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I like the gimmick update but for some reason I feel like I'll use it for a little bit then turn gimmicks off later. It would be tough playing a historical mod and having Undertaker bomb his gimmick then seeing Brooklyn Brawler become too over because of his. I can see how people will like it who love that unpredictably that wrestling has, but cant see myself using it in a game I want some predictability. To not be able to get over a Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc bc of a gimmick would be demoralizing. Play it safe by not taking much risk but then do they reach the level of stardom they deserve?
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I like the gimmick update but for some reason I feel like I'll use it for a little bit then turn gimmicks off later. It would be tough playing a historical mod and having Undertaker bomb his gimmick then seeing Brooklyn Brawler become too over because of his. I can see how people will like it who love that unpredictably that wrestling has, but cant see myself using it in a game I want some predictability. To not be able to get over a Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc bc of a gimmick would be demoralizing. Play it safe by not taking much risk but then do they reach the level of stardom they deserve?


I think you're overestimating the importance of gimmicks. Someone with the necessary skills can get over pretty easily even if they have a middling gimmick. As long as you don't outright have a bad gimmick, you can probably do OK.

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I like the gimmick update but for some reason I feel like I'll use it for a little bit then turn gimmicks off later. It would be tough playing a historical mod and having Undertaker bomb his gimmick then seeing Brooklyn Brawler become too over because of his. I can see how people will like it who love that unpredictably that wrestling has, but cant see myself using it in a game I want some predictability. To not be able to get over a Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc bc of a gimmick would be demoralizing. Play it safe by not taking much risk but then do they reach the level of stardom they deserve?


I guess I don't understand this in general either. Like when playing Historical Mods why do you want the same people to end up over essentially? Like I get playing them and having them be corrected to the way you see fit, but it is an alternate universe so some changes are bound to happen. Obviously you aren't going crazy with everyone's gimmick so they will flop less. But assuming 100% of the people will succeed similar to real life seems silly.


I also think as mentioned you're putting too much weight on gimmicks in general. You can still be a ME with a shitty gimmick.


My question is when database makers ect. Make a wrestler can they set whether someone's gimmick is successful or not?

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I like the gimmick update but for some reason I feel like I'll use it for a little bit then turn gimmicks off later. It would be tough playing a historical mod and having Undertaker bomb his gimmick then seeing Brooklyn Brawler become too over because of his. I can see how people will like it who love that unpredictably that wrestling has, but cant see myself using it in a game I want some predictability. To not be able to get over a Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc bc of a gimmick would be demoralizing. Play it safe by not taking much risk but then do they reach the level of stardom they deserve?


You can still fine tune a gimmick or select gimmicks that are likely to fit a worker well or not fit them well.


So really, as long as you play to those wrestlers' strengths, then most of them should still succeed and get over.


In that way, the game will perfectly reflect reality. Wrestlers generally get over playing gimmicks that they have a knack for, and anytime they bomb (Rocky Maivia, The Ringmaster, Cheesy Babyface Diesel, Cena and Reigns), it's because the company made a tweak to it that doesn't fit what the workers are actually good at or what made the fans get behind those characters when the gimmick was working.


Gimmicks like Undertaker, Kane, Rapper Cena, Bray Wyatt, etc. always had a high risk, high reward thing where they just as easily could've bombed if even one thing was done incorrectly. So in that way, I don't see what's wrong with the new feature.

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As one who was nervous about the radical nature of the gimmick overhaul, I am loving today's post. The way Adam has done things he's kept the best of the old system and crafted something new and so much better around it. When I've done my Cappy Packs in the past, I may have been comfortable creating new storylines and the custom angles to go with them but gimmicks were a whole other story. That put the fear of God in me because of trying to figure out how to figure out risk and subtlety.


For example, I used to run this e-fed character named Darby Sharpe who for complex backstory reasons spoke in WW2 slang but was otherwise your basic old school face. Using the old gimmick system I never did get a version of Darby's shtick I was comfortable with. My attempts always felt like "guy who just says Jackson a lot" and I could never decide just how subtle it was. Like was a A- subtle, straight A, A star. Now I give Darby the correct basis, mark him wildly creative and safe to reflect the fact he's an old school face with a unique quirk and he can live or be imitated in the C-Verse the way he should be.


The talk I've heard about being fiddly because of having a large gimmick file and all these gradations of the same gimmick never really felt relevant to me. One had the option before to search only for gimmicks that fit the character and to further parse the list out by gimmick category. So that overwhelm always felt hard to relate to. If that were the best thing coming out of this redesign, I'd probably be seeing it as the misguided destruction of chained storylines all over again. The fact you can now better create narrow gimmicks like Darby's is what makes this overhaul sing and really should make it one of the most popular parts of the new game.


Slightly off-thread-topic, but when you say e-Fed, do you mean one of the exclusively promo-based ones, or one where you actually play matches, such as on WWE 2K?

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It will automatically create a gimmick change for when they debut using their default gimmick and basis and using a standard aim. You can go in and edit it before they debut if you want to use something different.




Also, will we still have the option to give a worker creative freedom when it comes to gimmicks and how will that work? Will our creative rating still play a factor?


I feel like workers should have their own creative rating or better yet a attribute for this very reason.

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I like the gimmick performance overhaul, feels a lot more like I'm going to get a scouting report like "Brock Lesnar is especially good at a legitimate gimmick," which appeals to me personally more than "Brock Lesnar has a legitimate rating of 96."


It feels like a step away from the "spreadsheet simulator" that games like this risk becoming.

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I like the gimmick performance overhaul, feels a lot more like I'm going to get a scouting report like "Brock Lesnar is especially good at a legitimate gimmick," which appeals to me personally more than "Brock Lesnar has a legitimate rating of 96."


It feels like a step away from the "spreadsheet simulator" that games like this risk becoming.


I agree. It also means that there can be more worker versatility, so guys without a note can just simply be average at something -- meaning you have a lot more variety in the kinds of gimmicks you can have people run. I could have a smaller guy be pushed as a monster heel, despite not being great t brute gimmicks as long as he doesn't have an attribute to make him suffer at it. I think that will be very handy.

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A very interesting update. I know he touched on it in older posts somewhat but I feel I should ask. How does it work in terms of making someone better or worse at playing a babyface role or heel role? I mean, over time. Do they get better at playing the role? Say someone sucks at playing a heel but I see them as a heel. Can I keep them as a heel & they will eventually get better at it? I know you said the 0-100 score is gone so I was wondering if there was a way to see the progression? Attributes sound like more of a hard line for explaining to the player if someone can, or can not play the role.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gregkendell86" data-cite="Gregkendell86" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>All I can say is bless you adam for keeping the old gimmick file in the game. <p> </p><p> The new way sounds less user friendly than just checking a box and picking a gimmick. I always had a 1000 gimmicks in my database. So I never felt like I didn't have any options.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think the new way is probably significantly more user friendly on the whole. It will probably take some getting used to, but it sounds like you have a lot more flexibility than even with creating a whole bunch of preset gimmicks.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EBEZA" data-cite="EBEZA" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Slightly off-thread-topic, but when you say e-Fed, do you mean one of the exclusively promo-based ones, or one where you actually play matches, such as on WWE 2K?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mostly promo-based but where one could send in "strats" that gave notes on spots you might like to see included, mental state of the character, etc to aid the match writer along. Have both played characters and been match writer. At times both in the same fed at once.. Those fedding experiences were part of what made booking sims like Promotion Wars and TEW catch my eye in the early days of me playing them.</p>
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Mostly promo-based but where one could send in "strats" that gave notes on spots you might like to see included, mental state of the character, etc to aid the match writer along. Have both played characters and been match writer. At times both in the same fed at once.. Those fedding experiences were part of what made booking sims like Promotion Wars and TEW catch my eye in the early days of me playing them.


Ah, fair enough! Was gonna offer a spot in my PS4 fed if you played that sort! We love heavily character-based guys! :D

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I agree. It also means that there can be more worker versatility, so guys without a note can just simply be average at something -- meaning you have a lot more variety in the kinds of gimmicks you can have people run. I could have a smaller guy be pushed as a monster heel, despite not being great t brute gimmicks as long as he doesn't have an attribute to make him suffer at it. I think that will be very handy.


As a comedy gimmick, or like a Neville kind of role in 205 Live? Either works, to be fair!

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I'm a little confused on the Face / Heel. So every wrestler in the new game will be able to perform Face and Heel equally? That doesn't seem right to me.


No, the average wrestler can do either roughly equal. They might be sightly better at one or the other, but not massively so. So they won't have any indicator. Wrestlers who can ONLY do one or the other would get an attribute to that end. So someone who is face-only in current data would still be that way in 2020 data, just shown in a slightly different way.


At least that's the way I understand it.

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It looks like that everyone will be able to perform face or heel to a basically decent standard unless an attribute is specifying they can only play one way. However, there look to be degrees of capability, so you might have a worker having the 'natural heel' attribute and being great at heel, while another might be a 'born babyface' and be fantastic as a face.


It just means it's not tied to numbers and that unless otherwise stated, it's assumed most workers can generally be a face or a heel, which is a pretty fair representation. I'd say a majority of wrestlers can play either alignment when they have to, and if they're better at one or the other, that's where the attributes will come in.

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I have to be honest I much prefer the face and heel performances being this way. I find in most indy promotion wrestlers can usually do both to a basic extent, even if it's just smiling less and cheating. I like that being better than just working a slightly heelish style will be covered too by being a natural heel, or guys who are too likeable to even look like a bad guy are covered too.


Just seems to make more sense to me.

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<p>I don't really like gimmick feature showing up in one segment. In real life, yes jobbers get the crazy gimmicks until they find stuff that works but it usually takes a while to see if a gimmick is catching on.</p><p> </p><p>

You can't tell if a gimmick is once in a life time after one match.</p>

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