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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

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TNA has always portrayed themselves as an alternative. Not the Number One Promotion, but the alternative to the big promotion. How will they be successful if this is how they see themselves? Always as number two, it just doesn't draw in the money. But what happens when they decide that they are going to go through the proper way, and try to be the top promotion. With a cast of great wrestlers and several WWE misfits, can the TNA production line continue as they strive to greatness, or will it be set to fail, like many federations before it. [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TNA iMPACT! [/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][I]FIRST EPISODE - 8PM SECOND EPISODE - MIDNIGHT[/I][/B] Celebrate New Years with TNA Wrestling on Saturday night on SpikeTV with two special episodes of Total Nonstop Action "iMPACT!" beginning at 8PM, followed by another at midnight as we ring in 2006 on SpikeTV! [B][I] [COLOR="red"]"THE MAN BEAST" RHINO vs. TEAM CANADA'S A1[/COLOR][/I][/B] Former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rhino is a war machine hellbent on revenge on everyone that cost him the gold - on New Year's Eve, he starts his quest with Team Canada powerhouse A1! Will "The Man Beast" GORE his way to another victory en route to getting another title shot at Jeff Jarrett? Or, will Rhino's path of destruction be stopped abrubtely by the talented Canadian juggernaut? Tune in and find out! [B][I] [COLOR="red"]"THE PHENOMENAL" AJ STYLES vs. "COWBOY" JAMES STORM[/COLOR][/I][/B] Two of TNA's cornerstones clash on New Year's Eve on Saturday night as X Division star "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles battles one-half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions "Cowboy" James Storm! Witness the high-flying, innovative offense of AJ Styles as he attempts to overcome one of the most talented, but underhanded, stars on the TNA roster in one-half of America's Most Wanted! [B][I] [COLOR="red"]"KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" JEFF JARRETT and "THE ALPHA MALE" MONTY BROWN IN TAG TEAM ACTION [/COLOR][/I][/B] Also on "iMPACT!" on Saturday night, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett and "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown combine for tag team action as they begin their war in Total Nonstop Action! With the battle lines drawn in TNA Wrestling, will Jarrett and The Alpha Male fire the first shot this Saturday night on New Year's Eve? Tune in and find out! Then at Midnight ET, kick off the new year with “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage and witness the official announcement that will change the face of TNA Wrestling in 2006. Then in the very first wrestling match of 2006, a championship will be decided! Plus, more matches will be announced for the January 15 "Final Resolution" Pay-Per-View event! CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S WITH TNA ON SATURDAY NIGHT AT 8PM, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER EPISODE AT MIDNIGHT! [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Prediction Friendly Card 8PM of 31/12/05 Show: "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" JEFF JARRETT and "THE ALPHA MALE" MONTY BROWN IN TAG TEAM ACTION "THE MAN BEAST" RHINO vs. TEAM CANADA'S A1 "THE PHENOMENAL" AJ STYLES vs. "COWBOY" JAMES STORM 00:00 of 1/1/06 Show: CHRISTIAN ANNOUNCES A CHANGE TO THE FACE OF TNA THE FIRST MATCH OF THE YEAR, WITH A TITLE ON THE LINE[/FONT]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"]iMPACT![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"] 31.12.05 Results from iMPACT! Attendance: 850[/FONT] The Show opens up with videos of the various moments of TNA from 2005. It includes Raven accomplishing his destiny and Rhyno winning the World Heavyweight Title at Bound For Glory. [B][I][U][COLOR="Red"]Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown vs David Young and Elix Skipper[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] Young and Skipper tried their best with Simon Diamond looking on, but they couldn't match upt o the two opposing main eventers. Jarrett had Young in the corner and was ramming elbows into his head and kick to the body. Brown tagged himself in and charged straight at Young, hitting him with several knee strikes, then a hugs powerslam. Brown then knocked Skipper off the apron and whipped Young into the ropes, before hitting the Pounce For The Cover and The Victory. [I] Jarrett got back into the ring and began arguing about why Brown tagged himself in. Brown then grabbed a microphone and told Jarrett that he was the Alpha Male and that he did what he wanted, whenever the hell he wanted. Jarrett then said that if the alpha male wanted to stay in the little protection circle of Jarrett, he better get his attitiude straight. Brown then left the ring slowly as Jarrett taunted in the center, and TNA iMPACT! went to a break.[/I] [B][I]Backstage[/I][/B] [B]J.B [/B]was standing whit the former NWA Heavyweight Champion “the Man Beast” [B]Rhino[/B]. Rhino said that after his lost to Jeff Jarrett last month, Rhino is looking for pay-back. As much as The NWA Title meant to Rhino he will destroy every man alive in his way to get his revenge at Jarrett. As he will go through Team Canada’s A-1 whit the GORE…GORE…GORE! [B][I] [U] [COLOR="red"]"The Man Beast" Rhino vs Team Canada's A1 [/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] The match was a quite drawn out brawl. A1 tried to do all he could to beat "The Man Beast" and even with Coach D'Amore. Rhino threw A1 out of the ring and went out to chase him when Coach D'Amore tried to attack him from behind. Rhino hit Coach D'Amore with a massive clothesline before he threw him into the barricade. Rhino picked up A1 and threw him into the ring, before sliding into the ring and waited for his opponent to rise. As soon as A1 rose, Rhino ran full force for a GORE, Wait! A-1 moved and Rhino ran into the turnbuckle. A-1 then sat Rhino up for a powerbomb. As A-1 was about to powerbomb Rhino, Rhino countered it into a DDT. As A-1 rises…Rhino ran…whit a massive GORE!! Rhino then covered for the victory [I]After the match, Rhino grabbed a microphone, and began running down Team Canada, and all the hassle they had caused him when he was fighting Jarrett. Rhino then told all the Team Canada members that they were in for bother later that night, as Team Canada's own....SCOTT D'AMORE would face off against Rhino in a singles match. The X-Division is highlighted in a quick video montage of both the Ultimate X match as well as the 30-Minute Iron Man Match, both from Bound for Glory. It ends with a picture of every single X-Division star in a massive picture.[/I] [B][I][U][COLOR="red"]Bobby Roode vs Sonyaj Dutt and Shark Boy [/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] Bobby Roode beat Sonjayu Dutt and Shark Boy in a handicap match. Roode performed in a total and utter squash here, with the match barely lasting the 4 minute mark. Roode had both Dutt and Shark Boy on the apron and he grappled with both of them at once. Roode hit both of them with a hiptoss over the apron, and kicked both of them in the gut with boots. Roode then picked up Dutt and hit the Northern Lariat on him, then picked up Shark Boy and hit a Northern Lariat on him aswell, before running against the ropes and hitting a double arm smash on them on the floor. Roode then placed one arm on each and then got the 3 count. [I]We then had a video of Christian Cage's debut in TNA and a run through of videos of certain Crowd members at that show. All of them said they were happy to have him in TNA and then they all commented that he would do better in TNA than he did in WWE. Christian Cage's best matches then were shown, clips from Interviews aswell, before showing a graphic of TNA's announcement in the New Year's Eve Show number two hosted by Christian Cage.[/I] [B][I]Backstage[/I][/B] [B]Shane Douglas[/B] is backstage with [B]Monty Brown[/B]. Monty Brown then commented that The Alpha Male was from The Serengeti, and he knew how to defend himself. However, he said that it was always an advantage for a true leader of the wild to have Allies in the enviroment he is in. Brown then commented that that was all Jarrett was, not a friend, just a mere Ally. Brown then told the fans that sometimes in the wild, Allies have to be abandoned, and a greater path for glory has to be achieved. Brown then walked off laughing as Shane Douglas looked confused about Brown's comments. Douglas then hyped up the rest of the double special. [B][I] [U][COLOR="red"]AJ Styles vs James Storm [/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] this match was a long and gruelling Main Event by TNA Standards. AJ took his high flying skills to a massive extent and he brought James Storm along for the ride aswell, making him provide moves that he usually wouldn't. AJ had James Storm in the corner and seemed to be going for the setup to the Styles Clash. However, Chris Harris jumped out of the crowd and distracted the referee. Gail Kim appeared out of no where and handed Storm a weapon, who hit AJ over the head with it. Harris jumped off the apron and Storm covered after throwing away the weapon. AJ kicked out at two however, and Storm looked Shocked. Harris just slid into the ring and the two began to lay boots into AJ. The referee called for the bell and awarded AJ the match. However, AMW continued their assault. Suddenly, Christopher Daniels' Music hit and he came out of the back and stormed into the ring. Daniels grabbed Harris and hit a massive Angel's Wings on him, and AJ rose. AJ grabbed Storm and hit a Styles Clash on him. AMW slid out of the ring and tried to make their ways out of the arena. [B]Larry Zbysko[/B] made his way out of the back and told AMW to get prepared, because for the first match of 2006, AMW would defend their titles against Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles! [B]Mike Tenay[/B] then began hyping up the Midnight Show, before telling the fans that it would actually start at 10 minutes to 00:00, so that they could all celebrate the new year together. Suddenly, on the screen it said Countdown to Y26...00:03:00:00. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Confirmed Parts to Midnight Show CHRISTIAN ANNOUNCES BIG ANNOUNCEMENT AMERICA'S MOST WANTED VS AJ STYLES & CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/FONT]
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Total Nonstop Action Presents: [B][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Arial Black"]iMPACT! 30-Minute Midnight Extraveganza[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] 01.01.06 Results from iMPACT! Attendance: 850 The Show opens up with [B]Christian Cage [/B]standing in the center of the ring. Christian then announces the return of the Peep Show. Christian then said that before he announced the thing that would change TNA forever, he announced that he was using his Contenders shot to face off against Jarrett at Final Resolution for the NWA Title. Christian told us that he had Larry Zbysko's blessing. Christian then talked on until about 2 minutes before the beginning of the new year. Then the countdown began again. At 10 seconds left, the crowd began counting it down, believing it was just a normal countdown. At this point, I have to write it up properly. ----- 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... The arena went pitch black. "Feel The Burn" by Fozzy kicked up and pyros exploded as the lights came back on. Standing there was someone with their back towards the camera. The crowd was going wild and cheering. Man: Welcome to [B]iMPACT IS [COLOR="Purple"]J[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]E[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]R[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]H[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]O[/COLOR][/B]! Jericho turned around as the crowd went absolutely bonkers. [B]Jericho:[/B] You said you wanted something to change the face of Total Nonstop Action? TNA will never eeeeeeeeever be the same again. And that assclown can screw his Peep Show, because starting next week, it's time for The Highlite Of The Night Show! TNA, you wanted a revolution? You got one! At this point Jericho left the arena to a cheer and the iMPACT cut to a commercial. ----- [B][I] [U][COLOR="Red"]AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs America's Most wanted [/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] The match was a great one to kick off the new year, but it was a shame that the titles were not changed. AJ had James Storm in the corner and sprung off the ropes and hit a springboard Hurricarana. AJ then tried to run across the ring and tag in Daniels but Storm managed to grab his leg. Storm tripped up AJ and tried to drag him back to his corner, but AJ kicked him in the head and tagged in Daniels. Daniels did the usual Hot Tag Routine, until Gail Kim threw a Lead Pipe to Storm who knocked him over the head with it and caused the DQ. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels defeated America's Most Wanted, by Disqualification. America's Most Wanted and Gail Kim continued their beatdown on AJ and Daniels, when [B]Team 3D's [/B]music kicked up and the two of them ran out of the back. Team 3D took out Storm and Harris, who slid out of the ring, and then noticed that Gail Kim was still in the ring. Brother Ray picked her up and passed her to Devon. Devon whipped her straight into the ropes and the two of them hit the 3D on her. Brother Ray picked up a mic and announced that at Final Resolution it would be Team 3D against AMW for the World Tag Team Titles. We were then treated to the Ultimate X match from Bound For Glory free, before Mike Tenay thanked us for watching and told us that he knew that the year ahead would be a success for TNA all the way round.
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[U][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="1"]WWE AND TNA NEWS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] **Chris Jericho was released from his WWE contract about a week before the new year, with WWE believing he would just be singing music with Fozzy. However, days after the release, Jericho was on the phone to TNA to discuss a contract, and a deal was ironed out simply enough. **Juventud Guerrera has been released from his WWE Contract, and the mexican star seems to be making his way to TNA eventually. Currently, Juvi is looking for work all over the US, and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling have expressed an intrest in him. **Total Nonstop Action Wrestling have been trying to get in touch with Tajiri after he left the WWE. It seems like Tajiri might be set to appear on a PPV as a special attraction in the future, however, his appearences may be limited purely to that, with him doing one shot shows. **Total Nonstop Action have been trying to reach a deal with Bret Hart over possible appearences for the company. More should be announced in the future. **And finally, TNA drew a 1.2 Nielsen Rating for the second part of their New Year's Eve extraveganza, featuring the debut of Chris Jericho. This is the highest rating in TNA Wrestling, and is considered a good sign for the future.
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[U]iMPACT Prewiev[/U] The New Year came in last week, and TNA will continue this with an hour of scorching hot wrestling when iMPACT from Total Nonstop Action hits Spike TV at 11PM EST, and great wrestling continues onwards. [B][I]"THE PHENOMENAL" AJ STYLES VS "WILDCAT" CHRIS HARRIS[/I][/B] America's Most Wanted cheated against AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels to retain their Tag Team Titles. However, TNA's Director Of Authority, Larry Zbysko, has announced that one member of each team will face off that evening on iMPACT! Can "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles use his anger to defeat "Wildcat" Chris Harris and prove his worth of the titles, or will The Wildcat have another trick up his sleeves to escape a possible loss? [B][I]"THE PRINCE OF PUNK"SHANNON MOORE In Action [/I][/B] The former big name superstar Shannon Moore will face off against a fellow X-Division Star, who has been unnanounced by TNA Wrestling. Moore is a an innovative High-Flyer, and even though he was never able to showcase his true talent, Moore is looking to prove himself as a great Star for Total Nonstop Action. Can Moore pull off the victory against a mystery opponent? [B][I]"THE ALPHA MALE" MONTY BROWN VS MATT BENTLEY[/I][/B] Dissention seems to be in the mind of "The Alpha Male" as he seems to be seeing Jarrett more often as someone who is holding back his career. Monty Brown waged a war of words with Jeff Jarrett last week, before explaining that sometimes "Alliances have to be broken". Will Monty defeat Bentley with his patented Pounce, or will Bentley defeat his opponent in what would be a shock. [B][I]BG JAMES VS APOLO[/I][/B] Since the 4LK split up, James has been with his former tag team partner, and has been trying to patch things up with Konnan. However, it just won't go right for the former 4LK member, as his attempts have been futile. Will he be able to defeat Apolo, or does he have other things on his mind before Final Resolution? ALSO ON iMPACT, CHRIS JERICHO WILL HOST THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT TALK SHOW! CATCH ALL OF THIS AND MORE ON SPIKE TV AT 11PM! [B]Prediction Friendly Card[/B] "THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES VS "WILDCAT" CHRIS HARRIS "THE PRINCE OF PUNK" SHANNON MOORE in Action "THE ALPHA MALE" MONTY BROWN VS MATT BENTLEY BG JAMES VS APOLO
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Prediction Friendly Card: "THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES VS "WILDCAT" CHRIS HARRIS -AJ Styles "THE PRINCE OF PUNK" SHANNON MOORE in Action "THE ALPHA MALE" MONTY BROWN VS MATT BENTLEY -Monty seems to be getting a push here, so I call him for the win. Probably some Jeff Jarret intereference though. BG JAMES VS APOLO.[/QUOTE] BG James-again, James looks to be getting a little push, so I call him for the win
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[SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"][B]iMPACT! [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Total Nonstop Action Presents: iMPACT! 7.1.06 Attendance: 850 [I]The Show opens up with videos of Jericho's debut in TNA from the New Years Eve Show. Then it shows Monty Brown and Jarrett arguing[/I] [B] [COLOR="Red"][U]BG James vs Apolo[/U][/COLOR] [/B] BG made his way to the ring whit a good pop and was really over. As the cool music of LAX started…As Apolo made his way to the ring, BG James meet him half way with a clothesline. After sending him into the barricade they then got into the ring. BG had Apolo in the corner and was kneeing him in the gut. BG tried to lift Apolo onto the corner, but Apolo punched him in the head and BG staggered back. However, BG ran straight at Apolo after and punched him in the head, knocking him off the top rope. The referee Andrew Thomas went to check on him, when the crowd suddenly booed ridiculously, and Konnan jumped out from the crowd. [B]Konnan[/B] was followed by ROH Star [B]Homicide[/B], and the two of them slid into the ring, before beginning to beat up BG. The ref turned around and called for the DQ. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner: BG James, by DQ[/COLOR][/B] [I]Apolo slid back into the ring and the three of them began attacking BG. However, "Beware" was heard around the arena and Ron Killings and Kip James ran out of the back before sliding into the ring. Killings and Kip took out Apolo and Homicide whit the Fame-Ass’r and the scissors Kick, before going after Konnan. However, Larry Zbysko's music hit, and the Director Of Authority came out from the back. Zbysko announced that as well as other matches on Final Resolution, it would be Apolo, Homicide and Konnan against The New 3LK. Zbysko then told them that they had to leave each other alone, and not touch each other before their match at Final Resolution.[/I] [I]We cut backstage with “The Alpha Male” [B]Monty Brown[/B]. BG asked how he felt about Jericho joining TNA? Monty said that he didn’t care about Jericho. He said that the only thing in mid is that he want to go towards the NWA Championship and nothing will come in his way. Jericho isn’t in his land now. Jericho is in the “saroundaddy” now. IF Jericho thinks that he’ll be the number one contender Monty said…The Alpha Male Monty Brown will just go through him whit the……BOOOUNCE, Period[/I] [B][U] [COLOR="red"]"The Prince Of Punk" Shannon Moore In Action[/COLOR][/U][/B] Shannon Moore stood in the ring ready with a mic in his hand. Moore said that now as he is in the X-Division it’s different. Because now...its no Holding him back. In WWE he had some crapy guy named Matt Hardy to watch out. But not now! Shannon Moore is here and the X-Division needs to get Punk’d. Shannon looked at the opporon and then Jeff Hardy came out. Hardy returned to a large cheer, and announced that their match was for entry into a 4-Way X-Division Match between Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and one of them at Final Resolution. Jeff then ran down and the match was on. With nice moves and high flying Shannon Moore seemed to have a counter to almost every thing. In the end Hardy climbed upto the top rope and seemed to be going for the Swanton Bomb. However, Moore rolled out of the way and as Hardy rose, Moore went for a sort of Standing Scissors Kick. Hardy moved out of the way and caught Moore with a kick to the gut and the Twist Of Fate, Hardy then clime the turnbuckle…Swanton Bomb!! 1……2……3 [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner, by pinfall: Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage [B]Raven[/B] stormed into [B]Larry Zbysko's [/B]office, and began running his mouth at him, blaming him for keeping him off the New Years Shows. Zbysko then said he would give Raven and opportunity to end all of this bother, because at Final Resolution, Raven would face off against a mystery handpicked opponent. If Raven won, Raven would get a NWA title shoot. However, if Raven lost, then Raven would never get a title shoot again. And Zbysko promised that Raven would lose. A video package is shown of what happened the night of New Years Eve between Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett, before they showed Brown's full promo and then Tenay and West discussed it together about the tension between the two allies.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Monty Brown vs Matt Bentley[/COLOR][/B] Matt Bentley was on his way to the ring as Monty attacked him from behind. Slammed him into the announce table and then into the steel steps. The match was on as Monty tried to cover but the raised Matt’s hand up breaking the cover. Brown then picked up Bentley and whipped him into the ropes, before hitting the POUNCE~ As the crowd chanted “One more time, One more time” Monty picked up Bentley again and went into the ropes full force! Here comes Monty… “booes” came from the crowd as Monty stopped and just gave Bentley a hugs pounce and picked up the win. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner, by pinfall: Monty Brown[/COLOR][/B] [I]We then had a video of Chris Jericho's debut in TNA and a run through of videos of certain Crowd members at that show. All of them said they were happy to have him in TNA and then they all commented that he would do better in TNA than he did in WWE. Jericho then cut a pre-taped interview, commenting that he would bring a revolution to TNA, before a graphic showed of Jericho's Highlight Of The Night Show, which would be next. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] made his way out to ringside with Fozzy's "Feel The Burn" in the background. Jericho announced his guests for the evening, [B]Christian Cage[/B] and [B]"The King Of The Mounten" Jeff Jarrett[/B]. They both made their ways out of the back. Cage immediately began it all by saying that no announcement could be bigger than Jericho debuting. Jarrett then said that before they began a massive love-in, could he but in and say that Cage will not take the title off him. Both of the Canadians turned to him and said four words, "Shut The f**k Up!" The crowd went wild at this, and as Jarrett looked on, he could see that he had a problem here. There was the usual banter here, before Jericho said, that he knew Cage would win the title, and when he did, he wanted to be his first opponent. Cage then said that it would happen, with the two as friends. Jarrett then said that come hell or high water, Cage wasn't winning the title, which prompted Jericho to beat the s**t out of him. Cage joined in, and they sent Jarrett out of the ring, before Jericho made the "It's My Title" Sign around Christian Cage's waist.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris[/COLOR][/B] AJ used highflying skills earlier on in the match, and Harris responded along with him, and making this a very solid bout. AJ had Harris on the apron, and sprang off the ropes to try and do some sort of Hurricanrana. However, Harris grabbed AJ's legs and hit a powerbomb on him over the apron. Harris climbed through the ropes, and tried to pick up AJ, but AJ tripped him down and grabbed his legs to lock in a ankle lock. However, James Storm ran through the crowd and jumped onto the apron. Mere seconds later, Christopher Daniels appeared out of no where and took him down. Samoa Joe's music hit and he ran out of the back, before hitting massive Punches on Daniels. Team 3D then appeared out of no where and took him down from behind whit the 3D!, but as they did this, Monty Brown and Jarrett ran out of the back, and Jarrett hit The Stroke on Brother Ray, as Brown hit a gorrila press slam on Devon. Then, Chris Jericho's music hit and he and Christian Cage ran out of the back, before attacking Jarrett and Brown. Back in the ring, Harris tried to take advantage of AJ being distracted, but AJ turned around and kicked him in the gut, before hitting a swift Styles Clash, 1……2……3 covering for the victory. The show ended with all faces standing tall in the ring. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner, by pinfall: AJ Styles[/COLOR][/B] Mike Tenay then began hyping up Final Resolution, telling the fans that it would be one of the biggest Pay Per Views yet. Tenay then thanked everyone for tuning in, and hoped them a good evening, and a good week until next Saturday. West then said goodbye, and they both signed off.
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[B][U]Current Final Resolution Card[/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett © vs Christian Cage [U]THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE[/U] AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe © [U]NWA X-DIVISION TITLE[/U] America's Most Wanted © vs Team 3D [U]NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES[/U] LAX vs 3LK Raven vs A Mystery Opponent -If Raven Wins, Get's his titleshoot -If Raven Loses, Raven never get's a titleshoot
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[QUOTE=]FINAL RESOLUTION PREVIEW BOUT TNA will continue towards Total Nonstop Action's Final Resolution with an hour of scorching hot wrestling when iMPACT from Total Nonstop Action hits Spike TV at 11PM EST, and great wrestling continues onwards. [I][B]CHRISTIAN CAGE & CHRIS JERICHO VS JEFF JARRETT & MONTY BROWN[/B][/I] In the week leading upto Final Resolution, we will have a preview as the main event opponents, Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett will face off against each other in the confines of a Tag Team matchup. Who will be able to get the one up on the other, can Christian prove his worth to the title and defeat his opponent for the night following or will Planet Jarrett pick up another victory and prove his worth? [B][I]TEAM CANADA's OWN BOBBY ROODE IN ACTION[/I][/B] Bobby Roode seems to be picking up win after win in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, and in a manner befitting the Team Canada leader, Scott D'Amore has managed to set him up in a match where he will be able to showcase his raw and agressive power. Can he take down his opponent, or will they manage to pull of an upset and defeat Roode? Find out on iMPACT! [B][I]RAVEN & CASSIDY RILEY VS APOLO AND "THE NOTORIOUS 187" HOMICIDE[/I][/B] Homicide and Apolo entered TNA last week to help Konnan ward off the former members of 3LK. However, a resurgance in the ranks happened, as Ron Killings and Kip James made their way out sporting the 3LK colours, before taking down Team Konnan. Raven on the other hand will have the test of his life as he faces off against a mystery opponent at Final Resolution, to keep his career. With this on both teams minds, who will come out victorious? [B][I]SAMOA JOE VS AUSTIN ARIES[/I][/B] Two storied Ring Of Honor stars collide in a TNA ring. Both of them have faced off before, and with the two of them being true future stars of the buisness and cornerstones of The X-Division, this match should be great. Will Joe keep his undefeated streak? Find out on iMPACT! ALSO ON iMPACT, CHRIS JERICHO WILL HOST THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT TALK SHOW! CATCH ALL OF THIS AND MORE ON SPIKE TV Prediction Friendly Card: FINAL RESOLUTION PREVIEW BOUT - CHRISTIAN CAGE & CHRIS JERICHO VS JEFF JARRETT & MONTY BROWN TEAM CANADA's OWN BOBBY ROODE IN ACTION RAVEN & CASSIDY RILEY VS APOLO AND "THE NOTORIOUS 187" HOMICIDE SAMOA JOE VS AUSTIN ARIES[/QUOTE] you like it? Want to make up a match? Score all Predictions and you'll be able to make a match at Final Resolution when the full-card is set!
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[B][U][COLOR="DarkGreen"]WWE AND TNA NEWS[/COLOR][/U][/B] **Petey Williams pulled his groin a few weeks ago, explaining whilst he has been off TV. Williams should be back on the air on iMPACT! **Chris Sabin has signed a new TNA deal. With his contract expiring around the new year, TNA kept him off TV until a deal could be ironed out. **Talks between TNA and Bret Hart have continued as Hart plans to make a short journey to Nashville to meet with Jerry Jarrett about a possible contract. **Former WWE Star Charlie Haas was backstage at the most recent TNA iMPACT Tapings, and worked in the ring with AJ before the show started. **WWE have started to put together a spring cleaning list, containing such names as Nick Dinsmore, Paul Birchall, and Shelton Benjamin. Fans see Burchill and Benjamin as a shock, considering they seem to be part of the future of WWE. However, usually the bigger names tend to stay on.
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[FONT="Verdana"]What do you think of my game? Do you like it and the way it's running? please let me know... [SIZE="7"][B][COLOR="Red"]iMPACT![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Total Nonstop Action Presents: iMPACT! 14.1.06 Results from iMPACT! Attendance: 850[/B] [I]The Show opens up with videos of [B]Jericho's[/B] debut in TNA from the New Years Eve Show. Then it shows Monty Brown and Jarrett arguing, before showing Christian Cage looking ****y.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="red"]Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/U][/B] The match is on and Austin Aries ducked the running clothesline from Joe and gives Joe an Inziguri! He goes up on the turnbuckle and Aries connects with a big flipping plant from the top rope to Joe. Aries connects with a kick to the head on Joe followed by a charging knee that sends Joe to the outside. Aries signals for high risk move. Here comes Aries!! Over the top rope landing on Joe on the outside. Back in the ring Aries goes into the ropes and tries a cross body but Joe caches Aries and turning it into a powerbomb position, a running powerbomb by Joe! Joe has Aries in the corner, and is ramming his knee into Aries gut. Joe just keeps doing this, eventually, Austin Aries just collapsed onto the floor, clutching his stomach. Joe goes over and picks up Aries, before lifting him in the air and hitting a massive backbreaker in the center of the ring. Joe picks up Aries once again, and sat him up on the turnbuckle; here it comes… the Musclebuster. Joe isn’t finished here. Joe picks Aries up for the third and gives him the Musclebuster again! and then locks in the choke and Aries had no other choice than to tap out [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by submission, Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] [I]From the back Came Jeff Hardy out onto the stage. He commented that he had never ever faced off against Samoa Joe, and that he had the advantage because he was the only person in the fatal four-way that hadn't lost to Samoa Joe. Hardy said that he had been training up all the time that he had been away, and he knew that he could beat Joe, all he needed was the chance. Joe then told Jeff to shut up. Joe commented that he is undefeated, and no matter what, come Final Resolution, he would stay undefeated. Hardy then said that they would find out tomorrow night, before Joe then said that the result was a forgone conclusion, and there was no doubt.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Bobby Roode In Action[/COLOR][/U][/B] David Young answer this challenge. Roode grappling with Young, and takes him down with a massive DDT. Roode covered Young, but let him rise straight away after the two count, Roode grabs Young once more and hit him with a suplex onto the top rope. Young's back bounced off the top, and as he fells back into the ring, Roode runs up behind him as he comes whit full force but David Young answers whit a drop kick to the face and goes up the turnbuckle for the moonsault. D'Amore stops Young, and Roode hits a powerbomb for a near fall. Roode has Young in a powerbomb but Young rolled out of it and go into the ropes. D'Amore grabs his leg, letting Roode get the HARD clothesline from behind1…2…3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall, Bobby Roode[/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage, Raven stormed into Larry Zbysko's office, and began running his mouth at him, when suddenly, Raven was taken down by a man in a mask. The man began beating on him with a steel chair, and dropping quick elbows on Raven. The man in the mask dropped the chair to the floor and hit an Evenflow DDT on Raven onto it, before taking the piss out of Raven and doing the Raven taunt. The masked man then took a bottle of water out and tipped it on his mask, before pointing at Raven and saying, "Quote The Juice, nevermore!"[/I] [I]A video package is shown of what happened to Raven all through the last year or so, starting with his NWA World Heavyweight Title win, and ending with all the torment that he has been through with Zbysko, before showing him laughing maniacally.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Raven & Cassidy Riley vs Apolo and Homicide[/COLOR][/U][/B] The match started off as a handicap match, with Raven being seemingly injured. Riley was being dominated by the much larger power of Apolo, and Apolo whipped him into the ropes and hit the Spinebuster. Apolo picks Riley up and connects a pumphadle slam down the mat. Apolo takes out Riley with a big shoulder block as the domination goes on. Apolo went to pick up Riley, but Riley tripped him up and tried to climb towards his corner. However, no one was there. Suddenly, Raven's music hit and he charged out of the back, before climbing onto the apron. Riley tagged him in and he began cleaning house, Homicide comes and got kicked in the gut before giving the Evenflow DDT. Apolo runs whit a clothesline to Raven, But Raven ducks hitting Apolo with the Evenflow DDT! 1…2…3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall, Raven & Cassidy Riley[/COLOR][/B] [I]However the masked man then ran out through the crowd, and took down Riley with a club to the back. He slid into the ring, and hit a Russian leg sweep on Raven, before dragging him over to the corner and climbing up. The masked man then removed his mask. "That's Juventud Guerrera?!", said the ever observive Mike Tenay. Juventud then came off the top rope with a massive 450 Splash, taking out Raven. As Mexican style music hit, Juventud walked to the back, laughing.[/I] [I]After the break, Chris Sabin then came out of the back, seemingly for a match. However, Petey Williams ran straight out after him and took him down with a forearm smash. Williams whipped him into the ring and climbed to the top rope, and once Sabin stood up, Williams connected with a massive dropkick. Williams waited for Sabin to rise, before he hits a massive Canadian Destroyer. Williams then taunted as Tenay commented on the headset that he just received word that these two would face off at Final Resolution, with a third mystery opponent being involved in the match as well.[/I] [I]Chris Jericho made his way out to ringside with Fozzy's "Feel The Burn" in the background. Jericho announced his guests for the evening, Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett. They both made their ways out of the back. Jericho commented on their recent argument, and said that at the way they were going, Jericho and Christian Cage would have an easy job of them that evening. Before Jericho could continue though. Brown ran straight against the ropes and connected with a massive POUNCE~! Jarrett and Brown continued laying the boots to Jericho when, Christian Cage's music hit. Cage ran down to the ring and took down Jarrett and Brown, before connecting with the Unprettier on Jarrett. This prompted Larry Zbysko to come out of the back, and not only tell them that their tag team match was next, but that Monty Brown would face off against Chris Jericho the next night at Final Resolution in a match for the #1 Contendership to the NWA World Heavyweight Title. As this happened, Jarrett and Brown both climbed back onto the apron and waited for the bell to ring.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Chris Jericho & Christian Cage vs Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown[/COLOR][/U][/B] This match had the crowd going wild, and turned out to be pretty solid, considering the fact that each team had past-experience with each other, whether in World Wrestling Entertainment or Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Jarrett was grappling with Christian Cage in the center of the ring and took him down with a leg trip. Jarrett tried to cover Christian Cage, but he kicked out immediately. Jarrett went and tagged Brown who was poised on the top rope, and he took out Cage with a massive Clothesline. Brown picked up Cage and whipped him into the ropes, before running at the opposite ropes. However, Cage ducked the Pounce attempt and Brown went flying straight into Jarrett, knocking him off the apron. Cage tagged in Jericho, who caught Brown with a massive Bulldog, before springing on the top rope and connecting with the Lionsault! Jericho rolled over straight away and turned Brown with the Wall Of Jericho! Jarrett tried to run back into the ring, but Christian Cage connected with the Unprettier on him, and waited for Brown to tap out. However, Brown forced Jericho off him, but Christian Cage connected with the Unprettier, and Jericho covered 1…2…3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall, Chris Jericho & Christian Cage[/COLOR][/B] [I]Mike Tenay then began hyping up Final Resolution, telling the fans that it would be one of the biggest Pay Per Views yet. Tenay then thanked everyone for tuning in, and hoped them a good evening, and told fans to tune in on Sunday for Final Resolution.[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][B]F[COLOR="Red"]in[/COLOR]al R[COLOR="red"]eso[/COLOR]lut[COLOR="red"]io[/COLOR]n [COLOR="red"]Pr[/COLOR]edi[COLOR="red"]cti[/COLOR]on [COLOR="red"]Co[/COLOR]nt[COLOR="red"]es[/COLOR]t[/B][/SIZE] Jeff Jarrett © vs Christian Cage for THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs "Lionheart" Chris Jericho AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe © vs Jeff Hardy for THE NWA X-DIVISION TITLE America's Most Wanted © vs Team 3D for THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams vs ??? Team Konnan vs 3LK Raven vs Juventud Guerrera -If Raven Wins, Raven get a Titleshoot any time, 2006 -If Raven Loses, Raven never get’s another Titleshoot Prizes: First Place; 7/7 Find Out Next PPV's Main Event, Choose A iMPACT! Main Event, Book a match for the next PPV Pre-Show (Once rest of card is announced) Second Place; 6/7 Choose A iMPACT! Main Event[/FONT]
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[B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] © vs Christian Cage for THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs [B]"Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs [B]Samoa Joe ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy for THE NWA X-DIVISION TITLE [B]America's Most Wanted[/B] © vs Team 3D for THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES [B]Chris Sabin[/B] vs Petey Williams vs ??? Team Konnan vs [B]3LK[/B] [B] Raven[/B] vs Juventud Guerrera
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Jeff Jarrett © vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] for THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs [B]"Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs [B]Samoa Joe ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy for THE NWA X-DIVISION TITLE America's Most Wanted © vs [B]Team 3D [/B]for THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams vs [B]???[/B] ??? = Charlie Haas? [B]Team Konnan[/B] vs 3LK Raven vs [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] -If Raven Wins, Raven get a Titleshoot any time, 2006 -If Raven Loses, Raven never get’s another Titleshoot
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Jeff Jarrett © vs [B]Christian Cage[/B]for THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs [B]"Lionheart" Chris Jericho [/B] AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs [B]Samoa Joe © [/B] vs Jeff Hardy for THE NWA X-DIVISION TITLE [B]America's Most Wanted ©[/B] vs Team 3D for THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES [B] Chris Sabin [/B] vs Petey Williams vs ??? Team Konnan vs [B] 3LK [/B] [B] Raven [/B] vs Juventud Guerrera -If Raven Wins, Raven get a Titleshoot any time, 2006 -If Raven Loses, Raven never get’s another Titleshoot
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[B]Jeff Jarrett ©[/B] vs Christian Cagefor THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs [B]"Lionheart" Chris Jericho [/B] AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs [B]Samoa Joe ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy for THE NWA X-DIVISION TITLE [B]America's Most Wanted ©[/B] vs Team 3D for THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams vs [B]???[/B] Team Konnan vs 3LK Raven vs [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] -If Raven Wins, Raven get a Titleshoot any time, 2006 -If Raven Loses, Raven never get’s another Titleshoot
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[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]WWE & TNA news[/COLOR][/B] **Paul Heyman contract was sacked as he was in a hugs backstage argue with Stephanie McMahon. More details of what the argument was about still to come. notis that Heyman did not have "90-days no compete clasue" in his contract **Gregory Helms has been given a multi-time contract from WWE. Helms hasn’t yet signed but local news says that they aspects him to sign it shortly ** And in the end. Steven Richards’s contract has expired. As well as Mark Henry, Daivari and Torrie Wilson’s. We don’t know if TNA is interesting of signing any of them but roomers has said that Daivari could be heading to TNA
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[B]Event: TNA Final Resolution Date: January 15, 2006 Location: Hartford, Connecticut Arena: Hartford Civic Center Attendance: 5,000[/B] [SIZE="7"][B]TNA [/B][COLOR="Red"]FI[/COLOR]NAL RE[COLOR="red"]SO[/COLOR]LU[COLOR="red"]T[/COLOR]I[COLOR="red"]ON[/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]The camera cuts to the announce table where Mike Tenay and Don West are sitting. [B]Tenay:[/B] Hello and welcome to the 3-Hour TNA Spectacular, Final Resolution in front of 5000 TNA fans! [B]West:[/B] It’s great! Christian's Final Resolution is to gain the title, and all the fans want to see him do it. [B] Tenay:[/B] He seems to have set his sites on the gold, and I don't see how Jarrett will keep it from him.[/I] [I]Suddenly, a piece of rock music is heard around the arena and the camera pans to the stage.[/I] [B] West:[/B] What THE F***! THAT'S WWE's CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION! IT'S KID KASH! [B]Tenay:[/B] What the hell is he doing here? [I]Kid Kash walks over to the announce table. He grabs a microphone.[/I] [B]Kash:[/B] Missed me? You might notice that I've brought a special gift for you tonight. See, in this bag here, is something that is very special to some fat cats over in Connecticut. I'm pissed at the politics, and their stupid dress codes. This my friends, is a shoot. You've got me doing a lame Suplex for a finisher? Well you lot can take this title belt and stuff it, because no one can control the K I D. [I]Kash then reaches into his pocket and takes out a matchbox, before putting the bag on the table, and setting a match alight.[/I] [B]Kash:[/B] Vince McMahon, you never spoke to me in person. You're too busy with your 7"0 muscle men, you never even met your Cruiserweight Champion. You may not even know my face, but listen good and listen hard, The future of your promotion is about to go up...in...flames. [I]Kash then drops the match onto the bag and it sets alight, before Kash pushes the bag into the bin near the desk.[/I] [B]Kash:[/B] You see, I didn't come here because I was getting paid more, no, I came here because I was told that I was allowed to use my abilities to the full, one of my abilities is actually Wrestling. Now, it seems like I've got a match here tonight, and I'll tell you one thing, I'm not going to be using a f'n suplex for a finisher. Sabin, Williams, it's time to set the world alight. Get it? Got it? Good! [B][I]K[COLOR="red"]i[/COLOR]d K[COLOR="red"]a[/COLOR]s[COLOR="red"]h[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]P[/COLOR]et[COLOR="red"]ey[/COLOR] Wi[COLOR="red"]lli[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]m[/COLOR]s vs [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR]hr[COLOR="red"]is[/COLOR] S[COLOR="red"]ab[/COLOR]in [/I][/B] Petey and Sabin attack Kid Kash at the beginning double teaming him. They give him a series of right hands and forearms. Sabin with a hard kick to Kash. Petey says "That's not how you do it!" and nails a kick to the back of Kash himself. Sabin does another one. Petey then kicks him a second time in the back. Kash gets up, and Petey and Sabin take him down with kicks at the same time. Petey rolls up Sabin for a 2 count. Petey with a small package on Sabin. Petey with a third roll up for a near fall. Sabin locks on an arm submission on Petey. Kash comes in with a kick to Sabin to break the hold. Kash with a drop kick to Petey. Sabin with some chops to Kid Kash. Sabin with some hard forearm shots and kicks to Petey in the corner. Sabin comes off the ropes, and Kash trips him up. Kash with some right hands to Petey and a forearm to Sabin. Kash run at Petey and Petey moves out of the way then hits an inziguri. Petey with some hard kicks to Sabin now. Petey with a jumping dropkick to Kid Kash. He goes for one on Sabin, but Sabin catches him and belly to belly suplexs him overhead. Sabin with some face rakes with his boot to Petey’s face in the corner. Sabin comes off the ropes, and Kash shoulder blocks him out of the ring. Kash hits a brainbuster the “lame” finisher as he taunts. Kash with a split leg moonsault off the top roe into Sabin on the outside. Petey then comes springboarding off the top rope with a rolling thunder on top of both opponents. The crowd chanted, [I]“This is Awesome.”[/I] Absolutely amazing set of moves by Petey and Kash there back to back. Petey makes the cover on Kash back in the ring 1…2…½. The crowd erupts into another loud "TNA!" chant. Back in the ring. Petey goes to Sabin and catches him with some right hands. Sabin fights back. They exchange right hands and forearms. Sabin with some rapid fire shots. Petey then with some. Sabin counters with a release German suplex to Petey. Sabin sets up Petey up and down on the top rope and he nails a hugs dropkick to the face. Kid Kash goes to the outside and grabs a Chair. He comes in the ring to nail Petey with it, but Petey sees him and Superkicks him. Petey grabs the title belt. The ref tries to tug it away from him. Sabin kicks the belt into Petey’s face. Kash and Sabin exchange forearms. Sabin with some rapid fire forearms. Sabin comes off the ropes, and Kash grabs him and drives him down to the mat. Near fall. Kid Kash with a modified Rock Bottom on Sabin. Petey comes back up, and nails Kid Kash whit another stiff super kick sending him to the outside. Petey kicks Sabin in the gut and signals for the Canadian Destroyer! No wait Sabin turns it into a Cradle Shock! Petey slips of…kicks Sabin in the gut, Here it comes…Canadian Destroyer!! Williams’s covers, 1…2…½ Kash breaks it up. Petey whit some right hands to Kid Kash who back up into the corner. Petey lifts him up. Petey signals for a Hurricanrana… here it comes! No Kash hold onto the ropes and pots Petey into a piledriver position…bOOM “Holly ****, Holly ****,” chants started. Kid Kash connected a piledriver from the top rope. 1……2……3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall, Kid Kash[/COLOR][/B] [I]The crowd gave everyone a much deserved standing ovation. After the match, Kash crawled up the ramp and taunted to a mixed reaction and the “TNA, TNA, TNA!” chant was on Kash walks over to the camera. Kash: f**k WWE! The Camera cuts to a backstage area where Raven is sitting in a dark corner.[/I] [B]Raven: [/B]1 Man rode into the valley of death, into the eye of the beast, into the pit of despair. The man tried to turn around, but by that point, he was in too deep. The man was tortured, and tortured until he asked for mercy from his capturer. However, the man had no mercy, for he had been angered by the man one too many times. Raven gets up from the corner and walks off camera. [B]Raven:[/B] The torture never seased, because the emotional and physical scars were never healed. The man wandered from town to town, hoping for some help, some way to forget about this diabolical problem that he had faced, and had succumbed to. The man eventually fell down, weak, back at the feet of the man who had tortured him, and begged for shelter. The torturer then kicked him in the head, down to the gutter, and picked up the lifeless corpse of the man who had tried to end his life, his hope, his career, and uttered those famous words he did adore.... [I]Raven jumps back into view and grabs the camera.[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] QUOTE THE RAVEN....NEVERMORE! Mexican music kicks up and Juventud runs from the back, before sliding into the ring, and taunting on the top rope. Raven's music kicks up, as the crowd goes wild, and Raven steps out of the back, wearing a straight jacket, which he abandons on the ramp, before taking a microphone out his pocket. [B]Raven:[/B] Juventud, you made the mistake, you made the stupid mistake of walking into the valley of death. You could have come into TNA, and just settled your way in calmly, but you messed with the one man, that no one in the right mind would mess with. You dug the grave, and now Juventud, you have to step in the ring with the torturer. Juventud, welcome to the Terror dome! [B][COLOR="Red"]R[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]v[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]n[/COLOR] vs J[COLOR="red"]uv[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]ntu[/COLOR]d G[COLOR="red"]ue[/COLOR]rr[COLOR="red"]er[/COLOR]a[/B] The match starts with the “Juice” Juventud Guerrera going after Raven. Juventud gets in a few elbows and kicks, but Raven hits a knee to the gut and Raven gives Juventud some stiff rights. Raven drives his knee into Juventud’s head a few times and then grounds himself with a headlock submission. Juventud breaks it up and kicks Raven a few times in the corner. Juventud chokes Raven a bit and the referee breaks it up. Juventud then hits a running dropkick to the face and taunts. Juventud covers, but only gets a two count. Juventud sends Raven into the ropes and Juventud catches him with a quick elbow. Raven bails to the outside and Juventud comes springboarding off the top rope with to Raven on the outside. Juventud sends Raven into the steel steps and Raven crashes into them with force. The ref tries to bring Juventud back in the ring as they are on the 7th count. Larry Z comes out what does he want? [I]“Raven…I told you, you will never ever get another chance! But I’m a fair man. So I’m going to make this match a NO count out!” [/I]Larry stands on the entrance ramp. Raven now knocks Juventud down whit a hard right hand to the back. And Raven goes for a Russian leg sweep into the barricade! Raven crawls towards Larry Z. But Juventud kicks Raven half-way up. Juventud takes a garbage’s can as Larry Z comes back out [I]“Raven, I said I was a fair man. So I’m doing something for you…now this match is a Raven’s Rules match” [/I]says Larry. Juventud connects with the garbage can on Raven head. Juventud swings another shoot but raven ducks and kicks him low blow. Raven comes down with Juventud, ramming a stop sign into him. Raven throws Juventud back in the ring and grabs a table from under the ring. Raven also pulls a ladder from under the ring and puts the table and ladder inside the ring. Raven misses a clothesline on Juventud, and got taken down by a Super kick! No Raven ducks, Raven then hits the Raven Effect DDT on Juventud, but the referee is distracted by Larry who is in the ring talking to the ref. Raven runs and Larry but misses and knocks down the referee. Raven crawls over and sees the referee knocked out. Juventud charges at Raven with a trash can bOOM! Juventud takes the table back outside and sets up the table. Then he takes Raven to the outside and picks Raven up on is. As Larry sets up the ladder in the ring for Juventud. Juventud is in the ring up on the ladder, way up… The 5000 fans are on there feet’s. Juventud…bOOM!!! Juventud came crushing down though the table as Raven was able to move out of the way. “Oh my god, says Mike Tenay” Raven crawls over and make the count. 1……2……3 count the fans as no referee is there to make it. Raven struggles to his feet and set his sight at Larry Z… “What the hell is going on?! Says Don West on the announce table” The fans starts a booing and some chanting? A hugs man comes down the ramp whit some Middle East looking guys by his side? He picks raven up easy and throws him into the ring and connects a hugs Falling Slam. He screams at Larry” This is what you want huh? I told you, I’ll take him out!” as the Middle East looking guy brings a table into the ring. Raven is placed on the table and the big guy climbs up the ropes. Larry places Raven on the table and the hugs guy splashes Raven from the 2nd rope through a table! The man takes Juventud and places him over Raven. As the ref make the count 1………2………3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall, Juventud Guerrera[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match, Ladies and gentleman, The world strongest man…Mark Henry! Says Larry Z whit a smile on his face and thanks Henry and his manager who turned out to be …Daivari? [/I] [B]Tenay:[/B] What is going on D.W? [B]West:[/B] I have no idea but Mark Henry is in WWE Right? This is TNA PPV or am I wrong? [B]Tenay:[/B] No you’re absolutely right. We will have more information on that later. [B]West: [/B]Shocking moment there…I feel bad for Raven [I]- The camera cuts to a video showing clips of 3LK's past, all of them happy, set to "Beware". However, the picture cuts out and shows Konnan standing backstage.[/I] [B]Konnan:[/B] Yoo, let me speak on this. 3 Live Kru, you better beware, 'cos I'm coming for you, This is my remix, meet my new Crew. [I]Homicide and Apolo walk out from the backdrop, and stand next to Konnan, posing.[/I] [B]T[COLOR="Red"]h[/COLOR]e J[COLOR="red"]am[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]s[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]G[/COLOR]an[COLOR="red"]g[/COLOR] a[COLOR="red"]n[/COLOR]d [COLOR="red"]Ro[/COLOR]n ”T[COLOR="red"]h[/COLOR]e [COLOR="red"]Tr[/COLOR]u[COLOR="red"]t[/COLOR]h” K[COLOR="red"]ill[/COLOR]in[COLOR="red"]gs[/COLOR] vs. T[COLOR="red"]h[/COLOR]e [COLOR="red"]La[/COLOR]ti[COLOR="red"]n[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR]me[COLOR="red"]ri[/COLOR]ca[COLOR="red"]n [/COLOR]E[COLOR="red"]xc[/COLOR]ha[COLOR="red"]ng[/COLOR]e[/B] The match starts right away with Konnan, Apolo and Homicide cutting off BG, Kip James and Ron Killings right away at the ramp. Konnan and Homicide throw BG and Ron Killings into the ring as Apolo takes Kip James towards the announce table. Apolo slams Kip into the steel steps. And once more. Apolo set the steps in front of the announce table. Apolo picks Kip James up…Apolo whit a powerbomb sending Kip James through the announce table whit full force! The referee goes out to cheek on Kip James. 2 min later and Kip James are not moving as Medicals is coming to cheek on him. The referee Andrew Thomas DQ Apolo and the match are going to be Konnan & Homicide vs GB and the Truth. Apolo doesn’t seem to mad as he walks to the back whit a little smile on his face. Konnan launches Homicide into BG in the corner. They attempt to do the same to Truth with Konnan, but BG breaks it up and clotheslines Konnan over the top rope. Truth takes out Homicide with a big spinkick and then takes out Konnan as he hits the ring. BG follows that up with a dropkick to the head. BG spreads Konnan’s legs and Truth hits a leg drop to the groin off the top rope. Both Konnan and Homicide head up the ramp when BG and Truth cut them off. Killings and Homicide brawl near the Spanish announcers table. All four make it back in the ring. The ref sends BG to the corner as Konnan and Homicide double-team Killings in the middle of the ring. In the ring are Homicide and Ron Killings. Homicide hits a quick scoop slam on Killings, goes off the ropes, taunts BG and then kicks Killings in the chest. Homicide and Konnan take out Killings in the corner as the ref speaks with BG. Konnan gets the tag, kicks Killings against the back, covers, but only gets a two count. Killings mounts a comeback against Konnan, but Konnan stops it with a rolling clothesline. Konnan nails Killings off the corner and tags in Homicide. Homicide hits a quick suplex on Killings, covers, and Killings kicks out at two. Homicide nails Killings against the face with some stiff forearms. Homicide takes out Killings with a big knee to the gut causing Killings to flip over. Homicide covers Killings, but only gets a two count. Both go off the ropes and have a mid-ring collision taking both Homicide and Killings down. Both Konnan and BG get the tag. BG hits the clothesline on Konnan. Homicide comes in and BG gives him a big facebuster. BG then scores his few punches and then his dance moves. He attempts to do the same to Homicide, but Homicide ducked the last one and dropkicked BG. Konnan goes for a chair, but the ref prevents it. Then suddenly Kip James struggled his way into the ring. Konnan turns and got kicked in the gut…Fame ass! Kip rolls out of the ring. Allowing BG to make the cover 1……2……3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall: BG James and Ron “The Truth” Killings[/COLOR][/B] [I]- After the match, BG James, Ron “The Truth” Killings and Kip James celebrated on the stages - Backstage, the camera is following The World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett as he heads into Monty Browns locker-room What could this be about`? [/I] [B]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match T[COLOR="Red"]ea[/COLOR]m [COLOR="red"]3[/COLOR]D vs [COLOR="red"]Ame[/COLOR]rica[COLOR="red"]s[/COLOR] M[COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR]s[COLOR="red"]t[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Wa[/COLOR]n[COLOR="red"]t[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]d[/COLOR]©[/B] The match starts with James Storm and Brother Devon. Both lock up and Devon shoves Storm away. Devon gets a quick takedown on Storm, both roll around a bit exchanging reversals until Storm gets in a headlock. Storm takes out Devon with a quick shoulder block, goes off the ropes, leaps over Devon, Devon props up and takes out Storm with an arm drag and a quick dropkick. Devon hits a scoop slam, misses an elbow when Storm moves and then both stare each other down. Chris Harris comes in the ring and gets in a cheap shot on Devon. Storm takes advantage, getting in some rights on Devon and then Harris getting the tag. Devon takes out both members of AMW with a double clothesline. Brother Ray gets the tag, taking out Harris with an arm drag. Harris, now the legal man, tries to get to his feet, but Ray takes him down quickly with a right hand. Ray dodges a roll-up from Harris. Harris then takes out Ray with a jumping clothesline, a pinfall, but Ray quickly kicking out. Both lock up, Ray backs Harris into the corner and the referee tries to break it up when Harris grabs Ray and puts him in the corner. Harris chops Ray. Ray then comes back and chops Harris. Ray gets in an elbow on Harris. Ray goes up to the top, jumps, but Harris dodges a jumping senton splash. Storm gets the tag, jumps in and chokes out Ray with his boot. Storm then kicks Ray stiff to his head. Harris gets the tag and runs to Ray but get a really stiff smash to his chest. Harris falls back to his corner. Storm tags himself in. Devon gets the tag, goes after Storm and takes him out with a spinning elbow. Devon hits a Spinebuster on Storm, covers, but only gets a two count. Ray comes in the ring, gives Storm a scoop slam and Devon goes up to the top. Devon jumps off the top and headbutts Storm in his groin. Devon does his cross taunt and Ray pushes Devon and tells Devon to go get the tables. Both Ray and Devon bring a table out. Storm tries to hit a baseball slide, but Ray and Devon lift it up. They then knock out Storm with the table. Harris then dropkicks the table into Ray and Devon. Storm sets up the table and grabs Devon back into the ring. In the ring, Harris starts to choke Devon with his wrist tape. Harris takes out Devon with a clothesline with the wrist tap. Storm gets the tag and he works on the neck of Devon. Devon gets in a few shots to the gut on Storm, but Storm comes back with a knee to the gut. Harris gets the tag and misses a charge on Devon in the corner. Devon then takes out Storm. All three men are down as the crowd claps loudly. Ray gets the tag and he takes out Harris with some rights and a hip toss. Ray hits a high back body drop on Storm followed by a double clothesline on both members of AMW. Ray hits a side slam on Harris, covers, but only gets a two count. Ray hits a DDT but Harris counter it whit a DDT to ray instead for a two count. AMW then give Devon a double-suplex. Storm then grabs Ray, sets him up for the Death Sentence, Harris is on the top, but Ray knocks him off. Harris jumps up when Devon tries to go to the top and signals for a superplex. Ray then comes from behind, putting Harris on his shoulders. Ray backs up and Devon hits a big jumping clothesline off the top rope. Ray covers, 1...2...Harris kicks out. Ray hits a scoop slam to storm. Brother Ray picks him up and whips him into the ropes, where Devon meets him! 3D! The ref goes over to Storm and rolls him out meanwhile Gail Kim gave Harris a bottle. Harris smashes the bottle Ray and then a hip toss to Devon sending him to the outside! The ref turns and sees Harris over Ray. 1……2……½ near fall. Devon is back in firing on Harris but Storm makes the save. Ray tries to use the corner to make it so his feet. Storm picks Devon up and calls for Gail Kim. Gail is on the corner her it comes! No Gail missed Devon and caught Storm whit an Hurricanrana… Bubba Ray quickly tosses Gail over the tope rope meanwhile Harris crawls to the Apron to cheek out Storm. Bubba and Devon are in position behind Harris, Harris turns…3D!! Ray hooks the leg. 1……2……3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winners by pinfall and NEW Tag Team Champions, Team 3D[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match, Team 3D celebrated their win and got into the crowd and the celebration was on! NWA World Tag Team Titles been added to their Tag Team Title Tallies. A camera followed Team 3D to the back as superstars came to congratulate them and threw champagne on them.[/I] [B]Tenay: [/B]We have new Tag Team champions Don! [B]West: [/B]Yeah! I’m so glad for them right now… [B]Tenay: [/B]This must be the happiest day in there whole career [B]Tenay: [/B]But up next…The X-Division Title will be defended. Let us take you back the past week [I]A video pack is hyping the X-Division match coming up next - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with the X Division Champion Samoa Joe. Borash brings up the Fatal Four-Way tonight with AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Jeff Hardy. Joe talks about the conduct of the code in the X Division Division. He begs to differ about that and says it is really all about the X Division Title. Joe mentions how he will bring three towels tonight, one bloody and two fresh that he will put in his trophy case. He says the odds are against both Styles, Daniels and Jeff Hardy since they will face him tonight. [/I] [B]S[COLOR="Red"]am[/COLOR]o[COLOR="red"]a[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]J[/COLOR]o[COLOR="red"]e[/COLOR]© vs A[COLOR="red"]J[/COLOR] S[COLOR="red"]ty[/COLOR]le[COLOR="red"]s[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Ch[/COLOR]ris[COLOR="red"]to[/COLOR]ph[COLOR="red"]er[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR]an[COLOR="red"]ie[/COLOR]ls vs [COLOR="red"]J[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]f[/COLOR]f [COLOR="red"]H[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]rd[/COLOR]y[/B] They started off with AJ working over Jeff Hardy while Samoa Joe paired off with Christopher Daniels. They circle the ring, lock up, Hardy goes behind Styles and then works on Styles' arm a few times. Styles come behind Jeff Hardy and works on his arm as well. Hardy hits a big dropkick and then a quick arm drag on Styles. Styles comes back with an arm drag on Hardy, but Hardy hits another arm drag as well. Hardy kicks AJ in the gut then sends him towards Joe And Daniels. Styles dropkicks Joe and Daniels out of the ring. AJ signals for a high risk move… But Jeff Hardy stops him and tells him to wait. Hardy sets him self up like a “Chair” in front of the ropes. AJ goes into the ropes and he Jump of Hardy, Hardy stop the whole springboard whit a clothesline to AJ. Outside the ring, Joe picks Daniels up and hits a few stiff kicks to the gut and then throws him into the barricade. Joe grabs a steel chair and sets it up. Joe puts Daniels on the steel chair, backs up, runs and hits a big boot to the guard rail as Daniels moves. Daniels then back up, runs and hits a dropkick taking Samoa Joe into the rail. Back in the ring. Jeff Hardy works AJ in the corner. Jeff picks AJ up in a superplex position…Daniels slides in and run up the corner and German Suplexs Jeff Hardy who had AJ in his suplex! “Holly ****, Holly ****,” Daniels makes the cover but get a two count. Daniels then attempt the BME(Best Moonsault Ever) on AJ Styles! Joe roll in, Joe hits Daniels with an atomic drop followed by a charging big boot to the face followed whit a senton back splash on Daniels, covers, but only gets a two count. Joe kicks Styles in the corner and then goes back to Daniels. Joe then hits a big power slam on Daniels that results in a two count. Joe applies an armbar submission on Daniels, and Daniels is about to submit! But Jeff Hardy breaks it. Joe looks furious and starts giving Jeff Hardy nasty kick to the gut. Joe picks up Jeff and starts chopping him. Jeff goes behind Joe. Joe gets in some elbows. Jeff attempts a full nelson, Joe reverse that and hits a huge release german suplex on Jeff Hardy to the outside! Joe isn’t finished. Joe hits Jeff Hardy whit a backbreaker and then sends him into the guard rail. Joe sets Jeff on a steel chair next to the guard rail…not again? Backs up, runs and hits a big boot to the head of Jeff Hardy and Hardy hits the steel guard railing on the outside. Hardy grabs his head in pain as Joe goes back in the ring. Jeff Hardy is bloody at this point. Back inside Joe jumps Daniels from behind as Daniels was going for the Angles wings on AJ. Joe picks up Daniels and starts chopping him. Daniels goes behind Joe. And hits a backbreaker on Joe! Daniels then powers Joe down to the mat, calls for the BME (Best Moonsault Ever), hits the springboard and connects with the BME on Joe. Daniels covers Joe, but only gets a two count. Daniels calls for the Angel's Wings. Daniels hooks the arms of Joe, Styles jumps on Joe and flips over Daniels attempting the Styles Clash. Daniels breaks out of that. Styles attempt a powerbomb, but Daniels flips up landing on his feet. Joe takes out Daniels quickly with a clothesline, covers, but only gets a two count. Joe gets Styles up in a Muscle Buster, but Styles leaps off and takes out Daniels with a spin kick and a kick to the back of the head on Joe. Styles hits a gut buster on Daniels, covers, but Daniels gets a shoulder up. Styles has Daniels up in a torture rack, spins Daniels and nails Daniels into the mat. Styles covers, but Joe breaks up the pinfall. Jeff Hardy is back on the outside and grabs a Chair of anger. Jeff Hardy goes right after Joe. Joe has Styles in the Musclebuster and Jeff comes running whit a chairshoot. Joe moves out and Jeff Smashes AJ on the corner sending him to the outside?! Then Joe runs and ducks a clothesline by Daniels and Jeff Hardy takes Daniels out to! Joe then runs at Hardy but Hardy ducks and Jeff smashes Joe’s brains in. The crowd goes wild! Jeff Hardy climbs the corner but Joe rises up quickly what the hell? Joe runs at Jeff Hardy and hit the Musclebuster on the steel Chair! Joe covers 1……2……3 [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by pinfall and Still X-Division Champion, Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] [B] Tenay:[/B] Wow, what a match. [B]West:[/B] Great match for all 4 competitors… [B]Tenay:[/B] Who will be able to stop this guy? Samoa Joe looks stronger then ever. [B]West: [/B]No doubt about it. Joe is dangerous. We just maybe witness the end of Jeff Hardy’s career? [B]Tenay: [/B]God. Let’s send it over to the back whit Shane Douglas. [I]- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Monty Brown. Brown is talking to a doll that looks like a construction worker, pretending it is Chris Jericho and asking if there is a dress code up north. Brown said Chris Jericho could never take his spot in TNA. He said Jerichois not like the Alpha Male, he will be dominated tonight and that he will feel the Pounce...PERIOD. Jeff Jarrett appears behind Monty Brown and said TNA management could careless if Monty wins tonight because Jericho is the new baby of TNA….Jarrett walk off as Monty thinks twice…[/I] [B]“[COLOR="Red"]Al[/COLOR]p[COLOR="red"]h[/COLOR]a [COLOR="red"]M[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]l[/COLOR]e” [COLOR="red"]Mo[/COLOR]nt[COLOR="red"]y[/COLOR] B[COLOR="red"]r[/COLOR]o[COLOR="red"]wn[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Ch[/COLOR]r[COLOR="red"]i[/COLOR]s [COLOR="red"]J[/COLOR]e[COLOR="red"]r[/COLOR]ic[COLOR="red"]ho[/COLOR] [/B] The music of Chris Jericho hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for this huge match up with Monty Brown, and this match will be for the No#1 Contender spot. Brown and Jericho went to lock up but Jericho ducked. Brown then went to work on Jericho in the corner with right hands and knees and then choked Jericho with his boot. Brown hit Jericho with some shoulder thrusts in the corner and then whipped him to the ropes but Jericho held on and Brown charged him, but Jericho ducked, sending Brown outside. Jericho went for a baseball slide but Brown side stepped and sent Jericho into the barricade. Brown rolled Jericho back inside and then dropped a knee across the face of Jericho. Brown hit a neck breaker on Jericho and covered him for two. Brown then wrenched on the head and neck of Chris Jericho in the middle of the ring with a modified half nelson. Jericho escaped but Brown again locked in a full nelson on Jericho on the canvas as the fans got behind Y2J. Jericho broke free sending Brown to the outside of the ring. Brown got back inside and Jericho hit a dropkick to the knee and then kicked away on his quadriceps. Brown regained control whit a hugs Powerslam as Jericho came running, 1…2…! Shoulder up. Brown takes Jericho on the top rope and then went for a suplex, but Jericho knocked him down and then came off with a back elbow! Jericho charged at Monty with some flying forearms, but Monty would not go down. Jericho charged at him again and Monty caches him in a fall away slam position, Monty Brown put Jericho up in a Powerbomb position instead…Alpha bomb! 1……2……? Jericho got his foot on the rope. Monty hocks Jericho in a bearhug position. Brown kept in control as the crowd does all they can to get some fire under Jericho. Jericho slips out of it and hit some chops and then kicked Brown square in the face and then charged at him with a forearm and knocks Brown down. And another running forearm but Brown moves out of it and Jericho knock the referee down. Jericho chop blocked the knee of Brown and went for the Walls of Jericho, Monty Brown is tapping big time! But no ref to call for the bell. Jericho let Brown go and goes over to the ref. Brown struggles up whit help form the ropes. Jericho runs at Brown and goes for a hurricanrana but Brown counters that into the Alpha Bomb! Brown covers...1...2...Jericho kicks out! Brown grabs Jericho again, but Jericho counters into a float over. Brown grabs Jericho again, puts him on his shoulders and then hits a modified F-5. Brown covers...1...2...Jericho finds a way to kick out. Brown drives Jericho face first into the mat. When Brown sends Jericho into the ropes, he attempts The Pounce!!! But Jericho slides under and grabs Brown leg. Jericho whit the Walls Of Jericho! The ref is there now. Is Brown going to tap out? Bam bam bam, Monty Brown is taping [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner by Submission, Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Chris Jericho is celebrating in the ring and taunts that hi will go after the title. Jericho goes over to a fan in the front row and takes his sign toward the camera man” Jericho = Champion” and then goes backstage. -A video package rolls highlighting the NWA World Heavyweight Title Match between Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage tonight. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Christian Cage and notes how tonight is the most important match of his 12 year career. He asks J.B how he is doing tonight. J.B says he is doing great. He asks how the crowd in Hartford, Connecticut is doing. They cheer loudly. Cage says he is nervous as hell, because the culmination of his 12 year career is right here tonight. He said after everything he worked for, he dreamed about this moment. Cage says all the questions will be answered tonight. He brings up how he was criticized for leaving a big money contract in WWE to come to TNA. Cage says January 15, Hartford Connecticut, he walks in the challenger and walks out the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion...because that's how I roll. [/I] [B]”[COLOR="Red"]Ca[/COLOR]p[COLOR="red"]t[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]i[/COLOR]n [COLOR="red"]Ch[/COLOR]ar[COLOR="red"]i[/COLOR]sm[COLOR="red"]a[/COLOR]” [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR]h[COLOR="red"]ris[/COLOR]ti[COLOR="red"]a[/COLOR]n [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR]a[COLOR="red"]g[/COLOR]e vs “T[COLOR="red"]h[/COLOR]e [COLOR="red"]K[/COLOR]i[COLOR="red"]n[/COLOR]g [COLOR="red"]O[/COLOR]f [COLOR="red"]T[/COLOR]h[COLOR="red"]e[/COLOR] M[COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR]un[COLOR="red"]tai[/COLOR]n” [COLOR="red"]J[/COLOR]ef[COLOR="red"]f[/COLOR] Ja[COLOR="red"]r[/COLOR]re[COLOR="red"]tt[/COLOR][/B] Before the match, Jeremy Borash did the ring introductions for referee Earl Hebner, Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett. During the opening of the match, the crowd in Haryford started a loud "PLEASE RETIRE" chant at Jarrett. The bell rings and here we go. Jarrett and Cage taunt at each other. They lock up and move around the ring. Cage gets in a headlock, shoulder block and a second shoulder block on Jarrett. Jarrett finally backs off and stares down Cage. Jarrett nails Cage with a knee to the midsection. Jarrett catches Cage with a drop toe hold and slaps Cage on the head. Jarrett then slaps Cage across the face. Cage tackles Jarrett and then chops him on the chest in the corner. Cage fakes a springboard attempt causing Jarrett to duck. Cage then jumps off and gets a quick sunset flip on Jarrett that results in a two count. Jarrett fights back with a shoulder block from the ring apron. Jarrett suplexs Cage to the ring apron. Both exchange right hands. Cage then drops Jarrett with an inverted DDT on the ring apron as we see a shot of Christian's wife Denise in the crowd. Cage then goes up to the top, jumps, but Jarrett moves and Cage hits the guard railing with force. Jarrett grabs Cage by the legs and swings him face first into the guard railing. Referee Earl Hebner jumps out and gets in the face of Jarrett, telling him to get it in the ring. Jarrett sends Cage on top of the annoucers table. Jarrett then pulls Cage off and catapults him on the announcers table. Jarrett throws Cage back in the ring and hits a big dropkick. Jarrett covers, but only gets a two count. Jarrett gets in a quick takedown on Cage, covers again, but only gets a two count. Cage gets back to his feet and starts chopping Jarrett. Jarrett fights back dropping Cage face first off the top rope. Jarrett chokes Cage on the second rope and continues to do so when the referee tries to stop him. Referee Earl Hebner grabs Jarrett by the hair and pulls him back. Jarrett gets in Hebner's face and Hebner pushes him back. Cage takes Jarrett down in a roll up 1…2…½ kick out as Jarrett take back control whit a kick to the face. Jeff Jarrett picks Cage up but Cage takes him down then applies the Figure Four on Jarrett. Jarrett is about to tap and reaches for the ropes and Gail Kim reaches in, pulling Jarrett's arms to the bottom rope. Cage argues with the referee as Jarrett takes out Cage with a big kick to the back of the head. Jarrett grabs Cage by the legs and applies the Sharpshooter in front of referee Earl Hebner. (1996 segment) “You better not do it” says Mike Tenay. As Christian Cage makes it to the bottom rope. Jeff Jarrett tries it again but Cage pushes him off, Jarrett pushed back, and he went into the referee taking him down. At this point, all of Jarrett's allies began running down the ring and attacking Cage. However, Team 3D music hit and, with them came Rhino to cut off Team Canada. Young goes running towards Rhino… GORE! Then Roode whit a clothesline but Rhino ducks…GORE! Petey…GORE! Now just A-1 from Team Canada left. He turns and run into 3D by Bubba and Devon. However, America's Most Wanted was still able to continue their attacks as Team a 3D and Rhino got to the outside. What!? The arena went black. When the lights came back on, Sting was standing there with a baseball bat! Sting took out Harris with the bat, but Storm took him out from behind with a punch. However, Sting hit him over the head with the bat! Jarrett get’s the Guitar from Gail Kim. Jarrett kicks Sting to the outside and went to hit Christian whit it, but Cage ducked the shoot and connected the Unprettier! Both men are down as all men cleared the ring. Jeff Jarrett goes back up first inside the ring and tried to pick up Cage, but Cage rolled him up into a small package 1……2……3! 3 count, no was it? Two and a half. Jarrett knocks him back down whit a kick to his face. Jeff Jarrett goes over to his guitar and picks it up and goes towards Cage as Monty Brown came down the ramp. Monty grabbed the guitar from his Jarrett’s hands. Brown says” Let me do it!” Brown goes for Cage bOOM! He smashes Jarrett instead!? Monty Brown ran against the ropes, before hitting The POUNCE! As the crowd when nuts! Cage rolls over and picks Jarrett up and nails him whit the Unprettier! 1…………2…………3! [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner and NEW NWA Champion, Christian Cage[/COLOR][/B] [I]- All faces ran down the ring to Christian except Chris Jericho who was in the back. The Celebration went on as the crowd wouldn’t stop chanting. As Mike Tenay thanks all the fans for watching and hopes to see you next time. [/I] [B]Fast Resualt: [COLOR="Silver"]??? def Petey Williams and Chris Sabin Juventud Guerrera def raven 3LC def LAX Team 3D def AMW for the NWA Tag Team titles Samoa Joe def AJ Styles, Chrostopher Daniels and Jeff Hary to retain the X-Divison title Chris Jericho def Monty Brown to become No1# contender Christian Cage def Jeff Jarret for the NWA World Championship[/COLOR][/B] 1st place: Trypio Congratulations 2th place: The Stallion Congratulations
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