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CECW A new type of Elite

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Quote LucianCarter :The year was 2018. The first lawsuit came in Australia, of all places. Employment laws were very clear. Wrestlers could not be treated as contractors; they were, retroactively, employees. Within a year, every other major market followed suit. The settlements bankrupted every federation in existence. A few managed to sell their name and properties, but most were simply gone.


This left a major vacuum. Eleven federations across the world prepared to launch within the year. The battle for talent looked to be cutthroat. That is, until the idea of a draft was floated.


It happened.


All 11 federations agreed to the draft. All willing wrestlers and other workers, even former owners, were part of a huge mix of talent to be drafted. Random order, snake draft, 40 rounds. After that? To each their own.



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The current Roster of Canadian Elite Championship Wrestling




Adam "Hangman" Page

Adam Cole


Curt Hawkins

Darby Allin

Jack Evans

Jay Briscoe

Jimmy Havoc

Joey Janela

John Hennigan

John Moxley

Jungle Boy

Karl Anderson



Luke Gallows

Mark Briscoe

Marko Stunt

Matt Jackson

Michael Elgin

Nick Jackson

Penta El Zero M

Seth Rollins

Tama Tonga

Tanga Loa

Tommy Dreamer

Zach Ryder


Woman Workers


Britt Baker


Mandy Rose

Mercedes Martinez








Mike Posey

Triple H

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<p>Cool 3 of the feds in that draft now have Dynasty's - of course your feds total lack of Exoticos and scantily clad Burlesque dancers means it will never be half the fed WS_X is but then again what fed is? Looking forward to how CECW goes.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Bep1wa4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Bep1wa4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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Breaking News:


Straight from the offices of CECW..the first installment of CECW Elite will be broadcasting soon


The Owner or Owners of CECW will be revealed and who are they and what are their plans for the company?


The match ups will soon be posted!!Stay Tuned

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<p>CECW Elite Television</p><p> </p><p>

In the first CECW Elite Television show we started with the introduction to</p><p>

the new owner who happens to be Western Canada legend Scotty Mac who says wrestling needs something different and proceeds to say he deserves to bring CECW greatness which in turn brings out General manager Triple H who says as long as he's GM nobody gets a free ride here and gives Scotty Mac who is also a wrestler a match against Seth Rollins.</p><p> </p><p>

The Angle got a C+</p><p> </p><p>

The next segment had a Tag Team match and in the match Angelico and Jack Evans defeated The Jungle Express.</p><p>

During the match Luchasaurous injured Angelico and Angelico will be gone for about a month with a broken arm</p><p> </p><p>

The match got a D</p><p> </p><p>

We next got a Briscoe Bros hype video but that ultimately failed with a F+</p><p> </p><p>

Next up we got Ivelisse hyping up her upcoming match against Mandy Rose </p><p>

The angle got an E</p><p> </p><p>

Next up was the Ivellise vs Mandy Rose match in a match that had Taya debut and attack Ivellise causing Mandy Rose to win their match</p><p> </p><p>

The match got a D-</p><p> </p><p>

Post match Taya attacked Ivellise and told her she's the Alpha in this division and no one beats her</p><p>

The angle received a F+</p><p> </p><p>

We get a backstage promo from Scotty Mac hyping up his match against Seth Rollins and letting everyone know why he is a legend!!</p><p>

The Angle got a D</p><p> </p><p>

Next up was Adam Cole vs Curt Hawkins and as expected Adam Cole soundly defeated Curt Hawkins</p><p>

The match got a D</p><p> </p><p>

Next up was a tag team Hype as The Young Bucks introduced themselves to Western Canada and told the audience why they are the best team in the division. </p><p>

This angle got a D+</p><p> </p><p>

Next up was Penta El Zero M taking on Low Ki...the match went back and forth between both men but eventually Penta was able to pin Low-Ki and get the 1..2..3</p><p>

This match got a D</p><p> </p><p>

The next match was the Main Event as it was Scotty Mac taking on Seth Rollins in a match that Seth Rollins won but we got a debuting John Hennigan interfere with the match. Rollins put his feet on the ropes and got the 1...2...3 and the victory</p><p>

The match ended up getting a C</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Hennigan and Mac assaulted Rollins and left Rollins laying in the middle of the ring with Hennigan and Mac celebrating as the show went off the air</p><p> </p><p>

the angle got a C</p><p> </p><p>

Overall the entire card ended up with a C- which isn't great but it isn't too bad</p><p> </p><p>

*let me know what you thought of the card..critize it..praise it..i don't know..*</p>

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Start-ups are always tough especially if you are using people that aren't that popular locally. WS_X has the advantage of expecting a lot of risqué and T&A stuff which meant I am able to flood my shows with good looking girls and things like Jessie Godderz not being able to tell the difference between Alicia Fox and the Exoticos and get decent crowd reactions. CECW has a more difficult job in that it's got the worlds big dog STAMPEDE in the same region and a more traditional set of product settings which means it will be slower to get over the more fringe workers. Your intensity and Danger are pretty high so the broken arm was always a possibility. Not using Moxley or Samoa Joe straight out of the gate probably caused the show to not score quite as highly as it could have as you really only used Hennigan, Trips and the Bucks sparingly which means you relied heavily on Rollins to lift up the quality of the show.
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