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SWF: They ALL... Fall... Down

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<p>THE KING OF WHOA" <strong>Jimmy Hernandez</strong> vs. "THE HEALER" John Greed</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

James Prudence vs. "THE HONORABLE" <strong>Valiant</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Jungle Lord vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" <strong>Remo</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs. ATOMIC vs. Brandon James vs. Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce vs. Joey Morgan</p><p>

[6-Way Match; First Pinfall]</p><p>

[#1 Contendership Match to the SWF WHC]</p><p>

[special Guest Referee: Jerry Eisen]</p>

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LOCATION: Clover Fields - Mid-South, USA


"THE HEALER" John Greed

[standard Singles Match]



[standard Singles Match]



[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Angry Gilmore

[6-Way Match; First Pinfall]

[#1 Contendership Match to the SWF WHC]

[special Guest Referee: Jerry Eisen]

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<p><strong>"THE KING OF WHOA" Jimmy Hernandez</strong> vs. "THE HEALER" John Greed</p><p> </p><p>

James Prudence vs. <strong>"THE HONORABLE" Valiant</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jungle Lord vs. <strong>"THE ALPHA DOG" Remo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore vs. ATOMIC vs. Brandon James vs. Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce vs. <strong>Joey Morgan</strong></p>

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<p><strong>"THE KING OF WHOA" Jimmy Hernandez </strong>vs. "THE HEALER" John Greed</p><p> </p><p>

James Prudence vs. "<strong>THE HONORABLE" Valiant</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jungle Lord vs. <strong>"THE ALPHA DOG" Remo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore vs. ATOMIC vs. Brandon James vs. <strong>Eric Eisen</strong> vs. Jack Bruce vs. Joey Morgan</p>

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"THE KING OF WHOA" Jimmy Hernandez vs. "THE HEALER" John Greed

[standard Singles Match]


James Prudence vs. "THE HONORABLE" Valiant

[standard Singles Match]


Jungle Lord vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. ATOMIC vs. Brandon James vs. Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce vs. Joey Morgan

[6-Way Match; First Pinfall]

[#1 Contendership Match to the SWF WHC]

[special Guest Referee: Jerry Eisen]

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"THE KING OF WHOA" Jimmy Hernandez vs. "THE HEALER" John Greed

[standard Singles Match]


Jimmy Hernandez pulled his own weight in the last main event, this maybe is a test to see if he has it inside him to actually be pushed and in story is a compensation from the board of directors after him match was hijacked last week.


James Prudence vs. "THE HONORABLE" Valiant

[standard Singles Match]


A match for Valiant to get his momentum back up as its in the ground since his PPV showdown with Brandon James and he seems to have been tossed to the side, so for him to reapppear as a top memeber in the storyline he has to get some wins first even if its against a tag team wrestler.


Jungle Lord vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Remo is the unstopable force and his loyalties are still dubious he must play some part in the main storyline so I see this just as a match to continue his unbeaten streak by beating a semi credible opponent in fan favourite in japan Jungle Lord.


Angry Gilmore vs. ATOMIC vs. Brandon James vs. Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce vs. Joey Morgan

[6-Way Match; First Pinfall]

[#1 Contendership Match to the SWF WHC]

[special Guest Referee: Jerry Eisen]


It makes the most sense ATOMIC isnt ready, Jerry will screw Brandon James Over, Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce are two busy with each other, and Joey Morgan is North American Champion, also Andry Gilmore has already expresed his desire to face Remo, so theres no need to find a different contender when the story still has ways to go, mostly now that Rogue isnt even on the Mix.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="VfkdEbI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/VfkdEbI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">The final SupremeTV of January 2016 brings you a new #1 contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. While this would be exciting enough, we also step into phase one of a MAJOR storyline between John Campbell & an important SWF figure.</span></div></div></div></div></div><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://docdro.id/CVz6qY3" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>CLICK HERE TO READ!</strong></span></a></div><p></p><p></p>

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He's done the deal! Nobody kicks out of the Falcon Arrow!






Debatable. From an in-ring perspective, Gilmore has the nod. The entertainment on the mic would be another nod for Gilmore. That said, Remo has 'the look' (in the 90's for Star Quality); so, would most likely be a true favorite of Richard Eisen.


From a booking perspective thus far, Gilmore is the true underdog here. He took a clean loss to Remo at "When Hell Freezes Over" (A babyface taking a clean loss to a heel really means something -- especially with this story). For Gilmore to beat Remo, it's going to take everything he has and then some.


EV I've been on the board for a long time though off it for probably just as long. First it's great to see you're still writing but man the presentation is sublime.


Loved catching up the reading on this.


Thank you, Mighty!


Presentation has always been something I really strive to develop. I like to have a culture, and a feel, around my projects. The writing is the main course but the aesthetic needs to be there too.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DevilofNG" data-cite="DevilofNG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46641" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Loving the Remo-Gilmore rivalry. It would only be too picture perfect for Gilmore to prevail in his home country. Looking forward to that clash. Jack Bruce is the ultimate troll here. LOVING him. As always, Emma Chase was gold!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I love that you're feeling Jack Bruce. I always find him to be the hardest character to write for. Sure, you can play him as the simple rockstar-like persona; however, that can fall rather flat. This guy is one of the biggest names in wrestling history; he should have a unique feel to him. The consummate 'troll', of sorts, is really how I see him; just driving the dagger deeper as often as he can... meddling... riling people up... etc.</p><p> </p><p> Gilmore/Remo has a few more stages to go; so, I'm happy to hear you're liking it so far! In a way, it's about to take more of a Rocky IV feel in the recent future.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DevilofNG" data-cite="DevilofNG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46641" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man you've made Richard Eisen a total contrast from Jerry. Jerry's a bumbling idiot as Emma Chase would say. Richard Eisen? He's a total ice man.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like to think of Jerry Eisen's bumbling idiot nature as a direct response to Richard Eisen's hard & cold demeanor. In a way, Eric more so takes after his father; only with more of an arrogant streak to him (brought on by having most everything handed to him). Meanwhile, Jerry feels like that son who never could really get his father to "notice him." He's more anxious, feels he needs to prove himself and often fails at most everything he does as he's not mentally tough enough to 'get the job done.' This is a new take on Jerry Eisen for me this time around.</p><p> </p><p> The stark contrast of the two will add some drama moving forward, you'll find. It will also help me further play off Jerry as the guy that no one is intimidated by, even with the lofty stature as the VP. People are more willing to walk all over him -- unafraid of any recourse. Meanwhile, they would never do that to Richard.</p>
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<p>More of a watcher than a caller but I kind'a always liked Remo and Gillmore as a long term on again/off again type of rivalry because I kind of feel like they're opposite representations of the same goal. One is animated, even angry, passionate, and uses raw emotion. The other is cold, calculating, precise, and all of that enhances Remo's monster aura. And the more one is slapped down, the harder he wants to conquer the other. And in their own twisted way, they kind of inspire the other to get better and add dimensions to their game.</p><p> </p><p>

They're the two sides of the coin of being an arch competitor. I kind'a feel like they'd always be in conflict and have been since they flipped Gillmore babyface but that might be my head canon. I just enjoy those two feuding because it just feels natural for them to butt heads often because they know in order for either of them to achieve their goals...the other has to be completely annihilated but neither can really fully put the other man down.</p><p> </p><p>

And it's the kind of story that can be told in any wrestling promotion so it's kind of the one I gravitate to the most.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SIser187" data-cite="SIser187" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46641" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>More of a watcher than a caller but I kind'a always liked Remo and Gillmore as a long term on again/off again type of rivalry because I kind of feel like they're opposite representations of the same goal. One is animated, even angry, passionate, and uses raw emotion. The other is cold, calculating, precise, and all of that enhances Remo's monster aura. And the more one is slapped down, the harder he wants to conquer the other. And in their own twisted way, they kind of inspire the other to get better and add dimensions to their game.<p> </p><p> They're the two sides of the coin of being an arch competitor. I kind'a feel like they'd always be in conflict and have been since they flipped Gillmore babyface but that might be my head canon. I just enjoy those two feuding because it just feels natural for them to butt heads often because they know in order for either of them to achieve their goals...the other has to be completely annihilated but neither can really fully put the other man down.</p><p> </p><p> And it's the kind of story that can be told in any wrestling promotion so it's kind of the one I gravitate to the most.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bravo. My thoughts exactly.</p><p> </p><p> While they couldn't be more different from one another, they are bound by their shared need to be "the best." As you said, how they go about obtaining this moniker is very different -- one ferocious, if not unstable, while the other is stoic and explosive (in bursts). It's the perfect pairing.</p>
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Bravo. My thoughts exactly.


While they couldn't be more different from one another, they are bound by their shared need to be "the best." As you said, how they go about obtaining this moniker is very different -- one ferocious, if not unstable, while the other is stoic and explosive (in bursts). It's the perfect pairing.


Maybe I'm thinking more about how I like to book Remo and projecting but I kind'a get the feeling from a character standpoint, even if he'd never want to admit it, Gillmore is probably the person Remo respects the most.


Valiant won't get down to the nitty gritty when it matters. Brandon James is a little too content with finances and likes more what wrestling brings him rather than the thrill of wrestling itself. He doesn't sense that same kind of dripping desire from Rogue in terms of total commitment. Eisen has too much vanity and, like Brandon, likes what wrestling brings him rather than dominating wrestling itself. And I'd even think he hates Jack Bruce because if he would've applied himself fully he'd dominate even more than he already did in the main event scene and he can't stand anyone who slacks off with other interests. Time will tell how he might take to Atomic.


But Gillmore? He'll always love fighting and conquering him because that's a true test of his skills because he'll push Remo to that kind of limit. It's a different kind of villainous respect. Hell, he might even feel like he NEEDS Gillmore to be the dominant force because of where he gets pushed in these fights.


It might be another reason why he'd seek out to beat him cleanly. It's to prove his superiority and it's a subtle kind of respect he has for the man.


I know he isn't the greatest worker or the most charismatic guy but his combination of menace and star quality(and being good enough) and how much of a freak athlete he is...I find him the perfect monster heel and with that kind of motivation, a good potential lead heel for everyone else to chase.

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Maybe I'm thinking more about how I like to book Remo and projecting but I kind'a get the feeling from a character standpoint, even if he'd never want to admit it, Gillmore is probably the person Remo respects the most.


Valiant won't get down to the nitty gritty when it matters. Brandon James is a little too content with finances and likes more what wrestling brings him rather than the thrill of wrestling itself. He doesn't sense that same kind of dripping desire from Rogue in terms of total commitment. Eisen has too much vanity and, like Brandon, likes what wrestling brings him rather than dominating wrestling itself. And I'd even think he hates Jack Bruce because if he would've applied himself fully he'd dominate even more than he already did in the main event scene and he can't stand anyone who slacks off with other interests. Time will tell how he might take to Atomic.


But Gillmore? He'll always love fighting and conquering him because that's a true test of his skills because he'll push Remo to that kind of limit. It's a different kind of villainous respect. Hell, he might even feel like he NEEDS Gillmore to be the dominant force because of where he gets pushed in these fights.


It might be another reason why he'd seek out to beat him cleanly. It's to prove his superiority and it's a subtle kind of respect he has for the man.


I know he isn't the greatest worker or the most charismatic guy but his combination of menace and star quality(and being good enough) and how much of a freak athlete he is...I find him the perfect monster heel and with that kind of motivation, a good potential lead heel for everyone else to chase.


This sort of thing is exactly why it's hard to find another avenue for my writing/booking itch. It's the insightful conversations you can have around the very thing you're writing, often shortly after a show is posted. I appreciate your insight & perspective, SIs.

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Utah Park Reservation - South West, USA


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Awesomeness vs. Dillon & Machine

[#1 Contendership Match: SWF World Tag Team Championships]


Bear vs.
Joey Morgan

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Oliver Kobb vs.

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Eric Eisen and ???? vs. Jack Bruce and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

[Each man will choose their own partners]



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The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Awesomeness vs. Dillon & Machine

[#1 Contendership Match: SWF World Tag Team Championships]


Bear vs. "THE IRON-HORSE" Joey Morgan

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Oliver Kobb vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Eric Eisen and ???? vs. Jack Bruce and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

[Each man will choose their own partners]

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Awesomeness vs. Dillon & Machine

[#1 Contendership Match: SWF World Tag Team Championships]


I kind'a like the Bumfholes.


Bear vs. "THE IRON-HORSE" Joey Morgan

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Joey's among your best straight workers on the roster. A bit of an understated personality but that works for him.


Oliver Kobb vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[standard Singles Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Remo knocks ol fastball Kobb over the park with a home run of a Destroyer.


Eric Eisen and ???? vs. Jack Bruce and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

[Each man will choose their own partners]


Bruce's side wins despite J.B. annoying the crap out of his own partner by being...well himself!

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