion?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 1 SAMOA JOE vs. SHANNON[/COLOR][/B] Coming off his big win against Alex Shelley, Joe was again in top form. Shannon hit some quick offense, nailing a suicide dive out to the floor, and tried to stun Joe long enough to get him counted out, but Joe recovered. Joe fought back and controlled Shannon, taking him down with the Triangle Choke for another victory. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 12:14, B Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] was in his office when the door opened. In walked an unlikely individual—[B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B]. “Sup, Superstar?” Homicide said that he felt better than ever and so he wanted the title shot he deserved—tonight. Graham told him that wasn’t going to happen, but that yes, Homicide deserved a chance and so Graham wouldn’t be forgetting about him. Homicide wasn't satisfied. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+[/COLOR][/B] John Laurinaitis was standing with all three members of the Alternative—[B][COLOR=#892331]Shannon, Xile[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Depraved[/COLOR][/B]. Shannon did all the talking, and said he was confident that his followers would bring home the gold and prove their worth. [B][COLOR=#892331]C- MATCH 2 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MODERN MONSTERS (w/ Lacey) c. vs. THE ALTERNATIVE (XILE and MORLEY DEPRAVED)[/COLOR][/B] Abyss had destruction on his mind, but the Alternative did their best to control him, using very frequent tags to establish what was basically a two-on-one. Vampiro tagged himself in when Abyss came near their corner, which angered the big man. Vampiro was on the receiving end of a double suplex from Xile and Depraved, but Jimmy Yang hit ringside and attacked Abyss to cause a DQ. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners, by disqualification, and still champions: Abyss and Vampiro at 8:57, B- Yang[/COLOR][/B] threw chair after chair at Abyss to knock him to the floor. Abyss struggled to his feet, holding a chair, but Yang dove from the ring steps and spin kicked it right into his face. Vampiro watched the situation cautiously, but when Yang threatened him with a chair, he took off. [B][COLOR=#892331]C[/COLOR][/B] After a commercial break, [B][COLOR=#892331]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] walked to the ring with his belt over one shoulder. He called for a microphone. “Last night, I did something that no one else has been able to do since Revolutionary Pro Wrestling began, and that’s take away Nigel’s f***ing belt. And it’s come to my knowledge that I have the duty of renaming this belt something that isn’t so… Nigel. That’s why I’m here tonight. See, even though RevPro is running shows from California to Washington to Florida and everywhere between, there’s always one part of this country where the fans are louder, and that’s in the North East.” “Even though don't run here every couple of f***ing weeks like we used to, you still pack into an arena more than any other group of fans. We’re not forgetting about you, and so I’m calling this belt the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Tri State Championship!” [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. CLOUDY[/COLOR][/B] Shelley was jeered loudly by the crowd, but that didn’t stop him from completely whipping Cloudy and ending his assault with a Shellshock. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Alex Shelley at 5:38, C+[/COLOR][/B] “The following is a paid advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” The man calling himself [B][COLOR=#892331]“Commander Combat”[/COLOR][/B] from last week returned. He once again said that his recruits would take RevPro by storm, and his promo was intercut with video of soldiers running an obstacle course. ([I]Rave: Who is this guy?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+[/COLOR][/B] The camera focused on [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] who was warming up in a hallway. He grimaced and held his shoulder as he tried to prepare. John Laurinaitis approached him and the champion tried to hide his pain. He said that great things come in threes, and his matches with Colton were no exception. He promised to make Colton tap out to the Cattle Mutilation so he could move onto another challenger. “You want a shot, Homicide? You’ve got one, because I’m going to be known as the man who turned down no challenge, and didn't let pain get in the way.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 4 FOR THE REVPRO TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/COLOR][/B] In his first defense, Aries was magnificent. He finished Mamaluke with a big brainbuster to get three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 9:57, B[/COLOR][/B] Alex Shelley was backstage with Laurinaitis, and the interviewer couldn’t even get a word out before Shelley grabbed the microphone away and centred the frame to cut him out. “Much better.” Shelley spoke about how Joe's Choke is an illegal hold, and how every civilized fighting federation has recognized it as such except for the idiots who run Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. He said it was a conspiracy to keep him from winning gold. “Well, I’m not going to be stopped. If it takes winning a belt to make sure I don’t get railroaded out of the federation, then that’s what I’ll do.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Danielson got Colton down to the mat and applied various submissions, but Colton rolled out of it. He nailed Danielson with a dropkick to the shoulder that sent him to the mat in obvious pain. ([I]Rave: With that shoulder, he’s in no shape to be wrestling! Smokes: He’s got somethin’ to prove, you try and stop him.[/I]) Colton wound his arm around and snap suplexed him. Danielson recovered quickly, rising and knocking Colton down with clotheslines with his good arm. Colton trapped Danielson in the corner and hit some knife-edge chops. Colton tried to hit a German suplex on Danielson, but he landed on his feet. The champion put Colton in a full nelson and hit a Dragon suplex out of nowhere. Danielson was in pain and crawled towards the cover but it didn’t matter because Homicide had walked down the aisle and gotten the referee’s attention. ([I]Rave: What the hell is Homicide doing down here?[/I]) The referee told him to leave, but he pulled him out through the ropes and laid in some kicks. ([I]Rave: Homicide’s ruining the match! Smokes: We’ve got no ref![/I]) A security team ran down and began to take Homicide away as he protested. Meanwhile, Danielson got up and walked right into a boot to the stomach and a quick Colt 45. ([I]Rave: He nailed it! The Colt 45![/I]) Colton looked down at Danielson, and then to the downed referee. Colton slid out to the opposite side of the ring and picked up a chair. He rolled back in and walked over to Danielson. ([I]Rave: What is this man thinking?[/I]) He straddled one of Danielson’s arms and raised the chair over his head… he crushed the shoulder of that arm with a huge shot that caused Danielson to scream out in pain. ([I]Rave: God, no![/I]) Colton brought the chair down two more times until Danielson was twisting around on the canvas in pain. ([I]Rave: He’s destroying the shoulder! Why is he doing this?[/I]) Colton went to ringside and threw the referee back into the ring. He grabbed Bryan Danielson and put him in a painful hammerlock. Colton yelled at the referee to check Danielson. Korderas couldn’t get a verbal response, so he raised and dropped his arm once. Twice. ([I]Rave: He’s not even conscious enough to give up![/I]) Three times. Korderas called for the bell. Scott Colton rose to his feet and thrust both arms into the air. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and new RevPro World Champion: Scott Colton at 15:32, B[/COLOR][/B] Colton was handed the championship belt as two trainers got into the ring to assist Danielson who wasn’t moving. Colton fell to his knees and hugged the belt closely. ([I]Rave: We just saw him goddamn snap! What caused this? Did he really want it that badly?[/I]) The fans rained boos down on him as the new champion seemed in a euphoric state. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - It seems like Scott Colton’s big turn went “pretty well”, which is good enough for me. The whole show kept building the crowd's energy up with some successful angles. - We were able to end the month a whole $1,551 in the black. I couldn’t be happier. - This show caused our popularity to jump to a “C” in a bunch of areas where we’d been on the borderline. This is going to help us keep our finances up with ticket sales and PPV since the industry is taking a huge nosedive. Our US popularity chart now looks something like this: Great Lakes: [B]C+[/B] Mid Atlantic: [B]C+[/B] Mid South: [B]C[/B] Mid West: [B]C[/B] New England: [B]C+[/B] North West: [B]C[/B] South East: [B]C[/B] South West: [B]C-[/B] Tri State: [B]C+[/B] Puerto Rico: [B]D[/B] Canada: [B]All D’s[/B] Fast Results: [quote][B]Scott Colton [/B]def. Bryan Danielson to win the RevPro World Championship (B) [B]Austin Aries[/B] def. Tony Mamaluke to retain the RevPro Tri State Championship (B) [B]Alex Shelley[/B] def. Cloudy (C+) [B]Modern Monsters [/B]def. the Alternative by DQ to retain the RevPro Tag Team Championships (B-) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] def. Shannon (B)[/quote]
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Press Release - July 1, 2006 [B][U]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE[/U] UrbanXtraTM Extends the Revolution with RevPro Wrestling Specials New Deal to Last Through 2006[/B] Due to growing Pay Per View buyrates, UrbanXtra is proud to announce that it has commissioned six additional months of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling specials, with the next event slated to air in mid-July. Said UrbanXtra’s Programming Manager Patrick Willis, “In trying to build our brand, we’re trying to be the alternative to the juggernaut Pay Per View providers, and Revolutionary Pro Wrestling is wrestling’s version of the alternative. Their numbers have steadily improved to the point where their buy numbers are almost double what they were in February.” Added Willis, “RevPro’s popularity is set to grow to great proportions, and we want to be on board when it does.” UrbanXtra sources have indicated that RevPro's Pay Per View buyrates are second-best of all programs on the provider, but far behind the popular "Hot Girls Go Wild in Maui". Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s Jim Jehovah couldn’t be reached directly, but a company representative said that they’re “ecstatic” to have extended their deal with UrbanXtra. The first event under the new deal has been called “Rise to Grace”, and will air on July 15th. UrbanXtra has been co-promoting RevPro events since February of this year, when “BreakOut” aired from New Jersey. The events have been priced at $17.99 and the revenue is rumored to be split almost 50/50 between the provider and RevPro. [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B][QUOTE] [B]Televised Revolution Preview for July 2, 2006 COLTON’S REIGN BEGINS[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] THE NEW WORLD CHAMPION KICKS OFF THE SHOW[/B] Last week, perhaps the most shocking moment in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s short history occurred when, with the referee knocked out at ringside, “The Professional” Scott Colton obliterated Bryan Danielson’s injured shoulder with a steel chair and locked on a painful submission to win the RevPro World Championship. This week, he’ll have to answer to the fans. Colton had wrestled with stunning integrity, including refusing to use weapons of any kind and instead relying on his natural abilities, but now, Colton is probably the most hated man in the federation. The champion will get to address the crowd at the stroke of midnight this Saturday night. [B]WHERE IS DANIELSON?[/B] Bryan Danielson’s status is a mystery, and the best term for it might be “AWOL”. He is not in line for a rematch against Colton because of Graham’s decree last Saturday that their title match would be the last for the foreseeable future. With his shoulder presumably in need of serious rehabilitation, the chances of him showing up on Televised Revolution are considered slim-to-none. [B]THREE-WAY DANCE FOR THE TAG TEAM TITLES[/B] Abyss and Vampiro didn’t do much defending of their championships in the first month they had them, but they’re making up for it now. After beating Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang in Detroit, and having their match against the Alternative thrown out the very next night, the Modern Monsters will have to fend off both teams this week in a three-way dance! It’ll be first fall to the finish, and the champs won’t have to be pinned to lose their titles. Abyss and Vampiro will need to hold their fractured partnership together once again if they hope to hold on to the gold. [B]FALLEN ANGEL: “I WANT THEM BOTH”[/B] After barely surviving a brutal hardcore brawl against Accomplice at Motor City Carnage, a logical move for Christopher Daniels would be to take it easy for a couple of weeks. But instead, he’s requested a one-versus-two rematch against both Accomplice and the now-healthy Homicide for this week’s show. When offered the chance to choose a partner, Daniels refused. Can the Fallen Angel get out of this in one piece or will “the 187 Crew” exact some street justice against their long-time enemy?[/QUOTE]
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[quote][COLOR=#892331][COLOR=Black]This week: [B][COLOR=#892331]The Fallen Angel[/COLOR][/B] faces [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B] defend against [B][COLOR=#892331]Sabin/Yang[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]the Alternative![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] meets [B][COLOR=#892331]Cloudy[/COLOR][/B]! And [B][COLOR=#892331]Mr. 2006[/COLOR][/B] challenges[B][COLOR=#892331] Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B]![/COLOR][/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=#892331][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 117) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, July 2, 2006 Held at the Lake Charles Center in Lake Charles, Louisiana Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM JACK EVANS vs. CHRIS KERRY[/B] Both played the face, but Evans was far more over and had little trouble winning. [B] Winner: Jack Evans at 9:44, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show began with [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B]’s music hitting and most of the crowd booing loudly. Colton walked down the aisle with a big smile on his face and the belt draped over his shoulder. He entered the ring and tried to speak, but paused as the crowd tried to drown him out. “Whenever… someone makes a big turn, they usually say how they’ve been flooded with phone calls… emails… text messages… postcards… asking them, why? Why’d you do it? Well, not a single person has asked me why I did what I did last week. And quite frankly, I’m a little disappointed. I’ve got the big prize over my shoulder—I’m the man! And I still can’t get the time of the day from anyone around here. Not my fellow wrestlers, not Commissioner Billy Graham, no one. No one’s talking to me. “The only difference is, now, it doesn’t matter. When you’re on top, suddenly the people down below become less important. No one in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling has ever—EVER—given me my due. I was pinning people to the mat every single night, great wrestlers, legends—Jushin Lyger! And still I had to jump through hoops to even get a title shot. When I finally got my chance, it was taken away from me because, at one-thirty in the goddamn morning, it was time for James Lipton to sit down with Dave Chappelle! Think about it, it took until my third shot to get a set of rules that were actually fair to me. But again… it doesn’t matter now, because I’m the World Champion. “I was idealistic at one point in time, and thought that if I just won my matches then eventually I’d move up the card and get some recognition. But that’s hard to do when you’re not allowed to win, when you get screwed at every turn so the golden boy, the marketable do-gooder champ, can roll on and get defense number fifty-two. So when I saw a ray of daylight, when I was able to finally make things right with the world, and all it took was a few swings of a chair… you’re damn right I went for it. Oh yeah. A while back, they started to call me the Professional. But then I had an epiphany. Professionalism is for those who are too weak to take what they deserve. Professionalism is for dopes like Bryan Danielson. “You have to be a little cutthroat if you want to get anywhere in this business. For example, a few weeks ago, I happened upon a strange sight. It was Jack Evans cracking Homicide in the head with a steel pipe and taking off—I guess he was miffed about getting screwed by Tupac and his boy during the title tourney. I could’ve went to Graham and been a good little Scotty, telling him what I saw, but instead, I kept that to myself and said that I thought the Fallen Angel did it. It got Daniels out of the title picture and made my life a little easier. You gotta be cutthroat, and that’s what was up last week. “I did you all a favour by claiming this belt. Danielson… was bland. Danielson was just a wrestler. Sure, he knows fifteen different armbars, but the guy is straight milquetoast. I am going to be the pillar of strength RevPro needs to be able to play with the big boys. You people can boo me, or cheer me. It’s all the same, because every night, the line’s gonna be the same: ‘Scott Colton retains’. ‘Scott Colton retains’. ‘Scott Colton ret—’” Colton was cut off by the Commissioner’s music. ([I]Rave: Here we go! Superstar Billy Graham is going to have something to say to our new champion![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Graham [/COLOR][/B]entered the ring and had his own microphone. “Graham, this is my time out here. What do you want?” “Scott, I want to say… you’re the champ. The referee’s decision has been rendered, and there’s nothing I could do to change it if I tried. Simply put, you are now this company’s figurehead. And that means, you’re under more scrutiny than anyone else on the roster. So…” Graham moved closer to Colton and stared him in the eye. “If you think you’re going to be able to pull something like what you did last week, you’re wrong.” The crowd cheered as Colton rolled his eyes. “I could book you in your first defense tonight in a battle royal if I wanted to, Scott.” ([I]Rave: That wouldn’t be so bad![/I]) “But I believe that everyone in RevPro is entitled to the same amount of fairness. So instead, your first defense is going to be a little ways down the road, thirteen days from now in Baltimore, Maryland. “The event’s going to be called Rise to Grace, Scott. You’re going to defend your title, and it won’t be against Bryan Danielson. I said last week that you and him fighting for this belt was done with, and I have to stick by that. Plus, I can’t book him because no one knows where he is. He’s rehabbing that shoulder in Switzerland for all I know, ‘cause I haven’t gotten a call from anyone. For the time being, Danielson’s gone from Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” The crowd booed. “So you’re not facing Dragon. Instead, you’re going to wrestle someone who it appears you owe a hell of an apology to, because you really put him through hell. He’s the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels.” The crowd popped as Colton looked upset. ([I]Rave: It’s Colton and Daniels for the belt at Rise to Grace![/I]) “And Scott, you need to know something. That belt… you could’ve won it clean.” “Clean?” Colton spoke up. “What the hell… would you know about clean, Superstar? Let’s look back a few decades. How did you get big? Why do people still know the name of Billy Graham in the year 2006? Oh, that’s right. It’s because someone said to bend over and they stuck a needle in your ass. You played the game. I might not be a saint, Billy, but at least I can own up to what I’ve done. Superstar? Don’t make me laugh. You’re a disgusting shell of what you once were. When your body fails on you after all the abuse, and some other moron takes your place, I’m still going to be standing, and I’m still going to be holding the World Championship.” Colton tossed the microphone to the mat hard and pushed the title belt close to Billy Graham’s face before leaving the ring. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 1 ALEX SHELLEY vs. JAY LETHAL[/COLOR][/B] In a rematch from Honor Never Fades, Shelley looked just as strong. The Exhibitionist was cool and confident, slapping Lethal across the face before planting him with a Shellshock to get three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:14, B- [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham [/COLOR][/B]came across [B][COLOR=#892331]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B], who was sitting on an equipment box with his earbuds on. Evans took them off when Graham approached him. The Commissioner asked him if what Colton said was true, that he was the one who’d attacked Homicide. “I ain’t denying it,” replied Evans. “I’ve got no choice then, Jack. Homicide might’ve had it coming, but you can’t do that. I have to suspend you.” “Hey, you the boss, man.” Evans slid off of the box and walked away from Graham. [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] In the interview position, John Laurinaitis was standing with [B][COLOR=#892331]Cloudy[/COLOR][/B], who had a hoodie pulled over his eyes and didn’t look happy. “I got the news this afternoon—‘you’re facing Joe’. And everyone’s acting like it’s a death sentence. Well it’s not. If Joe’s going to beat me—” He flipped his hood back to show a stony glare. “—he’s going to have to work for it.” [B][COLOR=#892331]C- MATCH 2 SAMOA JOE vs. CLOUDY[/COLOR][/B] Cloudy seemed like a different wrestler; whenever Joe got near him, Cloudy went downstairs with a lowblow or to the eyes with a gouge. He slipped in a second-rope dropkick but Joe was enraged, and crushed Cloudy with an Island Driver before violently choking him out for the submission. ([I]Rave: Cloudy played dirty, but Joe simply can’t be stopped![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 6:15, C+ MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez)[/COLOR][/B] Rave was confident of his chances of capturing Aries’ title, but got rocked with stiff European uppercuts and a top-rope superplex. Austin hit a big brainbuster and looked to have Mr. 2006 knocked out for the win, but Melina got onto the apron and drew the referee away. Aries rose to confront her, and Rave rolled him up. Aries went with it to get Rave’s shoulders on the mat, and held on for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 9:35, C[/COLOR][/B] Aries’ theme played as he was given his title, but [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] walked through the entrance with a microphone to interrupt the scene. “Turn his music off, turn it off.” Aries turned to the stage and Shelley. “I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, Austin, but I have recently been the target of an insidious plan to run me out of RevPro! They tried to get Joe to choke me out for good in Detroit, but I came back stronger than ever! They won’t stop, Austin, and the only way I can make sure that Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s corrupt brass doesn’t rip up my contract is to get a title belt around my waist. And no offense, bud, but you’re clearly going to be the easiest to defeat. So how about at Rise to Grace in Baltimore, we hook up and you can prove me wrong?” Aries nodded his approval as he held his belt up to the crowd. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Christopher Daniels [/COLOR][/B]was in the interview position. “People are saying I’m crazy to ask for Homicide and that maniac Accomplice in a handicap, one-on-two match. They want to know why the hell I’d bring that upon myself. I wanted to prove that I didn’t need to sneak up on a rat like Homicide to beat the hell out of him. But it looks like our new World Champion beat me to it. Colton, watch carefully. Watch as I release the 187 Crew from this mortal coil, and know that in thirteen short days, that too is your fate. You think that you’ve put me through hell? Boy, you’re going to feel the same fire.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 4 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MODERN MONSTERS (w/ Lacey) vs. CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG vs. THE ALTERNATIVE[/COLOR][/B] Abyss did his bull-in-a-china-shop routine to begin the match, knocking Xile and Depraved over the top with a double clothesline. Vampiro then got into the ring and convincingly spin-kicked Sabin down. The champions looked great, but the match broke down once the speedier teams got at each other. Xile lifted Sabin over his head to the apron with a suplex, but Yang dropkicked Xile to knock them both to ringside. Lacey picked up a chair and moved towards the downed Sabin, but he popped up and forced her into the barrier. Abyss barreled into the both of them, sending Sabin and Lacey into the audience. Vampiro slid out and shoved Abyss hard in the chest. ([I]Rave: The champs’ partnership is exploding right here! Do they know they’re in the middle of a title defense?[/I]) As the referee tried to calm them down, Depraved snuck behind Yang, the legal man, and hit a low blow. Yang fell to one knee and Xile springboarded back into the ring with a huge 720 DDT. ([I]Rave: Tornado DDT, and he’s covering! Two! Three, the Alternative wins! New tag champs![/I]) Xile and Depraved hugged as Vampiro looked back into the ring and couldn’t believe it. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners, and new champions: the Alternative at 14:55, B- Homicide[/COLOR][/B] was backstage in the interview position. “Evans, you sucka. Thought a lead pipe was gonna keep me down? B****, you mighta cracked my head open but you know that’s happened before. Whatcha weigh anyway, eighty pounds? Take yo’ suspension, and spend it tryin’ to force down a m*****f**** sandwich, you Ally McBeal-lookin’ b****. For real, man, enjoy yo’ time off, because once you get back, I’m gon’—nah, scratch it. My boy Accomplice gon’ break you in half, because I ain’t gonna waste my time.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) HANDICAP MATCH (2-ON-1) “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE and ACCOMPLICE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Homicide and Accomplice did a good job of stringing Daniels up in their corner and simply laying a hellacious beating on him, but the Fallen Angel fought back and actually had a lot of luck in beating the odds. He knocked Homicide to ringside who hit his chin on the barrier, narrowing the match down to a one-on-one. Accomplice brutalized Daniels with some straight shots to the face, and took him up for the Flattener, but Daniels slid out of it, and hit an Angel’s Wings. Daniels rolled Accomplice over for the cover, but Scott Colton slid in and started clubbing Daniels across the back with forearms. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 12:43, B Colton[/COLOR][/B] quickly scooped a stunned Angel up and drove him with a Colt 45. ([I]Rave: Colt 45, and the World Champion didn’t even give Daniels a chance to fight back![/I]) Colton laid some stomps in on the Fallen Angel, and then went to ringside to retrieve a chair. He stood over Daniels and raised the chair up. ([I]Rave: Not again! He’s going to pulverize that shoulder![/I]) The referee snatched the chair away and slid to the outside, preventing the attack. Colton screamed at him before laying in more hard kicks to Daniels, who was struggling to move. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - This one slid us up to a C in the Mid West. Now the only region in the US where we’re below that level is Puetro Rico, where we haven’t held a single show. - Confirmed for Rise to Grace, which is only one TV taping away, is Colton vs. Daniels and Aries vs. Shelley. - Alex Shelley is quickly becoming one of the top heels on the roster, as he’s getting over huge. Speculation is that he’s doing everything he can to establish himself before his contract runs out in a month to angle himself for a hefty raise.
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B][QUOTE][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Wednesday, July 6, 2006 AN ANGEL’S PATH[/B] [B][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/f03be383.jpg[/IMG] COLTON VS. DANIELS AT RISE TO GRACE[/B] Christopher Daniels came close to having his shoulder crushed by RevPro Scott Colton on Saturday, but in the end he escaped uninjured after the World Champion interrupted his handicap match when he was on the verge of victory. Earlier in the night, Billy Graham announced that Daniels would be facing Colton for his first title defense at Rise to Grace in Baltimore, Maryland. This week, the Fallen Angel will be at Televised Revolution and “looking for blood”. Will the Champion be in Huntsville, Alabama to dispense it? [B]ADDED: JACK EVANS VS. HOMICIDE[/B] Last week also provided the revelation that Jack Evans was the one who attacked Homicide and gave him a concussion that knocked him out of action. Evans was suspended, but that suspension will be lifted for July 15, when he will get Homicide in the ring at Rise to Grace! Will Evans be able to get one back from Homicide after not getting his fair shot in the tournament months back? [B]THE ALTERNATIVE CHALLENGE SABIN AND YANG[/B] There are new tag team champions in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, and they are Xile and Morley Depraved of the Alternative. Shannon’s “finds” pulled off a shocking victory in a three-way match to take the straps from Abyss and Vampiro, despite the fact that neither man was pinned or made to submit. The Alternative has wasted no time in challenging Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang to a match at Rise to Grace. Sabin and Yang will get to respond on Televised Revolution, though it’s hard to believe the answer will be anything but “bring it on!” [B]ARIES AND STRONG VS. RAVE AND ALPHA ON BRAVO[/B] Austin Aries, the Tri State Champion, has made a date with Alex Shelley for the Pay Per View in Baltimore, but he’s still got one card to go as he and partner Roderick Strong will take on Jimmy Rave and newfound partner Alpha! Mr. 2006 and Alpha blew past the Ring Crew Express at Motor City Carnage, will the former tag champs be next in line? Also, Vampiro will try to put his title loss behind him as he welcomes newcomer TJ Wilson to RevPro. [B]JACOBS AND SYDAL NO-SHOW LIVE EVENT[/B] RevPro stars Jimmy Jacobs and Matt Sydal were scheduled to appear at a live event in the Mid West this past week, but failed to show. As is policy, the two were suspended for fourteen days. RevPro.com was unable to reach either man for comment, and other independent companies have had similar problems in contacting the pair. [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution![/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 118) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, July 9, 2006 Held at the Huntsville Center in Huntsville, Alabama Attendance: 2,000 (sell-out) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM CHRIS KERRY vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B] Kerry was dominated by Alex Shelley, who by all accounts looked great. [B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:45, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] was in the ring with a microphone to kick off the show. He seemed strangely composed. “I know that I’ve got Scott Colton in six days at Rise to Grace, but there’s only one reason why I showed up tonight, and that’s because I want a piece of him now.” The crowd cheered. ([I]Rave: You can’t blame him, Colton really screwed him over![/I]) “But of course, I just found out the champ isn’t here, and the champ isn’t coming.” The crowd booed loudly. “So now I’m all fired up with nothing to do. So if anyone back there and try and take a chunk out of me, I’d love to leave you laying in the middle of the ring.” ([I]Rave: It’s an open challenge! Smokes: You gotta be nuts to accept that, man. Daniels wanna kill somebody![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B]’s haunting theme played and he walked out with [B][COLOR=#892331]Lacey[/COLOR][/B] in tow. ([I]Rave: That’s Vampiro, who just last week dropped the tag team belts, but… doesn’t he already have a match tonight?[/I]) Vampiro pulled out a microphone. “Angel, greetings. I was listening to you backstage and since I’m more in touch with the other side then you could ever pretend to be, I’d love to take your open challenge. I’ll see you in the main event.” Vampiro seemed satisfied with himself but Lacey whispered in his ear. “Oh, dammit, that’s right. Change of plans, Daniels—turns out I already have a match tonight against some ham-and-egger from the Yukon or something. Hate to leave you hanging, but I’m out.” Lacey whispered in his ear again. “But you know, Angel, I think I know just the guy who’s really got some aggression pent up and desperately needs a match—my tag partner, Abyss! Good luck, Daniels.” Lacey waved goodbye to Daniels as the Fallen Angel sprouted a big smile. ([I]Rave: Did Vampiro just book his partner against possibly the most p***ed-off individual in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG vs. THE RING CREW EXPRESS[/COLOR][/B] Lots of fun aerial action here—with both Dunn and Marcos on the outside, Sabin hit a suicide dive to knock them down, and then when all three men were up again, Yang blasted them all with a corkscrew press. The action went back in where both members of the RCE were hit with double-team moves, and Marcos eventually got finished off with a combination powerbomb-from-Sabin and corkscrew-legdrop-from-Yang. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang at 10:46, C+[/COLOR][/B] After a commercial break, John Laurinaitis found the pair backstage, looking invigorated after their win. They were asked about the challenge from the Alternative for Rise to Grace, and Sabin shot back that it was now accepted. [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Vampiro[/COLOR][/B] was leaving his dressing room with [B][COLOR=#892331]Lacey[/COLOR][/B] on his way to his match when [B][COLOR=#892331]Abyss[/COLOR][/B] stepped into the way, practically casting him in a shadow. “”Byss, I want you to know why I put you with Daniels tonight—you need to get back on track. Last week, you cost us the match by knocking Lacey over the barrier! How was I supposed to wrestle after that? Tonight, you can clip the Fallen Angel’s wings, and then you’ll be in the right frame of mind for us to take back our belts.” Abyss’ fist curled up in anger, and Vampiro warily pounded it. “Alright? I gotta run, kill him!” Vampiro dashed off with Lacey. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 2 VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. TJ WILSON[/COLOR][/B] Wilson was high on energy in his debut, but Vampiro mostly dominated him, hitting two short chokeslams before ending it with the Nail in the Coffin. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Vampiro at 7:09, C+[/COLOR][/B] “The following is a paid advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” [B][COLOR=#892331]Commander Combat[/COLOR][/B], with his large helmet and military garb, walked down a hallway in a darkened jail resembling Abu Ghraib. The walls were crumbling, and if it were day wherever it was, light would have illuminated the cells on its own. But a few dim, swinging bulbs were needed to light up the jail. He spoke with his strange voice distortion. “The perfect warriors are not born. They are programmed. Or, reprogrammed.” He walked past two adjacent cells, and we could see two young men with hoods over their heads sitting in the dark. “That’s why I’m making sure before my new recruits see the light, they know the darkness. Because darkness is the true nature of… combat.” He walked out of frame as the camera closed on one of the flickering bulbs. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 RODERICK STRONG and AUSTIN ARIES vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE and ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez)[/COLOR][/B] Strong and Aries were a great unit, making Rave and Alpha look like the inexperienced tandem that they are. Austin was in control of Alpha when Melina jumped up to the apron and Rave dashed in to kick Aries in the junk. Strong got in to break the match down, but Alpha hit him with a Cactus clothesline that sent them both to the floor. Rave had Aries set up for the Raveolution, but got powered up over Aries’ shoulders and hit with a sidewalk slam. Aries climbed to the top rope and steadied himself before hitting a 450 Splash that got him three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong at 13:34, C+[/COLOR][/B] Aries had only barely gotten to his feet when [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley [/COLOR][/B]slid into the ring after jumping the barrier and kicked him in the stomach to set up a big Shellshock. Roderick Strong saw this and slid back into the ring, causing Shelley to jump out to ringside. Strong knelt down and checked on Austin as Shelley walked up the aisle, shrugging like nothing had happened. [B][COLOR=#892331]B-[/COLOR][/B] The video cut away to a stable shot of a man sitting at a desk in a police precinct. He looked up at the camera, revealing himself to be [B][COLOR=#892331]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B] wearing a mustache. “Hello, and welcome to Crimestompers, the number-one show for catching fugitives at large in the community. This week, we’ve got a dramatization of a shocking attack on a pro wrestler.” A picture of Homicide appeared on screen. “His name is Nelson, but despite his incredibly whack name, he's quickly becoming a star in the world of professional wrestling. But there was nothing professional about what took place one night in Springfield, Massachusetts.” The words “DRAMATIZATION” appeared on screen and we cut to someone who was obviously much fatter than the actual Homicide wearing the wrestler’s trademark bandanna. He was dancing with a pair of headphones pressed to his ear. “Nelson was minding his own business, listening to a classic Tupac flow, when the unknown assailant attacked from behind.” Following his own narration, Evans popped up behind “Homicide” and nailed him with a pipe. The actor fell to the ground immediately. “Despite the bold assault, there are no known witnesses.” Someone dressed like Scott Colton walked by and upon seeing Evans standing over Homicide, dropped the carton of chocolate milk he was drinking and ran away. The narrator continued, “If you have any information about this crime, please call 1-800-5-5-STOMP. You can help a defenseless, whack mother like Homicide get justice.” The on-screen Evans nodded. “And you know this…” He dropped the pipe onto the fake Homicide. “… man.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 4 JAY LETHAL vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/COLOR][/B] Homicide stormed through the entranceway, apparently having seen Evans’ video. ([I]Rave: Despite being suspended, Jack Evans has managed to rile up Homicide, and he looks to have taken it pretty personally![/I]) He took his aggression out on Lethal, beating him all around the ringside area and finishing him off with two Cop Killas. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Homicide at 6:09, B-[/COLOR][/B] After a commercial break, [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B] walked into [B][COLOR=#892331]“Superstar” Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B]’s office, surprising the Commissioner. “I wanna know how that eighty-pound b**** Jack Evans got that video on the air.” Graham said that he’d probably sent it straight to the production team. “Man, whatever—I don’t gotta deal with Evans. I’m the number-one contender, you said I got that. Forget about Jack in Baltimore, I want to be in the title match with Colton and Daniels, make it a triple-threat.” “The card’s set, Homicide. But you’re right, you’re the number-one contender. So I’m going to ask you to put that on the line against Jack at Rise to Grace.” Homicide glared at the Commissioner. “Man, one day I’m gonna beat your ass.” “I wouldn’t recommend it, Nelson.” Homicide swore again before storming out. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] was sprinting towards the back door when John Laurinaitis ran up to him. “Ace, I just can’t afford to take chances with my title match. It's my key to countering the conspirators that want me blacklisted from pro wrestling. If Aries didn’t get a concussion right there, then I’ll pick up the pieces at Rise to Grace.” He opened a backdoor and escaped into the night. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 “THE MONSTER” ABYSS vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Daniels wore down Abyss’ defenses with hit and run clotheslines and even climbed up his back for a sleeper, but the Monster fired back with big clubbing blows and hit the Fallen Angel with a chokeslam that only got two. Abyss took Daniels into the air with a choke bomb, but Daniels got his legs over the Monster's shoulders and nailed him with a great hurricanrana. Abyss was stunned and the Fallen Angel headed to the top rope, coming off with the BME. ([I]Rave: Moonsault, two, three! Daniels wins![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 14:42, B [/COLOR][/B] The Fallen Angel’s arm was raised by the referee and, panting, he called for a microphone. “I know you’re watching… and I know you’re worried. I’ll see you in six… and this time… I’m not going to be denied.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B] Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Abyss (B) [B] Homicide[/B] def. Jay Lethal (B-) [B] Aries and Strong[/B] def. Mr. 2006 and Alpha (C+) [B] Vampiro[/B] def. TJ Wilson (C+) [B] Sabin and Yang[/B] def. the Ring Crew Express (C+)[/quote][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Not bad for our pre-PPV show which usually does worse. - The following popped up on RevPro.com shortly after the show. [I]“Samoa Joe, realizing he is without a match for Rise to Grace, has issued a company-wide Submissions Challenge! The first wrestler to respond to the challenge will face Joe in Baltimore in a match where the only way to win will be to make your opponent tap out. Who will take the master of the Triangle Choke up on his challenge?[/I]” [U]Next[/U]: RevPro Rise to Grace!
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/f03be383.jpg[/IMG] [B] Final Preview – RevPro Rise to Grace Friday, July 15, 2006 The Baltimore Sun Arena – Baltimore, Maryland[/B] [B] For the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship Scott Colton c. Vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B] Daniels will challenge the champion in his first title defense since gaining the belt from American Dragon. The Fallen Angel has come close to winning the big belt so many times, and he might be able to finally become “the man” against Colton, who has dropped his “Professional” moniker, saying being professional isn’t important. Daniels notched a big win over Abyss on the last Televised Revolution, and he’ll want his momentum to carry over into RevPro’s first PPV foray into Baltimore. [B] Submissions Challenge Samoa Joe vs. Vampiro[/B] Joe’s open challenge has been answered by the man from the Other Side, Vampiro! RevPro.com received an email over the week from Vampiro confirming that he would take Joe up. Vampiro isn’t known for getting tap-out victories, so will he be able to hang with the Samoan Submission Machine? [B] For the Number-one Contendership “The Notorious 187” Homicide vs. Jack Evans[/B] Homicide has had enough of Jack Evans after the high-flier ridiculed him in a video that aired last week. But he’ll have to deal with Evans for at least one more night in Baltimore. Not only that, but he’s putting his number-one contendership to Scott Colton’s title on the line. Could Evans pull off what would be a big upset and get the duke on Homicide? [B] For the RevPro Tri State Championship Austin Aries c. vs. “The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley[/B] Shelley’s claiming he’s the focus of a conspiracy to eject him from pro wrestling, and is going after the Tri State Championship in an attempt to cement his place in RevPro. He’ll get a tough match from Austin Aries who hasn’t looked better since defeating Nigel McGuinness at Motor City Carnage. [B] For the RevPro Tag Team Championship The Alternative (Xile and Morley Depraved) c. vs. Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang[/B] After being brought into Revolutionary Pro Wrestling by Shannon in February, Xile and Depraved have ascended the tag ranks to become champions of the division. With the previous holders Abyss and Vampiro preoccupied with their own problems, the team of Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang will challenge them in what should be an energetic affair. [B][U] Also[/U]: Chad Collyer vs. Shannon[/B] After taking a break from RevPro to tour Japan, Chad Collyer informed the company that he’s back in North America, and has consequently been booked to face Shannon at Rise to Grace. The Alternative as a whole had the technical expert’s number before he left, but has his time as a “gai-jin” raised his game?[/CENTER] [/quote] [B] [U] Predictions Welcomed (and, in fact, encouraged)[/U][/B]: Scott Colton c. vs. Christopher Daniels Samoa Joe vs. Vampiro Homicide vs. Jack Evans Austin Aries c. vs. Alex Shelley The Alternative vs. Sabin/Yang Chad Collyer vs. Shannon
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Spending every week away from home causes a certain loss of touch. With friends, family, the people who really matter. It wasn’t intentional but I could feel my old life slowly fading away and this new one, the one I’d always dreamt of having, taking hold. Two days of travel on the road with the show most weeks and two with Marshall at the head offices in Philadelphia didn’t leave much time for San Diego. I missed the sun most of all, but at least Revolutionary Pro Wrestling was really making some serious strides towards becoming a power in the wrestling industry. The big news of the week was TNA’s huge move to become a global company. Some great sports-entertainment-based shows and Pay Per Views had given them tons of notoriety in America, and they were now more popular in Canada than we were [I]anywhere [/I]in the United States. There was no doubt about us running number three in America, but they were still playing second fiddle to the WWE. However, Vinny Mac, trying to escape North America’s dismal wrestling industry, had been holding a ton of shows overseas, and their popularity in North America had taken a beating as a result. Total Nonstop Action seemed to smell some blood in water, and was set on capitalizing on the E’s weakness. I had just read about the Jarretts’ biggest signing of all time: the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. After his contract ran out with WWE, HBK swore up and down that he had wrestled his last match. But a surprise appearance at TNA’s No Surrender (as Shawn Heartbreak, avoiding a trademark dispute) sent shockwaves through the wrestling community and reportedly put McMahon in a rage. I was on the couch at the Philadelphia offices trying to catch a few hours of sleep before the morning; it made more sense to stay there most nights than to get a hotel room. The cell phone, supposedly on silent, buzzed and shuffled across the desk. I scooped it up and flipped it open. “Hello?” “Jim.” I recognized the gravelly rasp as that of Dean Malenko, who was proving instrumental as our head road agent. It was late. Something was up. “TNA offered Scott Colton a contract.” “Dammit.” A few minutes ago I was almost asleep, but suddenly I was wide awake. TNA offered Colton a contract. We had a long-standing, verbal non-aggression pact with the Jarretts that carried over from the sale of Ring of Honor, so they couldn’t give Scott a written contract. However, that didn’t mean they couldn’t bring him in on a per-night deal and use him however they wished. This was a problem. We already had a few wrestlers who worked both sides, including Daniels, Joe, Aries, and Sabin. But none of them were our champion, the person who [I]had [/I]to look strong for the company to look strong. A couple of months ago, Aries had been controversially jobbed to, of all people, Gail Kim. If TNA signed Colton and did the same, dreams of going national were just that. I didn’t have much to say to Dean, and he had little more to provide. Mind in a fog, I told him we’d talk it over in the morning, and let him go. Before I could put the phone away, it buzzed in my palm. “Hello?” “Hi, Jim? It’s me, Scott.” Everyone was up late tonight. “There’s something you need to know.” I wished it was fifteen minutes ago, before any of this had cropped up. “I was sent a contract by TNA and they want me to sign it. But I’m not going to. Yet.” “Is that the case, Scott?” “Right now, I’m committed to RevPro. You gave me the ball, and I want to run with it. But I won’t tear up the contract. If the situation changes, I might have no other option but to sign it.” For someone who I knew sometimes got by on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for days, Scott had made a very selfless move. For the time being, and aside from IWA-MS and FIP, other smaller promotions he worked for, he was just ours. I made a vow to make sure Colton was looked after. We chatted for a few more minutes before bidding each other adieu. It felt a little colder on the office couch, so I found an overshirt. I couldn’t wait to get back to that San Diego sun. But first, we had a show to run. [U]Next[/U]: RevPro Rise to Grace!
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[CENTER][B]RevPro Rise to Grace – Friday, July 15, 2006 Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View Held at the Baltimore Sun Arena in Baltimore, Maryland Attendance: 4,750 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/CENTER] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM JAY LETHAL vs. ACCOMPLICE[/B] Accomplice came out knuckles-first in the online upload and made up for his lack of finesse by brutalizing Lethal with some hard right hands. Lethal fought back, but Accomplice hit a straight shot to the groin while the referee was distracted and connected on the Flattener for three. [B] Winner: Accomplice at 9:43, C+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/f03be383.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] MATCH 1 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE ALTERNATIVE (XILE and MORLEY DEPRAVED) c. vs. CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG[/B] Sabin and Yang came flying out of the gates, but the Alternative matched their energy level with some swift tandem offense, like Xile dropkicking Sabin off of Depraved’s shoulders. Yang later nailed Xile with the corkscrew press, but Depraved came in to break it up, and ended up brawling with Sabin. In the commotion, Shannon slipped into the ring and hit Yang with the second-rope flipping neckbreaker. Xile draped an arm over Yang and got three for the defense. ([I]Rave: Did you see that? Shannon stole the match for Xile and Morley! Smokes: Gotta protect y’own, man.[/I]) [B] Winners, and still champions: the Alternative at 13:51, C+[/B] Rave and Smokes were shown at the booth, and reaffirmed that we were indeed live from Baltimore. Images of Christopher Daniels and Scott Colton were shown on the big screen, and as the crowd reacted, the announcers previewed the main event. [B]B+[/B] [B]Homicide [/B]was backstage, dressed for battle, and said he was going to finish his business with Jack Evans once and for all. [B]C[/B] [B] MATCH 2 FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP TO THE WORLD TITLE JACK EVANS vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B] Evans came out of the gate brawling, stunning Homicide on the mat long enough to stand on his opponent's chest and hit a standing shooting star press. Homicide pushed Evans into the corner after a poke to the eyes and battered his back with forearms. Homicide hit a backbreaker and put Evans in a punishing crab. With Evans hurting, Homicide tossed him to ringside and gave chase. Evans nailed Homicide's head into the barrier and tried to pick him up, but Homicide fought out of it. He took Evans up into a fallaway slam position and ran him into the post back-first. ([I]Rave: Evans’ spine just got crushed, courtesy of the Notorious 187![/I]) Homicide got Jack back into the ring and applied more submissions that aggravated Evans’ back, such as a painful-looking surfboard. Evans wriggled out of it and hit a flying clothesline that finally stopped Homicide in his tracks. Homicide stood up into a hurricanrana that got Evans two. Homicide got up again, and Evans tried to pin him with a backslide, but Homicide turned it into a Cop Killa. ([I]Smokes: Cop Killa, count it now![/I]) Homicide hooked the leg, but Evans jerked his shoulder up at the last second. ([I]Rave: Are you kidding me?! Evans kicked out! Smokes: That was a spasm, yo, Evans is done now.[/I]) Homicide couldn’t believe it, and scooped Evans up for another one. Evans fought out with upside-down kicks to Homicide’s head until he had to drop it. Homicide charged Evans but got stopped with a knee to the stomach and a falcon arrow. Evans struggled to the top rope, hurting because of his back, and perched there briefly before coming off with the 630. ([I]Rave: 630! 630! One, two, three! Evans wins! Smokes: You’re messing with me! Rave: Evans is the new number-one contender![/I]) [B] Winner: Jack Evans at 17:39, B-[/B] Evans got his arm raised by the referee, and seemed shocked. Instead of savouring his victory, Evans went to the floor and hobbled up the aisle, slapping hands as he went. Homicide pulled himself up by the ropes and was clearly cursing up a storm. [B]C[/B] The camera went to the parking lot where [B]the Fallen Angel[/B] was entering the building. Two young kids screamed “Angel! Angel!” and he seemed to think it over before stopping to sign an autograph. ([I]Rave: There’s the challenger, Christopher Daniels, getting here just now. Smokes: Them kids didn’t buy a ticket, don’t waste your damn time.[/I]) We could hear a car door open and slam shut, and [B]Scott Colton [/B]ran in, nailing Daniels in the back with a forearm and knocking him to the ground. ([I]Rave: The champion! He’s attacking the Fallen Angel![/I]) Colton scared the kids off before laying in a few more stomps and entering the building. [B]B+[/B] John Laurinaitis caught up to [B]Shannon[/B], who was walking to his dressing room with [B]Xile [/B]and [B]Depraved[/B]. Laurinaitis asked about his interference in the tag title match, and Shannon said, “We stick together, and I'm just making sure that these kids keep their belts for as long as possible.” He said he was about to deafeat Chad Collyer one more time, but first he had to get something from his dressing room. Shannon opened the door, only to find it was engulfed in flames; everything was on fire. Shannon’s jaw dropped and Laurinaitis called out for help. ([I]Smokes: Look’it that fire, Rave![/I]) A couple of staffers ran in with fire extinguishers and did their best to put it out. [B]C[/B] [B] MATCH 3 SHANNON vs. CHAD COLLYER[/B] Shannon looked shaken up as he entered the ring. Collyer made his return to RevPro wearing a pair of bright red tights, a difference from his usual dull black. Shannon took the fight to him, but Collyer had an answer every time. Collyer applied the Cloverleaf early but Shannon got to the ropes. Collyer didn’t want to release it, but eventually did. Shannon kicked Collyer in the leg and wore down his knee with quick kicks. Chad fought back with a huge belly-to-belly suplex. ([I]Rave: That’s new to me, I’ve never seen Collyer employ that one before.[/I]) Shannon recovered long enough to get to the top rope and try for a flying dropkick, but Collyer pulled him down right into a Texas Cloverleaf. Shannon struggled but this time he had nowhere to go, and tapped out. ([I]Rave: Tap out! God, did Collyer look good or what? He wins it![/I]) [B] Winner: Chad Collyer at 12:47, B-[/B] [B]Vampiro [/B]and [B]Lacey [/B]were backstage with Laurinaitis, and said that someone in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling screwed up huge. “I didn’t challenge Joe. Someone said they were me, and got me stuck against him. I don’t do submissions, I beat people senseless. I don’t need to choke anyone out. But whoever set me up for this—Abyss, if it was you—I’m going to get to you.” [B]B[/B] [B] MATCH 4 TONY MAMALUKE vs. ABYSS[/B] Abyss made his entrance for this unannounced match to a favourable ovation from the crowd. ([I]Rave: You just heard Vampiro say that he didn’t challenge Joe. Smokes: Musta been Abyss, man, after Vamp set him up with Daniels last week.[/I]) Mamaluke attacked him as soon as he got into the ring, but Abyss simply powered through him and quickly got the win with the Black Hole Slam. [B] Winner: Abyss at 2:52, C+[/B] [B] Scott Colton[/B] came down to the ring and took a microphone. He bragged that he couldn’t even wait for the Fallen Angel to get into the building before he beat his ass, so he did it in the parking lot. Colton called out Daniels to fight, and he responded quickly, running down to the ring before his music could even be queued up. Colton slid out of the ring and wagged a finger at Daniels as he backed up the aisle. ([I]Rave: The champion is just screwing with Chris Daniels at this point! Smokes: Damn right he is, he knows if he can get Daniels off he game, then he’s walkin’ out with his belt.[/I]) Daniels was furious and screamed at Colton to fight him. [B]B+ MATCH 5 SUBMISSIONS CHALLENGE VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. SAMOA JOE[/B] Joe wore away at Vampiro, backing him into the corner and brightening up his pale chest with high, stiff kicks. Vampiro blocked one and tripped Joe down, driving a knee into the thigh. Vampiro tried to ground Joe with a leglock, but Joe turned him over to his stomach, and stood to KO him with a roundhouse to the head. ([I]Rave: What a kick! Vampiro’s trying, but submissions are a whole new language to him, a language Joe’s fluent in.[/I]) Joe put a leg grapevine on Vampiro who howled in pain, but he was pulled to the ropes by Lacey. The referee reprimanded her, and Vampiro slipped in a low blow to fell Joe. Vampiro tried lock after lock, but none of them had a lasting impact, and a figure-four leglock attempt saw Vamp get shot off into the corner where his shoulder met the post. Vampiro staggered backwards into the Triangle Choke from Joe, and soon passed out. ([I]Rave: Joe wins with the Choke! Vampiro’s one of the best, but he had nothing to offer in the submissions department.[/I]) [B] Winner: Samoa Joe at 12:55, B Austin Aries[/B] walked down a hall backstage, fitting his Tri State championship around his waist. John Laurinaitis tapped him on the shoulder and asked what he thought of Alex Shelley, who he was facing in just a few moments. “Shelley?" Aries thought about it. "F*** that guy.” He walked off, leaving Laurinaitis stunned. ([I]Rave: Poignant. And vulgar.[/I]) [B]B+ MATCH 6 FOR THE REVPRO TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B] The match ran longer than anyone had expected it would, and these two pushed each other to the limit during the course of it. Shelley rolled Aries up and held the tights for the pin, but the champion barely wriggled out of it. Shelley lifted Aries up for the Shellshock but he slid down his back and shoved him into the ropes. Shelley rebounded and tried for a clothesline but got hooked into a crossface by Aries. ([I]Rave: Crossface there! Will he tap?[/I]) Shelley crawled in circles trying to find a rope, but Aries eventually rolled him over into a pinning combination while still applying the crossface. ([I]Rave: One, two, nearly three![/I]) Aries popped right back up and Shelley drilled him with a leg lariat to the face. Shelley got to one knee and motioned that the match was over. He pulled Aries up and put him in the fisherman’s suplex position for the Shellshock, but couldn’t power Aries up. Aries drove his hooked leg into Shelley’s jaw, dazing him, and quickly reversed the suplex to hit his brainbuster. ([I]Rave: Brainbuster! Two! Three, Aries got him![/I]) [B] Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 21:55, B[/B] Aries rose to his feet but got blindsided by someone in street clothes who had gotten into the ring… [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B]. ([I]Rave: It’s Nigel! We haven’t seen him since Motor City Carnage![/I]) Nigel, looking enraged and like he hadn’t slept in weeks, stomped on Aries as the referee tried to force him away. Security got into the ring and forced Nigel through the ropes. [I](Rave: Aries survived Alex Shelley’s challenge but has been left laying by Nigel McGuinness![/I]) [B]B MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SCOTT COLTON c. vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B] The whole night built to this point, and it delivered. In terms of quality, it was by far the best match in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling history. Daniels entered first, and met Colton at ringside where they brawled. Colton tried to dump Daniels over the barrier, but Daniels fired back with some elbows and dropped the champion stomach-first across the bar. Colton stumbled back and got hooked up and driven with the Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Angel’s Wings in the aisle! And we only just started![/I]) Daniels picked Colton up and dragged him back to the ring. The Fallen Angel slid in but Colton rolled back out to the floor, dropping to his hands and knees for more of a breather. Daniels reached through the ropes to grab him, but Colton nailed him with an elbow. Daniels stumbled backwards and Colton got up to the apron, springing into the ring and knocking Angel to the mat. Colton drove in some right hands and kicked at the neck of Daniels. The Fallen Angel stumbled to the corner, Colton gave chase and received a boot to the chin. Daniels got to the second rope and knocked Colton down with a spinning heel kick. He tossed the champion around and hit a big sit-out powerbomb to get two. Daniels tried for another Angel’s Wings but Colton broke out of it with a fireman’s slam. Colton worked on Daniels’ knee, wrapping it around the second rope and dropkicking it. Colton reached over to pick up Daniels, but got taken into a small package. ([I]Rave: Small package! But Colton gets out of it.[/I]) Colton angrily took Daniels back up and worked his knee, hitting a dragon whip and dropping a leg across the exposed knee. Daniels kicked Colton away to the corner and followed him in with a hard clothesline. Daniels reared back and drove in more standing clotheslines until Colton raked his eyes and shoved him backwards into the referee who was standing too close. Colton hit a forearm to the jaw that knocked the Fallen Angel down and then turned his attention to the top turnbuckle. He took the large pad off, and then pulled the circular steel buckle out of the corner, leaving just a small clip there. ([I]Rave: Colton’s got that big steel buckle from the corner…[/I]) Colton approached Daniels and swung with the buckle in his fist, but Daniels ducked it and took him down with a Russian legsweep with the buckle falling onto the mat. Daniels sprung to the top rope and launched backwards with the BME, nailing Colton perfectly. ([I]Rave: Moonsault! Daniels nailed him![/I]) The Fallen Angel tried to rouse the referee who was slow to get up. Daniels pulled Jim Korderas to his feet, and as he struggled to turn over, Scott Colton grabbed the steel buckle and palmed it. Daniels went back to Colton, and covered him. Colton clocked Daniels in the temple with the buckle, and rolled him over for a pin. ([I]Smokes: He hit him with the steel! Rave: Colton covers, three! He won it![/I]) [B] Winner, and still champion: Scott Colton at 30:31, A[/B] Colton rolled out of the ring and scooped up his belt as Daniels clutched his head. Colton held the belt up with pride as he backed up the aisle. ([I]Rave: Daniels just got screwed. I guess Colton didn’t win the belt fairly, so why should he defend it that way? Smokes: He did what he gotta do, you can’t argue that he the man![/I]) Colton held the belt out towards the fans, and pulled it away as they reached for it, and repeated this as the show went to black. [B]B+ RevPro Rise to Grace Overall Rating: B+[/B] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - I’m really happy with this show. It got the best rating of anything we’ve put on, with the main event turning out awesome and some of the undercard being really impressive. I gave Aries and Shelley a lot of time to see what they could do, and was thoroughly happy with what came of it. Attendance was pretty strong, but the buyrate was even better at 12,300 buys, blowing away anything else we’ve done (Motor City Carnage got 8,700 buys). The Colton and Daniels angles lifted the crowd and got them more interested in what was coming up, and with a B+ overall rating, we're matching anything that WWE and TNA have come up with. - Alex Shelley signed a big contract extension after the show that will lock him up for almost a year on a PPA basis. - I'm looking for a name for Austin Aries' brainbuster. Any suggestions? [B] Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Scott Colton[/B] def. Christopher Daniels ([B]A[/B]) [B] Austin Aries[/B] def. Alex Shelley ([B]B[/B]) [B] Samoa Joe[/B] def. Vampiro ([B]B[/B]) [B] Abyss[/B] def. Tony Mamaluke ([B]C+[/B]) [B] Chad Collyer[/B] def. Shannon ([B]B-[/B]) [B] Jack Evans[/B] def. Homicide ([B]B-[/B]) [B] The Alternative[/B] def. Sabin and Yang ([B]C+[/B])[/quote]
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