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Taker's Cuts


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Taker man I have so many of your cuts hopefully you reshare some of those since I'm betting we'll have a lot of people new to the community with the new release but I just wanted to tell you how much I look forward to these and the narratives you did that changed things to another level man. Great job!
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I am not new to the game but I am new to these mods. They seem awesome!! How would I get the narratives in the game?


Thanks so much!!


I haven't played much around with 2020 but assuming its like 2016 you just import these narratives from the database they are in to the new database you are working with.

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Hey man, I am trying to expand on my older narratives (60s and earlier). What sources do you use with the dates of the stuff that happened? I am using Wikipedia of each year, but they don’t really talk about the days of TV Shows debuts or sports champions.
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I got lucky Stennick, a lot of narratives were already done for the combined one i released for 2016 a few years ago. That's saving me some time.




Thanks Munit, appreciate the comment.


Well by all means get this out as quick or as late as you need to. the 80's was a masterpiece.

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Just wrapped up 1992, 522 narratives now. Definitely gonna be lots to choose from when this is all finished.


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Taker I swear I was just checking this thread yesterday to see if I somehow missed an update since my eyes have been trained onto this thread since the start. The 90's is the narrative set I'm most excited for. I cannot wait for this one, even if we're weeks away from release I'm excited.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Second post is updated with the link to the 90s narratives, 714 total i finished 1994 and that will be as far as it goes for new narratives. i've chosen to no longer continue work on them.


Should have a link up in bit for the one's i did from 2000-2019.


May I ask why? will you be doing one for the 2000s?

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I stopped mainly due to lack of community interest, they weren't really wrestling related and the TEW community didn't take to them like i hoped. I won't be making any for the 2000' s, but on the second post of the first page is some i previously done from 2000-2019.


That's a shame because I was looking forward to seeing how they panned out. Hopefully one day it turns out it wasn't a lack of interest, but everybody just happened to be busy with real life at that point in time.


Hopefully you keep your cuts coming, though I'm about 12,000 files away in the People folder from reaching the 32,000 file Windows limit that Adam can't do anything about. :p

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