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TNA '06- Bischoff: Best for Business?

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Breaking News! We have just been informed here at Pro Wrestling Illustrated that the man responsible for WCW's success in the mid-'90s has officially left the World Wrestling Entertainment, a company he once swore to put out of business. After a reported bust-up with his former rival, Vince McMahon, Bischoff requested his release and it was granted soon after. But the breaking news doesn't stop there. Only 24 hours after his release, TNA's owner, Dixie Carter reached out, offering him a lucrative deal to take over the helm of the booking side of things. It is believed that Bischoff accepted the deal, once again putting Bischoff head to head against Vincent Kennedy McMahon. A press conference will be held by TNA in the next couple of days. But the question on all of our minds is this: Is Bischoff best for business?


Two Days Later


Dixie: I am pleased to announce the signing of Eric Bischoff here at Total Nonstop Action. I have envisioned this wrestling promotion becoming a powerhouse in the industry, a promotion that will revolutionise the world of wrestling. With a talented bunch of men and women at our disposal, I am confident that Eric Bischoff, with all of his wrestling experience and a great mind for the business, will be the man to lead TNA to the top.


Bischoff: Thank you, Dixie. Allow me to take this time to thank you all for attending today's conference I have heard a lot of talk if I am the right man for the job, questioning if I am 'best for business.' But let me ensure you, I have a proven track record of success. That isn't about to stop now. The World Wrestling Entertainment has had it's fun on top but I think it's time for a fresh face once again. I am currently in talks with a huge professional wrestler who is looking to make his return to the United States and when that contract is signed, sealed and delivered, I am positive it'll rock the wrestling world.



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Hello everybody and welcome to my new dynasty. ROH won the poll I was doing but after some thinking, I believe I wouldn't be able to do ROH much justice, mainly as I wasn't too familiar with the ROH product back in '06. I will be posting my A-Show and PPV's mainly with bits in-between (Like what's happening at the WWE, new signings for us and the WWE) My first major update will be at Final Resolution, the January 2006 PPV. Following that, It'll be every A-Show (but they won't be as detailed as the PPV write-ups probably)


I hope you all enjoy this diary!

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TNA: Final Resolution '06


29th of January 2006


From the Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson, Mississippi


Attendance: 6,500 [sELL OUT]


102, 805 buys on DirecTV




The first TNA PPV under Eric Bischoff opens with possibly one of the biggest surprises in recent wrestling history. As the former WWE wrestler, Brock Lesnar appears with his former manager, Paul Heyman, here on the impact zone! Tony Schiavone and Don West go crazy at the debuting Lesnar whilst Mike Tenay remains calm and questions why Lesnar is here at Final Resolution, eventually Lesnar and Heyman get in the ring, both just smiling before Heyman gets on the mic.


Heyman: My client, BROOOOOOOCK LESNAH ate up the competition over in Japan. He ate up the competition at his other former employer too. BROOCK LESNAAAH NEEDS A REAL CHALLENGE! So if anyone here in TNA has what it takes to defeat my client, come out right now. But be warned, once you're in the ring with the beast incarnate, you're not leaving in one piece.


Lesnar and Heyman don't have to wait long as Rhinos music hits! The fans go crazy as they're about to see two beasts go at it! Brock Lesnar vs. Rhino! "Only on TNA!" Shouts Don West.






Brock Lesnar vs. Rhino



The opening bout contained a lot of hard-hitting action between the two beasts, however, the power of Rhino surprisingly didn't do much damage to the debuting beast Brock Lesnar. Rhino hit a monstrous gore early on only for Lesnar to get straight back up and send him down to the mat with his finisher: The Verdict! 1...2...3! Lesnar was victorious in his debut match, defeating Rhino in an impressive 6 minutes!






After the match, Lesnar picks Rhino up and proceeds to deliver a number of suplexes on Rhino! Leaving everyone at the commentary booth and those in attendance shocked. After rhino laid almost lifeless on the mat, Lesnar faced a camera and shouted SUPLEX CITY, BITCH!"




Vampiro vs. Konnan



The next match of the night pitted two real life long term rivals against each other as Konnan, accompanied by his fellow L.A.X members Hernandez and Homicide square up against Vampiro. These two icons on the Mexican wrestling scene proudly shown how they do it over in Mexico. Unfortunately, the match was hurt mainly due to both men refusing to put the over persons moves over. Vampiro made it clear before the match to myself and Larry Zbysko that he isn't willing to put Konnan over clean because he's a piece of shit. Bischoff and road agent Zbysko acknowledged this. After Homicide and Hernandez got involved with one of them distracting the ref whilst the other attacked Vampiro from behind, Konnan capitalized of this and pinned Vampiro after the ref finally turned his attention back to the in-ring action.






After the match, L.A.X deliver a gang-style beatdown to Vampiro, with Homicide even teasing that he had a gun in the back of his shorts at one point. After busting Vampiro wide open, L.A.X rush into the crowd in an attempt to escape after security began rushing down to the ring. "This is far from over ladies and gentlemen. Konnan knows better than anyone that Vampiro doesn't go down that easy." Explains Schiavone.






Backstage, Christian Cage approaches Sting who is in the locker room warming up for his main event match tonight.


Cage: "Hey, listen Sting. I just wanted to wish you luck in your match tonight against Jarrett. You beat me fair and square for this opportunity. But when that NWA World Heavyweight Championship is back around your waist, a real champions waist, I would like to be the first to prove myself."


Cage offers a hand out for Sting who gracefully accepts the peace offering

Sting: "Of course, brother. And thank you."


Both men nod at each other as Cage leaves Stings locker room, leaving him to prepare for the 30-man iron match he's in store for tonight.




Americas Most Wanted vs. Team 3-D



The next match of the night is tag team action! As reigning NWA World Tag Team Champions, America's Most Wanted take on Team 3-D. Team 3-D two weeks ago scored a nice victory over Proud Fathers Against Hardcore (Abyss & Corino) to earn this shot and since then Storm and Harris have been making life a living hell for Team 3-D, with Devon actually entering this match with an injured knee! The match was practically a brawl and at times it seemed Team 3D's veteran experience would be just enough to become the Tag Team Champions. However, in the end, America Most Wanted gave Brother Devon his death sentence, ensuring James Storm and Chris Harris pick up the victory and leaving Final Resolution with the NWA World Tag Team titles still in their possession.




Don West: "What is he doing here?! He isn't scheduled to be here tonight!"

Tenay: "I have no idea Don but something tells me he isn't happy."




Nash: "When I heard that Eric Bischoff took charge of Total Nonsense Action my stomach churned. The man that killed WCW and then became a yes man for the big boss over at the 'E is now here? Does Dixie really want to see her company die thaaat bad? Does she really hate wrestling thaaat bad? This promotion is already in shambles but now it's about to go down the f**king drain. Jeff Jarrett is your world champion feuding against Sting? Listen, Eric Blowoff, WCW is dead, stop trying to make it all happen here all over again because that's not what I signed up for, you hasbeen mother--"


Tony Schiavone: "Uh well, it seems they uh just cut his mic off just in time. Who gave him a live mic??? I apologise to those in attendance and watching at home. This isn't part of our regular broadcasting. Nash is now-- is now leaving the ring. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not sure what all this is about but when I get more news on uh, this matter I will be sure to let you all now."

Don West: "For once... For once I am speechless. What did I just hear??"






A video plays showing the history between AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. AJ Styles attempts to get the X-Division back to its roots so far have been a struggle with Samoa Joe dominating but he will get his chance at the X-Division title once again.




Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles



Samoa Joe was allowed to choose the match stipulation for tonight's match and opted for a ladder match. This match saw both men going all out and putting on one of the best matches of the night. Samoa Joe hit AJ Styles with a muscle buster early on and climbed the ladder but Styles managed to push the ladder down before Joe made it to the top. Towards the end of the match, Styles who had taken a beating the whole night looked to make a comeback and looked sure to win the title. Unfortunately for him though, An attempt to make sure Samoa Joe stayed down backfired as Samoa Joe sent him flying out of the ring, allowing him to easily climb the ladder and retrieve his X-Division title belt






After the match, Samoa Joe sits on top of the ladder with his title belt around his shoulder. He motions for someone to throw a microphone up to him.


Samoa Joe: "I am the strongest X-Division champion to date. And it's going to stay that way. NO ONE is stopping ME. But I dare anyone in the back to try me... No Disqualification. Falls count anywhere. Somebody, try me."


Christopher Daniels music hits as it runs down to the ring, forcing Samoa Joe to quickly get off the ladder as he meets Daniels halfway at the ramp as the bell rings!




Samoa Joe vs. Christoper Daniels



Despite just going through a gruelling match, Samoa Joe still easily overpowers Christopher Daniels. After about 5 minutes on the ramp, the action finally gets back into the ring. Joe hits Daniels with a muscle buster which surely looks like a win for him but AJ distracts Samoa Joe, allowing Daniels to recover for a quick-roll up, taking Samoa Joe completely by surprise. But it's too late as the ref hits the 3 count. Christopher Daniels is the new X-Division Champion






After the match, Samoa Joe gets back up to his feet and delivers a muscle buster to the new champion, Christopher Daniels!

Samoa Joe: "Don't get too used to that belt! Because next Tuesday I am activating my rematch clause and I am taking that damn belt back! And as for you AJ you little coward, I'm not finished with you!"






A video plays showing the history of the Sting vs. Jarrett feud, going all the way back to their time in WCW. The video mainly focuses on the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, a belt Sting hasn't held since 1991.




Jeff Jarrett © vs. Sting

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match



The bell rings for tonight's main event as Sting looks to capture a belt he hasn't held since 1991, the NWA World title. But to do so, Sting must defeat Jarrett in a 30-minute iron man match. The match starts off quite slowly but around the seventeen-minute mark, Jeff Jarrett gets Sting in a figure-four-lock and starts 'wooing' a homage to Stings long-time rival, Ric Flair. Sting eventually taps out, making it 1-0 to Jarrett. Jarrett immediately puts the hold back on Sting, hoping to make him tap again straight away but this time Sting manages to reverse the hold, forcing Jarrett to tap out this time, evening up the score again already at 1-1. Both men for the remainder of the match attempt to get that one vital fall that could win them the match but both men refuse to submit to the other. Sting eventually gets Jarrett into the scorpion deathlock, with the clock counting down, he doesn't have much time to make Jarrett submit. As soon as time expires, Jarrett taps! Which makes the crowd boo, knowing that the icon Sting was so close to winning the NWA World title once again! With the 30 minutes up and the score being tied at 1-1, Jeff Jarrett remains world champion.






After the match, Eric Bischoff comes out clapping the end of microphone sarcastically.


Eric Bischoff: "Now Sting, me and you go back a long way. I'm surprised you'll still performing because you're clearly passed your prime. But hey, the fans here love you. So I tell you what? I'll give you another shot. Now Kevin Nash if you'll listening to this, f**k you. Nobody disrespects me but you're clearly frustrated so next Tuesday, Sting vs. Kevin Nash. Whoever wins will face Jeff Jarrett at Against All Odds next month. But Nash, if you ever disrespect the man who made you a star again, I'll make sure you never see a wrestling ring in your life ever again!"

Bischoff throws the microphone down and walks to the back as Sting looks on.




Final Show Rating: 64/100

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EBEZA" data-cite="EBEZA" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Brock in TNA? This should be interesting! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can see Bischoff trying to bring him in 2006.</p>
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Worth noting that maybe for the first 2-3 in-game years on this save some of the booking may seem a bit idiotic. This is mainly because I want to portray Bischoff in a way where he still thinks "What worked at WCW before will work here" ( Little hint on what might happen in my next update ;) ) It'll still be mixed with good booking decisions but it is going to take Eric Bischoff awhile to realize that if he truly wants to compete with Vince McMahon again, he'll need to get with the times and focus on the new stars of Professional Wrestling.


I hope everyone who's read this so far is enjoying it (even if it's just the one show update so far) And if you're not enjoying it, I am open to feedback on how I can improve! Reading it back I think the detail I have gone into, especially with the matches, was quite lousy. I know I am capable of more creative writing to get people more immersed in the story. I can ensure that the level of detail will be much better as I continue to write more entries (especially PPV's)

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Worth noting that maybe for the first 2-3 in-game years on this save some of the booking may seem a bit idiotic. This is mainly because I want to portray Bischoff in a way where he still thinks "What worked at WCW before will work here" ( Little hint on what might happen in my next update ;) ) It'll still be mixed with good booking decisions but it is going to take Eric Bischoff awhile to realize that if he truly wants to compete with Vince McMahon again, he'll need to get with the times and focus on the new stars of Professional Wrestling.


I hope everyone who's read this so far is enjoying it (even if it's just the one show update so far) And if you're not enjoying it, I am open to feedback on how I can improve! Reading it back I think the detail I have gone into, especially with the matches, was quite lousy. I know I am capable of more creative writing to get people more immersed in the story. I can ensure that the level of detail will be much better as I continue to write more entries (especially PPV's)


Good to see realism being incorporated.

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TNA Impact


1st of February 2006


From the La Vela Beach Club, Panama City Beach, Florida


Attendance: 5,133


The First episode of TNA Impact since last Sundays PPV, Final Resolution, begins with a recap of all the action that took place at the PPV, much of the focus goes towards Samoa Joe's surprising loss against Christopher Daniels and also Sting and Jarretts Iron Man draw which sets up tonights main event against Kevin Nash.


Schiavone: "Welcome fans to TNA Impact, we're two nights removed from an amazing PPV. Now Mike. Don. I don't know about you two but I can't wait for tonight's main event. Kevin Nash takes on Sting in the main event but the question is... Will he even turn up? After his surprising choice of words, I have a feeling we won't see Nash in the impact zone again... anytime soon."


Don West: "Tony, Kevin WILL be here tonight! You wanna know how I know that? Now I could lie and say I am a damn psychic but really you should know better than me by now that Kevin Nash doesn't turn down an offer to kick some ass!"


Tenay: "I think I'm going to have to agree with Don on this one, Kevin Nash and Sting have a long history. Yes, Nash made it clear that TNA should be fresh and not follow the path of Bischoff's former misdoings but here at the impact zone, this is the new playground for where the big boys play and something tells me Kevin Nash is going to show that when he talked about 'has-beens' that sure as hell isn't him."


Schiavone: "Interesting take but now we send it down to the ring as Samoa Joe takes on Christoper Daniels in a re-match for the X-Division championship. Last Sunday, Daniels surprised us all in becoming victorious and capturing the belt, but with no AJ Styles to assist him, I think we'll see Samoa Joe capture what, in his mind, is rightfully his."




Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels



With AJ Styles reportedly not being allowed to interfere in tonight's opening contest it meant an equal chance for both Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels. The match opened up with Samoa Joe pummeling Christopher Daniels with a barrage of fists, which eventually forces Daniels to the ropes. With Daniels now stuck between the ropes, Samoa Joe connects with a vicious knee to the stomach of Daniels which sees him fumble out of the ring. Samoa Joe takes this time to showboat in the ring, before eventually joining Daniels outside of the ring who is still in the midst of recovery. Samoa Joe, taking advantage of the 10 count resetting, decides to beat Daniels on the outside, even sending him to the barricade and then connecting with a running big boot right into the face of Christoper Daniels. Samoa Joe picks up Daniels back up and attempts another running big boot but Daniels manages to dive out the say, making Joe's leg get stuck on the barricade. Daniels rushes into the ring and looks sure to get the count-out victory before Samoa Joe manages to make his way back in the ring on an eight count. Tenay questions the refs count here as being rather slow. An enraged Samoa Joe rushes at Daniels once he is back in the ring but Daniels meets him half-way with a beautiful dropkick. But this barely affected Samoa Joe as he continues to attack Daniels before finally finishing him off with a muscle buster to re-capture the X-Division Championship.


Schiavone: "Well ladies and gentlemen, Samoa Joe clearly proves last Sunday's victory for Christopher Daniels was merely luck as Joe re-captures the TNA X-Division Championship."




An angry Samoa Joe picks up Daniels and throws him out of the ring, even spitting in his direction before motioning for someone to bring him a microphone.




Samoa Joe: "This damn match wouldn't have even taken place if it wasn't for you AJ. Instead of taking your loss like a man and just let me deal with Daniels you had to get involved. So this is a message just for you. Backstage I have had enough of all your bible preaching, talking about a god. You're right, AJ. There is a god. But he ain't in no sky behind some pearly gates, he's right here. In the middle of this ring. The only man you should be praying to right now is me, praying that I don't take your life away. But if I do see your ugly hillbilly face again, I'll be sure to send you down for your meeting with the devil."




Gail Kim is backstage with a microphone in one hand and a title belt over her right shoulder. She almost looks as pissed as Samoa Joe did, remarks Don West.




Gail Kim: "At TNA Final Resolution I defeated five other women to be crowned the first TNA Knockouts Champion. But you know what's funny? Most of you probably didn't even see that match! 'Sorry, we're knocking you down to the pre-show.' Women's wrestling is never taken seriously and I am sick of it! WCW was where the big boys played, well here at TNA this is where the big girls play. You will all take us seriously, this... this is a Women's revolution." Kim then throws down the microphone and walks off camera to cheers, mainly from fellow female fans.


West: "Ohhh great! We have ourselves a feminist here at TNA."


Tenay: "I for one am sure looking forward to seeing how this unfolds. Gail Kim wants to put women wrestling on the map as serious action? Then there is nowhere better to do it but here at Total Nonstop Action!"


Schiavone: "And with that folks, it's time for a quick commercial break but don't go anywhere! When we return we have 'The King of Old School' Steve Corino taking on 'The Natural One' Dustin Rhodes!"




Steve Corino vs. Dustin Rhodes



The bell rings as the self-proclaimed king of old school takes on a real old school star, Dustin Rhodes. The bout starts real old school with a lock-up between both men, a lock-up that Dustin Rhodes wins easily as he floors Steve Corino. This was an old one for Dustin as instead of usual entertaining/brawling style he was instead trying to wrestle more technical that may have brought the crowd down a notch. However, both these apparent old school wrestlers did decide to wrestle almost the entire match at a slow, technical pace so there isn't too much to talk about here. In the end, The Natural One hit a nice old-school DDT to Steve Corino to get himself a victory over the 'King of Old School.'




The Camera pans to the backstage area where Paul Heyman stands alongside his client, Brock Lesnar. Lesnar looks calm and collected whilst Heyman has a huge smile on his face.




Heyman: "My cliiiiiiient Brooooooock Lesnaaaaah made quick work of the Rhino last night. Me and Rhino have a long history, but when you try to step up to the beast incarnate I can ensure you consequences will follow. Last Sunday Brock Lesnaah sent a clear message: The Impact Zone is now the Lesnar Zone. If you don't want to suffer the same consequences as Rhino, I suggest you all stay out the--"


Heyman's promo is cut short by Rhino who hits Lesnar with a Gore, right through monitors just at the side of him. Heyman panics as Rhino gets into his face with Lesnar laying down on the ground.






Don West: "WOW! Welcome to TNA, Brock. The boys don't give up as easy here like they do at the 'E!"




James Storm vs. Brother Devon



Last Sunday, America's Most Wanted defeated Team 3-D to retain their NWA World Tag Team Championships. But tonight, James Storm faces Brother Devon in one on one action. As soon as the bell rings though, James Storm slides under the bottom rope and begins walking up the ramp, leaving Devon in the ring, confused. Thankfully though, Brother Ray met James Storm at the ramp and sent him back down to the ring as the crowd pops as Devon begins stomping away at James Storm once he's rolled back into the ring. Brother Ray remains in Devons corner the remainder of the bout to ensure James Storm doesn't try any funny business. The match featured a good amount of brawling but also a lot of athleticism too. James Storm hit Brother Devon with an eight-second ride during the middle of the bout but Devon managed to get a foot on the rope, breaking the fall at a count of two. During the closing moments, Chris Harris makes his way to ringside and pushes Brother Ray. The two get into a shouting match until Ray finally throws a punch. With Devon now distracted at the action on the outside, Storm turns him around and hits him with another eight-second ride. The ref focuses his attention back to the in-ring action and counts the three, awarding the victory to James Storm.


Tenay: "That match sure looked like anything could happen and was fair game. But in the end, Chris Harris's involvement was a game-changer as Storm took full advantage of a distracted Devon."


Don West: "Fair game? I think me and you were watching different matches, James Storm kicked that Devon's ass all over that god damn ring!"


Schiavone: "Regardless of who kicked who's ass, James Storm is the victor. Now it's time for a quick commercial break. But when we get back, it's the main event time. Sting vs. Kevin Nash. If Sting wins, he'll get another shot at Jeff Jarrett's NWA World title. But the question still remains, will Nash turn up? We'll soon find out folks, don't go anywhere!"




Kevin Nash vs. Sting



After Sting made his entrance, everyone waited in suspense to see if Kevin Nash would in fact turn up. After what felt like forever, his music finally hits as he makes his way down to the ring. The commentators talk amongst themselves how they feel he won't perform as well as we know he is capable of after his shocking promo last Sunday. With both men in the ring, the bell finally sounds for the start of the contest, but it takes a while for either man to make a move as they just walk circles around the ring. Eventually, they both lock-up, with Nash overpowering Sting and then getting him in a headlock which he easily breaks out of. In this fifteen-minute bout, a lot of the action was slow, not many big moves but a whole lot of brawling. But the crowd pops halfway through the bout after Kevin Nash hit Sting with his signature Jackknife Powerbomb only for sting to no-sell it and deliver some lovely offence to Kevin Nash, sending him corner to corner for the Stinger Splash! He then picks up Nash for a Scorpion Death Drop as the crowd cheers louder! With Nash seemingly defeated, Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock. However, we don't know if Nash would've tapped out as Scott Hall and Sean Waltman interfere, breaking up the submission. The referee calls for the bell, awarding the DQ victory to Sting. But I don't think Nash, Hall and Waltman could care any less







Post-Match, Nash, Hall and Waltman beat-down on Sting. Sting keeps attempting to get up but every time he does he gets hit again by one of the three Kliq members.



eventually, after a long beating, Kevin Nash delivers a nasty Jackknife Powerbomb to Sting to the outside. Jeff Jarrett's music then hits who is accompanied by Eric Bischoff who is holding a black bag. With the men finally in the ring, Eric Bischoff motions for the music to stop.




Bischoff: "Heh, well I guess you won Sting. Looks like you'll get your shot again. But hey... Did everyone here actually believe Nash was serious last week? You marks eat up anything. I saw it all over the web. oooo 'Nash shoots on TNA and Bischoff.' 'Nash released from TNA after shoot.' Stupid. But without further a due, I have more important matters to get to tonight. Jarrett, can you please hand the contents in this black bag to each of them. And hey, keep one for yourself."


Jarrett opens the black bag and takes out four black folded T-Shirts and hands one to each to Nash, Hall and Waltman. The men then all line-up and unfold the t-shirts together. These T-Shirts read...




The broadcast finishes with a final shout from Schiavone. "THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS BACK!"




Final Show Rating: 60/100


Edit: Was going to post this tomorrow but I thought i'll post it tonight instead! Hope you all enjoy, especially the ending with some classic Bischoff booking.

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The whole worked shoot stuff screams of Russo, he loved that stuff. Bischoff wasn't really as big on it. I like the over all feel of the diary, but if you wanted to give it a Bischoff feel focus should be more on bashing the WWE and Vince over worked shoot.
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The whole worked shoot stuff screams of Russo, he loved that stuff. Bischoff wasn't really as big on it. I like the over all feel of the diary, but if you wanted to give it a Bischoff feel focus should be more on bashing the WWE and Vince overworked shoot.


Yeah, you're right. I have sorta unintentionally mixed Russo and Bischoff together lol. I do plan on having Bischoff bash WWE and McMahon more though in future updates, especially now that the N.W.O is back together but I am glad you've pointed that out. The worked shoot though was definitely a one-off though just as a way to 'surprise' people later on when the re-formation of the N.W.O is official.


Admittedly, I didn't watch too much WWE around this period when Bischoff was still employed. Is there anything you can suggest around this time period that I could use for Bischoff promos when he is bashing the WWE/McMahon? I'll be referring a lot back to how he almost had McMahon beat back at WCW but want to make it a bit more fresh aswell :)

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Two days after Bischoffs TNA Impact TV debut...




Here at Pro Wrestling Illustrated, we are already scratching our heads! After an impressive PPV with the new Bischoff-Led TNA with the main focal point before Kevin Nash's worked shoot got us all excited to see what would happen next in the Impact Zone. The highest-rated episode of IMPACT to date looked to be just as promising, a strong opener with Samoa Joe practically destroying Christoper Daniels, Samoa Joe calling himself god, Gail Kim beginning a women's revolution, Rhino showing he's the only beast in TNA and even an amazing main event where Sting seemingly turned back the clock back to the early nineties. Talking about turning back the clock... That's exactly what happened in the closing moments of the show with Bischoff revealing the 'new' N.W.O. That's right folks! The N.W.O in the year 2006. Featuring a past his prime Kevin Nash, a Scott Hall who clearly shouldn't even be in a ring right now, Sean Waltman (need I say anymore?) and the only member who's not completely past it just yet, Jeff Jarrett. The N.W.O in 2006?! If you enjoy over-exposure and the late 90's WCW Nitro then TNA may just be the place for you.


Former WCW booker, Kevin Sullivan, commented on the revival of the N.W.O in Total Nonstop Action saying "The N.W.O isn't the 'cool' thing anymore. When I saw Bischoff was hired to take over the book in TNA I just laughed. That knucklehead hasn't got a clue about the wrestling industry anymore."


We also caught up with Dixie Carter who simply said, "I trust Mr. Bischoffs with the direction he has in mind. With Television numbers up and from what I can see, a great product already being shown, I don't see why I should have anything to worry about."


If any of you diehard TNA fans were expecting one of the real talents to have a shot at the World title anytime soon it seems you have struck out, get ready for possibly numerous Kevin Nash reigns! Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to put the X-Division championship on Scott Hall... SCOTT HALL!


Over at World Wrestling Entertainment their recent PPV, the annual Royal Rumble match, didn't meet many peoples expectations. The great Ric Flair went to a no-contest with Heidenreich. Yes, seriously. Batista defeated Bobby Lashley to retain his World Heavyweight Championship in a decent match but that was soon followed by a lacklustre Royal Rumble match, with Big Show, entering number 30, winning the match, last eliminating JBL in a controversial fashion. This led to a match on Monday Night RAW between the two with Big Shows Wrestlemania Main Event spot on the line, Big Show came out victorious and then called out John Cena. Funny Enough, Smackdown was also main evented by JBL, which saw him lose to Eugene. Hell, I think Eric Bischoff might be booking for both feds!


A source who wishes to remain anonymous reported that 'John Bradshaw Layfield was originally scheduled to win the Royal Rumble but after multiple bullying claims, he has seen his resurrection to the top halted for now.'


All I know is, I am looking forward to seeing if Bischoff turns TNA into a true WWE competitor or if he burns the promotion to the ground.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="franticloser" data-cite="franticloser" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The whole worked shoot stuff screams of Russo, he loved that stuff. Bischoff wasn't really as big on it. I like the over all feel of the diary, but if you wanted to give it a Bischoff feel focus should be more on bashing the WWE and Vince over worked shoot.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I dunno, the initial Scott Hall debut had a very "worked shoot" feel to it, to the point that WWF sued WCW for making it look like a genuine hostile takeover! That was all Bischoff <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EBEZA" data-cite="EBEZA" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I dunno, the initial Scott Hall debut had a very "worked shoot" feel to it, to the point that WWF sued WCW for making it look like a genuine hostile takeover! That was all Bischoff <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Completely forgot about that whole Scott Hall debut lol, was recently reading the book called 'Nitro' so I should've really remembered all that.</p>
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<p>The phone rings on an early Friday morning. Eric Bischoff who is busy in his office preparing for next weeks show ignores it but after five rings, he decides to pick up.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="LezzPdQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LezzPdQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> "Hello?"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>???:</strong> "Hello?! Is that all you have to say to me? How about an apology?"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> "Sorry? Who exactly am I speaking to here? I think you might have the wrong number."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>AJ Styles:</strong> "It's Allen, you idiot. AJ. You should remember my name after that stunt you pulled last show."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> "I don't Appreciate your tone AJ, I think you should consider what you should say next."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> "And I don't appreciate you taking the lords name in vein. Did you think it'll be funny huh? Disrespecting my lord in a wrestling ring of all places? If you pull a stunt like that again I'll break your neck."</p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles then hangs up the phone as Bischoff simply laughs AJ off.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> "Haha... F***ing idiot."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Edit: I have decided to incorporate real-life things in this too as a way to adjust my booking. With Samoa Joe's promo last show, think of this as a sorta Styles/Bosh moment. But this time, Bosh is Bischoff and Bischoff's the boss lol.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jordanmason17" data-cite="jordanmason17" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Completely forgot about that whole Scott Hall debut lol, was recently reading the book called 'Nitro' so I should've really remembered all that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My Mrs got me that book for my birthday, but I haven't had chance to start it yet! Is it good?</p>
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