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I've got a lot of moments I love in pro wrestling, but my absolute favorite has to be the end of the Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak. The Deadman had been one of my first favorites in wrestling since I first joined the fandom, and to see him finally lose during my first live Wrestlemania viewing has made that moment unforgettable.
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The debut of Generation Next in Ring Of Honor, which was damn near perfectly done considering it was something of an improvised show due to weather events. Alex Shelley did some great promo work to get over the group’s disdain and lack of trust in the fans, a series of long and impressive matches get over the skills of guys like Roderick Strong and Austen Aries, and the beginnings of Jack Evans run as one of wrestling’s great mouthy heels you just want see get slapped.
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Looking back over my memories of wrestling, there's one moment, very early, that sticks in my head. I'm not sure it's my favorite, but it's a story moment from when I was in middle school that was shocking, and from what I recall actually really made me pay attention to pro wrestling for maybe the first real time ever.


I mean, sure, I'd paid enough attention that I knew this was a shock. But it wasn't something I really cared that much about.


The moment was when some random jobber, some nobody, came onto whatever WWF show was airing at the time (I don't remember what it was) and stole a pin, beat Razor Ramon clean in the ring. Yes, Sean Waltman defeating Razor Ramon is what got me into wrestling, and is the moment I remember most clearly.

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A quick backstory to explain myself, I did not grow up a wrestling fan. I was born in 1989, and when I was a young kid wrestling was not cool. Bret Hart and the rest of the new generation would not have appealed to me, and by the time the attitude era began I was wrestling competitively and was interested in "that fake crap". This all changed in 2003...


I was 14 years old and me neighbor was a HUGE wrestling fan. I overheard him talking about a pro wrestling match between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar coming up at Wrestlemania. Wait...Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle vs NCAA Champion Brock Lesnar? Pro Wrestling was fake, but this had to be REAL. I was in.


I told him I would be there, and I showed up ready to see a real fight between two of the best amateurs of a generation. Obviously this was not what I got, but from that show I was hooked. From the tag match that included another NCAA Champion in Shelton Benjamin and intoduced me to Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit (who immediately became a huge favorite) to a very entertaining Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho match all the way to the Main Event that I was so excited for, Wrestlemania 19 is still my favorite show to this day. The main event, terrifying botch included, is likely my favorite match of all time, and if Lesnar had landed the Shooting Star Press I think it would be recognized as one of the great matches in wrestling history.


This show made me a fan until 2007 when my favorite wrestler did something unspeakable and I was finished with wrestling FOREVER.


Well....not quite....an MMA writer tweeted about WMMA4 sometime in 2015 and that brought be here, and this game (and The Lapsed Fan Podcast) drew me back in and the affordability of the WWE Network (and later New Japan World) kept me for what I assume is forever.

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Very cool, brother! You got me out of lurking, so good on ya for that! :p


As for my favorite wrestling moment ever... it is surprisingly recent. I have been a very vocal, insane fan of Drew McIntyre's since I first met him in Louisville, KY in 2007. I knew back then he was going to be something big. When he debuted (the second time) as The Chosen One, I was giddy with anticipation. When he won the IC Title, I was over the moon, as I was watching the rise of my current favorite WWE Superstar. And then the next few years after that were rough. Lost in the shuffle, taken off TV and then... ugh... 3MB.


Every time 3MB was on screen, my soul was crushed just a little bit more. I hated what they were doing to my guy, the guy who was supposed to be a future World Champion. And when he released, I actually was relieved. I was excited to see what direction his career would go. And it did not disappoint. I loved following him through Evolve and Impact and over in the UK... I watched every match I could get my hands on. His promos, his ring work.. he was back to everything I knew he could be.


And then the WWE return. I was excited but nervous. I know how WWE can be when it comes to using guys with potential. It's hit or miss.. and past the NXT Championship run, it kinda seemed like a miss. But then it happened.. the surge of momentum.. the inexplicable babyface turn.. and then, what currently sits as my favorite moment in wrestling history.. Drew McIntyre wins the 2020 Royal Rumble!


Winning the Rumble was always a big deal. You always knew it was reserved for either big names (Hogan, Flair, Austin, Hart, Taker, Orton, etc.) or guys who WWE had big plans for (Yokozuna, Sheamus, Del Rio, etc.). So this was it and the guy I've carried the banner for for 13 years now finally did what I've known he was capable of doing and the journey, though long and exhausting at times, was finally beginning.


Sorry for the long winded post, but today's the day where The Chosen One's destiny is fulfilled and despite everything surrounding Wrestlemania, I am still just as excited thinking about Drew McIntyre finally holding up the WWE Championship and reigning as the top guy in the company!


(Very strong runner-up for favorite moment: I've been watching wrestling/WWE since 1992. I was a kid.. I was into it, but it was casual. That changed at Wrestlemania X. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart changed my life. That match turned me from "ah, this is pretty fun" to "this is art and I have to know everything about it from here on out!")

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This is very nice of you.


My favorite wrestling moment has to be the '92 Rumble. My uncle recorded it and the '91 Survivor Series for me and I remember watching those two shows over and over again. I almost went with Taker beating Hogan at SS, but even as a 6-year-old kid, I knew the "With a tear in my eye..." promo was something special.

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I'll post 3 of my favourite wrestling memories:

1. Favourite wrestling moment as a child - Dr Austin attacking Vince in the hospital. Great moment

2. Favourite wrestling moment as an adult - Goldberg beating Lesnar in about 10 seconds. WWE trains fans that main events will be 20+ minutes and that was over so quickly, suited the two guys involved, and just such a wow moment. Loved it

3. Favourite TEW wrestling moment - The break up of the sky Kings in the art of staying classy diary on the forums here. I apologise that I can't remember who it was by. But that diary was amazing and is the reason I play CVerse and not RW games any more.

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I'm not participating in the giveaway.


Recently, the main event of All Out and the crowning of the first AEW World Champion. Witnessing the first ever title match in a major promotion is something you don't see everyday.


Not so recently the retirement show of Kenta Kobashi, Final Burning in Budokan. That's how you create a retirement for a true legend.

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The CM Punk Cena match at MITB


I have never experienced an atmosphere like that through a TV, I can't imagine what it would have been like to be there.


It sounded absolutely white hot. Perfect booking to get to that stage, and the right outcome.


Favourite match of all time

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Definately Mankind vs. Taker HIAC.


When I was a kid I didn't really follow wrestling, as it was not a big deal in Finland and the most I remember seeing it on tv was some heavily edited recap shows of Raw and SmackDown on friday nights, and even those didn't last on the schedule for very long. I thought it was all pretty stupid and fake (and I mean really fake, like bumping doesn't hurt and the blood isn't real kind of fake). But then for some reason or another I stumbled upon a video of Mankind vs. Undertaker inside Hell In A Cell, and I was transfixed by the match. I searched all the info I could on Mick Foley online, and read A Tale Of Blood & Sweatsocks and Foley Is Good, becoming a huge fan of Foley. This lead me down the rabbit hole to becoming a wrestling fan as a whole. Also a lot of credit goes to being able to watch ECW stuff online, as the counterculture feel, the music and the edginess really matched with other stuff I was already into as a teenager.


So yeah, tl;dr: If I hadn't happened to watch that one match I might have never become a wrestling fan.

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Since becoming a fan in late 1987, I've got a bunch of moments I'll never forget, both in-person (KOTR '96 and the Austin 3:16 promo, The Main Event II with the Mega-Powers splitting up) and on TV (Austin clunking Vince with the bedpan, Foley's first title win). It would be hard to pick just one of them, but the memory that will probably always make me happiest is from just over a month ago, when I took my youngest son to his first live event, at AEW Revolution.
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Ummmm, Edge never beat Taker for the title at Mania. He did, however, beat him for the title the previous year on Smackdown after cashing in Mr. Kennedy's MITB briefcase. :D


Wow, I completely remembered that wrong, even though it's obvious in hindsight. The streak wasn't broken until Wrestlemania 30, so Edge couldn't have won. Regardless, it was more the match as a whole. At the time, I was solely into WWE and loved both Edge and Undertaker and this was the a storyline that had been going on since Survivor series (or the MITB cash-in you mentioned if you want to include that).

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Showing my age a bit, but my favorite moment was seeing my favorite wrestler of the time, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper won the US title from Ric Flair in 1981 in what was a HUGE upset at the time.


It was Piper's first big push and he was my favorite. His promo was amazing. I couldn't believe how much I remembered from it even though I was only 9 years old. Watching it as an adult was just as cool and satisfying. My favorite moment (there are so many though). Here's a link:



Bonus points to any of you who remember watching this live.


Thanks for the generosity and good luck to all.

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I cannot remember too many moments and my reaction from my early days of watching wrestling, but from the more recent times I have to mention The Miz's Money in the Bank victory. That moment was one of the few markout moments for me since I started watching wrestling again in 2008.
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<p>Not looking to win just looking to share a special moment to me.</p><p> </p><p>

Being in the crowd for NXT Takeover Dallas and Nakamura's entrance and his match v Sami Zayn.</p><p> </p><p>

Just a feeling of being involved in something so special at that time.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="21maxwell" data-cite="21maxwell" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not looking to win just looking to share a special moment to me.<p> </p><p> Being in the crowd for NXT Takeover Dallas and Nakamura's entrance and his match v Sami Zayn.</p><p> </p><p> Just a feeling of being involved in something so special at that time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Damn! That must have been so awesome</p>
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<p>My favourite moment would have been April 4th, 2020 when I was set to make my very own Pro Wrestling debut. Unfortunately with COVID-19, it didn't happen. My dream was robbed, but some day I'll get it back. </p><p> </p><p>

So my favourite moment aside from that was Christian winning his first WWE Heavyweight Title. A wrestler who was around so long and was putting on great match after match... but never got pushed. Finally he won. And the moment, even though it ended so quickly... was absolutely perfect. I had tears in my eyes as I celebrated. Just phenomenal.</p>

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<p>Easy. Ric Flair winning the Royal Rumble in 1992. Always loved Flair and the NWA/WCW more than Hogan, especially in the heyday of the Horsemen, and it drove me nuts that people liked Hogan and WWF more when the NWA had WAYYYYY better wrestling matches. Watching the master class Flair put on in that Rumble was breathtaking and seeing the crowd start to turn on that sore loser Hogan was icing on the cake. Top it off with the great promo at the end and we were all truly paying homage to "the Man" and throwing it back in Hogan/WWF fans faces. Whooooo!!</p><p> </p><p>

Close second would be Flair showing up with the NWA/WCW World Title in WWF.</p>

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<p>This is like when someone asks you what your favorite song is and all of a sudden you can't remember a single song in the entire universe. I've probably watched thousands of hours of wrestling and for whatever reason no moment sticks out to me as my absolute favorite. The most hyped I ever got for wrestling was Stings entrance at Starrcade 97. The super long build, the entire aesthetic of Sting, the childs speech over the sounds of thunder and the god-tier entrance music. Unfortunately, it was all downhill immediately after the bell rang, but still amazing how well promoted that match was. </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9u2-XdHn8Y" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9u2-XdHn8Y</a></p>

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