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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Bryan Danielson vs Rocky Romero was so good.


Is there a more giving in ring worker than Bryan? He's having these bangers with uber talented non-mainstream workers and raising every opponent's stock in the process.


Man, I think I'm more excited for Punk vs Kingston than I was for anything preceding it. It's just such a great clash of personalities.

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I'm double posting because I feel I just witnessed two very special segments.


First, Dante and Lio vs Sydal and Moriarty was nearly perfect. Dante is clearly the company picked future star, but Lio and Moriarty are both also young and have tremendous upside. I feel like this was a star making match for everyone involved.


Secondly, Miro's promos are some of the best segments on any wrestling show period, but this week's...wow. So very good.


This week's Dynamite was two of the best hours of pro wrestling in recent tv history.

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- Danielson vs Romero was great.

- Top Team booked strong before Lambert gets pinned or taps out at Full Gear.

- DMD, Hayter & Rebel vs TayJay & Rosa was solid.

- Jungle Boy vs Bowens was great. Bowens is underrated.

- Fish knows he's not an Elite talent on his own. Happy to watch the Punk/Kingston segment again.

- Yuta vs Wardlow was a fun squash. Best Friends need some help from CHAOS.

- Rush & Dante vs Sydal & Moriarty was great. Perfect use of veterans and hot prospects. Another killer promo from Miro.

- Dax vs PAC was my MOTN. I thought it was Sting when the lights went out. Fun brawl.

- One last attempt by Kenny to put doubts in Page's mind. I popped for the Ibushi reference. Don you son of a bitch lol.

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Little fantasy booking:


Kenta recently won the IWGP United States title and called out CM Punk.


At Full Gear, Kenta returns by helping Eddie Kingston win.


Eddie idolizes the Four Pillars, of which Kenta Kobashi, Kenta's mentor...


The Kobashi Connection :D:D:D

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Kenny Omega © vs. Hangman Adam Page

Britt Baker © vs. Tay Conti

Lucha Bros © vs. FTR

Bryan Danielson vs. Miro

CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston

Darby Allin vs. MJF

Christian Cage and Jurassic Express vs. Superkliq

Pac and Cody Rhodes vs. Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo

Inner Circle vs. American Top Team

Thunder Rosa & Shida vs. Jamie Hayter & Nyla Rose




Debut: Brody King

Heel turn: CM Punk

Crimson mask: Fenix

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I was watching the Fite stream, so not sure if it was on the TNT version, but when Jericho and Starks were yelling about "cake face", someone yelled shut up and it sounded like Excalibur. That is out of character for Excalibur. I rewound it multiple times and it didn't sound like Starks or Jericho.


Did anyone else hear it and if so, who was it? It's driving me crazy.


Rampage was very run of the mill. Dante vs Daivari wasn't very good though. No clue why the crowd was chanting. I get they're hometown people, but nothing they did deserved "this is awesome" or "A-E-W" chants. It was barely mediocre.


Fish vs Jungle Boy was about the only match worth watching.

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- Jungle Boy vs Fish was good. Baybay! Cole leaving Fish to get murked was funny. Cole & Hangman are going to have a banger one day.

- Jade vs Santana was a solid squash. Velvet really throws herself around in these fights.

- Dante vs Daivari was my MOTN. Crowd were super hot. Everyone wants a piece of Dante.

- Cassidy vs Hardy was solid. Best Lumberjack Friends! Poor result unless we get a rematch... even though the feud should be over.

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- Acclaimed going in for Dante. This recruiting storyline is fun.

- Nyla & Hayter vs Shida & Rosa was good. Nice continuity with Shida/Deeb.

- MJF vs Darby was my 2nd favorite match. Darby's PPV facepaint & entrance videos are always unique.

- FTR vs Lucha Bros © was great even if the finish didn't quite land.

- Miro vs Danielson was great. Let's go baby lol.

- SuperKliq vs Christian & Jurassic Express was good. Christian is a bad influence on Jungle Boy...

- Andrade & Black vs PAC & Cody was good. I enjoyed the focus on team dysfunction. Arn beating up Jose lol.

- Conti vs DMD © was good. Was that the 1st ever Tay-KO & DDT-Tay kick outs? Where was Anna? Popped for the Gotch-style piledriver and moonsault.

- Punk vs Kingston good... but it felt like it had another gear then ended abruptly. Maybe my expectations were too high after Danielson's run of brutal matches.

- Inner Circle vs Men of the Year & ATT was way better than I expected. It's a toaster!

- Jay Lethal... accused abuser. An injured Danhausen would have been better.

- Hangman vs Omega © was my MOTN. Hangman's cinematic entrance was incredible. Kenny's costume was nice foreshadowing. I popped for Aubrey's run-in, Page hitting the One-Winged-Angel and everything after that. The Bucks not interfering was interesting.


Every match was good to great. They could have saved one of the tag matches for Dynamite or Rampage to trim the long running time.

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- Jay Lethal... accused abuser. An injured Danhausen would have been better.


I could accuse you of something, but doesn't make it true. I have always liked Taeler Hendrix, but she never had any proof and no charges were ever filed. The only "proof" she had was a screen shot of someone claiming to be Jay Lethal saying they needed to talk.


I take harassment and whatnot very seriously, but this isn't a Mary Scurll or Jimmy Havoc incident where there was proven truth in the ordeal.


That said, if Lethal is All Elite, hopefully Gresham isn't too far behind. I have a feeling he'll join his wife in Impact, but there are so many dream matches in AEW for Gresham for me.


Josh Woods would be another good young guy to pick up.

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I don't follow AEW that closely, but I just watched MJF/Allin and that's one of the best worked matches I've seen in a long time. Amazing chemistry, execution, story and finish. Bravo to the young guns. I would say that they stole the show but I haven't seen anything else yet


Edit: Replay of the cover shows that Darby's shoulder wasn't down... that's a little wrinkle, but could easily be addressed. I want another match from them sometime down the line

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I could accuse you of something, but doesn't make it true. I have always liked Taeler Hendrix, but she never had any proof and no charges were ever filed. The only "proof" she had was a screen shot of someone claiming to be Jay Lethal saying they needed to talk.


I take harassment and whatnot very seriously, but this isn't a Mary Scurll or Jimmy Havoc incident where there was proven truth in the ordeal.


That said, if Lethal is All Elite, hopefully Gresham isn't too far behind. I have a feeling he'll join his wife in Impact, but there are so many dream matches in AEW for Gresham for me.


Josh Woods would be another good young guy to pick up.


Taeler Hendrix, Kelly Klein and an anomymous female wrestler all accused him from what I read. Also the time he slapped ACH for using the n word even though he used it himself and never apologized. Where there's smoke...


Even if the allegations weren't true it's a stupid risk by Tony for a midcard vet who doesn't offer much more than Bobby Fish. If any of the AEW women express discomfort it's too late because Lethal's already signed a contract.

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Probably my least favorite AEW PPV of all time. Hangman winning derails about 4 good main events I wanted to see, and replaces them with 0. Hangman's yay alcoholism character doesn't do it for me, especially in the era of Moxley checking himself into rehab. Revolution looks like a super bad card to me. Probably what? Jericho rematch? No thanks. And the Bucks face turn was go away heat.


People who run on about AEW botching Punk... what the hell are they on about? I found it fascinating though that Eddie is so over that he managed to turn Punk heel with that crowd. And Punk did an amazing job with the Cena spot. That dragged this show from the dregs for me. It's such a shame Eddie isn't world champion. He's the most over guy on that show by a mile and a half.

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If someone other than Hangman beat Kenny for the title it would have derailed 2 years of build. He'll be facing the likes Miro & Danielson, maybe Punk, Kingston & Darby as well. MJF is my pick for next Champion.


I don't think Hangman has been seen drinking for a few weeks. He even got pulled from a planned Pabst Blue Ribbon commercial.



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Probably my least favorite AEW PVP of all time. Hangman winning derails about 4 good main events I wanted to see, and replaces them with 0. Hangman's yay alcoholism character doesn't do it for me, especially in the era of Moxley checking himself into rehab. Revolution looks like a super bad card to me. Probably what? Jericho rematch? No thanks. And the Bucks face turn was go away heat.


People who run on about AEW botching Punk... what the hell are they on about? I found it fascinating though that Eddie is so over that he managed to turn Punk heel with that crowd. And Punk did an amazing job with the Cena spot. That dragged this show from the dregs for me. It's such a shame Eddie isn't world champion. He's the most over guy on that show by a mile and a half.


The complaints I have seen are that the match ups he had originally didn't serve anyone except he wanted to work with those people. I keep up with it, but don't watch it so my perspective may be skewed.


So people enjoyed him vs Darby, but a lot of people thought Darby got nothing from it other than fighting Punk. Then Punk vs Team Taz. Hobbs didn't seem to gain anything coming out of the feud with Punk. The match with Kingston seemed to have juice, but was built off a promo in the last few shows. Hopefully it is the beginning of something and Punk doesn't just go to some other random match. Kingston, as you said, was already over.


Happy Punk is boring Punk. Is this the catalyst to something? Or was it just with that crowd? The biggest complaint (which sums up the above) is that they wanted Punk to go after Omega.


It's the old "So and so needs to be champ. And this person too. And this person. And that one." - so you want to hotshot the title? Not sure about Hangman, but glad Punk is where he is. He doesn't look like a World Title guy at this point. And yet Kingston does to me.

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Kenny taking time off is definitely a good call. Interested to see if Kyle O'reilly actually resigns with WWE because they could easily lead to a UE vs Elite story at some point. Super weird the Good Brothers just dropped off the face of the planet without any mention though.


How cool would it be if AJ showed up and we had AJ and the Good Brothers vs Omega/Bucks vs Cole/O'Reilly/Fish??


Bryan heeling it up was super fun. He had a lot of good lines and so did Hangman. I doubt Bryan is a full blown heel, but Page is so popular and genuinely likable, that it's really hard to choose from a character stand point.


Bryan vs Uno was fun while it lasted. Another hot promo from B-Dan


MJF's backstage promo from Full Gear was really good. I mean, MJF promos are usually good, but this had a lot of fire.


Kingston's presence on the show was very small considering how over he is. I'm excited to see him face Daniel Garcia, but was hoping Eddie would get a more high profile feud.


Seeing Ishii in an AEW ring is so surreal. When I first got into New Japan, Ishii was one of the big reasons I fell in love. I'd love to see him take on Big Butch in a singles match.


The weird Pinnacle/Andrade/House of Black thing continues to be weird. I love everyone involved and they're producing quality television, but it feels like pieces from three different puzzles.


I had no interested in Nyla/Shida. I feel like I've seen that five million times. Nyla is the least improved worker since AEW launched and does nothing but spin her wheels. She's got a great look and presence, but she's just so blah.


MJF vs Punk!!!!!


The SuperKliq promo was weird and felt shoehorned in.


Lio and Dante are so dang fun as a team. I'm not really sold on them feuding with Team Taz, but Ricky and Lio are such good talkers that I'll probably get invested.


Lucha Bros promo saying they have something special for FTR next week...hmmm?


Love love love Lethal's AEW music. Sammy really needs to work on his selling and facial expressions though. Despite the back and forth match, he never sold that he might be in trouble or anything. It also felt weird for them to keep showing Tony Nese. Tony is talented and everything, but he's nothing special compared to what's already on the roster.


Fun episode over all, not as hot as last week's show, but a lot of new threads were revealed and I'm interested in quite a few of them.

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- The Elite are not OK. Cowboy Champ vs American Dragon off to a fun start. Wasn't expecting a Wrestlemania namedrop or the amount of boos for Danielson.

- Danielson vs Uno was good.

- Butcher & Blade vs OC & Ishii was good.

- Tay promo! Hype for Hayter vs Rosa.

- Nyla vs Shida was great. Nyla finally beat Shida and Shida/Deeb feud got more build.

- Spears lol. I was hoping for an MJF/Punk feud! I hope it ends with a Wardlow turn.

- Darby might end Colten Gunn's undefeated streak soon.

- Rush & Dante vs The Acclaimed was great. Bowens need a babyface run in the future.

- Jungle Boy getting better at promos.

- Lethal vs Sammy © was my MOTN... but it's hard not to think about Lethal possibly being a scumbag.

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