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TCW - Head to Head w/SWF

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After some huge investments into the company by Cornell, he only had 5 million dollars to run his promotion. He decided to run a weekly ppv show to go along with the tv show every week. Cornell was the biggest draw on the roster and wanted to wrestle full time. He couldn't handle the business side and his wrestling career at the same time so he hired long time friend Thomas Patterson... that would be me to do the booking and financial stuff. He told me our friendship wouldn't keep him from firing me if I failed and I completely understood. Wrestling was his life and that is why he was the best. The month of April... my first month of booking went well. I kept Cornells reputation strong as he remained the dominant figure of TCW. Sam Strong had been feuding with him but wasn't capable of holding his own. Meanwhile a stable called the Supreme Wrestling Faction debuted with Duane Fry, Danny B Bling, and Jumbo "Supreme" Shrimp all making a hostile takeover on Friday Night Wrestling. The Eastern Coalition of Narato, Ota, and Kunomasu were feuding with American Elemental over the Cruiser Title. Shane Sneer took Peter Valentine under his wing and recruited Jeff Nova for the new Sneer Corp. but this time as a face stable. Rip Chord was thinking about retirement but decided to partake in putting over some young talented workers like Scout, Johnny Bloodstone, and Jeff Nova. Bryan Vessey was involved but change his sights to Tommy Cornell. Troy Tornado won the International Title but hasn't done much since gaining it. The Tag Titles were vacated and are up for grabs in a tag tourney. I have big plans for Tommy Cornell, Kunomasu, Scout(Sniper Scout as I call him), and some others. [QUOTE] On the next TCW Weekly the Tag Tourney continues... The Vesseys beat the Tag Team Specialists in the first round and will face the winners of Flex N Pecs VS The Bodybuilders(Jeff Nova, and Peter Valentine). The Tokyo Express beat The Fly Boys in the first round and will face either The Young Guns or The All-American Boys. Flex N Pecs VS The Bodybuilders(Winners face Vesseys Next Week) Young Guns VS All-American Boys(Winners face Tokyo Express) Ronnie V. Pain VS Charlie Thatcher(Winner is #1 Contender for the International Title) [/QUOTE] [I] OOC: My game is on TEW 2004. I run TCW which was Hollyweird Grappling Company and have been playing for a couple months game time. I hope you like it as this is a fun game for me. Usually I run the Ravex Data.[/I]
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B]TCW Weekly PPV[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="red"][B]Live from Oklahoma[/B][/COLOR] TP came out and joined the announce team of Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes to hype up the main event between Charlie Thatcher and Ronnie V. Pain for the #1 contendership of the International Title. 36.5% [B]Flex N Pecs vs The Bodybuilders(winners face Vesseys next week)[/B] Flex picked up the pinfall after The Vessey Bros. ran in and obliterated the Bodybuilders. Flex hit the top rope flying headbutt for the win. 43.8% 60.4% and overall... 43.7% [B]The All-American Boys vs The Young Guns(winners face Tokyo Express next week)[/B] All American Boys were about to win the match when Harry Allen did a shooting star on Troy Tornado while standing up. Allen landed neck first on the mat but took Tornado out of the match. Then Allen got up and hit a flying back elbow on Stevie Grayson to pick up the pinfall. Allen couldn't get up. Steve Gumble called for help from the back and Allen got stretchered out of the arena. 43.7% 65.2% and overall... 48.9% [B]SWF Is Here to Stay...[/B] SWF walked out to the ring with their ****y struts acting like they own the place. Danny B Bling got on the mic and said tonight on their agenda was only to show the next great member of the SWF. Then out came Elmo. One of the best tag workers in America. Elmo got in the ring and said that the leader who won't be unveiled just yet convinced him to come and destroy the TCW greats and to better the SWF name with some paper pursuasion. 48.8% overall [B]Charlie Thatcher vs Ronnie V. Pain [I]#1 Contender for the International Title[/I][/B] Pain put on a strong showing but in the end it was Charlie Thatcher hitting the sit out powerbomb for the win. 62.9% 50.2% and overall... 57.5% [B]Show Overall: 40.0% 56,328 buys(0.13 buyrate)[/B] [I][B]News and Notes... [/B][/I]Harry Allen broke his neck and is out until July 10, 2007. Charlie Thatcher wants to discuss his push. Enygma was on Mikeys Surf Shack last night and he put Tommy Cornell over heavily. Last but not least Head Booker TP met with Yosuke Narita after TCW Weekly last night. For those of you who don't know... he is also known as Awesome Thunder. [I][B]OOC:[/B] Harry Allen breaking his neck hurts my tag tourney... He is out for over a year too. I dunno if I will keep him and his partner or not. I may just release them.[/I]
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[SIZE="5"][B][/B][COLOR="Lime"]TCW NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]In what could be the biggest news of the year... Harry Allen broke his neck in the win over Troy Tornado and Stevie Grayson. Doctors said that he broke it hitting the shooting star press on Tornado when he fell awkwardly on his neck. He hurt it but it wasn't completely broke until he his his signature flying back elbow on Grayson. Doctors say it is unlikely that he will return to the ring as a full time wrestler. They also said he won't be able to walk until June or July of 2007. We asked Steve Gumble what he planned to do after hearing the news. He declined comment and just said that he wasn't concerned about wrestling right now as much as he was his partners health. Friday Night Fights is scheduled tonight. We look forward to hearing what the plan is to continue the tag tourney.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Live from Massachusetts[/B] [B]TPs Tag Tourney Announcement[/B] The show kicked off with TP walking to the ring with urgency. "You all know what happened just 2 nights ago. Harry Allen of the Young Guns broke his neck. The show must go on though. Steve Gumble you have to find a tag partner by tomorrow(TCW Apocalypse) or I will substitute a new team in your spot. I am sorry for this but good luck." 49.8% overall [B]Steve Gumble gets support[/B] Backstage Steve Gumble was sitting at a catering table when Rick Law walked up and began talking to him about Harry Allen. He apolagized and said that if Gumble needed anything Rick Law wouldn't be hard to find. 43.1% overall [B]SWF Destroy TCW Figurehead[/B] SWF came down to the ring and said they wanted TP in the ring. TP didn't come out for 5 minutes. SWF just ranted and raved about how TCW was afraid of the SWF. TP got in the ring and Elmo attacked him. SWF held TP as Elmo beat TP down. SWF went on to say they are making a hostile takeover of the TCW. 56.1% overall [B]Johnny Bloodstone vs Sniper Scout[/B] In a match of wristlocks, suplexes, reversals, and other technical moves the quality was there. Sniper Scout won with the Scout Knot. The crowd gave them a good ovation but weren't real hype during the match. 54.3% reaction 86.2% quality and 65.0% overall [B]Painful Procedure wanna Play[/B] BJ and Randall just stood in the background and let Jack Bruce and Ronnie V. Pain have the spotlight. Ronnie V. Pain apolagized for losing the other night. He said that he would win gold and to not forget him. Jack Bruce said that Kunomasu had a great fight ahead of himself. Bruce was gonna prove himself and make a run for the World Title. 73.4% overall [B]Cornell reads Wrestling Mags[/B] Tommy Cornell was shown backstage reading a wrestling magazine. 78.0% overall [B]Jack Bruce vs Kunomasu[/B] Kunomasu was far quicker and seemed more ring savvy. Kunomasu cheated using a blinding myst in the eyes of Bruce but it wasn't enough. Jack Bruce came out with the win after hitting the Rock City Drop. 60.9% reaction 77.6% quality and 47.3% overall. The road agents said "the match was far too long for the workers involved, and it turned into a real mess well before the end." [B]Sam Strong Legacy[/B] Sam Strong was in the ring and didn't look like himself. He stood there looking around the crowd. "I... ummm... well... ok here I go. Over the last few months I have lost a step. I haven't felt like I can perform at my best. I have been considering for awhile retiring. So I wanna make tonight my final night. I wanna go out facing the man who has had my number for quite some time. I wanna face Tommy Cornell. What do you say Tommy?" Cornells music hit and the crowd popped huge! "You want to retire? You want to quit? You are the greatest wrestler this sport has ever had. You have wrestled from California to New York. New York to Japan and now you want to just up and leave? Ya know what... I will face you tonight. I will give you one last chance to quit when Rough Justice slaps on the GUILT TRIP and gets the tap out. See you later tonight." 86.3% overall [B]Elmo wants a fight[/B] Elmo came out to the ring saying he was sick of waiting and they he wanted a fight with someone from the TCW. Then TPs music hit... Out walked TP in his slick suit. "Elmo you want a fight? You got one. Next week on TCW Weekly you will be facing me! Bring your A game!" 55.7% overall [B]SWF met up with Elmo backstage[/B] Danny gave Elmo a high five and said "we got what we want! Now we just gotta get Jumbo a match in the coming weeks. Then we can unveil the final part of the plan." 76.0% overall [B]Tommy Cornell vs Sam Strong for the World Heavyweight Title[/B] Tommy Cornell grabbed a microphone... "Sam I figured I would win anyways but why not give you some extra motivation to fight harder by putting my TCW World Heavyweight Title on the line. If that can't give you the extra motivation to go out on the top of this industry then you had no right fighting in the first place." Sam Strong looked like he was 30 all over again. Cornell slowed strongs momentum with a savate kick. Strong was helped up when Cornell got sent into the ropes and ducked a clothesline. He then hit a flying clothesline of his own flooring Strong. Cornell got up and went to run to the ropes but got tripped up by the ref as they both fell out to the floor. Bryan Vessey ran in he hit strong in the stomach then hit a cradle piledriver. Cornell got into the ring slowly holding his head. He saw that Strong was still down and put the GUILT TRIP on. The ref rolled into the ring and saw Strong knocked out. He rang the bell immediately. Afterwards Cornell saw Bryan outside of the ring. He grabbed a mic and told him to get in the ring immediately. Bryan wouldn't even look at Cornell when Cornell whipped him into the corner. Cornell then put Bryan on the top rope and hit the back suplex off the 2nd turnbuckle folding Bryan Vessey up like an accordian. 86.3% reaction 63.9% quality and 79.8% overall... The road agents said "Sam Strong is not physically at his best, and this affected his performance." [B][I]Show Overall: 64.6% Friday Night Wrestling drew 459,250 viewers(up by160) 11,221 people attended the event[/I][/B]
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Lime"]Wrestling NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]Last nights Friday Night Wrestling lost the ratings war and critiques gave the edge to the SWFs show. TCW needs to regain its spot as #1 in the industry and soon. TCW Apocalypse is tonight without a lot of buildup other than the Tag Tourney and the International Title match. The main event is scheduled to be a rematch of Sam Strong vs Tommy Cornell but Bryan Vessey will be in attendance for his tag tourney match(s). Elmo will face TP as well. Is this a big draw card? Probably not but it seems to set up some things.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]TCW Apocalype Card(Annual PPV)[/B] Tag Tourney The Vesseys vs Flex N Pecs Steve Gumble & ? vs The Tokyo Express Winners face each other for Tag Titles Charlie Thatcher vs Troy Tornado for the International Title TP vs Elmo - TCW against SWF Tommy Cornell vs Sam Strong in a World Title rematch[/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC: Sorry I didnt have a lot of time to build this PPV up in my diary.[/B][/I]
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[QUOTE][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Lime"]TCW Apocalypse Card[/COLOR][/SIZE] Liberty vs Genghis Rahn Hardcore Title Match Elmo vs TP Vesseys vs Flex N Pecs Tokyo Express vs Steve Gumble and mystery partner Charlie Thatcher vs Troy Tornado International Title Match Tommy Cornell vs Sam Strong World Heavyweight Title Match[/QUOTE] OOC: The show will be up shortly.
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TCW Apocalypse(Annual PPV)[/SIZE] Live in Kansas 18,246 in attendance[/COLOR][/B] [B]The Vessey Brothers vs Flex N Pecs[/B] Pecs age showed in this match as he was a little bit slower to recover from the Vesseys attacks. Bryan Vessey was gonna go for a top rope fallaway slam when Sam Strong came out to watch the match. Larry Vessey chased him off but left Bryan wide open for a double team. They connected on a powerbomb neckbreaker and Flex made the cover for the win. 50.0% reaction 72.9% quality and 56.4% overall. [B]Liberty vs Genghis Rahn for the TCW Hardcore Title[/B] This match was put together last minute as TP didn't feel Rahn was defending his title enough. Liberty was dominating the whole time. Rahn was put down by a hard chair shot. Then Liberty sized up Rahn and hit the Liberation Slam when BLZ ran in and used a baseball bat on Liberty. Rahn slowly rolled onto Liberty as BLZ just watched the ref count the 3 count. Genghis Rahn retains the title. 67.9% reaction 57.2% quality and 61.7% overall. [B]Gumble Needs a Partner[/B] Steve Gumble walks into a lockerroom and the camera quickly pans to the name tag... Rick Law. 50.9% [B]The Tokyo Express vs Steve Gumble & ???[/B] Ota dominated when Gumble was in the ring but Rick Law was just too strong for everyone involved in this match. Law hit the Long Arm of the Law on Narato to pick up the win. 44.4% reaction 71.5% quality and 50.3% overall. Gumble and Law face Flex N Pecs for the Tag Titles in the finals of the Tourney. [B]Elmo vs TP[/B] TP hit a lot of powerful brawler moves throughout the match and Elmo used his speed. TP seemed close to a win when Jump Supreme Shrimp ran in and hit TP with a chair. The ref called for the bell and the two men started laying a double team beating on TP. Then out from the back came Tommy Cornell to run the SWF off. 35.0% reaction 56.4% quality and 34.7% overall. [B]Charlie Thatcher vs Troy Tornado for the International Title[/B] Charlie Thatcher won with a sitout powerbomb on Troy Tornado to win the International Title. 58.8% reaction 56.6% quality and 55.3% overall. [B]Flex N Pecs vs Gumble & Law for the Tag Team Titles[/B] Rick Law established himself as the dominant man in the match but his lack of experience hurt as he kept trying to stop double teams and distracting the referee. Gumble was the obvious weak man in the ring while Pecs was the most experienced. Pecs got Law in a figure-4 outside of the ring while Flex his Gumble with a brutal neck breaker off the top rope to pick up the win. 48.2% reaction 69.0% quality and 50.8% overall. Flex N Pecs are the NEW TCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! [B]Tommy Cornell vs Sam Strong for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B] Tommy Cornell shined once again. Sam Strongs fatigue from wrestling twice in one week showed. Cornell got the win with the Guilt Trip knocking Sam Strong out again. Then out came the Vessey Brothers who obliterated Cornell and Strong. Bryan held the title up and spit on it then dropped it on Tommy. 82.0% reaction 68.0% quality and 81.4% overall. [B]Show Overall: 43.1% :( 163,793 buys(0.37 buyrate)[/B] [B][U]NEWS: [/U] [I]Ota and Pecs have become best friends. Rick Law, Flex, and Pecs all want to discuss their push as they all feel they are better than lower card draws now.[/B][/I] [I]OOC: I knew this show was gonna be bad because I had a lot of matches on the card. I am trying to set everything up for the long haul and not just for a couple weeks.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Lime"]Wrestling News[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Tommy Cornell is very upset with TP for the decline of interest in TCW. A recent poll with wrestling fans showed the TCW ratings around 77.8% in the US and the recent one is at 72% which is a big drop. SWF was 75% and is now 78%. Cornells bank account has doubled since TP took over as head booker though. Also in TCW news Bruce the Giant has signed with them recently at what is guessed to be over $15,000 a month. He should be a huge draw in the main event scene. TP commented and said, "I have let myself down. I have been upsetting myself with my performance. My expectations were to start to establish a dominance over SWF by now and that hasn't happened. I hope to gain some ground in the coming months. Any feedback and suggestions would be appreciated. I am always entertaining our fans requests. That is all I have to say."[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="lime"][SIZE="4"]TCW Weekly Card[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong vs The Vessey Brothers Rip Chord vs Johnny Bloodstone vs Sniper Scout Ota vs Narato vs American Elemental vs ???
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Lime"][B]TCW Website[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Today TP and Tommy Cornell started accepting applications for the next best wrestler. Basically the fans have a chance to join the TCW. You just need to fill out the application(its a thread titled "training camp for my diary" so go there if you want to submit yourself or any characters you have made.) to join the TCW.[/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC: I think it will be fun to see what I can do with some of your workers that you guys created in my diary.[/B][/I] Direct Link ~~> [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13313"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13313[/URL]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TCW Weekly[/SIZE] Live from New York[/COLOR][/B] [I]Preshow: Rick Law self promo-75.0% Rick Law over Eisaku Kunomasu-49.9% 78.6% 44.2% Rich Money over Jacob Jett-34.0% 58.8% 43.4%[/I] Stevie Grayson kicked off the show talking about how he is the greatest young superstar the TCW has ever had. He went on to say he was the 4th man in the cruiserweight match. Overall 54.0% [B]American Elemental vs Ota vs Narato vs Stevie Grayson for the Cruiserweight Title[/B] Grayson put on a strong showing and backed up a lot of what he said. Ota hit a shining wizard on American Elemental outside of the ring and applied an STF while Narota picked up the pinfall on Grayson with a handful of tights winning the cruiserweight title. Ota saw it and didn't congratulate his partner. He just walked up the ramp obviously upset. 49.9% reaction, 66.7% quality, and 54.1% overall. Rip Chord and Sam Strong walk into each other backstage. They compliment each other and shake hands before walking in opposite directions. 81.9% overall [B]Rip Chord vs Johnny Bloodstone vs Sniper Scout[/B] Sniper Scout was the best worker in this match as he dominated everyone involved. Rip Chords experience kept him in it and helped him pull off the win in the end by applying a tarantula stretch on Bloodstone getting the tap out. 59.1% reaction, 74.2% quality, and 64.1% overall. Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong are found arguing backstage. Warren Technique walks up and starts interviewing them. They agree to set their differences aside due to their hatred for the Vessey Brothers. 85.1% overall. [B]Tommy Cornell & Sam Strong vs The Vessey Brothers[/B] Bryan Vessey hit 3 fallaway slams on Sam Strong and could have finished him but chose to toy with him. He tagged Larry in and he did the same. He then got pushed out of the ring allowing Sam Strong to make the tag. Larry got back in and tagged Bryan in after a Rough Justice Driver. Bryan got hit awkwardly by Tommy who then applied the Guilt Trip. Bryan got to Larry though for the tag who went for a clothesline which was reversed into a Guilt Trip. Sam Strong held Bryan Vessey down making Larry tap out to Cornell. After the match the Vesseys double up on Sam Strong after Cornell leaves the ring. They use a chair and hit a double powerbomb in the center of the ring. Tommy Cornell returns to the ring running them off. He helps Sam to his feet as the crowd cheers. 66.6% reaction, 67.1% quality, and 72.0% overall. [B]68.6% Show Overall 33,242 PPV Buys (0.08) 12,905 Attended[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="Lime"][SIZE="4"]Wrestle News The Magazine[/SIZE][/COLOR] JD Morgan, Mitch Naess, Nicolas Lopez, Danny Patterson, Simon Munoz(The Missile), and Shane Cornell sign TCW contracts. American World Sport is going to be running a lightweight article on the TCW next month. Tommy Cornells popularity has dropped to an alarming 76% in the USA. People say his gimmick isn't strong enough to carry him. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="lime"][SIZE="4"]TCW Website[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/B] Confirmed Matches: The Fly Boys vs The Tag Team Specialists Demons of Rage vs The Bodybuilders(Jeff Nova and Peter Valentine) Other: TP has an announcement about Tommy Cornell. Mitch Naess had a sit down interview with the SWF and Jack Bruce this week in his first week of work with the TCW. All this and much more promised at TCW Friday Night Wrestling. [/QUOTE]
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[B]The Fly Boys [/B]vs The Tag Team Specialists Really dislike the specialists [B]Demons of Rage [/B]vs The Bodybuilders(Jeff Nova and Peter Valentine) I like Nova but I don't like Valentine so much that I will hope Nova loses because of him [QUOTE]Wrestle News The Magazine JD Morgan, Mitch Naess, Nicolas Lopez, Danny Patterson, [B]Simon Munoz(The Missile)[/B], and Shane Cornell sign TCW contracts.[/QUOTE] Woo hoo I got hired... oh yeah and the green for the "Wrestle News The Magazine" is really hard to see.
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[QUOTE]The Fly Boys vs The Tag Team Specialists Really dislike the specialists[/QUOTE] Honestly I do not like most guys on my roster which is why I like TCW. I am slowly going to revamp it and turn it into my own which is why I started my training camp post where you signed up. [QUOTE]Demons of Rage vs The Bodybuilders(Jeff Nova and Peter Valentine) I like Nova but I don't like Valentine so much that I will hope Nova loses because of him[/QUOTE] Peter Valentine has bad stats but is experienced. I tend to like guys with high psychology for some reason. I think of Ric Flair who isn't the best wrestler anymore but can teach people valuable lessons when I think of psychology. [QUOTE]Quote: Wrestle News The Magazine JD Morgan, Mitch Naess, Nicolas Lopez, Danny Patterson, Simon Munoz(The Missile), and Shane Cornell sign TCW contracts. Woo hoo I got hired... oh yeah and the green for the "Wrestle News The Magazine" is really hard to see.[/QUOTE] I will use a different color from now on. Thank you for submitting your worker and for the constructive criticism. Stay tuned to see how your worker is used. I have already booked a month in advance and written down all the results.
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: Champagne Lover self hype 12.6% Eisaku Kunomasu over Champagne Lover 33.6% 80.0% 50.9% Hell Monkey self hype 17.1% Sniper Scout over JD Morgan and Johnny Bloodstone in a 3-way 49.2% 84.6% 60.7% Valentine self hype 51.0% Rich Money attacks Rick Law 51.5% Yosuke Narita over Valentine 2.6% 48.0% 11.8% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The show started with BLZ Bubbs intro music. He steps in the ring and says "I am sick of not getting matches. I show up every week to every show but am never booked. Well I am sick of it so right now I am issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back. I do not care if you are TP himself but someone get out here and fight." [I]Some strange unfamiliary music hits...[/I] Out comes Champagne Lover with a microphone... "Face me tonight!" 41.3% overall [B]Largest Wrestler In the World is Signed to TCW[/B] After a short commercial break the lights go out and TP shows up on screen. "These last few weeks I have been very active in free agency. TCW Fans be prepared to see some new talent all over your screens as we enter the TP era of EVOLUTION! The most recent addition to the TCW roster is this man." [I]A spotlight shines in the ring as a 7 foot monster stands there looking out into the crowd with a menacing look on his face.[/I] "THAT IS BRUCE THE GIANT!" [I]Bruce the Giants music plays as he slowly walks up the ramp playing to the crowd with a lone spotlight on him.[/I] 55.2% overall [B]The Fly Boys vs The Tag Team Specialists[/B] Jimmy P and Donnie J put on a great match of high flying maneuvers. Oxford and Bryant used a more technical wrestling approach. In the end Donnie J was in the ring and dropkicked Bryant off the apron and made a tag. He and Jimmy were going to double team Robert Oxford but Oxford ducked a double clothesline and quickly threw Donnie J outside of the ring. He used his trademark Oxford Education on Jimmy P and picked up the pinfall! 41.1% reaction 53.0% quality 47.9% overall [B]TCW Needs some Law and Order[/B] Rick Law is backstage holding his head being attended by officials after a brutal attack in the preshow. Warren Technique walks up and asks if he is badly hurt. Rick Law says, "yeah I am hurt! The doctor says I have bruiser ribs but I am challenging Rich Money to a match tonight! You and me one on one no sneak attacks and no outside interference. You will suffer the long arm of the law tonight. Now get away from me." 72.9% overall [B]BLZ Bubb vs Champagne Lover[/B] Champagne made his on screen TCW debut and didn't dissappoint. He had a great showing. He showed a lot of speed, skill, and athletic ability. The crowd rallied behind him but in the end BLZ was just too powerful for him. BLZ hit 3 consecutive chokeslams in an attempt to impress TP and the rest of the booking committee. The ref called for the bell as Champagne layed there out cold. 42.8% reaction 59.4% quality 47.9% overall [B]Superstar Arrival[/B] Tommy Cornell arrives in some blue jeans, and a black sleeveless Rough Justice t-shirt. 65.8% overall [B]Rick Law vs Rich Money[/B] Rick Law favored his ribs a lot in this match. Rich Money dominated and finally won via a Money Clip which led to the three count. 52.3% reaction 72.7% quality 58.7% overall [B]TP Comes Through[/B] TP walks out onto the ramp with a mic. "Over the last few weeks Tommy Cornells popularity has dropped in his helping of Sam Strong to fend off Bryan and Larry Vessey. Now as TCW head of booking I can't have a World Champion who the fans seem to resent. So I am going to give a young buck a chance to take down Cornell for the HGC World Championship. Also I have ordered a new title to be made and that is the TCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE. If Cornell wants a shot at that title he better successfully defend the HGC Title for awhile. Oh the youngster who he will face is... Jacob Jett from Michigan. Good luck Tommy." 60.5% overall [B]Mitch Naess' First Interview[/B] "Mitch here having a sit down interview with the faction known as the Supreme Wrestling Faction or SWF. My first question for you guys is... why did you choose to invade the TCW? Also are you still on the SWF roster?" Danny B Bling says, "Man what kind of questions are those? We came over from the Supreme Wrestling Federation. We have held hatred for TCW since they were HGC. We signed with TCW not forgetting our routes to SWF and decided we would take down this promotion. You have a World Champ who the fans hate right now so that leaves us the rest of the roster to target. Our goal is to take every title of this promotion and eventually take over TCW as a whole and rename it to SWF:Minors. I think this interview is over though as we have leaked enough info as it is. Come on guys lets leave this place." He makes a waving motion to Elmo, Duane Fry, and Jumbo Shrimp to leave. [I]Mitch tries to get them to answer more questions but they just ignore him.[/I] 74.4% overall [B]Demons of Rage vs The Bodybuilders[/B] Nova kept getting in trouble throughout the match and Peter Valentine made save after save. Demon Anger hit a dangerous looking ddt from the corner on Jeff Nova and made the pin. Spite ran across the ring and hit Peter in the face with a vicious elbow busting him wide open above the eye. Nova couldn't kick out and Demons of Rage win. 50.7% reaction 49.9% quality 48.5% overall [B]Rough Justice is a Hero[/B] Warren Technique finds Cornell in the back reading a letter from one of his fans. "Tommy what is that and what does it say?" Tommy replies, "It is from a young fan of mine who is glad that I saved Strong over the last few weeks. It says I got a fan for life in him... Tommy Richter thank you. I appreciate the letter but I am still not a hero and I am not a friend of Sams. I still dislike him very much. See over the last few weeks I realized that I am great! I do not need to cheat or to use weapons every chance I get. I studied my own matches and realized I allowed my opponents a lot of time to recover or to use the weapons against me when I could win using my own bare hands and maneuvers. So fans of TCW you may not like me but I do not care. I am challenging myself now to fight as fair as possible and to win as many matches in a row as I can. This HGC Title is the most prestigious title in this promotion. So TP wants to bring in a new World Title... that is fine. We can unify them. As for Jacob Jett... who the hell is he? Has he wrestled anywhere? SWF? No. TCW? No. So I guess TP thinks he has found a diamond. Well I will show that Jett is just some punk off the street and I will put him away with the Guilt Trip." 77.0% overall [B]Mitch Naess Second Sit Down Interview[/B] "I am now here with Rock Star Jack Bruce. We haven't seen you much lately what have you been up to?" "Well Mitch I have been out promoting myself and my music career. I will be returning back to TCWs ring on TCW Weekly next week. I am in the best shape I have ever been and my body is at 100%. Me and Liberty will be teaming up for our first match ever together against BLZ Bubb and Bryan Vessey. I think TP made this match to dictate who his top stars are and to see what we all have." "Wow Jack you and Liberty should make a great team. Why haven't we seen you with Painful Procedure much? Internet rumors say that you guys have been struggling to see eye to eye lately. Is it true that you want to seperate from the guys?" Jack adjusts in his seat. "Mitch those are just rumors. I mean why would people believe that? Its purely speculation and I wish people would quit saying that. As you can see Floyd isn't my singles manager anymore but he is the bands manager. I guess that could be why people think what they do. I mean he and I do not travel together like we used to but we both have our own lives to live. I still love those guys like brothers and they are working on their own careers as wrestlers too. We are still a band and closer than ever." Mitch smiles... "Well I guess that is all I wanted to know. Thank you for your time and good luck in your match next week." 83.0% overall [B]Tommy Cornell vs Jacob Jett for the HGC World Title.[/B] Tommy Cornell struts to the ring with no fear on his face. He kinda looks pissed off. Jacob Jett walked to the ring playing to the crowd with an arrogant smile on his face. The match got going with very little hesitation on either mans part. Jett tried to outrun Tommy but Tommy kept up quite well. Tommy did seem impressed with Jetts airial moves but again Cornell showed that he is the best. Tommy Cornell applied the Guilt Trip easily and got the tap out almost immediately. 44.6% reaction 60.6% quality 48.8% overall [B]Show Overall:[/B]60.1% [B]Attendance:[/B]9,946 [B]Viewers: [/B]441,769 down by 17,481 [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"][B]Wrestling News Rumors Website[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]News: [/B]The TCW Weekly Card looks like this... Main Event is Liberty and Jack Bruce vs Bryan Vessey and BLZ Bubb. Randall Hopkirk and BJ Shearer vs Elmo and Jumbo Supreme Shrimp. Genghis Rahn will defend the Hardcore Title against Steve Gumble. Raul Hughes and Yoshii Shiomi got into a fight backstage at a BHOTWG event last week. TP was on Canadian Sportscast last night and put Enygma over heavily. Enygma has good relationships with TP and Tommy Cornell now but still works for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. [B]Rumors: [/B]BLZ Bubb is being heavily pursued by DAVE, SWF, and BHOTWG. All members of Painful Procedure could be looking for jobs with new promotions by the end of the month.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B]TCW Weekly[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: TP self hype 52.6% Madman Boone self hype 18.5% Madman Boone over Paul Steadyfast 27.2% 48.3% 27.9% Hell Monkey self hype 21.6% Danny Rushmore over Hell Monkey 21.6% 69.6% 34.6% Champagne Lover hypes match 6.8%(Needs new gimmick) Yosuke Narita over Champagne Lover 9.2% 65.0% 24.7%(Both need new gimmicks) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TCW Weekly kicks off with Liberty in the ring holding a microphone. Liberty speaks while looking into the camera... "Hey dudes... How are all my fans doing?" Crowd pops slightly. "Everyone knows how I feel about wrestling but you don't know how I feel about wrestling in the main event. It doesn't matter because I am Liberty. I am always cool whether I am in the main event or not. BLZ Bubb and Bryan Vessey need to look out for me. Jack Bruce you need to watch your back too because I don't trust you and you shouldn't trust me. Tonight I win the match and go on to do whatever it is I feel like doing. Thank you TCW FANS!" 45.8% overall [B]Genghis Rahn vs Steve Gumble for the TCW Hardcore Title[/B] Rahn ran into the ring and stayed on his kneeds holding his title above his head while looking straight up at the lights and title above his head. Gumble and Rahn got into an intense brawl which Rahn showed why he was favored. He gained the advantage and grabbed a chair. He set it on Gumble and then stomped on it. Rahn dominated throwing Gumble into many objects throughout the match. He went to pick Gumble up above his head when Gumble grabbed the ropes and pulled himself down. Gumble dropkicked Rahn to the outside of the ring and grabbed a chair. He went outside and crept around the post and tossed the chair up into Rahns face to hit a dropkick. Rahn fell over and Steve put the chair on top of him. Gumble rolled into the ring climbed the ropes and his a double back elbow(just like partner Harry Allen). He rolled up Rahn and got the pinfall to win the TCW HARDCORE TITLE! 58.6% reaction 59.1% quality 62.2% overall [B]Rock Stars Rock On[/B] Jack Bruce was backstage with a cup of water with Warren Technique conducting an interview. "I am a Rockstar, Warren. Whether Liberty likes me or not doesn't matter. Tonight we are partners and we depend on each other. I am the lead singer of Painful Procedure and tonight I will keep on rockin on." 82.1% overall [B]Painful Procedure HATE the SWF[/B] Mitch Naess is in Painful Procedures locker room and he approaches Floyd Goldworthy. "Floyd how are BJ and Randall prepared for this match?" Floyd snickers and says, "BJ and Randall are big and strong. They have intensity. They also have a loyalty and love to the TCW fans. They do not like how the SWF talked about TCW on Friday Night Wrestling. Frankly I don't either. We all want to see SWF go back to where they belong and that isn't here in the TCW! TONIGHT! BJ and Randall are going to MANHANDLE THOSE CHUMPS! Now we need to prepare so get out." 74.9% overall [B]Painful Procedure vs SWF[/B] Painful Procedure battled toe to toe with SWF who were fighting dirty every chance they could. Danny B Bling, and Duane Fry were constantly distracting the referee or the man on the apron to prevent tags. Elmo surprisingly held his own and eventually hit the Adventures of Elmo on BJ to pick up the pinfall. 47.0% reaction 45.2% quality 41.0% overall [B]BLZ Bubb and Bryan Vessey Want Some![/B] "Warren Technique here with Bryan Vessey and BLZ Bubb. Tonight you guys face 2 of the premiere guys of the TCW. What are your thoughts about this match?" BLZ snorts, "I WANT SOME ACTION! I WANT TO CRUSH SKULLS!" Bryan Vessey grabs the mic. "I want to get a piece of Tommy Cornell I do not care who stands in my way. Tonight it is Jack Bruce and Liberty so I will dispose of them I guess. Tommy you and me. One on one for the HGC World Title! Accept my challenge you *****! Tonight Jack and Liberty be very afraid cuz we will crush you." 56.6% overall [B]BLZ Bubb and Bryan Vessey vs Jack Bruce and Liberty[/B] BLZ was slow and sluggish. He delivered some good slams on Liberty. Bryan Vessey hurt Liberty as well. Jack Bruce got in fresh but was quickly double teamed and manhandled by BLZ Bubb. Jack Bruce regained his composure and hit a neckbreaker on Bubb and made the tag to Liberty. BVess was tagged in as well and hit a powerslam immediately on Liberty to pick up the pinfall. 68.1% reaction 72.2% quality 72.7% overall [B]Show Overall:[/B]62.2% [B]Attendance:[/B]19,811 [B]Buys:[/B]54,657(0.12 buyrate) [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]TCW Website[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Josh Nash, Cat Jemson, Eddie Chandler, Tony Guidotti, and Nick Clements have just signed deals with TCW. TP agrees to go on Canadian Sportscast again. After the show last week they wanted him back on in a few weeks. TCW Weekly will no longer be on PPV. [B]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/B] Rick Law vs Yosuke Narita Flex & Pecs VS The Fly Boys for the Tag Team Titles Charlie Thatcher VS Ronnie V Pain for the International Title Sam Strong has Tommy Cornell and Bryan Vessey on the Strong Show All this and more Friday on Friday Night Wrestling! [/QUOTE]
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Live In Texas[/B][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: Zeus Maximillion self hype 53.9% Zeus Maximillion over Shane Cornell 9.8% 63.7% 25.5% Axxis Jr. self hype 54.3% Axxis Jr. over Simon Munoz 1.8% 71.6% 19.7% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Who?[/B] A man with a mohawk and an eyebrow piercing walks to the ring with a mic. "I am Heavy Metal Danny Patterson. I am here for the long haul and I plan to beat my way to the top of TCW. My first goal is to capture the Hardcore Title. Then I want the International Title followed by the Tag Titles. Then to cap it all off the WORLD TITLE!" 1.1% overall Road Agents Notes: Patterson needs a gimmick change [B]Rick Law vs Yosuke Narita[/B] Rick Law is a better brawler which was known but he also was quicker to recover from attacks due to age. Yosuke is more experienced and a better all around wrestler but in the end Law was too much to handle. The size advantage showed as Law caught him with the Long Arm of the Law and picked up the pinfall. 26.2% reaction 67.2% quality 41.7% overall Road Agents Notes: Narita needs a gimmick change [B]Sam Strong Show: Tommy Cornell and Bryan Vessey guests[/B] Sam Strong started the show by thanking both men for being on the show. "Thank you for being here and please remember to act professional. I do not want you two fighting yet. Bryan you know I do not like you and that is what started everything in the first place. Tommy you know that your help caused this feud with Bryan right? So why if you both hate me do you want to fight each other?" Tommy spoke up, "Sam you selfish bastard. This isn't about you at all. I love to fight and I hate everyone in this ring. I saw a chance to fight him some more when they attacked you. I wasn't trying to help you." Bryan interupted, "I feel the same way. Except I just want that title strap around my waist. The only person I am looking out for in TCW is my brother Larry. Sam you were a stepping stone for me and nothing more. I have wanted to fight Cornell for a long time. Now I can show the world that Tommy is overrated. I am the best in this ring. Tommy are you ready to feel the effects of my new finisher... The HARD KNOX? You punk." [I]With that Cornell and Bryan began to brawl around the ring. Sam got fed up and left. Cornell and Vessey brawled through the crowd and out of the arena. Officials finally broke it up.[/I] 74.4% overall [B]Flex & Pecs vs The Fly Boys for the Tag Team Titles[/B] This was a rough clash of styles that went on for awhile. It looked like it could have went either way when out ran the Tag Team Specialists. They got in the ring and Robert Oxford hit his trademark on both Fly Boys allowing Joel Bryant to apply the Texas Cloverleaf on Donnie J. Flex and Pecs grabbed their belts and left. Afterwards The Fly Boys grabbed a mic and yelled at the TTS. Oxford and Bryan laughed but told them that it wasn't fair that they got the shots and that the TTS were more deserving since they won last week. 47.0% reaction 46.4% quality 27.0% overall(OUCH) Road Agents Notes: Match was far too long for the workers involved. [B]TP is Pissed Off[/B] [I]TP paces back and forth on the stage after we return from a commercial break.[/I] "Tommy Cornell wants to fight tonight? Well tonight Tommy you will. You and Bryan Vessey will go head to head in our main event for the World Title. Good luck you rebellious bastard." 64.4% overall [B]Charlie Thatcher vs Ronnie V. Pain for the International Title[/B] Ronnie V. Pain has support from Goldworthy at ringside to rally him on. Pain hits a lot of sloppy looking moves. He is very sluggish in the ring but could at least hold his own. Charlie Thatchers intensity was too much for Pain though. He hit a sit out powerbomb and picked up the pinfall to retain his title. 63.2% reaction 45.4% quality 61.8% overall [B]Mitch Naess' Corner[/B] [I]Mitch has his own show now where he conducts a sit down interview with someone of his choosing each week.[/I] "Thank you TCW for giving me my own weekly sit down interview show. Tonight my guest is Ricky Dale. Dale you are hugely popular but aren't utilized by the TCW booking committee do you think it is cuz of your degenerate style?" Ricky looks shocked, "Ya know I don't care if they use me or not because I am getting paid. I have been sitting at home watching every week waiting to find someone to mess with but nobody interests me so I guess I will sit around and get paid. I also feel it is time for a change. I need to grow up and quit acting like I am 20. It is fun to cause trouble but that side of me has changed. From now on I will not start things with anyone. I want a fight next week though so TCW find me an opponent or I will make myself an opponent." 71.4% overall Road Agents Notes: Dale needs a new gimmick. [B]Tommy Cornells Feelings About his Match[/B] [I]Tommy walks up to a camera backstage where Warren seems to be chatting with the cameraman.[/I] "Hey Warren give me that mic and film me. TP you ungrateful *****. I have carried this promotion. Tonight you gave me a match I want as punishment for my quote, behavior unquote. Well thank you but you see I think you are the one who isn't behaving. I will take care of Bryan Vessey but then who will be my #1 contender? There isn't anyone in this company I haven't disposed of. So Bryan look out because I am fired up." 81.9% overall [B]Axxis Jr. Makes his TCW Television Debut[/B] [I]Rip Chord is wearing a suit and approaches Axxis Jr. in the catering area.[/I] "Axxis Jr., I followed you a little bit in Mexico and you were great. What brings you to the TCW?" "Well I am here for some fresh new matches and to establish myself in the United States. Chord I am a huge fan of yours. You are a legend and I plan on being able to face some of the industries best here. Is that it? Can I go back to my own business?" Rip looks pissed, "Yeah, that is it." Rip makes a cut motion to the camera. 61.0% overall [B]Tommy Cornell vs Bryan Vessey[/B] Cornell and Vessey exchanged so many different holds that most Americans never use. It seemed like a stale mate but in the end Tommy Cornell had the advantage. Larry Vessey came down and distracted the referee allowing Rich Money to slip in the back of the ring with a chair. Tommy turns and sees him. Rich swings it but Tommy ducks causing Bryan to get hit upside the head with it. Cornell superkicks Rich. Rich rolls out of the ring. Cornell charges at Larry. Larry drops down. Tommy bounces off the ropes and hits a hard elbow on Bryan and gets the pinfall to retain his title. Rich Money and Bryan Vessey lay a beating on Cornell. Then Sam Strong and Rick Law run down to make the save. The show ends with Law and Strong leaning over the ropes yelling up the isle at Rich and the Vesseys. 70.9% reaction 88.6% quality 83.8% overall [B]Show Overall: [/B]56.8% [B]Attendance: [/B]15,402 [B]Viewers: [/B]450,933 up by 9,164
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Ok I will post the important stats here right now for the created guys. My next post will be my roster. [B]True Perfection Shane Cornell[/B] brawl-28.6% flying-15.0% mat-74.0% chain-61.1% submissions-65.5% power-55.0% athleticism-60.0% stamina-50.0% psychology-77.0% basics-74.0% toughness-56.0% selling-68.0% charisma-87.0% microphone-88.0% superstar looks-91.0% sex appeal-94.0% menace-24.0% announcing-47.0% color commentary-56.0% referee-46.0% desire-98.4% temper-47.0% attitude-78.0% behavior-100.0% booking-48.0% [B]The Missile Simon Munoz[/B] brawl-19.0% flying-45.6% mat-80.0% chain-41.5% submissions-46.3% power-55.4% athleticism-78.0% stamina-62.0% psychology-36.5% basics-37.4% toughness-57.0% selling-48.8% charisma-83.1% microphone-81.0% superstar looks-41.3% sex appeal-34.7% menace-38.8% announcing-2.6% color commentary-1.7% referee-51.3% desire-99.7% temper-100.0% attitude-100.0% behavior-100.0% booking-4.4% [B]Tony Guidotti aka Maxx Hexx[/B] brawl-36.4% flying-44.6% mat-34.7% chain-80.0% submissions-57.9% power-57.0% athleticism-59.5% stamina-60.3% psychology-90.0% basics-100.0% toughness-74.4% selling-85.2% charisma-0.0% microphone-90.0% superstar looks-62.8% sex appeal-0.0% menace-0.0% announcing-85.0% color commentary-83.2% referee-84.1% desire-100.0% temper-81.5% attitude-55.8% behavior-87.7% booking-29.2% [B]Nick Clements aka Senor Ignition[/B] brawl-34.7% flying-70.0% mat-35.5% chain-60.0% submissions-35.5% power-49.6% athleticism-70.0% stamina-99.0% psychology-41.3% basics-44.6% toughness-46.3% selling-76.0% charisma-66.1% microphone-56.2% superstar looks-60.3% sex appeal-62.0% menace-63.7% announcing-54.9% color commentary-54.9% referee-78.8% desire-100.0% temper-67.3% attitude-69.1% behavior-71.7% booking-11.5% [B]The Lionheart Derek Blackley[/B] brawl-41.3% flying-24.8% mat-54.6% chain-40.5% submissions-85.2% power-45.5% athleticism-47.1% stamina-67.8% psychology-71.1% basics-31.4% toughness-69.4% selling-72.8% charisma-60.0% microphone-60.0% superstar looks-66.0% sex appeal-66.0% menace-66.0% announcing-60.2% color commentary-61.1% referee-60.2% desire-100.0% temper-75.2% attitude-93.9% behavior-52.2% booking-31.8% Remember my game is TEW04 so I had to improvise some stats you guys gave me. My girlfriend helped me with my stats and she doesn't know anything about wrestling lol but it was fun. [B]If you want to have a shot to join my diary go to the thread here in the diaries titled TRAINING CAMP. That is your chance to join the TCW and work your way up to the top.[/B]
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[SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]TCW Roster[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Main Eventers Faces:[/B] Tommy Cornell- [COLOR="orange"][B]=HGC World Heavyweight Champion=[/B][/COLOR] Liberty Jack Bruce [B]Heels:[/B] BLZ Bubb Bruce The Giant (Shane Sneer as manager) [B]Tweeners:[/B] Bryan Vessey [B]Upper Midcarders Faces:[/B] Peter Valentine Rip Chord(semi retired) Ronnie V. Pain (Floyd Goldworthy as manager) Troy Tornado [B]Heels:[/B] Charlie Thatcher- [B][COLOR="orange"]=TCW International Champ=[/COLOR][/B] Demon Anger Eisaku Kunomasu Genghis Rahn Rich Money Ricky Dale Sniper Scout [B]Midcarders Faces:[/B] American Elemental B.J. (Floyd Goldworth as manager) J.D. Morgan Jeff Nova (Shane Sneer as manager) Randall Rick Law Steve Gumble- [B][COLOR="orange"]=TCW Hardcore Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Stevie Grayson [B]Heels:[/B] Demon Spite Elmo (Danny B Bling as manager) Flex- [COLOR="orange"][B]=TCW 1/2 Tag Team Champion=[/B][/COLOR] Grunt Jumbo Supreme Shrimp (Danny B Bling as manager) Narato- [B][COLOR="orange"]=TCW Cruiserweight Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Ota Pecs- [B][COLOR="orange"]=TCW 1/2 Tag Team Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Robert Oxford Stink [B]Tweeners:[/B] Johnny Bloodstone Larry Vessey [B]Lower Midcarders Faces:[/B] Champagne Lover (Floyd Goldworthy as manager) Donnie J. Harry Allen(Injured with broken neck until July 10, 2007) Jimmy P. Madman Boone [B]Heels:[/B] Eddie Chandler (Cat Jemson as valet) Hell Monkey Joel Bryant Paul Steadyfast Yosuke Narita [B]Tweeners:[/B] Danny Rushmore [B]Openers Faces:[/B] Maxx Hexx Tony Guidotti (TRAINING CAMP GUY) Nicolas Lopez (Injured with major knee injurty until January 13, 2007) True Perfection Shane Cornell (TRAINING CAMP GUY) The Missile Simon Munoz (TRAINING CAMP GUY) Valentine (Shane Sneer as manager) Whippy The Clown [B]Heels:[/B] Axxis Jr. Danny Heavy Metal Patterson Josh Nash Zeus Maximillion [B]Managers Faces:[/B] Floyd Goldworthy [B]Heels:[/B] Danny B Bling [B]Valets: Heels:[/B] Cat Jemson [B]Authority Figures: Heels:[/B] TP Shane Sneer [B]Personalities Faces:[/B] Sam Strong (semi retired worker) Warren Technique (primarily used as interviewer) [B]Heels:[/B] Jacob Jett (earning experience as jobber once in awhile) [B]Referees[/B]- Eugene Williams, Ray Johnson, and Sam Sparrow [B]Announcers[/B]- Jason Azaria, and Kyle Rhodes [B]Interviewers[/B]- Mitch Naess, and Duane Fry [B]Stables[/B] Eastern Coalition- Eisaku Kunomasu, Ota, and Narato Painful Procedure- Jack Bruce, B.J., Randall, and Ronnie V. Pain Sneer Corporation- Shane Sneer, Jeff Nova, Peter Valentine, and Valentine Supreme Wrestling Faction- Danny B Bling, Duane Fry, Elmo, and Jumbo Supreme Shrimp [B]Tag Teams[/B] Flex and Pecs- Flex and Pecs The All-American Boys- Troy Tornado and Stevie Grayson The Bodybuilders- Jeff Nova and Peter Valentine The Demons of Rage- Demon Anger and Demon Spite The Fly Boys- Jimmy P. and Donnie J. The Hit Men- Joel Bryant and Paul Steadyfast The Nation of Filth- Stink and Grunt The Tag Team Specialists- Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford The Tokyo Express- Narato and Ota The Vessey Brothers- Bryan Vessey and Larry Vessey The Young Guns- Harry Allen and Steve Gumble [B]Booking Committee[/B]- Jason Azaria, Rip Chord, Charlie Thatcher, Tommy Cornell, and Sam Strong [B]Road Agents[/B]- Rip Chord, Tommy Cornell, Jason Azaria, Sam Strong, and Floyd Goldworthy [I]72.5% over in the USA[/I] [FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]SUPREME WRESTLING FEDERATIONS TOP 5 WORKERS[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Enygma- [I]friends with TP and Tommy Cornell of the TCW[/I] Runaway Train Richard Eisen Christian Faith- [B][COLOR="Orange"]=SWF World Heavyweight Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Sam Keith Others: Remo- [B][COLOR="orange"]=SWF North American Champion=[/COLOR][/B] bright young prospect Warlord Agony- [B][COLOR="orange"]=SWF World Tag Team Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Warlord Pain- [B][COLOR="orange"]=SWF World Tag Team Champion=[/COLOR][/B] [I]75.9% over in the USA[/I] [B][FONT="Courier New"]Danger and Violence Extremes Top 5 Workers[/FONT][/B] Eric Tyler- [B][COLOR="Orange"]=DAVE Unified Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Chris Caulfield Shawn Gonzalez- [B][COLOR="orange"]=DAVE Tag Team Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Vin Tanner- [B][COLOR="orange"]=Dave Tag Team Champion=[/COLOR][/B] Johnny Martin- [B][COLOR="orange"]=DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion=[/COLOR][/B] [I]58.9% over in the USA[/I]
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Look at that Derek I always knew your didn't have the best behaviour... My stats came out well. My Mic and Charisma skills should help me get over ok in an SE fed and my Mat and Athleticism should help me in my matches. Debut opening match I lost to Axxis Jr. and I'm pretty happy with that. The new format is good, if it were me though I might try to put the road agents notes into the match description. So instead of Road Agents Notes: Match was far too long for the workers involved. figure out whihc guys had the lowest stamina and write "By the end of the match so and so looked really tired and the fans obviously could tell."
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Ricky Dale will be in attendance looking for a fight. Robert Oxford vs Donnie J. Mitch Naess corner #2 will have Sam Strong as a guest Champagne Lover vs Hell Monkey More matches to be announced at a later time... [/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] Nick I haven't signed your guy yet but I will figure out how to use him. Shane Cornell has good stats because his character will be related to Tommy Cornell and I wanted him to be pretty good. Simon I got plans for The Missle in tag team action with a special partner. Tony will be used for commentary for a little bit and in dark matches until some of his stats go up. Derek B I am gonna groom your guy to slowly come up the ranks. I view the guys I have in my "Training Camp" as challenging to use except Shane Cornell and I find it fun. In fact Derek if you want I can team you up with Simon but I will leave that up to you.[/I]
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Robert Oxford vs [B]Donnie J.[/B] Champagne Lover vs [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Derek and I are definately old friends teaming with hom would be cool and then maybe fueding with him after. Maybe be in seperate fueding tag teams and then when we both get fed up with our partners teaming up together against them.
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Live from Michigan[/COLOR][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow Eddie Chandler self hype with Cat Jemson 70.1% Eddie Chandler over Johnny Bloodstone 40.7% 82.5% 52.2% Josh Nash self hype 30.5% Madman Boone over Josh Nash 12.0% 37.0% 17.5% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Tommy Cornell Kicks Off the Show[/B] [I]Tommy Cornells music plays and out he comes from the curtains. The crowd are really behind him again. He steps in the ring with a smile on his face.[/I] "Hello Detroit! It is great to be here in Hockeytown. So last week I put Bryan Vessey away only to be attacked afterwards by Rich Money and him. Well that is fine. I am just glad that Sam Strong and Rick Law came to make the save. The important thing is that I still hold this HGC World Heavyweight Title! I understand Rich Money isn't here tonight but if he is watching then I want him in the building next week. Be there or else!" 85.1% overall [B]Robert Oxford vs Donnie J.[/B] The clash of styles didn't work too well here. Donnie J. is more of a high flyer while Oxford is a technical worker. Robert Oxford ducked a moonsault from Donnie J and used the Oxford Education finisher to defeat Donnie J. 44.6% reaction 56.9% quality 49.3% overall [B]Ricky Dale Delivers[/B] [I]Ricky Dale comes out in some standard clothes. He gets in the ring and waits a minute...[/I] "Well has the TCW come up with an opponent for me? My fists are taped I am ready to fight. No, there isn't an opponent for me? Ok fine I guess if nobody back there has the guts to come out here and face me I will come find someone." [I]Larry Vessey walks out holding a kendo stick and a microphone.[/I] "I want to fight you tonight. Are YOU [B]*points with kendo stick*[/B] ready for me?" 65.5% overall [B]Champagne Lover vs Hell Monkey[/B] Both men are waiting to get a big break here in the TCW. Hell Monkey is more of a talented brawler while Champagne is more versatile and well rounded. Champagne seemed to be winning when Hell Monkey pulled a Monkey Flip out of nowhere. Hell Monkey drove Champagne through a table outside of the ring and rolles Lover back in the ring. He then made the cover for the win. 23.8% reaction 70.1% quality 35.7% overall [B]Mitchs Corner with Guest Sam Strong[/B] "This week I have the biggest name in our sport on my show. Sam Strong thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to join me. Last week you and Rick Law saved Cornell but you were disrespected by Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell. Why did you do it?" "Well Mitch they just view me as an old guy that has no business being in the ring. My goal is to show them that I can still rumble with the best. Over the coming weeks something big will happen and they will regret disrespecting a legend such as myself. Tommy I will get that title whether I beat you for it or whoever else wins that title. I am a Legend for the future." 86.8% overall [B]Jimmy P. vs Joel Bryant[/B] TP booked this match earlier today to balance out the match ups with these teams. Again this match looked a lot like the other one except the winner this time was Jimmy P. who won after a SSP to get the win. 39.4% reaction 54.2% quality 44.1% overall [B]Ricky Dale interviewed by Warren Technique[/B] "Ricky you said you wanted a fight last week and well it took some time but you got one. You are facing one of the toughest TCW competitors in Larry Vessey what do you got to say about him?" "Warren thank you for interviewing me. It is my priviledge(rolls eyes). I do not care who I am fighting. I just want a fight and I will win no matter what I gotta do. Larry is tough but not smart. I am smart and tough. So let the best man win." 75.7% overall [B]Ricky Dale vs Larry Vessey[/B] Larry Vessey takes a lot of damage early but regains his composure. Larry hits Dale with some stiff clotheslines that turn the tide. In the end Ricky Dale mounts a comeback and makes a pinfall with a hand full of pants to get the win! 62.9% reaction 50.4% quality 62.6% overall [B]Jack Bruce interviewed by Tony Guidotti[/B] "This is Tony here with my first interview in the TCW. Jack Bruce you are a fantastic performer and I am a huge fan but tonight you face Genghis Rahn. How do you see that match unfolding?" "Well Tony, that is your name right? I am a Rock Star. Rahn is nothing more than a glorified garbage wrestler. He is known for using weapons and such to win matches. He is hardcore, and ugly. I am more of a skilled wrestler who doesn't need weapons. My fans know that Rahn isn't in my league and tonight I will prove it." 83.7% overall [B]SWF Has a Huge Announcement[/B] [I]The SWF show up on the big screen. They are all looking into the camera.[/I] Danny speaks up, "Hello out there! TCW fans we know you hate us... but we looooove you! In fact we love you so much we want you to meet our 2 newest members. Please meet... Eddie Chandler and his valet Cat Jemson. Now I know what you are thinking... Eddie came from DAVE so why is he with the SWF. Well DAVE hates TCW as well and we are going to eliminate TCW forever!" 54.3% overall [B]Jack Bruce vs Genghis Rahn[/B] Jack Bruce looked great. He carried Rahn to a decent match that focused a lot on brawling. Rahn looked to use a chair but Bruce kicked it back into his face before hitting the Rock City Drop and making the pinfall for the win. 64.3% reaction 64.0% quality 69.5% overall [B]Cornell Leaves[/B] Tommy Cornell is seen with his HGC Title over his shoulder and his bags in his other hand. He is wearing a black leather coat and some jeans. He seems content as he gets into his Black 2004 Mustang Cobra and drives off into the night. 75.2% overall [B]Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law[/B] Tommy Cornell should have stuck around to watch this match as Bryan Vessey still appears as the #1 contender for his title. Rick Law could be a future threat. Bryan Vessey hit the Hard Knox to get the pinfall and win furthering his status as the #1 contender for the HGC World Heavyweight Title. 62.0% reaction 83.8% quality 68.7% overall [B]Show Overall: [/B]65.9% [B]Attendance: [/B]9,757 [B]Viewers: [/B]849,675(up by 398,742) SWF only had 449,044(down by 299,830) TCW overness in USA-74.8% SWF overness in USA-74.4% [QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Wrestling News Website[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Nick Clements, Derek Blackley, Nemesis(injured) and Texas Pete sign with TCW. BLZ Bubb resigns with TCW for 8 more months. TP was on Canadian Sportscast again and put Sean McFly over heavily. [/QUOTE]
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