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<p>My Fav</p><p> </p><p>

I have 2.</p><p> </p><p>

The night Snuka came off the top of the cage and started the modern high spot.</p><p> </p><p>

WrestleMania #3 Hogan Slams Andre. </p><p> </p><p>

Some of you (most) are probably to young to remember or probably not born yet ( not judging you) but these two things were un imaginable at the time.</p><p> </p><p>

I don't post much and would like to withdraw my name for the game give away.(if I happen to meet the requirement)</p><p>

I hope it goes to someone deserving. Good luck everyone.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="HiPlus" data-cite="HiPlus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two major moments for me. <p> </p><p> The Rock vs Stone Cold </p><p> </p><p> I don't remember the Wrestlemania that it occured at, but it is my first ever memory of wrestling. (That and Undertaker hanging Big Boss Man) but I distinctly remember The Rock being choked out by TV Cables and that was when I became hooked on wrestling.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You might be referring to WrestleMania XV (15).</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JuanJoseNYC" data-cite="JuanJoseNYC" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You might be referring to WrestleMania XV (15).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Yeah I have never gone back to watch any of their wrestlemania matches as I knew they had 3.</p>
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Being a big Hardy Boyz fan growing up, my favorite match of all time is Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz at Wrestlemania 17. They had really nice matches those 3 teams, but this one with the ladders and chairs was one of my first wrestling memories, when the tag team division was still relevant !
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tomato Can" data-cite="Tomato Can" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Watching Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling go off the air with a defeated Magnum TA laying flat out in the ring! Nikita Koloff had just become the new US Champion! How heart wrenching it was to see OUR US Title be held by that horrible "Russian". Oh I miss the days when I loved wrestling from that innocent point of view. That is why I love this game! I get to re live those wonderful days!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wow!!! You just brought back a great memory, Magnum was one of my first real favorite wrestlers, not just another face to cheer for and Nakita was an awesome heel, you just had to hate that evil Russian. I miss those days as well.</p><p> </p><p> Thank You</p>
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<p>I think my favorite wrestling moment was CM Punk beating John Cena at MITB. </p><p> </p><p>

I grew up as a massive Stone Cold fan because I was from the area he was, so he was massive with us as kids. But I stopped watching wrestling in late 07 when I was a senior in high school, and didn't pick back up until around 2011 when Punk beat Cena. The pipebomb got me back into wrestling, and the electricity of that match made me remember why I loved it. I just didn't remember seeing that sort of enthusiasm since I was a kid in the attitude era.</p>

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<p>Please also exclude me, but what a lovely idea.</p><p> </p><p>

For me there have been so many each holding their own spot in my mind from buying VHS second hand of wrestlemania 1-3 & watching Hogan n warrior at friends, to catching glimpses on sky in the 90s as it became so mainstream my year at school had a mock hardcore title involving nearly everyone at some point. Sixth form around 97-98.</p><p> </p><p>

I kind of dropped away from around 2006 up until a few years back, basically missing the whole cm punk era.</p><p> </p><p>

But for me the best moment has to be nxt over the last 2-3 years and the wwe network. Where not only have I been able to relive my favourite moments but also fill in the gaps along the way, up to a refound passion via nxt.</p><p> </p><p>

There are plenty of non wwe moments I should add for clarity. The rise of progress and icw in the UK for a start.</p>

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Thank you for doing this Bonafide_Bluffa!


It is hard to pick just one, but one that has always stuck out to me was when the Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson at the time) turned on Sting at Clash of the Champions X. Ole and Ric's promos were pure fire that night. I really do not recall a crowd turning on wrestlers the way they did and as quick as they did. I mean I am sure I must have saw it prior to that (For instance when Andre turned on Hulk) but I remember that turn the best.


Edited to add: I love reading what others have to say in this thread. It is so interesting to see what connections others have and during what time periods. I have been watching wrestling since shortly after WrestleMania II. Granted I do not watch it as much as before (I still watch MLW every week but that is the only one I go out of my way to watch).

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Oh man, there are so many to choose from. I was 12 during the attitude era and there were a lot of great moments that still give me nostalgia shivers thinking back on them, but I think my favorite wrestling moment was more modern. It was when Shinsuke Nakamura won the Royal Rumble.


This was the first and only time I ever cried over pro wrestling.


I know, sounds super lame, and I was totally embarrassed at the time, but it was really a combination of things. Before Shinsuke came to NXT, my only exposure to him was during me and my husbands annual Wrestle Kingdom viewing. I was very skeptical of all non-WWE wrestling all those years ago, and my husband was a big indy nerd (though he'll deny it, lol) and he always wanted me to watch more wrestling with him. I can't remember how he got me to agree to watch WK, but he did, and the only thing I remember from that first WK (I think it was 9) was my husband telling me that I was going to love Shinsuke. I was skeptical, because my husband has a very bad track record of recommending things to me (he tends to assume I'll like everything he likes if I just give it a chance), but the second he came out and did his entrance I was hooked. It sticks in my memory for two reasons, one because I couldn't believe how cool Shinsuke was, and two because I felt really close to my husband because he knew enough about me to know that I'd be totally into Shinsuke. It still makes me smile thinking about it.


Fast forward to 2018. At this point I'd been watching WWE again (I stopped as a kid in 2002) since about 2006 or so pretty regularly with some short two or three week breaks in between. I got to see so many highs and even more lows, and by this point I was nearly totally done with WWE. It seemed like every time they had a sure thing, they did everything possible to screw it up. They'd take my favorite wrestlers and either give them nothing or build them up only to constantly lose the big match, then do nothing with them for months until they decided to try again. I went into this RR expecting to hate it. Roman was winning, of course. He had to. It was the worst move they could make and Vince always, always makes the worst move. But then Shinsuke made it to the final 4.


It was him, Cena, Roman, and Finn Balor. Two people I hated at the time (Cena and Roman) and two people I really liked. When Cena eliminated Balor and Shinsuke eliminated Cena, I knew it was over for Shinsuke. He'd just gotten his bug rub. He threw out John Cena. That was the consolation prize for his eventual loss. I can't really express how emotionally invested in this match I was. It's so stupid, because it's freaking wrestling, FFS, but to me it felt like this was going to be a night of Vince personally telling me that he didn't want me watching this product that had been a part of my life, in one way or another, since I was a little kid. It was yet another form of entertainment media that changed from something I loved into something that seemed to actively despise its long term fanbase. I was dreading seeing Roman win. It was going to be a final middle finger from this product that was honestly exhausting to watch and follow, and it was going to do it by once again shoving my favorite wrestler into the garbage for the sake of my least favorite.


And then Shinsuke won.


I was sitting next to my husband, who had introduced me to Shunsuke, expecting the worst possible thing that could happen in this product to happen...and Shinsuke won. You hear it in fiction all the time, when the POV character says something like "I didn't even know how tense I was until I felt it bleeding away", and that's exactly how I felt. It was this huge emotional dam breaking inside of me, and I couldn't help crying. I tried to hide it from my husband, because that's what I always do when I cry over a fictional show (which happens way more often than I'd like to admit...), but eventually I just gave up and told him. And instead of teasing me or being weird, he hugged me and just let me cry over this dumb wrestling show.


And then Shinsuke said he was going after AJ at WrestleMania, and for one night I fell in love with WWE (which at the time was still mostly synonymous with pro wrestling as a whole for me, though not anymore, thank god for AEW) all over again. My favorite New Japan match was going to be done over again at Wrestle-freaking-Mania.


For that one moment, WWE could do no wrong.


Of course that didn't last, but even with all the crap that followed that finally led to me giving up WWE forever, this still stands out as my favorite wrestling moment.


So yeah, that's my way too long post. Sorry for taking up so much space, but I've never talked about this anywhere before, and it was nice to finally write it all out and organize my thoughts.

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Can we just have you banned now? Call yourself a fan :D:p. -99 Respect Skill :p



Kudos to you Bonafide_Bluffa for offering to do this for the members here :D. The kind heart of the community is still alive and kicking :D


I knew you'd give me stick for mine :D Also unsurprising that you don't have a favourite moment, because you're so miserable. Haha.


Just wanted to say again, this is a fantastic thread. I've read through all of your posts and there's so much I'd forgotten about.

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Disclaimer: I'm opting out of the giveaway but respect to the OP for a top initiative.


For me, probably my highlight was the AJ Styles/Samoa Joe/Christopher Daniels triple threat match at Unbreakable 2005. ECW One Night Stand had given me a nudge to get back into wrestling after four years away, and had just started to check out ROH and TNA on The Wrestling Channel here as well as starting to try and keep up with WWE. It reminded me of just how good pro wrestling can be when it's at its very best, and that match has always stuck with me - as a kid who started out watching WWF in the late 90s, I always enjoyed the car-crash entertainment of it all but coming back to it the appreciation for the workrate and the pure ability got me back into it for a second time.


Honourable mentions to Daniel Bryan and Becky Lynch getting their big, well-deserved Mania moments in the main events at WM30 and WM35 - two of my favourite wrestlers of recent years.

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For me it was watching Austin beating the living hell out of Kane with a chair in RR 2001.


It was my first PPV (on Channel 4 in the UK no less!) after my Uncle showed me WWF Smackdown on PS1 & since then I've been hooked, so it's more sentimental and still makes me smile!

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Royal Rumble 2000 was the first PPV I ever watched live (thank you channel 4) and one of my favourite all-time matches still is Cactus Jack vs Triple H in the street fight.


But the favourite moment has to be the Smackdown promo prior from Mankind evolving into Cactus Jack. Even now, I get goosebumps and a little giddy everytime I watch it. Incredible!


(obvious honourable mention to Eddie winning the title at No Way Out)

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Very nice of you^^


This is always a very difficult question. Because every day there is a different moment that stands out to me. Recently I would say Tetsuya Naito successfully hitting the Stardust Press against Okada at WrestleKingdom. A moment literally years in the making. Historically though... Kane's debut maybe? Crow Sting's debut? Hulk Hogan heel turn? CM Punk winning at MitB and leaving through the crowd? Shibata's return?


With that being said...while not necessarily my "favorite" moments, I do enjoy happy or bittersweet endings and always get teared up by them. Kofi Kingston winning the WWE Championship is probably the happiest I've ever been at the end of a match. Then retirements such as Ric Flair's, Edge's and even Warrior's speech (the day before his death) will always stick with me. Same with semi-curtain calls of historic events. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit's dual champion celebration at Wrestlemania, Bayley winning the NXT Championship at TakeOver Brooklyn or Yuji Nagata's final G1 match celebration, against Bad Luck Fale

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Disclaimer: Very nice of you the giveaway, but I don't want to participate.


My fav moment as child was Tito Santana beating Taker in Barcelona.


As child in the body of an adult is probably the end of WM XX, as Eddie is my fav wrestler.



This is a fantastic thread!

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Yeah I have never gone back to watch any of their wrestlemania matches as I knew they had 3.

For me, Benoit making HHH tap out after that amazing triple threat to win the World Heavyweight Championship and then celebrate with Eddie in the ring was the peak of my wrestling fanhood. Such a shame what was to come...

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The first night that i stayed awake throught the whole night (i'm european) to watch Wrestlemania 30.


have been following WWE for some months then through recaps/clips and decided that for wrestlemania i would stay up the whole night to watch it. And then go to school the next morning

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I have many favorite moments, but one that sticks out to me is when Seth Rollins cashed in the Money in The Bank mid-match at WM 31, because one: that was the first time a thing like that had happened, and two, it was a defining moment in the first WrestleMania I’ve ever attended and a damn good one at that.
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