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ROH Newswire:


Forgot to post the ballots for the July top 5 rankings, my bad


Jsiv0’s Rankings:

1) Abyss

2) Jimmy Rave

3) Homicide

4) AJ Styles

5) Alex Shelley

Gabe Sapolsky’s Rankings:

1) Jimmy Rave

2) AJ Styles

3) Abyss

4) Homicide

5) Austin Aries

Jim Cornette’s Rankings:

1) AJ Styles

2) Jimmy Rave

3) Alex Shelley

4) Homicde

5) Colt Cabana

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


We start off with Jim Cornette in the ring and he calls out Chris Hero saying he needs to work out what is going on with Super Dragon and if he is in fact going to use his ROH World Championship opportunity this weekend at Death Before Dishonor. Hero comes out flanked by Claudio Castagnoli and Necro Butcher. Hero says Super Dragon will be there this weekend but will not be here tonight. He also says that since the Kings of Wrestling are on a nice winning streak in ROH, they want to be added to the ROH World Tag Team Championship match this weekend. Cornette says that is not going to happen, but he will allow them to wrestle the Havana Pitbulls at Death Before Dishonor for a future opportunity at those titles. Hero says there is no reason to sacrifice another tag team like that, but he accepts. Before he goes to walk away Cornette says he has one more thing, tonight Claudio Castagnoli will be wrestling Adam Pearce for the right to keep that opportunity this weekend. If Pearce wins or if any of the CZW guys interfere, then The Kings lose their match with the Pitbulls. Hero begins throwing a fit but as he makes a move towards Cornette, Adam Pearce hits the ring, and the bell sounds to start the match. Hero and Necro dive out of the ring immediately so as not to get Claudio DQed. 33


Claudio Castagnoli defeated Adam Pearce by pinfall with a rollup with a handful of tights.

Pearce started the match like a house of fire and took the bout to Claudio right off the bat. Claudio nailed a low blow as Pearce was setting up a piledriver and that changed the momentum. Claudio went to work on Pearce for a good portion of the match from there on out. Pearce briefly took momentum again towards the end, but Claudio ducked under a clothesline and rolled Pearce up, grabbing the tights for the victory. 36


AJ Styles gets in the ring and grabs a microphone and says he’ll make this quick. He has Homicide this Saturday at Death Before Dishonor, but tonight he wants one of the other Rottweilers in a warmup match. As soon as the words are out of his mouth Julius Smokes comes out to ringside and says AJ careful what you wish for, you challenge The Rottweilers, and you won’t make it to Saturday. As he says this Rocky Romero jumps AJ from behind and the match begins. 36


AJ Styles defeated Rocky Romero w/ Julius Smokes by Disqualification when The Rottweilers jumped him.

Romero uses the jump he got on AJ to his advantage and starts working over his arm. Romero clearly has a plan to soften AJ up for Homicide and for a good portion of the match he seems to be doing a good job of it. AJ eventually fights his way back into the match. AJ goes up top and hits a spiral tap and goes for the pin and that’s when he gets jumped. 32


After the match The Rottweilers continued their beatdown of Styles. Reyes wrapped a chair around the arm of Syles and Homicide ordered Low Ki to the top rope to Ghetto Stomp the chair on the arm but thankfully ROH officials and members of the ROH Wrestling Academy get in between Styles and Low Ki and stop it from happening. Eventually they clear the Rottweilers out of the ring and are able to tend to Styles. 30


The Second City Saints defeated Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) by pinfall when Ace Steele pinned Jack Evans after a Twist of Cain.

This was a competitive back and forth match. Strong was an absolute powerhouse for his team in this match and nailed a variety of backbreakers on both Steele and Cabana. Eventually the Saints were able to isolate Evans and Cabana held back Strong as Steele finished off Evans. 52


Backstage BJ Whitmer is getting ready to cut a promo when Jimmy Jacobs walks in and accuses Whitmer of ‘trying to steal Lacey from him”. Whitmer tells Jacobs if he wanted Lacey he’d have stolen her when he left Jacobs months ago. He doesn’t think about Lacey or Jimmy anymore and has more important things to take care of with CZW. Jacobs acknowledges that this makes sense and then asks Whitmer if he knows who is sending Lacey the flowers. Whitmer tells him he needs help and walks away. 30


Abyss w/ Prince Nana defeated Mark Briscoe w/ Jay Briscoe by pinfall after a Black Hole Slam.

Mark put up a fight, but he just could not overcome the size of Abyss. Mark had a different approach to fighting Abyss than his brother Jay did a couple of weeks ago in that he was trying to hit and run. That hit and run eventually was Mark’s undoing as Mark tried to come off the top with a side kick but Abyss caught him with the Black Hole Slam for the win. 51


Show Rating: 46

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ROH Death Before Dishonor IV Preview and Pick Em':



Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs The Dempsey Brothers



Main Show:

Scramble Match:

Low Ki w/ Julius Smokes vs Jay Lethal vs Delirious vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey vs BJ Whitmer vs Chad Collyer



Generation Next (Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, Roderick Strong, and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz and Sal Rinauro, and Tony Mamaluke



Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger vs Necro Butcher



Number One Contender's Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championships

The Kings of Wrestling © vs The Havana Pitbulls w/ Julius Smokes



ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness © vs Colt Cabana



AJ Styles vs Homicide w/ Julius Smokes



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Embassy w/ Prince Nana © vs The Briscoes



Champion vs Champion Match for the ROH World Championship

ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson vs CZW World Champion Super Dragon


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Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs The Dempsey Brothers



Main Show:

Scramble Match:

Low Ki w/ Julius Smokes vs Jay Lethal vs Delirious vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey vs BJ Whitmer vs Chad Collyer



Generation Next (Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, Roderick Strong, and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz and Sal Rinauro, and Tony Mamaluke


Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger vs Necro Butcher

Comments: Why did you have to this to me? My two favorites...how could I possibly pick?


Number One Contender's Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championships

The Kings of Wrestling © vs The Havana Pitbulls w/ Julius Smokes



ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness © vs Colt Cabana

Comments: I know Colt can do legit wrestling, but still I cannot see him winning the Pure Championship.


AJ Styles vs Homicide w/ Julius Smokes



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Embassy w/ Prince Nana © vs The Briscoes



Champion vs Champion Match for the ROH World Championship

ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson vs CZW World Champion Super Dragon

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Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs The Dempsey Brothers


Main Show:

Scramble Match:

Low Ki w/ Julius Smokes vs Jay Lethal vs Delirious vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey vs BJ Whitmer vs Chad Collyer


Generation Next (Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, Roderick Strong, and Jack Evans) vs The Backseat Boyz and Sal Rinauro, and Tony Mamaluke


Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger vs Necro Butcher


Number One Contender's Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championships

The Kings of Wrestling © vs The Havana Pitbulls w/ Julius Smokes


ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness © vs Colt Cabana


AJ Styles vs Homicide w/ Julius Smokes


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Embassy w/ Prince Nana © vs The Briscoes


Champion vs Champion Match for the ROH World Championship

ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson vs CZW World Champion Super Dragon

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Just a brief update. I had a bit of a scare Friday night and ended up spending some time in the hospital this weekend. With follow up appointments and all of that I'm going to take this week off of posting any updates. Death Before Dishonor should be posted sometime next week
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Just a brief update. I had a bit of a scare Friday night and ended up spending some time in the hospital this weekend. With follow up appointments and all of that I'm going to take this week off of posting any updates. Death Before Dishonor should be posted sometime next week


Hope everything is okay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Death Before Dishonor IV live from Falconi Field in Washington Pennsylvania



Rhett Titus defeated Jayson Reign by pinfall following a Muff Driver. 25


Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn defeated the Dempsey Brothers by pinfall when Pearce pinned Derrick after a piledriver. 28


Main Show:

Low Ki w/Julius Smokes defeated Jay Lethal, Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey, BJ Whitmer, Delirious, and Chad Collyer when Low Ki pinned Jacobs with a Ki Krusher.

This was a wide open match where everyone got a fair amount of offense in. A big dive to the outside by Lethal leaves Jacobs and Low Ki as the only 2 left in the ring. They hammer each other back and forth as Lacey is being delivered a huge teddy bear on the outside. Jacobs is setting up the Contra Code on Low Ki when he sees what is going on with Lacey and releases Low KI to go scream at Lacey. As Jacobs is leaning out of the ring with one leg between the ropes Low Ki form behind kicks the middle rope up into the groin of Jacobs and then hits the Ki Krusher for the win. 50


Bryan Danieslon is in back talking about how tonight Bryan Danielson is not only defending the ROH World Championship, but he is also defending the honor of the company when he wrestles Super Dragon later tonight. This is ok with him because coming out on top in high pressure matches is why he is the best wrestler in the world today and some loser from CZW isn’t going to be able to take the belt from him. 42


Generation Next defeated The Backseat Boyz and Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro when Matt Sydal pinned Rinauro with a Shooting Star Press.

The makeshift team did pretty well meshing together against the well-oiled machine that is Generation Next in the early going as they were able to isolate Jack Evans and work him over for a good portion of the match. The match broke down after a tag to Sydal. Rinauro held Sydal from behind as Acid came running with a Yakuza Kick but Sydal ducked and Acid nailed Rinauro instead. Roderick Strong then cleared Acid out of the ring as Sydal went up top for the Shooting Star Press for the win. 44


Christopher Daniels w/Alison Danger defeated Necro Butcher by DQ when Necro grabbed a chair and hit Daniels with it.

Daniels was fired up and came out taking the match to Necro before getting caught with a big right hand while charging Necro. Necro then went on the offensive and locked in the Asiatic Spike, but Daniels used a low blow to get out of it. Necro then slid out of the ring, grabbed a chair, and whacked Daniels over the head with it causing the match to be ended by Disqualification. 33


Necro continues to attack Daniels and is soon joined by the Kings of Wrestling. They try to set Daniels up for the KRS-ONE but BJ Whitmer comes running in and stops it. They continue to brawl until Whitmer, Daniels, and Necro are pulled away from ringside and The Havana Pitbulls make their entrance. 45


The Kings of Wrestling defeated The Havana Pitbulls w/ Julius Smokes by pinfall when Castagnoli pinned Reyes following a KRS-ONE.

This match went back and forth with both teams cheating to get an upper hand at every opportunity. The end came with Hero getting dumped to the outside and pulling a loaded elbow pad out of his trunks and putting it on, getting back in the ring and decking both Pitbulls with elbows. The Kings then hit the KRS-ONE for the victory. 48


ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall after the Jawbreaker Lariat.

Cabana came into this match looking to work over the legs of McGuinness clearly intending to take the title using the Billy Goat’s Curse. Nigel on the other hand used an offense heavy on chops and lariats looking to beat down Cabana with brute force. Cabana eventually got the Billy Goat’s Curse, but McGuinness was able to get to the ropes to break it up. Cabana went for a flying asshole but Nigel moved and Cabana crashed into the turnbuckles as McGuinness hit the ropes and nailed the Jawbreaker Lariat to keep the title. 45


Backstage Jim Cornette goes into the CZW locker room and congratulates Chris Hero for finding a way to cheat his way into winning his match tonight. He says if anything like that happens in the main event tonight the Kings of Wrestling will lose their title opportunity and Super Dragon will be permanently banned from ever appearing in ROH. Hero says he doesn’t know what Cornette is talking about but don’t worry about it, Super Dragon is going to beat Bryan Danielson clean as a whistle, and Cornette is going to have to death with CZW owning the ROH World Title and Tag Titles. 49


Homicide defeated AJ Styles by pinfall after a Cop Killah.

Homicide started the match out hot with a big dive on to Styles as AJ made his entrance. Homicide then laid into Styles on the outside for a bit until AJ was able to turn things around with a Pele kick. Back in the ring Styles went on the offensive. Styles went for the Styles Clash but Homicide was able to block it and reverse it into a Cop Killah for the win. 45


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Briscoes defeated The Embassy w/Prince Nana by pinfall when Jay pinned Shelley following a Spike J Driller to win the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

The Briscoes were fired up for their chance tot take home the belts and it showed as they wrestled with a high energy level the whole match. The Embassy used all the heel tactics possible to retain the titles. In the end Prince Nana went to hit Mark with his crown but Mark ducked and instead Nana decked Jimmy Rave. The Briscoes then tossed Nana out of the ring and grabbed Shelley and planted him with the Spike J-Driller for the pinfall and the victory. 53


Backstage Sterling James Keenan catches up with Homicide. Keenan asks Homicide how it feels to get the big win over AJ Styles tonight. Homicide says he told AJ Styles this wasn’t TNA and that AJ may be better at politics, but Homicide is the better wrestler. He says Styles now has 2 choices, he can accept that Homicide is the better man and move on, or he can continue to act like a problem and Homicide will have to put him down. 35


ROH World Championship Match

Bryan Danielson defeated Super Dragon by submission with Cattle Mutilation to retain the ROH World Championship.

To double down on his no outside interference decree, Jim Cornette placed, BJ Whitmer, Adam Pearce, Christopher Daniels, and The Briscoe Brothers around the ring to make sure nobody could get in to interfere. The match itself was a clash of styles as Super Dragon tried to take Danielson down with big strikes and power moves, while Danielson attempted to wear Super Dragon out with submissions targeting his arms. In the end no outside interference was even attempted and Danielson was able to hit a dragon suplex for a pin, then use Super Dragon’s kickout of the suplex to lock in Cattle Mutilation to secure the victory. 59


Show Rating: 56

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Update on the future of this dynasty.


First of all, I'd like to thank BHK1978 for the well wishes, and his overall following of this, it means a lot. Secondly, as you can tell by the delays in getting this posted, the health problem I referenced is effecting my abilities to get this done because of the time the doctor's appointments are consuming. So I am not ending, this journal, but for at least the next month-month and a half while I am about to have surgery and recover from it, my once a week updates will be much more sporadic. I have a lot of plans for this save still, but right now I just have other things that need my attention.

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