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The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

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I was working on a render for a regen in a save (not even for my own company lol) and came up with this but it wasn't quite what I wanted for the regen, so posting here as a free pic for people to hopefully make use of. If I ever build any more mods I may use it, but for now he's unassigned.









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So it's been a long time since I uploaded an update to my worker picture folder for the default CVerse but here it is, the most thorough update I've done.


The following link is just a folder of a bunch of the alts I've created while doing this project. Not all of the alts here are in the final folders because some got replaced with better renders over time and others were just slight tweaks I didn't move here.


Now here's the big one, while doing this I also went through and did an update for the CVerse 97 default worker folder. Just rename the folder to people and plop this in for your 97 data and everything should be good to go, even made sure to switch to younger renders of a number of workers for the default picture.


This last link is small folder is for a number of new workers for the CVerse 97 data. These were people who use one of the already existing worker's photos in the database. They are each named but will need to be replaced manually in the editor.


As always, thanks to the amazing renderers here who make it possible for me to do this. If anybody finds any issues or errors anywhere please let me know and I'll try to get it fixed before updating this again. 

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Here are a few renders and re-renders from the default database as well as various expansion packs--some are new, some are updated with better materials. Might be my last post for a few weeks--life has caught up with me (in positive ways though) and is taking allll of my time, but I'll be back soon! Enjoy!


Ashley Keith


Olivia Diamond


Juliet Balconi 


Cherie Martins


Lady Alexander


Summer Bouffant


Fawn Keyes 


Lacey Montgomery 


Helena Svenssen




Zoe Ammis

And something new for me....this guy. Any suggestions for who he could be in the C-Verse?


Check out all of my renders on my render thread here.

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