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Ellin's Grove: Dragons & Demons [Game Thread]


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Guys, this is not the way to go. I've obviously been framed right off the bat.


I guess this is the only thing I can do.


Keenan Quallis, Ellin's Grove Aligned Templar.


I do go out, and I have a one-shot that can be very useful.


I know it's bad timing, but I have to go to work right now. I will be back in about 10 hours.

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Well I am glad you are interested in hearing from me because I have the following to say...




Well one Scum just posted and it is you.


Vote: djthefunkchris


Any reason why your alignment would come up evil?


This will give us likely route to go this day as while there is ways for DJ could be town (as he himself says on alter post) I don´t see town not going this way after you revealed yourself to give this info.


I did not even think of that. That could very well be something.


I just assumed that in a game this small there would be no cult. But you know what they say about assuming.:D


I guess the same question could be asked about the Scum team as well. I remember in Arrows' game I was in a scum team with just Luke and Jaded at the start. We had to recruit but we could only recruit certain people. I could very well see that being an option for the scum in this game.


I do think scum group is just 3 - 4 so recruiment of somekind is certainly an option. Other think I wonder is if one of the third parties could come up as neutral for you? I mean beast doesn´t really need to be evil even if it kills townies and with 2 third parties + scum group, it´s hard to see there being other neutrals (at least no more than one or two) with just 17 players.


Quiet in here today. I'll say one thing, as far as I'm concerned lukesss is as close to a confirmed townie as we have so far however we don't know exactly how this mechanic works, it's possible he's come back as something else.


While I agree on Lukess being one of the more trustworthy persons right now since we know he was town before resurrection I wouldn´t automatically trust him. The reason being that I still believe there could be more than one person with resurrect ability and since I doubt town would have more than one, I think either scum or third party has the other. In which case I´d assume there could be aligment chance involved since otherwise it wouldn´t be very useful ability.


I guess I should also say why I think there´s more than one resurrect ability in play. My main reasoning is the wording Rayelek used in sign-up thread as he said "some roles can resurrect recently dead players" which to me, says there´s more than one. And yes, it´s possibly that he was vague just to mask the fact there was only one or I´m reading too much into this but I do feel that it´s something that should be kept in mind.


Guys, this is not the way to go. I've obviously been framed right off the bat.


I guess this is the only thing I can do.


Keenan Quallis, Ellin's Grove Aligned Templar.


I do go out, and I have a one-shot that can be very useful.


I know it's bad timing, but I have to go to work right now. I will be back in about 10 hours.


You would be one of the more likely fraimer targets for night 1, I give you that and I agree that about the only thing you could do to defend is what you did here. However, I do think that you are still way to go since BHK´s result is too strong not to look into espesially when he exposed himself giving us the info.


I will keep my vote of from you for now though, both to give you time to come with an answer after work and to make sure that people have time to handle anything else they would want to discuss this day phase.

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Sorry I've been off, I've just been enthralled into the remake of Crash Team Racing for several hours now and have trouble letting go :p


Interesting developments all around, I am surprised to have seen a resurrection so soon. My leading theory is that some players may have access to this limited resource and one of them saw the aforementioned discussion and decided to go ahead with it. Couldn't see any other way what with the timing of it.


Gonna mull over DJ's claim, not sure what to make of it for now as I'm restless when it comes to framing theories but certainly worth pondering over.

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What do you mean by that?


Has that role died early in every game you have been in with that role?


Has there been a role write-up talking about what that role does? Just curious because I have never heard of such a role.


Somehow it seems practically every game I've played in, the player wielding that role went and died early. The only thing I would think of it is the role was either very feared or can be an easy target as protectors may not necessarily vie for a visit, depending on the player of course.


But then I've mysteriously had many encounters of this role dying N1, and obviously scum couldn't have sussed out the role then, unless of some crazy day investigator kinda role were in place.


From the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like this role would be very write-up based. The only thing I could think of it would be flavor-related, playing up the appearance of a child being offed (in this case, the mother's daughter which apparently may trigger something).

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I'll want to see BHK back in to give his thoughts on DJ's comeback. I mean it'd be a bold play but we can't 100% discount BHK being a 'cop' and laying low while his 'result' does the dirty work for him, before coming back in and being all "whoops, my bad guys" A good player could defintiely get mileage out of that and get a few phases grace, even though it'd be a bit early for such a play you'd think.


Personally I'd lean towards BHK being genuine and at worst his target was framed but at best it wasn't but we have to look at all angles.

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It is now Day Phase 2. With 16 living players, 9 votes are needed for a majority lynch. Day Phase will end at 10am EST (3pm GMT) on Wednesday, June 26.


djthefunkchris - 5 (BHK1978, bak42, moon_lit_tears, DeadCeleb, Destiny)

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I agree with both Destiny and Zergon.


DJ unfortunately is probably going to have to give more at this point on Destiny's point.


With Zergon, just because lukess has been resurrected doesn't necessarily give an automatic pass. He could have been changed up during the process. Just one small opinion but one to think about.

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Wow, big developments that I got the chance to read up on.


I'll give DJ some time to explain/argue once he gets back but at this point, it feels like that might be the right path for this day phase. He makes a fair point about being an easy "alignment switch" target but it's hard to go against a guilty result on an investigation especially since it isn't clear that there even is a alignment switching role in the game.

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I'll want to see BHK back in to give his thoughts on DJ's comeback. I mean it'd be a bold play but we can't 100% discount BHK being a 'cop' and laying low while his 'result' does the dirty work for him, before coming back in and being all "whoops, my bad guys" A good player could defintiely get mileage out of that and get a few phases grace, even though it'd be a bit early for such a play you'd think.


Personally I'd lean towards BHK being genuine and at worst his target was framed but at best it wasn't but we have to look at all angles.


I don't think that's BHK's style. I think he was excited to have found scum in his mind and wanted to share it as soon as possible. If it were me I would have probably asked DJ a few questions first before dropping the result.

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I don't think that's BHK's style. I think he was excited to have found scum in his mind and wanted to share it as soon as possible. If it were me I would have probably asked DJ a few questions first before dropping the result.


Some of y'all ain't subtle. Not necessarily a bad thing, though. Bulling ahead can find scum, too. See you know who in the other game, brother. I too, would like to hear more from DJ.

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Some of y'all ain't subtle. Not necessarily a bad thing, though. Bulling ahead can find scum, too. See you know who in the other game, brother. I too, would like to hear more from DJ.


/nod. I suppose we'll have to wait until DJ finishes work tomorrow (for me) for that to happen though.

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Well I am glad you are interested in hearing from me because I have the following to say...




Well one Scum just posted and it is you.


Vote: djthefunkchris


Any reason why your alignment would come up evil?



Between modding TEW with him over 10 years and just because in mafia he's hardly ever scum when I've played. And cause the one time I got the wrong vibe... as Atom I shrank and blocked Martian Manhunter :( gotta give my bud support cause he's never steered me wrong.




Vote: djthefunkchris

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Ellin's Grove was a quiet town, occasionally a stop for travelers on the way into the Greystone Mountains, or the Eldaliering Forest.


The Graveyard

1. Rayelek - Mac Donald, Ellin's Grove Aligned Farmer

2. lukess11 - Vincent Grey, Ellin's Grove Aligned Sheriff

3. Leion - Sophia Nyx, Ellin's Grove Aligned Innocent Child


Guys, this is not the way to go. I've obviously been framed right off the bat.


I guess this is the only thing I can do.


Keenan Quallis, Ellin's Grove Aligned Templar.


I do go out, and I have a one-shot that can be very useful.


I know it's bad timing, but I have to go to work right now. I will be back in about 10 hours.


I'm not inclined to believe DJ much at all right now.


Does a Templar seem to fit the naming convention of Ellin's Grove aligned players? They all seem to be simple townsfolk. A Templar sounds like they should be something different.

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I'm not inclined to believe DJ much at all right now.


Does a Templar seem to fit the naming convention of Ellin's Grove aligned players? They all seem to be simple townsfolk. A Templar sounds like they should be something different.


I don't have a problem with the role he's claiming, my role title doesn't scream townsfolk either. I do however find the idea of a framer being successful unlikely.

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I don't have a problem with the role he's claiming, my role title doesn't scream townsfolk either. I do however find the idea of a framer being successful unlikely.


/nod that's the first thing that came to my mind. I know it is DJ we're talking about but I'm always wary about the possibility of a framer's actions being successful on the first try. Stranger things have happened, and it's not impossible, but yeah.

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I don't have a problem with the role he's claiming, my role title doesn't scream townsfolk either. I do however find the idea of a framer being successful unlikely.


My role does, at least in my opinion but yeah we're a hub for adventurers and anyone might want in on some human on monster action. ;)


While I'm not certain it's the case, if I had a cop role I'd probably investigate Dj and if I was a framer, I'd frame Dj. I don't think it's that ludicrous an idea that both roles had the same thought night 1.

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It's really not the time to be coy, can you explain your role, one-shot ability, and why aren't you sure whether it was used?


I'm not being coy. I am sure I TRIED to use it, but I still have it because it wasn't needed. I was going to try to ress lukes, I have a 50/50 shot of it working. I seen him ressed and thought I did it at first, but I now know that my ability wasn't needed, and so I still have it.

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I'm not being coy. I am sure I TRIED to use it, but I still have it because it wasn't needed. I was going to try to ress lukes, I have a 50/50 shot of it working. I seen him ressed and thought I did it at first, but I now know that my ability wasn't needed, and so I still have it.


Oh. Can you still use it then? If so, maybe try it on Leion. Brings back a power townie and proves you're actually on town's side.

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