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mine is the Shibata vs Okada match at Sakura Genesis, i know it nearly cost him his life but there is a spot where he headbutts Okada and a thin trickle of blood runs down his face and he shakes it off, was one of the those shudder moments for me


also i haven't posted enough to be in this competition just wanted to take part in something as nice as this

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My favorite moment was going to see Manny "the Bull" Fernandez vs Chief Wahoo McDaniel in a cage match live. Ringside seats. It was my first live event and it was awesome. 2 very underrated wrestlers who put on a fabulous match. Entertaining, bloody and a hell of a way to end the show. Chief put him out and escaped the cage to the roar of the crowd. Really hard to top.


Trevor L.

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Oh man, there are so many to choose from. I was 12 during the attitude era and there were a lot of great moments that still give me nostalgia shivers thinking back on them, but I think my favorite wrestling moment was more modern. It was when Shinsuke Nakamura won the Royal Rumble.


This was the first and only time I ever cried over pro wrestling.


I know, sounds super lame, and I was totally embarrassed at the time, but it was really a combination of things. Before Shinsuke came to NXT, my only exposure to him was during me and my husbands annual Wrestle Kingdom viewing. I was very skeptical of all non-WWE wrestling all those years ago, and my husband was a big indy nerd (though he'll deny it, lol) and he always wanted me to watch more wrestling with him. I can't remember how he got me to agree to watch WK, but he did, and the only thing I remember from that first WK (I think it was 9) was my husband telling me that I was going to love Shinsuke. I was skeptical, because my husband has a very bad track record of recommending things to me (he tends to assume I'll like everything he likes if I just give it a chance), but the second he came out and did his entrance I was hooked. It sticks in my memory for two reasons, one because I couldn't believe how cool Shinsuke was, and two because I felt really close to my husband because he knew enough about me to know that I'd be totally into Shinsuke. It still makes me smile thinking about it.


Fast forward to 2018. At this point I'd been watching WWE again (I stopped as a kid in 2002) since about 2006 or so pretty regularly with some short two or three week breaks in between. I got to see so many highs and even more lows, and by this point I was nearly totally done with WWE. It seemed like every time they had a sure thing, they did everything possible to screw it up. They'd take my favorite wrestlers and either give them nothing or build them up only to constantly lose the big match, then do nothing with them for months until they decided to try again. I went into this RR expecting to hate it. Roman was winning, of course. He had to. It was the worst move they could make and Vince always, always makes the worst move. But then Shinsuke made it to the final 4.


It was him, Cena, Roman, and Finn Balor. Two people I hated at the time (Cena and Roman) and two people I really liked. When Cena eliminated Balor and Shinsuke eliminated Cena, I knew it was over for Shinsuke. He'd just gotten his bug rub. He threw out John Cena. That was the consolation prize for his eventual loss. I can't really express how emotionally invested in this match I was. It's so stupid, because it's freaking wrestling, FFS, but to me it felt like this was going to be a night of Vince personally telling me that he didn't want me watching this product that had been a part of my life, in one way or another, since I was a little kid. It was yet another form of entertainment media that changed from something I loved into something that seemed to actively despise its long term fanbase. I was dreading seeing Roman win. It was going to be a final middle finger from this product that was honestly exhausting to watch and follow, and it was going to do it by once again shoving my favorite wrestler into the garbage for the sake of my least favorite.


And then Shinsuke won.


I was sitting next to my husband, who had introduced me to Shunsuke, expecting the worst possible thing that could happen in this product to happen...and Shinsuke won. You hear it in fiction all the time, when the POV character says something like "I didn't even know how tense I was until I felt it bleeding away", and that's exactly how I felt. It was this huge emotional dam breaking inside of me, and I couldn't help crying. I tried to hide it from my husband, because that's what I always do when I cry over a fictional show (which happens way more often than I'd like to admit...), but eventually I just gave up and told him. And instead of teasing me or being weird, he hugged me and just let me cry over this dumb wrestling show.


And then Shinsuke said he was going after AJ at WrestleMania, and for one night I fell in love with WWE (which at the time was still mostly synonymous with pro wrestling as a whole for me, though not anymore, thank god for AEW) all over again. My favorite New Japan match was going to be done over again at Wrestle-freaking-Mania.


For that one moment, WWE could do no wrong.


Of course that didn't last, but even with all the crap that followed that finally led to me giving up WWE forever, this still stands out as my favorite wrestling moment.


So yeah, that's my way too long post. Sorry for taking up so much space, but I've never talked about this anywhere before, and it was nice to finally write it all out and organize my thoughts.


Awesome post! Thanks for sharing all of this.


I fell in love with Shinsuke when he came to NXT and went live to see him beat Samoa Joe for the NXT Title in Brooklyn. I couldn't believe it when he won the Rumble but I also felt the disappointment afterward when his match with Styles was just boring. It was the combination of Styles/Shinsuke being boring when it should have been good, and at the same time Daniel Bryan came back and it took them a few weeks to make him feel like just another guy...those two things got me off of WWE. I just thought "what am I even hoping for?"


But my love for Nakamura and his NXT run got me into New Japan, and as you say, thank God for AEW!


I cry for a lot of movies and TV too lol

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I cry for a lot of movies and TV too lol


Me too, and strangely with WWE too. I remember crying at several Lucha Underground moments, the Gargano vs Ciampa match, several attitude segments and even debuts.


Very nice thread to read. For what it's worth, I'd be also opting out of the giveaway in the off chance my previous post is selected. But I couldn't help myself submitting something. :p

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I'd have to say the Summer of Punk, specifically the infamous pipe bomb promo that started it. Seriously, it was such a cool moment after such a long time of boredom in WWE that it was just so refreshing. Plus, the most parts of the promo are (sadly) true to the day.
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Hey that's a really nice thing to do! Thanks a lot mate.


As many have said there are so many great moments in wrestling and every year we have at least one or two more to add. But in my opinion I think I'll go for something recent...


Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania XXX. Just yesterday I re watched the match on the "wrestlemania theater" they have on the network and I cried. It was a beautiful moment backed by a great story. I had followed Bryan's career since 2004 on the indys... and he had been my favorite wrestler since... so seeing him win against all odds was just amazing. I think I've never felt happier as a wrestling fan. So there's my favorite moment.


Sorry for my bad english, not my native language. :D

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When Ishii's music hit during the NJPW G1 show in Dallas last year. I'd been looking forward to the show since January and a buddy and I were in the fourth row on the floor. When Ishii's music hit, that's when it really hit me that I was there at a New Japan show live. It wasn't even the first match; it just took a little while to really register.


Outside of live events, Edge winning the title from the Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXIV or Mark Henry's fake retirement.

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I dont think anyone would say this but for me that is in 2003-2004 Kane and Edge had Feud where Kane wanted to marry Lita.I was only kid like 5 years old and i playing with toys Accidentally saw on tv Kane doing promo in the ring with lita or something and then on titantron its show Edge and Paul bearer so from there im addicted to wresling
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My biggest moment was not so much in the ring but an introduction. In 1990 or 91 a number of friends, my daughter. who was 7 or 8 at the time, and I went to a now WWE event at the LA Sports Arena, now demolished.


I don't remember who was on the card expect for one. Hulk Hogan. The introduction and crowd response to his entrance was something I have never heard before or since. Words cannot describe the incredible, electric experience of the sound of the crowd in that arena. My daughter still reminds me about the event if she is over and I am watching wrestling on TV.

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Thanks for this! How awesome of you..


My favorite moment in wrestling, is an episode of Monday Night Raw.. The March 16, 1997 episode actually.. which is a week before Wrestlemania 13. Bret Hart cuts this profanity laced promo following a Cage Match with Psycho Sid that saw The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin interfere. Shawn Michaels hits ringside right as "business is starting to pick up."


Seriously, an incredible last 30 minutes of RAW that night and one that's always stuck with me since 11 years of age.

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Awfully generous of you.


My favorite moment may be a recency bias but I was one of the first people in the building to notice Jon Moxley at Double or Nothing and the place was simply electric.


On second thought, my favorite moment of all time will always be Jericho's WWE debut. There is no better debut.

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My biggest moment was not so much in the ring but an introduction. In 1990 or 91 a number of friends, my daughter. who was 7 or 8 at the time, and I went to a now WWE event at the LA Sports Arena, now demolished.


I don't remember who was on the card expect for one. Hulk Hogan. The introduction and crowd response to his entrance was something I have never heard before or since. Words cannot describe the incredible, electric experience of the sound of the crowd in that arena. My daughter still reminds me about the event if she is over and I am watching wrestling on TV.


I went to WrestleMania VII in the Sports Arena, and to this day the loudest I have ever heard a group of fans was when Hogan was introduced against Slaughter. It was deafening in that building.

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I've always been a fan of Drew McIntyre. Since day 1 when he was introduced, I just found myself gravitating towards him as a performer. Watching his initial push was amazing. Seeing someone with such a great look and so enjoyable in the ring get a push was just so amazing. Then he started losing and it then he just stopped appearing on Raw and SD and was a fixture of the B show WWE Superstars. Cut to June 12, 2014, and I hear the news that Drew and numerous others have been released. My heart immediately sinks thinking that my favorite wrestler is no longer going to be on my TV anymore.


I tried to follow him as much as I can but I didn't get to see him on the Indys/TNA as much as I wish I could have. Almost 3 years go back and I find myself going to WrestleMania in Orlando in 2017. I tell myself I need to go to Takeover and I need to go to a show Drew is on since he will be there that weekend. Evolve 81 was the first time I got to see Drew live in person and i was just so happy to see my favorite wrestler again. Evolve put on an amazing show but Drew was just such a star there and stood out just as he stands out even in WWE today. The next day April Fools Day was NXT Takeover Orlando.


Takeover is coming and it's an amazing show, especially with Aleister Black, debuting but it wasn't until just before the Main Event where I was the happiest I would be all weekend. The Main Event was Shinsuke Nakamura vs Bobby Roode, but it wasn't the main event that hyped me up. It was the man I went to Evolve 81 for returning home. Drew McIntyre was in the audience as NXT usually does their debuts. During the show, I was sitting next to 2 other men who both were solo just as I was. So we talked all night about the show and the weekend overall. They both walked off to grab merch or whatever but when they did that's when Drew popped up. If you thought the Hardy Boyz returning at WM that year was huge my pop alone could have put it to shame.


Drew goes on to win the NXT title shortly after returning and then losing it what felt like just as fast. We find out he is hurt and out for a pretty long time. April 16, 2018, during the Superstar Shake-Up, re-debuted on the Main Roster with Dolph Ziggler on Raw. Unlike most, I actually was excited to see where it was going as I thought it was a great pairing from the start. They won the tag titles and were booked strong than just randomly broke up and Drew once again became an afterthought. Becoming a lackey to Baron Corbin than Shane McMahon. Once again leaving me trying to understand how a company can be so clueless to not give a man who looks and performs like Drew not being pushed to the moon is beyond me. It wasn't until Drew started getting his little push and teasing his face turn that made me have hope again. When the Royal Rumble started creeping up to something in me just felt like it was time for Drew to get the push he has been deserving for 10 years now.


That Sunday night I was on vacation in Texas for the first time. I debated on even going to the show but it was a 4-hour drive from DFW. So instead I go to a bar with my friend and its totally dead. So instead we just sit there and watch the Rumble in the bar. When Drew came out I just knew what was about to happen. I have my thoughts on what was gonna happen. I expected Drew to eliminate Brock and Brock proceed to take out Drew by going ballistic and just going right back in the ring to throw Drew out leading to a WM match. But I keep watching and we get to the end. Roman, Edge, and Drew. Roman takes out Edge leaving Roman and Drew. I'm already freaking out. Superman punch to Drew and Roman is throwing Drew out but not quite yet. I'm on the edge of my seat freaking out. It felt like slow motion. Claymore kick! Drew follows up his Claymore by throwing Roman over the top rope and winning the Rumble and going to FINALLY get a title shot in the WWE. So my favorite wrestling moment is going to happen tomorrow. The entire lead up to this moment. The years of finally waiting for Drew to get his chance and watching his story play out has made tomorrow night such a great journey for Drew as a wrestler, but people like me his fans who have grown up from teenagers to adults and still follow him and have such a desire to see him succeed.

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I can honestly say, one of my favorite, if my favorite period, would be HBK vs Ric Flair. The whole story got me in my early-teen-feels. I remember watching this whole build up with my dad. Everything came to a peak when the "I'm sorry, I love you." All that kept playing through my head was the Old Yeller movie. I remember looking over at my parents teary eyed seeing them also teary eyed. Basically their idol growing up battered, beaten, and retiring ( at that time ). It was pretty emotional to me...definitely a night I'll never forget.
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Favorite moment ever in wrestling... Hmmm... That is a tough one...


Honestly, while I would love to say it's something from the old days of wrestling, I have to go with something very recent. My favorite moment was Tetsuya Naito winning his matches at WrestleKingdom this year to become Double Champion.

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