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[GFX] Splash screens

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Here you can post all graphics for the new "splash screen" format.


#5: Intro screens, talent trades


Over the weekend I completed a feature that is comparatively small but that I suspect will prove very popular - intro screens. The way this works is that there's a new subfolder in Pictures called Intros. When a user starts a new game, right before the avatar selection, TEW will check whether there's anything in that folder. If there isn't, it's ignored. If there is, however, it will load them up in alphabetical order for the user to see. The user can skip back and forth through them or exit at any time.


This system allows database makers to have custom-made introductory splash screens, which can therefore be used for all manner of things - whether it's just a title page, a couple of pages describing the setting or backstory, background information on major characters or scenarios, etc. Each graphic is 1000x500, and there's no limit on how many you can put. As I said, it's a very simple idea, but one with a lot of potential to allow for some creative and interesting applications, and leans into the fact that we have a very graphics-heavy community.


Through we don't fully know what exactly it could be used for, we know the format will be 1000x500. You can for instance combine all the face pics of TCW and choose to have that as a splash screen for the promotion section. This all adds to immersion. It's hard to predict whether this will get some traction with the render people as most here aren't keen on full-size pictures an it obviously takes time to pose these correctly. smw88 has made some, and I've seen posed renders of Willywillywilly for one. We'll see. :p


I went to work on making a couple of trademark moves for one of my favorite promotions: AAA.















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First I'm hearing of "splash screens", where was this mentioned?

Its in the dev diary but I cant remember exactly where, basically mod makers can have a splash screen pop up at the start of a new game with historical information or just a picture, I think thats right but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong :)

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I've updated the first post with the journal entry. I do think I misread it. If it's just for "new games" that will really limit its use. I hope we can somehow code it so the above pictures - which have no relevance for a player who's not playing AAA - can be filtered out.
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