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I'm a bit confused on an aspect of developmental contracts. I have a developmental company, but when I'm trying to sign people, I don't see an option for signing them on a developmental deal with that company. I can only sign them and then send them to developmental if they agree to go. Am I missing something, or has that option been removed?
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Go to editor, click "Convert TEW2016 Database" in bottom right and it talks you through it.


For cheat codes, go to options screen (third icon from bottom on taskbar left hand side) click remote help (third icon from bottom on right hand side on options screen) type in 'empleh' into the popup that appears and it'll show you all the codes. Then note the ones you want to use, close that screen, and type the one you want in the same place.


Great! Thanks man, you truly are a Living Legend ;-)

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I'm a bit confused on an aspect of developmental contracts. I have a developmental company, but when I'm trying to sign people, I don't see an option for signing them on a developmental deal with that company. I can only sign them and then send them to developmental if they agree to go. Am I missing something, or has that option been removed?


You can assign them to developmental directly from the "accept contract offer" screen, but there isn't a separate option. It was basically just the same thing as a written contract in 2016 anyway.

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You can assign them to developmental directly from the "accept contract offer" screen, but there isn't a separate option. It was basically just the same thing as a written contract in 2016 anyway.


Awesome, thank you! I actually like that more now that I know it's an option. It means I won't forget to make it a developmental contract in the initial contract signing stages.

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The cameo note doesn't let you add additional workers to the angle, it lets you limit the participation of some of the workers in the angle. It's like an angle version of the Limited Involvement note during matches.


Scenario: You've got a stable of 4-5 guys. The world champion, a high profile tag team, the big hulking brute, and a junior guy who's basically a hanger-on (X-Pac in DX, say).


The whole stable is doing an interview where the world champion is hyping his upcoming match, and the tag team are cutting a promo on the tag champions. The brute and the hanger-on are also present, because they're in the stable, but they're not actually DOING anything in the promo.


In previous versions, you'd rate the brute on Menace and the hanger-on would have to be rated on Overness. That might work well for the brute, but the hanger-on would tank the angle rating because he's not that over, even though he's not actually doing much in the angle except being there.


Now you can tag him as a Cameo, and the game will know not to penalise the angle so harshly (but also not give the hanger-on the full benefit of appearing in it, only a portion of it).


Another example: You've got a long angle between two midcarders who're having a brawl backstage. During the brawl, they spill into the private locker room of a huge star. The star yells at them, they apologise and continue fighting once back outside his room. A small moment of comic relief in a longer more serious segment.


In 2016, that angle gets unjustly boosted by the huge star's overness, even though he's in it only briefly and doesn't do much. Potentially he also gets hurt by being in a lower-rated angle than usual. Now, you can tag him as a Cameo. He's still there, but he doesn't have AS much of an impact on the angle (and it doesn't have AS much of an impact on him).


Final example: You've got a worker who has a traditional "valet" style manager (doesn't do much speaking, but 'supports' the worker during matches and angles, often a boyfriend/girlfriend of the worker either in kayfabe or reality). In 2016, this manager - due to usually not having much in the way of actual talent - would often get penalised in angles because other than sex appeal there's not a lot they can be rated on, and even sex appeal requires a bit of popularity. Now you can tag them as cameos, so they don't hurt the angle, but are still there on screen supporting the worker.


Thank you so much for this. :)

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A freelancer will refuse to sign anywhere for a long period of time (in my experience usually 9 months max) and is likely to go to new areas more frequently and accept jobs at lower sized companies than a non-freelancer with the same popularity and personality would.


A worker with itchy feet has no qualms about signing long contracts, and no particular desire to be active in more game areas, however after a while with one company he'll get bored and look to leave/refuse to extend his contract.


I'm not entirely sure how an actual freelancer with itchy feet would pan out, but I don't think they're all that closely related (except for the obvious implications on job history). I would imagine (purely speculation) that itchy feet would be pretty much negated by freelancer, as a freelancer CAN'T work for a company long enough to get bored as they wouldn't have signed that long a contract in the first place.




The cameo note doesn't let you add additional workers to the angle, it lets you limit the participation of some of the workers in the angle. It's like an angle version of the Limited Involvement note during matches.


Scenario: You've got a stable of 4-5 guys. The world champion, a high profile tag team, the big hulking brute, and a junior guy who's basically a hanger-on (X-Pac in DX, say).


The whole stable is doing an interview where the world champion is hyping his upcoming match, and the tag team are cutting a promo on the tag champions. The brute and the hanger-on are also present, because they're in the stable, but they're not actually DOING anything in the promo.


In previous versions, you'd rate the brute on Menace and the hanger-on would have to be rated on Overness. That might work well for the brute, but the hanger-on would tank the angle rating because he's not that over, even though he's not actually doing much in the angle except being there.


Now you can tag him as a Cameo, and the game will know not to penalise the angle so harshly (but also not give the hanger-on the full benefit of appearing in it, only a portion of it).


Another example: You've got a long angle between two midcarders who're having a brawl backstage. During the brawl, they spill into the private locker room of a huge star. The star yells at them, they apologise and continue fighting once back outside his room. A small moment of comic relief in a longer more serious segment.


In 2016, that angle gets unjustly boosted by the huge star's overness, even though he's in it only briefly and doesn't do much. Potentially he also gets hurt by being in a lower-rated angle than usual. Now, you can tag him as a Cameo. He's still there, but he doesn't have AS much of an impact on the angle (and it doesn't have AS much of an impact on him).


Final example: You've got a worker who has a traditional "valet" style manager (doesn't do much speaking, but 'supports' the worker during matches and angles, often a boyfriend/girlfriend of the worker either in kayfabe or reality). In 2016, this manager - due to usually not having much in the way of actual talent - would often get penalised in angles because other than sex appeal there's not a lot they can be rated on, and even sex appeal requires a bit of popularity. Now you can tag them as cameos, so they don't hurt the angle, but are still there on screen supporting the worker.


A follow-up to this: should the workers that have cameos still be rated on something, or just leave them as not rated?

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You can assign them to developmental directly from the "accept contract offer" screen, but there isn't a separate option. It was basically just the same thing as a written contract in 2016 anyway.


In 2016 was there any difference aside from the saved time of not having to send the worker to developmental?


I even got someone to sign a dev deal then as soon as he got there he wanted to be called up. Which made sense as he was a really good worker. I just didn't need him at the moment so I figured I'd let him improve while I stored him but nope. Brought him up a bit later and have to buy off his "Annoyed" morale.

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Why not have auto-booker pre-sets that you can choose that will automatically book shows akin to real life and different time periods. Like an 80s Superstar show that will just be squash matches and recap videos or an attitude era Raw/Nitro where big matches and random title matches/gimmick matches will be booked and so on.
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Are some "top row" skills better / more valuable / help produce better matches than others. For example will a strong technical worker put on a better match than a strong brawler (everything else being equal).


How much of an advantage is it to have say a 75 in both Technical and Aerial over a worker having a 75 in Aerial and a 20 in Technical? Besides being able to work more types of matches and with different product styles. Again everything else being equal.


I believe if left to their own devices workers will play to their strengths so that's why I ask.

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Why not have auto-booker pre-sets that you can choose that will automatically book shows akin to real life and different time periods. Like an 80s Superstar show that will just be squash matches and recap videos or an attitude era Raw/Nitro where big matches and random title matches/gimmick matches will be booked and so on.


This. Very much this.


I'm not sure if there is a viable way to do 80s style squash shows even if the player books them. Especially now with match - angle ratios being preset by product (you could do a 70-30 Angle / Match TV split in 2016 and 1 decent graded match and a great interview could get you a good grade).


(I won't get too much into how I think they were detrimental to the product and how spicing up the TV shows a little would have gotten more people to watch and even more success, not everything a successful company does is the best option. Still the player should be able to emulate that era ifd they choose. Anyway …)

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Does ending a storyline off-TV cause any penalties, even when the storyline hasn’t had any advancement so far?


Reason I ask is I just started a 21CW save, and one of the storylines already started on the beta is between two heels, and I don’t fancy turning one already.



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Are some "top row" skills better / more valuable / help produce better matches than others. For example will a strong technical worker put on a better match than a strong brawler (everything else being equal).


How much of an advantage is it to have say a 75 in both Technical and Aerial over a worker having a 75 in Aerial and a 20 in Technical? Besides being able to work more types of matches and with different product styles. Again everything else being equal.


I believe if left to their own devices workers will play to their strengths so that's why I ask.


It depends on the match type, but in a regular match that isn't specifically weighted to favor brawling (like a NO DQ match) or technical (I Quit Match), it takes the stronger of the skills and weights it more heavily, but combines that with their other performance skills, etc.


Long story short, no there isn't an advantage to one skill over the other of the top row skills unless it's a match weighted specifically to that skill

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A follow-up to this: should the workers that have cameos still be rated on something, or just leave them as not rated?


I'd still have them rated on something, if appropriate. If they're providing a meaningful-but-brief contribution (like in the superstar being interrupted by a brawl example) they can still help out. Just not as much as they otherwise would.

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Is there a functional difference between the "At ringside" and "Distraction" note? I understand what they are trying to describe but in game terms do they do different things?


At ringside means they don't get involved and are just there


And Distraction means they get involved in the match

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Contracts are BROKEN!


I have someone with 3 years remaining on a contract (Exclusive Written) but NJPW just offered him a contract which he accepted and it changed to him now only having 28 days left... Please make sure this is fixed by Thursday.

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Is there a functional difference between the "At ringside" and "Distraction" note? I understand what they are trying to describe but in game terms do they do different things?


As GiantChair said, At Ringside doesn't imply they actually get involved in a meaningful way. It just means they're present at ringside, and for some reason this is noteworthy. For example, the ol' "wrestler comes out to the stage to watch a match involving his rival" or "manager with no clients comes out to "scout"" type scenarios.


Managers are automatically at ringside with their clients, but if you want someone who's not specifically a manager (tag partner in a singles bout, for instance) to be there, then use this note.


Distraction means they get involved with the match and impact it in some way.


Being At Ringside is useful if you want to advance a storyline but your product says fans won't like it if you have a tainted finish. You can have Heel X come to ringside and watch his rival's match, thereby causing tension and reminding everyone of the feud, without having them actually interfere and ruin the match.

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How would I go about having the game start several years earlier? I can change the start date in the database obviously but this throws up hundreds of conflicts, is there a quick way to rectify these without going through each individually?



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Excursions are more intended for areas that use the Loyalty system (Japan, although it's company-specific not area-specific now). If a worker is brought up by your company, he's likely to be loyal to your company. Therefore when he returns from an excursion he's much more likely to sign for you over anyone else.


Otherwise, you're right. Sending a worker who isn't loyal to your company on an excursion is a bit dangerous, especially if you're a company prone to having their talent poached. You should be ok as, for instance, 21CW. Less so as APW. If the talent returns from excursion (hopefully as an improved wrestler) and isn't loyal to you, then it's likely he'll get snapped up by a bigger company.


Aha! Makes sense in conjunction with loyalty. Thanks!

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