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(Mod Idea) Japan Original Verse

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Don't know if this is the right place for this, if not feel free to put it where it should.


But I've always wanted to try and make my own custom/original mod like the ThunderVerse or TEW's own CornellVerse. But everytime I had tried to do one I have failed or fell out of interest. But it's always been in the back of my mind to still try something like that for myself one day.


But I thought, why not stick to an area where I am very much interested in and could make work. Over the past couple of years I've been pretty much been watching mostly just Japanese Pro Wrestling companies. From the great well known ones like New Japan, All Japan to the very small and far lesser known promotions that most people wouldn't even know to look for like BASARA, HEAT UP or Tottori Darazu.


So I figured with my knowledge of wrestling in Japan and one of my best interests, why not try and create my own Original Database full of Japanese Promotions in the style of the T-Verse or C-Verse. I am wondering if something like that would interest people?


Because some people may not even know that Japan has a vase majority of styles more than "Strong Style" Or "King's Road" as some people might be the most aware about. There's Comedy, LuchaResu (Toryumon, Dragon Gate, Osaka, Michinoku Fans may know), Lucha Libre, Bati-Bati, MMA-esque etc.


So I want to try bring all of that out with this idea for a mod.

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