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Roh 2006

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Trios Tournament Round 1 Matches:

Match 1:

Team CZW vs The ROH Wrestling Academy


Match 2:

Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce vs Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, and Jimmy Yang


Match 3:

The Embassy vs Generation Next


Match 4:

The Rottweilers vs The Briscoes and Tony Mamaluke



Team CZW vs. Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce


Generation Next vs. The Rottweilers


ROH World Championship Match

Bryan Danielson © vs Colt Cabana


ROH Trios Tournament Finals:

Team CZW vs Generation Next

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I just want to say I really have been enjoying this diary thus far, keep up the good work.


Trios Tournament Round 1 Matches:

Match 1:

Team CZW vs The ROH Wrestling Academy

Comments: Any team with Necro Butcher on it has my vote.


Match 2:

Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce vs Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, and Jimmy Yang



Match 3:

The Embassy vs Generation Next



Match 4:

The Rottweilers vs The Briscoes and Tony Mamaluke

Comments: Tony drags the Briscoes down.



Team CZW vs Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce

Comments: I really hate picking against a team with Christopher Daniels in it, but it makes more sense for CZW to be in the finals.


Generation Next vs The Rottweilers



ROH World Championship Match

Bryan Danielson © vs Colt Cabana



ROH Trios Tournament Finals:

Team CZW vs The Rottweilers


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<p>ROH Trios Tournament 2006 Live from Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. </p><p>

Pre-Show:</p><p> </p><p>

Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade defeated Rhett Titus and Shane Hagadorn by pinfall when Blade pinned Hagadorn. 34</p><p> </p><p>

Ace Steel defeated Lotus by pinfall following a Twist of Cain. 35</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show: </p><p>

Dave Prazak is not here tonight due to a SHIMMER event so ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness is joining Lenny Leonard on commentary tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

Team CZW (Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, and Super Dragon) defeated The ROH Wrestling Academy (Pelle Primeau, Bobby Dempsey, and Derrick Dempsey) by pinfall after a Psycho Driver from Super Dragon on Derrick Dempsey. </p><p>

Other than one brief spurt of offense where Primeau flew around the ring and landed some high paced moves the ROH students had problems landing any offense in this match. Super Dragon ends the match with a particularly stiff looking Psycho Driver on Derrick Dempsey and the match is over. 44</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Necro and Dragon continue to lay into the ROH students as Chris Hero grabs a microphone and taunts the crowd and ROH locker room asking if this is the best ROH has to offer. This brings Danielson, Daniels, Pearce, and Whitmer out from the locker room and a complete melee ensues. Danielson gets ahold of Hero and locks in a Crossface Chickenwing as security is trying to get everything under control Danielson is refusing to release the hold and is screaming at Hero as he continues to torque the hold. Finally, security is able to get Danielson off of Hero and escort the CZW guys to their locker room. 29</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels, Adam Pearce, and BJ Whitmer defeated Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, and Jimmy Yang when Daniels pinned Jacobs after a Best Moonsault Ever. </p><p>

McGuinness runs down Jimmy Yang throughout the match on commentary. Daniels, Whitmer, and Pearce were hyped up already from the melee and it showed throughout this match as their energy level was high and never came down. The wildcard team tried to match this, but were just unable to get the job done. 48</p><p> </p><p>

After the match BJ Whitmer grabs the microphone and tells Castagnoli, that all the crap ends tonight. Tonight, Claudio is going to make a choice he is either with ROH or with CZW, he is not going to get to keep playing neutral anymore. If Claudio doesn’t choose a side, then they’ll choose for him. Claudio looks a little shocked but then brushes it off and walks to the back. 21</p><p> </p><p>

Generation Next (Jack Evans, Roderick Strong, and Matt Sydal) defeated The Embassy (Abyss, Jimmy Rave, and Alex Shelley) by pinfall when Strong pinned Shelley with a Gibson Driver. </p><p>

Generation Next had issues throughout the match with the size and strength of The Monster Abyss. Prince Nana’s influence was felt at ringside as well as he had no issues with intervening in the match when he saw fit. Eventually Nana was sent to the back by referee Paul Turner after he shook the top rope causing Jack Evans to fall from the top turnbuckle. Without Nana’s leadership at ringside The Embassy slowly fell apart. Strong was able to knock Abyss out of the ring with a sick kick and a big dive from Evans kept him down while Strong finished off Shelley inside the ring. 51</p><p> </p><p>

The Rottweilers defeated The Briscoes and Tony Mamaluke by pinfall when Homicide pinned Mamaluke after a Cop Killa/Ghetto Stomp combination. </p><p>

This was by far the most closely contested of the 1st round matchups as both sides had their moments where it looked like they had the match won. Homicide showed no signs of ring rust or lingering effects of his injury. In the end Low Ki and Homicide isolated Mamaluke and finished him off with a devastating Cop Killa/Ghetto Stomp. 45</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Lethal walks into Colt Cabana’s locker room as Cabana is getting ready for his match tonight. Lethal assures Cabana that he comes in peace and wants to wish Cabana luck. If Cabana wins tonight, then Lethal will easily be able to take the title off of Cabana and become the new champion. Cabana laughs it off and says yea it’ll be so easy for Lethal to win, that’s why ROH booked him for the title match and Lethal didn’t even get on the show. Lethal just says good luck again he’s gonna need it and walks out. 50</p><p> </p><p>

Team CZW defeated Christopher Daniels, Adam Pearce, and BJ Whitmer by pinfall after Hero pinned Daniels. </p><p>

This match started out as an all-out brawl. Team CZW was quickly disqualified when Necro hit BJ Whitmer with a chair, but Whitmer got on the microphone and asked for the match to be restarted. Then the ROH team was disqualified when Adam Pearce power bombed Super Dragon through a ringside table. Jim Cornette then came out and made the match No Disqualifications. The match then continued as an all-out melee. Eventually Necro and Whitmer were taken out of the match when they fought up to the balcony and then Whitmer went to hit Necro with and Exploder on to a stack of tables below but Necro kept his grip on Whitmer and they both went crashing down off the balcony through the tables. Back in the ring as series of everyone hitting their finishers leaves everyone down and out. Claudio Castagnoli came running out and revived Daniels and feigned helping him set Hero up for an Angel’s Wings. Then Claudio struck with a European uppercut and a Ricola Bomb and Hero made the cover for the win. The crowd started pelting them with trash as they celebrated with Super Dragon on their way back up the ramp. 48</p><p> </p><p>

Generation Next defeated The Rottweilers by pinfall after Sydal pinned Low Ki with a Shooting Star Press.</p><p>

For the 2nd straight match The Rottweilers got themselves into a very even back and forth contest as this was the longest match of the tournament. Smokes was not afraid to intervene when he saw his team in trouble. Generation Next was able to take advantage with their high flying and get the victory. 41</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Championship Match:</p><p>

Bryan Danielson retained the ROH World Championship over Colt Cabana by submission with Cattle Mutilation. </p><p>

This was a very technical match as Cabana abandoned his comedic stylings in favor of exchanging submissions with Danielson. Cabana spent a good portion of the match working over the legs of Danielson, clearly trying to soften him up for The Billy Goat’s Curse. Danielson pushed Cabana out of a half crab at one point and this caused Cabana to go shoulder first into a ring post and from that point forward Danielson went after that arm. Cabana tried to hold out in Cattle Mutilation but eventually had to give up. 43</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Danielson grabs a microphone and thanks Cabana for the hard-fought match. He then turns his attention to the CZW guys and says that there is no way these trash wrestlers should have gotten this far in the tournament. He challenges them to come out so he can kick their asses. He receives no answer and says he will stay in the ring until they come, but eventually security leads him out of the ring and to the back. 39</p><p> </p><p>

Team CZW defeated Generation Next by pinfall when Hero pinned Matt Sydal following a Hero’s Welcome. </p><p>

Claudio Castagnoli is in the corner of the CZW team for this match. Necro Butcher was obviously worse for wear after his fall with BJ Whitmer and his teammates kept him out of the match as much as possible. They were able to isolate Sydal early and work him over for a while, but he got the hot tag to Roderick Strong who came in and took it to the CZW guys. The Gen Next guys took control for a little bit, but Castagnoli pulled the ref out of the ring when Jack Evans hit a 630 and went to pin Super Dragon. Team CZW took advantage of the distraction and won the match at little bit later. 34</p><p> </p><p>

As soon as the match ends BJ Whitmer comes running down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. He makes a straight line for Castagnoli but Claudio jumps the barricade. The already injured Necro Butcher was not so lucky and he eats a big chair shot. Whitmer throws him into the ring as Danielson, Daniels, and Adam Pearce join him in the ring. Whitmer grabs a microphone and demands the CZW guys come back to the ring or they are going to break Necro Butcher’s neck right here and now. When nobody comes out to help Necro, Whitmer sets the chair down in the ring and picks Necro up for an Adrenaline Spike. Adam Pearce comes off the top rope and they drop Necro with a Spike Adrenaline Spike right onto the steel chair. Medical personnel comes running down to the ring to care for the badly injured Necro Butcher. Whitmer says the turncoat Claudio Castagnoli is next as the show goes off the air. 32</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 36</p>

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<p>ROH Newswire:</p><p> </p><p>

-ROH Fan Pick 'Em Results:</p><p>

DGenerationMC 8/8</p><p>

BHK1978 7/8</p><p> </p><p>

I appreciate both of your participation and BHK's kind words. I'm gonna have to work on being a less predictable booker lol. </p><p> </p><p>

- ROH Trios Tournament 2006 was viewed lived by 7,559 people on YouTube. </p><p> </p><p>

- Following his actions at the ROH Trios Tournament, Claudio Castagnoli has been fired by ROH Commissioner Jim Cornette. </p><p> </p><p>

- Team CZW is being reluctantly invited to this week's ROH Wrestling taping to lead off the show by telling Jim Cornette what their match choices will be as their reward for winning the Trios Tournament. </p><p> </p><p>

-ROH has sent offers out to numerous top Indy talents for tryout matches in the near future. Expect to see some new faces appearing in ROH very soon</p>

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<p>ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>

We start off the show with Jim Cornette coming out to the ring and saying he wants the CZW guys to come out so we can get their rewards for winning the Trios Tournament out of the way. He also instructs no ROH guys to come out and do anything to them while this is happening. Chris Hero and Necro Butcher make their way out, Necro Butcher is looking worse for wear after what happened Saturday. Chris Hero taunts the crowd as he says CZW overcame all of the so called best ROH had to offer and came out on top. Now they get to lay out their takeover of ROH. Super Dragon is not here tonight, but Hero was asked to inform everyone that at Hell Freezes Over in 10 days Super Dragon will be challenging Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Championship. Also, at Hell Freezes over Necro Butcher will be using his match to challenge BJ Whitmer to a 1st blood match. As for Chris Hero, he doesn’t want a match, he wants Jim Cornette to reinstate Claudio Castagnoli. Cornette says no he cannot do that, Chris Hero won a match of his choosing, not the right to make a personnel decision. Hero says ok fine, then Chris Hero wants to take on Mitch Franklin right here tonight, with the stipulation that if Hero wins that Claudio is reinstated. Cornette calls Hero a coward for calling out a recent ROH Wrestling Academy graduate instead of one of the top guys in ROH, but says his hands are tied so if that’s what Hero wants, then he has to give it to him. Hero smiles and says he wants that match to take place right here and right now. 45</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Hero defeated Mitch Franklin by pinfall after a Hero’s Welcome. </p><p>

This was a short squash mash, as expected as Mitch Franklin tried, but just did not have much he could do to Chris Hero. 33</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson and BJ Whitmer come running down as soon as the match ends and start putting the boots to Hero, but Hero is quick to escape before the damage is too bad. 33</p><p> </p><p>

Colt Cabana defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall after a Colt 45. </p><p>

Cabana’s goofing around effectively got under the serious-minded Collyer’s skin for a good portion of the match. Collyer eventually started ignoring Cabana’s antics and was able to start working on Cabana’s legs to set up the Texas Cloverleaf. Collyer was never able to get the Cloverleaf and instead Cabana nailed the Colt 45 for the victory. 55</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Jay Lethal comes down to the ring mockingly clapping for Cabana. Lethal says at Hell Freezes Over they need to end their series of matches once and for all, which Cabana agrees to. 42</p><p> </p><p>

The Briscoes defeated Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) when Jay pinned Strong after a Springboard Doomsday Device. </p><p>

This was a high paced back and forth match with tons of momentum changes and big impact offense from all four men involved. Generation Next set up an Ode to the Bulldogs, but Mark moved out of the way of Jack Evans’s senton part of the maneuver. The Briscoes then tossed Evans out of the ring and hit the Springboard Doomsday Device on Strong for the victory. 40</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Pure Championship Match:</p><p>

Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels by pinfall after a Tower of London. </p><p>

After getting the night off to do commentary at the Trios Tournament McGuinness was booked into this title defense here tonight. McGuinness this time used his lariat heavy, high impact offense as opposed to his more technical submission based offense to try to take advantage of his size advantage. Daniels tried working over the neck of McGuinness perhaps trying to set up the Koji Clutch and was successful in forcing Nigel to use 2 of his 3 rope breaks. Daniels went for a Best Moonsault Ever, but was tripped up from behind by Nigel, who then placed him on the top turnbuckle for the Tower of London to secure the victory. 46</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 47</p>

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<p>ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>

The Backseat Boyz defeated Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III when Trent Acid pinned Davis following a T-Gimmick. </p><p>

ROH promised new talent would be coming through the doors and we get our first look at that with the newly signed Backseat Boyz. The Backseat Boyz were for the most part in control of this matchup from the onset. Davis and Kennedy did briefly isolate Kashmere and go to work on him, but in the end the energy from ROH’s newest tag team was too much. 35</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Cornette is in his office when ROH cameras catch up to him. Cornette says he is glad Claudio Castagnoli is reinstated in ROH because this gives him the chance to torture Claudio. The torture starts tonight as Claudio will face BJ Whitmer as a tune up match because this weekend Claudio and his buddy Chris Hero will be wrestling Adam Pearce and Christopher Daniels in a tag match. 37</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Yang defeated Ace Steel by pinfall with a Yang Time. </p><p>

This was a back and forth match with both men looking to fly around the ring. Yang was able to pull off the victory with the Yang Time and signaled afterwards that he wanted another shot at the Pure Title. 44</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Jim Cornette and Bryan Danielson are talking and Cornette asks Danielson if he’d like a tuneup match to get him ready for Super Dragon this weekend. Danielson laughs and says Super Dragon is a CZW wrestler there’s no reason to tune up for that because its an easy victory. They are interrupted by Prince Nana and The Embassy. Nana accuses Danielson of ducking Jimmy Rave. Danielson says he has been ducking nobody and that Rave will get stretched when the time comes. Cornette interjects and says Rave and Shelley will be defending their tag titles this weekend against The Backseat Boyz and if they win then he promises he will figure out how and when to give Rave or Shelley an ROH World Championship match. 43</p><p> </p><p>

Homicide defeated Delirious by pinfall after a Cop Killa. </p><p>

This match was a lot more technical, and ground based that one may have expected from these two. Homicide did not try to brawl with Delirious and instead the two exchanged a lot of holds as Homicide worked over Delirious’ neck and Delirious worked over Homicide’s arm. Delirious seemed to have Homicide in trouble and went up top for Shadows Over Hell but Julius Smokes shook the ropes and crotched him on the top turnbuckle. Homicide took over from here and got the win. 37</p><p> </p><p>

BJ Whitmer defeated Claudio Castsagnoli by DQ when Necro Butcher attacked Whitmer. </p><p>

Claudio came out to the ring flanked by Chris Hero. BJ Whitmer followed alone but then turned and waived to the back and Adam Pearce joined him at ring side. Claudio and Whitmer went at each other with hard hitting offense throughout the match with both men looking to seriously injure each other. The match broke down when Chris Hero grabbed Whitmer’s foot and tripped him after he got whipped into the ropes. This lead to Pearce attacking Hero and the 2 brawling at ring side. Out of nowhere Necro Butcher came in from the crowd and smashed Whitmer with a chair busting him wide open and getting Claudio DQed. 32</p><p> </p><p>

Claudio and Necro continue to put the boots to Whitmer after the match as Hero and Pearce continue to brawl their way around the ring side area. Bryan Danielson comes running in and stops the beat down on Whitmer. This brings out Super Dragon to jump Danielson from behind. Christopher Daniels then comes running in to even the odds once again. Security tries but cannot get the melee under control. A bloodied BJ Whitmer grabs another steel chair and belts Castagnoli with it. Chris Hero makes his we back into the ring and hits a low blow on Whitmer. Somewhere in the melee a table was set up next to the ring. Super Dragon gets ahold of Whitmer and hits him with a Psycho Driver off the ring apron through the table at ring side as the show goes off the air. 21</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 36</p>

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ROH Newswire:


-9,420 viewers watched the most recent episode of ROH TV on YouTube.


-Super Dragon was injured at a CZW show and will not be able to wrestle for the ROH World Championship. It was not a serious injury so Super Dragon will get a future title shot in the near future, but in the meantime ROH Commissioner Jim Cornette has decided that Matt Sydal will instead wrestle for the ROH World Championship against Bryan Danielson.


- Hell Freezes Over Preview/Pick 'Em


ROH World Championship Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Matt Sydal



First Blood Match:

BJ Whitmer vs Necro Butcher



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Embassy © vs The Backseat Boyz



Colt Cabana vs Jay Lethal



The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Austin Aries


Number 1 Contender's Tag Team Scramble:

The Rottweilers vs Generation Next vs The Briscoes vs The Irish Airborne



6 Man Mayhem:

Jimmy Yang vs Tony Mamaluke vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Low Ki vs Ace Steel vs Delirious




Pre-Show, ROH Top of the Class Trophy Match:

Pelle Primeau © vs Shane Hagadorn


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<p>ROH World Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson ©</strong> vs Matt Sydal</p><p> </p><p>

First Blood Match:</p><p>

<strong>BJ Whitmer</strong> vs Necro Butcher</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Embassy ©</strong> vs The Backseat Boyz</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Colt Cabana</strong> vs Jay Lethal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Kings of Wrestling</strong> vs Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Pure Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Nigel McGuinness ©</strong> vs Austin Aries</p><p> </p><p>

Number 1 Contender's Tag Team Scramble:</p><p>

<strong>The Rottweilers</strong> vs Generation Next vs The Briscoes vs The Irish Airborne</p><p> </p><p>

6 Man Mayhem:</p><p>

Jimmy Yang vs Tony Mamaluke vs Jimmy Jacobs vs <strong>Low Ki</strong> vs Ace Steel vs Delirious</p><p> </p><p>


Pre-Show, ROH Top of the Class Trophy Match:</p><p>

<strong>Pelle Primeau ©</strong> vs Shane Hagadorn</p>

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ROH Presents Hell Freezes Over live from Falconi Field in North Franklin Township, Pennsylvania.



Azireal and Jay Fury defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade by pinfall when Azireal pinned Blade with the EG Splash. 39


Top of the Class Trophy Match:

Pelle Primeau defeated Shane Hagadorn by pjnfall after a Diving Stunner. 29


Main Show:

Low Ki defeated Jimmy Yang, Jimmy Jacobs, Delirious, Tony Mamaluke, and Ace Steel when he pinned Ace Steel with a Ki Krusher.

This was a hotly contested match to get the crowd into things early. All 6 men had their times to shine in this match. Jimmy Yang appeared to have the match won setting up for a Yang Time but he was shoved off the top rope by Low Ki who then delivered the Ki Krusher for the victory. 49


AJ Styles comes out to the ring and says he has allowed his busy schedule and his commitments to a certain company in Orlando to keep him from appearing here in ROH as often as he’d like. He says this he is not going to let that happen anymore and that if Dixie Carter doesn’t like it she can fire him. He wants a match right here and right now. 28


AJ Styles defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall with a Spiral Tap.

AJ was hot right off the bat for this one. You could tell he really did want to get things started for himself in ROH the right way. Collyer was never able to get any sustained offense in and AJ was able to get the pinfall victory. 50


As AJ makes his way back up the ramp he bumps into Homicide who is making his way to the ring for the next match. Homicide and Syles briefly have words before Styles continues back up the ramp. Homicide then gets on the microphone and says that he is a singles wrestler and not a tag team wrestler so he will not be participating in the next match. However, he talked to Jim Cornette and as part of the new wrestler initiative in ROH he wants to welcome back the 5th Rottweiler Rocky Romero. 41


The Briscoes defeated The Havana Pitbulls, Generation Next, and Irish Airborne by pinfall when Mark pinned Jack Evans after a Spike Jay Driller.

The 4 teams played a high impact game of can you top this as they all busted out big maneuvers in order to try to win the coveted ROH World Tag Team Championship title shot. The Pitbulls were successful in the middle of the match working over the arm of Jay Briscoe and attempting to get him to tap out to various submissions only for someone to come break it up each time. In the ending Generation next hit Ode to the Bulldogs on Irish Airborne but Mark Briscoes comes and tosses Strong out of the ring as Jay bricks up the pinfall and lifts Evans up for the Spike Jay Driller and the victory. 46


ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © defeated Austin Aires by submission with the London Dungeon.

Nigel came out aggressively attacking the arm of Austin Aries from the very get go of this match. McGuinness at one point dragged Aries to the corner and rammed his arm into the ring post multiple times before having to stop from being disqualified. Aries battled back and without his arm relied more on high flying than he usually would. Aries went for a brainbuster at one point, but his arm would not allow him to get McGuinness up in the air. Nigel’s arm work paid off as once he was able to lock in the London Dungeon Aries had no choice but to tap out. 53


The Kings of Wrestling make their way to the ring and Chris Hero grabs the microphone. Hero begins taunting the crowd and the ROH locker room. Hero says Bryan Danielson is lucky and should be thankful to Kevin Steen for injuring Super Dragon so Danielson could keep his title a little while longer. As he continues to run down Danielson he is cut off by the entrance music of Christopher Daniels. 39


The Kings of Wrestling defeated Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce by pinfall when Castagnoli pinned Pearce after a K.R.S.O.N.E.

Daniels and Pearce came out and took advantage of the the Kings early and cleared them out of the ring. Once they regrouped the Kings isolated Daniels and worked him over for an extended period of time with Pearce doing just enough to break up the pinfall attempts. The hot tag eventually got to Pearce and the ROH team isolated Hero doing damage for some time. After a tag to Castagnoli the match broke down. Daniels got dumped to the outside and the Kings finished off Pearce. 49


Jay Lethal defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall with the Lethal Injection

Cabana frustrated Lethal early on using some comedy offense to get under Lethal’s skin. Lethal changed momentum by moving out of the way of the Flying Asshole and took control of the match for a bit. Caban ended up getting control and going for the Colt 45 but Lethal raked his eyes and hit the Lethal Injection for the win. Cabana protested the eye rake to the referee who missed it, to no avail. 46


Backstage we see The Briscoe Brothers talking about getting another shot at the ROH World Championship. Jay says the titles are coming home with the Briscoes. The Embassy are walking by getting read to go out for their match and Prince Nana overhears this and interrupts saying those 2 hillbillies have no chance of beating The Embassy. The Briscoes respond by telling Nana he has a loud mouth for someone who doesn’t even get in the ring and tell Shelley and Rave good luck tonight because they want to be the ones to wipe the smug look off of their faces. 32


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Embassy defeated The Backseat Boyz by pinfall when Rave pinned Kashmere following a Greetings From Ghana.

This was for the most part a pretty straight forward tag team match with momentum going back and for the between the teams. The Backseat Boyz set up the T-Gimmick on Rave, but Shelley pulls him down when they lift him. Shelley and Acid take each other out to the outside. Kashmere takes a boot to the gut and gets hit with Greetings of Ghana as The Embassy retain the titles. 49


First Blood Match:

Necro Butcher defeated BJ Whitmer by making him bleed using a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat.

This match was an all out brawl from the very onset with both men doing everything possible to inflict pain on each other at all costs. Necro Butcher produced a railroad spike and rant at a prone Whitmer with it, but Whitmer caught him and hit an exploder over the top rope through a table on the outside. There was another moment where the 2 men exchanged heavy chair shots on each other trying to draw blood. The ending came when Necro took a barbed wire wrapped bat to the downed Whiter’s forehead and pressed it into his forehead until blood came pouring out of Whitmer’s face. 46


After the match ends the 2 men continue fighting as if the match hadn’t ended. Security eventually separates them and escorts Necro Butcher out of the building. 21


ROH World Championship Match:

Bryan Danielson defeated Matt Sydal by submission with Cattle Mutilation.

This match resembled a lumberjack match as Generation Next along with Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce were ringside for this match, no doubt to make sure no CZW shenanigans took place. Despite this there was no outside interference and the match went off without a hitch. Sydal had his moments but for the most part Danielson was able to ground Sydal and go to work on his arms. Danielson eventually locked on the submission and after the match shook Sydal’s hand as a sign of respect. 49


Show Rating: 49

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Jim Cornette comes out to the ring to start the show and says he has talked himself into a pickle. He has promised ROH World Championship matches to far too many people. Super Dragon is still owed one, based on their win at Hell Freezes over Jimmy Rave and/or Alex Shelley are owed one, and Jay Lethal is probably owed one as well. He also wants to be fair to Bryan Danielson and not have him defending his title every night. So, Jim Cornette has a solution, he can’t do anything about Super Dragon’s title shot, he was promised a match of his choosing, so he gets to go 1 on 1 with Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Championship. However, June is around the corner, and we have our promised 6 man elimination World Title Match at Rising Above so what he is going to do tonight is officially announce that Rave, Shelley, and Lethal are going to be part of that match. Next week when the June top 5 rankings come out, we will learn who the other participants will be. As for Super Dragon, he’s sure Chris Hero won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut about when Dragon is ready for his match. With that out comes Chris Hero flanked by Claudio and Necro Butcher. Chris Hero says it was a clean sweep for CZW at Hell Freezes Over and because of that, he is here to demand that the Kings of Wrestling receive an ROH World Tag Team Championship match, right here tonight, so CZW can start its complete takeover of ROH. Cornette says The Briscoes are the rightful number 1 contenders for the ROH World Championships so he cannot do that. Hero says things change and well, that title shot The Briscoes are promised, might just have to change as well and with that the CZW guys leave the ring. 33


AJ Styles defeated Davey Richards by pinfall with the Styles Clash

AJ followed up on his promise to be more active in ROH and Davey Richards got a big opportunity in his ROH debut. This was a high pace matchup with both men looking to out do the other. Styles eventually gained the upper hand and hit the Styles Clash for the win. 42


As Homicide is coming out for his match him and Styles again have words as Styles is making his way back up the ramp. This time it gets more heated and the come close to exchanging blows before Styles is escorted to the back by security. 30


Homicide defeated Jayson Reign and Matt Sydal when he pinned Reign after Sydal had hit a Shooting Star Press.

Homicide was clearly fired up by his confrontation with Styles before the match, at one point hitting a huge lariat on Sydal and then looking into the camera and saying, “that’s for you AJ”. Control of the match went back and forth between the 3 men. Sydal hit the Shooting Star Press, Homicide grabbed him and tossed him out of the ring and covered Reign for the win. 39


The Briscoes defeated The Backseat Boyz by DQ when the CZW guys ran in and attacked the Briscoes.

This was a very competitive match with both teams taking turns with the advantage. The Briscoes seemed to have the match in hand and had Kashmere on Jay’s shoulders for the Springboard Doomsday Device when the Kings of Wrestling and Necro Butcher jumped the rails and attacked them. 32


The CZW guys continue their beatdown on the Briscoes and hit the KRSONE on Mark. They are setting up to hit it on Jay as well, but they are run off by Adam Pearce and Bryan Danielson. 29


Low Ki defeated Austin Aries by pinfall with the Ki Krusher.

Low Ki and Aries wrestled what both men seemed to believe was a match that the winner would get them into the Top 5 rankings and the 6 man world title match next month. Both men really went for broke trying to get the victory over the other. The match ended with Aries setting up a brainbuster, but Low Ki kicked him in the nuts as Aries went to lift him up and reversed it into a Ki Krusher for the win. 39


Show Rating: 38


The voting for ROH Top 5 rankings for the month of June has now opened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ROH Newswire:


Jsiv0’s Rankings:

1) Jimmy Rave

2) Alex Shelley

3) Jay Lethal

4) AJ Styles

5) Low KI

Gabe Sapolsky’s Rankings:

1) Alex Shelley

2) Jay Lethal

3) Jimmy Rave

4) Homicide

5) AJ Styles

Jim Cornette’s Rankings:

1) Alex Shelley

2) Jimmy Rave

3) Jay lethal

4) Low Ki

5) AJ Styles


-The feud between CZW and ROH was again heightened this week as BJ Whitmer interfered in the main event of this week's CZW Resistence hitting Claudio Castagnoli with a baseball bat and costing the Kings of Wrestling the CZW World Tag Team Titles to The Lunatic Fringe.

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


The Havana Pitbulls w/ Julius Smokes defeated The Irish Airborne by submission when Romero submitted Crazy J with a Diablo Armbar.

The Airborne had their moments, but this was an impressive showing from the Havana Pitbulls. They were highly aggressive and very stiff with their opponents. After throwing Crazy J shoulder first into the ring post the Pitbulls go to work on that arm leading to Romero really torqueing the Diablo Armbar and getting the tap. 42


The Kings of Wrestling come through the crowd to the ring as soon as it clears. Chris Hero says a line was crossed this week by BJ Whitmer. He says it’s one thing to show up on the other promotion’s show looking for a fight or to talk some shit, but it’s another thing to interfere in a title match and cost someone a title. Evidently the beating Whitmer took from Necro Butcher wasn’t enough to teach him a lesson, so Chris Hero himself is going to have to teach it to Whitmer. This brings out Whitmer who says a fight with Chris Hero sounds great to him, but he wants to get his hands on Claudio too, in fact he went to Jim Cornette earlier today and got permission to challenge the Kings of Wrestling to a match against him and Christopher Daniels at Rising Above. Chris Hero accepts the match as the Necro Butcher jumps Whitmer from behind. Necro starts putting the boots to Whitmer but is quickly run off by Adam Pearce and Christopher Daniels. 37


Jay Lethal defeated Azireal by pinfall after a Release Dragon Suplex.

In this battle of former Special K stable mates, it was Lethal who was able to come out on top and take some momentum heading into his world title opportunity. Azireal was able to take control at various points of the matchup but any time he went up top for a big move Lethal either caught him on the way up or moved out of the way of the move and took control back. After the match Lethal motions that he will have the belt around his waist soon. 40


The Briscoes and The Embassy are in Jim Cornette’s office. Cornette says he asked them all here since The Briscoes wanted to face The Embassy in singles matches as a tune up for their tag title shot, but Prince Nana pointed out the tag title shot would have to wait since Rave and Shelley will be wrestling for the world title at Rising Above. Cornette mentions that he has plans for the tag champions next week to be announced later today but he still wants to appease The Briscoes, so next week The Briscoes will have a tag team match against the other members of The Embassy. Prince Nana says ok Abyss is ready but what other member of the Embassy does he mean, surely Daizee Haize can’t be expected to wrestle men. That’s when Cornette says he wasn’t talking about Daize Haize he was talking about Prince Nana. The Briscoes start taunting an absolutely dumbfounded Nana as the cameras pan to the ring for the next match. 46


Jimmy Yang defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey by pinfall with the Yang Time.

This was a back-and-forth match that could possibly have gone Jacobs way had he not been preoccupied with Lacey’s presence at ringside as usual. Jacobs set up a Contra Code attempt but took too long making sure that Lacey was watching him go for the maneuver and Yang shoved him into the turnbuckle and then hit a spinning heel kick to the back of Jacobs’ head. Yang then went up top and hit the Yang Time for the win. 45


After the match Jimmy Yang gets on the microphone and says he wants another at Nigel McGuinness and the ROH Pure Championship. This brings out McGuinness who says another easy win over Yang at Rising Above is too easy to turn down, so he accepts the match. 43


It is announced that next week we will have 6 man tag team action as the 6 men in the ROH World Championship match at Rising Above will compete. Bryan Danielson, AJ Styles, and Jay Lethal will take on Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Low Ki. 37


Nigel McGuinness defeated Adam Pearce by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat to retain the ROH Pure Championship.

McGuinness perhaps used to having the size advantage in most of his matches lately struggled to deal with the hard hitting Pearce being able to dish out punishment comparable to his own. Pearce set up a piledriver and looked like he had the match won, but Chris Hero appeared in the front row and starting yelling things at Pearce which caused him to release McGuinness. Hero disappeared back into the audience and Pearce turned around into a Jawbreaker Lariat for the pinfall. 51


Show Rating: 48

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Colt Cabana defeated Sterling James Kennan by pinfall after a Colt 45.

Keenan got frustrated by Cabana’s comedy wrestling for most of the match. Cabana was in rare form and was in Keenan’s head. Keenan wrestled frustrated as a result which lead to him falling more and more into Cabana’s hands until Cabana finished him off. 35


In the locker room we briefly see The Embassy planning for their match tonight. Nana tells Abyss that Abyss will have to do all the wrestling and Nana will just be on the apron for their match later. Abyss gets up and throws a chair at the wall and motions to Nana who smiles and says he thinks The Briscoes may not make it to their match with Rave and Shelley. 41


Davey Richards defeated Jayson Reign by pinfall after a DR Driver.

Davey gets his first ROH win in his 2nd ROH match. This match was kind of a showcase for Richards as he did not have too much difficulty with Reign. 32


The Briscoe Brothers defeated The Embassy (Abyss and Prince Nana) w/ Daizee Haze by pinfall when Jay pinned Nana following a J-Driller.

Abyss started this match off hot and took it to The Briscoes early on. The Briscoes had no answers for the size of The Monster and they took punishment. Nana would tag in to add insult to injury before tagging back out before the tides could turn. Finally, Mark was able to reverse a Black Hole Slam attempt with a ddt and make the tag to Jay and they were able to work Abyss over for a while. Abyss eventually took control back and hit the Black Hole Slam on Jay, before tagging Nana in to make the pinfall. Abyss then went and knocked Mark off the apron and followed him to the outside to dish out more punishment. Meanwhile inside the ring Jay kicked out of Nana’s pin, and Nana was unable to get Abyss’ attention to tag out, leaving Nana as easy pickings for Jay Briscoe. The Briscoes escaped after the match as Abyss came after them. 39


Backstage we catch up to ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness states that he is looking forward to having an easy match this Saturday against Jimmy Yang, just then Yang walks by and says he hopes Nigel underestimates him like this, so he can take that Pure Title from him and teach him a lesson and walks off. 59


Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Low Ki defeated Bryan Danielson, AJ Styles, and Jay Lethal by pinfall when Rave pinned Danielson after a Greetings from Ghana.

This was an open showcase for all of the wrestlers in the match as they all took turns having their time to shine. Other than Rave and Shelley there was definitely distrust amongst the teammates leading to the teams not working well together. A distraction by Claudio Castagnoli allows Chris Hero to sneak in the ring and hit a roaring elbow to the back of the head of Danielson. Rave then capitalizes by following with a Greetings from Ghana for the win. 46


Show Rating: 44

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ROH Rising Above 2006 Preview:


ROH World Championship Elimination Scramble Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Jimmy Rave vs Alex Shelley vs Low Ki vs Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles



The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang



Abyss vs Jay Briscoe



Homicide vs Davey Richards



Austin Aries vs Delirious



Scramble Tag Match:

The Second City Saints vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz vs The Irish Airborne



Pre-Show Bonus:

Tony Mamaluke vs Derrick Dempsey


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ROH World Championship Elimination Scramble Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Jimmy Rave vs Alex Shelley vs Low Ki vs Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles

Comments: I think if Danielson does drop the belt here it will be to Styles but I'm thinking he retains.


The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang

Comments: McGuiness underestimating Yang costs him the title.


Abyss vs Jay Briscoe



Homicide vs Davey Richards



Austin Aries vs Delirious



Scramble Tag Match:

The Second City Saints vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz vs The Irish Airborne



Pre-Show Bonus:

Tony Mamaluke vs Derrick Dempsey

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ROH World Championship Elimination Scramble Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Jimmy Rave vs Alex Shelley vs Low Ki vs Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles


The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer


ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang


Abyss vs Jay Briscoe


Homicide vs Davey Richards


Austin Aries vs Delirious


Scramble Tag Match:

The Second City Saints vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz vs The Irish Airborne


Pre-Show Bonus:

Tony Mamaluke vs Derrick Dempsey

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ROH World Championship Elimination Scramble Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Jimmy Rave vs Alex Shelley vs Low Ki vs Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles



The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer


I hate picking against Daniels but I really dislike Whitmer. Not sure why but I do.



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang



Abyss vs Jay Briscoe


I know Abyss was in ROH, but I always see him as a TNA wrestler over any other company he was worked for.


Homicide vs Davey Richards



Austin Aries vs Delirious



Scramble Tag Match:

The Second City Saints vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz vs The Irish Airborne



Pre-Show Bonus:

Tony Mamaluke vs Derrick Dempsey

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ROH World Championship Elimination Scramble Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Jimmy Rave vs Alex Shelley vs Low Ki vs Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles


The Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer


ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang


Abyss vs Jay Briscoe


Homicide vs Davey Richards


Austin Aries vs Delirious


Scramble Tag Match:

The Second City Saints vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz vs The Irish Airborne


Pre-Show Bonus:

Tony Mamaluke vs Derrick Dempsey

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<p>ROH Rising Above live from Falconi Field in North Franklin Township, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>


Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey defeated Mitch Franklin by pinfall after the Contra Code.</p><p>

Jacobs nearly cost himself another match being distracted by Lacey, but was able to kick out of the schoolboy from Franklin and hit the Contra Code for the win. 34</p><p> </p><p>

Tony Mamaluke defeated Derrick Dempsey by submission with the Sicilian Crab</p><p>

Mamaluke came out and started stretching the young student early. Eventually Dempsey was having problems standing and Mamaluke went in for the kill with the Sicilian Crab for the win. 40</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show:</p><p>

Generation Next defeated The Backseat Boyz, The Second City Saints, and The Irish Airborne by pinfall when Evans pinned Ace Steel following an Ode to the Bulldogs. </p><p>

This was a wide open match with every team getting their moment to shine at some point. The match broke down in the end with only Strong and Ace Steel in the ring. Steele got dropped with a sick kick as Jack Evans recovered and signaled to Strong he was going up top, where they hit Ode to the Bulldogs for the win. 47</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Prince Nana is addressing The Embassy. He says this is going to be the biggest night in the history of The Embassy and the biggest night in the history of ROH. Not only is Abyss going to beat Jay Briscoe, he’s going to put him out of action and The Embassy won’t have to defend their tag belts against those hillbillies, but that’s just the beginning. Tonight either Alex Shelley or Jimmy Rave is going to become the ROH World Champion. When that happens The Embassy will have the gold, The Embassy will have the power, and Prince Nana will be telling Jim Cornette how to run ROH. 34</p><p> </p><p>

Austin Aries defeated Delirious by pinfall with the 450 Splash. </p><p>

Delirious put up a fight and didn’t make life easy for Austin Aries but in the end, Aries was too much. A brainbuster and a 450 Splash and this one was over. 38</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Sal Rinauro cuts a brief promo saying he is just about cleared to come back and when he does him and Tony Mamaluke are going straight for the ROH World Tag Team Titles. 28</p><p> </p><p>

Homicide w/ Julius Smokes defeated Davey Richards by pinfall following the West Brooklyn Lariat. </p><p>

These 2 were trying to take each other’s heads off for the entire match. When one would hit the other the other would hit them back harder. In the end it was Homicide that hit just a little harder and a huge lariat almost takes Richards out of his boots and gives Homicide the win. 48</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage the cameras are with Jay Lethal who says tonight the metamorphosis is complete. Jay Lethal is no longer the young lion who was mentored by Samoa Joe. He’s the man who sent Samoa Joe packing from ROH, he’s the man who defeated Colt Cabana multiple times, and tonight he’s going to be the man who ends Bryan Danielson’s run as ROH World Champion. 47</p><p> </p><p>

Abyss w/Prince Nana defeated Jay Briscoe w/ Mark Briscoe by pinfall after a Black Hole Slam.</p><p>

Jay did everything in his power to try to cut The Monster down to size but every time he got some momentum going, Abyss was able to land a big power move and take the match back over gain. Jay tried to get Abyss up for a J-Driller but couldn’t get the big man up in the air and Abyss hits a back drop. Jay comes charging in and eats a Black Hole Slam for his troubles, for the victory. 47</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Abyss continues to put the boots to Jay. Mark comes in for the save but Abyss puts him down too. Abyss sets Jay into the ropes for another Black Hole Slam, but Mark comes off the top rope with a drop kick as Abyss is spinning Jay around in the slam and Prince Nana takes Abyss back up the ramp to the back. 36</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Pure Championship Match</p><p>

Nigel McGuinness © defeated Jimmy Yang by pinfall after a Tower of London. </p><p>

This was the 2nd longest match on the card. Yang gave everything he had in this match and nearly had Nigel when he hit a Yang Time, but McGuinness was too close to the ropes and got a foot on the bottom rope, using his last rope break. With Nigel out of rope breaks Yang got aggressive and tried breaking out some submissions, but McGuinnes each time was able to power out of them. Yang signaled for another Yang Time, but McGuinness shoved referee Paul Turner into the ropes which crotched Yang. McGuinness then climbed on the apron and hit a Tower of London onto the ring apron and rolled Yang back inside for the pinfall. 54</p><p> </p><p>

The Kings of Wrestling defeated BJ Whitmer and Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger by DQ when Whitmer laid out both of them with a baseball bat. </p><p>

The Kings entered the match first and Hero began antagonizing the crowd but was quickly cut off by Daniels and Whitmer and the match began with a melee. Once the match got under control the Kings isolated Daniels and worked him over for a while. Eventually the hot tag was made to Whitmer who came in the ring and cleaned house allowing the ROH team to work over Chris Hero for a while. Whitmer set up a Wrist-Clutch Exploder but Necro Butcher jumped the rails and up onto the ring apron and Whitmer chased after him. The Kings then attacked Daniels until Whitmer came back with a baseball bat and laid into the Kings with it and he was disqualified. 34</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Daniels and Whitmer continue to lay into the Kings of Wrestling. Whitmer keeps screaming “This one is for The Necro Butcher” every time he swings the bat again. Finally, security is able to get the bat away from Whitmer and get him and Daniels out of the ring. 31</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Nigel McGuinness is bragging about his victory over Jimmy Yang. Nigel says he is the best pure wrestler in Ring of Honor and nobody is ever going to take the title from him. 63</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Championship Elimination Match:</p><p>

Bryan Danielson © defeated Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, and Low KI. </p><p>

ROH officials decided nobody would be allowed ringside for this match so Prince Nana, Julius Smokes, and most noticeably Homicide were ejected from ringside. Homicide was being ejected as AJ Styles entered and Styles and Homicide again had to be separated by ROH officials. Homicide told Low Ki to “kill this ************” as he was being taken to the back. This match started off with everyone having their moment to shine, but soon turned into AJ Styles being in trouble and being worked over by just about everyone else who tags in and out taking their turns putting the boots to Styles. The first elimination comes when <strong>AJ reversed a Ki Krusher into a small package to eliminate Low Ki.</strong> Low Ki was outraged and put the boots to Styles and hit a Ki Krusher anyway on Styles before leaving the ringside area. Jay Lethal then came charging into the ring looking to put Styles away, but Styles was finally able to make a tag out and then go recuperate some on the floor. <strong>The next elimination came when AJ was back in the match and looking to hit a Styles Clash on Rave, Shelley came in the ring and superkicked Styles as he was setting it up lead to Styles eating a boot to the gut and Greetings from Ghana from Rave followed by a pinfall.</strong> From here the 3 challengers seemed to have worked out a deal to pick apart Danielson and eliminate him as they took turns working over the champion. Danielson turned the tides and got a Cross Faced Chicken Wing on Lethal, but he refused to tap until he was able to push off the turnbuckles and flip behind Danielson. Lethal hit the Release Dragon Suplex on Danielson, but Danielson used the momentum to roll out of the ring. <strong>This led to Alex Shelley running into the ring and hitting a Shell Shock on Lethal followed by a Border City Stretch and Lethal had to tap out.</strong> Rave then through Danielson into the ring and the 2 members of The Embassy began to inflict more punishment on Danielson. After being unable to put Danielson away Rave signaled for Shelley to go up top and put Danielson on his shoulders looking like they were going to hit a Doomsday Sliced Bread #2 on Danielson. <strong>Instead, Danielson shoved Shelley off the top rope to the floor and hit a Victory Roll on Rave for the elimination.</strong> From here Danielson and Shelley had a pretty lengthy back and forth match with Danielson trying to wear down Shelley’s shoulder and Shelley trying to hit high impact moves to score a pinfall. <strong>Shelley attempted a backslide, but Danielson kicked out at 2 and kept the grip turning it into Cattle Mutilation for the submission. </strong> 58</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 56</p><p> </p><p>

Pick 'Em results: </p><p>

JaCeLo3 6/8</p><p>

BHK1978 7/8</p><p>

Rampaaage 7/8</p><p>

DGenerationMC 8/8</p>

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


We start the night with Jim Cornette in the ring and he says he is here to congratulate Bryan Danielson for defeating 5 top contenders last night and still being ROH World Champion. With that Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring and thanks Jim Cornette when all of a sudden out in the crowd Chris Hero has a microphone and interrupts Danielson and mocks him. Hero then says he has 2 things to say and one of them happens to be about the so-called world champion, but first thing’s first. He wants to know what Jim Cornette is going to do about the fact that BJ Whitmer has now twice assaulted him and Claudio Castagnoli with a baseball bat. Cornette says asks Hero if he really expects Cornette to discipline Whitmer for coming in with a bat after Necro Butcher attempted to interfere and the other time happened in CZW. Cornette doesn’t give a shit what happens in CZW. Chris Hero says if Cornette won’t do anything then Hero will have to take care of it himself. Cornette asks Hero what the other thing is. Hero says the 2nd thing is easier to show than to tell him and at that time Super Dragon slides in the ring behind Danielson and attacks him from behind. Super Dragon then takes off as Adam Pearce and Christopher Daniels come running down to the ring. 45


Homicide w/ Julius Smokes defeated Matt Sydal by pinfall following a Cop Killa.

Homicide came out very aggressive and took over the match early, but Sydal was able to turn the tables using his speed and frustrate Homicide with some high flying offense. Sydal seemed to be going for the Double Helix but Julius Smokes tripped him up as he went to springboard and Sydal fell back into the ring and Homicide capitalized with a Cop Killa for the victory. 38


After the match Homicide asks for a microphone and says for the past couple of weeks AJ Styles has been walking around like he owns the place. Homicide says he has a message for AJ and that’s that this isn’t TNA. Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett can’t make AJ their pet here while keeping Homicide in the midcard. The next time AJ gets in Homicide’s way, AJ is getting dropped. 44


Adam Pearce defeated Jayson Reign by pinfall after a piledriver.

Reign tried but in the end was pretty easy pickings for Pearce who showed a little bit of a vicious streak in this match. Pearce walked up the aisle way after the match saying he wanted to get his hands on Claudio Castagnoli. 34


The Second City Saints defeated Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III by pinfall when Cabana pinned Davis following a Colt 45.

Kennedy and Davis put up a fight but the team from Chicago was just way too much for them. Cabana and Steele get a win and some much needed momentum going forward. 45


Backstage cameras catch up with The Briscoes. Jay says The Embassy tried taking them out by sending Abyss after them while Shelley and Rave hid, but The Briscoes survived and now they’re ready to become ROH World Tag Team Champions again. Mark finishes up by saying Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley its time to man up. 34


Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger defeated Jay Lethal by pinfall with the Best Moonsault Ever.

These two went back and forth the whole match and traded holds and big moves the whole match. Lethal thought he had the match won with a backslide, but the referee noticed he had put his feet on the ropes for leverage and stopped the count to admonish Lethal. The finish came when Daniels caught Lethal coming off the ropes with an STO and then went to the corner and hit the BME for the win. 44


Immediately following the match the Kings of Wrestling jump the guard rail and began putting the boots to Daniels. Before it got too far Pearce and Whitmer came running down for the save and the Kings took off through the crowd. 34


Show Rating: 44

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<p>ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>

As soon as we come on the air The Final Countdown starts playing and Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring. Danielson says he is here tonight for a fight, and he wants any one of the CZW guys right here tonight. 1 on 1, tag team match, he doesn’t care he just wants a match. Chris Hero answers the challenge and says well if he wants a fight, he can have one, but it won’t be him wrestling Danielson because the only way he wrestles Danielson is if Danielson puts his title on the line, and he’s not going to steal Super Dragon’s thunder by taking Danielson’s belt. Instead, Bryan Danielson will tonight be facing Necro Butcher. Danielson says he is fine with taking on Necro Butcher and says he can’t wait to hurt a CZW chump. 47</p><p> </p><p>

The Backseat Boyz defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade when Acid pinned Blade after a T-Gimmick.</p><p>

Mikaze and Blade got the jump in the match by attacking The Backseat Boyz during their entrance. They then were able to spend the first portion of the match working over Kashmere until he got the hot tag to Acid. Once Acid came in The Backseat Boyz took over and that was pretty much it. 47</p><p> </p><p>

AJ Styles defeated Jimmy Yang by pinfall with a Styles Clash. </p><p>

This was a highly competitive match that had a lot more mat wrestling than you would expect from these two. Yang was able to hit the Yang Time but Styles got his foot on the ropes at the last second to break the count. A shocked Yang doesn’t know what to do and looks to set up some sort of slam but Styles reverses into a neckbreaker and then the Styles Clash for the win. 33</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Homicide is getting ready to cut a promo when Styles walks through after his match. Homicide takes exception to this and starts calling Styles and goes to get into his face. Styles stands his ground and soon they are being held apart by backstage officials while still shouting at each other. 36</p><p> </p><p>

Nigel McGuinness defeated Davey Richards by pinfall after the Jawbreaker Lariat. </p><p>

This was a very stiff match with both mean looking to take the other’s head off. Richards took control early until McGuinness was able to reverse a DR Driver attempt into a Norther Lights Suplex at which point McGuinness took control for a while. Richards got momentum back and tried a running forearm to McGuinness in the corner but Nigel moved and Richards hit the turnbuckle and McGuinness hit the ropes for a Jawbreaker Lariat for the victory. 58</p><p> </p><p>

The Embassy are in back talking and Prince Nana says next week The Briscoes need to find a tag team partner because he talked to Jim Cornette and they will be having a 6 man tag team match. The Embassy is going to prove to the Briscoes that they don’t belong in the same ring as The Briscoes and once they defend their tag team titles against them at Death Before Dishonor, they will again be able to focus on Jimmy Rave becoming ROH World Champion. 34</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson defeated Necro Butcher by DQ when The Kings of Wrestling jumped Danielson. </p><p>

This match was nowhere near the Technical masterpieces normally put on by Danielson. Danielson and Necro brawled around the ring. Necro at one point attempted to use a chair but referee Paul Turner took it form him and reminded him this was not a No DQ match. Danielson hit a belly to back suplex from the top rope and then applied Cattle Mutilation and that was when the Kings of Wrestling jumped the guard rail and attacked him causing the disqualification. 37</p><p> </p><p>

As the 3 CZW wrestlers put the boots to Danielson, Christopher Daniels, Adam Pearce, and BJ Whitmer attempt to surround the ring, but they escape through the one side they couldn’t cover and go through the crowd with Hero shouting insults as they make their way out of the arena. 45</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 43</p><p> </p><p>

This concludes the month of June. ROH will now take fan ballots for the July Top 5 Rankings</p>

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<p>ROH reaches new TV Deal with The Fight Network!!!</p><p> </p><p>

ROH and The Fight Network have agreed to a 1 year contract to broadcast both ROH's monthly events and the weekly ROH Wrestling show. The events will begin being broadcasted immediately with the upcoming Death Before Dishonor airing on the channel. ROH Wrestling will begin airing on The Fight Network in September when the current deal with Televicentro expires.</p>

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


AJ Styles starts off this week coming down to the ring for some mic time. AJ says Homicide wants to complain about his treatment in other companies and AJ being the golden boy when in fact the reason AJ gets his opportunities is that he earns them. AJ fought for everything he has and the fact of the matter is that he is just better than Homicide. But since Homicide wants to complain and wants to get in AJ’s face about it, then at Death Before Dishonor maybe AJ should show Homicide he is the better man. This brings out Jim Cornette who says Homicide is not here tonight, but with all the ongoings between AJ and Homicide he wants them to settle it in the ring too so he will book the match for Death Before Dishonor. 44


Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro defeated The Irish Airborne by pinfall when Rinauro pinned Lotus after a Sal-Utation.

This was Sal Rinauro’s return from injury and the crowd gave him a nice reaction on the way to the ring. Mamaluke and Rinauro were in control for most of this matchup and looked like they were still the well-oiled machine they had been in the previous months before Rinauro’s injury. 41


Backstage The Briscoes are talking to each other. Mark tells Jay he has no idea who should be their tag team partner tonight. Jay tells Mark not to worry he already has it covered. Mark asks who the partner is and Jay says it’s that weird dude who you can’t understand what he’s saying. Mark asks why Jay chose him and Jay responds that he thinks he’s funny and that after the match they can have some beers together and learn to talk like him. 34


Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey defeated Azireal by pinfall after the Contra Code.

This was a very competitive back and forth match. Jacobs, as usual was very distracted by the presence of Lacey. Jacobs tried to ground Azireal as much as he could throughout the match, but Azireal was able to pick up the pace and fly when he got the advantage. Azireal went to the top for the double stomp but Jacobs moved and then grabbed him for the Contra Code for the victory. 40


Austin Aries defeated Jayson Reign by pinfall with a 450 Splash.

Aries may have taken this match a little lightly as early on he was showing off and it backfired and allowed Reign to get the upper hand. Aries eventually got things turned around by using a knee strike to the head to reverse a suplex attempt into a brainbuster. From that point Aries was in control until he could hit the 450 for the victory. 41


Backstage Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey are getting back to their locker room. Sitting in Lacey’s locker is a single rose with a note attached to it from a secret admirer. Jacobs is enraged by this and demands to know who this is from. Lacey says she has no idea who its from but is clearly smitten with the idea of a secret admirer. 42


The Embassy w/Prince Nana defeated The Briscoes and Delirious by pinfall when Rave pinned Mark after a Black Hole Slam.

The Embassy jumped Delirious before The Briscoes made their entrance and The Briscoes hot the ring and cleared them out briefly. The Embassy regrouped and took over the match upon coming back and once again isolating Delirious. The hot tag was made to Jay Briscoe and they were able to isolate and work over Alex Shelley for a while. Shelley took advantage of Nana distracting the ref while Abyss came into the ring and cleared house to make a tag. Abyss then hit a Black Hole Slam on mark and Rave made the cover for the win. 46


Show Rating: 44

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