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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RyanR93WKU" data-cite="RyanR93WKU" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My favorite moment was Booker T and Steve Austin's Supermarket Brawl.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I laughed way too much during this segment. I don't know if you watch Hot Ones, but Steve talked about it during his interview.</p>
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Good luck to all and regardless of who wins, thanks Bonafide_Bluffa for running this contest! In crazy times like these, just being part of a community like this can go a long way for all of us.


My favorite wrestling moment of all time...Wow that's a tough one, but I think I'm going to go with Hulk Hogan's refusal to sell his WWF Championship belt to Ted Dibiase. As he went through the interview, he made it seem (to those of us who were kids at the time, at least) as though he was going to go ahead with it, talking about how much good he could do with the money, but his "HEEELLLL...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" was pretty epic and inspiring at the time.


I was amazed to find that NJPW has brought emotion back into my fandom again. When Naito was facing Tanahashi at Wrestle Kingdom a few years back for the IWGP Intercontinental title, I was on the edge of my seat and super hopeful that Naito would pull it off. I was really surprised to find myself so invested. I hope everyone else has found something in wrestling to still give them that feeling nowadays too. We need it more now than ever. :)

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<p>My favourite moment, personally would be attending my one and only WWF event.... Which being in the UK in the 90's was going to Wembley Stadium for SummerSlam 1992!! </p><p> </p><p>

Looking back, the amount of legends on the card was awesome.... Undertaker, Macho Man, Warrior, Flair (not wrestling but was still there), Ted DiBiase, Bossman, LOD, HBK..... and obviously Bret Hart Vs Bulldog is what everyone came for</p>

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My favourite moment, personally would be attending my one and only WWF event.... Which being in the UK in the 90's was going to Wembley Stadium for SummerSlam 1992!!


Looking back, the amount of legends on the card was awesome.... Undertaker, Macho Man, Warrior, Flair (not wrestling but was still there), Ted DiBiase, Bossman, LOD, HBK..... and obviously Bret Hart Vs Bulldog is what everyone came for


I just read an article today about the Bret vs Bulldog match and how Bret had to carry Bulldog the whole match because he'd been on a bender with Anvil for a week prior to going and had forgot the whole match.

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My favorite moment has to be Jeff Hardy winning WWE Championship at Armageddon 2008 in a Triple Threat Match against Edge and Triple H.I will remember that night forever,I literally cried when Jeff pinned Triple H for the win(I was 11 at the time don't blame me :) ).
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<p>Dude youre awesome.</p><p> </p><p>

I think mine was Mankind finally winning the WWF championship and being lifted up by DX afterwards. It was such a feel good moment for a wrestler that I loved growing up even after WCW tried to spoil it. I finally got to watch it on taped that my grandfather recorded for myself and my brother, so even though I watched it 5/6 years after it happened I was still blown away.</p>

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I have so many in WWE but I think for me it has to be the CZW vs. ROH Cage Warfare (believe that's what it was called).


It was around that time that I had just started watching wrestling outside of WWE and had watched TNA for awhile. Think I'd become a fan of Homicide from TNA and then was searching for his work before hand, knowing that he had been in ROH with some others I'd enjoyed in TNA like AJ Styles. I think it was Homicide vs. Nerco Butcher I found first and it was probably the first hardcore match I'd got really into. Then I watched Cage Warfare and was just blown away by it all.


So I didn't watch it live but I think that match was the one that really opened me up to the wrestling scene outside of WWE and that mindset then also lead me to NJPW later on in life too.

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The Rock and Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania XVIII. Haven't really paid attention to wrestling for years, then I happened to watch the match with my partner at the time, who never watched any wrestling but really liked Rocky. The crowd and both performers made it quite amazing, despite not being a proverbial 5* match workrate wise, for obvious reasons.
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