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RevPro: Something more than Honor

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[QUOTE=Audiobank;142409]This diary is probally my favorite on here, I can't believe how little feedback you get. I'm sure you have your readers but regardless it's obvious you write because you enjoy it and that shows in the quality.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Oldschool;142443]I agree with Audiobank...I've finally had the time to catch up and read this entire diary and this is GREAT stuff, very original...I love how you give new personas to characters in need of "refreshing up"...Your longevity is a testament, do this for yourself, not responses...[/QUOTE] Thanks, guys. I've always believed that if you're not writing for yourself, you're writing for the wrong person. Even if no one replied, I'd keep it going, but it's really great that other people are enjoying it too.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 123) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, August 17, 2006 Held at the Joplin Memorial Hall in Joplin, Missouri Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM TJ WILSON vs. SHANNON[/B] Shannon hit his flipping neckbreaker for a convincing win in the online upload. [B] Winner: Shannon at 5:42, C+[/B] [FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] The show opened not with the usual video package but with [COLOR=#892331][B]“Superstar” Billy Graham [/B][/COLOR]backstage surrounded by what looked like the entire RevPro roster. Even Rave and Smokes were among the crowd. “As you all know, last night, Homicide attacked two of the network executives from Bravo and sent them both to the hospital. Those executives were in Providence to discuss one thing: our future with the network. And because of that attack, there is no longer a future at the network. After this month, Televised Revolution is off the air on Bravo.” Several people moaned and most looked pissed off. “However, thanks to the quick actions of some of the people in the head offices, we will have a home on television in the fall. Televised Revolution will be moving to E!, and not only that, it will airing on Wednesdays, and an hour earlier than it airs now, eleven o’clock.” There were sighs of relief. “But that doesn’t change the fact that Homicide jeopardized everything all of you have worked so hard for. We were very nearly ruined by what he did, and this time… he’s going to be punished. Homicide didn’t have the balls to be here tonight, so next week, he’s going to be in a match… a match against Samoa Joe.” All heads turned to [COLOR=#892331][B]Joe[/B][/COLOR], who cracked a smile, and his knuckles, as he got pats on the back and comments like ‘kick his ass’. “The only other person who isn't here tonight is the World Champion, Scott Colton. He called me this morning and said he was ‘too banged up to make it’. It’s a shame, because I’m about to book his title defense for the next Pay Per View.” “The show's going to be called Revolution of the Species, and we’re going to air live from New York City. In my estimation, it’s going to be the biggest event we’ve ever done. And so the main event is going to be a little bigger than usual. Colton will defend his World Title against not one, not two, but three opponents in a fatal fourway match. In the next three weeks, I’m going to give every worthy contender for the belt an opportunity to be one of those three opponents. It starts tonight. Our main event will be a singles match, with the winner getting a pass to New York City. In one corner, it’ll be a guy who got a pretty huge win last night: Alex Shelley.” [COLOR=#892331][B]Shelley[/B][/COLOR] stepped out of the crowd and raised his arms. No one seemed too congratulatory. “And on the other side will be someone who didn’t really get his fair chance at the belt last night: once again, Samoa Joe.” Shelley’s smile dropped as Joe stared him down. “And in the next two weeks, we’ll have two more matches to determine the other two challengers for the Pay Per View.” That's all, boys. Now go out there and show them what we're all about!” The roster shouted back positively and began to disperse. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Rave[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Smokes[/B][/COLOR] walked back out to ringside and re-iterated that in September, Televised Revolution was moving to E! and would be on Wednesdays at eleven, instead of Saturdays at midnight. They also emphasized that the winner of Shelley vs. Joe would be one of three getting a shot at Scott Colton at Revolution of the Species. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 1 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. JIMMY YANG[/B][/COLOR] Nigel wrestled like he had something to prove, and he probably did after failing to take the Tri State Championship the previous night. He got a strong challenge from Yang, but hit his Tower of London cutter for a clean victory. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 10:10, B-[/B][/COLOR] Nigel made it backstage and, tired from his bout, saw someone and yelled “Hey, wait up!” He caught up to the person—[COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR]—who immediately threw his belt aside and put up his hands for a fight. “No, no—Aries, you’ve got me all wrong. I want to make amends. I've treated you bloody awfully, and you didn’t deserve what me and Brian done to you. I took my shot at you and failed, and so I want to make good. Will you shake my hand?” Aries shook his head no, and picked up his title and left. Nigel looked perplexed. ([I]Rave: What’s he expect, Aries to just forgive him after everything he’s done?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Jimmy Rave[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Alpha[/B][/COLOR] were in the ring with [COLOR=#892331][B]Melina[/B][/COLOR] waiting for Matt Sydal and Jimmy Jacobs to join them for a match. [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain, but were wearing sleek, black-and-green tights that looked like they might be out of Halo. Both of them had their hear cut short into fauxhawks. They paused in the aisle, as if waiting for someone to join them, and he did… it was [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: Sydal and Jacobs must be his recruits, the guys in those videos![/I]) Combat tapped them both on the backs, and they rushed into the ring to begin the fight. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 2 “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE and ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. SYDAL and JACOBS (w/ Commander Combat)[/B][/COLOR] Sydal and Jacobs really tore through Melina’s team. Alpha got bent over Jacob’s knee like a backbreaker and Sydal hit his Double Helix moonsault across his exposed torso. ([I]Rave: God, what a move! He pins, and gets three![/I]) Combat slid into the ring and raised his team’s arms. ([I]Rave: Jimmy and Alpha look like a hurricane just hit them, and hell, I think one just did![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Matt Sydal and Jimmy Jacobs at 4:05, C Alex Shelley [/B][/COLOR]was backstage with John Laurinaitis, and told him that it was going to be an honor to face his friend, Scott Colton, for the title in New York City. Laurinaitis pointed out that he had to beat Samoa Joe first. “What, that fat fu—” [COLOR=#892331][B]Joe[/B][/COLOR] passed by the set, and Shelley mentioned something about needing to warm up before scattering. Joe took his place, and told Laurinaitis since Colton wasn’t here tonight, he was going to pretend Shelley was Colton a little later, and “pound the crap out of his face”. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 CLOUDY vs. KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] Straight domination from the former Chad Collyer. His Eternal Fire cloverleaf had Cloudy tapping out quickly. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Kanetsu at 6:48, C[/B][/COLOR] Commander Combat stood with John Laurinaitis, as Sydal and Jacobs posed behind him with icy stares. “The world has seen a mere glimpse of what my assault unit is capable of. Jimmy Rave and Alpha fell at their knees tonight, but soon, as more and more fall, Revolutionary Pro Wrestling will be ours.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] Combat and his men left, and Laurinaitis tried to throw it back to the announce team, but [COLOR=#892331][B]Tony Mamaluke[/B][/COLOR] walked in and grabbed his mic away. “Take a powder, Johnny! I got a match with Aries next, and they didn’t even gimme a shot at his belt. I’m gonna stretch you out, Austin, and after I get your hand tappin’, I wanna ‘nother match so I can be the Tri State champ!” [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 4 AUSTIN ARIES vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/B][/COLOR] Mamaluke threw everything he had at Aries, but it just wasn’t enough. Aries was put in a dragon sleeper but broke out of it and countered with his brainbuster for the win. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Austin Aries at 13:41, B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]Nigel McGuinness [/B][/COLOR]walked to the top of the aisle and began to respectfully applaud Aries’ victory. The Tri State Champion didn’t know what to think. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ALEX SHELLEY vs. SAMOA JOE[/B][/COLOR] Shelley managed to throw Joe into the steel stairs hard and tried to win by a count-out, but Joe climbed back up to the apron. Shelley bounced off of the far side and knocked him back to the floor with a big leg lariat. Joe came back and blasted Shelley with some kicks before hitting a version of his Island Driver that nearly got three. Shelley got some breathing room with a rake of the eyes, and headed to the corner. Shelley jumped at him with a cross body but Joe caught him and casually tossed him over his head. Unfortunately, Joe threw him right into the referee. Joe tried to rouse the referee but someone with a chair slipped into the ring behind him. ([I]Rave: It’s Homicide! I thought he wasn't here! Smokes: He’s here now![/I]) Homicide hit Joe in the back of the head with a brutal chairshot that sent him to his knees, and then cracked him with another one to put him down and out. Homicide pulled off the bandanna that was around his face and tossed it down on Joe before hotfooting it through the crowd. Shelley slowly got to his feet, and climbed to the top rope. As Jim Korderas got up, Shelley hit a perfect frog splash onto Joe. ([I]Rave: Frog splash, and cover! Two! Three! Shelley won it, and he’s going to Revolution of the Species, thanks to the locker room’s new public enemy number one, Homicide! Smokes: Public enemy is right, dude, ‘cause ‘Cide just bumrushed the show! Joe is out! Joe is out![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 19:48, B-[/B][/COLOR] Shelley engaged in some joyous celebration, climbing to the top rope and pumping his fist in the air. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - The news is out: Televised Revolution will begin its second season on September 2nd with a new network, date and time. The best part of the switch is that we’re airing an hour earlier, which might allow us to crack 100,000 viewers (our ceiling seems to be 80,000 on Saturdays at twelve). A huge blow to us with the move is that E! doesn’t air in Canada. It was nice to have been breaking through in the Great White North at the same time as in the States, but in three months we might be able to work out some syndication up there. [B] Fast Results[/B]:[quote][B] Alex Shelley[/B] def. Samoa Joe [B](B-)[/B] [B] Austin Aries[/B] def. Tony Mamaluke [B](B)[/B] [B] Kanetsu[/B] def. Cloudy [B](C)[/B] [B] Sydal and Jacobs[/B] def. Rave and Alpha [B](C)[/B] [B] Nigel McGuinness[/B] def. Jimmy Yang [B](B-)[/B][/quote]
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Wednesday, August 22, 2006 OUT WITH A BANG [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revpro.jpg[/IMG] [/B][B] WHO’S JOINING COLTON AND SHELLEY?[/B] This Saturday will see the final airing of Televised Revolution on Bravo, but as Revolutionary Pro Wrestling prepares to launch on E! next Wednesday, they aren’t about to go out with a whimper. Rather, one of the most stacked line-ups in recent memory has been prepared, with the main event deciding the second opponent for Scott Colton at Revolution of the Species. Jack Evans, Christopher Daniels and Vampiro will duke it out in a triple threat match that is sure to be heated. [B] SCOTT COLTON VS… THE WWE? [/B] Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham is not pleased with the World Champion no-showing last week’s mandatory, company-wide meeting, and has lined him up a non-title match for this week. And shockingly, Graham claims it is against “an active member of the WWE roster”. How could he have pulled this off? Upon being informed of this match by RevPro.com, Colton said he had “no comment” and abruptly hung up the phone. This won’t be something you want to miss! [B] JOE HOOKS UP WITH HOMICIDE[/B] Homicide has never been on many Christmas card lists, but he may have alienated the entire roster by costing RevPro its TV deal with Bravo. While all is now well with the company joining forces with E!, Billy Graham has had enough, and booked Homicide against the toughest customer on the roster, Samoa Joe. The Notorious 187 made a surprise appearance during Joe’s match last Saturday and assaulted him with a steel chair, leaving him prey for Alex Shelley. With all of RevPro cheering for him, will Joe be able to teach Homicide a lesson? Prediction Key: Jack Evans / Christopher Daniels / Vampiro Scott Colton / WWE Superstar Samoa Joe / Homicide
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 124) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, August 24, 2006 Held at the Bob Carpenter Center in Newark, Delaware Attendance: 2,955 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM CLOUDY vs. CHRIS KERRY[/B] Cloudy took control at the bell, but Kerry fired back with several hard German suplexes and headed up top… senton bomb! One, two, three, that’s his first win! [B]Winner: Chris Kerry at 4:42, C[/B] The arena’s door opened and [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] stepped inside cautiously. ([I]Rave: There’s the guy everyone in RevPro wants a piece of.[/I]) Several workers moved closer to him, perhaps to jump him, but three large, well-built black men in black T-shirts followed Homicide in. Their shirts read “Superstar Security” and the workers backed away grudgingly. “Yeah, that’s right, all’a y’all gimme some room. Get the hell back.” Homicide walked through the crowd. ([I]Rave: He’s hired a security team, and it’s a good thing, because he probably needs one. Smokes: If they wanna take a shot at him, Rave, they gotta get through all that beef first![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 1 RING CREW EXPRESS vs. COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat)[/B][/COLOR] Sydal and Jacobs had no problem disposing of Marcos and Dunn, completely dominating them with quick tags and tandem offense. Sydal’s Double Helix got the win, and Commander Combat looked very pleased. ([I]Rave: It’s over! Sydal and Jacobs take it, and this well-oiled machine has won its second match in as many weeks![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat Assault Unit at 3:49, C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] was trying to enter Homicide’s dressing room, but the security team was blocking his way. Homicide eventually came to the door. “Whassup, Superstar? You comin’ to me, that’s a new one.” “Listen to me, Homicide. This will be the first and last week that you bring a private security team to a taping. If I see these guys next week, you’re fired.” “Whatever, dude. I gotta wrestle my match so—” Graham got as close as he could to Homicide without their noses touching. “I want you to understand something. I might run the show, but the show belongs to everyone on the roster. And you almost screwed all of them out of being able to show the whole country what they can do. So now? I’m playing hardball. Have fun with Joe.” Graham walked off briskly as Homicide stared daggers at him. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 SAMOA JOE vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Homicide brought his security team to ringside for the match. ([I]Rave: What is this? They’re not managers, or valets, they shouldn’t be here![/I]) Joe laid into Homicide as soon as he slid into the ring and punished him with an STF. Homicide was brought up but Joe took a thumb to the eye and ate a Yakuza kick straight to the jaw. It went back and forth, with both men absorbing stiff offense, but after Homicide knocked Joe to the mat, he seemed to lose interest and went to ringside. He pulled a taser from one of the guard’s belts and rolled back in. ([I]Rave: He’s not going to—[/I]) Homicide shocked Joe with the taser, knocking him to ringside. ([I]Rave: Oh my God![/I]) The referee called for the bell and grabbed the weapon away as Homicide looked pleased. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner, by disqualification: Samoa Joe at 12:38, B-[/B][/COLOR] Joe fell at the feet of the three guards, and Homicide commanded them to pick him up to his feet. ([I]Rave: He’s hit a new low! He shocked Samoa Joe with that taser! Smokes: Didn’t you see? Joe was about to use it first. Rave: Get real![/I]) The guards held a groggy Joe as Homicide slapped him across the face and tossed him into the steps. Homicide walked back up the aisle and his security team followed. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] was in his dressing room, stretching with his head down, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] sauntered in, wearing his ring gear. “Hey, buddy! Wanted to pop in before my match and wish you good luck against whoever the WWE guy is that’s gonna face you. I’m sure you got it covered.” Colton was silent but Shelley continued. “And at Revolution of the Species, it's going to be a dream come true to lock up with you.” Colton looked up quickly. “Do you know how much I’ve got to deal with right now, Shelley? I’m getting sent up the creek by Graham with this four-way match, and now I have someone from the WWE gunning for me tonight! It could be Triple-Goddamn-H for all I know!” Colton got up off the floor. “So until our business at Revolution of the Species is done, we’re not buddies. Just stay the hell away from me!” Colton pushed Shelley towards the door and quickly slammed it in his face. [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 3 CHRIS SABIN vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley seemed really angry on his walk to the ring. ([I]Rave: Alex just got chewed out by the guy he thought was his friend. Smokes: If Shelley’s his friend, why’s he want his belt? Riddle me that, Rave.[/I]) Shelley opened up on Sabin with some stiff and furious offense, and really didn’t give his opponent much of a chance. He nailed his frog splash called the Conspiracy Crusher and then dragged Sabin to his feet to end it with a huge Shell Shock. ([I]Rave: One, two and three! I think our World Champion might have alienated the wrong guy--damn, did he look good![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:31, B+ Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed backstage, and said that he had one more chance at what he came to RevPro to do: win the World Championship. He had nothing against Jack Evans or Vampiro, but tonight, they were both going to go down hard. [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton was in the ring, and had the World Championship draped over one shoulder. “Someone from World Wrestling Entertainment is here tonight to challenge me. If they think I’m scared, they couldn’t be more wrong. I’d break John Cena’s teeth, bust the Undertaker’s nose, and slap the ugly off Batista if I had the chance! So who’s it gonna be? Bring him ou--” Some music hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Shoichi Funaki[/B][/COLOR] walked out from behind the curtain to a good ovation. ([I]Rave: That’s Sho Funaki! He’s going to face the champion![/I]) Funaki stepped up to the apron as Colton’s sides seemed to be splitting from laughter. ([I]Rave: Colton’s not taking Funaki seriously, but he’s up against a guy who's made a name for himself on both sides on the Pacific!)[/I] Funaki quickly sprung into the ring and leveled Colton with a dropkick as the referee called for the bell. ([I]Rave: This one’s on![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 4 NON-TITLE MATCH SCOTT COLTON vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] Funaki quickly got Colton into the corner and hit a huge tornado DDT, but the champion got the shoulder up. Funaki kept it up, knocking Colton to ringside and diving through the ropes on top of him and working the crowd into a frenzy. ([I]Rave: There’s no belt on the line, but dammit, Colton’s met his match![/I]) Colton made Funaki chase him as he staggered away, but laid in a knee to the gut and slammed him into Rave and Smokes’ announce table. Smokes applauded Colton as he whipped Funaki into the steel barrier and followed it with a clothesline. ([I]Smokes: That’s our champ! He’s defending RevPro’s honor here, dude, why ain’t you clappin’? Rave: Give me a break.[/I]) Colton got Funaki back in and hit a slingshot legdrop that got two. Colton perched up on top for his Pro Line but Funaki met him with a big slap and turned it into a superplex. ([I]Rave: Superplex, and the champ got crushed![/I]) Funaki rolled over and laid an arm across Colton’s chest. ([I]Rave: One, two, thr-no! Just two, so close![/I]) Funaki pulled Colton up and pointed to the corner like he was going to do another one, but Colton reversed the irish whip to send Funaki into the turnbuckles. Funaki rocketed out hard, and took a boot to the gut, followed by a Colt 45. ([I]Rave: The cover, two, three! Smokes: Booyah![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Scott Colton at 15:01, B[/B][/COLOR] As Funaki rolled to ringside, Korderas raised Colton’s arm but he pulled it away. He instead called for a microphone. “That’s right… Funaki, tuck your tail between your legs and go running home to Vince. As for everyone else, you just saw why I’m not just the current champion… I’m always going to be the champion. New York is where the revolution began, and at Revolution of the Species, no matter who I face in the main event, the line stays the same: Scott... Colton... retains!” [COLOR=#892331][B]A[/B][/COLOR] After the commercial, an image of a humongous winged beast appeared on the screen. “Eons ago, there existed creatures who towered over man, and wreaked havoc on their villages. There was nothing larger, nor more destructive. It was written that they became extinct, and they said that not one exists today.” “They were wrong.” The image disappeared, and a new one of a man appeared before washing away with the text “Prepare for Roc, King of the Giants”: [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. JACK EVANS vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] Vamp got double-teamed out of the gate, but Evans and Daniels turned on each other once he was tossed to ringside. Daniels fired away with a series of suplexes but Evans slipped out of one and nearly got three with a sunset flip. Daniels lowbridged Evans out of the ring as he charged, but Vampiro returned to the fray and stunned the Fallen Angel with a reverse DDT. Vampiro sent Daniels to the ropes and tried for a back body drop, but Daniels telegraphed it and quickly nailed an Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Angel’s Wings! No one gets up from that![/I]) Daniels covered Vampiro near the corner, but as the referee got down, Evans scampered to the top turnbuckle quick as a cat and hit a 630 onto the pile. ([I]Rave: God, the 630 connects, just as the hand was coming down for three![/I]) Evans turned Daniels onto his back and covered him. ([I]Rave: Two! Three! Evans takes it, and he’s got his shot![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 17:36, B[/B][/COLOR] Jack Evans crawled to the ropes and tried to pull himself up as the referee pointed to him to indicate he was victorious. Daniels started to come to and couldn’t seem to believe that he’d come up short once again. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Thanks for predicting, lowki. I would have loved for it to be Benoit or Hardy, in fact they're probably my two most sought-after WWE-owned names. I'm crazy about both of them and they'd be nice fits here. Sho Funaki might not have been an earthshaking debut, but he's over (B's straight across the board in the US) and a solid worker to boot. I'll clarify how exactly he wrestled for us while still on the WWE roster in an upcoming update.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 124) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, August 24, 2006 Held at the Bob Carpenter Center in Newark, Delaware Attendance: 2,955 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM CLOUDY vs. CHRIS KERRY[/B] Cloudy took control at the bell, but Kerry fired back with several hard German suplexes and headed up top… senton bomb! One, two, three, that’s his first win! [B]Winner: Chris Kerry at 4:42, C[/B] The arena’s door opened and [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] stepped inside cautiously. ([I]Rave: There’s the guy everyone in RevPro wants a piece of.[/I]) Several workers moved closer to him, perhaps to jump him, but three large, well-built black men in black T-shirts followed Homicide in. Their shirts read “Superstar Security” and the workers backed away grudgingly. “Yeah, that’s right, all’a y’all gimme some room. Get the hell back.” Homicide walked through the crowd. ([I]Rave: He’s hired a security team, and it’s a good thing, because he probably needs one. Smokes: If they wanna take a shot at him, Rave, they gotta get through all that beef first![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 1 RING CREW EXPRESS vs. COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat)[/B][/COLOR] Sydal and Jacobs had no problem disposing of Marcos and Dunn, completely dominating them with quick tags and tandem offense. Sydal’s Double Helix got the win, and Commander Combat looked very pleased. ([I]Rave: It’s over! Sydal and Jacobs take it, and this well-oiled machine has won its second match in as many weeks![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat Assault Unit at 3:49, C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] was trying to enter Homicide’s dressing room, but the security team was blocking his way. Homicide eventually came to the door. “Whassup, Superstar? You comin’ to me, that’s a new one.” “Listen to me, Homicide. This will be the first and last week that you bring a private security team to a taping. If I see these guys next week, you’re fired.” “Whatever, dude. I gotta wrestle my match so—” Graham got as close as he could to Homicide without their noses touching. “I want you to understand something. I might run the show, but the show belongs to everyone on the roster. And you almost screwed all of them out of being able to show the whole country what they can do. So now? I’m playing hardball. Have fun with Joe.” Graham walked off briskly as Homicide stared daggers at him. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 SAMOA JOE vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Homicide brought his security team to ringside for the match. ([I]Rave: What is this? They’re not managers, or valets, they shouldn’t be here![/I]) Joe laid into Homicide as soon as he slid into the ring and punished him with an STF. Homicide was brought up but Joe took a thumb to the eye and ate a Yakuza kick straight to the jaw. It went back and forth, with both men absorbing stiff offense, but after Homicide knocked Joe to the mat, he seemed to lose interest and went to ringside. He pulled a taser from one of the guard’s belts and rolled back in. ([I]Rave: He’s not going to—[/I]) Homicide shocked Joe with the taser, knocking him to ringside. ([I]Rave: Oh my God![/I]) The referee called for the bell and grabbed the weapon away as Homicide looked pleased. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner, by disqualification: Samoa Joe at 12:38, B-[/B][/COLOR] Joe fell at the feet of the three guards, and Homicide commanded them to pick him up to his feet. ([I]Rave: He’s hit a new low! He shocked Samoa Joe with that taser! Smokes: Didn’t you see? Joe was about to use it first. Rave: Get real![/I]) The guards held a groggy Joe as Homicide slapped him across the face and tossed him into the steps. Homicide walked back up the aisle and his security team followed. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] was in his dressing room, stretching with his head down, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] sauntered in, wearing his ring gear. “Hey, buddy! Wanted to pop in before my match and wish you good luck against whoever the WWE guy is that’s gonna face you. I’m sure you got it covered.” Colton was silent but Shelley continued. “And at Revolution of the Species, it's going to be a dream come true to lock up with you.” Colton looked up quickly. “Do you know how much I’ve got to deal with right now, Shelley? I’m getting sent up the creek by Graham with this four-way match, and now I have someone from the WWE gunning for me tonight! It could be Triple-Goddamn-H for all I know!” Colton got up off the floor. “So until our business at Revolution of the Species is done, we’re not buddies. Just stay the hell away from me!” Colton pushed Shelley towards the door and quickly slammed it in his face. [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 3 CHRIS SABIN vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley seemed really angry on his walk to the ring. ([I]Rave: Alex just got chewed out by the guy he thought was his friend. Smokes: If Shelley’s his friend, why’s he want his belt? Riddle me that, Rave.[/I]) Shelley opened up on Sabin with some stiff and furious offense, and really didn’t give his opponent much of a chance. He nailed his frog splash called the Conspiracy Crusher and then dragged Sabin to his feet to end it with a huge Shell Shock. ([I]Rave: One, two and three! I think our World Champion might have alienated the wrong guy--damn, did he look good![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 8:31, B+ Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed backstage, and said that he had one more chance at what he came to RevPro to do: win the World Championship. He had nothing against Jack Evans or Vampiro, but tonight, they were both going to go down hard. [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton was in the ring, and had the World Championship draped over one shoulder. “Someone from World Wrestling Entertainment is here tonight to challenge me. If they think I’m scared, they couldn’t be more wrong. I’d break John Cena’s teeth, bust the Undertaker’s nose, and slap the ugly off Batista if I had the chance! So who’s it gonna be? Bring him ou--” Some music hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Shoichi Funaki[/B][/COLOR] walked out from behind the curtain to a good ovation. ([I]Rave: That’s Sho Funaki! He’s going to face the champion![/I]) Funaki stepped up to the apron as Colton’s sides seemed to be splitting from laughter. ([I]Rave: Colton’s not taking Funaki seriously, but he’s up against a guy who's made a name for himself on both sides on the Pacific!)[/I] Funaki quickly sprung into the ring and leveled Colton with a dropkick as the referee called for the bell. ([I]Rave: This one’s on![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 4 NON-TITLE MATCH SCOTT COLTON vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] Funaki quickly got Colton into the corner and hit a huge tornado DDT, but the champion got the shoulder up. Funaki kept it up, knocking Colton to ringside and diving through the ropes on top of him and working the crowd into a frenzy. ([I]Rave: There’s no belt on the line, but dammit, Colton’s met his match![/I]) Colton made Funaki chase him as he staggered away, but laid in a knee to the gut and slammed him into Rave and Smokes’ announce table. Smokes applauded Colton as he whipped Funaki into the steel barrier and followed it with a clothesline. ([I]Smokes: That’s our champ! He’s defending RevPro’s honor here, dude, why ain’t you clappin’? Rave: Give me a break.[/I]) Colton got Funaki back in and hit a slingshot legdrop that got two. Colton perched up on top for his Pro Line but Funaki met him with a big slap and turned it into a superplex. ([I]Rave: Superplex, and the champ got crushed![/I]) Funaki rolled over and laid an arm across Colton’s chest. ([I]Rave: One, two, thr-no! Just two, so close![/I]) Funaki pulled Colton up and pointed to the corner like he was going to do another one, but Colton reversed the irish whip to send Funaki into the turnbuckles. Funaki rocketed out hard, and took a boot to the gut, followed by a Colt 45. ([I]Rave: The cover, two, three! Smokes: Booyah![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Scott Colton at 15:01, B[/B][/COLOR] As Funaki rolled to ringside, Korderas raised Colton’s arm but he pulled it away. He instead called for a microphone. “That’s right… Funaki, tuck your tail between your legs and go running home to Vince. As for everyone else, you just saw why I’m not just the current champion… I’m always going to be the champion. New York is where the revolution began, and at Revolution of the Species, no matter who I face in the main event, the line stays the same: Scott... Colton... retains!” [COLOR=#892331][B]A[/B][/COLOR] After the commercial, an image of a humongous winged beast appeared on the screen. “Eons ago, there existed creatures who towered over man, and wreaked havoc on their villages. There was nothing larger, nor more destructive. It was written that they became extinct, and they said that not one exists today.” “They were wrong.” The image disappeared, and a new one of a man appeared before washing away with the text “Prepare for Roc, King of the Giants”: [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. JACK EVANS vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] Vamp got double-teamed out of the gate, but Evans and Daniels turned on each other once he was tossed to ringside. Daniels fired away with a series of suplexes but Evans slipped out of one and nearly got three with a sunset flip. Daniels lowbridged Evans out of the ring as he charged, but Vampiro returned to the fray and stunned the Fallen Angel with a reverse DDT. Vampiro sent Daniels to the ropes and tried for a back body drop, but Daniels telegraphed it and quickly nailed an Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Angel’s Wings! No one gets up from that![/I]) Daniels covered Vampiro near the corner, but as the referee got down, Evans scampered to the top turnbuckle quick as a cat and hit a 630 onto the pile. ([I]Rave: God, the 630 connects, just as the hand was coming down for three![/I]) Evans turned Daniels onto his back and covered him. ([I]Rave: Two! Three! Evans takes it, and he’s got his shot![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 17:36, B[/B][/COLOR] Jack Evans crawled to the ropes and tried to pull himself up as the referee pointed to him to indicate he was victorious. Daniels started to come to and couldn’t seem to believe that he’d come up short once again. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Thanks for predicting, lowki. I would have loved for it to be Benoit or Hardy, in fact they're probably my two most sought-after WWE-owned names. I'm crazy about both of them and they'd be nice fits here. Sho Funaki might not have been an earthshaking debut, but he's over (B's straight across the board in the US) and a solid worker to boot. I'll clarify how exactly he wrestled for us while still on the WWE roster in an upcoming update.
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I'm figuring, he was under a pay-per-appearance contract to the WWE. I had two games, two different promotions with a few contracted WWE stars linked to it. When I was playing as WORLD-1, I had Matt Hardy under contract for a while. When I was playing as ROH, I had both Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit on my roster. They both were signed to WWE under written contracts so they left. I'm thinking about putting my Pro Wrestling Elite promotion on the board, just to see what people think about it.
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I'm figuring, he was under a pay-per-appearance contract to the WWE. I had two games, two different promotions with a few contracted WWE stars linked to it. When I was playing as WORLD-1, I had Matt Hardy under contract for a while. When I was playing as ROH, I had both Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit on my roster. They both were signed to WWE under written contracts so they left. I'm thinking about putting my Pro Wrestling Elite promotion on the board, just to see what people think about it.
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IndieHearsay.com - Sep 1 16:13:11 [B][U]IndieHearsay.com Headlines RevPro: WWE wrestler in a RevPro ring? It happened, and here’s why[/U][/B] - [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] aired their last episode of [B]Televised Revolution[/B] on [B]Bravo[/B] last Saturday, and it featured somewhat of a shocker. It was promised that a [B]WWE[/B] superstar would compete against [B]Scott Colton[/B], and it turned out to be Raw’s [B]Funaki[/B]. The story goes that Funaki, who’s on a strict written deal with WWE but has only appeared on a handful of Monday nights this summer, requested and received permission to take an independent booking. What World Wrestling Entertainment didn’t know is that this independent company was RevPro, and that it would be on TV. Needless to say, Funaki is in the WWE's doghouse and it is assumed that he has ruined his own chances of a contract extension. He’s in the final thirty days of his current deal, and all signs point to it being allowed to expire. Sources on both sides of the conflict are saying that it was crazy for Funaki to jeopardize a possible lucrative extension with the E, and can’t imagine why he’d do such a thing. Reportedly, Shoichi had been growing frustrated with his lack of direction and in-ring action, and took drastic measures. Sources indicate that RevPro officials tried to get through to WWE to explain themselves, but couldn’t get past the switchboard at [B]Titan Towers[/B]. It's not hard to speculate that the company has perhaps presented itself to the WWE as an adversary, and not an ally, which isn't a clever move.
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IndieHearsay.com - Sep 1 16:13:11 [B][U]IndieHearsay.com Headlines RevPro: WWE wrestler in a RevPro ring? It happened, and here’s why[/U][/B] - [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] aired their last episode of [B]Televised Revolution[/B] on [B]Bravo[/B] last Saturday, and it featured somewhat of a shocker. It was promised that a [B]WWE[/B] superstar would compete against [B]Scott Colton[/B], and it turned out to be Raw’s [B]Funaki[/B]. The story goes that Funaki, who’s on a strict written deal with WWE but has only appeared on a handful of Monday nights this summer, requested and received permission to take an independent booking. What World Wrestling Entertainment didn’t know is that this independent company was RevPro, and that it would be on TV. Needless to say, Funaki is in the WWE's doghouse and it is assumed that he has ruined his own chances of a contract extension. He’s in the final thirty days of his current deal, and all signs point to it being allowed to expire. Sources on both sides of the conflict are saying that it was crazy for Funaki to jeopardize a possible lucrative extension with the E, and can’t imagine why he’d do such a thing. Reportedly, Shoichi had been growing frustrated with his lack of direction and in-ring action, and took drastic measures. Sources indicate that RevPro officials tried to get through to WWE to explain themselves, but couldn’t get past the switchboard at [B]Titan Towers[/B]. It's not hard to speculate that the company has perhaps presented itself to the WWE as an adversary, and not an ally, which isn't a clever move.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 1st, 2006 ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revpro.jpg[/IMG] [B]WELCOME TO WEDNESDAY NIGHTS![/B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling will enter a new era in their history when Televised Revolution airs tomorrow night at eleven on E!. The show will be completely live, as will all further episodes of the show, so anything can happen in Santa Ana, California. Last week, Jack Evans joined Alex Shelley as a challenger for Scott Colton’s World Championship at Revolution of the Species on September 18, and the final slot will be filled this week. [B]BATTLE ROYAL FOR TITLE SHOT[/B] It’s been announced that the final contender for Scott Colton will be determined by a ten-man battle royal main event! Some names already confirmed for the bout are Kanetsu, Jay Lethal, Brian Lawler, the tag team champions Xile and Morley Depraved, and Abyss. Any one of these men would be a worthy challenge for the World Champion, but only one can make it. Who will it be? [B]COMMISSIONER WON’T BE PRESENT[/B] RevPro.com has learned that Superstar Billy Graham, RevPro’s Commissioner, will not be at the arena for the debut on E!. He will be attending a network function about forty minutes away in Los Angeles, and isn’t expected to be in attendance at all. With Graham gone, will chaos break out? [B]SAMOA JOE IN ACTION[/B] The Samoan Submission Machine was brutally tasered by Homicide last week during their match, but Joe says he will return this week in singles action. Homicide declined to wrestle a match this week, citing a previous booking, but you can bet Samoa Joe hasn't forgotten about what he's done. The young Alpha has drawn the unenviable task of locking up with Joe.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 1st, 2006 ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revpro.jpg[/IMG] [B]WELCOME TO WEDNESDAY NIGHTS![/B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling will enter a new era in their history when Televised Revolution airs tomorrow night at eleven on E!. The show will be completely live, as will all further episodes of the show, so anything can happen in Santa Ana, California. Last week, Jack Evans joined Alex Shelley as a challenger for Scott Colton’s World Championship at Revolution of the Species on September 18, and the final slot will be filled this week. [B]BATTLE ROYAL FOR TITLE SHOT[/B] It’s been announced that the final contender for Scott Colton will be determined by a ten-man battle royal main event! Some names already confirmed for the bout are Kanetsu, Jay Lethal, Brian Lawler, the tag team champions Xile and Morley Depraved, and Abyss. Any one of these men would be a worthy challenge for the World Champion, but only one can make it. Who will it be? [B]COMMISSIONER WON’T BE PRESENT[/B] RevPro.com has learned that Superstar Billy Graham, RevPro’s Commissioner, will not be at the arena for the debut on E!. He will be attending a network function about forty minutes away in Los Angeles, and isn’t expected to be in attendance at all. With Graham gone, will chaos break out? [B]SAMOA JOE IN ACTION[/B] The Samoan Submission Machine was brutally tasered by Homicide last week during their match, but Joe says he will return this week in singles action. Homicide declined to wrestle a match this week, citing a previous booking, but you can bet Samoa Joe hasn't forgotten about what he's done. The young Alpha has drawn the unenviable task of locking up with Joe.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 201) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 2, 2006 Held at the Galaxy Concert Theater in Santa Ana, California Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM KANETSU vs. TOKOAMI KOIZUMI[/B] The big Koizumi got stretched by Kanetsu and put away with Eternal Fire. [B] Winner: Kanetsu at 4:50, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] Some new pyrotechnics fired off, and they were quickly followed by [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR]’ theme as one of the men who will challenge Scott Colton at Revolution of the Species walked down the aisle. ([I]Rave: Welcome to Televised Revolution, now better than ever on E! We are completely live in Santa Ana, and here comes Jack Evans! Smokes: For those a'y’all watchin’ for the first time, he a stringbean who somehow’s got a chance at the World Championship![/I]) Evans got into the ring and called for a microphone. “Yo… the last thing anyone saw on Bravo was me pinning Christopher Daniels and punchin’ my ticket for New York City. Now, a new network, a new home? I'm down. The E stands for entertainment, y’all, and that’s what I’m all about. So at Revolution of the Species, I’m gonna twist off the 630 onto Scott Colton, take his belt, and entertain y’all… as the champion.” The Alternative’s theme hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain. ([I]Rave: Evans is looking ahead to New York City, but he’s got Xile one-on-one tonight![/I]) Xile took a microphone from Morley Depraved. “Jack, there’s a reason we’ve got gold and you don’t… we grew up with nothing, without anyone to care about us, and you grew up in the ‘burbs listening to the Beastie Boys. We deserve our success, Evans, you deserve nothing… and that’s why you're going down right now.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 1 JACK EVANS vs. XILE (w/ Morley Depraved)[/B][/COLOR] These two might be the best fliers in RevPro, and they definitely showed it, displaying an awesome air assault. Xile waylaid Evans with a unique corkscrew dropkick from the top rope, and then began to choke him out on the bottom rope. Xile backed off, taking the referee’s attention with him, and Depraved laid in hard elbows to the head. ([I]Rave: Morley getting involved, it’s two-on-one![/I]) Xile dragged Evans back to his feet, but got hit with a headscissors takedown that sent him to ringside. Depraved tried to help him up, but Evans got out to the apron and hit a big Stuntin’ 101 to nail both of them. Evans took Xile back in and almost got the impressive 720 DDT from his opponent, but dropped him with a backbreaker and quickly followed it with the 630. ([I]Rave: 630, two, three! Evans wins, what a match![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 13:36, B+ Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] were both standing at the door to an office that read “Billy Graham”. Daniels looked impatient as he knocked. ([I]Rave: I guess they want an audience with the Commissioner, but they won’t get one, he’s not here.[/I]) The door opened, and out stepped someone unexpected—[COLOR=#892331][B]Dean Malenko![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: The Director of Integrity![/I]) “You guys seem surprised to see me. Well, since the Commissioner couldn’t be here tonight, he asked me to make a rare appearance to oversee the first show on E!. Usually, I’m content to be unseen and unheard, but tonight, I’m running the show. So tell me, what do you want?” Daniels spoke first. “Dean, I’m respectfully asking for a spot in the battle royal tonight. I’m not happy with my performance last week—actually, I sucked. I can do better, and I would like to show that tonight.” Vampiro piped up. “Alright, enough. Listen, Malenko, I didn’t even get pinned last week, so tell me how the hell I’m out of a title shot against Colton? Put me in the main event so I can bust some skulls.” “Enough, enough. Maybe I’m being too gracious, but fine, you’re both in the battle royal. And if either of you win, you’ll join Scott Colton, Alex Shelley and Jack Evans in the main event of Revolution of the Species. Good luck.” Malenko stepped back into his office, leaving Daniels and Vampiro to eye each other. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Brian Lawler[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. He said that he was going to be the one to win the battle royal, but first, he had to take care of some jobber named Chris Kerry. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 CHRIS KERRY vs. BRIAN LAWLER[/B][/COLOR] The experienced Lawler worked Kerry over thoroughly with some throws, and then headed up top for his leg drop finisher… but missed. Kerry sprung into action, hitting a shining wizard on the hurting Lawler, and then a big lifting DDT. He went to the top rope himself, and hit a perfect senton bomb. ([I]Rave: He hit it! One, two, three! What an upset! Kerry just beat Lawler! Smokes: Who the hell is this kid?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Chris Kerry at 6:34, B-[/B][/COLOR] Kerry posed on the second rope, looking stunned that he had pulled it off, but got thrown down hard by Lawler. ([I]Rave: Talk about a sore loser! Take it like a man, Lawler.[/I]) Lawler laid in stomps to Kerry and pushed the referee away. He pulled Kerry up to his feet and put him on the second rope. Lawler joined him, looking furious, positioned his head between his legs and leapt backwards to spike him with a huge piledriver. ([I]Rave: My God! Kerry needs some help now![/I]) Lawler got forced out of the ring by two officials who then checked on Kerry. ([I]Rave: The rookie doesn’t look very good.[/I]) Lawler got into it with the fans as he walked up the aisle. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 3 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez)[/B][/COLOR] Rave implemented some dirty tricks to wear down Nigel, but McGuinness didn’t use any back. Melina took the referee’s attention away from the match, and Rave pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and fitted them onto his hand. Nigel kicked him in the stomach and pulled the knucks away as Rave fell to one knee. Nigel seemed to think about it, but threw the knucks down and instead nailed Rave with a big Tower of London cutter that got three. ([I]Rave: Nigel with a convincing victory, and he didn’t even have to cheat to get it![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 10:25, C+[/B][/COLOR] The same video for “Roc” from last week aired again, but this time it had a new block of text. “In two weeks, he rises again.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Brian Lawler was stalking down a hall backstage when Dean Malenko jumped into his path and grabbed him by the throat, pushing him against a wall. “What was that, huh? You could have killed that kid! Grab your bags, Lawler—you’re fired! Get the f*** out of my arena!” Malenko released his choke, and Lawler thought about saying something, but didn’t. He walked away as Malenko tried to regain his composure. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 4 ALPHA vs. SAMOA JOE[/B][/COLOR] Alpha did his best to take Joe off his feet, coming off the top rope with a clothesline as soon as Joe slid into the ring, but couldn’t stand the Samoan’s lethal kicks and chops. He got planted with the Island Driver, and Joe rose to his feet to pull something from his tights… a bandanna. ([I]Rave: I think that’s the bandanna Homicide left on Joe after attacking him a couple of weeks ago.[/I]) Joe tied the bandanna around Alpha’s face before bringing him to his feet and nailing a huge running kick to the jaw. Alpha fell and Joe wrapped him up with the Triangle Choke. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Samoa Joe at 6:08, B-[/B][/COLOR] Dean Malenko walked down the aisle with a microphone as Joe got back to his feet. “I’m going to take the liberty of doing something I’m sure Billy would have done next week anyway: you’ve got Homicide at Revolution of the Species.” Joe smiled. [COLOR=#892331][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] In a dark corner somewhere, [COLOR=#892331][B]Abyss[/B][/COLOR] was looking at himself in a mirror, psyching himself up. He began breathing heavily, and finally screamed out before pounding the mirror with his fist and walking off. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. John told him that he had received word that next week, there would be a four-way match to determine the number-one contender for the Tri State Championship, and Nigel had been chosen to be in the match. McGuinness looked upset, and said that when he told Austin Aries he wanted to make amends, he was serious. “I’m done with the Tri State Championship, and that’s that. I don’t want the shot.” Nigel walked off, leaving John Laurinaitis speechless. [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Back from commercial, Abyss was entering the ring for the ten-man battle royal. We could see Vampiro, Jay Lethal, Kanetsu, Xile, Morley Depraved, Shannon, Abyss and Roderick Strong already present. ([I]Rave: We’re down one by my count. Lawler’s out on his ass, so who’s the tenth man going to be?[/I]) It was quiet for a while, and then a theme that sounded a lot like the Final Countdown hit and the crowd rose to his feet. ([I]Rave: You’re KIDDING me! Smokes: No way![/I]) The nine men looked to the entrance, and [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] walked out to a big ovation. ([I]Rave: He’s here! Bryan Danielson! THE DRAGON IS BACK![/I]) Danielson was wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket, and most shockingly a closely-cropped Mohawk. ([I]Rave: He looks different, but damn, he looks good![/I]) Danielson threw the leather jacket down and ran full-speed down the aisle and slid into the ring. ([I]Rave: Let’s get it on![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) TEN-MAN BATTLE ROYAL[/B][/COLOR] Danielson came in as a house of fire, taking shots at the whole pack, but was eventually swarmed by the three-man Alternative and driven into a corner. Abyss was dominant, pounding Vampiro to the mat and then tossing Roderick Strong over the top rope by the throat. Lethal jumped on the monster’s back, but got crushed into the turnbuckles and tossed to the floor as well. Christopher Daniels matched up with Kanetsu and got tripped down in preparation for the Eternal Fire. ([I]Rave: Kanetsu trying to wear him down with the submission…[/I]) Daniels kicked him away to the ropes, and Vampiro lowbridged him so he fell to the outside. ([I]Rave: Over and out! We’re down to seven.[/I]) Danielson broke away from the Alternative and dealt them all hard shots. Shannon was lined over hard to the padding, and a charging Xile was hiptossed almost on top of him. Depraved hit him with an axehandle from behind, and got him down to one knee. Depraved tried to toss Danielson out, but Danielson ducked behind and hit a big Dragon suplex. Depraved popped back up to his feet groggily and was quickly bundled out by a waiting Christopher Daniels. ([I]Rave: There he goes, and it’s final four time! Dragon, Daniels, Vampiro and Abyss, who’s moving on to Revolution of the Species?[/I]) Vampiro blindsided Abyss with a forearm, and the Fallen Angel tried to push Danielson out near the corner. Vampiro hit a lowblow on Abyss, and tried to hit a piledriver, but Abyss was just too big… Vampiro got dropped over the top rope and fell to the floor. Vamp slammed his fists on the mat and couldn’t believe it. Daniels and Danielson both moved in on Abyss, taking a leg and trying to toss him out. Abyss clubbed the Fallen Angel across the back to put him down, and pushed Danielson backwards. Abyss followed Danielson, and as Daniels pulled himself by the ropes, Vampiro jumped back up the apron and pulled Daniels to the floor. ([I]Rave: Like it or not, Daniels is gone! Vampiro took him out of the game![/I]) Vampiro took off up the aisle as Danielson tried to wear Abyss down in the corner. ([I]Rave: Only two left![/I]) Danielson had some of his punches blocked, and Abyss grabbed him by the throat and rocked him with a chokeslam. Danielson got peeled off the mat and thrown towards the ropes, but held on. Abyss rushed him with a big boot but Danielson avoided it and the big man got crotched on the top turnbuckle. Danielson bounced off of the side ropes and hit a flying forearm that finished the job, sending Abyss to ringside. ([I]Rave: Ring it up! Danielson wins, and he’s going to Revolution of the Species![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 13:01, B[/B][/COLOR] Danielson got his arm raised by the referee, and he stared intently at the hard camera. ([I]Rave: You know he’s looking straight through the television at Scott Colton, Junkyard! Smokes: He ain’t supposed to be in this match! It’s supposed to be Lawler, dude! Rave: The Dragon’s back and he’s going to New York City![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]A Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-match Notes[/U]: - Our first show on E! got us 146,000 viewers which basically blows away anything we hauled in on Bravo. I can dig it. - Lawler's firing is more than just storyline. He's finished on both sides of the camera.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 201) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 2, 2006 Held at the Galaxy Concert Theater in Santa Ana, California Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM KANETSU vs. TOKOAMI KOIZUMI[/B] The big Koizumi got stretched by Kanetsu and put away with Eternal Fire. [B] Winner: Kanetsu at 4:50, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] Some new pyrotechnics fired off, and they were quickly followed by [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR]’ theme as one of the men who will challenge Scott Colton at Revolution of the Species walked down the aisle. ([I]Rave: Welcome to Televised Revolution, now better than ever on E! We are completely live in Santa Ana, and here comes Jack Evans! Smokes: For those a'y’all watchin’ for the first time, he a stringbean who somehow’s got a chance at the World Championship![/I]) Evans got into the ring and called for a microphone. “Yo… the last thing anyone saw on Bravo was me pinning Christopher Daniels and punchin’ my ticket for New York City. Now, a new network, a new home? I'm down. The E stands for entertainment, y’all, and that’s what I’m all about. So at Revolution of the Species, I’m gonna twist off the 630 onto Scott Colton, take his belt, and entertain y’all… as the champion.” The Alternative’s theme hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain. ([I]Rave: Evans is looking ahead to New York City, but he’s got Xile one-on-one tonight![/I]) Xile took a microphone from Morley Depraved. “Jack, there’s a reason we’ve got gold and you don’t… we grew up with nothing, without anyone to care about us, and you grew up in the ‘burbs listening to the Beastie Boys. We deserve our success, Evans, you deserve nothing… and that’s why you're going down right now.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 1 JACK EVANS vs. XILE (w/ Morley Depraved)[/B][/COLOR] These two might be the best fliers in RevPro, and they definitely showed it, displaying an awesome air assault. Xile waylaid Evans with a unique corkscrew dropkick from the top rope, and then began to choke him out on the bottom rope. Xile backed off, taking the referee’s attention with him, and Depraved laid in hard elbows to the head. ([I]Rave: Morley getting involved, it’s two-on-one![/I]) Xile dragged Evans back to his feet, but got hit with a headscissors takedown that sent him to ringside. Depraved tried to help him up, but Evans got out to the apron and hit a big Stuntin’ 101 to nail both of them. Evans took Xile back in and almost got the impressive 720 DDT from his opponent, but dropped him with a backbreaker and quickly followed it with the 630. ([I]Rave: 630, two, three! Evans wins, what a match![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 13:36, B+ Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] were both standing at the door to an office that read “Billy Graham”. Daniels looked impatient as he knocked. ([I]Rave: I guess they want an audience with the Commissioner, but they won’t get one, he’s not here.[/I]) The door opened, and out stepped someone unexpected—[COLOR=#892331][B]Dean Malenko![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: The Director of Integrity![/I]) “You guys seem surprised to see me. Well, since the Commissioner couldn’t be here tonight, he asked me to make a rare appearance to oversee the first show on E!. Usually, I’m content to be unseen and unheard, but tonight, I’m running the show. So tell me, what do you want?” Daniels spoke first. “Dean, I’m respectfully asking for a spot in the battle royal tonight. I’m not happy with my performance last week—actually, I sucked. I can do better, and I would like to show that tonight.” Vampiro piped up. “Alright, enough. Listen, Malenko, I didn’t even get pinned last week, so tell me how the hell I’m out of a title shot against Colton? Put me in the main event so I can bust some skulls.” “Enough, enough. Maybe I’m being too gracious, but fine, you’re both in the battle royal. And if either of you win, you’ll join Scott Colton, Alex Shelley and Jack Evans in the main event of Revolution of the Species. Good luck.” Malenko stepped back into his office, leaving Daniels and Vampiro to eye each other. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Brian Lawler[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. He said that he was going to be the one to win the battle royal, but first, he had to take care of some jobber named Chris Kerry. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 CHRIS KERRY vs. BRIAN LAWLER[/B][/COLOR] The experienced Lawler worked Kerry over thoroughly with some throws, and then headed up top for his leg drop finisher… but missed. Kerry sprung into action, hitting a shining wizard on the hurting Lawler, and then a big lifting DDT. He went to the top rope himself, and hit a perfect senton bomb. ([I]Rave: He hit it! One, two, three! What an upset! Kerry just beat Lawler! Smokes: Who the hell is this kid?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Chris Kerry at 6:34, B-[/B][/COLOR] Kerry posed on the second rope, looking stunned that he had pulled it off, but got thrown down hard by Lawler. ([I]Rave: Talk about a sore loser! Take it like a man, Lawler.[/I]) Lawler laid in stomps to Kerry and pushed the referee away. He pulled Kerry up to his feet and put him on the second rope. Lawler joined him, looking furious, positioned his head between his legs and leapt backwards to spike him with a huge piledriver. ([I]Rave: My God! Kerry needs some help now![/I]) Lawler got forced out of the ring by two officials who then checked on Kerry. ([I]Rave: The rookie doesn’t look very good.[/I]) Lawler got into it with the fans as he walked up the aisle. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 3 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez)[/B][/COLOR] Rave implemented some dirty tricks to wear down Nigel, but McGuinness didn’t use any back. Melina took the referee’s attention away from the match, and Rave pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and fitted them onto his hand. Nigel kicked him in the stomach and pulled the knucks away as Rave fell to one knee. Nigel seemed to think about it, but threw the knucks down and instead nailed Rave with a big Tower of London cutter that got three. ([I]Rave: Nigel with a convincing victory, and he didn’t even have to cheat to get it![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 10:25, C+[/B][/COLOR] The same video for “Roc” from last week aired again, but this time it had a new block of text. “In two weeks, he rises again.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Brian Lawler was stalking down a hall backstage when Dean Malenko jumped into his path and grabbed him by the throat, pushing him against a wall. “What was that, huh? You could have killed that kid! Grab your bags, Lawler—you’re fired! Get the f*** out of my arena!” Malenko released his choke, and Lawler thought about saying something, but didn’t. He walked away as Malenko tried to regain his composure. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 4 ALPHA vs. SAMOA JOE[/B][/COLOR] Alpha did his best to take Joe off his feet, coming off the top rope with a clothesline as soon as Joe slid into the ring, but couldn’t stand the Samoan’s lethal kicks and chops. He got planted with the Island Driver, and Joe rose to his feet to pull something from his tights… a bandanna. ([I]Rave: I think that’s the bandanna Homicide left on Joe after attacking him a couple of weeks ago.[/I]) Joe tied the bandanna around Alpha’s face before bringing him to his feet and nailing a huge running kick to the jaw. Alpha fell and Joe wrapped him up with the Triangle Choke. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Samoa Joe at 6:08, B-[/B][/COLOR] Dean Malenko walked down the aisle with a microphone as Joe got back to his feet. “I’m going to take the liberty of doing something I’m sure Billy would have done next week anyway: you’ve got Homicide at Revolution of the Species.” Joe smiled. [COLOR=#892331][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] In a dark corner somewhere, [COLOR=#892331][B]Abyss[/B][/COLOR] was looking at himself in a mirror, psyching himself up. He began breathing heavily, and finally screamed out before pounding the mirror with his fist and walking off. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. John told him that he had received word that next week, there would be a four-way match to determine the number-one contender for the Tri State Championship, and Nigel had been chosen to be in the match. McGuinness looked upset, and said that when he told Austin Aries he wanted to make amends, he was serious. “I’m done with the Tri State Championship, and that’s that. I don’t want the shot.” Nigel walked off, leaving John Laurinaitis speechless. [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Back from commercial, Abyss was entering the ring for the ten-man battle royal. We could see Vampiro, Jay Lethal, Kanetsu, Xile, Morley Depraved, Shannon, Abyss and Roderick Strong already present. ([I]Rave: We’re down one by my count. Lawler’s out on his ass, so who’s the tenth man going to be?[/I]) It was quiet for a while, and then a theme that sounded a lot like the Final Countdown hit and the crowd rose to his feet. ([I]Rave: You’re KIDDING me! Smokes: No way![/I]) The nine men looked to the entrance, and [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] walked out to a big ovation. ([I]Rave: He’s here! Bryan Danielson! THE DRAGON IS BACK![/I]) Danielson was wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket, and most shockingly a closely-cropped Mohawk. ([I]Rave: He looks different, but damn, he looks good![/I]) Danielson threw the leather jacket down and ran full-speed down the aisle and slid into the ring. ([I]Rave: Let’s get it on![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) TEN-MAN BATTLE ROYAL[/B][/COLOR] Danielson came in as a house of fire, taking shots at the whole pack, but was eventually swarmed by the three-man Alternative and driven into a corner. Abyss was dominant, pounding Vampiro to the mat and then tossing Roderick Strong over the top rope by the throat. Lethal jumped on the monster’s back, but got crushed into the turnbuckles and tossed to the floor as well. Christopher Daniels matched up with Kanetsu and got tripped down in preparation for the Eternal Fire. ([I]Rave: Kanetsu trying to wear him down with the submission…[/I]) Daniels kicked him away to the ropes, and Vampiro lowbridged him so he fell to the outside. ([I]Rave: Over and out! We’re down to seven.[/I]) Danielson broke away from the Alternative and dealt them all hard shots. Shannon was lined over hard to the padding, and a charging Xile was hiptossed almost on top of him. Depraved hit him with an axehandle from behind, and got him down to one knee. Depraved tried to toss Danielson out, but Danielson ducked behind and hit a big Dragon suplex. Depraved popped back up to his feet groggily and was quickly bundled out by a waiting Christopher Daniels. ([I]Rave: There he goes, and it’s final four time! Dragon, Daniels, Vampiro and Abyss, who’s moving on to Revolution of the Species?[/I]) Vampiro blindsided Abyss with a forearm, and the Fallen Angel tried to push Danielson out near the corner. Vampiro hit a lowblow on Abyss, and tried to hit a piledriver, but Abyss was just too big… Vampiro got dropped over the top rope and fell to the floor. Vamp slammed his fists on the mat and couldn’t believe it. Daniels and Danielson both moved in on Abyss, taking a leg and trying to toss him out. Abyss clubbed the Fallen Angel across the back to put him down, and pushed Danielson backwards. Abyss followed Danielson, and as Daniels pulled himself by the ropes, Vampiro jumped back up the apron and pulled Daniels to the floor. ([I]Rave: Like it or not, Daniels is gone! Vampiro took him out of the game![/I]) Vampiro took off up the aisle as Danielson tried to wear Abyss down in the corner. ([I]Rave: Only two left![/I]) Danielson had some of his punches blocked, and Abyss grabbed him by the throat and rocked him with a chokeslam. Danielson got peeled off the mat and thrown towards the ropes, but held on. Abyss rushed him with a big boot but Danielson avoided it and the big man got crotched on the top turnbuckle. Danielson bounced off of the side ropes and hit a flying forearm that finished the job, sending Abyss to ringside. ([I]Rave: Ring it up! Danielson wins, and he’s going to Revolution of the Species![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 13:01, B[/B][/COLOR] Danielson got his arm raised by the referee, and he stared intently at the hard camera. ([I]Rave: You know he’s looking straight through the television at Scott Colton, Junkyard! Smokes: He ain’t supposed to be in this match! It’s supposed to be Lawler, dude! Rave: The Dragon’s back and he’s going to New York City![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]A Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-match Notes[/U]: - Our first show on E! got us 146,000 viewers which basically blows away anything we hauled in on Bravo. I can dig it. - Lawler's firing is more than just storyline. He's finished on both sides of the camera.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 8th, 2006 DANIELSON SHOCKS THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT PREMIERE[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revsmoll.jpg[/IMG] [B] MAIN EVENT LOCKED IN FOR REVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES[/B] Heading into last Wednesday’s E! premiere of Televised Revolution, we knew there was one contender left to be determined for Scott Colton’s World Championship. Few would have guessed that, after being dethroned by Colton and disappearing for months, Bryan Danielson made a triumphant return to RevPro, and won a ten-man battle royal to put himself in the main event in New York City. Danielson had a harder edge than we've ever seen from him, sporting some new ring attire and hair, and proved he could still get it done in the ring by knocking out the gigantic Abyss, and Xile and Shannon of the Alternative. The World Champion has told RevPro.com that he’ll be at Televised Revolution tomorrow night to address the Dragon’s return. Will Danielson be there too? [B] SHELLEY AND EVANS GO LIVE TOMORROW NIGHT[/B] They’ll be tangling with Colton and Danielson at Revolution of the Species, but in Televised Revolution’s main event, it’ll just be Alex Shelley and Jack Evans duking it out. Their spots headlining the Pay Per View are safe, but it will be a hard battle to head into the match in two weeks’ time with the advantage. [B] FOUR ON THE FLOOR[/B] Nigel McGuinness may have turned down a shot to become the number-one contender to Austin Aries’ Tri State Championship, but there are four others who would want nothing better. It’ll be a fatal fourway on Wednesday night when Kanetsu, Roderick Strong, Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke battle for a chance to wrestle Aries in New York City. Which foe, or friend, will the Tri State Champion be challenged by? [B] ROOKIE KERRY RECUPERATING AT HOME[/B] Chris Kerry, a recent addition to RevPro’s fulltime roster, pulled off a stunning victory over Brian Lawler last week, but was brutally assaulted after the fact and spiked by a second-rope piledriver. The effects of this attack were swift: Lawler lost his job, and Kerry found himself in a hospital room barely able to move. Thankfully, RevPro.com can report that Kerry suffered no spinal injury of any kind, but did experience a Grade II concussion. Kerry is resting at home and will undergo more testing at the end of the week as he moves forward on his return to the ring.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 8th, 2006 DANIELSON SHOCKS THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT PREMIERE[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revsmoll.jpg[/IMG] [B] MAIN EVENT LOCKED IN FOR REVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES[/B] Heading into last Wednesday’s E! premiere of Televised Revolution, we knew there was one contender left to be determined for Scott Colton’s World Championship. Few would have guessed that, after being dethroned by Colton and disappearing for months, Bryan Danielson made a triumphant return to RevPro, and won a ten-man battle royal to put himself in the main event in New York City. Danielson had a harder edge than we've ever seen from him, sporting some new ring attire and hair, and proved he could still get it done in the ring by knocking out the gigantic Abyss, and Xile and Shannon of the Alternative. The World Champion has told RevPro.com that he’ll be at Televised Revolution tomorrow night to address the Dragon’s return. Will Danielson be there too? [B] SHELLEY AND EVANS GO LIVE TOMORROW NIGHT[/B] They’ll be tangling with Colton and Danielson at Revolution of the Species, but in Televised Revolution’s main event, it’ll just be Alex Shelley and Jack Evans duking it out. Their spots headlining the Pay Per View are safe, but it will be a hard battle to head into the match in two weeks’ time with the advantage. [B] FOUR ON THE FLOOR[/B] Nigel McGuinness may have turned down a shot to become the number-one contender to Austin Aries’ Tri State Championship, but there are four others who would want nothing better. It’ll be a fatal fourway on Wednesday night when Kanetsu, Roderick Strong, Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke battle for a chance to wrestle Aries in New York City. Which foe, or friend, will the Tri State Champion be challenged by? [B] ROOKIE KERRY RECUPERATING AT HOME[/B] Chris Kerry, a recent addition to RevPro’s fulltime roster, pulled off a stunning victory over Brian Lawler last week, but was brutally assaulted after the fact and spiked by a second-rope piledriver. The effects of this attack were swift: Lawler lost his job, and Kerry found himself in a hospital room barely able to move. Thankfully, RevPro.com can report that Kerry suffered no spinal injury of any kind, but did experience a Grade II concussion. Kerry is resting at home and will undergo more testing at the end of the week as he moves forward on his return to the ring.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 202) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 9, 2006 Held at the Mak Plaza in Marietta, Georgia Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B] Daniels was motivated to perform after being screwed out of the battle royal match last week, and really took it to the rookie, hitting an Angel’s Wings for a swift victory. [B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 2:38, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show opened with [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] standing in the ring brandishing his World Championship. “Somewhere… someone is laughing. They’re laughing because they think they’ve gotten one over on me. Maybe it’s Superstar Billy Graham, maybe it’s the Director of Integrity, Dean Malenko. Or maybe it’s Bryan Danielson himself.” The crowd popped big-time for the mention of Danielson. “But whoever it is that orchestrated Dragon’s return last week, forgot about history. It was June 23rd… it was Erie, Pennsylvania… and it was our Commissioner who said, on that fateful night where I captured the belt and drove Danielson out of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, that match would be the last between us for this title.” ([I]Smokes: Colton’s right![/I]) “So Dragon, sorry to disappoint, but you won’t be in the title match in New York City, because, just as Graham said, you can never have a shot at my belt again.” The fans booed. ([I]Rave: Colton’s trying to weasel out of taking on Danielson along with Evans and Shelley at Revolution of the Species. Smokes: Weasel nothin’! He washed his damn hands of that punk, and now Danielson come crawlin’ out from under a rock, wantin’ another chance?[/I]) The Televised Revolution opening theme hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] walked out from the curtain. “Champ… hi there. You’re absolutely right. I did say in June that your business with Bryan Danielson and the World Championship was finished. I won’t go back on my word, so while Jack Evans and Alex Shelley may very well get the win at Revolution of the Species and become the World Champion, the belt won’t be on the line for Bryan Danielson.” ([I]Rave: Looks like Colton made his life a little easier.[/I]) “But… just so Danielson has some incentive for New York City, as if breaking your legs wasn’t incentive enough, if he wins, he will have a chance to face you one more time in any type of match he pleases.” Colton looked pissed as the fans cheered. “You can’t do that! I’m done with Danielson! I won’t face him!” “Oh, you definitely will… you’ll face him in nine days in the biggest match in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s history, and if he beats you, you’ll face him again.” Colton looked ashen. “The odds aren’t in your favour this time, Scott. You’ll have to prove you deserve to be on top. Oh—and just... one more thing… good luck.” Graham saluted the champion and walked off. ([I]Rave: Colton might have made it so Danielson can’t take his belt at Revolution of the Species, but he’ll still have to take the beating he’s owed! Smokes: And if Danielson wins, he gets another match with Colton! Man, this is bad! Real bad![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 1 COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat) vs. CHRIS SABIN AND JIMMY YANG[/B][/COLOR] Combat’s team finally met some competitive opponents; Sabin and Yang dished out just what Sydal and Jacobs threw at them. But whenever the Assault Unit was on the defensive, Combat shouted more orders and they seemed to have renewed energy. Sydal hit Yang with a huge belly-to-belly moonsault as Jacobs tossed Sabin over the rail to protect the three count. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat Assault Unit at 10:58, C+ Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage with a camera crew. “So Danielson can’t win the belt at Revolution of the Species. Big deal! It’s meaningless, because I’m walking away with the gold. Scott—man—I don’t want to let this get between our friendship. I know you’re stressed out about the four-way match, but once it’s all over, you’ve got the first shot at me. It’s my time to shine, and tonight, Jack Evans, you’re going to get a little preview of the big exhibition I’ve got planned for New York City.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 SHOICHI FUNAKI vs. SHANNON[/B][/COLOR] A fast-paced high-flying bout. Funaki always seemed to be one step ahead of Shannon, and ended things with a quick tornado DDT. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Shoichi Funaki at 7:54, B[/B][/COLOR] Funaki was celebrating after the fact when the lights went out, save for a spotlight on him. The video screen fired up and a version of [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR]’s video from the past couple of weeks began to play. The text at the end was different though: “Next week, it rises again.” Funaki looked a little freaked. ([I]Rave: Does this mean this Roc guy has… chosen Funaki to be his opponent next week? Smokes: Man, this dude is boned![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B [/B][/COLOR] Backstage, John Laurinaitis caught up to Sydal, Jacobs and Commander Combat. Combat had a hand on either man’s shoulder. His body language made him seem happy, but his voice modifier was still disturbing. “They were so strong. Strong enough to move forward to the next phase. It’s time for them to touch gold. This is a challenge to [COLOR=#892331][B]the Alternative[/B][/COLOR]. Give my boys their match… or they TAKE it.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Lacey[/B][/COLOR] walked in front of the camera and were followed by the cameraman as they made their way towards the curtain. Out of nowhere, [COLOR=#892331][B]the Fallen Angel[/B][/COLOR] rushed in and threw him into the wall. Lacey shrieked and ran off as Daniels laid in boots to the stomach. The Fallen Angel grabbed the camera away and threw it down hard onto Vampiro’s back. The screen went black upon impact but the audio was still up, and we could hear Daniels continuing to lay in a beatdown. ([I]Rave: Are we still on? Vampiro’s got a match now, how’s he going to make it?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 3 MASKED KENGEN vs. VAMPIRO[/B][/COLOR] The mysterious Japanese wrestler was already in the ring, and Vampiro’s music hit but he didn’t come out. The referee began a ten count, and only then did Vampiro begin to hobble through the entrance. He barely slid in at nine, and was immediately met by a stiff kick to the jaw by Kengen. Vampiro fell and rolled out to ringside to buy time. ([I]Rave: Vampiro’s pretty hurt, do you think Masked Kengen could pull off the win here?[/I]) Vampiro reentered the ring and Kengen laid in some hard forearms, and then followed it with an exploder suplex that almost got three. Kengen tried to choke him down with a front face lock. Vampiro countered with a low blow that the referee missed, and hit the Nail in the Coffin. ([I]Rave: Vampiro spiked him, three! A real close call there after Daniels beat the tar out of him backstage![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Vampiro at 4:47, C+[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton had his bag over one shoulder and seemed to be leaving the arena when [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] flagged him down. “Slow it down, big shot.” Evans walked into his path. “I hope you ain’t thinking all about Bryan... ‘cause that would be a mistake, my man. I’m risin’ like a comet, and if there’s anybody you gotta watch out for in that match, it’s me.” “Out of the path, monkey skeleton.” Evans looked close at Colton’s bag. “Oh, you leavin’? I was hopin’ you’d stay and watch me pound Shelley, but I guess I’m outta luck. Enjoy yo’ belt… while you got it.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP TO THE TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. TONY MAMALUKE vs. KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] Melina was active at ringside, lifting Rave’s leg onto the bottom rope after Kanetsu dropped him with a devastating belly-to-belly suplex. Later, as Strong battled with Mamaluke in the corner, Kanetsu caught Rave’s leg and dodged an enziguri to apply the Eternal Fire. ([I]Rave: Eternal Fire! He’s gonna tap![/I]) As Rave struggled to hold on, Mamaluke came off of the top rope with a crossbody attempt, but Strong caught him and hoisted him onto his shoulders before hitting a gutbuster. ([I]Rave: Death by Roderick![/I]) Strong covered and the referee counted three a split-second before Rave started tapping. ([I]Rave: That was a photo finish but Strong won it! It’s him and Aries at Revolution of the Species for the Tri State Championship! Smokes: But they’re partners![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roderick Strong at 13:46, B-[/B][/COLOR] After the commercial break, Rave and Smokes fielded a live phone call from [COLOR=#892331][B]“the Notorious 187” Homicide[/B][/COLOR]. The entire arena heard as Homicide laughed it up about tazering Joe, and said he couldn’t wait to hit him with the stu gun again at Revolution of the Species. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ALEX SHELLEY vs. JACK EVANS[/B][/COLOR] These guys put it all on the line in an attempt to prove their place in the main event scene. Judging by the crowd reaction, they succeeded. Evans went for a 630 early and spent the whole match paying for it after Shelley got the knees up. Shelley worked on the back and hammered him with a sit-out powerbomb. Evans fought back and dropkicked Shelley back into the corner. That’s when Scott Colton invaded the ring and blindsided Evans with a crushing clothesline that immediately caused a DQ. ([I]Rave: Oh, for God’s sakes! I thought he was going home![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner, by disqualification: Jack Evans at 16:40, B+[/B][/COLOR] Colton dropped a knee across the throat of a prone Evans and talked some trash. Shelley walked out of the corner confused and Colton drilled him in the chin with a right hand. ([I]Rave: Shelley takes a shot too![/I]) Shelley fell like a ton of bricks and rolled to ringside. Colton turned back to Evans and scooped him up to his feet. He set him up in a double underhook. ([I]Rave: You know what’s coming, the Colt 45![/I]) Evans got wrenched up but the crowd roared as [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] ripped down the aisle, and Colton dropped Evans to the mat in anticipation. Danielson slid in right through the waiting Colton’s legs and laid in some forearms to the jaw. Colton took a wild swing that turned himself around, and Danielson quickly hit a beautiful Dragon suplex that bounced Colton to the floor. ([I]Rave: Dragon suplex, and there goes the champion![/I]) Danielson walked to the ropes and shouted down at Colton, but he got surprised from behind by Shelley, who quickly blasted him with a Shellshock. Shelley held his jaw, still stinging from Colton’s punch, and was the only one left standing. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Our viewership jumped by about ten thousand watchers, which pushed us over the 150,000 mark. This timeslot is doing us quite well. - Aries vs. Strong has been added to the Revolution of the Species card. [B]Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Jack Evans[/B] def. Alex Shelley by DQ [B](B+)[/B] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] def. Rave, Kanetsu, Mamaluke [B](B-)[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] def. Masked Kengen [B](C+)[/B] [B]Shoichi Funaki[/B] def. Shannon [B](B)[/B] [B]Combat Assault Unit[/B] def. Sabin/Yang [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 202) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 9, 2006 Held at the Mak Plaza in Marietta, Georgia Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B] Daniels was motivated to perform after being screwed out of the battle royal match last week, and really took it to the rookie, hitting an Angel’s Wings for a swift victory. [B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 2:38, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show opened with [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] standing in the ring brandishing his World Championship. “Somewhere… someone is laughing. They’re laughing because they think they’ve gotten one over on me. Maybe it’s Superstar Billy Graham, maybe it’s the Director of Integrity, Dean Malenko. Or maybe it’s Bryan Danielson himself.” The crowd popped big-time for the mention of Danielson. “But whoever it is that orchestrated Dragon’s return last week, forgot about history. It was June 23rd… it was Erie, Pennsylvania… and it was our Commissioner who said, on that fateful night where I captured the belt and drove Danielson out of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, that match would be the last between us for this title.” ([I]Smokes: Colton’s right![/I]) “So Dragon, sorry to disappoint, but you won’t be in the title match in New York City, because, just as Graham said, you can never have a shot at my belt again.” The fans booed. ([I]Rave: Colton’s trying to weasel out of taking on Danielson along with Evans and Shelley at Revolution of the Species. Smokes: Weasel nothin’! He washed his damn hands of that punk, and now Danielson come crawlin’ out from under a rock, wantin’ another chance?[/I]) The Televised Revolution opening theme hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] walked out from the curtain. “Champ… hi there. You’re absolutely right. I did say in June that your business with Bryan Danielson and the World Championship was finished. I won’t go back on my word, so while Jack Evans and Alex Shelley may very well get the win at Revolution of the Species and become the World Champion, the belt won’t be on the line for Bryan Danielson.” ([I]Rave: Looks like Colton made his life a little easier.[/I]) “But… just so Danielson has some incentive for New York City, as if breaking your legs wasn’t incentive enough, if he wins, he will have a chance to face you one more time in any type of match he pleases.” Colton looked pissed as the fans cheered. “You can’t do that! I’m done with Danielson! I won’t face him!” “Oh, you definitely will… you’ll face him in nine days in the biggest match in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s history, and if he beats you, you’ll face him again.” Colton looked ashen. “The odds aren’t in your favour this time, Scott. You’ll have to prove you deserve to be on top. Oh—and just... one more thing… good luck.” Graham saluted the champion and walked off. ([I]Rave: Colton might have made it so Danielson can’t take his belt at Revolution of the Species, but he’ll still have to take the beating he’s owed! Smokes: And if Danielson wins, he gets another match with Colton! Man, this is bad! Real bad![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 1 COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat) vs. CHRIS SABIN AND JIMMY YANG[/B][/COLOR] Combat’s team finally met some competitive opponents; Sabin and Yang dished out just what Sydal and Jacobs threw at them. But whenever the Assault Unit was on the defensive, Combat shouted more orders and they seemed to have renewed energy. Sydal hit Yang with a huge belly-to-belly moonsault as Jacobs tossed Sabin over the rail to protect the three count. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat Assault Unit at 10:58, C+ Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage with a camera crew. “So Danielson can’t win the belt at Revolution of the Species. Big deal! It’s meaningless, because I’m walking away with the gold. Scott—man—I don’t want to let this get between our friendship. I know you’re stressed out about the four-way match, but once it’s all over, you’ve got the first shot at me. It’s my time to shine, and tonight, Jack Evans, you’re going to get a little preview of the big exhibition I’ve got planned for New York City.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 2 SHOICHI FUNAKI vs. SHANNON[/B][/COLOR] A fast-paced high-flying bout. Funaki always seemed to be one step ahead of Shannon, and ended things with a quick tornado DDT. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Shoichi Funaki at 7:54, B[/B][/COLOR] Funaki was celebrating after the fact when the lights went out, save for a spotlight on him. The video screen fired up and a version of [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR]’s video from the past couple of weeks began to play. The text at the end was different though: “Next week, it rises again.” Funaki looked a little freaked. ([I]Rave: Does this mean this Roc guy has… chosen Funaki to be his opponent next week? Smokes: Man, this dude is boned![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B [/B][/COLOR] Backstage, John Laurinaitis caught up to Sydal, Jacobs and Commander Combat. Combat had a hand on either man’s shoulder. His body language made him seem happy, but his voice modifier was still disturbing. “They were so strong. Strong enough to move forward to the next phase. It’s time for them to touch gold. This is a challenge to [COLOR=#892331][B]the Alternative[/B][/COLOR]. Give my boys their match… or they TAKE it.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Lacey[/B][/COLOR] walked in front of the camera and were followed by the cameraman as they made their way towards the curtain. Out of nowhere, [COLOR=#892331][B]the Fallen Angel[/B][/COLOR] rushed in and threw him into the wall. Lacey shrieked and ran off as Daniels laid in boots to the stomach. The Fallen Angel grabbed the camera away and threw it down hard onto Vampiro’s back. The screen went black upon impact but the audio was still up, and we could hear Daniels continuing to lay in a beatdown. ([I]Rave: Are we still on? Vampiro’s got a match now, how’s he going to make it?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 3 MASKED KENGEN vs. VAMPIRO[/B][/COLOR] The mysterious Japanese wrestler was already in the ring, and Vampiro’s music hit but he didn’t come out. The referee began a ten count, and only then did Vampiro begin to hobble through the entrance. He barely slid in at nine, and was immediately met by a stiff kick to the jaw by Kengen. Vampiro fell and rolled out to ringside to buy time. ([I]Rave: Vampiro’s pretty hurt, do you think Masked Kengen could pull off the win here?[/I]) Vampiro reentered the ring and Kengen laid in some hard forearms, and then followed it with an exploder suplex that almost got three. Kengen tried to choke him down with a front face lock. Vampiro countered with a low blow that the referee missed, and hit the Nail in the Coffin. ([I]Rave: Vampiro spiked him, three! A real close call there after Daniels beat the tar out of him backstage![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Vampiro at 4:47, C+[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton had his bag over one shoulder and seemed to be leaving the arena when [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] flagged him down. “Slow it down, big shot.” Evans walked into his path. “I hope you ain’t thinking all about Bryan... ‘cause that would be a mistake, my man. I’m risin’ like a comet, and if there’s anybody you gotta watch out for in that match, it’s me.” “Out of the path, monkey skeleton.” Evans looked close at Colton’s bag. “Oh, you leavin’? I was hopin’ you’d stay and watch me pound Shelley, but I guess I’m outta luck. Enjoy yo’ belt… while you got it.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP TO THE TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. TONY MAMALUKE vs. KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] Melina was active at ringside, lifting Rave’s leg onto the bottom rope after Kanetsu dropped him with a devastating belly-to-belly suplex. Later, as Strong battled with Mamaluke in the corner, Kanetsu caught Rave’s leg and dodged an enziguri to apply the Eternal Fire. ([I]Rave: Eternal Fire! He’s gonna tap![/I]) As Rave struggled to hold on, Mamaluke came off of the top rope with a crossbody attempt, but Strong caught him and hoisted him onto his shoulders before hitting a gutbuster. ([I]Rave: Death by Roderick![/I]) Strong covered and the referee counted three a split-second before Rave started tapping. ([I]Rave: That was a photo finish but Strong won it! It’s him and Aries at Revolution of the Species for the Tri State Championship! Smokes: But they’re partners![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roderick Strong at 13:46, B-[/B][/COLOR] After the commercial break, Rave and Smokes fielded a live phone call from [COLOR=#892331][B]“the Notorious 187” Homicide[/B][/COLOR]. The entire arena heard as Homicide laughed it up about tazering Joe, and said he couldn’t wait to hit him with the stu gun again at Revolution of the Species. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ALEX SHELLEY vs. JACK EVANS[/B][/COLOR] These guys put it all on the line in an attempt to prove their place in the main event scene. Judging by the crowd reaction, they succeeded. Evans went for a 630 early and spent the whole match paying for it after Shelley got the knees up. Shelley worked on the back and hammered him with a sit-out powerbomb. Evans fought back and dropkicked Shelley back into the corner. That’s when Scott Colton invaded the ring and blindsided Evans with a crushing clothesline that immediately caused a DQ. ([I]Rave: Oh, for God’s sakes! I thought he was going home![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner, by disqualification: Jack Evans at 16:40, B+[/B][/COLOR] Colton dropped a knee across the throat of a prone Evans and talked some trash. Shelley walked out of the corner confused and Colton drilled him in the chin with a right hand. ([I]Rave: Shelley takes a shot too![/I]) Shelley fell like a ton of bricks and rolled to ringside. Colton turned back to Evans and scooped him up to his feet. He set him up in a double underhook. ([I]Rave: You know what’s coming, the Colt 45![/I]) Evans got wrenched up but the crowd roared as [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] ripped down the aisle, and Colton dropped Evans to the mat in anticipation. Danielson slid in right through the waiting Colton’s legs and laid in some forearms to the jaw. Colton took a wild swing that turned himself around, and Danielson quickly hit a beautiful Dragon suplex that bounced Colton to the floor. ([I]Rave: Dragon suplex, and there goes the champion![/I]) Danielson walked to the ropes and shouted down at Colton, but he got surprised from behind by Shelley, who quickly blasted him with a Shellshock. Shelley held his jaw, still stinging from Colton’s punch, and was the only one left standing. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Our viewership jumped by about ten thousand watchers, which pushed us over the 150,000 mark. This timeslot is doing us quite well. - Aries vs. Strong has been added to the Revolution of the Species card. [B]Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Jack Evans[/B] def. Alex Shelley by DQ [B](B+)[/B] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] def. Rave, Kanetsu, Mamaluke [B](B-)[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] def. Masked Kengen [B](C+)[/B] [B]Shoichi Funaki[/B] def. Shannon [B](B)[/B] [B]Combat Assault Unit[/B] def. Sabin/Yang [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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