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Free picture pack

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I saw a thread a few months ago about free picture packs and a few guys mentioned they had packs with like 2000+ free images for real word games. I'm just wondering if any of you are kind enough to share these. 6 years in and an most regens don't have a pic and it's killing my motivation to carry on with the game. Any help would be appreciated.


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<p>There's lots of picture packs with generic pictures</p><p> </p><p>

The hard part is that (as far as I know), you have to make an entry in the database for each Free Picture that you want to see pop up in generated workers in your game and then import them into your database (don't have TEW in front of me, so can't remember if you're able to import Free Pictures into a saved game)</p>

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<p>You can import free pictures. I remember seeing a thread where a few people said they had 5k+ images in their free picture pack.</p><p> </p><p>

There's a few on the mod forum but not really big enough to continue a game for a long period of time.</p>

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