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I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this. With two different teams, one good, one terrible, I've encountered the same thing: 5-10 "broken plays" on offense every single game. Meanwhile, my opponents suffer this only three or four times per [I]season[/I]. At first I thought it was an effect of changing offenses, but it happens with a brand-new team whose offense wasn't changed. Is there any thing I can do to reduce this? It's pretty tough having some 10% of my offensive plays fail automatically, especially when it seems skewed toward 3rd-down plays.
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While I have this happen to me I don't think it is quite as often as you. I'm just guessing here but things like the experience level of your O-line and QB woud be a major cause if they were freshmen or sophmore or weren't that highly rated. Factor in the defense that you are up against as well because they might be contributing to the problem. Sometime having a mobile QB here can turn the tables around in this situation....at least it has for me on occasion.
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I haven't been able to correlate this with experience levels at all; the same thing would happen with a junior Heisman Trophy candidate (three-year starter). I agree that the mobile QB becomes very important; some of these scrambles turn into 12 yard gains that way. With a dropback QB, every broken play is no gain.
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Most of the time a drop-back QB is forced into a broken play and scrambles, it's because of pressure. And, rarely is he going to outmanuever 2-3 DL/LBs. For a mobile QB, sometimes he may decide to run because of an open lane (not just pressure). Plus, he has the skills to get by a rushing DL in many instances.
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