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TCW - Head to Head w/SWF

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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Live from Illinois[/COLOR][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow Shane Cornell self hype 55.0% (((NEEDS NEW GIMMICK))) Shane Cornell over Jacon Jett 15.0% 54.5% 21.0% Whippy The Clown self hype 46.9% Whippy The Clown over Zeus Maximillion 20.0% 69.0% 36.6% Bruce the Giant self hype with Shane Sneer 79.9% JD Morgan over Josh Nash 20.5% 62.6% 34.7% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Rich Money Showed Up[/B] [I]Rich stood right in the middle of the ring with a smirk on his face.[/I] "Tommy you want me you got me. I showed up like you wanted and I challenge you to a match tonight so you can back up what you said last week. Put that shiny belt on the line too so I can add it to my mantle of trophys." [I]Tommys music hits...[/I] "You challenge me? Don't you get it. I was challenging you last week to a match tonight. I hope you remember how to tap out or else you will have a broken neck tonight." 76.2% overall [B]Derek Blackley & Simon Munoz vs Demons of Rage[/B] Blackley and Munoz worked well together but were a little undersized in this match. The Demons worked them over pretty well and in the end Munoz and Blackley just had no chance. Demon Anger hit a powerbomb on Simon Munoz and made the easy pin for the win. 28.2% reaction 62.6% quality 34.7% overall [B]Axxis Jr Means Business[/B] "I am Axxis Jr. I am the next huge star in this industry. I will go down as the most legendary wrestler every and why? Because of evolution. I have evolved through studying many greats from the past. I am a student of the game and I will rule over all cruiserweights. Tonight I have a chance to earn a shot at the Cruiserweight Title. Oh trust me consider it done!" 70.1% overall [B]Tommy gets Attacked[/B] Tommy Cornell is in his lockerroom lacing up his boots when all of a suddent he gets a big boot to the back of his head. The camera shows Tommy laid out on the ground and then pans up to reveal the 7 foot giant Bruce the Giant to be exact with a smile on his face. 77.9% overall [B]American Elementals Thoughts[/B] "Ya know Axxis Jr. and I are about to face each other for a shot at the cruiserweight title and yet Axxis feels like he is a shoe in for the belt. Well he isn't if I have anything to say about it. I do not feel that I am just some pushover so Axxis I hope you are prepared otherwise this will be a walk in the park for me. Narota you better watch closely cuz I am coming for your title." 71.3% overall [B]American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. for Cruiserweight Title #1 contender[/B] Axxis Jr. had American Elemental beat multiple times but didn't try to cover. He toyed with him and show boated with lots of flashy moves. Then American Elemental swayed the momentum by rolling away from a top rope leg drop. He got Axxis in the corner and hit the US Pride Driver off the top rope and made the pin for the win. 32.1% reaction 84.8% quality 46.5% overall [B]Tommy Threatens Bruce[/B] "So the legend Bruce the Giant wants to attack me from behind. That is fine but you better not do it when I face Rich. Bruce you want me you can face me in the coming weeks and I will give you a chance for my belt since I know that is all you want. You do not realize who you are messing with. I am Rough Justice Tommy Cornell and I am gonna bring you to your knees. Rich I am pissed off you so better not show up tonight." 90.0% overall [B]Danny Patterson vs Rick Law[/B] Danny Patterson is a raw worker who isn't very over. The match ended when Heavy Metal Patterson grabbed a chair and smacked Rick Law with it. Rick Law wins by DQ. 32.4% reaction 69.4% quality 42.1% overall [B]Rick Law Recovers[/B] "Danny you want to bust me up with a chair well I challenge you to a match next week. A rematch between you and me. Except I want you to fight fair so we need a special referee." 43.8% overall [B]SWF Talks of a Takeover[/B] [I]Danny B Bling shows up on screen.[/I] "As the Supreme Wrestling Factions leader. I, Danny B Bling need to ready the troops for war. We are going to take over and force the TCW to take notice. The battle plans are being made and next week TCW will feel it. Wake up TCW we are knocking on your front door. Get ready for an assault." 56.8% overall [B]Rich Money Can't Wait Anymore[/B] "Come on Tommy I am right here in the ring waiting for you. Come get some! I want that title around my waist. I have paid my dues and you just own this company known as TCW. You will crumble under my boot." 70.3% overall [B]Tommy Cornell vs Rich Money for the HGC World Heavyweight Title[/B] Rich Money surprised Tommy with some aggression and good offense. Tommy being the mastermind that he is though found a way to pull off the win when he applied the Guilt Trip and got the tap out. Bryan Vessey and Bruce the Giant laid Tommy Cornell out afterwards. Bryan held Tommy for Bruce to destroy. Bruce the Giant hit Choke Bomb after Choke Bomb. 67.8% reaction 76.0% quality 76.1% overall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall: [/B]61.4% SWF-64.5% [B]Attendance: [/B]10,350 SWF-3,481 [B]Viewers: [/B]542,393(down by 307,282) SWF-755,464(up by 306,420) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Demon Spite broke his nose when Simon Munoz connected with a stiff punch. Demon Spite punched him back with a more stiff clothesline and applied a brutal kimura obviously hurting him a little bit. Nick Clements has signed 3 deals in the past week all PPA. TCW, CZCW, and 4C all have Clements under contract. Otsune Tsumura, and Seiko Nanami signed with TCW. They join Cat Jemson as the only women on TCWs roster. Magnum Kobe, Adam Matravers, Nariaki Hitomi, Ricky Turner, and Air Attack Weasel sign with the TCW[/QUOTE]
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Apu, you broke Demon Spite! And you say I'm the one with bad behaviour! If they come after us now, I'm not gonna be happy. I don't want to have to retire them, they're legends! :) But if I HAVE to...... I'll use my super menace and awesome submission skills to teach those Alzheimers fossils a lesson they'll soon forget . :p Derek B
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]TCW Wrestling Site[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Demons of Rage vs Blackley and Munoz in a rematch Rick Law vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson ??? as referee American Elemental vs Narato for the TCW Cruiserweight Title Tommy Cornell & ??? vs Bruce the Giant and Bryan Vessey Also what will SWF do? What is their plan?[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Blackley dug you guys into a rematch.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: Hell Monkey over Danny Rushmore 25.2% 69.2% 33.4% Eddie Chandler self hype with Cat Jemson 70.1% Champagne Lover over Air Attack Weasel 19.2% 71.8% 30.2% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Tony Guidotti with D.o.R.[/B] The show starts with Tony Guidotti outside of D.o.R.s lockerroom. He steps in slowly. "Hey may I speak with you guys real quick?" D. Anger gets up off of his stool, turns and walks over to Tony. "What do you want you scronny little thing?" "Hi, I just wanted to ask what promted this rematch tonight? I mean you guys won easily last week." "Let me tell you something. This isn't always about winning. Derek Blackley broke my partners nose last week. So now it is our turn to break his face! Now Spite is fine but he was pissed off. His nose is healed up already and he is ready to go out there tonight and kick some ass. Simon I am sorry for you because you have a half ass tag team partner in Blackley. Hopefully for your sake you stay out of the way tonight." 48.9% overall [B]D.o.R. vs The Lionheart Missile (Derek Blackley & Simon Munoz)[/B] Derek Blackley started the match with Demon Anger. Blackley tagged in Munoz but Blackley and Munoz just couldn't hang with the Demons. They tried many technical moves but the Demons of Rage were just too strong. This match kinda looked like a full grown man bullying a 6 year old child except it was 2 grown men and 2 little children. Anger had Munoz in a cobra clutch outside of the ring so he could watch as Demon Spite used the tape from his wrists to choke out Blackley. Spite had a camel clutch on Blackley until Derek passed out. The referee stopped the match and gave D.o.R. the win by stoppage. 35.0% reaction 57.6% quality 41.7% overall [B]Axxis Jr. with Warren Technique backstage[/B] "Axxis you can't be happy that you were attacked after your loss last week. Also are you just going to sit back and watch American Elemental face Narato for the title?" "Ya know Warren this was supposed to be my night. I came to TCW from Mexico to fight for that coveted cruiserweight title. See I do not feel that American Elemental ripping off a legend he has never met before is justification for a title shot. Yeah he won last week but every dog has his day in the sun. So just wait and see tonight. Ota, and Narato I haven't forgotten what you did to me last week." 73.3% overall [B]Rick Law with Tony Guidotti backstage[/B] "Tony here and I am with Rick "Long Arm of the Law" Law. Rick you are facing Heavy Metal Danny Patterson again tonight. Last week he attacked you with a weapon and so you decided for a special guest referee. Who is the referee going to be tonight?" "Well Tony if I told you that I would be spoiling a surprise. Ya know what though? I am not much for surprises. Tonights referee is Liberty. So Patterson be ready for a fair fight, cuz tonight I am handing it to you." 90.0% overall [B]Rick Law vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson with guest referee Liberty[/B] Rick Law beat the tar out of Danny the whole time. Liberty did a terrible job reffing the match but did ok in staying out of the way. Eventually Liberty did get in the way when Rick Law was gonna hit the Long Arm of the Law. Liberty and Rick Law arguing giving Danny Patterson enough time to go get a chair and bring it back into the ring. He hit Law over the head with it and that ended the match. He ran Liberty out of the ring and then stood over a bloodied Rick Law for the 2nd week in a row. 34.0% reaction 71.9% quality 40.5% overall Notes: Liberty will never ref a match again. [B]SWF Arrives at the Arena[/B] The bus shows up and out they step. They walk into the building without any bags or anything. 49.7% overall [B]BJ in the Wrong Place[/B] As they enter they see BJ standing there reading a magazine. They walk up and start beating him down into the concrete floor. They eventually throw BJ into a dumpster and leave him there. 49.9% overall [B]American Elemental vs Narato for the Cruiserweight Title[/B] Narato showed lots of athleticism and skill. Both men excelled in the high flying style. Narato appeared to hurt himself in the middle of the match but battled his way through it. Then out came Axxis Jr. He attacked American Elemental viciously. Narato rolled out of the ring and was helped to the back by Ota. Axxis yelled obscenities at American Elemental as he walked away slowly. 42.2% reaction 76.0% quality 55.6% overall [B]Flex N Pecs Attacked?[/B] The TCW Tag Team Champions were found laid out in the lockerroom with their titles on the floor next to them. SWF was sprayed on the floor and their bodies were outlined like chalk lines at a crime scene. What have the SWF done? 50.7% overall [B]SWF Takeover[/B] The SWF music hits and out they come strutting around like they own the place. They get in the ring and announce a total TCW takeover. They tell Jason Azaria, and Kyle Rhodes to head to the back if they value their lives. Then Painful Procedures music hits. They all come out with a battered BJ leading the charge. They all battle in the ring until the SWF retreates to the back. 56.2% overall [B]Tommy Cornell & Sam Strong vs Bruce the Giant & Bryan Vessey[/B] Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong are 2 of the most legendary wrestlers this business has ever had BUT they are well passed their prime and it showed. The massive crowds still love them but the quality of a match with these 2 is very limited. Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell on the other hand put on some great quality matchs. Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell took each other out of the ring and brawled all throughout the arena. Every person in the place got a front row seat to see those 2. Bruce the Giant finished off Sam Strong with a choke bomb to make the pin. 76.8% reaction 61.8% quality 71.3% overall [B]The Show Isn't Over YET![/B] Sam Strong is helped backstage by Tommy Cornell. Out of nowhere Bruce and Bryan attack with chairs. They lay Strong and Cornell out cold. 72.4% overall [B]Show Overall: [/B]49.6% ((OUCH)) [B]Attendance: [/B]6,638 ((OUCH x2)) [B]Viewers: [/B]527,929 down by 14,464
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"]Wrestling News and Rumors Website[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Narato fractured his ankle in his match against American Elemental. He is scheduled to be out until July 15, 2006. Liberty and Pecs have been arguing a lot lately and are rumored to dislike each other. The Tic, and Kenko Shigeki(Golden Scorpion) have signed with the TCW. Tic signed a PPA deal while Kenko signed a written deal. DAVE has made a written offer to sign Jeff Nova away from TCW. Also in DAVE news, Barry Kingman, and Shawn Gonzalez got into a brawl when Kingman suggested that Shawns push was due to backstage politics.[/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] The injury bug strikes again. This hit wasn't too bad but it still effects me. I am gonna set this up storyline wise to anger everyone storyline wise. I am hoping to crush DAVE while they are weak because otherwise they could mount some sort of rise in the ratings. They are currently in debt and it is only a matter of time until they crumble.
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Texas Pete debuts vs Champagne Lover Nation of Filth(Stink & Grunt) vs The Lionheart Missile(Derek Blackley & Simon Munoz) Rich Money vs Randall Rick Law vs Jeff Nova vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson Jack Bruce vs Liberty vs Ricky Dale vs BLZ Bubb Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell sign contracts to face off at Shockwave only 3 and a half weeks away. TP has an announcement concerning the injured Narato and the TCW Cruiserweight Title.[/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] BLZ Bubb, Larry Vessey, Cat Jemson, Ray Johnson, Ronnie V. Pain, Heavy Metal Danny Patterson, Air Attack Weasel, Jimmy P., Mitch Naess, Johnny Bloodstone, and Jeff Nova all have contracts expiring within 3 months. I dunno who to resign other than... Johnny Bloodstone, BLZ Bubb(main eventer), Ray Johnson, and Mitch Naess. Should I resign any of the others?
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Larry Vessey is a good veteran to have your up and coming workers cut their teeth on, I'm jsut a fan of Air Attack Weasel silly name and all, Danny Patterson and Jeff Nova are great brawlers just need to build up their american overness. Lastly I've always ben a fan of Painful Procedure as a stable so I'd keep Ronnie V. Pain for personal reasons. On a aisde note I don't so much mind getting beaten by Demons of Rage but The Nation of Filth I'll never be able to show my face again.
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[I]I am so mad. I was typing up the show and hit a button which erased most of it. So I am just gonna post quick results for this and a gist of the interviews.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: Shane Cornell interview 55.0% Shane Cornell over Ben Williams 3.0% 44.6% 18.5% [B]Magnum Kobe[/B], Nariaki Hitomi, and Josh Nash over [U]The Tic[/U], Tyler Bailey, and Ricky Turner 1.3% 41.0% 7.6% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam Strong interview about respect 91.9% TP Vacates the Cruiserweight Title but makes 4way at Shockwave in 3 weeks between American Elemental, Axxis Jr., Ota, and Narato 35.3% Texas Pete over Champagne Lover easily 41.9% 51.6% 39.1% Blackley & Munoz challenge D.o.R. at Shockwave 53.7% The Lionheart Missile over Nation of Filth towards the end DoR stood on the stage in street clothes watching and clapping for Blackley and Munoz. 31.5% 48.2% 33.5% Notes: This is a fun storyline for me. I do not care that the ratings are low because I feel that this should get Blackley, and Munoz some experience. Rich Money interview: He talked about his only 2 losses(DQ to Jack Bruce and a submission to Tommy Cornell) while beating everyone else he has faced. 82.1% Rich Money over Randall by submission with the Money Lock 58.5% 54.6% 54.7% Tommy Cornells Limo Arrives 74.8% [B]Rick Law[/B] over [U]Jeff Nova[/U] and Danny Patterson in a 3way 33.6% 74.7% 45.6% Rick Law post match interview: He insulted Danny Patterson for leaving in the middle of the match calling him a coward. 80.4% Jack Bruce hypes match 90.0% Liberty hypes match 56.1% Ricky Dale hypes match 78.2% BLZ Bubb hypes self 70.3% Jack Bruce over Liberty, Ricky Dale, and BLZ Bubb in a 4way 67.4% 58.4% 67.7% Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell sign contract to fight for HGC World Heavyweight Title at Shockwave. Bryan then picks up the belt off the table and blasts Cornell with it. 74.1% Tommy Cornell gets up and picks up a microphone. He tells Bryan that all he is doing is throwing gasoline on the fire. 90.0% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall:[/B] 65.7% SWF-65.0% [B]Attendance:[/B] 13,701 SWF-2,857 [B]Viewers:[/B] 1,005,801 up by 477,872 (I was very proud to get over the 1 million mark.) SWF-365,853 down by 396,501
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[QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="3"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Larry Vessey vs Axxis Jr. Steve Gumble vs Sniper Scout for the TCW Hardcore Title Liberty vs Kunomasu for a shot at the International Title at Shockwave Legend vs Legend match Rip Chord vs Bruce the Giant Also will the Demons of Rage accept the challenge laid down the The Lionheart Derek Blackley and The Missile Simon Munoz? Also Tommy Cornell can't be happy about the way Friday Night Wrestling ended last week. Will he retaliate or will he let it wait until Shockwave?[/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] Yeah well you guys gotta get some steam going into the PPV. I am all about getting those ratings up!
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Yes I signed your guy and I am currently using him as a PPA referee. He is gonna debut very soon though as I got an idea for him. Munoz and Blackley debuted as a tag team and Tony Guidotti is currently my top interviewer. All of which will become regular talent on my roster very soon. My roster is big as I am waiting for dead weight contracts to expire to start moving TCW in my own direction.
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[FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Live from Texas[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preshow: Zeus Maxmillion over Stevie Grayson 30.9% 57.8% 33.8% Adam Matravers self hype 30.1% Shane Cornell hypes match with Matravers 53.7% Shane Cornell over Adam Matravers 1.4% 66.4% 20.3% The Golden Scorpion over The Tic 4.4% 51.6% 14.5% (Crowds dispise The Tic) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Demons of Rage Response[/B] [I]The Demons of Rage come down to the ring wearing their street clothes and enter the ring. They seem happy which is strange. These men usually have stone faces and show no emotion.[/I] DA: "Derek and Simon challenged us last week. I do not think they realize what they are doing. We inclict so much damage on our opponents that we usually altar the path of their wrestling careers." DS: "If they want to ruin their own lives then I guess they can choose to do that. We accept your little challenge. Except we are going to dismantle you guys and end your careers very ubruptly." 47.8% overall [B]Larry Vessey vs Axxis Jr.[/B] Larry Vessey wasn't up to his normal self. He didn't seem like he was giving it his all. Axxis on the other hand was doing everything he could in this match. He pulled out moonsaults, cross body blocks, springboard planchas, springboard snap ddts and the works. In the end Ota ran down and stood on the apron. Axxis didn't see him and was gonna try a ground submission on Vessey while the ref was down. Vessey pushed Axxis away in time for Ota to hit a shooting star on Vessey using a chair over his own stomach. Vesseys head was busted wide open from the chair. Axxis seen all this and quickly rolled a hurt Ota, holding his chest out of the ring. Axxis pinned Vessey and got the win. 43.0% reaction 67.2% quality 44.3% overall [B]The Fly Boys Want Gold[/B] Jimmy and Donnie are seen backstage talking to TP asking him when they are gonna get a shot to prove they are the best tag team in the TCW. TP tells them he is too busy to handle their requests. The Fly Boys then walk out and head to the ring. JP: "We have beaten some of the best teams in the world in our careers and we want those tag titles. Flex N Pecs are just a couple of beef cakes who lay out on a beach all day." DJ: "The Fly Boys should be called the Hot Boys because we are on fire! We can beat those 2 and we want to prove it. Flex N Pecs accept our challenge for Shockwave! You put those belts on the line and show us what you got." 40.2% overall [B]Flex & Pecs Respond[/B] [I]Laughter is heard throughout the arena. Then on the screen the Tag Champs show up.[/I] Flex: "If you lightweights think you can tussle with the muscle bring it on." Pecs: "You guys better hit the gym hard because you are fighting for these straps. I think carrying these around all day would tire you fellas out. We will be ready I hope you are!" 60.0% overall [B]Tag Team Specialists are Outraged[/B] [I]Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant step out on the stage while the Fly Boys are in the ring and the Champs are on the screen.[/I] Oxford speaks on behalf of the team. "Wait let me get this straight. You 2 in the ring lost to us a few weeks ago. You 2 up there have never faced us. We are on a winning streak over the last few months and we aren't in on this? Ok something isn't right. If anyone deserves a shot it is us the Tag Team Specialists. Not those boys in the ring. So how about adding us to the mix?" Flex: "Ok lets make it a 3 way tag team title match. A 3 way elimination tag team match. That way 2 teams will get beat and 1 team wins." 41.4% overall [B]Steve Gumble vs Sniper Scout for the TCW Hardcore Title[/B] This match was a good mix of styles that worked decently. Scout tried to keep it grounded while Gumble tried to quicken the pace. Steve Gumble hit the double flying elbow on Scout and got the pin to retain his title. Then Rahn came out and the 2 battled around the arena using chairs and other things they could get their hands on. 60.0% reaction 71.2% quality 60.3% overall [B]Charlie Thatcher interviewed by Warren Technique[/B] "Charlie you are always in a suit and tie when you are in the ring or aren't. Why is that? Is it comfortable fighting like that?" "Warren I am a professional. I try to look my best at all times. I am a champion and I have earned that. Professionals get opportunities in life whether it is how they dress or act but it is all in the presentation of ones self. Liberty is a hippie who probably does all sorts of drugs. Kunomasu is a dirty disgusting old man. He spits mist and uses other dreadful things. I am a good representation of the International Title. So whoever wins tonight has no right to face me. I will defend against them though and I will win." 70.6% overall [B]Liberty vs Kunomasu for the TCW International #1 contender[/B] Kunomasu carried Liberty to a watchable match. Liberty can bump like crazy but that is about it. Kunomasu is very versatile in most in ring styles. Liberty pulled out the win hitting the Liberation slam and will face Charlie Thatcher at Shockwave. 57.2% reaction 69.2% quality 63.3% overall [B]Tommy Cornell Wants Bryan Vessey[/B] Cornell storms into lockerroom after lockerroom looking for him but doesn't find him. 76.2% overall [B]Rip Chord is interviewed by Tony Guidotti[/B] "Rip you are a legend and tonight you face one of the largest men this sport has ever known. What is your strategy facing a man of this monstrous size?" "Honestly I do not know. I didn't know about this match until today so I wasn't really prepared. I know I can be quicker than him and I have more technical skill but he is so strong that I do not know how I can get him down or hold him in one of my moves long enough to win the match. It should be an interesting challenge that I am not looking forward to." 73.5% overall [B]Bruce The Giant Watches[/B] Bruce is seen watching a monitor during the interview. He seems pleased with what he hears. 79.0% overall [B]Vesseys aren't Worried[/B] Bryan and Larry Vessey are playing some PS2 video games in the back. It looks as though they are in the roster entertainment area. 57.8% overall [B]Rip Chord vs Bruce the Giant[/B] Rip Chord was hesitant to attack and was always looking for a counter to Bruces moves. Bruce would swing and Rip would try to duck and dodge and hit a counter. Rip eventually dropped Bruce to a knee by kicking the leg. He dropkicked him and knocked him down. He then tried to get a figure 4 but Bruce powered out. Bruce got up slowly and quickly turned the tide with massive chops. Bruce went for an eye gauge that busted Rip open. He then followed with closed club fists causing it to bleed profusely. The ref called for the bell when Rip didn't seem to be able to do anything and the blood looked like massive amounts. 75.9% reaction 41.1% quality 61.0% overall [B]Tommy finds Bryan[/B] Tommy Cornell finds Bryan Vessey backstage and they begin to brawl. Refs and other officials try to hold them apart. This goes on for some time until they are finally seperated. 74.8% overall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall: [/B]60.7% SWF-68.7% [B]Attendance: [/B]20,285 SWF-5,804 [B]Viewers: [/B]572,754 down by 433,047 SWF-751,189 up by 385,336 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]NEWS[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Ray Johnson and Donnie J have been having problems lately. Narato returns from injury. American Elemental, Jeff Nova, and Mitch Naess resign.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Courier New"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]DARKMATCHES:[/CENTER][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Tic vs The Golden Scorpion Senor Ignition vs Johnny Bloodstone Rick Law vs Ricky Dale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B][CENTER]SHOW:[/CENTER][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axxis Jr. vs Ota vs Air Attack Weasel Ronnie V. Pain vs Texas Pete Heavy Metal Danny Patterson vs Jeff Nova Jack Bruce vs BLZ Bubb[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] This and one more Friday Night Wrestling before the PPV TCW Shockwave.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="red"]Live from Oklahoma[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRESHOW:[/CENTER][/B] The Golden Scorpion over The Tic 4.4% 64.0% 20.0% Johnny Bloodstone self hype 66.6% Johnny Bloodstone over Senor Ignition 33.4% 73.2% 41.6% Ricky Dale over Rick Law [I]Danny Patterson run in[/I] 57.7% 61.2% 55.4% [B][CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER][/B] [B]Rick Law interviewed by Tony Guidotti[/B] "Rick you are one of the best young superstars here in the TCW who has been feuding with another good young prospect. Danny Patterson has used his rebelious ways against you on many occasions. What do you plan on doing to nulify his ways?" "Well I am glad you asked because I talked to TCW management this week and they promised me the match I wanted. We will be in a Prison Cell match which happens to be a closed cage around the ring. I guess Jeff Nova is involved too. I want Patterson 1 on 1 though so Nova please I am begging you not to show up. I want him all to myself." 90.0% overall [B]Axxis Jr. vs Ota vs Air Attack Weasel[/B] Ota left in the middle of the match and didn't spend very much energy. Axxis Jr. dominated Weasel and toyed with him a bit before winning with a swinging snap ddt. 30.4% reaction 74.1% quality 44.2% overall [B]Tommy Cornell Arrives[/B] Tommy Cornell shows up in his black 2003 Cobra Mustang. He steps out and flings his title over his shoulder. He has a swagger about him almost like he has a trick up his sleeve. 76.2% overall [B]Ronnie V. Pain vs Texas Pete[/B] The announcers make multiple references to his previous SWF career. Texas Pete looks very impressive as he finished Ronnie with a double powerbomb to pick up the pinfall. Both men seemed to lack psychology to put on a good match to watch and so the match quality lacked a lot. 60.0% reaction 43.4% quality 33.1% overall [B]SWF Want to Play[/B] [I]While Texas Pete looks down at Pain the SWF music hits and out walk the stable or workers. They slowly get in the ring surrounding Texas Pete. Danny gets on the microphone and begins to talk...[/I] "Texas Pete, how have you been? Are you enjoying the TCW? Everyone here knows you are one of us. We are down here to legitimize it. So what do you say? Wanna join the bad guys?" [I]Texas Pete stares at Danny and eventually offers his hand. The SWF celebrate with their new member and leave the ring.[/I] 55.0% overall [B]Tommy Cornell is interviewed by Mitch Naess[/B] "Thank you for joining me in the Mitch Naess Corner. What is it about Bryan Vessey that you hate so much? Why can't you control yourself?" "Well Mitch Bryan and I go way back. He and I have competed to be the best wrestler for a long time now. He has taken it a bit to far though by attacking me from behind. He cheats and probably doesn't need to. He is a great talent who doesn't need to fight dirty. I will beat him at Shockwave if I don't beat him before then." 90.0% overall [B]Danny Patterson vs Jeff Nova[/B] Danny Patterson and Jeff Nova brawled most of this match. Both men seem to work well in the ring. Nova provided a lot of psychology and almost had the win but Danny Patterson hit a low blow and had a roll up with handful of tights to get the pinfall. 27.8% reaction 79.7% quality 41.6% overall [B]Jack Bruce is interviewed by Warren Technique[/B] "Jack tonight you face the monster BLZ Bubb you have got to be scared." "Woah woah woah there Warren. I am not afraid of anyone. If I had an ounce of fear in my body I would not be where I am today. I am a premier wrestler. I am perfection personified. I am the Rock and Roll King. Picture this... Jack Bruce as your TCW World Champion. Well tonight I start down that path with a win over that hideous BLZ Bubb. Now if you don't mind I gotta get ready for my match." 83.2% overall [B]Tommy Cornell Gets Bryan Vessey[/B] Cornell finds Vessey out by his Cobra. Bryan looks like he is about to use a baseball bat to bust up the car when Tommy quickly runs up on him. Tommy picks up the bat and starts hitting Bryan repeatedly with it. Bryan bleeds all over the ground. Police, medical crew, referees, and other TCW staff try to protect Bryan from the assault. Tommy gets in his car and leaves... the damage done already. An ambulance arrives shortly and they get Bryan loaded up into it. It looks like he has lost enough blood to be out for some time. The announcers keep saying he shouldn't have tried to bust up Tommys car, and that he probably had it coming to him. 75.0% overall [B]BLZ Bubb vs Jack Bruce[/B] The Rock N Roll Superstar was outpowered by Bubb but it didn't discourage him. Bubb went for a chokeslam but Jack Bruce kicked him in the groin. Jack Bruce connected with a snap ddt. He followed up with the Rock N Roll Jam and got the pin. 69.8% reaction 66.5% quality 64.9% overall [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [B]Show Overall: [/B]65.3% SWF-60.7% [B]Attendance: [/B]13,612 SWF-2,823 [B]Viewers: [/B]991,168 up by 418,414 SWF-366,888 down by 384, 301(Thats over half their viewers lost) [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [B]TCW USA Overness: [/B]75.8% [B]SWF USA Overness: [/B]74.6% [QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR="Green"][B][SIZE="3"][FONT="Garamond"]TCW Shockwave on PPV July 30, 2006 Card So Far...[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] The Lionheart Missile vs Demons of Rage Rick Law vs Jeff Nova vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson in a Prison Cell Match American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. vs Ota vs Narato for the TCW Cruiserweight Title Steve Gumble vs Jumbo Supreme Shrimp for the TCW Hardcore Title Liberty vs Charlie Thatcher for the TCW International Title Flex & Pecs vs The Tag Team Specialists vs The Fly Boys for the TCW Tag Team Titles Tommy Cornell vs Bryan Vessey for the HGC World Heavyweight Title [/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] I like how my PPV card looks. I hope it looks good to my readers too. I have one more Friday Night Wrestling before the PPV. Hopefully next weekend I can get the PPV posted since I am only online on the weekends.
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The Lionheart Missile vs [B]Demons of Rage[/B] You know I want to pick Derek and myself but we aren't quite important enough to bead D.o.R. [B]Rick Law[/B] vs Jeff Nova vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson in a Prison Cell Match Only cause the other two aren't that over American Elemental vs [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] vs Ota vs Narato for the TCW Cruiserweight Title This was hard to choose only between AE and Axxis, I could care less about Ota or Narato Steve Gumble vs [B]Jumbo Supreme Shrimp[/B] for the TCW Hardcore Title Jumbo Shrimp is the man [B]Liberty [/B]vs Charlie Thatcher for the TCW International Title I don't like either of these guys but I'll go Liberty [B]Flex & Pecs[/B] vs The Tag Team Specialists vs The Fly Boys for the TCW Tag Team Titles Flex & Pecs for Tag Team Champions [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs Bryan Vessey for the HGC World Heavyweight Title Cornell vs Vessey is a great match but I see Cornell winning
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[CENTER][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Last Show Before Shockwave[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] Peter Valentine vs Rich Money Jack Bruce vs Zeus Maxmillion Bruce the Giant vs Randall Johnny Bloodstone vs Rip Chord[/CENTER] With Shockwave right around the corner TP didn't want any of the men on the card for Shockwave to be in any matches on the final Friday Night Wrestling before the show. This allowed some other men to get some exposure that otherwise wouldn't. What will happen leading up to Shockwave?
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="red"][B]Live in South Carolina[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]July 28th 2006[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]A Man Found Hurt[/B] Backstage as the show starts American Elemental is found unconscious with a chair next to him. Someone has brutally attacked him. Was it someone involved in their 4 way match on Sunday? 51.2% overall [B]Peter Valentine vs Rich Money[/B] Peter Valentine flexed his muscle... literally. In the end though it was Rich Money applying the Money Lock to get a tap out victory. 63.1% reaction 55.2% quality 59.9% overall [B]Rick Law Gets More Exposure[/B] "So Jeff Nova and Danny Patterson are my opponents. A former body builder and a heavy metal rock fan are my worthy opponents. Danny you ain't nothing but a no good punk. Nova you are just a big muscular meat head. Sunday I will beat you guys in that cage and then I will fight for the TCW International Title. That is right I want either Charlie Thatcher or Liberty. It makes no difference. Either way I want a shot at that Title." 75.8% overall(The worst interview with Law in months.) [B]Rick Law Done Yet?[/B] Then out of nowhere comes Danny Patterson. He lays Law out. He then grabs the camera and breaks it over Laws back. The camera goes black. 42.6% overall [B]SWF Won't Be Forgotten[/B] "The SWF was almost left off the Shockwave Card. We were granted a match for the hardcore title though. Steve Gumble will face Jumbo Supreme Shrimp in a fight for his life. Jumbo will get you in the Shrimp Catcher and it will be lights out for you Gumble. That isn't what we are out here for though. At Shockwave we will unveil the man behind the scenes of the Supreme Wrestling Faction. Prepare to face the shock of a lifetime! This unveiling will give us the proper respect and authority around here to change the flow of things. Enjoy the PPV TCW fans." 56.2% overall [B]Jack Bruce vs Zeus Maxmillion[/B] In what was expected to be a squash match... well, it was. Jack Bruce won with a Rock City Drop. 43.0% reaction 67.9% quality 47.2% overall [B]Tommy and Bryan Can't Wait[/B] Bryan and Tommy brawl like crazy. Bryan has a bandage over his head. They fall over some trash cans but continue brawling until officials break it up. 75.1% overall [B]Charlie Thatcher In The Ring[/B] [I]Charlie is in the middle of the ring with his title.[/I] "I am here tonight only to celebrate my match at Shockwave. I am going to win so I might as well celebrate tonight. Actually I wanna show some footage of my opponents greatest moments. Roll the footage..." [I]On the screen you see Liberty taking all sorts of awkward painful looking bumps.[/I] "Man this guy is gonna be fun. I guess I can help add to his highlight reel right? So on with the celebration." [I]Confetti and such starts to fall from the ceiling. Joyous music plays and women come down from the back dancing. Liberty runs down to the ring and makes an attempt to hit Thatcher. Thatcher hits a sit out powerbomb before adjusting his tie and leaving.[/I] 61.2% overall [B]Bruce the Giant vs Randall[/B] Bruce the Giant wins with a surprising side leg lock submission move. This was another squash match for the night though. 62.9% reaction 42.2% quality 56.3% overall [B]Charlie Thatcher Shows Off[/B] Charlie is showing some women his title and talking about what happened earlier. Then Liberty out of nowhere attacks. Charlie quickly smashes Liberties face with the title. He walks off with Liberty down and bleeding on the ground. 64.6% overall [B]Johnny Bloodstone vs Rip Chord[/B] (I was upset with Rip Chord.) Bloodstone was amazing in this fight but Rip Chord ended up winning in the end. Bloodstone got fed up with Rip kicking out of many pinfall attempts so he just grabbed a chair and smashed it over Rips back ending the match by DQ. 60.0% reaction 65.4% quality 64.6% overall Notes: Rip Chord used his creative control clause so I couldn't have Bloodstone win. It makes me really mad actually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall: [/B]59.5% SWF-65.4% [B]Attendance: [/B]11,103 SWF-3,910 in New York [B]Viewers: [/B]627,916 down by 363,252 SWF-879,173 up by 512,285 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]TCW News[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Zeus Maxmillion and Liberty got into an argument when Liberty laughed at Zeus for losing to Jack Bruce. These two men do not get along. [/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] How come SWF has such a small attendance week in and week out?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="DarkRed"]TCW SHOCKWAVE NEXT[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"]News Conference[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Announcer: Thank you for being here at the Shockwave News Conference. Now our first person out here to speak is none other than the man in charge... TP! [I]TP walks out onto the stage in front of the media. Flashes go off from all over the crowd.[/I] TP: Thank you very much. Shockwave is really just the beginning of the big picture. Next year in place of this PPV will be our annual big name PPV called Wrestlestock! This PPV will be our first mega event as we call it. We hope to make it the Super Bowl of this business. The matches for tomorrows Shockwave are going to be great. We got a prison cell match. A hardcore match. A 4way cruiserweight match. A 3 way tag team match. Every one of our titles will be defended. We hope we can give the crowd what they want. And that happens to be the best action packed 2 and a 1/2 hours of wrestling we could deliver. Announcer: Now to wrap up our press conference Tommy Cornell! [I]Tommy Cornell comes out holding the HGC World Title.[/I] T. Cornell: Thank you wrestling fans. I am the owner of this promotion. I decided when we changed ownership to keep this title how it was. I didn't want to change the titles over because I knew that any new World Title wouldn't have the prestige or history of this title. Everyone in that lockerroom knows that too. Except our man in charge... the president of TCW TP. He wants to remake our world title and name it the TCW Title. Well he can do that and I will end up unifying the 2 belts. Tomorrow though I gotta go through one of the best wrestlers in this business today... Bryan Vessey. He will suffer from the GUILT TRIP and you can mark my words on that. Tune in tomorrow July 30th here in Michigan for Shockwave! Announcer: Thank you for coming out and be there tomorrow or watch it on PPV. Good night fans and don't forget to stop by our autograph tent over there. Every couple hours a whole new set of wrestlers will come into the tent.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Shockwave[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]Live from Michigan[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]The Missile Lionheart vs Demons of Rage[/B][/CENTER] Demon Anger and Demon Spite dominated this match but who expected otherwise? They basically just roughed up the youngsters. In the end out of nowhere came a man wearing a mask. He jumped into the ring holding a poster of D.o.R. obviously distracting the big men. Then Blackley rolled up Spite and picked up the win! 39.7% reaction 59.5% quality 42.3% overall [B][CENTER]Jumbo Supreme Shrimp vs Steve Gumble for the TCW Hardcore Title[/CENTER][/B] Jumbo Supreme Shrimp got on the mic saying to call him... Supreme Shrimp from here on out. Then Steve Gumble attacked by jumping over the barracade and slipping into the ring to attack with the belt. The 2 men battled for 18 minutes. Both men gave it their all but Steve Gumble picked up the win with a double back elbow off the top rope. After the match Elmo and Supreme Shrimp attacked Gumble leaving him laid out. 67.8% reaction 50.0% quality 66.7% overall [B][CENTER]American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. vs Narato vs Ota for the TCW Cruiserweight Title[/CENTER][/B] Axxis Jr. stayed out of the ring for awhile allowing Ota and Narato to double team American Elemental. Axxis then got in the ring and tried to take Ota out. The Tokyo Express began doubling up on him. Ota and Narato acted as a team until the end. Ota tried to pin Axxis but Narato didn't allow it. They then tied up and Ota got sent to the outside. Axxis was still down allowing American Elemental to hit the pride driver and make the pinfall for the win. 42.5% reaction 76.4% quality 54.0% overall [B][CENTER]Liberty vs Charlie Thatcher for the TCW International Title[/CENTER][/B] Liberty was unable to avoid the power advantage in favor of Thatcher. Thatcher hit the CIA Investigation to get the pinfall and retain his title. 64.7% reaction 53.0% quality 65.6% overall [B][CENTER]Rick Law vs Jeff Nova vs Heavy Metal Danny Patterson in a Prison Cell Match (HIAC)[/CENTER][/B] This match was very bloody and all men in this match couldn't avoid that fact. By the end of the match all the men involved barely had any energy. Danny Patterson got thrown through the side of the cage by Rick Law. Jeff Nova in turn threw Law through it too. Danny Patterson ran away from Nova onto the top of the cage. Nova followed him up there and the 2 fought up there. Rick Law then climbed up there to join the frey. Nova put Danny Patterson through the top of the cage with a piledriver but appeared to feel more of the effects himself. Rick Law weighing over 300 pounds hit a big leg drop on top of Nova from 10 feet up by jumping through the hole. Law made the pin to win the brutal match. 43.3% reaction 73.5% quality 55.7% overall Notes: Jeff Nova was upset to be losing. Danny Patterson didn't like how risky the match was. [B][CENTER]The Tag Team Specialists vs The Fly Boys vs Flex & Pecs for the TCW Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/B] The Fly Boys and Tag Team Specialists let their feud preside over the Tag Titles. Flex & Pecs just picked up the pieces. In the end Flex got the pin by using the ropes for leverage on Jimmy P. while Donnie J., got double teamed by the TTS outside the ring. 46.6% reaction 52.1% quality 47.9% overall [B][CENTER]Bryan Vessey vs Tommy Cornell for the HGC World Title[/CENTER][/B] Tommy Cornell and Bryan Vessey put on a clinic. This match is easily a match of the year canidate. They rumbled for about 25 minutes before Tommy finally got Bryan in the Guilt Trip. Bryan didn't tap out though. He passed out in the clutches of Cornell. The ref called for the bell awarding the Title to Tommy. Then out from the back walked Sam Strong in street clothes. He held Tommys hand up and then delivered a boot to the gut. He picked up the title and bashed Cornell in the face with it. 74.4% reaction 97.4% quality 92.6% overall [B][CENTER]SWF Joins the Ring[/CENTER][/B] SWF walks down and steps into the ring. Sam Strong backs into the ropes allowing them to kick Cornell a couple times. Danny picks up the belt and spits on it. He drops it on Tommy and then picks Tommy up. Sam Strong comes off the ropes hitting the Strong Clothesline. Sam Strong takes off his jacket showing off an SWF shirt. [I]SAM STRONG is the new member of the SWF![/I] 64.0% overall [B][CENTER]SWF Get Some Mic Time[/CENTER][/B] Danny B Bling gets a mic when out from the back comes Jack Bruce. Tommy Cornell gets up and hits Strong in the back. Strong quickly regains composure and takes Cornell down with one punch. Jack Bruce gets in the ring and the numbers are just too much to handle. Texas Pete hits a double powerbomb on Jack Bruce. 65.1% overall [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall:[/B] 48.0%(I should have made it 3 hours so I could add some angles and interviews.) [B]Attendance:[/B] 16,204 [B]Buys: [/B]147,652 (0.34 buyrate)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Wrestling News & Rumors[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Two wrestling promotions have closed down due to inactivity. New York City Wrestling and Native American Wrestling are the two promotions. TCW in a dangerous move scheduled their Gridlock PPV a week after Shockwave. What must be going through the minds of the TCW management.
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Who was the masked man who distracted the Demons of Rage??? Why did Sam Strong jump ship? What will the format of Gridlock look like? Genghis Rahn & D.o.R. vs The Missile Lionheart & ?the masked man? Liberty vs Ricky Dale vs Rick Law for the International Title #1 Contender Heavy Metal Danny Patterson vs Peter Valentine Bryan & Larry Vessey vs Texas Pete & Eddie Chandler BLZ Bubb vs Jack Bruce
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