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[RELEASE] Real World Chronicles 2024

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RWC August 2024 GIF Edition

joemurphy's Super Awesome Modern Picture Pack (JPG & GIF)
Lukkearthur's Brand Spankin New Picture Pack™
Sabin's RW Free Pics Pack*

* Required for free pictures when using the JPG version of the mod


RWC+ by Raspymorten, Emmo and SuperSaiyanMutant

We've just opened a discord so that you can give feedback more directly and also just discuss things about the mod. The link is below:




This mod is the continuation of the amazing work done by Fleisch and southside_hitmen on the Real World Chronicles mod. Big thank you to both of them who have been giving all of us years of enjoyment with the mod and have given me their blessing to carry on with their work and keep it alive for everyone.

Real World Chronicles is a current day real world mod that aims for complete accuracy, depth and long-term playability, with a huge variety of companies all around the world and each part of the game world being meticulously worked over to make sure that whether you're playing as WWE or a tiny promotion in the middle of nowhere, you'll get a realistic experience.




NLG - For an immeasurable amount of work, especially on the UK & Australian scenes, and for keeping the mod going by himself when I needed a break
Fleisch & southside_hitmen - The mod wouldn't exist without them and like I said, it's practically entirely their work!
Derek_B - For his excellent mod making guide that I'm constantly looking at these days
joemurphy - For the aptly named Super Awesome Modern Picture Pack and working like a madman on all the new stuff I give him to do, even doing SAMPP GIFs for me
dean - For a lot of help on BJW and the Japanese independent scene
Cody & p4rk - For running multiple watchers for me at the last minute
Oliver Taylor - For being the best journalist in wrestling and making it easy to keep up with puro
Devil_Cyborg - For being a top class RWCman
raspymorten - For sharing WON updates with me, his work on expansions and tons of work on title lineages
Emmo - For help with indie workers and working on the upcoming indie expansion with raspy
gazwefc - For the picture pack idea, for changing the graphics game on TEW, for company/stable logos from nGo Giferations
sabin357 - For thousands of free worker pictures and being a swell guy
G33kking - For loads of awesome pics for the GIF pack
Efanga's Discord - For keeping me motivated and enjoying wrestling. Don't forget to brush your teeth
Adam Ryland - For satiating the fantasy booker within me
This community - For all the mods that straight up blow me away

Anybody else I forgot - I get a lot of help and love from folks, if you aren't named here and you're one of those people, I appreciate you!

Edited by Questlove
2023 baby
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Brilliant! Can't wait to be playing this on TEW20, been playing around with the data on TEW16 to get things prepared for my first save on TEW!

Quick question and I know it'll be hard to answer - how soon do you think the DATA will be ready to play on TEW20?


Tentatively saying June but maybe that's optimistic, I've never done a full conversion like this before. Since I'm furloughed and in lockdown I'm free to work on it constantly so I'm looking forward to the work :p

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Very stoked to see this continuing. I'm sure you will make Fleisch proud. Loaded up the April release and looks like you're off to a good start.


If you need help, would love to give a hand, specially with things like broadcast and updating smaller promotions (I've been binge watching IWTV and I need to put this info somewhere). Already come across a few things that could be fixed, but won't put them here since it's just a hype thread.

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Nice! Thought this might be dead but happy it's going to remain a thing. Would love to see Beyond, Wrestling Revolver, and someone of the IWTV promotions added. Considered creating a IWTV add on pack for the game but I have no idea where I'd get started or anything like that


Also, happy about the fan feedback on the stats. Appreciate the work done by the past workers on this, but there's some people's stats who are just absurdly low and I'd love to give some feedback on who should be buffed up

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Any idea on how you'll handle the furloughed agents? They aren't fired out right, and I'm not sure if they are able to look for work elsewhere during this time period or not. Maybe keep them on contract but have a way where they aren't able to be used for the next three months?


Good question. That does seem like the best option right now because I'd be surprised if they can work anywhere else.


Banged this out tonight btw, so new promotion for the next release :)



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Hey Questlove! Been playing real world mods for the series for years, but not much of a poster.


Since you're looking for fan feedback on stats, I have to say the thing that has most frustrated me about real world mods over the years is how generally underrated the vast majority of women in real world mods are. I like to have an all women's show side by side with an all men's show in my WWE game, and I have to boost women's stats across the board before I can even start playing. Any focus you can put on balancing the women's side of the card would be fantastic.


Thanks...it can't be said enough how much I appreciate what you do!

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Once you release a list of companies I would be happy to go through the US companies and see if anybody is missing. I know around a year ago I pushed for about 20 people to be added because I thought they would be signed by major companies and it took them being signed by Impact, AEW, or NXT for them to be added.
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So a quick update - as things stand I'm going through all the attributes for workers since they're the least likely thing to change between now and release. I have a laundry list of problems that are tough to solve because of the nature of the editor and the game itself so June is looking very optimistic, but we'll see. I don't really want to bother putting out a beta or anything because it's pretty far from what I would consider to be playable.


@Cult3 I'll get it for you when I get back to my PC

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Tbh my problem with RWC tends to be the sheer amount of people who don't need to be in the mod. There are so many people who are terrible and never get hired that just waste away and slow down game speed, so I do hope between now and release a chunk of workers are set to retired/out of the business
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Hi mate just a quick question .


How often do you update stats and pop?


Looking for a good mod for a youtube save but other mods ive tried still have like darby allin and mjf on like 10 overness.


Whereas the one I have played has Adam Cole on 91. Somewhere in the middle would be nice. Haha.

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Tbh my problem with RWC tends to be the sheer amount of people who don't need to be in the mod. There are so many people who are terrible and never get hired that just waste away and slow down game speed, so I do hope between now and release a chunk of workers are set to retired/out of the business


It's a balance that needs to be struck for sure. I've removed some older, less significant workers who aren't around anymore but at the same time there's a huge amount of workers who are employed or getting dates irl so I'm hesitant to remove them. I was hoping processing speed would be better in 2020 but if anything it seems to be worse at the moment.


Hi mate just a quick question .


How often do you update stats and pop?


Looking for a good mod for a youtube save but other mods ive tried still have like darby allin and mjf on like 10 overness.


I've reworked the stats of most of the workers in the mod at this point I'd say, Darby is on about 38 and MJF is on 50 iirc.

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