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RevPro: Something more than Honor

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[U][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 15th, 2006[/U] [/B][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/nl01.jpg[/IMG] [B]ALL FOUR MEN IN THE RING THIS WEDNESDAY[/B] At Revolution of the Species on Friday, it will be put up or shut up for Scott Colton, Bryan Danielson, Alex Shelley and Jack Evans when they face off in a fatal fourway match with the World Championship hanging in the balance. But tomorrow night, they’ll have to form teams for a huge Televised Revolution main event. Evans will join forces with Danielson to face Colton and Shelley. The latter team may have some trouble co-existing, as just last week, Colton blasted Shelley with a haymaker after the champion interrupted his match with Evans. Can they hold it together for one more night or will they throw down two days earlier than expected? Bryan Danielson will have a chance to get his hands on Scott Colton live on E!. We found out last week that Danielson won’t ever be able to win the World Title from Colton because of his match stipulation with the champion months back, stating that their business with the World Championship is over. However, if Danielson wins the fourway match, he will be granted any kind of match with Colton that he wants. This opens the door to some sick possibilities. Can Danielson prevail in New York City and trap Colton inside a match of his design? [B] ON WEDNESDAY THEY’RE PARTNERS, BY FRIDAY THEY’RE OPPONENTS[/B] Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Rave, Kanetsu and Tony Mamaluke last week to earn the right to face close friend Austin Aries for his Tri State Championship at Revolution of the Species. But before they can lock up, they’ll have to watch each other’s backs in a tag match against Rave and Mamaluke. The opponents are stinging from their hard loss, and they’ll want to regain some face by taking a win Wednesday night. [B] HOMICIDE vs. THE FALLEN ANGEL[/B] The Notorious 187 was all laughs in a telephone interview with announce team Rob Rave and Julius Smokes, but he’ll have to put on his game face when he’s tested by Christopher Daniels only two days before he has Samoa Joe in New York City. The Fallen Angel has been out of control lately, brutally assaulting Vampiro on his way to a match after the Dark One pulled him out of the crucial battle royal two weeks ago. Is Homicide next in line for a harsh beatdown? [B]IT RISES AGAIN[/B] We’ve been hearing about someone, or something, named Roc for weeks now. And live Wednesday night, we’ll finally get a look. Roc will be in one-on-one competition against another new arrival to RevPro, Shoichi Funaki. Does Funaki stand any chance against this mysterious individual?
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[U][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Tuesday, September 15th, 2006[/U] [/B][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/nl01.jpg[/IMG] [B]ALL FOUR MEN IN THE RING THIS WEDNESDAY[/B] At Revolution of the Species on Friday, it will be put up or shut up for Scott Colton, Bryan Danielson, Alex Shelley and Jack Evans when they face off in a fatal fourway match with the World Championship hanging in the balance. But tomorrow night, they’ll have to form teams for a huge Televised Revolution main event. Evans will join forces with Danielson to face Colton and Shelley. The latter team may have some trouble co-existing, as just last week, Colton blasted Shelley with a haymaker after the champion interrupted his match with Evans. Can they hold it together for one more night or will they throw down two days earlier than expected? Bryan Danielson will have a chance to get his hands on Scott Colton live on E!. We found out last week that Danielson won’t ever be able to win the World Title from Colton because of his match stipulation with the champion months back, stating that their business with the World Championship is over. However, if Danielson wins the fourway match, he will be granted any kind of match with Colton that he wants. This opens the door to some sick possibilities. Can Danielson prevail in New York City and trap Colton inside a match of his design? [B] ON WEDNESDAY THEY’RE PARTNERS, BY FRIDAY THEY’RE OPPONENTS[/B] Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Rave, Kanetsu and Tony Mamaluke last week to earn the right to face close friend Austin Aries for his Tri State Championship at Revolution of the Species. But before they can lock up, they’ll have to watch each other’s backs in a tag match against Rave and Mamaluke. The opponents are stinging from their hard loss, and they’ll want to regain some face by taking a win Wednesday night. [B] HOMICIDE vs. THE FALLEN ANGEL[/B] The Notorious 187 was all laughs in a telephone interview with announce team Rob Rave and Julius Smokes, but he’ll have to put on his game face when he’s tested by Christopher Daniels only two days before he has Samoa Joe in New York City. The Fallen Angel has been out of control lately, brutally assaulting Vampiro on his way to a match after the Dark One pulled him out of the crucial battle royal two weeks ago. Is Homicide next in line for a harsh beatdown? [B]IT RISES AGAIN[/B] We’ve been hearing about someone, or something, named Roc for weeks now. And live Wednesday night, we’ll finally get a look. Roc will be in one-on-one competition against another new arrival to RevPro, Shoichi Funaki. Does Funaki stand any chance against this mysterious individual?
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 203) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 16, 2006 Held at the Forrest County Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi Attendance: 2,000 (sell-out) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. ABYSS[/B] A surprisingly high-profile match for the online upload. Abyss did his best to power through the wily Vamp, but Lacey’s man took the win with a roll-up and both feet on the ropes. [B]Winner: Vampiro at 6:02, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show began with the lights completely down, and we could barely see [COLOR=#892331][B]Shoichi Funaki[/B][/COLOR] already warming up in the ring. An epic orchestral theme began to play and a single spotlight shone upon a large man walking down the aisle. He was wearing a flowing robe that had two large wings coming out of the back. ([I]Rave: Welcome to Televised Revolution, and you’re looking at [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR]! He’s about to make his in-ring debut! Smokes: Man is huge![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 1 SHOICHI FUNAKI vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] Funaki seemed wary of his opponent but got on the offensive anyway, and launched a few dropkicks that didn’t have any effect on the big man. Roc got his hands on Funaki and efficiently punished him in the corner with elbows to the temple. Funaki was tossed from pillar to post and then got crushed with a big powerbomb. ([I]Rave: Powerbombed! And Roc holds on…[/I]) Funaki was powered back up into the air, and Roc slapped on a chokehold to put him down again. ([I]Rave: Oh, wow! Powerbombed and chokeslammed in one swift motion, Funaki is done![/I]) Roc easily made a cover with one hand placed on Funaki’s chest. ([I]Rave: What a slaughter! Smokes: This monsta run through Funaki like he was nothin’![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roc at 2:57, B-[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] walked down the aisle to a great ovation from the crowd. ([I]Rave: He’s here, he’s back and he’ll be in the main event in two days![/I]) Danielson asked for a microphone. “It’s been a while since I got to talk to you people. I got hurt, and it was because of how foolish I was. I thought I had found an honorable opponent, someone who I could push to the highest level, and who would push me there right back. But Scott Colton wasn’t that. He took the low road, he put me on the shelf, and for three long months, he took away what I love, what I live for, my life! Wrestling.” “He did it all for the RevPro World Championship. Silver on a strap. Well Scotty, I’m back.” There was a big pop for this. “And contrary to popular belief, I’m not back to win a championship. I’m back to put you through as much pain as I possibly can. I’m back as a messenger of karma. I’m back on behalf of everyone you screwed over to get your place on the top of the mountain. You’re going to get what’s coming to you, Scott. You can say that I’ll never take your belt, and that may be true, but I’ll settle for taking your livelihood, and your soul.” “Do I look different?” Danielson paused to touch his short Mohawk. “Because I feel kinda different. I feel stronger, tougher, more motivated than I’ve been in my entire life. I’m coming for you on Friday, Scott, and if the other two get in the way… well, I don’t think they’ll get in the way. I’d tell you to be ready, but I know you will be. So instead, I’ll just tell you to… be there.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] was in his dressing room, wrapping black tape around his wrists, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] entered. “Roddy, what’s up? I just wanted to say, this Friday, we’re gonna put on a real good f***ing show. You know me better than anyone on the f***ing roster, so let’s tear the house down in New York City.” Strong smiled, and Aries continued. “But tonight, we got Rave and Mamaluke, so let’s show them why the f***ing spotlight’s gonna be on us.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 2 JIMMY RAVE and TONY MAMALUKE vs. AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Rave and Mamaluke worked well together, isolating Aries for a large portion of the match, and keeping him controlled with dirty tricks and attacks to the ankle. But the experienced teaming of Strong and Aries proved too much, and Strong knocked Mamaluke to the floor before nailing a Death By Roderick on Rave for the win. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Roderick Strong and Austin Aries at 12:58, C+ Shannon[/B][/COLOR] was standing with [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] backstage as they were being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. When asked about the challenge from Commander Combat’s team of Sydal and Jacobs, Shannon broke in. “Ha, are you kidding? Of course these guys are game. Matt and Jimmy might’ve gone to some crappy boot camp for a week, but Xile and Morley have had it hard their entire lives. Commander Combat, you’re on for Revolution of the Species. Guys, let’s get out of here… they don’t know the way we feel.” Shannon bustled out of the frame, and Xile and Depraved looked at each other before following, not looking that enthused. [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Laurinaitis moved down the hall a bit and knocked on a dressing room door before entering. Once inside, [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] got up with his boots half laced. “Can't I get a little privacy?” Laurinaitis explained that he only wanted Colton’s thoughts on the four-way main event. “I’m making this one quick, Johnny. The only gold that wigger Jack Evans will ever wear is the garbage he’s got around his neck. Bryan Danielson might’ve got a haircut, but he’s still the pale, white-bread sucker who I busted up in the summer. And Alex Shelley? He might think he’s my friend, but he got knocked out last week, so that should prove otherwise. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll steer clear of me later tonight. You want to know if I can win this match? Look at the competition, Johnny—it’s not gonna be a problem.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 MORLEY DEPRAVED (w/ Xile) vs. TJ WILSON[/B][/COLOR] Depraved laid a big beating on Wilson as Xile cheered him on, and hit an electric chair bomb to end the match. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Morley Depraved at 6:52, C[/B][/COLOR] Xile slid in to celebrate with Depraved, but the Combat Assault Unit’s music hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] walked through the entrance. They stared down the champions and pointed to their tag team titles. ([I]Rave: Commander Combat’s team has been flawless so far, and the only team left to beat is the Alternative![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, and said that Vampiro made a huge mistake in screwing him. The Fallen Angel said he should be in the main event of Revolution of the Species, but he isn’t, and so he’s going to take all the pent-up energy he’s been saving for winning the big one and unleash it on Vampiro this Friday. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Jimmy Rave[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Tony Mamaluke[/B][/COLOR] were caught backstage by John Laurinaitis, and they said they were tired of losing. They told Aries and Strong to look out, because they’d be in New York City to prove their worth. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 4 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Both men got in their fair share of offense, but Homicide took control later on and had Daniels up for the Kudo Driver. Daniels struggled out of it and in the process kicked the referee down. The Fallen Angel knocked Homicide down, and tried to rouse the referee, but Vampiro came out from the crowd and jumped up on the apron. ([I]Rave: It’s Vampiro![/I]) Daniels blocked a punch and gave Vampiro one of his own to knock him to ringside. Daniels followed him out and they began to brawl through the crowd. Homicide got to one knee and looked relieved, but was shocked when Samoa Joe walked through the curtain. ([I]Rave: Samoa Joe! Smokes: Run, boy, run![/I]) Homicide stood up like he was going to fight, but then decided “to hell with this” and rolled out, exiting through the crowd. Joe pursued him, and when referee Todd Sinclair came to, there was no one in sight, so he had to count both men out. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Draw (Double Count-out) at 15:45, B[/B][/COLOR] After a break, the cameras were in the street outside the arena where Joe was still after Homicide. Homicide hailed a cab and jumped in, and before Joe could reach him, the taxi sped away. Joe swore under his breath. ([I]Rave: There goes Homicide, but there’s no running from Joe on Friday![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) BRYAN DANIELSON and JACK EVANS vs. SCOTT COLTON and ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley and Colton entered separately, but the tension between the two didn’t end up in a fistfight, as they had their hands full with Evans and Danielson from the first bell. Colton pulled Shelley out of the ring early to talk strategy, but both men got nailed with a baseball slide from Danielson and then a somersault dive from Evans. Danielson took it to Colton even when the two weren’t legal, rocking him with forearms in a brawl around ringside and laying in the hardest punches imaginable. Evans and Shelley were left in the ring, and Shelley got crushed with a 630, but Colton pulled him to ringside. Evans took a whip into the timekeeper’s table and actually wedged himself between it and the barrier. Danielson slid in to battle Shelley, and was thrown to the ropes. Colton tripped Danielson up, and when Bryan turned to confront him, he was rolled up by Shelley. ([I]Rave: Danielson’s shoulders are down![/I]) Shelley took a handful of tights, and reached out his hand to Colton, who held it for the leverage. Danielson squirmed and kicked and barely got put down for the three count. ([I]Rave: Three, and they’ve got it! Damnit, they may not be tennis partners, but Colton and Shelley teamed up long enough to steal one from Bryan Danielson![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Alex Shelley and Scott Colton at 16:32, B[/B][/COLOR] Shelley scrambled to get out of the ring, and scooted halfway up the aisle before raising his arms in celebration. ([I]Smokes: Shelley been the guy looking good the last two weeks, man. Is he gon’ actually do it all at Species?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Nothing much to note. I’ve been working on something special however to hype the Pay Per View main event, and I hope to get that up shortly. [B] Fast Results[/B]: [QUOTE][B]Shelley and Colton[/B] def. Danielson and Evans [B](B)[/B] Homicide [B]drew [/B]with Christopher Daniels [B](B+)[/B] [B]Morley Depraved[/B] def. TJ Wilson [B](C)[/B] [B]Aries and Strong[/B] def. Rave and Mamaluke [B](C+)[/B] [B]Roc[/B] def. Shoichi Funaki [B](B-)[/B][/QUOTE] [U]Next:[/U] Revolution of the Species!
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 203) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 16, 2006 Held at the Forrest County Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi Attendance: 2,000 (sell-out) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. ABYSS[/B] A surprisingly high-profile match for the online upload. Abyss did his best to power through the wily Vamp, but Lacey’s man took the win with a roll-up and both feet on the ropes. [B]Winner: Vampiro at 6:02, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show began with the lights completely down, and we could barely see [COLOR=#892331][B]Shoichi Funaki[/B][/COLOR] already warming up in the ring. An epic orchestral theme began to play and a single spotlight shone upon a large man walking down the aisle. He was wearing a flowing robe that had two large wings coming out of the back. ([I]Rave: Welcome to Televised Revolution, and you’re looking at [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR]! He’s about to make his in-ring debut! Smokes: Man is huge![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 1 SHOICHI FUNAKI vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] Funaki seemed wary of his opponent but got on the offensive anyway, and launched a few dropkicks that didn’t have any effect on the big man. Roc got his hands on Funaki and efficiently punished him in the corner with elbows to the temple. Funaki was tossed from pillar to post and then got crushed with a big powerbomb. ([I]Rave: Powerbombed! And Roc holds on…[/I]) Funaki was powered back up into the air, and Roc slapped on a chokehold to put him down again. ([I]Rave: Oh, wow! Powerbombed and chokeslammed in one swift motion, Funaki is done![/I]) Roc easily made a cover with one hand placed on Funaki’s chest. ([I]Rave: What a slaughter! Smokes: This monsta run through Funaki like he was nothin’![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roc at 2:57, B-[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] walked down the aisle to a great ovation from the crowd. ([I]Rave: He’s here, he’s back and he’ll be in the main event in two days![/I]) Danielson asked for a microphone. “It’s been a while since I got to talk to you people. I got hurt, and it was because of how foolish I was. I thought I had found an honorable opponent, someone who I could push to the highest level, and who would push me there right back. But Scott Colton wasn’t that. He took the low road, he put me on the shelf, and for three long months, he took away what I love, what I live for, my life! Wrestling.” “He did it all for the RevPro World Championship. Silver on a strap. Well Scotty, I’m back.” There was a big pop for this. “And contrary to popular belief, I’m not back to win a championship. I’m back to put you through as much pain as I possibly can. I’m back as a messenger of karma. I’m back on behalf of everyone you screwed over to get your place on the top of the mountain. You’re going to get what’s coming to you, Scott. You can say that I’ll never take your belt, and that may be true, but I’ll settle for taking your livelihood, and your soul.” “Do I look different?” Danielson paused to touch his short Mohawk. “Because I feel kinda different. I feel stronger, tougher, more motivated than I’ve been in my entire life. I’m coming for you on Friday, Scott, and if the other two get in the way… well, I don’t think they’ll get in the way. I’d tell you to be ready, but I know you will be. So instead, I’ll just tell you to… be there.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] was in his dressing room, wrapping black tape around his wrists, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] entered. “Roddy, what’s up? I just wanted to say, this Friday, we’re gonna put on a real good f***ing show. You know me better than anyone on the f***ing roster, so let’s tear the house down in New York City.” Strong smiled, and Aries continued. “But tonight, we got Rave and Mamaluke, so let’s show them why the f***ing spotlight’s gonna be on us.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 2 JIMMY RAVE and TONY MAMALUKE vs. AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Rave and Mamaluke worked well together, isolating Aries for a large portion of the match, and keeping him controlled with dirty tricks and attacks to the ankle. But the experienced teaming of Strong and Aries proved too much, and Strong knocked Mamaluke to the floor before nailing a Death By Roderick on Rave for the win. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Roderick Strong and Austin Aries at 12:58, C+ Shannon[/B][/COLOR] was standing with [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] backstage as they were being interviewed by John Laurinaitis. When asked about the challenge from Commander Combat’s team of Sydal and Jacobs, Shannon broke in. “Ha, are you kidding? Of course these guys are game. Matt and Jimmy might’ve gone to some crappy boot camp for a week, but Xile and Morley have had it hard their entire lives. Commander Combat, you’re on for Revolution of the Species. Guys, let’s get out of here… they don’t know the way we feel.” Shannon bustled out of the frame, and Xile and Depraved looked at each other before following, not looking that enthused. [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Laurinaitis moved down the hall a bit and knocked on a dressing room door before entering. Once inside, [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] got up with his boots half laced. “Can't I get a little privacy?” Laurinaitis explained that he only wanted Colton’s thoughts on the four-way main event. “I’m making this one quick, Johnny. The only gold that wigger Jack Evans will ever wear is the garbage he’s got around his neck. Bryan Danielson might’ve got a haircut, but he’s still the pale, white-bread sucker who I busted up in the summer. And Alex Shelley? He might think he’s my friend, but he got knocked out last week, so that should prove otherwise. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll steer clear of me later tonight. You want to know if I can win this match? Look at the competition, Johnny—it’s not gonna be a problem.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 MORLEY DEPRAVED (w/ Xile) vs. TJ WILSON[/B][/COLOR] Depraved laid a big beating on Wilson as Xile cheered him on, and hit an electric chair bomb to end the match. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Morley Depraved at 6:52, C[/B][/COLOR] Xile slid in to celebrate with Depraved, but the Combat Assault Unit’s music hit and [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] walked through the entrance. They stared down the champions and pointed to their tag team titles. ([I]Rave: Commander Combat’s team has been flawless so far, and the only team left to beat is the Alternative![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, and said that Vampiro made a huge mistake in screwing him. The Fallen Angel said he should be in the main event of Revolution of the Species, but he isn’t, and so he’s going to take all the pent-up energy he’s been saving for winning the big one and unleash it on Vampiro this Friday. [COLOR=#892331][B]B Jimmy Rave[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Tony Mamaluke[/B][/COLOR] were caught backstage by John Laurinaitis, and they said they were tired of losing. They told Aries and Strong to look out, because they’d be in New York City to prove their worth. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 4 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Both men got in their fair share of offense, but Homicide took control later on and had Daniels up for the Kudo Driver. Daniels struggled out of it and in the process kicked the referee down. The Fallen Angel knocked Homicide down, and tried to rouse the referee, but Vampiro came out from the crowd and jumped up on the apron. ([I]Rave: It’s Vampiro![/I]) Daniels blocked a punch and gave Vampiro one of his own to knock him to ringside. Daniels followed him out and they began to brawl through the crowd. Homicide got to one knee and looked relieved, but was shocked when Samoa Joe walked through the curtain. ([I]Rave: Samoa Joe! Smokes: Run, boy, run![/I]) Homicide stood up like he was going to fight, but then decided “to hell with this” and rolled out, exiting through the crowd. Joe pursued him, and when referee Todd Sinclair came to, there was no one in sight, so he had to count both men out. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Draw (Double Count-out) at 15:45, B[/B][/COLOR] After a break, the cameras were in the street outside the arena where Joe was still after Homicide. Homicide hailed a cab and jumped in, and before Joe could reach him, the taxi sped away. Joe swore under his breath. ([I]Rave: There goes Homicide, but there’s no running from Joe on Friday![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) BRYAN DANIELSON and JACK EVANS vs. SCOTT COLTON and ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley and Colton entered separately, but the tension between the two didn’t end up in a fistfight, as they had their hands full with Evans and Danielson from the first bell. Colton pulled Shelley out of the ring early to talk strategy, but both men got nailed with a baseball slide from Danielson and then a somersault dive from Evans. Danielson took it to Colton even when the two weren’t legal, rocking him with forearms in a brawl around ringside and laying in the hardest punches imaginable. Evans and Shelley were left in the ring, and Shelley got crushed with a 630, but Colton pulled him to ringside. Evans took a whip into the timekeeper’s table and actually wedged himself between it and the barrier. Danielson slid in to battle Shelley, and was thrown to the ropes. Colton tripped Danielson up, and when Bryan turned to confront him, he was rolled up by Shelley. ([I]Rave: Danielson’s shoulders are down![/I]) Shelley took a handful of tights, and reached out his hand to Colton, who held it for the leverage. Danielson squirmed and kicked and barely got put down for the three count. ([I]Rave: Three, and they’ve got it! Damnit, they may not be tennis partners, but Colton and Shelley teamed up long enough to steal one from Bryan Danielson![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Alex Shelley and Scott Colton at 16:32, B[/B][/COLOR] Shelley scrambled to get out of the ring, and scooted halfway up the aisle before raising his arms in celebration. ([I]Smokes: Shelley been the guy looking good the last two weeks, man. Is he gon’ actually do it all at Species?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Nothing much to note. I’ve been working on something special however to hype the Pay Per View main event, and I hope to get that up shortly. [B] Fast Results[/B]: [QUOTE][B]Shelley and Colton[/B] def. Danielson and Evans [B](B)[/B] Homicide [B]drew [/B]with Christopher Daniels [B](B+)[/B] [B]Morley Depraved[/B] def. TJ Wilson [B](C)[/B] [B]Aries and Strong[/B] def. Rave and Mamaluke [B](C+)[/B] [B]Roc[/B] def. Shoichi Funaki [B](B-)[/B][/QUOTE] [U]Next:[/U] Revolution of the Species!
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Loved the show. I didn't really think much of Roc, his entrance sounds cool but to me, he seems like just a normal big man. Homicide and Daniels was good, I can't wait to see Joe/Cide and Daniels/Vampiro at the PPV. No Billy Graham this week? Looking forward to to the PPV...
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Loved the show. I didn't really think much of Roc, his entrance sounds cool but to me, he seems like just a normal big man. Homicide and Daniels was good, I can't wait to see Joe/Cide and Daniels/Vampiro at the PPV. No Billy Graham this week? Looking forward to to the PPV...
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[CENTER] [/CENTER] Here's the special something for Revolution of the Species I mentioned earlier. It was good practice as I try to teach myself how to edit video, but it took quite a while to compile so I don't foresee myself doing this type of thing again any time soon. [QUOTE=lowki02;153286]No Billy Graham this week?[/QUOTE] That's the crappy thing about trying to run a cult federation with a weekly TV show. Somewhere in there I have to try to cut costs, and that means not getting to use non-wrestling talent as much as I might want to. I would have preferred to have him in there to officially book some matches himself, but due to financial concerns this can't always be done.
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[CENTER] [/CENTER] Here's the special something for Revolution of the Species I mentioned earlier. It was good practice as I try to teach myself how to edit video, but it took quite a while to compile so I don't foresee myself doing this type of thing again any time soon. [QUOTE=lowki02;153286]No Billy Graham this week?[/QUOTE] That's the crappy thing about trying to run a cult federation with a weekly TV show. Somewhere in there I have to try to cut costs, and that means not getting to use non-wrestling talent as much as I might want to. I would have preferred to have him in there to officially book some matches himself, but due to financial concerns this can't always be done.
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[I]From RevPro.com:[/I][quote][CENTER][COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Final Preview – RevPro Revolution of the Species Friday, September 18, 2006 The All America Arena – New York City, New York [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/species.jpg[/IMG] For the RevPro World Championship Fatal Fourway Scott Colton (Champion) vs. Jack Evans vs. Alex Shelley vs. Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton faces the ultimate challenge from Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s top three challengers! Jack Evans only needs six hundred and thirty degrees of rotation to win this one, can he shock the world live from the center of the world, New York City? Or is Shelley right, and will his era begin with a win over former ally Scott Colton? Bryan Danielson can’t win the title, but he’s out for blood instead, and if he wins, he gets any kind of match that he wants against Scott Colton. Will his amazing comeback continue? Except the champion to come prepared, and if history is any indication, he’ll have a few tricks up his sleeve. It’s the biggest Pay Per View main event to date, who’s taking it?! [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Falls Count Anywhere Samoa Joe vs. “The Notorious 187” Homicide[/B][/COLOR] This one has JUST been made a Falls Count Anywhere match! Homicide will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide—even if he makes it outside of the arena again, the match will continue! Joe is still stinging from a brutal taser attack, and will have fire in his eyes when the bell rings for this one. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] For the RevPro Tri State Championship Austin Aries (Champion) vs. Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] They’re friends, they’re former Tag Champs, and they’re locking up with RevPro’s second highest accolade on the line. The friendship gets put on hold for this one, and if anyone can top Austin Aries on this night, it’s the brutal, backbreaking Roderick Strong. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] For the RevPro Tag Team Championships The Alternative (Xile and Depraved) (Champions) vs. The Combat Assault Unit (Sydal and Jacobs)[/B][/COLOR] Shannon’s Alternative has had a hell of a run with the belts, but there’s a new hot team in town, and that’s Commander Combat’s self-trained team of Sydal and Jacobs. The Assault Unit is unbeaten thus far and has ridden their streak straight to a championship opportunity. Will they fall for the first time here, or is the Commander’s motivation at ringside going to propel them to a taste of gold? [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Vampiro (w/ Lacey) vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] Daniels is serious about winning the big one, and Vampiro may have made a mistake in screwing him out of his shot at it. They’ve been at each other’s throats, and it could get ugly when they’re pitted against each other at Revolution of the Species. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Also: “King of the Giants” Roc vs. Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] Roc made his impressive debut on Wednesday, decimating Shoichi Funaki, and his dominance has led to a second bout, this time on Pay Per View! Jay Lethal, who’s been on a roll of his own, will do his best to take down the “King of the Giants”. Is he just too big and too strong for that to happen? [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Shoichi Funaki vs. Chris Kerry[/B][/COLOR] Kerry suffered a Grade II concussion at the hands of Brian Lawler a few weeks ago, but has been cleared to go by a physician and will try to get back into the swing of things against the canny vet Funaki. You need to see this! It's only on [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]UrbanXtra[/B][/COLOR] and only this [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Friday![/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [/quote] [U]Prediction Key[/U]: Scott Colton / Alex Shelley / Bryan Danielson / Jack Evans Samoa Joe / Homicide Austin Aries / Roderick Strong The Alternative / The Combat Assault Unit Christopher Daniels / Vampiro Roc / Jay Lethal Shoichi Funaki / Chris Kerry
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[I]From RevPro.com:[/I][quote][CENTER][COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Final Preview – RevPro Revolution of the Species Friday, September 18, 2006 The All America Arena – New York City, New York [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/species.jpg[/IMG] For the RevPro World Championship Fatal Fourway Scott Colton (Champion) vs. Jack Evans vs. Alex Shelley vs. Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton faces the ultimate challenge from Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s top three challengers! Jack Evans only needs six hundred and thirty degrees of rotation to win this one, can he shock the world live from the center of the world, New York City? Or is Shelley right, and will his era begin with a win over former ally Scott Colton? Bryan Danielson can’t win the title, but he’s out for blood instead, and if he wins, he gets any kind of match that he wants against Scott Colton. Will his amazing comeback continue? Except the champion to come prepared, and if history is any indication, he’ll have a few tricks up his sleeve. It’s the biggest Pay Per View main event to date, who’s taking it?! [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Falls Count Anywhere Samoa Joe vs. “The Notorious 187” Homicide[/B][/COLOR] This one has JUST been made a Falls Count Anywhere match! Homicide will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide—even if he makes it outside of the arena again, the match will continue! Joe is still stinging from a brutal taser attack, and will have fire in his eyes when the bell rings for this one. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] For the RevPro Tri State Championship Austin Aries (Champion) vs. Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] They’re friends, they’re former Tag Champs, and they’re locking up with RevPro’s second highest accolade on the line. The friendship gets put on hold for this one, and if anyone can top Austin Aries on this night, it’s the brutal, backbreaking Roderick Strong. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] For the RevPro Tag Team Championships The Alternative (Xile and Depraved) (Champions) vs. The Combat Assault Unit (Sydal and Jacobs)[/B][/COLOR] Shannon’s Alternative has had a hell of a run with the belts, but there’s a new hot team in town, and that’s Commander Combat’s self-trained team of Sydal and Jacobs. The Assault Unit is unbeaten thus far and has ridden their streak straight to a championship opportunity. Will they fall for the first time here, or is the Commander’s motivation at ringside going to propel them to a taste of gold? [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Vampiro (w/ Lacey) vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] Daniels is serious about winning the big one, and Vampiro may have made a mistake in screwing him out of his shot at it. They’ve been at each other’s throats, and it could get ugly when they’re pitted against each other at Revolution of the Species. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Also: “King of the Giants” Roc vs. Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] Roc made his impressive debut on Wednesday, decimating Shoichi Funaki, and his dominance has led to a second bout, this time on Pay Per View! Jay Lethal, who’s been on a roll of his own, will do his best to take down the “King of the Giants”. Is he just too big and too strong for that to happen? [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Shoichi Funaki vs. Chris Kerry[/B][/COLOR] Kerry suffered a Grade II concussion at the hands of Brian Lawler a few weeks ago, but has been cleared to go by a physician and will try to get back into the swing of things against the canny vet Funaki. You need to see this! It's only on [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]UrbanXtra[/B][/COLOR] and only this [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Friday![/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [/quote] [U]Prediction Key[/U]: Scott Colton / Alex Shelley / Bryan Danielson / Jack Evans Samoa Joe / Homicide Austin Aries / Roderick Strong The Alternative / The Combat Assault Unit Christopher Daniels / Vampiro Roc / Jay Lethal Shoichi Funaki / Chris Kerry
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Prediction: Scott Colton / [B]Alex Shelley[/B] / Bryan Danielson / Jack Evans Samoa Joe / [B]Homicide[/B] Austin Aries / [B]Roderick Strong[/B] The Alternative / [B]The Combat Assault Unit[/B] [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] / Vampiro [B]Roc[/B] / Jay Lethal Shoichi Funaki / [B]Chris Kerry[/B] Can't wait for the show, bud.
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Prediction: Scott Colton / [B]Alex Shelley[/B] / Bryan Danielson / Jack Evans Samoa Joe / [B]Homicide[/B] Austin Aries / [B]Roderick Strong[/B] The Alternative / [B]The Combat Assault Unit[/B] [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] / Vampiro [B]Roc[/B] / Jay Lethal Shoichi Funaki / [B]Chris Kerry[/B] Can't wait for the show, bud.
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[CENTER][COLOR=#2ca22c][B]RevPro Revolution of the Species – Friday, September 18, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Held at the All America Arena in New York City, New York[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Attendance: 7,809[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. SHANNON[/B] Hell of a match for just the online upload. McGuinness played by the rules, and wrapped up Shanon in a series of submissions, before jumping and nailing the Tower of London out of nowhere. [B] Winner: Nigel McGuinnesss at 4:45, B[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/species.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]MATCH 1 FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE SAMOA JOE vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Homicide entered second, and there were quite a lot of noticeable cheers for him. ([I]Rave: New York City is the only place in the world where Homicide might be the fan favourite! A good chunk of these eight thousand fans seem to be behind him. Smokes: He got his dogs here tonight! They representin’![/I]) It didn’t take very long for things to spill out of the ring and into the crowd. As they battled up an aisle, Homicide went to the eyes on Joe and shoved a fan out of his seat so he could pick it up. Homicide nailed Joe across the back and then dropped a chair-aided leg across his head. ([I]Rave: That’s how you do it, dog![/I]) A “Homicide, Homicide” chant broke out. Joe was brought up but fought back and knocked Homicide backwards with a chop before felling him with a running kick to the jaw. The “Joe’s Gonna Kill You” chant flared up. ([I]Rave: Only in New York! This crowd is as split as you can get![/I]) Joe grabbed the popcorn and soda tray away from a vendor and pounded it over a rising Homicide’s head to put him back down. Joe threw Homicide through a curtain as Jim Korderas tried to keep up and they appeared to be in the backstage area. Homicide stumbled away from Joe, but the big man closed in on him. Joe took him up into the Island Driver position, but Homicide slipped out and pushed Joe into the steel side of a forklift. Joe was dazed and Homicide used the chance to pick up a heavy electrical box and toss it into his back. Joe fell to one knee, and Homicide led him out through another door to put them in the private parking area. ([I]Rave: They’re in the New York City night. What is it with these two and not being able to stay inside the arena?[/I]) Homicide smashed Joe’s head into the hood of a car, setting off the alarm. Joe was hurt, and Homicide climbed onto the hood. ([I]Smokes: He gon’ hit him off the car![/I]) Joe fired back with a chop across the chest and a shot to the stomach that bent Homicide over. Joe hooked his head and picked him up into the Musclebuster position. ([I]Rave: Musclebuster on tap, he’ll hit it on that cold cement![/I]) But suddenly, Joe shook in pain and dropped Homicide before falling to his back. ([I]Rave: What happened there?[/I]) Homicide caught his breath and pocketed the taser with a smile. ([I]Rave: It was that stupid taser again! Come on! Smokes: Anything goes, dude! It all legal![/I]) Homicide looked like he was going to get the pin when a car skidded to a stop beside the two. A man wearing a black hoodie that obscured his face jumped out and decked Homicide with a brutal fist to the chin. Homicide was out on his feet already, but the man pulled out a crowbar and blasted him over the head anyway. ([I]Smokes: You can’t do that! Who is that?[/I]) The man flipped back his hood… it’s Accomplice! ([I]Rave: Homicide’s former friend, he got tossed aside like a piece of garbage![/I]) Accomplice sped away in the car, and Joe slowly got to his feet before hitting a running senton splash. Joe covered and got the three. ([I]Rave: Joe wins this brutal fight, with an assist from Accomplice, who we hadn’t seen in a while![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Samoa Joe at 15:49, B-[/B][/COLOR] Back at ringside, the cameras closed in on someone drinking a cup of beer in the front row—[COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Bob Holly![/B][/COLOR] He looked uncomfortable with the camera, and signed a couple of autographs for some fans. ([I]Rave: The former WWE star is in the house! Rumors have been swirling about him signing a RevPro contract, I guess you can say he’s scouting us tonight![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]A[/B][/COLOR] In a locker room, [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Shannon[/B][/COLOR] was putting on a shirt after his earlier match. “Guess we’ll be seeing you out there?” The voice that spoke was harsh and distorted. Shannon looked weirded out. “Who said--” He saw [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] standing nearby. “Get outta here! This is the Alternative’s dressing room!” “My visit is brief, Shannon. You’ve bet on your horse, and I’ve got mine. But I know you won’t be content with just watching the race. You’ll get involved.” Combat moved closer to him. “So if you feel the need to interfere, just remember… I’ll be out there, and I’ll take you out. Best of luck.” Combat left, and Shannon was worried. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]C MATCH 2 CHRIS KERRY vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: Great to see Chris Kerry back out here, he had a scary moment a few weeks ago, and from what we hear he suffered a concussion.[/I]) This was fast-paced and if you blinked, you missed a move. Kerry nearly rolled Funaki up for three with a springboard sunset flip, but Funaki fought back and nearly got the duke himself with a moonsault. Kerry tried to hit Funaki with a Northern Lights suplex near the end, but Funaki reversed it into a tornado DDT. Funaki covered with a hooked leg and got the win. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Shoichi Funaki at 8:47, B-[/B][/COLOR] Funaki got his arm raised and left, but Kerry wasn’t moving at all. Some of the backstage workers came out and were barely able to get him to his feet. ([I]Rave: Kerry is in some more trouble here. Look at those eyes, I think he may have come back a little too soon from that concussion.[/I]) Kerry was helped up the aisle as the fans applauded. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]C- Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] had a camera trained on him as he sat outside the arena. “Yo, let’s talk about fate. People say I’m fated to be a runner-up. They say I’ll never win the big one. When I look in that dressing room, I know I can beat everyone I see. And hell, I already beat a lot of them. Tonight, when that belt gets put around my waist, size, weight, height—they all mean nothin’. Because I’m fated to be the one with all the attention on him, and it happens tonight.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE ALTERNATIVE (w/ Shannon) c. vs. THE COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat)[/B][/COLOR] These teams had a lot to prove on both sides and they didn’t even wait until the bell rang to kick it off. They tore into each other with punches, and then Combat’s team took control, pounding Xile with drivers, and when Depraved tagged in, he saw the same. The defending champions gave it all back, crushing Sydal with a tandem powerbomb and knocking Jacobs off the apron. The tag ropes weren’t enough to keep two men on the apron, and it broke down into a tornado match. At one point, with the referee’s attention directed elsewhere, Jacobs small packaged Xile near the ropes. Combat ran around to that side and shouted at the referee to turn around. ([I]Rave: Pinning combination…[/I]) Shannon bolted around to that side, and hesitated before shoving Combat to the floor. He turned the package over so Jacobs’ shoulders were down. The referee happened to turn around and counted the quick pin. Shannon pumped his fist in the air, and quickly took off with the belts and his team. ([I]Rave: The Alternative stole that one! Smokes: Shannon pushed Commander down there too, was that a smart thing to do?[/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winners, and still champions: the Alternative at 13:51, B- Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] was interviewed by John Laurinaitis. With the Tri State Championship over one shoulder, Aries said that it was going to be an honor to put the belt on the line against Roderick Strong in New York City. He also said that he heard that Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke might be planning to interfere. “If that’s you want to do, boys, then come f***ing bring it.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 4 FOR THE TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] They had the utmost respect for each other, and it showed. They started off on the mat, wowing the crowd with reversal after reversal and finally tossing that aside to lay into each other with heavy chops and running lariats. Strong hoisted his friend up for the Death by Roderick. Aries struggled to get away but got blasted with it. The impact bounced him towards the ropes, and Strong scrambled to cover but Aries held on to the bottom rope to save himself. Austin tried for a 450 Splash but hit the mat face-first when Strong moved. Strong tried for the Death by Roderick again, but this time the champion squirted out, and ran right into the referee. They continued on like nothing had happened, and when they both rocketed off the opposite ropes, both tried for a crossbody and they ended up knocking heads. ([I]Rave: Skull on skull collision![/I]) Aries fell out to ringside and Strong rolled around in the middle of the ring, clearly in pain. Rave and Mamaluke walked through the curtain, laughing and pointing deviously at Strong. ([I]Rave: Get these jokers out of here! What are they trying to prove? Maybe if they won a match every once in a while, they’d be on the card![/I]) They slid in and laid in some stomps to Strong before taking him up to his feet. Mamaluke put him in a piledriver position, but the crowd looked towards the aisle. ([I]Rave: Here comes Nigel McGuinness! And he’s wielding steel![/I]) Nigel slid in and ducked under Mamaluke’s clothesline to paste Rave in the head with a chairshot. Mamaluke tried to get Nigel down, but ate a back elbow and a similar chairshot. Mamaluke rolled out as Nigel pointed down at him. ([I]Rave: Nigel may have just saved this match from Rave and Mamaluke! Smokes: He’s trying to prove to Aries that he sorry![/I]) Strong was on his feet, and stumbled towards Nigel, grabbing his shoulder. Nigel instinctively turned and crushed Strong with the chair. ([I]Rave: Oh my God! He hit Strong, and I don’t think he meant to![/I]) Nigel looked mortified. He slid out and walked back up the aisle, cursing himself out. Aries slid into the ring, having not seen any of this, and pulled Strong up for a brainbuster. He covered for three. ([I]Rave: Aries wins, but does he even know what happened?[/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 18:21, B Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] came down to the ring for an interview and basically re-stated that everyone in the arena knew he’d be walking out as champion. Then he turned his attention to Bob Holly in the front row. “What do we have here? Welcome to RevPro, Mr. Plugg.” ([I]Rave: Come on now.[/I]) Shelley stepped through the ropes and over to the barrier. “Great that you could make it tonight, Bob, but then again, I guess you don’t really have a busy schedule anymore.” Shelley laughed at his own joke, but Holly basically ignored him and talked to the person he was with. “You listening, Holly? You’d better pay attention if you’re even considering joining this federation, because I own that ring!” ([I]Rave: That’s news to me.[/I]) Holly shot him a look like, “buzz off”, and Shelley got angry. He grabbed Holly’s cup of beer and tossed it in his face. ([I]Rave: Uh, bad move.[/I]) Holly was shocked for a second, and then jumped to his feet and punched Shelley in the jaw, sending him down. ([I]Rave: Holly nailed him! Smokes: He a fan, he can’t hit a wrestler![/I]) Security came off and pulled Holly away from his seat as he wanted more of Shelley. Alex scooped up his mic. “Get him out of here! Get that piece of trash out of here!” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]A MATCH 5 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/B][/COLOR] As much as Vampiro wanted to prove he was better than the Fallen Angel, Daniels came out of the gates strong, and definitely looked more skilled, running Vampiro ragged and wrapping him up with submissions. Vampiro lost his cool and started throwing wild punches at Daniels, but he blocked the last one and bent Vampiro over to hit the Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Crushed with the Angel’s Wings![/I]) Daniels covered him, holding the arm down, but Lacey dove into the ring and onto the Fallen Angel’s back. The referee called for the bell as Daniels rose to his feet with Lacey still hanging from his neck and tried to swat her off. Vampiro slowly pulled himself up and cheaply kicked Daniels’ leg out from under him. Daniels fell in pain and so did Lacey, who was under him. Vampiro dragged a hurt Lacey out of the ring and took off towards the back. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner, by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 12:39, B Nigel McGuinness [/B][/COLOR]was walking backstage, still holding the chair. John Laurinaitis rushed him and put a microphone in his face. “I tried to make things right, but instead I ruined the bloody match and sabbed Strong! I’d bloody apologize for what I done, but I done enough of that already. So instead I’m going to make things right. Austin, Roderick, if you’re listening—we’re gonna take out those pains in the arse!” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] walked out to the ring and, instead of waiting for his opponent, he called for a microphone. “Tonight, I’m facing a guy people are calling a monster. They’re calling him the King of the Giants! Well drop that spotlight, and bring him out here, because I feel good. I’m on a hot streak of my own, and he’s not going to beat me tonight.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 6 JAY LETHAL vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] Roc got his spotlight entrance and stepped into the ring where Lethal immediately jumped off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick that knocked him backwards into the ropes. ([I]Rave: Lethal wasting no time! Smokes: He need to jump him if he wanna win![/I]) Lethal fired off of the far ropes but Roc blasted him with a huge boot to the nose on the return pass. Roc tossed him all the way across the ring with an exploder suplex, and then sat Lethal on the top rope so he could slap him as hard as he could across the chest. Lethal kicked him backwards, and leapt off with a hurricanrana attempt but he was caught and slammed down with a powerbomb. Roc raised him back up, applied a chokehold—and dropped him all the way to ringside! ([I]Smokes: Dude, he just got murdered![/I]) The referee started a count as Roc just stared down at Lethal’s limp form. ([I]Rave: That’s ten, count-out victory! But what about that chokeslam to the floor? It’s like he’s inhuman, he doesn’t even care![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner by count-out: Roc at 3:22, B-[/B][/COLOR] All eyes were on [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] as he walked down a long hallway on his way to the ring. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B+ MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SCOTT COLTON c. vs. JACK EVANS vs. ALEX SHELLEY vs. BRYAN DANIELSON[/B][/COLOR] The four men converged in the middle of the ring for one big trash talk session. ([I]Rave: Here we go! Literally the biggest main event we’ve ever had! Now remember, Danielson can’t take the belt with the win, but Evans and Shelley can! Smokes: That’s a 50/50 chance of the belt changin’ hands! Rave: Great math skeels there, Junkyard.[/I]) Danielson was the only one not trash talking, and exploded with a forearm smash to Colton and then Shelley to knock them both down. Danielson laid in kicks to Colton who tried to cover up, and Evans got Shelley into the corner. Danielson charged Colton with another forearm but got lowbridged out. Colton slipped out and dropped Danielson’s chin across the barrier while Evans suplexed Shelley in the ring. Colton drove Danielson into the announce table as Evans pinned Shelley. ([I]Rave: Just two! That could’ve been it. Colton could've lost the belt without even being pinned.[/I]) Colton got back in and hammered Evans from behind, before running him shoulder-first into the corner post. Colton took too long in turning around, and got rolled up by Alex Shelley. ([I]Rave: Roll-up! The champ’s up at two.[/I]) Colton rolled out of it to his feet and quickly nailed Shelley with a clothesline. Colton took turns in beating down Evans, who seemed hurt in the corner, and Shelley. Danielson climbed up to the apron but Colton took him by the very short mohawk and pounded him with rights until he fell. Shelley and Evans got to their feet and surprisingly teamed up to dropkick him out as well. Evans extended a hand to Shelley for a job well done, and Shelley seemed to consider it, until Evans kicked him in the stomach and chucked him out as well. ([I]Rave: Three of the four men in this match right in front of us… and here comes the fourth![/I]) Evans hopped out to the apron and Stunted onto all the other competitors. Evans returned to the ring, and Danielson was first to get in. The two fan-favourites battled it out, and Danielson got the better of Evans, ducking behind and nailing him with a big release German suplex. Evans bounced right out to the floor, and as Danielson caught his breath, Shelley caught him with a dropkick to the back from behind. Shelley tried to set him up for the Shellshock, but Danielson wouldn’t get lifted. Shelley shoved him backwards into the corner and laid in some kicks instead. Colton got in and rushed the corner, but both men managed to move and Colton got nothing. Danielson got his wits about him and dealt out hard forearms to both men. ([I]Rave: What a battle! Danielson fighting with all he’s got![/I]) Colton fell into the ropes, and Shelley gouged Danielson in the eyes to slow him down. Shelley tried to whip him to the corner, but got sent in himself. Danielson ran in with a dropkick, but turned around into a kick to the stomach and a Colt 45 from the champion. ([I]Rave: Colt 45! Cover, but Shelley falls forward to break it up![/I]) Shelley took Colton to his feet and laid in some rights. Shelley stepped back a bit and tried to run into a Shining Wizard, but Colton rolled away, and Danielson caught Shelley’s leg, and viciously dragon whipped him. Both men were thrown off by this one, and it gave Scott Colton time to go to the top rope and measure them for a double clothesline. ([I]Rave: Double Pro Line! All the champion has to do is pick who he wants to pin![/I]) Colton laid on top of Danielson, but he kicked out at two and three-quarters. ([I]Rave: No way! Danielson won’t lay down![/I]) Danielson pulled himself up by the ropes as Colton hammered on him, and knocked the champion away with a back elbow. Colton stumbled backwards into a huge neckbreaker from Shelley in the corner. Shelley set his sights on Bryan Danielson, hitting him with a Cactus clothesline that sent them both over. As Colton lay motionless inside the ring, Evans slowly rose from the outside and climbed to the turnbuckle. ([I]Rave: Evans going up! You know what he wants to do![/I]) Evans tried to steady himself, and looked set, but Shelley sprung up to the apron to meet Evans. Jack tried to punch him, but Shelley shoved him off of the turnbuckle and way down through the announce table, demolishing it as Rave and Smokes were barely able to bail! ([I]Rave: Jesus Christ! Evans is finished![/I]) Shelley caught his breath, and climbed to the top rope himself, but by this time Colton had stirred. Shelley was ready to jump, but Colton ran at him and sprung up to the second rope to meet him. They traded right hands, and Colton hooked Shelley for a belly-to-belly suplex. ([I]Rave: Big suplex coming…[/I]) But Danielson got in to Colton from behind, and hooked him into a German suplex. Danielson suplexed Colton, which in turn sent Shelley flying as well. ([I]Rave: My God! Danielson destroyed both of them! Smokes: Total collateral damage, that was sick![/I]) Shelley was almost tossed to the far turnbuckle, and Danielson held on to Scott Colton, bringing him to his feet in the German suplex position. ([I]Rave: There’s another one… Colton up, and a third! Danielson gets him up again… full nelson! Danielson—Dragon suplex![/I]) Colton got planted and Danielson bridged it. ([I]Rave: Pin, no one’s stopping him, three! Danielson wins it! Danielson wins it![/I]) Danielson took a moment to release the pin, and when he did, had a look of relief on his face. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 33:50, B Still champion: Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] Danielson was sitting, and got his arm raised by Jim Korderas. ([I]Rave: A thirty-three minute war, and Danielson weathered it to win! Smokes: That means he gets Colton in any match he want, and it ain’t fair! It ain’t cool neither![/I]) Danielson started to get up, but Shelley attacked him from behind with a knee to the skull. Shelley got him on his stomach and drove knees into his head. ([I]Rave: Look at this sore loser![/I]) Colton slowly came to, and joined in the assault. ([I]Rave: Now that the match is over, they’re taking their frustration out on the winner![/I]) They got Danielson up, and whipped him to the ropes. They got their fists ready, but Danielson hit a flying double clothesline to scatter them. Both men rolled out and Danielson stood tall. ([I]Rave: Not happening! Danielson can’t be stopped tonight, and he’s going to get his final revenge on Scott Colton![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B+ Revolution of the Species Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - The attendance was our highest ever for any event, and our buyrate of 16,647 was our highest for that too. This show had to be a success with the way it was hyped, and I think it was. I was hoping the main event would break into B+ territory, but no match on the card dipped below B-, which is awesome too and probably a first. Holly's appearance notched us two A segments, man is over. - Probably the hardest show I’ve had to write so far, with school and work kicking my ass combined with wanting to do the matches justice. But it’s in the books now, and the train keeps going. Thanks for reading! [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Bryan Danielson[/B] def. Colton, Shelley, Evans [B](B) Roc[/B] def. Jay Lethal [B](B-) Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Vampiro by DQ [B](B) Austin Aries[/B] def. Roderick Strong [B](B) The Alternative [/B]def. The Combat Assault Unit [B](B-)[/B] [B]Shoichi Funaki[/B] def. Chris Kerry [B](B-) Samoa Joe [/B]def. Homicide [B](B-)[/B][/quote]
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[CENTER][COLOR=#2ca22c][B]RevPro Revolution of the Species – Friday, September 18, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Held at the All America Arena in New York City, New York[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Attendance: 7,809[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B] Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. SHANNON[/B] Hell of a match for just the online upload. McGuinness played by the rules, and wrapped up Shanon in a series of submissions, before jumping and nailing the Tower of London out of nowhere. [B] Winner: Nigel McGuinnesss at 4:45, B[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/species.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]MATCH 1 FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE SAMOA JOE vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE[/B][/COLOR] Homicide entered second, and there were quite a lot of noticeable cheers for him. ([I]Rave: New York City is the only place in the world where Homicide might be the fan favourite! A good chunk of these eight thousand fans seem to be behind him. Smokes: He got his dogs here tonight! They representin’![/I]) It didn’t take very long for things to spill out of the ring and into the crowd. As they battled up an aisle, Homicide went to the eyes on Joe and shoved a fan out of his seat so he could pick it up. Homicide nailed Joe across the back and then dropped a chair-aided leg across his head. ([I]Rave: That’s how you do it, dog![/I]) A “Homicide, Homicide” chant broke out. Joe was brought up but fought back and knocked Homicide backwards with a chop before felling him with a running kick to the jaw. The “Joe’s Gonna Kill You” chant flared up. ([I]Rave: Only in New York! This crowd is as split as you can get![/I]) Joe grabbed the popcorn and soda tray away from a vendor and pounded it over a rising Homicide’s head to put him back down. Joe threw Homicide through a curtain as Jim Korderas tried to keep up and they appeared to be in the backstage area. Homicide stumbled away from Joe, but the big man closed in on him. Joe took him up into the Island Driver position, but Homicide slipped out and pushed Joe into the steel side of a forklift. Joe was dazed and Homicide used the chance to pick up a heavy electrical box and toss it into his back. Joe fell to one knee, and Homicide led him out through another door to put them in the private parking area. ([I]Rave: They’re in the New York City night. What is it with these two and not being able to stay inside the arena?[/I]) Homicide smashed Joe’s head into the hood of a car, setting off the alarm. Joe was hurt, and Homicide climbed onto the hood. ([I]Smokes: He gon’ hit him off the car![/I]) Joe fired back with a chop across the chest and a shot to the stomach that bent Homicide over. Joe hooked his head and picked him up into the Musclebuster position. ([I]Rave: Musclebuster on tap, he’ll hit it on that cold cement![/I]) But suddenly, Joe shook in pain and dropped Homicide before falling to his back. ([I]Rave: What happened there?[/I]) Homicide caught his breath and pocketed the taser with a smile. ([I]Rave: It was that stupid taser again! Come on! Smokes: Anything goes, dude! It all legal![/I]) Homicide looked like he was going to get the pin when a car skidded to a stop beside the two. A man wearing a black hoodie that obscured his face jumped out and decked Homicide with a brutal fist to the chin. Homicide was out on his feet already, but the man pulled out a crowbar and blasted him over the head anyway. ([I]Smokes: You can’t do that! Who is that?[/I]) The man flipped back his hood… it’s Accomplice! ([I]Rave: Homicide’s former friend, he got tossed aside like a piece of garbage![/I]) Accomplice sped away in the car, and Joe slowly got to his feet before hitting a running senton splash. Joe covered and got the three. ([I]Rave: Joe wins this brutal fight, with an assist from Accomplice, who we hadn’t seen in a while![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Samoa Joe at 15:49, B-[/B][/COLOR] Back at ringside, the cameras closed in on someone drinking a cup of beer in the front row—[COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Bob Holly![/B][/COLOR] He looked uncomfortable with the camera, and signed a couple of autographs for some fans. ([I]Rave: The former WWE star is in the house! Rumors have been swirling about him signing a RevPro contract, I guess you can say he’s scouting us tonight![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]A[/B][/COLOR] In a locker room, [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Shannon[/B][/COLOR] was putting on a shirt after his earlier match. “Guess we’ll be seeing you out there?” The voice that spoke was harsh and distorted. Shannon looked weirded out. “Who said--” He saw [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] standing nearby. “Get outta here! This is the Alternative’s dressing room!” “My visit is brief, Shannon. You’ve bet on your horse, and I’ve got mine. But I know you won’t be content with just watching the race. You’ll get involved.” Combat moved closer to him. “So if you feel the need to interfere, just remember… I’ll be out there, and I’ll take you out. Best of luck.” Combat left, and Shannon was worried. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]C MATCH 2 CHRIS KERRY vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: Great to see Chris Kerry back out here, he had a scary moment a few weeks ago, and from what we hear he suffered a concussion.[/I]) This was fast-paced and if you blinked, you missed a move. Kerry nearly rolled Funaki up for three with a springboard sunset flip, but Funaki fought back and nearly got the duke himself with a moonsault. Kerry tried to hit Funaki with a Northern Lights suplex near the end, but Funaki reversed it into a tornado DDT. Funaki covered with a hooked leg and got the win. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Shoichi Funaki at 8:47, B-[/B][/COLOR] Funaki got his arm raised and left, but Kerry wasn’t moving at all. Some of the backstage workers came out and were barely able to get him to his feet. ([I]Rave: Kerry is in some more trouble here. Look at those eyes, I think he may have come back a little too soon from that concussion.[/I]) Kerry was helped up the aisle as the fans applauded. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]C- Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] had a camera trained on him as he sat outside the arena. “Yo, let’s talk about fate. People say I’m fated to be a runner-up. They say I’ll never win the big one. When I look in that dressing room, I know I can beat everyone I see. And hell, I already beat a lot of them. Tonight, when that belt gets put around my waist, size, weight, height—they all mean nothin’. Because I’m fated to be the one with all the attention on him, and it happens tonight.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE ALTERNATIVE (w/ Shannon) c. vs. THE COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT (w/ Commander Combat)[/B][/COLOR] These teams had a lot to prove on both sides and they didn’t even wait until the bell rang to kick it off. They tore into each other with punches, and then Combat’s team took control, pounding Xile with drivers, and when Depraved tagged in, he saw the same. The defending champions gave it all back, crushing Sydal with a tandem powerbomb and knocking Jacobs off the apron. The tag ropes weren’t enough to keep two men on the apron, and it broke down into a tornado match. At one point, with the referee’s attention directed elsewhere, Jacobs small packaged Xile near the ropes. Combat ran around to that side and shouted at the referee to turn around. ([I]Rave: Pinning combination…[/I]) Shannon bolted around to that side, and hesitated before shoving Combat to the floor. He turned the package over so Jacobs’ shoulders were down. The referee happened to turn around and counted the quick pin. Shannon pumped his fist in the air, and quickly took off with the belts and his team. ([I]Rave: The Alternative stole that one! Smokes: Shannon pushed Commander down there too, was that a smart thing to do?[/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winners, and still champions: the Alternative at 13:51, B- Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] was interviewed by John Laurinaitis. With the Tri State Championship over one shoulder, Aries said that it was going to be an honor to put the belt on the line against Roderick Strong in New York City. He also said that he heard that Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke might be planning to interfere. “If that’s you want to do, boys, then come f***ing bring it.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 4 FOR THE TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] They had the utmost respect for each other, and it showed. They started off on the mat, wowing the crowd with reversal after reversal and finally tossing that aside to lay into each other with heavy chops and running lariats. Strong hoisted his friend up for the Death by Roderick. Aries struggled to get away but got blasted with it. The impact bounced him towards the ropes, and Strong scrambled to cover but Aries held on to the bottom rope to save himself. Austin tried for a 450 Splash but hit the mat face-first when Strong moved. Strong tried for the Death by Roderick again, but this time the champion squirted out, and ran right into the referee. They continued on like nothing had happened, and when they both rocketed off the opposite ropes, both tried for a crossbody and they ended up knocking heads. ([I]Rave: Skull on skull collision![/I]) Aries fell out to ringside and Strong rolled around in the middle of the ring, clearly in pain. Rave and Mamaluke walked through the curtain, laughing and pointing deviously at Strong. ([I]Rave: Get these jokers out of here! What are they trying to prove? Maybe if they won a match every once in a while, they’d be on the card![/I]) They slid in and laid in some stomps to Strong before taking him up to his feet. Mamaluke put him in a piledriver position, but the crowd looked towards the aisle. ([I]Rave: Here comes Nigel McGuinness! And he’s wielding steel![/I]) Nigel slid in and ducked under Mamaluke’s clothesline to paste Rave in the head with a chairshot. Mamaluke tried to get Nigel down, but ate a back elbow and a similar chairshot. Mamaluke rolled out as Nigel pointed down at him. ([I]Rave: Nigel may have just saved this match from Rave and Mamaluke! Smokes: He’s trying to prove to Aries that he sorry![/I]) Strong was on his feet, and stumbled towards Nigel, grabbing his shoulder. Nigel instinctively turned and crushed Strong with the chair. ([I]Rave: Oh my God! He hit Strong, and I don’t think he meant to![/I]) Nigel looked mortified. He slid out and walked back up the aisle, cursing himself out. Aries slid into the ring, having not seen any of this, and pulled Strong up for a brainbuster. He covered for three. ([I]Rave: Aries wins, but does he even know what happened?[/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 18:21, B Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] came down to the ring for an interview and basically re-stated that everyone in the arena knew he’d be walking out as champion. Then he turned his attention to Bob Holly in the front row. “What do we have here? Welcome to RevPro, Mr. Plugg.” ([I]Rave: Come on now.[/I]) Shelley stepped through the ropes and over to the barrier. “Great that you could make it tonight, Bob, but then again, I guess you don’t really have a busy schedule anymore.” Shelley laughed at his own joke, but Holly basically ignored him and talked to the person he was with. “You listening, Holly? You’d better pay attention if you’re even considering joining this federation, because I own that ring!” ([I]Rave: That’s news to me.[/I]) Holly shot him a look like, “buzz off”, and Shelley got angry. He grabbed Holly’s cup of beer and tossed it in his face. ([I]Rave: Uh, bad move.[/I]) Holly was shocked for a second, and then jumped to his feet and punched Shelley in the jaw, sending him down. ([I]Rave: Holly nailed him! Smokes: He a fan, he can’t hit a wrestler![/I]) Security came off and pulled Holly away from his seat as he wanted more of Shelley. Alex scooped up his mic. “Get him out of here! Get that piece of trash out of here!” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]A MATCH 5 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/B][/COLOR] As much as Vampiro wanted to prove he was better than the Fallen Angel, Daniels came out of the gates strong, and definitely looked more skilled, running Vampiro ragged and wrapping him up with submissions. Vampiro lost his cool and started throwing wild punches at Daniels, but he blocked the last one and bent Vampiro over to hit the Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: Crushed with the Angel’s Wings![/I]) Daniels covered him, holding the arm down, but Lacey dove into the ring and onto the Fallen Angel’s back. The referee called for the bell as Daniels rose to his feet with Lacey still hanging from his neck and tried to swat her off. Vampiro slowly pulled himself up and cheaply kicked Daniels’ leg out from under him. Daniels fell in pain and so did Lacey, who was under him. Vampiro dragged a hurt Lacey out of the ring and took off towards the back. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner, by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 12:39, B Nigel McGuinness [/B][/COLOR]was walking backstage, still holding the chair. John Laurinaitis rushed him and put a microphone in his face. “I tried to make things right, but instead I ruined the bloody match and sabbed Strong! I’d bloody apologize for what I done, but I done enough of that already. So instead I’m going to make things right. Austin, Roderick, if you’re listening—we’re gonna take out those pains in the arse!” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] walked out to the ring and, instead of waiting for his opponent, he called for a microphone. “Tonight, I’m facing a guy people are calling a monster. They’re calling him the King of the Giants! Well drop that spotlight, and bring him out here, because I feel good. I’m on a hot streak of my own, and he’s not going to beat me tonight.” [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B MATCH 6 JAY LETHAL vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] Roc got his spotlight entrance and stepped into the ring where Lethal immediately jumped off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick that knocked him backwards into the ropes. ([I]Rave: Lethal wasting no time! Smokes: He need to jump him if he wanna win![/I]) Lethal fired off of the far ropes but Roc blasted him with a huge boot to the nose on the return pass. Roc tossed him all the way across the ring with an exploder suplex, and then sat Lethal on the top rope so he could slap him as hard as he could across the chest. Lethal kicked him backwards, and leapt off with a hurricanrana attempt but he was caught and slammed down with a powerbomb. Roc raised him back up, applied a chokehold—and dropped him all the way to ringside! ([I]Smokes: Dude, he just got murdered![/I]) The referee started a count as Roc just stared down at Lethal’s limp form. ([I]Rave: That’s ten, count-out victory! But what about that chokeslam to the floor? It’s like he’s inhuman, he doesn’t even care![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner by count-out: Roc at 3:22, B-[/B][/COLOR] All eyes were on [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] as he walked down a long hallway on his way to the ring. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B+ MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SCOTT COLTON c. vs. JACK EVANS vs. ALEX SHELLEY vs. BRYAN DANIELSON[/B][/COLOR] The four men converged in the middle of the ring for one big trash talk session. ([I]Rave: Here we go! Literally the biggest main event we’ve ever had! Now remember, Danielson can’t take the belt with the win, but Evans and Shelley can! Smokes: That’s a 50/50 chance of the belt changin’ hands! Rave: Great math skeels there, Junkyard.[/I]) Danielson was the only one not trash talking, and exploded with a forearm smash to Colton and then Shelley to knock them both down. Danielson laid in kicks to Colton who tried to cover up, and Evans got Shelley into the corner. Danielson charged Colton with another forearm but got lowbridged out. Colton slipped out and dropped Danielson’s chin across the barrier while Evans suplexed Shelley in the ring. Colton drove Danielson into the announce table as Evans pinned Shelley. ([I]Rave: Just two! That could’ve been it. Colton could've lost the belt without even being pinned.[/I]) Colton got back in and hammered Evans from behind, before running him shoulder-first into the corner post. Colton took too long in turning around, and got rolled up by Alex Shelley. ([I]Rave: Roll-up! The champ’s up at two.[/I]) Colton rolled out of it to his feet and quickly nailed Shelley with a clothesline. Colton took turns in beating down Evans, who seemed hurt in the corner, and Shelley. Danielson climbed up to the apron but Colton took him by the very short mohawk and pounded him with rights until he fell. Shelley and Evans got to their feet and surprisingly teamed up to dropkick him out as well. Evans extended a hand to Shelley for a job well done, and Shelley seemed to consider it, until Evans kicked him in the stomach and chucked him out as well. ([I]Rave: Three of the four men in this match right in front of us… and here comes the fourth![/I]) Evans hopped out to the apron and Stunted onto all the other competitors. Evans returned to the ring, and Danielson was first to get in. The two fan-favourites battled it out, and Danielson got the better of Evans, ducking behind and nailing him with a big release German suplex. Evans bounced right out to the floor, and as Danielson caught his breath, Shelley caught him with a dropkick to the back from behind. Shelley tried to set him up for the Shellshock, but Danielson wouldn’t get lifted. Shelley shoved him backwards into the corner and laid in some kicks instead. Colton got in and rushed the corner, but both men managed to move and Colton got nothing. Danielson got his wits about him and dealt out hard forearms to both men. ([I]Rave: What a battle! Danielson fighting with all he’s got![/I]) Colton fell into the ropes, and Shelley gouged Danielson in the eyes to slow him down. Shelley tried to whip him to the corner, but got sent in himself. Danielson ran in with a dropkick, but turned around into a kick to the stomach and a Colt 45 from the champion. ([I]Rave: Colt 45! Cover, but Shelley falls forward to break it up![/I]) Shelley took Colton to his feet and laid in some rights. Shelley stepped back a bit and tried to run into a Shining Wizard, but Colton rolled away, and Danielson caught Shelley’s leg, and viciously dragon whipped him. Both men were thrown off by this one, and it gave Scott Colton time to go to the top rope and measure them for a double clothesline. ([I]Rave: Double Pro Line! All the champion has to do is pick who he wants to pin![/I]) Colton laid on top of Danielson, but he kicked out at two and three-quarters. ([I]Rave: No way! Danielson won’t lay down![/I]) Danielson pulled himself up by the ropes as Colton hammered on him, and knocked the champion away with a back elbow. Colton stumbled backwards into a huge neckbreaker from Shelley in the corner. Shelley set his sights on Bryan Danielson, hitting him with a Cactus clothesline that sent them both over. As Colton lay motionless inside the ring, Evans slowly rose from the outside and climbed to the turnbuckle. ([I]Rave: Evans going up! You know what he wants to do![/I]) Evans tried to steady himself, and looked set, but Shelley sprung up to the apron to meet Evans. Jack tried to punch him, but Shelley shoved him off of the turnbuckle and way down through the announce table, demolishing it as Rave and Smokes were barely able to bail! ([I]Rave: Jesus Christ! Evans is finished![/I]) Shelley caught his breath, and climbed to the top rope himself, but by this time Colton had stirred. Shelley was ready to jump, but Colton ran at him and sprung up to the second rope to meet him. They traded right hands, and Colton hooked Shelley for a belly-to-belly suplex. ([I]Rave: Big suplex coming…[/I]) But Danielson got in to Colton from behind, and hooked him into a German suplex. Danielson suplexed Colton, which in turn sent Shelley flying as well. ([I]Rave: My God! Danielson destroyed both of them! Smokes: Total collateral damage, that was sick![/I]) Shelley was almost tossed to the far turnbuckle, and Danielson held on to Scott Colton, bringing him to his feet in the German suplex position. ([I]Rave: There’s another one… Colton up, and a third! Danielson gets him up again… full nelson! Danielson—Dragon suplex![/I]) Colton got planted and Danielson bridged it. ([I]Rave: Pin, no one’s stopping him, three! Danielson wins it! Danielson wins it![/I]) Danielson took a moment to release the pin, and when he did, had a look of relief on his face. [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 33:50, B Still champion: Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] Danielson was sitting, and got his arm raised by Jim Korderas. ([I]Rave: A thirty-three minute war, and Danielson weathered it to win! Smokes: That means he gets Colton in any match he want, and it ain’t fair! It ain’t cool neither![/I]) Danielson started to get up, but Shelley attacked him from behind with a knee to the skull. Shelley got him on his stomach and drove knees into his head. ([I]Rave: Look at this sore loser![/I]) Colton slowly came to, and joined in the assault. ([I]Rave: Now that the match is over, they’re taking their frustration out on the winner![/I]) They got Danielson up, and whipped him to the ropes. They got their fists ready, but Danielson hit a flying double clothesline to scatter them. Both men rolled out and Danielson stood tall. ([I]Rave: Not happening! Danielson can’t be stopped tonight, and he’s going to get his final revenge on Scott Colton![/I]) [COLOR=#2ca22c][B]B+ Revolution of the Species Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - The attendance was our highest ever for any event, and our buyrate of 16,647 was our highest for that too. This show had to be a success with the way it was hyped, and I think it was. I was hoping the main event would break into B+ territory, but no match on the card dipped below B-, which is awesome too and probably a first. Holly's appearance notched us two A segments, man is over. - Probably the hardest show I’ve had to write so far, with school and work kicking my ass combined with wanting to do the matches justice. But it’s in the books now, and the train keeps going. Thanks for reading! [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Bryan Danielson[/B] def. Colton, Shelley, Evans [B](B) Roc[/B] def. Jay Lethal [B](B-) Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Vampiro by DQ [B](B) Austin Aries[/B] def. Roderick Strong [B](B) The Alternative [/B]def. The Combat Assault Unit [B](B-)[/B] [B]Shoichi Funaki[/B] def. Chris Kerry [B](B-) Samoa Joe [/B]def. Homicide [B](B-)[/B][/quote]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#875528][B][U]Wrestleworld.com[/U] Presents the 2006 Wrestleworld Global Power Rankings![/B][/COLOR] Yes, it’s that time of the year, time to look at every wrestling promotion on this great green planet and rank ‘em. Why waste time? Let’s get to it. [U][COLOR=#875528][B]World's Top Ten[/B][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#875528][B]1. WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]2. TNA (Total Nonstop Action)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]3. AAA (Asistencia Asesoría y Administración)[/B][/COLOR], MEX [COLOR=#875528][B]4. NJPW (New Japan Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]5. CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre)[/B][/COLOR], MEX [COLOR=#875528][B]6. NOAH (Pro Wrestling NOAH)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]7. Z1 (ZERO-ONE MAX)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]8. AJPW (All Japan Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]9. RevPro (Revolutionary Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]10. BML (BIG MOUTH LOUD)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [U][B][COLOR=#875528]The Breakdown[/B][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#875528][B]1. World Wrestling Entertainment:[/B][/COLOR] Really, is anyone going to knock them from the top spot any time soon? This year has been about things changing and, well, things staying the same. While Triple H is on to his eleventh reign as champion, and mainstays like Taker, Big Show and Flair still figure heavily into storylines, the E has made a conscious effort to add some new players to the main event mix, and they’ve successfully elevated Sylvan, Johnny Nitro and Tyson Tomko to that level, with Tomko rumored to even have a world championship in his future. One of the other big moves of the year was sending Jim Ross over to Smackdown to work with Tazz, and Vince McMahon adding himself to the Monday night announce team to join Jerry Lawler and Mick Foley. They’re too fluid and too deep to be taken down yet, but if the industry continues to weaken… [COLOR=#875528][B]2. Total Nonstop Action:[/B][/COLOR] It’s been a big year for Dixie Carter’s investment. They jumped up to a global presence and haven’t looked back. They stunned everyone in the industry by picking up a legend who was thought to be finished in the ring when the WWE let him go, Shawn Michaels—pardon me, Shawn Heartbreak. The icon was lured out of retirement with some big paychecks and promises of an easy schedule (he's wrestled five matches in three months). The good news of the year was that Jeff Jarrett dropped the title. The bad news was it was to BG James. Seriously, Road Dogg? James’ best years in the ring are far past, but in his defense he’s way over and has the charisma to make his feuds interesting. They’re going to look to close in on the WWE this year. […] [COLOR=#875528][B]9. Revolutionary Pro Wrestling:[/B][/COLOR] Ring of Honor was purchased and re-formatted so to speak, and it seems like the change is paying off. Now, RevPro is hot off of a solid top-to-bottom show in New York City that did some decent numbers on Pay Per View, and presents a live ninety-minute show every Wednesday on the E! Network. “Superstar” Billy Graham was recruited to serve as their on-air figurehead, and Scott “Colt Cabana” Colton, Bryan Danielson, Jack Evans and Samoa Joe lead the drive into what should be a very interesting next twelve months. They aren't making TNA or WWE shake in their ring aprons, but what they are doing is providing an alternative to the rampant sports entertainment that the big two are specializing in. Revolutionary Pro Wrestling doesn't mind letting their guys go for stiff, epic matches, and they might have some of the best technical and high flying wrestling you'll ever see on this continent. If the face of professional wrestling is ever going to change, this is what it might look like. [U]Next:[/U] Televised Revolution!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#875528][B][U]Wrestleworld.com[/U] Presents the 2006 Wrestleworld Global Power Rankings![/B][/COLOR] Yes, it’s that time of the year, time to look at every wrestling promotion on this great green planet and rank ‘em. Why waste time? Let’s get to it. [U][COLOR=#875528][B]World's Top Ten[/B][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#875528][B]1. WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]2. TNA (Total Nonstop Action)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]3. AAA (Asistencia Asesoría y Administración)[/B][/COLOR], MEX [COLOR=#875528][B]4. NJPW (New Japan Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]5. CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre)[/B][/COLOR], MEX [COLOR=#875528][B]6. NOAH (Pro Wrestling NOAH)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]7. Z1 (ZERO-ONE MAX)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]8. AJPW (All Japan Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [COLOR=#875528][B]9. RevPro (Revolutionary Pro Wrestling)[/B][/COLOR], USA [COLOR=#875528][B]10. BML (BIG MOUTH LOUD)[/B][/COLOR], JPN [U][B][COLOR=#875528]The Breakdown[/B][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#875528][B]1. World Wrestling Entertainment:[/B][/COLOR] Really, is anyone going to knock them from the top spot any time soon? This year has been about things changing and, well, things staying the same. While Triple H is on to his eleventh reign as champion, and mainstays like Taker, Big Show and Flair still figure heavily into storylines, the E has made a conscious effort to add some new players to the main event mix, and they’ve successfully elevated Sylvan, Johnny Nitro and Tyson Tomko to that level, with Tomko rumored to even have a world championship in his future. One of the other big moves of the year was sending Jim Ross over to Smackdown to work with Tazz, and Vince McMahon adding himself to the Monday night announce team to join Jerry Lawler and Mick Foley. They’re too fluid and too deep to be taken down yet, but if the industry continues to weaken… [COLOR=#875528][B]2. Total Nonstop Action:[/B][/COLOR] It’s been a big year for Dixie Carter’s investment. They jumped up to a global presence and haven’t looked back. They stunned everyone in the industry by picking up a legend who was thought to be finished in the ring when the WWE let him go, Shawn Michaels—pardon me, Shawn Heartbreak. The icon was lured out of retirement with some big paychecks and promises of an easy schedule (he's wrestled five matches in three months). The good news of the year was that Jeff Jarrett dropped the title. The bad news was it was to BG James. Seriously, Road Dogg? James’ best years in the ring are far past, but in his defense he’s way over and has the charisma to make his feuds interesting. They’re going to look to close in on the WWE this year. […] [COLOR=#875528][B]9. Revolutionary Pro Wrestling:[/B][/COLOR] Ring of Honor was purchased and re-formatted so to speak, and it seems like the change is paying off. Now, RevPro is hot off of a solid top-to-bottom show in New York City that did some decent numbers on Pay Per View, and presents a live ninety-minute show every Wednesday on the E! Network. “Superstar” Billy Graham was recruited to serve as their on-air figurehead, and Scott “Colt Cabana” Colton, Bryan Danielson, Jack Evans and Samoa Joe lead the drive into what should be a very interesting next twelve months. They aren't making TNA or WWE shake in their ring aprons, but what they are doing is providing an alternative to the rampant sports entertainment that the big two are specializing in. Revolutionary Pro Wrestling doesn't mind letting their guys go for stiff, epic matches, and they might have some of the best technical and high flying wrestling you'll ever see on this continent. If the face of professional wrestling is ever going to change, this is what it might look like. [U]Next:[/U] Televised Revolution!
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Whew. It took me a couple days but I've finally read your diary from page one to now. What a ride so far! :D This is quickly turning into one of my favorite diaries; you do a great job of creating your own characters, and building your fueds. Also, nice touch, finding a way to write out all of your wrestlers that you've fired. Glad to see my boy Jack Evans in the main event... and you know this, [I]man[/I]! Good stuff, keep it up. Your last PPV was your best work yet! :cool:
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Whew. It took me a couple days but I've finally read your diary from page one to now. What a ride so far! :D This is quickly turning into one of my favorite diaries; you do a great job of creating your own characters, and building your fueds. Also, nice touch, finding a way to write out all of your wrestlers that you've fired. Glad to see my boy Jack Evans in the main event... and you know this, [I]man[/I]! Good stuff, keep it up. Your last PPV was your best work yet! :cool:
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, September 21st, 2006 DANIELSON SURVIVES THE REVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/payback.jpg[/IMG] [B] ONE MORE MATCH AT REVPRO PAYBACK[/B] Bryan Danielson completed the comeback last Friday when he defeated his three opponents, Jack Evans, Alex Shelley, and Scott Colton, after nailing three consecutive German suplexes and a Dragon suplex to put Colton down for the three count. While his return to the main event picture is done, he knows his work is not. With his win, he locked himself in for a match against Colton at the next Pay Per View event aptly called “Payback”. Again, the belt can’t be up for grabs, but this time, Danielson will get to make it whatever kind of sadistic match he wants. Chances are he’ll be in Joplin, Missouri to let the entire world know what he’s got in mind. [B] FALLEN ANGEL WANTS VAMPIRO IN A LAST MAN STANDING MATCH![/B] Lacey’s inferference in Christopher Daniels’ match against Vampiro in New York City left a bad taste in the mouth of the fans in attendance and those watching on UrbanXtra, and Daniels wanting resolution. He has challenged Vampiro to a Last Man Standing match for this Wednesday’s edition of Televised Revolution. Vampiro made it out of the Big Apple with just a few bruises but if the match goes ahead as planned, he might not be so lucky this week! [B] ARIES AND STRONG vs. RAVE AND MAMALUKE, ROUND TWO[/B] The newfound “jilted losers” alliance of Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke made their presence felt at Revolution of the Species by attacking Roderick Strong during his Tri State Championship match, but were sent away by Nigel McGuinness who made the save, and inadvertently KO’d Strong in the process. Live on E!, Strong will team up with friend Austin Aries once again to settle the score once and for all. Last time, they were just looking for the win, but now, they want revenge. [B] DECKED BY HOLLY[/B] Alex Shelley had a busy Friday night. He competed in the fourway main event of Revolution of the Species, and earlier got socked in the mouth by special attendee and superstar Bob Holly, formerly a wrestler for the WWE. Shelley has promised to be in Joplin on Wednesday with a special message for “Hardcore”. He’ll just have to hope Holly’s watching at home, because he’s not a RevPro roster member, nor will he be in the arena.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, September 21st, 2006 DANIELSON SURVIVES THE REVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/payback.jpg[/IMG] [B] ONE MORE MATCH AT REVPRO PAYBACK[/B] Bryan Danielson completed the comeback last Friday when he defeated his three opponents, Jack Evans, Alex Shelley, and Scott Colton, after nailing three consecutive German suplexes and a Dragon suplex to put Colton down for the three count. While his return to the main event picture is done, he knows his work is not. With his win, he locked himself in for a match against Colton at the next Pay Per View event aptly called “Payback”. Again, the belt can’t be up for grabs, but this time, Danielson will get to make it whatever kind of sadistic match he wants. Chances are he’ll be in Joplin, Missouri to let the entire world know what he’s got in mind. [B] FALLEN ANGEL WANTS VAMPIRO IN A LAST MAN STANDING MATCH![/B] Lacey’s inferference in Christopher Daniels’ match against Vampiro in New York City left a bad taste in the mouth of the fans in attendance and those watching on UrbanXtra, and Daniels wanting resolution. He has challenged Vampiro to a Last Man Standing match for this Wednesday’s edition of Televised Revolution. Vampiro made it out of the Big Apple with just a few bruises but if the match goes ahead as planned, he might not be so lucky this week! [B] ARIES AND STRONG vs. RAVE AND MAMALUKE, ROUND TWO[/B] The newfound “jilted losers” alliance of Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke made their presence felt at Revolution of the Species by attacking Roderick Strong during his Tri State Championship match, but were sent away by Nigel McGuinness who made the save, and inadvertently KO’d Strong in the process. Live on E!, Strong will team up with friend Austin Aries once again to settle the score once and for all. Last time, they were just looking for the win, but now, they want revenge. [B] DECKED BY HOLLY[/B] Alex Shelley had a busy Friday night. He competed in the fourway main event of Revolution of the Species, and earlier got socked in the mouth by special attendee and superstar Bob Holly, formerly a wrestler for the WWE. Shelley has promised to be in Joplin on Wednesday with a special message for “Hardcore”. He’ll just have to hope Holly’s watching at home, because he’s not a RevPro roster member, nor will he be in the arena.
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Sorry I never got a chance to respond to your pay-per-view, dude. It was great, from top to bottom. I fully expected Alex Shelley to take the gold home but I like his feud with Hardcore Holly. I had Holly on my WORLD-1 roster for a few shows. I'm not really liking Roc very much. I'm not one for big hosses. Can't wait to see how the Daniels-Vampiro feud evolves. Looking forward to Televised Revolution, bro.
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Sorry I never got a chance to respond to your pay-per-view, dude. It was great, from top to bottom. I fully expected Alex Shelley to take the gold home but I like his feud with Hardcore Holly. I had Holly on my WORLD-1 roster for a few shows. I'm not really liking Roc very much. I'm not one for big hosses. Can't wait to see how the Daniels-Vampiro feud evolves. Looking forward to Televised Revolution, bro.
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