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The BusterVerse (2010 Version) [HYPE] and Questionare.

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(I will update this with every national company, 2 for USA, 0 for Canada(yet), 2 for Mexico, 1 for Japan, 0 for UK, 0 for Europe and Australia)


This is the BusterVerse people, the future of wrestling. I am looking for a team that will assist me in this mod. Set in the year of 2010, things are very advanced. There is three companies currently created. Pacific Heavyweight Wrestling, Global Championship Wrestling, and Golden Tiger Wrestling.



1. National Championship Wrestling


NCW is one of the top companies in the wrestling world right now. It's currently owned by Pact Reality Network. The owner of NCW solely is Alex Branson who is the son of Pact Reality Network owner, Moses Branson. After PHW had rised out of California, it would be a battle of America with NCW mostly always coming out on top. But people have declared PHW an underrated and "better" company then NCW, and NCW is just number one by "assiocation". And NCW's other problem is the longest company in wrestling, Golden Tiger Wrestling.



2. Pacific Heavyweight Wrestling


PHW is a company that has started in California, it is unique from the other top 2 companies and is the only National company using high risk moves. People have found it to be underrated and such a great company. The company itself has great potential, and maybe soon, it will be number one.



3. Golden Tiger Wrestling


Recognized as the most respected company and greatest backstage ever, GTW has been there since day one. It was the first puroesu wrestling had to offer. It was always stuck in number 2 or number 3 with the American companies having war. Their year was in 2000 when they got great japanese wrestlers to be the highlight of the company. It was number one, but GTW needs it's big break. And possibly they could get past PHW and GCW. GTW will have their year soon.


Alright, those are the top 3 promotions So, anyways I need a team. Let me know if you want in. We currently have a skype chat and it's 5 members (Me included), so we are looking for more people every day. Also, could you fill out this questionare? PM me or reply here, fill the x in the () like this: (x)


We currently have 13 workers and 5 promotions finished.


Can you do renders? ()


Can you do renders for free? ()


Do you have creativity? ()


Are you able to create great characters? ()


Have you worked on a mod before? ()


Are you offended by jokes? ()


Do you have a skype? () [really recommended]


Do you have a good knowledge of wrestling? ()


Okay, that is all for now! Just let me know if you're interested in this and we can talk sometime about joining.


The team is 5 people as of now, (Me, tvjjerome, Codeydbw, MortiSporti, and Jose13)


The renders we use: (Jtlant, Kamchatka)

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I don't mean to be coming off like an absolute trashman here but it's going to sound like it anyways.


How much of the mod groundwork do you actually have down just now? How many workers are in the mod? You've listed the promotions sure but you've not listed a great deal of anything else for people to jump in on and go "Sure, this sounds like something I want to be a part of!"


Before jumping into anything, it's a good idea to have an overview of how you want the entire world to look and be able to show that. It's also a good idea to just have the workers created before renders (ignore if this is how you're going about it). If you decide you want to wait for renders before creating workers, you could potentially be waiting for...well...forever. If you've got an idea of how a worker is supposed to look - even if their bio in TEW is literally just their description - then it makes a renderer's job easier because they've got something to work off of.


Same with any sort of graphics really.


Also you mention you've got a team already. Who is in the team and what roles do they have already? It's far easier to try and get a balanced team rather than having 3/4 people do one job whilst another gets neglected.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="42571" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't mean to be coming off like an absolute trashman here but it's going to sound like it anyways.<p> </p><p> How much of the mod groundwork do you actually have down just now? How many workers are in the mod? You've listed the promotions sure but you've not listed a great deal of anything else for people to jump in on and go "Sure, this sounds like something I want to be a part of!"</p><p> </p><p> Before jumping into anything, it's a good idea to have an overview of how you want the entire world to look and be able to show that. It's also a good idea to just have the workers created before renders (ignore if this is how you're going about it). If you decide you want to wait for renders before creating workers, you could potentially be waiting for...well...forever. If you've got an idea of how a worker is supposed to look - even if their bio in TEW is literally just their description - then it makes a renderer's job easier because they've got something to work off of.</p><p> </p><p> Same with any sort of graphics really.</p><p> </p><p> Also you mention you've got a team already. Who is in the team and what roles do they have already? It's far easier to try and get a balanced team rather than having 3/4 people do one job whilst another gets neglected.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well thanks about this, this is something I totally forgot about. This was actually something I really needed to know, and I would try the make workers before render thing but sometimes it will work out on some workers and wont on the other, I will put descriptions for some workers and put their renders(if they have any) the one thing I cannot answer is the roles, until the other two start working on the mod aswell.</p>
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<p>Maybe Jose won't let me, but I am interested in joining.</p><p> </p><p>

Can you do renders? ()</p><p> </p><p>

Can you do renders for free? ()</p><p> </p><p>

Do you have creativity? (x)</p><p> </p><p>

Are you able to create great characters? (x)</p><p> </p><p>

Have you worked on a mod before? (x)</p><p> </p><p>

Are you offended by jokes? ()</p><p> </p><p>

Do you have a skype? (x) [really recommended]</p><p> </p><p>

Do you have a good knowledge of wrestling? (x)</p>

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