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Vampiric Zone Federation

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[URL="http://wgp.allsimbaseball.com/media/AfterTheDawn.mp3"]Evanescence "After the Dawn"[/URL] I love the darkness. It is real, authentic in a way that the daytime can never be. Strip away the facades and reveal the true people when the sun goes down. It has been said by men wiser than I and better expressed, too. So let me not linger over that and instead turn my attention to the steaming cup in my hands. Proust, a fellow nocturnal, used tea to unlock memories. But tea is too popular today, too embraced by the health-addicted avant-garde. Oh, you bubbly college girl, you hip collegiate boy, I abhor you both. Crush optimism and give me the starkness of the naturalists. [i]They[/i] know the real forces that govern everything. And so, I dismiss tea and stick to coffee. Caffeine molests my heart, batters it and weakens it, just as the cloves I smoke violate my lungs. I don't care. Better to have a shorter, fuller life, than an endless stretch of unnecessary, empty years. The restaurant, one of three twenty-four eateries in the city, is mostly empty at two o'clock in the morning. A few graveyarders, a couple handfuls of drunks, a touch-happy gothic couple or two, and me. That's it. It's the way I prefer it. The silence is enjoyable, too. To my left, a set of papers. My business loan was approved for $350,000. I intend to start, of all things, a wrestling federation with it. Do I know anything about wrestling? Not really. It was just one of those sudden firefly-coloured bursts of glowing inspiration that came over me one night as I was mulling over random things. As to how I got approval for that sum, let us just say that when one knows that the president of one's bank is having an affair with one's twentysomething secretary, the hand held is akin to a royal flush, particularly when wifey deary's family has access to some nasty legal sharks. To my right, another set of papers. Scouting reports on available wrestlers based on extensive research done while in the loan application process. I've contacted them all and have honed in on who I intend on making offers to. We shall see who joins.
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[URL="http://wgp.allsimbaseball.com/media/DreamOfMe.mp3"]Kirsten Dunst "Dream Of Me"[/URL] A mellow and sweet song to soothe my tired nerves. I wonder why she never got an album of her own. It is her voice along that rescues the horrible source film from absolute awfulness. How I detest Martin Short! But nevermind. Let me relax, drink this cold soda, and unwind in my dusty apartment. Maybe someday I will be able to afford something better, but that will only be if I can make this business a triumph. After intense negotiations, I have secured a roster, small yes, but most things begin humbly, which is a good thing. Too sudden a success inevitably leads to a spectacular swoon, a crash so incredible that everafter it becomes a cautionary tale for those that follow. The popular culture and historical record are both filled with example after example, if one cares to look. I don't right now. My brain is too tired, bloodied by overwork these last few weeks in securing our would-be stars. The initial sheet: [b]Main Eventers[/b] Ben Williams (F) Flemmy Lemming (moonlighting as Announcer) T.J. Bailey (F) Gentleman Johnny King (H) [b]Upper Midcarders[/b] Ginko Kuroda (F) Nathan Black (H) [b]Midcarders[/b] Stretch the Chicken Boy (H) [b]Lower Midcarders[/b] Nomad (H) A motley crew, to be sure. I am not entirely certain they will be able to fit in the framework I am sketching for the federation, but I shall make the best of the hand dealt me, no matter how poor the cards in it. Time to plan the outlines and the first event.
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[b]Prologue: Friday, Week 3, December[/b] Flemmy Lemming: [i]These are dark times. The world has fallen into shadow. No sunlight brightens the day and no happiness is to be found anywhere. Night rules over all. This is not the Earth we once knew, but an Earth ruled by the supernatural and evil. We begin our saga with a boy named Ben Williams...[/i] [b]The Introduction[/b] Ben Williams, dressed in an ugly dark orange shirt with pale pink flowers patterning it, walks out onto the ramp, microphone in hand. [b]Ben[/b]: This sure is a strange place Earth has become, but I hear vampires and demons and ninjas and robots and really cool stuff like that is around now! That kicks ass! Ginko Kuroda, dressed in the black garb of a ninja, approaches the ring from one side. From the other side, Nomad appears, wearing a flowing black frock, akin to that worn by priests. They climb in, glaring at one another, making as if they're about to fight. [b]Ben[/b]: Whoa! There's a ninja right now! It looks like they're gonna throw down! I'm gonna go watch! Ben scurries down to ringside, staring up at the fighters with a slacked jaw. The match commences. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]Ginko Kuroda vs. Nomad[/b] The match is a fast and furious brawl that goes so quickly, the referee can not keep up with it. The confusing combat ends when Ginko gets the pin. [i]Winner: Ginko Kuroda[/i] [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]Aftermath: Part 1[/b] Gentleman Jim King strolls down the ramp, dressed in something frilly and Victorian, complete with top hat. Seeing the bleeding Nomad, he smiles darkly and walks over to the ring. [b]Gentleman Jim[/b]: Tsk. You call yourself my devoted disciple and you embarass me by losing to a woman? Perhaps I should make the girl my right hand. You certainly don't seem up to it. [b]Nomad[/b]: Master! Nomad serve you faithfully! Nomad prove it! Nomad beat girl! [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]Aftermath: Part 2[/b] Roaring with rage, Nomad leaps up and attacks Ginko from behind as she's about to leave the ring. Stunned by the surprise of the assault, she slumps to the mat while Nomad begins beating her mercilessly until blood drips down on the black fabric of her attire. [b]Nomad[/b]: Master see! Nomad loyal servant and serve Master till end of time! [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]Interloper[/b] Ben Williams stares in shock at the brutality and finally leaps into the ring, pushing Nomad away and standing guard over Ginko's body. [b]Ben[/b]: No! Stop it! This isn't right! [b]Gentleman Jim[/b]: Oh? And what are you going to do about it, boy? Ben swallows, fear and nervousness in his eyes mixing with the determined look on his face. [b]Ben[/b]: I'll... I'll... I'll beat you down! Yeah, that's it! I challenge you to a fight here and now! [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]The Response[/b]: Gentleman Jim pauses a moment, then laughs with a breezy, confident smile. [b]Gentleman Jim[/b]: Very well, dear boy. Consider your challenge accepted. [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]Ben Williams vs. Gentleman Jim King[/b] Ben's weakness was exposed in this match, as by the time Gentleman Jim forced him to submit, he looked genuinely exhausted. [i]Winner: Gentleman Jim[/i] [b]Rating: F[/b] Flemmy Lemming: [i]Thus ends the first chapter in this new, malicious world. Will Ben Williams find his place here? Who is that ninja girl? These questions and many more await their answers when you next visit.. the Vampiric Zone. Thank you for coming and drive home safely.[/i] [b]Final Show Rating: F Attendance: 11[/b]
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My advice would be, just play the game. Do a month, or two months, and see if you're enjoying yourself. If you are, then do a diary about it because it'll just flow out of you. If you're serious about this Vampire stuff, then go with it. If not, then just use a company that you enjoy the most. It doesn't have to have a strange new angle that none of us have ever seen before. You're clearly a very talented writer, so just create an environment where you'll write naturally and you'll be great.
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Thanks for the advice, guys. :) Maybe I'll try this again a few months down the road after I get some more experience with the game under my belt. Until then I'll just stick with TPB diary writing since I know what I'm doing there :D
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