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Ellin's Grove: Dragons & Demons [Game Thread]


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A hooded man walks through town, stopping outside an ornate building. Opposite him stands a man clad in full plate armor, a sword radiant in his hand. A burst of dark energy flies from the hooded man's finger, but it deflects off of a shield. The armored man is ready for this fight. In no time at all, the glowing sword slides through the robes and slices the hooded man in twain. With his death, dark energy swirls around the fallen man, before blasting off in all directions, striking the man who struck him down, shattering the radiant armor and, in great tragedy, taking the man's life with him.


djthefunkchris is dead. He was Keenan Quallis, Cult of Ralkdos Aligned Warlock.

DeadCeleb is dead. He was Tobais "The Thunderchief" Ryder, Ellin's Grove Aligned Adventurer's Guild Paladin.



I have to take a moment and give props right here.



DJ fake claiming paladin and possibly wasting a resurrection just to pull the wool over our eyes.



While DeadCeleb the real paladin knowing he fake claimed goes to take him out. And he would've stayed undercover afterwards if not for DJ blowing up.



Now for my usual game joke when I last this long:



Crazy part is it literally blew up in both their faces. :p

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I had nothing to do with the death of anyone, nor will I ever have anything to do with the death of anyone.


You can check that.


I wish I could. Whilst we're both here, would you like to share or volunteer any more information about yourself?

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@Destiny, do you have a big pile of shiny things? :D



I had nothing to do with the death of anyone, nor will I ever have anything to do with the death of anyone.


You can check that.



You have a mini-game don't you? You're the sneaky man from n1.




Thief looking for Dragon's Gold.

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I wish I could. Whilst we're both here, would you like to share or volunteer any more information about yourself?


There is not much to tell right now honestly.


Having a cult worries me. How many people are in it?


Can they recruit regular people, or do they have to be brought back to life.


How many resurrections do they have?

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Ok, so Dragon took BHK out, which makes sense with him being aligment detector. Too bad protection didn´t work (if any) but I´d assume dragon would be the one bypasses protection so not too surprised.


Scum team took Rev out, that´s bit more surprising consider Rev had only two posts and could ahve been potential lynch bait (I was going to look his way this day phase so need new ideas... again),


DeadCeleb took DJ out but DJ was bomb so Celeb died as well, too bad to lose teh town vig but atleast that puts DJ´s case to rest and gives us some information. I assume DJ was the "wandering mind" on day 0. Leion is likely cult as I don´t see what use resurrection ability would be to cult if it doesn´t change the aligment as well so Leion could be the way to go this phase to eliminate one thread although I would rather take the dragon or one of the scum out (assuming cult can´t recruit now but might still be good idea to make sure and kill Leion as well)



Well, that happened. Y'all will be interested to know that I am in the write up.


Yes, I am interested on that, I´d assume you been on previous write-up as well then but this is likely something I shouldn´t question further.

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Yeah, the drunk but I don't think he's the drunk nor the thief. He's got an air about his statement that says it's his first time in the write-up.



Which means he killed rev


Why would he openly state that if true?

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A lot of deaths. Not as much as Blue's night of chaos but still, a lot of dead people.


DJ flipping cult means yeah, Leion is cult as well.


Had a moment and skimmed through past day phases and noticed something that gives me a strong town feel on Zergon. Him and Destiny are definitely trustworthy to me at this point.


I doubt EP would come out and say he sees himself in the write-up without being under pressure if he was seen killing in it. I'm going to sleep now but will get the ball rolling on this phase before I go. Vote: Leion


Yeah, feel like this is the right course of action. Eliminate a clear cultist and potentially finish off that entire team. Then I assume we just have an SK and a Mafia to worry about.


Vote: Leion

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Cause I see his statement as regret.


Rev kill was likely the scum group though since otherwise they wouldn´t have targeted anyone (or at least it wasn´t on write-up). And if EP would be scum then why he would feel regret about killing townie?

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3 options of who you are from what I can see then and none of them do you any favors.


Yes, I am interested on that, I´d assume you been on previous write-up as well then but this is likely something I shouldn´t question further.


I counted 4 and two of them could be town.


Yeah, the drunk but I don't think he's the drunk nor the thief. He's got an air about his statement that says it's his first time in the write-up.



Which means he killed rev


Why would he openly state that if true?


I doubt EP would come out and say he sees himself in the write-up without being under pressure if he was seen killing in it. I'm going to sleep now but will get the ball rolling on this phase before I go. Vote: Leion


Cause I see his statement as regret.


Rev kill was likely the scum group though since otherwise they wouldn´t have targeted anyone (or at least it wasn´t on write-up). And if EP would be scum then why he would feel regret about killing townie?


Long chain of quotes that nails everything I wanted to say to hellshock every time he posted. Zergon puttin' in work. :D

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Or you were trying to find the thief so he won't take yours?


Umm...If I had gold and was trying to keep it form a thief, I'd not be stating it openly.



Unpopular opinion possibly. I'm guessing the thief could be town, now hear me out as to why. As a huge DnD fan, Thief is a subclass of Rogue, which is a party choice. Therefore would be an adventurer. Could also be one of those "red herring" roles that look bad, but is really town.

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Rev kill was likely the scum group though since otherwise they wouldn´t have targeted anyone (or at least it wasn´t on write-up). And if EP would be scum then why he would feel regret about killing townie?



Really? Wouldn't be the first time town killed town in a night phase and went oops after.

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Umm...If I had gold and was trying to keep it form a thief, I'd not be stating it openly.



Unpopular opinion possibly. I'm guessing the thief could be town, now hear me out as to why. As a huge DnD fan, Thief is a subclass of Rogue, which is a party choice. Therefore would be an adventurer. Could also be one of those "red herring" roles that look bad, but is really town.


I would assume that thief is town as well.

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Yes, it wouldn´t. But if that would be the case then why scum team didn´t kill anyone?


Plus DeadCeleb was town vig, so your theory would mean there´s two vig´s. Which isn´t impossible by any means but I find it slighly unlikely considering the amound of players in this game.

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