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[HYPE] CV97 for TEW2020 (input wanted)

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I pretty much always use CV97 as my default data and have for the last couple of iterations, I do believe AMW should be destined to failure but I would like to see Joel and Archangel given a little bit of a boost so they prosper afterwards.


If anything I would like to go even further backwards in time so I can play the heyday of Baron Von Rambis, Red Falcon, Action Jackson, Mike Kinsey, Teddy & Joey Flame, The Black Serpent Cult, Rick Horn, Richie Pangrazzio Jr, Dusty Streets, Mitch Haggans, Rocky Streets, Seth & Stuart Storm, Adam Parks and Brick Fantana, what a cast of characters!


My current CV97 save is at May 2005 with 23 active companies, 1791 active workers, I made a minor edit to the database before I started, removing the British National Wrestling Federation [NWF] and replacing it with my own American version with a similar product to TCW and never looking back, had countless hours of fun with the database and I appreciate all the hard work that went into it.


The link here is to the images I use for the US NWF and it's TV show NWF Revolution, I found them on this forum at some point years ago but I'm not sure who to credit anymore.




The main feature of the NWF is a yearly G1 style tournament that was won by Pistol Pete Hall in September 1997 that by 2004 was held in very high regard in terms of prestige in the wrestling world, one of the most notable achievement's of this save has been turning Dennis Butler into a reliable main event asset, I'm pretty proud of that.


This was a promotion largely built off the back of Pistol Pete Hall and Dread in the early day's with Brick Fantana having a significant contribution also.


Anyway I'm rambling at this point, I just wanted to say how much I love the CV97 and how much I would love to see even earlier versions of this data set in the future.


Big fan, thank you Derek.

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If anything I would like to go even further backwards in time so I can play the heyday of Baron Von Rambis, Red Falcon, Action Jackson, Mike Kinsey, Teddy & Joey Flame, The Black Serpent Cult, Rick Horn, Richie Pangrazzio Jr, Dusty Streets, Mitch Haggans, Rocky Streets, Seth & Stuart Storm, Adam Parks and Brick Fantana, what a cast of characters!



If the C-Verse 77 mod returns for TEW2020, you'll be able to do just that

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Is anyone willing or able to do a write-up on HGC, like an introduction to the promotion? Of course you can piece together a lot of it by merely reading all the bios and exploring for yourself, but that can take up a lot of time. I'm willing to do it, but lack the experience. I've booked them once, but that wasn't on TEW16 (let alone TEW20). We can copy-paste the write-up to the TCW thread when the game launches.


I was super bored waiting for the new game so figured I'd take a shot at something which was part write-up, part player's guide. This is how they look in 16.




HGC is the brainchild of teenage computer billionaire JK Stallings Jr, whose bulging check book has allowed him to build an impressive roster of legends like Sam Strong and Rip Chord, tag teams including the Blazing Flames and the Vessey Brothers, future big things such as Liberty, and an impressive Cruiserweight division. The second biggest promotion in the USA, despite only opening a month before the start of the database, they're yet to crown any champions. They also have a massive fifty million dollars in the bank, meaning you can spend spend spend (depending on owner goals, at least.)


Size/Expansion Plans


You're at C- to D importance in the entire contiguous USA. You have Medium TV coverage in the States and in Canada, with Big PPV coverage in the States and Medium in Canada.




While HGC would, in the 'real' CVerse, go on to become TCW, famously the more workrate orientated of the big feds, it's a very different product when it first opens.

Traditonal/Mainstream are key features.

Cult/Risque/Modern are medium.

Hardcore/Daredevil/Comedy are low.

Realism/Lucha Libre are very low.


Match intensity is 20%, with match danger 40%. Both of those are 'locked in' by the current product.

Match ratio is 80% for events and 70% for TV.

There's a face/heel divide, low T & A, and no women's wrestling.


This gives you a product rated more on popularity than performance, contrary to TCW. They attract a vocal fan base. All wrestlers are expected to have gimmicks, risky gimmicks are good, subtle ones are bad. One match aimed at Story Telling is needed per show, one attractive female per 20 males. It's favorable towards sponsorship, allows the fed not to be rocked by wrestling industry changes, and will prevent the company from getting afternoon/early evening TV slots.





$50,000,000 in the bank, get spending! I would personally go for a decent sized development territory, and maybe a dojo (if you're playing with new worker generation on.)



Starting Storylines


You have six at the start, but only one of them is at C or above, which is what you need at least two of them to be at to avoid penalties.


Gold Rush (B) is your main one. There's a World Title battle royal at the PPV at the end of January, and this has the top contenders involved. That's Strong and Chord, Richie Pangrazzio Jr, Charlie Homicide, Liberty and Dusty Streets in major roles, with BLZ Bubb, Mr Lucha, and Coach Dick Pangrazzio playing supporting roles.

International Incident (C-) is the International Title storyline and your best chance of getting up to the C you need as quickly as possible. Cowboy Ricky Dale, Golden Fox, Jason Jackson, Jimmy Power, Mr Lucha, Romeo Heartthrob and Whistler are major players, with The Danger Kid in a supporting role. Quickest way to get it up is probably a tag match and an angle on the first show mixing in a face and a heel from this storyline with a face and a heel from the World title one.

Tag Team Gold Rush (D+) is the Tag Title storyline. The Blazing Flames, The Vessey Brothers (with manager Coach Dick Pangrazzio), The Untouchables and the Demons of Rage are major participants, with The Nation of Filth as a supporting pair. The BIG plus here is the awesome experience, with Flames, Vesseys and Demons at A*. Demons are lousy in the ring but the experience gives them a decent boost. Flames and Vesseys are different propositions, being very good in ring. The main issue is who time decline has reared its head for, with Joey/Teddy/Larry all potentially fairly far into it. If it hasn't hit too badly, though, this might be a reasonably easy one to get up to a C. (Not least because there's an obvious crossover with the World title scene due to Coach Dick managing Richie and the Vessey Brothers.)

East Coast Warriors (D+) is the Hardcore Title storyline. Monty Walker, Ramon Paez, The Danger Kid, Jack Bruce, and both members of The Nation of Filth play major roles, Charlie Homicide is in a supporting one.

Cruiserweight Revolution (D+) as the name suggests is the Cruiserweight title one. Dark EAGLE, Electrico, Monty Walker and Ramon Paez play major roles (weirdly; I didn't realise Walker and Paez COULD play major roles in two storylines but assume as the database is set up that way it works?) Golden Fox, Jason Jackson and Mr Lucha are supporting ones.

Demon Rising (D+) is your only non-title one and just has two people - Karen Killer and BLZ Bubb. This is all about menace angles for Bubb as Killer watches, basically.



Current Roster


Main Eventers


Sam Strong - with an Icon contract (remember, this means he expects to be on every show and will be less tolerant of losses), creative control/wage matching/hiring veto, and being paid $90,000 a month, Strong is clearly set up to be the central figure of the new fed. And why wouldn't he be? The most popular wrestler in the world, routinely getting bonuses for star quality, charisma, morale, and a legendary gimmick, he's capable of dragging midcarders to very good matches and getting great ratings against other top stars. He also has freakishly good stamina for a man his age. Time decline will hit soon, but for the first few months, I'd build around him and the next guy in terms of matches and promos.


Rip Chord - like Strong, Chord has the Icon/creative control/wage matching/hiring veto contract. His gimmick's not quite as good, and he's slightly less over and slightly less entertaining than Strong. (Although to put that in perspective, 99% of wrestlers ever would KILL to be only slightly less over and entertaining than Sam Strong! On the other hand, he's significantly better in the ring, with incredible psychology. Like Strong, stamina is surprisingly high for his age. Star quality is lacking compared to the big guy, as well. But clearly your best heel by some way. (And almost certainly won't lose to anyone except Sam for a fair while given the overness difference.)


Dusty Streets - to describe a guy who had over a decade in the biggest federation in the USA - including time as head booker - and six years in the biggest one in Japan as a 'never was' would be ridiculous, but Dusty Streets suffers from comparisons with Strong and Chord, and also with his own family. Father Rocky was a Hall of Famer, younger brother Sid is arguably the best SWF wrestler not to get a World title run - mainly due to being out for two years with concussion - and Dusty's just a very solid brawler who really doesn't live up to them. He's the third most popular wrestler in HGC but the gap between him and the top two is huge; he's significantly closer to Whistler in overness than he is to Strong. His psychology and entertainment are similarly... lacking is too strong a word, but they're definitely not top level. Good enough to main event TV shows in tag matches against a top team, or against Strong or Chord, but not someone I think has a particularly big future. (He's also hurt by backstage issues with Sam Strong.)


Richie Pangrazzio - While he has a very good gimmick, Pangrazzio Jr's stuck as a face when he's significantly better as a heel. It's too early to turn him, but for me having him turn his back on his father and the Vesseys in the later half of the year is probably the best use for him. Another fairly steep drop in overness from Streets to him. He's also got surprisingly poor psychology - while the game classes him as a '21 year pro', according to his bio he's been out of the business for at least 7 years raising his kids. Charismatic but mic skills don't live up to that charisma.


Larry Vessey - While brother Bryan is the future star, Larry is the bigger one of the two at the present. The most over man in the tag division, shading the Flames out, he's an excellent in-ring worker with good stamina. As a mainstay of the tag ranks, he can do a great job raising other people's psychology, but (particularly given the A* experience with his brother) should get some very good ratings himself. In particular, the pair of them vs Chord and a midcarder should be a perfectly adequate TV main while raising the midcarder's profile and training him up even if he takes the pin.


Teddy Flame/Joey Flame - The legendary tag team returned to the big time a couple of years after their two decade run with the SWF ended, this pair are similar - good workers with great psychology and strong charisma, but both are likely to be in time decline. Despite this, their experience means they're going to be able to get great ratings if time decline isn't TOO bad.



Upper Midcarders


Bryan Vessey - Less good than his brother currently, but still a great mat wrestler with superb athleticism and a ton of time to improve, at just 25 years old. The A* experience means you probably want him in the tag division initially but a definite future champion for me. The sooner you can get his psychology better than his mat wrestling, the better.


Charlie Homicide - Excellent hardcore wrestler who, like Vessey, suffers from having psychology less than his best top row skill - although in his case it's incredibly close and could probably be improved very quickly. High menace and very strong consistency make him a brilliant asset but again someone who, at the age of 42, is often in time decline. Unlike most of the top guys, his popularity varies massively - Puerto Rico is nearly double that of Hawaii, looking at the two extremes.


Demon Anger/Demon Spite - Great tag experience for this pair - just returned to the States from Japan's GCG - is their major plus point, but Anger's psychology makes him pretty handy in the ring (like many of the upper midcarders/main events, time decline-dependent) and they both have high enough menace that you can get some good angles out of them.


Romeo Heartthrob - Veteran brawler Romeo Heartthrob has incredible stamina for a man of his age and very high charisma and star quality. He's an excellent cocky or weaselly heel with decent popularity across the US. Like so many of the others, potentially has issues with time decline.


Whistler - A major star in the Tri-State for PPPW, Whistler's psychology is a little lacking compared to other top guys but he has strong charisma. Stamina is surprisingly low for someone who's practically a spring chicken by upper-card standards in HGC though.


Liberty - The future James Justice is someone who's obviously a star you can push to the moon. Great star quality and charisma, better psychology than Whistler despite only being 26, and really popular in the Mid South thanks to his time working in Texas.



Rising Stars


BLZ Bubb - Bubb, who in CVerse canon would become Tyson Baine, has one of the highest menace values in the game, his psychology is far better than I'd expect from a monster heel, and he's only 25. Stamina and entertainment are his issues (with Karen Killer mitigating the second) but he has plenty of time to improve.


Cowboy Ricky Dale - The future RDJ has excellent charisma and star quality and at the age of 26 is a definite future star. Mid South popularity is miles ahead of his pop anywhere else.


Dark EAGLE - With great psychology, stamina and flashiness, EAGLE is someone who can be a star of the Cruiserweight division.


Jack Bruce - The opener is a far cry from the man who'll go on to become one of the all-time greats in canon, but has super high star quality, and really good entertainment and athleticism.


Monty Walker - The very charismatic cruiserweight suffers from a distinct lack of psychology but is potentially a major player if he can raise it. Potentially another one for a development fed, if you're happy to sign him on a written and take him away from DAVE, although he won't be happy to be sent down.



Solid Hands


Robert Oxford - Mr Consistent has incredible psychology and can do a fantastic job of training whoever he's in the ring with. Throw in good tag experience with up and comer Joel Bryant and he's a huge boon to the company.


Jimmy Power - 52 and probably deeply into time decline, but his high psychology means he's still useful in terms of training people up and his in-ring stats are so good that even with penalties he can hold his own - certainly as part of a tag bout - unless you get a REALLY bad destiny roll.


Mr Lucha - Incredible psychology and superb in the air, the 36-year-old can be the mainstay of your Cruiserweight division.



Other Notables


Java isn't good in the ring, being penalised for selling, but has a lot of time to improve and has good star quality and amazing menace. Definitely a candidate for development, or for a bodyguard role while working less important matches. Tribal Warrior has similar issues to his tag partner, and perhaps a touch less of an upside due to slightly lower menace, but they're a strong young team with reasonable experience.


The only thing Peter Valentine has going for him is decent menace, and his friendship with Sam Strong. (And even than 'decent' menace is behind both members of Savage Fury, Charlie Homicide, both Demons, BLZ Bubb, and Strong himself. If you're playing solely to be successful, get rid of him, and shove Sam a bonus if it makes him unhappy. I have a soft spot for the big lug, though, and generally try to make something of him by shoving him in dark matches with really talented guys as much as possible. I'll be honest and admit I've never had THAT much success...


Stink and Grunt, like Valentine, need to win the crowd over as they're really disliked at the start of the mod. Their tag experience means it may be worth giving them the chance to do so - and I've had relatively quick success with Stink in the past.





Karen Killer is the only woman on the roster; given you need 1 hot woman for every 20 men not to get penalised in a show, that makes her fairly important. Luckily, she's adequate as a mouthpiece for Bubb and angles focusing on her entertainment or sex appeal and his menace should do well for his card position.


Coach Dick is red hot stats wise although I think the chances of him being past his relevancy age are pretty sky-high.


I usually overlook JK Stallings because he's terrible at everything; having said that his overness is better than most of your lower card, so there's arguably something to be said for some sort of story where Bubb squashes him several weeks in a row and a face like Jack Bruce steps up to defend him, I guess.


Rhodes and Azaria are decent and are preset to have great chemistry, which is handy.



Best Potential Signings


Given the lack of hot women and the requirement to use one for every 20 men on a show, you actually need eye candy far more than wresters. I'd say you can stick with the starting roster when it comes to in-ring workers but you absolutely need to hire one, if not more, women. Wanda Fish, Victoria Stone, Jakki White Trash, Grace Harper, Emma Chase and Catherine Quine have the best combinations of sex appeal and entertainment skills.


As said above, I don't think you really need more wrestlers, but if you DO want any, here's a broad look at people who may be of interest.


The world - or at least those in it who'll work in the States - is your oyster here, pretty much. Nemesis is the most popular guy in the US initially available to sign, although only on a PPA due to his DAVE head booker position. He's not the most obvious HGC signing but given the Hardcore division he's a relatively good fit in a lot of ways, and his superb psychology and excellent entertainment, along with popularity that's above any of your active wrestlers except Strong and Chord, is seriously tempting.


Nearly as popular, but probably less tempting, is Womanizer Robbie Gordon, who you can get out of hiatus. In some ways I really like him as a signing - the thought of the guy who supposedly/possibly slept with Richard Eisen's wife, and was fired for it, heading to the SWF's newest contender to give them a boost is awesome. That said, I don't love the egotistical/selfish combination for his personality. However, with extremely strong psychology/charisma/microphone then even if he's in time decline - which at the age of 48 seems likely - there could be a place for him to put others over, even if it's only for a short-term run.


Cobra and Viper, the Black Serpent Cult, are the top tag team who aren't under a written at the start of the game. The A* experience makes them a tempting pairing, again. Stats-wise, they may actually be a shade better than the Flame; the main issue is they're 51 (compared to Flames being 44/48) and almost certainly heavily into time decline. As a way to establish a tag division early, though, I love bringing them in,


The other name tag team with A* experience available are the War Eagles, Damon Carruthers and Warren Young. They're significantly less popular and less skilled than BSC, although at 45 years old they're probably not so far into time decline. They also have a history as part of Coach Dick's All Star Team, making them a reasonable choice for a quick run if you want someone to put the Vesseys over, I guess.


Next best older guy is maybe Pistol Pete Hall, despite his injury at the start of the game. His psychology is through the roof meaning worst case scenario you're getting a damn good road agent if he retires.


Looking at up and comers - for a popularity over performance fed, I'm always going to want high star quality if possible. Male wrestlers of a decent age with great star quality who are reasonable in the ring.


Alex/Jack/Steve DeColt - I don't like raiding CGC this heavily, but they're all charismatic with high star quality, already good wrestlers with many years before they peak, and they could help with a future expansion to Canada.


Speaking of a potential Canadian expansion, Barry Bowen (Runaway Train) isn't great in the ring and at 32 is too old to make massive improvements. However he has incredible menace, superb star quality, and in Alberta and BC beats all your starting guys for popularity except Chord and Strong.


DAVE Extreme champion Johnny Martin has very good psychology and star quality and is popular in the Tri-State and New England; a great potential pick-up for your hardcore division. I like Genghis Rahn significantly less, perhaps because I've never had much luck with psychopaths and perhaps because his psychology sucks, but his Tri-State popularity and very good hardcore make him usable.


The Hype's entertainment skills, star quality and athleticism scream "Sign me!" If you're confident you can get him drug-free, go for it. If, like me, you're less sure, avoid like the plague.


Vengeance has incredible menace and superb star quality, but not that much else going for him. A perfect candidate for a development fed, though. Jimmy Cox and Jungle Jack are two others who could be good in development.


Of course, regardless of your fed's product, guys with high psychology are always useful to help train people up. Best available early on are Dark Angel, Steve Flash, Eric Tyler, and Derek Barnes. The 50-year-old Barnes isn't going to be bringing in good ratings but will definitely help guys improve.





World title has to be Strong or Chord initially, obviously, and you'll need to build Chord up over the first four shows to get Strong to let him win. (Edit: Having tried this, I'm not sure it's possible, so looks like it's Strong!)) Long-term, as hilarious as the idea of pushing Peter Valentine to the moon is, then BLZ Bubb (once his stamina's improved), Liberty, or Bryan Vessey may be the best way to go. Having said that, Larry Vessey, if not in time decline, works pretty well too - his main issue is lack of charisma, which is helped massively by Coach Dick.


Your Tag division has various choices but Flames are always my go-tos, with Vesseys as alternate choice if I'm not using one or both more in the World title chase.


Cruiserweight title seems like it's made for Mr Lucha; JK Stallings is canonically a huge fan and his stats blow everyone else's away.


International title is the only singles title that's midcard rather than floating, I generally stick it on a workhorse - maybe Oxford, or even Power if he's not deep in time decline.


Hardcore title is another floating one, I never know what to do with it because having THIS many titles seems ridiculous to me.





Hollyweird TV is a two hour show, weekly on Tuesdays, broadcast in prime time on Maple Leaf Sports and in late evening on Arcadia. With 70% match ratio and the 15% leeway you get, you need anywhere between 66 minutes of matches/54 minutes of angles, and 102 minutes of matches/18 minutes of angles, per week. Your top guys are going to get you MUCH better ratings in angles than they are in matches - Strong and Chord should be drawing A* in promos - so if you keep the ratio of matches to angles on the low side, you can get away with fairly throwaway mains and have the 45% or so of the show which is scored on angles lift your score up. A lot of my mains are six-man tags, or tag team vs ME/midcarder. (I know I've said it several times, but the experience of the Vesseys and the Flames REALLY helps here.) I've main evented this with Strong vs Peter Valentine in January and raised popularity in all 18 areas, so you REALLY don't need to be wasting big matches on TV.


For events, they're all on Sunday week 4 of each month, but other than that they're a little all over the place. The first two, Malice in Wonderland and The War To Settle The Score, are Above Average importance, Hollyweird in March - the season finale - is Highly Regarded, and everything else is normal. Malice and Hollyweird are three hours, A Little South Of Sanity in November is two, and the others are two and a half. Malice, in canon, has bee announced as having a World title battle royal in year one. February's The War To Settle The Score is all 1 vs 1 according to AI instructions, none of the others have any.


For me, the obvious build is to Strong vs Chord at the season finale in March. Get the big match done there before they creep into time decline. For Malice, I'd have Strong winning, and I'd probably go with whoever was last eliminated as the challenger for War - maybe Homicide, Bubb, or Heartthrob.


If you do bring in the Black Serpent Cult or a similar team on a short-term deal, loser leaves town vs Flames or Vessey in March seems to make sense.

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Derek, I will of course provide full credit to you as the architect of the CVerse '97 mod that my 'Hollywait' is based off of. Looking it over, with the information I currently have available, I suspect it will convert nicely. I plan on using it to spinoff my own alternate-CornellVerse by converting saves into databases, do you have a problem if I title my alt-verse "CVerse97 - The Hollywait Divergence"?
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man I wish I woulda read this write up before I started a save with HGC. I had so many penalties that first month of booking with all the heel vs heels since I didn't have enough faces. Not enough ladies and Stink and Grunt getting booed out of the building. I also didn't know what to do with the Hardcore division. But, despite my poor booking at first we were still gaining pop thanks to Strong and Cord which is nice. Great write up thanks
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Pretty much every announcement about growth, training, and company relationships for 2020 had me thinking “that’s going to be so awesome in the ‘97 mod.” Really looking forward to dipping back into the east coast war when it’s good to go.
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man I wish I woulda read this write up before I started a save with HGC. I had so many penalties that first month of booking with all the heel vs heels since I didn't have enough faces. Not enough ladies and Stink and Grunt getting booed out of the building. I also didn't know what to do with the Hardcore division. But, despite my poor booking at first we were still gaining pop thanks to Strong and Cord which is nice. Great write up thanks


Glad you liked it! Yeah, the not enough ladies thing is super annoying at the very start if you're not careful.

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Apologies for not replying here for a while, I've obviously had other things to do with TEW launching later today... once launch has settled down a bit I'll respond to people about anything I've not addressed so far. :)


For now, a question for some more opinions...


Sam Strong and Rip Chord are the foundational stars of HGC. I've had them set to hit Time Decline about a year or two after the game starts, which is super late for both but I always wanted people to have a fair chance to use them at first. My question is... should I leave their Time Decline set super high? Should I set it so that they are more realistically a few years in Time Decline already? Should I leave it random so that everyone takes the chance of having two stars who are potentially super into decline already?


As always, thoughts and opinions matter. :)

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For now, a question for some more opinions...


Sam Strong and Rip Chord are the foundational stars of HGC. I've had them set to hit Time Decline about a year or two after the game starts, which is super late for both but I always wanted people to have a fair chance to use them at first. My question is... should I leave their Time Decline set super high? Should I set it so that they are more realistically a few years in Time Decline already? Should I leave it random so that everyone takes the chance of having two stars who are potentially super into decline already?


As always, thoughts and opinions matter. :)


I always prefer when time decline is random! That may just be me though

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I'd say set Rip's to be a bit lower, as in some sims I've had Rip Chord still winning World titles way into the late 2000s, and having the chance of him retiring and possibly opening MAW slightly higher would be a great thing for how the independent scene can get in long-term saves.


Sam can probably be left as is. If I remember correctly, didn't he wrestle late into his career?

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Thanks for the nice writeup Jaded. I'm sure that's a huge help to starting players like me.


As for the top 2: I think at least Strong is too good for his age. I agree the best idea is to put them in time decline for the past 3 years, though you have the knowledge of what it actually does to workers.


As Jaded pointed out his stamina is too big, and his second row skills in general are quite high. He really doesn't need it as Hollyweird matches should be around 6 minutes anyway so I wouldn't worry about time decline. C- should be more adequate. He's got A-level pop and A-level E-skills, and that alone makes him a legend. These won't deteriorate, so what more do you want? I honestly thought for the last decade of TEW gaming that he sucked, and then ... :eek: This isn't Tommy Cornell Wrestling...yet. :p


EDIT: I just read up on C-verse history and apparently he DID have a 30-minute match with Kikkawa merely a year before this database starts, so that kind of justifies that. So I guess he mostly sucked in-ring in his SWF-time (where nobody cared anyway). And he's expected to wrestle until 2005 I think, so yeah... Never mind. I for once always refer to Rock vs Hogan at Mania18 for my A* match in WWE, and Hogan was 48 at that point. So I take it all back! Derek knows best. :p


Other stats-changed I would suggest are RDJ having less resiliency. It's his best stat in absolute numbers and he's known to be injured quite a lot canonically. I said this before about other people, and I completely understand your reluctance, but it's not like changing this to C+ will somehow make him injured all the time. :p I can always do it myself for my game, but I dislike doing that as it makes conversations in this thread rather awkward if everyone makes his personal version of the data. What I would recommend is setting Tommy Cornell's SWF contract to 7 months instead of the random number.


But some things just can't be programmed in I guess, like Kunomasu's DAVE run. However, it neems Nemesis' run can be simulated the way it's set up atm, which is great as it opens up player interaction.

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Thanks for the nice writeup Jaded. I'm sure that's a huge help to starting players like me.


No worries, glad it's useful! I think I'm going to try and do similar write-ups for a bunch of feds over the next few months (in the default DB and hopefully in CV97) so it gave me the opportunity to try and figure out what stuff I wanted to include in there, which was cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i always prefer mods to leave time decline alone unless it is established the wrestler is already declining by the description. I prefer leaving it up to the game, so that Sam Strong or Rip Chord have a chance for a surprisingly long run or just a small run for a year where they pass the torch to a BLZ Bub or Liberty.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47387" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Apologies for not replying here for a while, I've obviously had other things to do with TEW launching later today... once launch has settled down a bit I'll respond to people about anything I've not addressed so far. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> For now, a question for some more opinions...</p><p> </p><p> Sam Strong and Rip Chord are the foundational stars of HGC. I've had them set to hit Time Decline about a year or two after the game starts, which is super late for both but I always wanted people to have a fair chance to use them at first. My question is... should I leave their Time Decline set super high? Should I set it so that they are more realistically a few years in Time Decline already? Should I leave it random so that everyone takes the chance of having two stars who are potentially super into decline already?</p><p> </p><p> As always, thoughts and opinions matter. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My two cents would be to leave them alone or have no time decline yet. And maybe I have it confused but didn't the old cverse history site have Strong no wrestling at first and got brought out of retirement to win the Championship from Rip. Its been a few years and a few blows to my head may have it distorted. Anyways, my 2 cents.</p>
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Nope. Cannonically, he was the fist HGC title holder, but he pulled back from active competition in 1998 after losing to BLZ Bubb. Wreslted 3-4 times a year on shot knees until 2002, when he came back to beat Dread for the belt and go on a nostalgia run.


I'm down woth letting him be in decline at the start of the game to replicate that.

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Unfourtunately my 97 data got lost but I have added a minimum C- Star Quality as a hiring rule for BHOTWG, which I added in my 2020 cverse database as well, so they don´t gut the other promotions at the start of the game. I think I did minimum C- basics in PGHW. Also I have added no psychopats for both promotions so Larry Wood, The McWade Brothers and other deathmatch wrestlers remain available for BBW. What do you think about hiring requirements to add to immersion?
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<p>I think time decline should be left random...if more things are left random, more differences will be in everyone's save. </p><p> </p><p>

If Sam Strong is set to start time decline one year after the database start, then everyone's first year will sort of look the same with his title reign and how good the matches will be. But if time decline is left random, we'll all have different lengths/grades of Strong's title reign, and I tend to like to see the differences between saves.</p><p> </p><p>

With all that said, it'd be a small thing for anyone to change if they preferred it different than how you choose.</p>

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<p>I think it's perfectly reasonable to set decline rates for the likes of Strong or Chord, while leaving it random for others. Perhaps the rule should be based in canon to an extent.</p><p> </p><p>

I definitely agree with hiring rules.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ZonaCidal" data-cite="ZonaCidal" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47387" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What are we going to do with potential for the wrestlers not yet to debut? Always felt that the wrestlers that become really good in 2010 would have good potential set in 1997 database.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That would only seem logical. If you want a completely random database, might as well populate an entire organic universe then...</p><p> </p><p> I've compared some psychology profiles between the converted CV97 and the original in TEW16 and the way the game converts the workers, it basically divides them over only a fraction of the available personality types. I see a couple tranfer to scumbag, but most will be professional, . I just checked the women for now and almost ALL of them convert to a people person, which just destroys any sense of locker room management. So ALL of the workers will have to be revised, which are a whole lot of workers. <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The good thing is that - besides this - you basically only need to change the products of the companies and it should be playable (well it's already perfectly playable now, but if you want SOME sense of immersion you will need correct products).</p><p> </p><p> Everyone will just add their own tweaks for immersion. Those suggested here are a nice idea.</p><p> </p><p> As for decline rates: no way to know right now. Canonically they kept going for a whole lot of years. I'm a fan of harsh declines for those 2, but if they end up retiring the first year it'd be a bit awkward. (especially playing HGC <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p>
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I'm going to post some thoughts here on the auto-converter and the points that might need tinkering:




Seeing the payrolls, it seems Rip somehow got a massive raise over CV97, going from 50K to almost 200K, while Sam stays steady at 90K. Coach Pangrazzio goes from 9K to 23K (as road agent pay was just nerfed). Christian Faith goes from 55K to 288K. Bruce from 42K to 186K. It seems there's some method to this, but the "unreal" wages (like Sam's) apparently remain untouched. The game estimates his 'real' cost at 420K, yet it's not being converted as such.


PPA had been reworked for this game and seems to be a LOT more lucrative for some promotions. For Cat Quine, for instance, it goes down from 800 to a mere 110. Having difficulties understanding why any written deal is lucrative at this point. Sam Strong's PPA is 25K a show. So exclusivity is pretty costly apparently, as you generally pay 250K+/month just to keep him to yourself or use him for house shows, which I...wouldn't recommend (and he probably doesn't want to do anyway).




Raven Nightfall is the female worker with the highest psychology but starts with one of the lowest in the mod. No way to truly test right now (at least for us ;)), but I sincerely doubt she'll reach the point where she is in 2020 with her stats in the mod. Now, I don't think we need to 100% match the official stats, but it seems only logical that every worker should have the option of reaching their actual stats, as that makes up about half of their personas/identities in the game. However, the new differentiated potential is a huge help here, as you can set her mental potential to excellent.




As I mentioned before, either the converter tends to value several personalities more than others, or the C-verse personalities were quite similar to that practically 50% of the new types aren't being used by anybody (except perhaps one person). Though this is of course at the discretion of the creator of the universe, it seems a bit of a pity when features aren't being used, so I hope this mod plays around with it somewhat to enrich the gameworld. Not that adding scumbags qualifies as 'enriching' the gameworld, but you know what I mean. :p

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