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<p>I get where people are coming from on this. I love the feature, incidentally, as it always felt like it shouldn't be my choice who the big stars were.</p><p> </p><p>

Nobody's saying "it sucks that I won't be able to sort my roster by Perception" though. </p><p> </p><p>

They're saying that <span style="text-decoration:underline;">IF</span> the only way to sort of the roster is by Perception, then that would suck because they won't be able to choose who is considered a main eventer/midcarder/etc when booking shows.</p><p> </p><p>

If they want a guy in the midcard scene but he Rob Van Dams/Hurricanes in popularity then it would be annoying to have no way to include him in what I envision to be my midcarders. I love the fact that the fans don't think of him as a midcarder any more, and I also love that RVD isn't going to complain about an arbitrary label I've given him. But I'm Vince McMahon damnit and RVD is a midcarder if I say he is.</p><p> </p><p>

I get that. I'm 99.9999% sure that Adam has thought of that though, and you can always use Divisions or something to get around it. Just have a main event "division" and a midcard "division" and filter that way. Or whatever the TEW 2020 equivalent of Divisions are. I'm sure it's covered. I think the point of the feature though is more to do with getting rid of micro-managing than doing away with filters and labels.</p><p> </p><p>

It's more "you can still call him a midcarder internally if you want, but he won't get annoyed by an arbitrary label you've given him if you're otherwise booking him fine".</p><p> </p><p>

I'm an outsider this year by the way, I know as much as you guys do. So don't read too much into this. I just wanted to say that I see both sides of this argument but I think it's a complete non-issue.</p>

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<p>I don't see any reason why that wouldn't be in, though. You can already put a Cruiserweight tag or a Comedy tag on a guy, so I don't get why you couldn't put a Midcard tag on a guy as well.</p><p> </p><p>

D-Lyrium does bring up an interesting point, though; I'd love to know if there's some logic around how you book a guy versus how he's perceived. If you get a guy you view as a Midcarder, and he blows through the roof in fan perception, but you still book him as a Midcarder, will he notice that fact? Will he demand a raise because he's getting paid below his popularity? Will he request a release, like we've seen in real life, in the hopes that he'll get better booking in a different company?</p><p> </p><p>

Dammit, I was trying to avoid getting too worked up about things before the majority of changes are announced, but now you've got me excited. Jerks.</p>

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<p>In addition I wonder if beloved stars losing to people the fans don’t accept yet can be replicated this way. The idea of the crowd turning on a worker/storyline isn’t foreign and usually comes from resentment with the fans. With the current system you can have Roman Reigns beat Daniel Bryan at Fastlane 2015 and it would probably be a massive success (great match, Roman gains from beating the more over guy, etc). In reality though the fans resented that moment and it stalled his momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

We see what happens if a young lion manages to win over a veteran, so I could envision something similar in these scenarios, though with more flexibility than the seniority system that uses. Sometimes you can be Okada and do just fine.</p>

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I get where people are coming from on this. I love the feature, incidentally, as it always felt like it shouldn't be my choice who the big stars were.


Nobody's saying "it sucks that I won't be able to sort my roster by Perception" though.


They're saying that IF the only way to sort of the roster is by Perception, then that would suck because they won't be able to choose who is considered a main eventer/midcarder/etc when booking shows.


If they want a guy in the midcard scene but he Rob Van Dams/Hurricanes in popularity then it would be annoying to have no way to include him in what I envision to be my midcarders. I love the fact that the fans don't think of him as a midcarder any more, and I also love that RVD isn't going to complain about an arbitrary label I've given him. But I'm Vince McMahon damnit and RVD is a midcarder if I say he is.


I get that. I'm 99.9999% sure that Adam has thought of that though, and you can always use Divisions or something to get around it. Just have a main event "division" and a midcard "division" and filter that way. Or whatever the TEW 2020 equivalent of Divisions are. I'm sure it's covered. I think the point of the feature though is more to do with getting rid of micro-managing than doing away with filters and labels.


It's more "you can still call him a midcarder internally if you want, but he won't get annoyed by an arbitrary label you've given him if you're otherwise booking him fine".


I'm an outsider this year by the way, I know as much as you guys do. So don't read too much into this. I just wanted to say that I see both sides of this argument but I think it's a complete non-issue.


This is exactly the point. Everyone seems to welcome thendeature, but are worried about an internal way of sorting. When it comes to quickly checking your roster when planning storylines, booking or even more importantly going back to a save, having the old way of ‘internal’ sorting was ideal.


The worry is, if you have an ‘upper midcarder’ who is hot, the fans perception may have him higher than anmain eventer that’s not hot ‘a jobber to the stars’ meaning a couple of losses for both andnyou upper midcarder quickly falls back to being an upper midcarder.


As I imagine pop still counts for more, there’s a chance if itsnsorted by perception that people may put people on the main event scene too quickly because they’re hot, rather than keeping them lower down the card gaining more wins.


As I say, it’s just so helpful the way they are categorised on our roster st the moment.

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I'm hoping that in amongst momentum being a strong factor in how crowds perceive workers, that there's some way to replicate underdog popularity.


Tye Dillinger loses every NXT match and eventually gets over to the point where new guys get booed tor beating him on their way in. Becky Lynch went about a year (at least twice) with no notable victories, always losing feuds and getting pushed aside, but always had the crowd's support. She was on a quiet winning streak just before she hit it big, but again it was a high-profile loss that pushed her over the edge...


It can't always be a case of losses equalling popularity/momentum loss.

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Love the new feature. The old way was a chore for me. I’d auto-assign after every show to avoid the complaint emails.


I also like that this will replicate things like Kofi Kingston’s current run (a fairly over Upper Midcarder on a hot streak) and Big Show/Kane (established big names whose momentum is in the dirt). A couple of poor showings from Kofi and he would rightly drop down a level but keep the wave going and he might solidify himself as a top guy. Or give Big Show a strong push and he could quickly become a big draw again (not that you would because the long term benefit is pretty negligible).


I think it’s also a neat way of handling known workers that leave somewhere they’ve become stagnant and quickly catch on somewhere new. Someone like Cody Rhodes was being suffocated by his poor booking/momentum but had enough popularity that once he left and became a hot act elsewhere, the impact on his perception was huge, despite not being any more well known.


As for roster organisation, I really feel this is a wait-and-see feature. Maybe there’s a new addition to mitigate it, maybe it means using divisions more proactively, maybe it’s only in very rare cases that you’ll have a lopsided roster in the new system. At the very least I’m sure you can still filter by popularity anyway.

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I'm hoping that in amongst momentum being a strong factor in how crowds perceive workers, that there's some way to replicate underdog popularity.


Tye Dillinger loses every NXT match and eventually gets over to the point where new guys get booed tor beating him on their way in. Becky Lynch went about a year (at least twice) with no notable victories, always losing feuds and getting pushed aside, but always had the crowd's support. She was on a quiet winning streak just before she hit it big, but again it was a high-profile loss that pushed her over the edge...


It can't always be a case of losses equalling popularity/momentum loss.

Heh, the funny thing about Becky was that her heel turn was, in fact, a massive babyface turn. But I think that when it comes to some of this stuff, we're going to have to accept that TEW is a game, and sometimes the way crowds react to certain wrestlers is just too nuanced for a game of this nature to handle correctly. For instance, I feel that what happened with Roman was an isolated case, not something I'd build an entire game mechanic around.

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No offence, but people really need to re-read Adam's post, like DerekB said. Also: I feel I need to apologize a bit. Re-reading my initial post on this matter, I might have come off as a bit rude.


Let’s not act the wrestling don’t have a history of politics and certain people getting to be chosen to reside on the top of the mountain...WWE was an example but we can take a history lesson on the entire business.

Yes, of course, and I didn't say otherwise. From what we know now, nothing is stopping from trying to push anyone you want to be THE guy in your company (with the emphasis on trying). It may or may not work for various reasons, though.


Look at how auto-pushes work currently: Unless you have just started a new save game, auto-pushes are a result of your booking. If you book someone strongly and put him over more popular wrestlers, they'll go up the ladder. The same is true if you book someone weak.

It hasn't been mentioned that this is not how it works anymore. In fact, it has been mentioned that momentum (i.e. wins and losses) will play a key part in crowd perception, so it may even be easier to get someone over in the game (maybe not, though, we don't know enough about the feature yet).

One weakness of the auto-push system is that wrestlers get pushed in relation to the rest of your roster. So, if you have a 25-person roster, the 5 most popular guys will be your main eventers, no more no less. So if someone moves up from upper midcard to main event, someone else has to move down, even if they didn't do anything.

It is my understanding that this will change under the new system.


The most over guys belong in the main event yes from a fans point of view. But this isn’t always the case for many reasons and the game will hopefully replicate this and give people situation where they have to go against what the fans appear to want.


I’m mean that’s what playing TEW is all about


I don't know. Isn't the goal of a wrestling promoter to give the fans what they want in order to make the most money? If someone is over or getting over, even though it wasn't your intention, you should just run with it, shouldn't you?

Yes, there have been situations where this wasn't the case, but I think the game already replicates this very well: Owner goals, destiny rolls, nepotism etc. is already part of the game and I'm sure there'll be even more in the new game and I'm sure they'll be even more realistic.


Because no one actually said that. People are having a discussion about what they read and they read this:


So, first off, picking pushes from a list is totally gone, as are any related systems

I assume by that he means that there won't be anymore assigning someone a push on the roster screen, not that the game doesn't give you any option of sorting your roster anymore, which wouldn't make any sense.

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This is exactly the point. Everyone seems to welcome thendeature, but are worried about an internal way of sorting. When it comes to quickly checking your roster when planning storylines, booking or even more importantly going back to a save, having the old way of ‘internal’ sorting was ideal.


The worry is, if you have an ‘upper midcarder’ who is hot, the fans perception may have him higher than anmain eventer that’s not hot ‘a jobber to the stars’ meaning a couple of losses for both andnyou upper midcarder quickly falls back to being an upper midcarder.


As I imagine pop still counts for more, there’s a chance if itsnsorted by perception that people may put people on the main event scene too quickly because they’re hot, rather than keeping them lower down the card gaining more wins.


As I say, it’s just so helpful the way they are categorised on our roster st the moment.


And to maybe push a young worker but not yet place him in the main event scene to keep him humble (if that’s still a factor in the game)

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No offence, but people really need to re-read Adam's post, like DerekB said. Also: I feel I need to apologize a bit. Re-reading my initial post on this matter, I might have come off as a bit rude.



Yes, of course, and I didn't say otherwise. From what we know now, nothing is stopping from trying to push anyone you want to be THE guy in your company (with the emphasis on trying). It may or may not work for various reasons, though.


Look at how auto-pushes work currently: Unless you have just started a new save game, auto-pushes are a result of your booking. If you book someone strongly and put him over more popular wrestlers, they'll go up the ladder. The same is true if you book someone weak.

It hasn't been mentioned that this is not how it works anymore. In fact, it has been mentioned that momentum (i.e. wins and losses) will play a key part in crowd perception, so it may even be easier to get someone over in the game (maybe not, though, we don't know enough about the feature yet).

One weakness of the auto-push system is that wrestlers get pushed in relation to the rest of your roster. So, if you have a 25-person roster, the 5 most popular guys will be your main eventers, no more no less. So if someone moves up from upper midcard to main event, someone else has to move down, even if they didn't do anything.

It is my understanding that this will change under the new system.




I don't know. Isn't the goal of a wrestling promoter to give the fans what they want in order to make the most money? If someone is over or getting over, even though it wasn't your intention, you should just run with it, shouldn't you?

Yes, there have been situations where this wasn't the case, but I think the game already replicates this very well: Owner goals, destiny rolls, nepotism etc. is already part of the game and I'm sure there'll be even more in the new game and I'm sure they'll be even more realistic.



I assume by that he means that there won't be anymore assigning someone a push on the roster screen, not that the game doesn't give you any option of sorting your roster anymore, which wouldn't make any sense.


In an ideal world yes the goal is to give them what they want. But there’s a hell of a lot more to it than just giving the fans what they want. You have to build, look tonthe future, try and get people over enough to make other look strong, notnhave the same matches week in week out.


If promoters gave the fans what they wanted, heels would never win. Unless you mean the fans that think they know how to book better than the promoters themselves, and the only thing they want, is to actually book the shows.

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I don't know. Isn't the goal of a wrestling promoter to give the fans what they want in order to make the most money? If someone is over or getting over, even though it wasn't your intention, you should just run with it, shouldn't you?

Yes, there have been situations where this wasn't the case, but I think the game already replicates this very well: Owner goals, destiny rolls, nepotism etc. is already part of the game and I'm sure there'll be even more in the new game and I'm sure they'll be even more realistic.

This is a bit offtopic, but here's the thing, though. Wrestling isn't that simple. Sometimes, it can be really hard to decipher what the people really want. For nearly a decade now (I'd say it really started to be noticeable in 2011, especially post-pipebomb) there's been a huge disparity between the reactions for wrestlers in the arenas, and TV ratings and buyrates, merch, etc. Going by crowd reactions alone, one could be under the illusion that CM Punk was over. Yet, he turned away viewers! People who were watching RAW would regularly tune out when a Punk segment came on. This is documented. But when the WWE doesn't push guys like CM Punk, the hardcore portion of the fans get angry because they don't understand "Why the WWE just isn't giving us what we want?"


Because it's not that simple. The difference between a hardcore fan and a casual fan is quite immense. And so is the difference between what these two groups of fans actually want. Roman Reigns, for instance, has been a top merch seller during his time on top. But the TV and PPV crowd reactions could easily fool you into thinking everyone hates him. They don't. It's just only certain types of fans (a small snapshot of the entire fanbase) attend the live shows.


All this is why I'd like popularity/how well known someone is, and actual overness being separate in a TEW game. Overness as in the ability to actually draw money and new viewers. Pleasing your existing fanbase is only a part of it; you need to get more fans for your product.


All in all, I think the new feature sounds like a big improvement over what TEW 2016 has, and I'm hyped. But I've always had my problems with the "popularity" rating in all the TEW games. Mind you, it's nothing that I can't live with it, and accept for gameplay reasons in an otherwise excellent and super fun game.

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This is a bit offtopic, but here's the thing, though. Wrestling isn't that simple. Sometimes, it can be really hard to decipher what the people really want. For nearly a decade now (I'd say it really started to be noticeable in 2011, especially post-pipebomb) there's been a huge disparity between the reactions for wrestlers in the arenas, and TV ratings and buyrates, merch, etc. Going by crowd reactions alone, one could be under the illusion that CM Punk was over. Yet, he turned away viewers! People who were watching RAW would regularly tune out when a Punk segment came on. This is documented. But when the WWE doesn't push guys like CM Punk, the hardcore portion of the fans get angry because they don't understand "Why the WWE just isn't giving us what we want?"


Because it's not that simple. The difference between a hardcore fan and a casual fan is quite immense. And so is the difference between what these two groups of fans actually want. Roman Reigns, for instance, has been a top merch seller during his time on top. But the TV and PPV crowd reactions could easily fool you into thinking everyone hates him. They don't. It's just only certain types of fans (a small snapshot of the entire fanbase) attend the live shows.


All this is why I'd like popularity/how well known someone is, and actual overness being separate in a TEW game. Overness as in the ability to actually draw money and new viewers. Pleasing your existing fanbase is only a part of it; you need to get more fans for your product.


All in all, I think the new feature sounds like a big improvement over what TEW 2016 has, and I'm hyped. But I've always had my problems with the "popularity" rating in all the TEW games. Mind you, it's nothing that I can't live with it, and accept for gameplay reasons in an otherwise excellent and super fun game.


Same. I’ve been asking for this since TEW 16 was announced.

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<p>The CM Punk thing is far overblown he wasn’t any more or less of a ratings draw than say, Randy Orton at the time (where ratings noticiebly went up once he lost the world title to Mark Henry). He had a couple strong PPV numbers before booking went terrible and his momentum fell, then he sat about at the same level as the other non Cena top guys. It’s not like he was a failure, but his drop was pretty severe since he was the first person in years to have that kind of momentum, before he was booked back down to earth.</p><p> </p><p>

The new system could probably replicate that well</p>

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I love TEW fans because they're so passionate, but you guys give me a headache sometimes. xD There are far too many ifs, buts and maybes to have such in-depth debates. All we get are a few lines/paragraphs about new features simply to hype that they're happening but we're all such pessimists that we make a judgement on them before seeing them in action. The fact is we (and that possibly includes Adam himself) don't know how it's going to work until the game is released. I love the fact that the game feels like something brand new this time around though, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mammoth" data-cite="Mammoth" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love TEW fans because they're so passionate, but you guys give me a headache sometimes. xD There are far too many ifs, buts and maybes to have such in-depth debates. All we get are a few lines/paragraphs about new features simply to hype that they're happening but we're all such pessimists that we make a judgement on them before seeing them in action. The fact is we (and that possibly includes Adam himself) don't know how it's going to work until the game is released. I love the fact that the game feels like something brand new this time around though, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.</div></blockquote><p> I mean, you're not wrong.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mammoth" data-cite="Mammoth" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love TEW fans because they're so passionate, but you guys give me a headache sometimes. xD There are far too many ifs, buts and maybes to have such in-depth debates. All we get are a few lines/paragraphs about new features simply to hype that they're happening but we're all such pessimists that we make a judgement on them before seeing them in action. The fact is we (and that possibly includes Adam himself) don't know how it's going to work until the game is released. I love the fact that the game feels like something brand new this time around though, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> See also: wrestling fans in general.</p><p> </p><p> People talk about the current WWE storylines the same way and I think it’s an even more widespread problem than this. Or sports fans in general who overrract to every play or every game. Overreaction theater. Believe it or not, it’s possible to discuss what’s happened already while still acknowledging that there’s a lot of time left and things will change.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Paul_Heyman_Guy" data-cite="Paul_Heyman_Guy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>See also: wrestling fans in general.<p> </p><p> People talk about the current WWE storylines the same way and I think it’s an even more widespread problem than this. Or sports fans in general who overrract to every play or every game. Overreaction theater. Believe it or not, it’s possible to discuss what’s happened already while still acknowledging that there’s a lot of time left and things will change.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> + a few quotes above.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I fail to see where people have ‘jumped the gun’ or ‘overreacted’ nearly everyone has welcomed this change, the only issue people have is the uncertainty around how the roster will be filtered l.</p><p> </p><p> I don’t think anybody has said ‘this is rubbish now we can’t do this’ people are just making Adam aware this was a big thing people relied on. </p><p> </p><p> When there’s so much time for things to change, this is the best time to put points across. Nobody’s slating the game</p>
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<p>Just to play devil's advocate for a bit, as I don't see many people focusing on one specific point: at the end of the day wins and losses do matter much more then hardcore fans like to admit. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating against the possibility of reproducing organic moments like Bryan, Lynch, etc. In fact i advocate for them as they are needed. But, in time, it all ends up being decided on wins and losses. </p><p> </p><p>

Organic moments happen and they can create the new Steve Austin or the polar opposite. This lasts for a while and may establish a permanent connection with hardcore fans...BUT at the end of the day, wins and losses will matter. This why we, for example, constantly pray to the gods that wwe doesn't mess up x or y's organic gained momentum by having them lose to A or B, or having them do something stupid. </p><p> </p><p>

And in the long run this is noticeable. Roman Reigns will always put buts on seats cause he is booked strong and wins. No matter if some boo or cheer him. Daniel Bryan will always have a special connection with the audience, but no one will try and hijack a show for him again (unless he again creates yet another organic moment) cause WWE made sure that train was gone. People will eventually stop screaming so hard for Lynch if WWE decides to bury her. People will no longer give 2 effs if Zack Ryder is featured on Raw or not. Cause he was jobbed out and made to look like an idiot. And so on. </p><p> </p><p>

Yes, organic reactions are a big thing and can make or break you. But how you are booked, when you win or lose will always affect that and be the bigger deal. A system that replicates this reality is the best. And this new system has the potential for it. All the remaining nuances will always not be 100% possible to code into a game.</p>

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<p>As a corollary to the above, compare the pop Bayley got when she was first called up against the pop she was getting a year later. As much respect as people give her, being booked like a geek killer her momentum, and she fell down the card. Sasha went from a multi-time champion feuding with Charlotte to midcarder real fast.</p><p> </p><p>

And the Becky Lynch effect is basically already in the game- she got a gimmick change, it went really well, and she got a momentum boost that rocketed her perception to the stars. Getting a big momentum boost off a successful gimmick change is already in the game, and there's no reason to believe that it won't still be in the game if momentum is going to be a big part of audience perception of a worker.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TeemuFoundation" data-cite="TeemuFoundation" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is a bit offtopic, but here's the thing, though. Wrestling isn't that simple. Sometimes, it can be really hard to decipher what the people really want. For nearly a decade now (I'd say it really started to be noticeable in 2011, especially post-pipebomb) there's been a huge disparity between the reactions for wrestlers in the arenas, and TV ratings and buyrates, merch, etc. Going by crowd reactions alone, one could be under the illusion that CM Punk was over. <strong>Yet, he turned away viewers!</strong> People who were watching RAW would regularly tune out when a Punk segment came on. This is documented. But when the WWE doesn't push guys like CM Punk, the hardcore portion of the fans get angry because they don't understand "Why the WWE just isn't giving us what we want?"<p> </p><p> Because it's not that simple. The difference between a hardcore fan and a casual fan is quite immense. And so is the difference between what these two groups of fans actually want. Roman Reigns, for instance, has been a top merch seller during his time on top. But the TV and PPV crowd reactions could easily fool you into thinking everyone hates him. They don't. It's just only certain types of fans (a small snapshot of the entire fanbase) attend the live shows.</p><p> </p><p> All this is why I'd like popularity/how <em>well known</em> someone is, and actual <em>overness</em> being separate in a TEW game. Overness as in the ability to actually draw money and new viewers. Pleasing your existing fanbase is only a part of it; you need to get more fans for your product.</p><p> </p><p> All in all, I think the new feature sounds like a big improvement over what TEW 2016 has, and I'm hyped. But I've always had my problems with the "popularity" rating in all the TEW games. Mind you, it's nothing that I can't live with it, and accept for gameplay reasons in an otherwise excellent and super fun game.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You're so wrong about the CM Punk stuff yet you keep pushing that narrative.</p>
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