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Long time player from back in the EWD/Promotion Wars days. I'm pretty f'n hype about TEW 2020. I find myself getting lost into my TEW 2016 game, and then suddenly remember TEW 2020 Beta is 2-weeks away and just close the game.


Anywho, I'm someone who exclusively plays with Real World Data (I did try a C-Verse game back in TEW 2013, and remember it being fun) but I gets a lotta enjoyment out of playing real world scenarios in different ways.


Was wondering what real world mods our mod-makers are looking to make/convert from TEW 2016.... 1997? 2001? Current day?


Of course I'm grateful to all mod-makers and the glorious joy they bring me with my TEW experience.

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Hi there. There's been lots of mentions on most of my favourite mods from 2016 about converting/redoing mods for 2020. It seems like most of the mod makers are (quite rightly) waiting to see how much the game has evolved before estimating releases or such. It takes a little while based on the last few game releases to get out, but I just view that as a chance to get into the mechanics of the game with the default mod, before failing badly on a real world mod:
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I just want to post a quick thank you to all the modders and pic creators out there who help make this game series as fun as it is. I enjoy the Cornellverse and watching how it evolves, but the time and effort that people take to make the databases is amazing. Much thanks and keep up the great work!
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I remember there being 2013 > 2016 database transfer mods being up within the first week, but they weren't being advertised as being finished or completed mods. You could probably expect someone putting out a rough real world database that might only have a focus on completing WWE and AEW. It'll be interesting to see how the new data fields will be generated for the newer features when converting databases over.
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