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August 2018 Draft Hype/Signup Thread

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Welcome everyone to the official hype/signup thread for the upcoming August 2018 Draft! In honor of Fleisch releasing what could be his last RWC, we'll be using the RWC August 2018 data.


The rules for the draft are as follows:


1. Use http://www.random.org/sform.html to assign a random order for promotions picking.


2. Once a pick is made, the next person has 1 hour to make his selection. We will use time stamps on the posts. Serpentine order so it's fair to everyone (well, fair in the sense that #1 doesn't always pick first. I can't be held accountable if you lose out on a worker based on your placement in the draft.)


3. Once the one hour time period elapses, and the next in line does not draft, then whoever is next in line can jump in and select. When you make your selection you are going to be required to copy and paste the draft board in your thread while making your post bold to stand out.


4. If someone is skipped for missing a selection, they can make their selection at anytime.


5. If you have been skipped three times then you will be automatically skipped for any future picks. If by five rounds after you've been put on the skip list (so 8 rounds) you'll be removed from the drafting pool and your promotion's roster will be made up by myself post-draft of the worst workers in the data. Unless they've all been drafted. ¬_¬


6. If you submit a list to me, ranking wrestlers, and you are not online to make your pick, I will take the first person from that list who has not been selected for your pick (Granted that I am online to do so). Others may be able to fill this role as needed.


7. Written contracts will be for the first 30 rounds, PPA contracts for the final 10 rounds. All promotions start at the average popularity of your top five workers.


8. Staff will count as part of your 40 draft picks. It is not required to draft staff (ie Referee's, Announcers, Managers, Road Agents, Colour Commentators, Personalities) but is encouraged to at least get the minimum so the game is playable right away.


10. Trades are allowed and actively encouraged. All workers are available to be traded in any way you see fit. Trades will not be completed unless all players involved have confirmed the trade to me, and if there is any doubt then my word is final.


The best method would be via PM although the forum would be fine too. Once a trade is confirmed by both sides then it is final and cannot be undone.


11. In this draft you can pick workers from any area to join your promotion. Worker restrictions will be turned OFF.


12. Default Owners and Head Bookers from each promotion will be assigned by you from the roster of workers you have drafted if not already selected.


13. Any company can have a touring schedule.


14. All the contract information is being set to the following guidelines:


- Random Expiry date

- Alignment set to default, whatever the worker is better at.

- Gimmick set to database default to match alignment.

- Gimmick rating of Good

- Momentum set to random


15. You can select anyone you have drafted to be your owner/booker when the time comes or when you draft them.


16. All title will begin with a default prestige level appropriate to their level. Main event titles will be set to 80 prestige, all midcard titles will be set to 50 prestige and all low level titles will be set to 20 prestige.


17. All events will be set to have a default event importance of "normal". All promotions are entitled to elevate the prestige of any 1 events by two levels (up to Highly Regarded) or any 2 events up by one level (up to Above Average). This can't be traded to other promotions.


18. The only workers not able to be drafted in the draft are dead workers.


19. All Broadcasters from the default database will be in this database.


20. You can draft TV deals and PPV deals.


21. You do not have to draft Titles.


22. 40 Rounds are on the docket.


23. All promotions start with good finances.


24. Mystery boxes are available. 600 of them to be precise. You have to use a pick to select a box which will have a prize! You have to put what number of your box as well.


25. This draft is implementing a home nation based quota. Too many times we see a number 1 draft pick of a Japanese icon with no pop in America being picked by a performance fed and screwing up the Japanese scene. That can still happen but not to so much effect. For all workers drafted, 80% need to be eligible to work in your home country with restrictions on. For the first 10 rounds, only workers eligible to work in your home region can be drafted by yourself. In game after the draft however, restrictions will be turned off to allow for that 20% to move freely as well as anyone else.


26. Popularity will be determined by your top five most popular workers that you draft.


Also in honor of MHero coming back to the boards, we'll use his rules!


A separate thread will be used for drafting. The first 10 people who sign up will be included.


You can either PM me your company product or post in this thread. Graphics would be helpful!


Good Luck!

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<p>Here's the signup sheet for your promotion:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45696" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Promotion Name:<p> Promotion Short Name:</p><p> Promotion Home Region: (eg: Mid South, USA)</p><p> Strategy:</p><p> Drug Policy:</p><p> Fix Belts:</p><p> Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion:</p><p> IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p> PRODUCT</p><p> Product-</p><p> Name:</p><p> AI for Events: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=</p><p> AI for TV: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=</p><p> </p><p> Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p> Traditional =</p><p> Mainstream =</p><p> Comedy =</p><p> Cult =</p><p> Risque =</p><p> Modern =</p><p> Realism =</p><p> Hyper Realism =</p><p> Hardcore =</p><p> Lucha Libre =</p><p> Pure =</p><p> Daredevil =</p><p> Match Intensity:</p><p> Match Danger:</p><p> Womens Wrestling:</p><p> T&A Levels:</p><p> Face/Heel Divide: </p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="southside_hitmen" data-cite="southside_hitmen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45696" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In! Will post details later today</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hey shouldn't you be busy beavering away in the RWC Mod salt mines not having fun playing the game ….bad mod monkey … very bad mod monkey!</p>
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<p>Im as always in. I bring Rockverse Promotion Pro Wrestling Underground to the table!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Promotion Name: Pro Wrestling Underground</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: PWU</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: South West, USA</p><p>

Strategy: Traditional</p><p>

Drug Policy: None</p><p>

Fix Belts: No</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p>



Name: Modern Underground</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 55, 2v2=25 , 3v3=10 , Triagle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio=80</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1=55 , 2v2=25 , 3v3=10 , Triagle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio=80</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Low</p><p>

Mainstream = Low</p><p>

Comedy = Low</p><p>

Cult = Key Feature</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = None</p><p>

Realism = None</p><p>

Hyper Realism = None</p><p>

Hardcore = Medium</p><p>

Lucha Libre = Medium</p><p>

Pure = None</p><p>

Daredevil = Key</p><p>

Match Intensity: 70</p><p>

Match Danger: 80</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: None</p><p>

T&A Levels: Low</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide:No</p>

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<p>My promotion is going to be like the original ECW, with way less emphasis on garbage brawls. A promotion with a bit of every kind of wrestling targeted at a primarily adult male fan base. </p><p> </p><p>

Promotion Name: World Wrestling Showcase</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: WWS</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: Mid West, USA </p><p>

Strategy: Entirely TV</p><p>

Drug Policy: Low Level</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p>



Name: Wrestling Buffet</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 65 , 2v2= 20 , 3v3= 5, Triangle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 80%</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= 65 , 2v2= 20 , 3v3= 5 , Triangle= 5 , Four Way= 5 , Match Ratio= 60%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Medium</p><p>

Mainstream = Heavy</p><p>

Comedy = Low</p><p>

Cult = Heavy</p><p>

Risque = Medium</p><p>

Modern = Medium</p><p>

Realism = Medium</p><p>

Hyper Realism = Low</p><p>

Hardcore = Medium</p><p>

Lucha Libre = Low</p><p>

Pure = None</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p>

Match Intensity: 40</p><p>

Match Danger: 40</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: None (May change depending on how the draft goes)</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: No</p>

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<p>Oh, twist my arm.</p><p> </p><p>

Promotion Name: Smart and Snarky Wrestling</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: SSW</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: South East, US</p><p>

Strategy: Entirely TV</p><p>

Drug Policy: None</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?: N/A</p><p> </p><p>



Name: Smart and Snarky</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1=55%, 2v2=25%, 3v3=10%, Triangle=5%, Four Way=5%, Match Ratio=80%</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1=55%, 2v2=25%, 3v3=10%, Triangle=5%, Four Way=5%, Match Ratio=65%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal-</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Key Feature/Medium/Key Feature</p><p>

Mainstream = Low/None/Heavy</p><p>

Comedy = Very Low/None/Low</p><p>

Cult = Very Low/None/Low</p><p>

Risque = Very Low/None/Low</p><p>

Modern = Medium/Low/High</p><p>

Realism = None/None/Low</p><p>

Hyper Realism = None/None/Low</p><p>

Hardcore = None/None/Medium</p><p>

Lucha Libre = None/None/Medium</p><p>

Pure = None/None/Low</p><p>

Daredevil = None/None/Low</p><p> </p><p>

Match Intensity: 70%</p><p>

Match Danger: 55%</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: None</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: Yes</p>

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<p>Promotion Name: Canuck Pro</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: C-PRO</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: Ontario, Canada</p><p>

Strategy: Traditional</p><p>

Drug Policy: High except no testing for Soft Drugs</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular Promotion</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p>


Product- </p><p>

Name: Canada's New Tradition</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 55%, 2v2= 25%, 3v3= 10%, Triangle= 5%, Four Way= 5%, Match Ratio= 80%</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= 10%, 2v2= 50%, 3v3= 40%, Triangle= 0%, Four Way= 0%, Match Ratio= 70%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Key</p><p>

Mainstream = Heavy</p><p>

Comedy = None</p><p>

Cult = Very Low</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = Medium </p><p>

Realism = Medium</p><p>

Hyper Realism = None</p><p>

Hardcore = Low</p><p>

Lucha Libre = None</p><p>

Pure = Low</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p>

Match Intensity: 40%</p><p>

Match Danger: 40%</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: Division</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: None</p>

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That looks like we've got our 10. Out of curiosity, why do we always do drafts with 10 participants? To make the game world more fleshed out? I would be interested to do one with 5 or 6 sometime and have a bit more stacked rosters.


You think 10 is too much? We used to do drafts with 12 or 15 people! I set it as 10 mostly because I want the rosters to be a bit more stacked, but the 5 or 6 company draft is an interesting idea.


Also, while I was sleeping, I came up with a great idea for my promotion. Instead of having a Lucha Underground-esque promotion in America, I'll instead have it in Japan!


Once we have all the details of the promotions sorted out, I'll post the draft order.


Company List:

1) Uncrewed- The Club- Kanto, Japan (Lucha Underground-esque promotion) (Name subject to change)

2) alpha2117- ???- ???, ???

3) southside_hitmen- ???- ???, Mexico

4) Jaded- East End Wrestling- South, UK

5) Tardelli- Pro Wrestling Underground- Southwest, USA

6) wshred13- World Wrestling Showcase- Mid West, USA

7) HRTVAndrew- Smart and Snarky Wrestling- South East, USA

8) willr0ck- ???- ???, Japan

9) Jon The GOAT- Canuck Pro- Ontario, Canada

10) Dr_Avalanche- ???- New England, USA

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You think 10 is too much? We used to do drafts with 12 or 15 people! I set it as 10 mostly because I want the rosters to be a bit more stacked, but the 5 or 6 company draft is an interesting idea.


I don't think 10 is optimal, especially if everyone is trying to be #1. It spreads the talent a little too thin and resembles more of a territory system. If I ran a draft, I think I would do 5 or 6 (max of 3 or 4 in the US) and do 50 or 60 picks. I like more stacked rosters and would also like everybody to be able to hit the mystery box more for a varied start. I love the mystery box, but choosing that more than a time or two makes the roster way too small for me at 40 picks.


I think the only major flaw with doing this small of a draft participant wise is that most likely areas other than America will be drafting somewhat unchallenged (which I guess you could make everyone compete for talent by removing any area restrictions).


Anyone else interested in doing a smaller draft in the future or is 10 more ideal?

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I’d do a smaller one with either no region restriction, or everyone in same region.


In general though, I always thought 10 was on the small side. You are squeezing 65 companies into 10. I feel like 15-20 would be the sweet spot for good rosters but competitive in terms of who you get. The draft would take forever though

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I think 10 is perfect. 12 is probably doable, but the last 10 rounds or so would be murder, and it's likely you'd get people solely using those picks on mystery boxes rather than talent (even moreso than now). I don't mind a few box picks during my draft, but if I'm putting that much hope on a random number generator, that doesn't speak well of the roster I've drafted!
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In general though, I always thought 10 was on the small side. You are squeezing 65 companies into 10. I feel like 15-20 would be the sweet spot for good rosters but competitive in terms of who you get. The draft would take forever though


I think it would be more accurate to say that you are turning about 10 companies into 10 companies. I think the vast majority of talent that gets drafted would come from the most well known promotions with most others being completely ignored.


Nah, the more promotions the better. Spread that talent thin and discover new wrestlers.


I would probably feel this way if I did more drafts. I've only done a couple so I'm still intrigued by being able to intermingle the well known wrestlers from the major promotions.


I don't mind a few box picks during my draft, but if I'm putting that much hope on a random number generator, that doesn't speak well of the roster I've drafted!


I view mystery boxes more as a fun randomizer element rather than something to be relied upon.

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<p>Promotion Name: La Liga de Lucha Libre</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: La Liga</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: West Central Mexico</p><p>

Strategy: Traditional</p><p>

Drug Policy: Low</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p>


Product- </p><p>

Name: Modern Lucha Libre</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 25, 2v2= 30, 3v3= 42, Triangle= 1, Four Way= 2, Match Ratio= 80</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= 15, 2v2= 22, 3v3= 60, Triangle= 1, Four Way= 2, Match Ratio= 70</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Key</p><p>

Mainstream = Key</p><p>

Comedy = Low</p><p>

Cult = Low</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = Medium</p><p>

Realism = Medium</p><p>

Hyper Realism = None</p><p>

Hardcore = Low</p><p>

Lucha Libre = Key</p><p>

Pure = Low</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p> </p><p>

Match Intensity: 20</p><p>

Match Danger: 40</p><p> </p><p>

Womens Wrestling: Integrated</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: Yes</p>

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<p>Changed my mind I am going to try to make Eastern Australia work.</p><p> </p><p>

I may however argue the case with a few workers because the mod doesn't have certain people available in Australia despite them spending extensive periods of time here working on things (Jason Momoa, The Rock, Chris Jericho etc or are in fact Australian - Nia Jax was born here). I also might go over 80% not usually in Australia picking up a few weird and wonderful workers - and if all seriousness anyone complained about me picking up people from places like CHIKARA I'd be pretty shocked.</p><p> </p><p>

Just make it WWAA (WWA Australia) - Eastern Australia. I'll give settings before the end of the draft. It kind of depends on what I am able to cobble together. I'm still tempted to go acting heavy with comedy and general weirdness but we'll have to play it by ear and see how it goes because other people may take the guys and girls I need to make that work.</p>

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<p>Been looking for an excuse to use this logo for something...</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="hmPEtvP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hmPEtvP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Promotion Name: Burning Spirit Pro Wrestling</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: BSPW</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: Kinki, Japan</p><p>

Strategy: Traditional</p><p>

Drug Policy: Low</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Touring</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?: Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Sept, Oct, Nov</p><p> </p><p>



Name: Traditional Puroresu</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 38 , 2v2= 38 , 3v3= 23 , Triagle= 1 , Four Way= 0 , Match Ratio=</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= 38 , 2v2= 38 , 3v3= 23 , Triagle= 1 , Four Way= 0 , Match Ratio= 90%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Key Feature</p><p>

Mainstream = Very Low</p><p>

Comedy = Very Low</p><p>

Cult = None</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = Medium</p><p>

Realism = Key Feature</p><p>

Hyper Realism = Very Low</p><p>

Hardcore = Low </p><p>

Lucha Libre = Very Low</p><p>

Pure = Low</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p>

Match Intensity: 80%</p><p>

Match Danger: 40%</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: None</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: No</p><p>

Weight Split: Yes</p>

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