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[IMG]http://www.innavoy.com/mfhighlife/sounds/tom_snyder/tomsnyder1.jpg[/IMG] Tom: Good evening, my friends and welcome back everybody Tomorrow starts today. I'm Tom Snyder and the color cast is on the air now for Thursday night, it's the 21st of April, 1983. Our old pal, George Peppard is here tonight to talk about his new TV series the A-Team. But before that we’re going to talk a little pro-wrestling. In 1976 congressman and Father Robert Frederick Drinan introduced a law in congress that banned wrestling. Just recently Senator Barry Goldwater was able to repeal that bill and wrestling is back. Two weeks from Sunday one of the new federations the TCW is holding its pay-pew-view called Ultimate Status. A 32 man wrestling tournament has been taking place over the last two months and it culminates in the main event as Nick Bockwinkel takes on our guest tonight Terry Funk. [A clip of Terry Funk fighting Abdullah The Butcher plays before the camera returns to Tom Snyder smoking a cigarette with Terry Funk in the other seat.] [img]http://www.wrestlingclassics.com/mu/mu-ar/images/funk_terry_throws_punch.jpg[/img] Tom: Back with Terry Funk from the TCW. And then Huey Lewis and the News and the accapella performance of one of the songs for, I believe, their new CD...Plus the great George Peppard in the main event here tonight on Tomorrow. Settle back and fire up the colortini’s watch the pictures, hear the sounds as they travel through the air. Thanks for lookin' in, everybody. [commercial break] [img]http://www.innavoy.com/mfhighlife/sounds/tom_snyder/tomsnyder2.jpg[/img] Tom: Our pal, Terry Funk is sitting here as he prepares to take on Nick Bockwinkel for the world title in two Sunday’s at the pay-per-view Ultimate Status. Terry has been on a roll since returning with a 6-1-1 record the same as his opponent Mr. Bockwinkel. Terry welcome to Tomorrow. Terry: Hey man it’s great to be here. Let me say that both Bockwinkel and myself are undefeated in singles matches. Our only loss has come from a battle royal not a singles match. Tom: I would say Congratulations to the both of you if I knew what that meant. Before we get into the match let me ask you about the legitimacy of wrestling. Terry: Legitimacy? You one of them nay sayers who think the battles we fight our fake? Tom: Well Terry I just don’t know that is why I’m asking you. Terry: I’ve been dropped on my head, I’ve had my knee’s busted, my arms broken, and my face busted up making me as ugly as an old mud rail fence and your going to ask me the legitimacy of what I’ve done? Tom: Ok, but you do know a lot of people have that question on their mind and its my job to ask it. You say its real and I’m going to take you for your word you seem like an honest man. Terry: A man’s word is all he has. Tom: Right. So what did you do in the time off from wrestling? Terry: I drank a lot, got into bar room brawls, and worked on the family ranch in Texas. Tom: Ahhh cattle and that sort of thing? Terry: Right, that sort of thing. Tom: I was reading in Sports Illustrated that the management of TCW, the guys who set up the tournament didn’t want you to win. What is that all about? Terry: I wish I knew Tom. Stu Hart wanted somebody who was a more traditional wrestler to be the TCW champion.... Tom: More traditional? Explain what that means. Terry: I’m a fighter Mr. Snyder I bite, kick, and do what I have to do to win. A more traditional wrestler is more about headlocks and wrestling holds then he is about winning. Tom: What about this fellow you are facing is he more traditional? Terry: He would define traditionalism, yes. Tom: So what is going to prevent the management from say putting in a ref who is more in the favor of this traditional fellow? I mean real or not wrestling dosn’t have the best reputation of keeping it honest when it comes to fights. I see the ref’s getting knocked out or fast counting all the time. Terry: Nick Bockwinkel and I both want to be an undisputed champion. He understands as much as I do that if anything fishy happens the value of the title tanks. So Mr. Bockwinkel has told the management that if anything odd happens leading to his victory he will quit with the title and go to the SWF. Tom: Well that seems like a stand up thing to do. Terry: As I said Mr. Snyder it’s about the value of the title. He didn’t do it for me or as he claims pride he did it for legitimacy. Tom: How good is Nick Bockwinkel? Terry: Good enough to be standing in the finals with me in a tournament of 32 of the worlds best wrestlers. Nick Bockwinkel is not a man I trust and I’m not sure I know what is going on with him and management but I can tell you as a fighter I respect him. He has just a good a chance as I do of becoming the first world champion. Tom: Last week you two tagged together then after the match he attacked you from behind. Bad blood? Terry: We both respect each other Mr. Snyder and the efforts we’ve made to get where we are. But he’s a snake in the grass, and so am I. He struck first but the venom hasn’t killed me Tom and that was a mistake. Two weeks its not going to nice words or I respect this or any of that crap. Its going to be a battle. It’s going to be the greatest wrestling match in the history of the sport. Tom: And if you want to see it your going to have to order Pay-pew-view HA HA HA HA yea anyway lets take a quick break as we come back with more from Terry Funk. [break] Tom: We are back with Terry Funk who will be taking on Nick Bockwinkel at Ultimate Status the event is sold out but you can catch it on Pay-Per-View. Terry what does the title mean to you? Terry: Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money. Tom: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA fair enough. What other matches can we look forward to on this card? Terry: The one I’m ready for is “Macho Man” Randy Savage taking on the Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich. Randy Savage’s wife Elisabeth has been having an affair with Kerry Von Erich. Randy is a bit nuts he found out and throw a fire ball into the face of Von Erich burning him badly. Now I’m from Texas and I respect the fact you don’t mess with another man’s wife. But at the same time you don’t jump anybody with fire. Revenge is going to be interesting as the match will be an unsanctioned dog collar match. Tom: Now what the hell is a dog collar match? Terry: Two guys attached to each other by a leash attached to their neck. A match so violent the TCW is having nothing to do with it. Tom: Except air it? HA HA HA HA What else do we have? Terry: Tag titles will be decided as the Flag Burners take on the Blackjacks. Cowboy’s versus Asians in a classic show down. The TV title will be on the line as the undefeated Rick Steamboat takes on Rowdy Piper. Two legends step into a cage as Bruno Sammartino takes on Ray Stevens. Tom: Well sounds like a packed card and I’ll be sure to check it out. If you at home want to see the fights tune in weekly on Monday night to the TCW TV show called Malice and call your cable provider today to order Ultimate Status happening in two weeks from Sunday. Terry thanks for stopping by. Terry: Thanks Tom. Tom: Back in a few with Huey Lewis and the News, then George Peppard of the A-Team.
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[SIZE="7"]ULTIMATE STATUS [/SIZE] [U]Opening Match[/U] Sweet Daddy Siki vs Tommy Rich vs Ole Anderson [U]Singles Match[/U] Steve Williams w/Lou Albano vs Paul Orndorff [U]#1 Contender to the Tag Titles Match[/U] Tully Blanchard and Ted DiBiase w/ray stevens vs Jake Roberts & Johnny Rodz [U]Battle of the Giants[/U] Big John Studd w/ Bobby Heenan vs Roadwarrior Vader w/Paul Ellering [U]Singles Match[/U] Iron Sheik w/ Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Masked Superstar [U]Hardcore Match[/U] Abdullah the Butcher w/ Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Assassin [U]#1 Contender to the World Title Match[/U] Harley Race w/Ray Stevens vs Larry Zbyszko vs Dick Slater [U]Lawsuit Match[/U] Super Star Billy Graham w/Sheri vs Mark Lewin w/Andy Kaufman [U]No Rules Dog Collar Match *unsanctioned[/U] Kerry Von Erich v.s. Randy “Macho Man” Savage [U]World Tag Title Championship Match[/U] The Flag Burners vs The Blackjacks [U]TV Title Championship Match[/U] Ricky Steamboat vs Roddy Piper w/Ray Stevens (champion) [U]Legends Cage Match [/U] Bruno Sammartino vs Ray Stevens [U]World Title Championship Match [/U] Terry Funk vs Nick Bockwinkel ================================================== Thoughts? Predictions?
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MALICE #12 (1 Hour 30 minutes) Live on CBS 10:00pm cst (rating: 1,531,069) -12,853 from last week Monday, April week 3, 1983 Giant Center in Hershey, PA (8,655) Announcers: Lee Marshall, Lord Alfred Hayes, Bob Caudle Back Stage: Gene Oakerlund Card Booker: Duke Williams Match Booker: George Scott Refs: Paul Morton, Earl Hebner Rating: B [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound vs The Hart Foundation [/b] Winner: Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound defeated The Hart Foundation in 7:32 when Jake Roberts defeated Arn Anderson by pinfall with a Short-Arm Clothesline. Rating: C [/QUOTE] [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Kung Fu vs The Crusher[/b] Winner: The Crusher defeated Kung Fu in 7:38 by pinfall with a Bolo Punch. Rating: C[/QUOTE] =============================================================== Lee Marshall: Welcome everybody to Malice! Lord Alfred Hayes: I need a drink already. Bob Caudle: Weeks ago Superstar Billy Graham was hosting a segment called “Ask The Superstar” when a letter came in and asked him about Jewish wrestlers. Mr. Graham made an off color comment that got him suspended and sued by the Jewish God Mark Lewin. His manager Andy Kaufman was behind all of it if you ask me and in two weeks at Ultimate Status Graham will face Lewin in a law suit match. If Graham wins he gets his career back and the lawsuit is dropped. If Lewin wins he will receive a huge payday from the law suit and Graham’s career will be up in the air. Since Graham was suspended his segment “Ask a Superstar” hasn’t aired. Well tonight in a move I call taunting Andy Kaufman has decided to do the same style segment. Lord Alfred Hayes: Its called “Ask a real TV Superstar!!!” Which is what Kaufman is have you seem Taxi he is a genius!! GENIUS I SAY!!! Lee Marshall: I’ll never understand British humor. The cameras take us to Andy Kaufman in the ring looking through a box of letters. A big rug with the Jewish Star is in the center of the ring as Mark Lewin sits in a chair watching. Andy Kaufman: Greeting anti-Semites and mini-Hitlers. I’m the TV legend you have all seen and enjoy Mr. Andy Kaufman. A proud Jewish American and that is why I’ve been black balled by the anti-Semitic Hollywood!! Just as Mark Lewin is oppressed by you the fans and the management of this federation. First letter is from Nancy Goldman….Dear Andy do you think Mark Lewin will beat Billy Graham? Great question Nancy the answear is yes. You see the Jews excel in everything we do and the fact that Mark is a Jewish God doesn’t hurt his chances. The blue eyed blonde haired goyem racist devil will be buried forever. Mark my words Nancy! Superstar Billy Graham not only hates the Jews I heard he hates the Blacks! He’s a racist and we will stop his **** march at Ultimate Status. Rating: B [b]1 vs 1[/b] [QUOTE][b]Mark Lewin w/Andy Kaufman vs Dynamite Kid[/b] Winner: Mark Lewin defeated Dynamite Kid in 11:26 by submission after blatantly cheating. Rating: C[/QUOTE] Ray Stevens is seen backstage looking over the contract for Ultimate Status he is with Blanchard and DiBiase. Ray Stevens: The Italian Sausage thinks I need the Malice Crew to beat him? That’s laughable and tonight I will prove it in a ten minute exhibition match. As for the pay-per-view he wants a cage to keep my brothers out? Fine he’s got it. Ray signs the contract and walks away with DiBiase and Blanchard. Rating: B Bob Caudle: Perhaps Ray Stevens has manned up or he has a plan. Lee Marshall: I would put my money on the latter. Lord Alfred Hayes: DiBiase and Blanchard have joined up as the Malice Crew’s official tag team. They are coming up here next and perhaps while Mr. Stevens is here at ring side you can tell that to his face. I’m sure he’d live to hear you two morons opinion of him. [b]Tag Match[/b] [QUOTE][b] The Malice Crew (DiBiase/Blanchard) w/Ray Stevens vs The Models (Martel/Rougeau)[/b] Winner: The Malice Crew defeated The Models in 11:48 when Tully Blanchard defeated Raymond Rougeau by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rating: C+[/QUOTE] A video package of Terry Funk and Nick Bockwinkel plays culminating with the two signing their contracts for the title match at Ultimiate Status. The package does a nice job of hyping the match and selling the pay-per-view. Rating B- Bobby Heenan and Lou Albano are talking backstage when Albano starts bragging about how Steve Williams is on a roll beating Bruno Sammartino just last week. Heenan gets pissed as Albano rubs it in that Williams signed with him instead of Heenan. Bobby fires back that the real star is Big John Studd and Williams wouldn’t stand a chance in the ring with him. Albano takes offence and a match is set for tonight. Rating: B- [b]Singles Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]”Dr. Death” Steve Williams w/ Lou Albano vs Big John Studd with Bobby Heenan[/b] Winner: Steve Williams defeated Big John Studd in 11:50 by pinfall following interference from Big Van Vader.. Rating: C+ [/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: Road Warrior Vader is getting an early jump on his Ultimate Status opponent Big John Studd in the battle of the giants. Lee Marshall: Last week Williams beat Bruno when Ray Stevens attacked him. This week Williams beats Studd after a Vader assault. He’s been on a nice little roll even if his wins have come with a question. Lord Alfred Hayes: Rubbish Steve Williams is unstoppable. Bob Caudle: Here comes trouble as the rest of the Road Warriors attack Studd. Road Warrior Vader, Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk run in and attack, beating Studd down into the mat before officials can tear them off of the fallen giant. Rating: C- On a talk show, a heated argument breaks out between Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat and escalates to the point where The Rowdy One attacks The Dragon, beating him down to the ground. Piper: You think your something because your undefeated pal? Huh? This is just a taste of what your going to get when I beat you for your little title….Malice Style. Rating B- [b] Main Event [/b] [QUOTE][b]Bruno Sammartino vs Ray Stevens[/b] Winner: Bruno Sammartino drew with Ray Stevens in 10:00 when the time limit expired. Rating: A[/QUOTE] Post match the Malice Crew come running into the ring and beat down Sammartino as the show goes off of the air. Rating: C+
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MALICE #13 (1 Hour 30 minutes) Live on CBS 10:00pm cst (rating: 1,432,953) -98,116 from last week Monday, April week 4, 1983 The Palestra in Philadelphia, PA (8,655) Announcers: Lee Marshall, Lord Alfred Hayes, Bob Caudle Back Stage: Gene Oakerlund Card Booker: Duke Williams Match Booker: George Scott Refs: Paul Morton, Earl Hebner Rating: C+ [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Tony Charles vs Yokozuna [/b] Winner: Tony Charles defeated Yokozuna in 8:05 by pinfall. Rating: E [/QUOTE] [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Curt Henning vs Ultimate Warrior[/b] Winner: Curt Hennig defeated Ultimate Warrior in 7:33 by pinfall with a Swinging Knee Lift. Rating: E[/QUOTE] =============================================================== The show opens as the cameras take us to a hospital room. From his sick bed, a battered Kerry Von Erich cuts an interview where he graciously thanks the many phone calls and cards he has received in the past few days. His face is covered in a mask and you can tell he’s still fairly weak. He promises his fans that he will make a speedy recovery to get back into the ring this Sunday at Ultimate Status. He tells the crowd he’s made up his mind he wants Savage in a dog collar match the deadliest of all wrestling matches. He tells the crowd its been worked out with Stu Hart despite Gary Hart’s wishes for the match not to take place it will happen unsanctioned by the TCW. Rating: C Lee Marshall: Welcome everybody to Malice! Lord Alfred Hayes: So a dog collar match it is. I can’t wait for that one and what of Miss Elisabeth who is she with? Bob Caudle: Well I guess we will find out Sunday but right now Randy Savage is in the ring where he just heard of the stipulation lets see if he agrees. The cameras take us to the ring where Randy Savage is standing by. Randy Savage: I just heard Kerry wants ME in a dog collar MATCH YEA?? OH YEAAAA I accept. I will beat him like the dog he is taking another MANS WIFE!!! OH NO I will beat him until he doesn’t come back. Unsanctioned by the TCW I CAN CARE LESS HE’S A DEAD MAN YEAAAAAAAAAA. Rating: C [b]1 vs 1[/b] [QUOTE][b]Randy Savage vs Tommy Rich[/b] Winner: Tommy Rich defeated Randy Savage in 10:02 by pinfall following interference from Kerry Von Erich. Rating: C[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: Kerry Von Erich is here that must have been a tape we saw. Besides the obvious mask on his face he looks like he’s ready to go Sunday. Lee Marshall: Thank God the refs broke this one up or we may have a death tonight. Lord Alfred Hayes: Who’s making love to your old lady while you were out making love Lee? Backstage Sheik Abdullah the Great comes out with his client, Abdullah the Butcher. Both men taunt The Assassin. Telling him to watch the next match to see what he has in store for him at Ultimate Status…THIS SUNDAY ONLY ON PAY-PER-VIEW!!!! Rating: C [b]Singles Match[/b] [QUOTE][b] Abdullah The Butcher vs Bret Hart[/b] Winner: Abdullah the Butcher defeated Bret Hart in 8:27 by pinfall with a Sudanese Meat Cleaver. Abdullah pulls out the fork but luckly the ref takes it away from him before he can scar the hitmans forehead. Rating: C[/QUOTE] Ricky Steamboat had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Roddy Piper and the beat down he took last week. Rating C+ [b]4-Team tag match Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]Don’t Feed The Animals vs The Malice Crew vs The Models vs Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound[/b] Winner: The Malice Crew defeated Don't Feed The Animals, The Models and Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound in 19:45; the order of elimination was The Models first, then Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound, and finally Don't Feed The Animals. Rating: C+ [/QUOTE] The cameras catch Nick Bockwinkel and Terry Funk backstage discussing something. Terry Funk lets Bockwinkel know that all the nice words end now and this Sunday he will be the champion. Bockwinkel lets Funk know that he disagrees and that this Sunday he will be the world champion. They shake hands then go face to face before the camera cuts off of them promoting the pay-per-view. Rating: B- [b] Main Event (Winner will get a shot at the world title next week) [/b] [QUOTE][b]Big John Studd vs Road Warrior Vader vs Harley Race vs Ricky Steam Boat vs Roddy Piper[/b] Winner: Big John Studd defeated Big Van Vader, Steve Williams, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat and Roddy Piper in 13:50 when Big John Studd defeated Roddy Piper by pinfall with a Heart Punch. Tons of interference and side fights making this match a real cluster battle. Rating: B-[/QUOTE]
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ULTIMATE STATUS (3 Hour 30 minutes) Live on PPV 7pm CST (buy rate: 66,392) Sunday, May 1st 1983 Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, NJ (15,000) Announcers: Lee Marshall, Lord Alfred Hayes, Bob Caudle Back Stage: Gene Oakerlund Card Booker: Duke Williams Match Booker: George Scott Refs: Paul Morton, Earl Hebner Rating: C [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Tommy Rich vs Sweet Daddy Siki vs Ole Anderson [/b] Winner: Tommy Rich defeated Sweet Daddy Siki and Ole Anderson in 7:52 when Tommy Rich defeated Sweet Daddy Siki by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Rating: C+[/QUOTE] [b]Dark Match.[/b] [QUOTE][b]Steve Williams vs Paul Orndorff[/b] Winner: Steve Williams defeated Paul Orndorff in 7:49 by pinfall when Lou Albano interfered. Rating: C[/QUOTE] =============================================================== The show starts with fire works as the announcers talk up the card and a video package hypes the matches happening tonight. Bob Caudle: Lets get started! Lord Alfred Hayes: I already did I’m half in the bag. [b]#1 Contender for the Tag Titles[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Malice Crew (DiBiase/Blanchard) vs Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound (Roberts/Rodz)[/b] Winner: The Malice Crew defeated Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound in 10:02 when Ted Dibiase defeated Jake Roberts by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.. Rating: B-[/QUOTE] Lee Marshall: The Malice Crew is for real and they are the number one contenders to who ever wins the titles tonight. Lord Alfred Hayes: The first of many victory’s for the Malice Crew tonight. Bob Caudle: The Night is still young boys. [b]Battle of the Giants[/b] [QUOTE][b]Roadwarrior Vader w/ Paul Ellering vs Big John Stuff w/Bobby Heenan[/b] Winner: Big John Studd defeated Big Van Vader in 11:46 by submission after interference from Bobby Heenan. During the match we also had Road Warrior Animal run in and attack Studd. After the match the Road Warriors attacked Studd but he fought them off. Rating: C+[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: It appears a giant has been unleashed after a slow start here in TCW. But with the win last Monday night then again tonight we maybe looking at the next world champion he has a shot at the title this Monday night. [b]1 on 1[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Iron Sheik w/Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Masked Superstar[/b] Winner: The Masked Superstar defeated The Iron Sheik in 12:53 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rating: B[/QUOTE] Lee Marshall: This is definitely going to bump the Masked Superstar back into the title race with this major win. [b]Hardcore Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]Abdullah The Butcher w/Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Assassin[/b] Winner: Abdullah the Butcher defeated The Assassin in 8:33 by pinfall after gouging the forehead of the Assassin with a fork. Rating: C[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: One of the toughest men brutalizes himself another win. [b]3 Man #1 Contenders for the World Title Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]Harley Race vs Larry Zbysko vs Dick[/b] Winner: Harley Race defeated Larry Zbyszko and Dick Slater in 18:38; the order of elimination was Dick Slater first, and finally Larry Zbyszko. Rating: B+[/QUOTE] Lord Alfred Hayes: Another big win for the Malice Crew. I’ll drink to that in the name of the queen. [b]Law Suit Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]Mark Lewin w/Andy Kaufmann vs The Superstar Billy Graham w/Sherri[/b] Winner: Superstar Billy Graham defeated Mark Lewin in 10:58 by pinfall after a blatant fast count by Earl Hebner. Rating: B[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: The TCW did have an investment in the outcome of this match. I’m sure we are going to hear from Andy Kaufmann Monday Night. Something is rotten in Denmark. [b]1 on 1[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Iron Sheik w/Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Masked Superstar[/b] Winner: The Masked Superstar defeated The Iron Sheik in 12:53 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rating: B[/QUOTE] [b]Dog Collar Match *Unsanctioned[/b] [QUOTE][b]Randy Savage vs Kerry Von Erich[/b] Winner: Kerry Von Erich defeated Randy Savage in 14:46 by pinfall with three Tornado Punch wearing brass knuckles. Elisabeth returned after the match checking on Randy Savage as the emergency crew took him to the hospital for a cat scan. Rating: C[/QUOTE] Lee Marshall: One of the most violent matches ever witnessed! [b]Tag Team Titles Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Blackjacks vs The Flag Burners[/b] Winner: THe Flag Burners defeated The Blackjacks in 8:54 when Toru Tanaka defeated Blackjack Lanza by submission after blatantly cheating. THe Flag Burners win the TCW World Tag Team titles. Rating: B-[/QUOTE] Lord Alfred Hayes: The sneaking Japs pull another one off on the lazy Americans! Nobody saw this coming a major upset and I couldn’t be more happy. [b]1 on 1[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Iron Sheik w/Sheik Abdullah the Great vs The Masked Superstar[/b] Winner: The Masked Superstar defeated The Iron Sheik in 12:53 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rating: B[/QUOTE] [b]TV TITLE MATCH[/b] [QUOTE][b]Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat vs “Rowdy” Roddy Pipper[/b] Winner: Ricky Steamboat defeated Roddy Piper in 19:53 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. During the match we also had Harley Race run in and attack The Dragon. Ricky Steamboat makes defence number 3 of his TCW TV Champion title. Rating: B[/QUOTE] [b]Legends Cage Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]Ray Stevens vs Bruno Sammartino[/b] Winner: Ray Stevens defeated Bruno Sammartino in 20:16 by pinfall with a Stevens Piledriver. Rating: A[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: What an amazing match from two legends and the crowd is giving them a standing ovation. Look at this sportsmanship as Bruno Sammartino shakes the hand of Ray Stevens as the cage is raised. [b]Main Event: World Title Match[/b] [QUOTE][b]The Nick Bockwinkel vs Terry Funk[/b] Winner: Terry Funk defeated Nick Bockwinkel in 37:33 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Terry Funk wins the NWA World Title title. Rating: A[/QUOTE] The crowd goes wild as Terry Funk celebrates with the title. Stu Hart is at ring side yelling at the defeated Bockwinkel swearing revenge on Funk. Standing in the back watching with baited eyes are Big John Studd and Harley Race. A champion is crowned as ultimate status is reached but that is just the beginning as now the defense begins.
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