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No Ordinary Men [CVerse]

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<p>I appreciate all the positive feedback and that people really liked this show. It took us a few months but we were finally able to start getting into some real story telling. Conner’s been established. We have some credible tag teams. It’s going to be an interesting rest of the year. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47530" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No no no no!! I definitely predicted!! I got tripped over by the Nate/Zippy match too!!<p> </p><p> Great show. I feel like Ali could be 'the one'. He's more of a 'good signing' than the previous challengers to Connor. Seems more long-term.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I definitely love me some Sayeed Ali. He just feels like a major player! </p><p> </p><p> Coming up next, we have some post show angles that will be posted. A preshow special attraction match, and the news. We will see the return of Greg S and his thoughts plus a narrative piece that I hope will be good. So don’t change that dial!</p>
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After the events of God, America, and Pro Wrestling, CWIWrestling.com staff was able to catch up with Sayeed Ali in the parking lot. We must warn our viewers that this video contains graphic content and is not sanctioned by Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis or the Confederation of the Territories. Viewer discretion is advised.






Sayeed Ali is in the parking lot heading towards a Chevy Tahoe. He is moving quickly and the camera is clearly bouncing as it runs to catch up.


"Sayeed! Sayeed! What are you doing here?" The camera man calls out and Sayeed Ali turns around. "You don't even work here. Why did you do that to Conner?"


Sayeed Ali stares wild eyed at the camera. "You want to know why the **** I did that to Conner Threepwood? That's what you want to know? I'll tell you why. I was here in Indianapolis taking care of some personal business. "


"What kind of personal business?"


Sayeed Ali looks like he's about to smack the camera man upside his head. "Did you just interrupt me? Did you just ******* interrupt me? It ain't a damn bit of your business what my business was here. But I was here. I got online and I saw there was a wrestling show here tonight. I said well that's awesome -- and then I saw that there was not one, but TWO damn Confederation of the Territories title matches on the show. I saw that Conner Threepwood and Acid were in the main event with a COTT title on the line and I got pissed off. I was in 4C for years. YEARS when it was apart of the COTT and you know how many COTT title shots? None. Not one ******* title shot. They said that Sayeed Ali was too real. Too raw. They said that I wasn't aesthetically pleasing so they didn't want to give me a title shot. Ain't that some bull****? I was carrying 4C on my damn back. On MY DAMN BACK even when they brought in some overpaid punk ass ******* to try to expand. When they forgot about the blood and sweat I'd given them. And when they closed -- what COTT company offered me a job?"


Ali paused. "Not one. Not a damn one. No one had a job for Sayeed Ali? No COTT company had a spot for the four time 4C Champion? No one had a damn job for me! I had to go to Pittsburgh to feed my family 'cause the COTT didn't want Sayeed Ali because he ain't aesthetically pleasing. Well guess what mother *******? I'm declaring war on the COTT. You don't know where I'll show up. You don't know when. But I'm coming until the COTT gives me a shot at a contract. Until the Confederation of the Territories apologizes for how it treated me and gives me the damn credit I deserve. It ain't nothing personal against Conner Threepwood. I don't know that man. I don't care about that man -- other than he walked in off the damn street and got a title created for him. Ain't that some bull****? A brand new ******* title created for him just 'cause he fit what they want in a representative. Well that's why I'm here. We're at war, Confederation of the Territories. Sayeed Ali versus the whole damn COTT. Let's see if y'all have the balls to give me a shot -- or if you continue hiding like a bunch of God **** cowards. Y'all know how to find me. Y'all got my number. If you want me, you can come to ****** Pittsburgh if you ain't got the balls to call me. Otherwise, I'm goin' to keep showin' up. Maybe in New York. Maybe Baltimore. Maybe in San Diego. Y'all done been warned."


Sayeed Ali got into the Tahoe and sped off into the night.





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aw man I forgot to predict too, timezones are probably different because I checked the forum at normal time for me, just happened to miss this one. I hope I now don't lose because of it, especially after acting so arrogant :D but hey, whoever wins deserves it.

Just read it, great show, hope I will be awake for the next one

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I really like the realistic tone you've painted Ali in and the fact that he doesn't necessarily care about Threepwood himself but is more focused on the NWA (I mean COTT). I'm curious now if we'll actually see him pop up in different territories causing havoc till he gets his title match. Also I'm wondering how Threepwood will react to not only be attacked but being seen as an afterthought and unworthy by Ali. Great first storyline for Threepwood to really prove himself in.
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CWIWrestling.com was able to catch up with the former CWI Tag Team Champions, The Rock City Stars. Here is what they had to say.






Manna, "School's Out sucked for Ryan and me. Let's be real about it. We went in as Tag Team Champions and we left without the belts that we worked so hard to get. So hard to earn. That sucks."


Turner, "It does. And it sucks more that it was to two guys we've known for a long, long time. Fifteen years. Two guys who didn't respect us enough to wrestle a clean match. Two guys who had to stoop low. To cheating. Well if that's how it's going to be, then fine."


Manna, "'Cause we saw that at God, America, and Pro Wrestling, Phillipe LaGrenier got involved with Nate DeMarcus' match and cost him the Indiana Heavyweight Championship. So we asked Nate if he'd be willing to stand by our side and have a little six man match and Nate was game."


Turner, "So next month, at Railroad City Rumble -- it's going to be the Canadian Blonds versus The Rock City Stars and Nate DeMarcus. We'll be there ready to rock and roll all over you punks."





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Really enjoying these little promos, they feel like stuff that'd pop up on YouTube between shows. Curious about the grades though, are they a rough estimate or do you actually run these promos as post-show angles?


I actually run them as post show angles!

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The following match was recorded before God, America, and Pro Wrestling and was made available for FREE here on CWIWrestling.com -- continuing our streak of providing you with excellent content.







The LA Stars versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


The LA Stars are one of the up-and-coming tag teams on the NYCW roster -- thus making them one of the top up-and-coming tag teams in the COTT. They are both graduates of the Coastal Resort -- and a former NYCW Tag Team Champions. They were brought in for a look to see if they might have a potential CWI run in them -- and they were up against the two big monsters in Andrew Gibson's Genesis cadre. Diaz and Dreadnought have been making a name for themselves as two big, mean, physical, aggressive competitors that have a lot of future as both singles and tag guys. Diaz, believe it or not, is the one who takes bumps for the team. Dreadnought sells but doesn't bump. This wasn't a long match. The Stars didn't get get a lot of offense in against Bred for Battle. They got a couple of spots in the match, but were ate up by the two big men. Just before the four minute mark, Dreadnought hit LA Star #2 with a Dread Bomb and that was all she wrote.





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Welcome back to the Pro Wrestling Reporter and another update on the world of professional wrestling. Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis' July event, God, America, and Pro Wrestling, was held this past weekend. It was a good show that saw the shocking arrival of Sayeed Ali. Ali has been making waves in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, where he is currently the National Champion after a short reign as PSW Champion.


That's not the only news story coming out of the show; however, as Suzanne Brazzle and Steffi Chee wrestled their last professional matches at this show. Both women are retiring after twenty-year careers and are said to be in high spirits. Suzanne Brazzle is leaving CWI to focus on being the head booker for the Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation. She was offered an opportunity to become an agent for CWI, but turned down the opportunity stating she did want to be an agent. Chee; however, was offered the opportunity to become the lead women's-division agent and she jumped at the opportunity. It is also rumored that she will still be appearing during the shows as an interviewer and personality.


In other news, Ralph Liotta and Miller Fforde have both left Mid Atlantic Wrestling, citing a desire to find new opportunities outside of the only company they've ever called home. Both men are scheduled to appear at Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis' August show, but we will give you more information as we get it.


That's all for this update of the Pro Wrestling Reporter. Thank you for subscribing. As always, I'm Greg Sluchinski. Keep your browser here!

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Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis returns to action Saturday, Week 3 of August 2020 with Railroad City Rumble! This show promises to be an action-packed night of profession wrestling.


After Philippe LaGrenier cost Nate DeMarcus the Indiana Heavyweight Championship, Nate looks for a measure of revenge as he teams up with the former CWI Tag Team Champions to battle the Canadian Blonds!


Zippy Deverell will look to make his first defence of his newly won Indiana Heavyweight Championship against former Mid Atlantic Wrestling Champion Miller Fforde. Acid looks to rebound from his loss against Conner Threepwood against Jason Patterson. New CWI signing Samson Sharpe - brought to CWI by Mark Hyatt -- will make his debut against standout Pepper Pelton. The Femme Fatales and Reece & Wells continue their war... All that and so much more! You won't want to miss this show so get your tickets today!


Railroad City Rumble

Saturday Week 3, August 2020

Live at the Fountain Square Theatre


Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]


Plus: Conner Threepwood addresses Sayeed Ali's attack and Steph Blake addresses the women's division!



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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]


Plus: Conner Threepwood addresses Sayeed Ali's attack and Steph Blake addresses the women's division!

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales

The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]


I hope this is enough to keep my 1st place, but I fear missing a show will lose me the race! Good luck to everyone, and look forward to the show

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]

I have these guys as a team in developmental :D

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Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]

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Railroad City Rumble

Saturday Week 3, August 2020

Live at the Fountain Square Theatre


Main Event

Six Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & The Rock City Stars versus The Canadian Blonds


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Miller Fforde versus Zippy Deverell ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson versus Acid


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Spicy" Pepper Pelton versus "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe w/ Mark Hyatt


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Reece & Wells versus The Femme Fatales


The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ralph Liotta versus The Hangman


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Player's Club [Jack Pryde & Charlie Corner]


Threw in the odd rough pick as it's the last round.

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