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I'm approaching the King of Kings, and I'm toying with the idea of making the tournament winner defend the the title in every match leading up to Total Mayhem. The explanation of it is that if you're ready to challenge for the World Heavyweight championship, you should be ready to put it on the line and beat everyone to do so.


I'm already thinking of various storylines I could run, like having the winner lose it early on and go on a run where he has to regain his confidence, and eventually the title right before Total Mayhem. Maybe I could even have a cocky heel like Freddy Huggins be the one to lose his confidence, and his journey to regain it will be what causes him to turn face.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Skywalker1976" data-cite="Skywalker1976" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hate that in TCW Ladder Matches are forbidden by the tv representant. Any way to change this?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I tend just to use them at events. Mainly as a blowoff to a feud. Have also used cage, table, strap, Texas death, first blood at PPVs with TCW.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Skywalker1976" data-cite="Skywalker1976" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hate that in TCW Ladder Matches are forbidden by the tv representant. Any way to change this?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Create your own match, amend the risk to suit.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Skywalker1976" data-cite="Skywalker1976" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks! So at events they are fine, because the tv station cannot veto them, correct?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If they don't show it, they cannot veto/complain about it.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MikeSc" data-cite="MikeSc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Total Mayhem just got a 96 rating due to the 99 main event between Aaron Andres and Jay Chord. YES!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's awesome! I'm yet to have a really great rating for a PPV Main Event. Can get around 85-90 well enough but Chord/Hawkins/Andrews/Gauge just aren't quite getting me over that mark, haha.</p><p> </p><p> A year into my save T-Bone is getting ridiculous performance ratings and has got his psychology up to a decent level now. No wonder everyone wants to job to him early on, the guy should be a STAR.</p>
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TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.


Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.

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2005 TCW BLZ Bubb and Eddie Peak


I'm playing as the booker of TCW in 2005. I just signed Eddie Peak to an exclusive written 10 year deal so he will be in the main event for most if not all of that contract. I also have Tyson Baine(BLZ Bubb). Baine's stamina is in the 30-40 range but just pulled off a 92 rated 8 minute Wild Brawl on TV even though he was visibly tiring at the end. Peak has about 50 stamina and is pulling off high 60s and low 70s in the ring. I'm considering putting them together in a tag team and also adding in The Darkness Warriors or The Demons Of Rage into a stable.


What would you do with Baine and Peak? Put them together as a tag team or with other workers or try to build up their stamina as singles wrestlers?


I need my main events to be at least 15 minutes and ideally 20 minutes or longer for my product and I want them both to be in the main events for at least the next 2-3 years...

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TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.


Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.


I posted earlier about my starting feud:


I had Aaron Andrews defend his title against different opponents: Sammy Bach and Jay Chord at Malice in Wonderland, Jay Chord at The War, Freddy Huggins at Battleground, and finally Doc Hammond at WAFTT as Wolf Hawkins' last resort heading into Total Mayhem in May. Felt like natural progression, really: Jay and Sammy start off in a feud, so having them draw for the first contendership and having Aaron face them both at Malice makes sense, as does having Jay asking for a 1 on 1 rematch at The War. Battleground is kind of a throwaway in the road to Total Mayhem so having him face Freddy Huggins who has the pop necessary there also makes sense. And then coming WAFTT, Doc Hammond as the Syndicate's last resort to getting the belt off of Aaron before Mayhem also makes sense - provided he has the pop to main event


And that's how I used Wolf Hawkins during the buildup - to give Doc Hammond enough pop to be a credible occasional main eventer and second in command to Wolf. So at Malice I had Wolf tag with Doc against OMA and Human Arsenal, with Doc pinning OMA. The War, had them beat Mighty Meaty who has high pop. Battleground has AI notes for 4v4 matches, so I used that to my advantage and booked a 5v5 match between The Syndicate and Rock Gods (Sammy Bach's stable), and April was just maintenance, you can have him beat Edd Stone, Sammy Bach, or OMA for example to keep his momentum high going into Mayhem.


Oh, that also made me realize that Total Mayhem is held in May.

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TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.


Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.


Look around in the diary section of the boards for some inspiration. I had Wolf and Aaron go to a draw at Malice, after which Wolf snapped and got roadblock after roadblock thrown at him before he could get back into the title picture.

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TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.


Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.


I had him goad AA into having the title match at Malice, flipped the belt to Wolf and then planned to have AA get the big rematch win at Total Mayhem after jumping through hoops and roadblocks to get there at the intervening PPVs. Anyway Wolf then broke his neck in the Marchand is out until the start of May 2021....


We're now at Malice in Wonderland 2021 and I'm waiting to bring Wolf back in a few months to demand he get his title back, we've done ok in the meantime I guess and should be able to do Andrews vs Wolf vs Gauge or similar at Total Mayhem this time around

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-cite="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.<p> </p><p> Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mentioned this a few pages ago, but I moved the title match to happening at Malice in Wonderland instead. I've been booking a November tournament with a January title match forever though so it didn't feel like a major change to me</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-cite="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TCW is usually my favorite promotion to run, but not knowing what to do with Wolf Hawkins for the 4 months before Total Mayhem has me really struggling. I like the idea of "King Of Kings", and I see this being a problem every year. Not sure how to work around it. Might work with it for a year and then move it to March in year two.<p> </p><p> Any ideas on what to do with him for now? I don't like the idea of having him defend the title shot, but any other program seems a little off.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've booked three draws between AA/Hawkins--a double knockout in January, an iron man match in February, an 30 minute Ultimate Submission in March that got a 90 rating. In April, I did a three-way with AA/Hawkins/Gauge, with AA going over. At Mayhem, I really wanted to do a 1 hour Ultimate Submission, but got a warning that AA would struggle going that long, so I'm doing Hell in a Cell instead. Original plan was to put AA over, but Hawkins has White Hot momentum....also, AA is 90% of the way to guaranteed Hall of Immortals status. Hawkins is only about 45%. If AA wins, he'll face Chord next. If Hawkins wins, either Mo or maybe Zimmy Bumfhole...</p>
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As I has mentioned, I held off on the match til Total Mayhem. Andrews defended against Doc, Freddy and Killer Shark leading up. Andrews beat Wolf at Total Mayhem. From that point on, Wolf as the super heel ended. He still was a heel, but slowly, he's pulling back his tendencies. Him and Doc immediately challenge for the Tag Titles and beat Mighty Mo and Tana in July. They hold them for five months before losing them back to them. Mighty Mo and Wolf then settled things at Malice 2021 in which Mo wins clean. Wolf offers a handshake to Mo, to which he accepts. This angers Doc and Higa as it goes against what the Syndicate stands for. I do s mini tournament in February to determine the next challenger for Andrews and Wolf wins. Leads to a fun build in March where Andrews antagonizes Wolf a bit for the obvious riff in Syndicate while Wolf surprisingly just is focused on beating him. Andrews retains and on the next Total, Doc, Higa and the Greatness turn on Wolf and Flynn. So now Higa is the leader and Doc is second to her and he'll face Flynn at the April PPV, then Wolf at Total Mayhem.
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Well Killer Shark winning it and become a TCW main eventer is better than the stock indy signings filling up and headlining TCW :p Would love to see how you get on with Killer Shark being The Guy in TCW. It might inspire me to give Shark a push as well!


I dig Behemoths/Booth with Peak. I dont think I'll be breaking them up anytime soon. Peak is on his deathbed but is a great talker so you can push Shark and have Booth/Titan team or keep Booth as stable lost post while one pursues a TV title reign & the other a world title reign.


You wanted an update on Shark so he goes it.


It's now May of 2021 and I'm three weeks away from Andrews Vs Shark main eventing. The plan has been to put the title on Shark for a while...expect now we have somewhat of a problem. Since December, Killer Shark has capped out at 70 popularity across the board. His in ring has been fair (out of 10 matches his average rating is 71, but looking at his in ring performance, usually around mid 60s, which is fine because I don't plan on him being a super worker. if he's able to at least hold his own, that's all I care about.)


In angles with Andrews, the rating has been really high and he's at White Hot momentum. Reading the handbook, it does mention someone can be capped if they have poor entertainment and/or in ring skills. The pic I posted about Shark's stats remain the same, though he gained two points in stamina, which got him to 65. Looking at his entertainment skills, he's 60 in Charisma, 55 on the Mic, 51 Acting. So I wonder if this is his cap until he gets these improved. Granted, a year ago game time, I signed Skull DeBones literally after SWF took Peak from me, had him take over Sinner Society and have a hands on mentorship role in Shark so he's cutting promos for Shark(and at times Becca Barton). Point is, looks like I might just have Andrews retain. I do find this to be cool even though it's kinda ruining my plan because it's realistic, it's forcing me to look deeply into the game and it's a good challenge. So that's been really interesting to see.

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You wanted an update on Shark so he goes it.


It's now May of 2021 and I'm three weeks away from Andrews Vs Shark main eventing. The plan has been to put the title on Shark for a while...expect now we have somewhat of a problem. Since December, Killer Shark has capped out at 70 popularity across the board. His in ring has been fair (out of 10 matches his average rating is 71, but looking at his in ring performance, usually around mid 60s, which is fine because I don't plan on him being a super worker. if he's able to at least hold his own, that's all I care about.)


In angles with Andrews, the rating has been really high and he's at White Hot momentum. Reading the handbook, it does mention someone can be capped if they have poor entertainment and/or in ring skills. The pic I posted about Shark's stats remain the same, though he gained two points in stamina, which got him to 65. Looking at his entertainment skills, he's 60 in Charisma, 55 on the Mic, 51 Acting. So I wonder if this is his cap until he gets these improved. Granted, a year ago game time, I signed Skull DeBones literally after SWF took Peak from me, had him take over Sinner Society and have a hands on mentorship role in Shark so he's cutting promos for Shark(and at times Becca Barton). Point is, looks like I might just have Andrews retain. I do find this to be cool even though it's kinda ruining my plan because it's realistic, it's forcing me to look deeply into the game and it's a good challenge. So that's been really interesting to see.


Knowing this then what is the point of keeping the guy around? IMO a big menacing monster is only worth keeping around if he can be presented as a credible threat in the main event while holding is own. But if he is so limited that you won't want to, or realistically can with his pop, put him in the main event then why bother with him?Right now it seems that trying to make him work in TCW is like trying to fit a square peg in a circle.

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Knowing this then what is the point of keeping the guy around? IMO a big menacing monster is only worth keeping around if he can be presented as a credible threat in the main event while holding is own. But if he is so limited that you won't want to, or realistically can with his pop, put him in the main event then why bother with him?Right now it seems that trying to make him work in TCW is like trying to fit a square peg in a circle.


1) He's a personal favorite of mine.


2) He's not that bad. He has more than enough Psych and Experience (78) where he can be carried. I also like the idea of someone like him mixing it up with Andrews, Wolf, Chord, Mighty Mo, etc. The comparison I think about is Golden in TEW2010. The appeal is obvious (high SQ, popularity) but he needed to be carried a bit. Shark is the same. High menace, really good SQ, good athleticism.


3) Another thing is if he doesn't pan out, I have T-Bone, Devine, Freddy, Edd who can step right in if Shark flops. So I see it as a win-win situation. If he works out, I have someone in the main event that's different from the Andrews of the world. If he flops, he can be a solid second tier guy who's already apart of a good tag team with Titan.

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Knowing this then what is the point of keeping the guy around? IMO a big menacing monster is only worth keeping around if he can be presented as a credible threat in the main event while holding is own. But if he is so limited that you won't want to, or realistically can with his pop, put him in the main event then why bother with him?Right now it seems that trying to make him work in TCW is like trying to fit a square peg in a circle.


I usually give up on him pretty quick. Never really figured out why he's as popular as he is when he can't go in the ring at all. Usually let him and Titan leave early in my saves and replace them with better monsters

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I usually give up on him pretty quick. Never really figured out why he's as popular as he is when he can't go in the ring at all. Usually let him and Titan leave early in my saves and replace them with better monsters


Yeah it's what I am doing as well. I just don't like that they kind of make you book yourself in a corner both as a menacing tag team and as a singles monster.


After their program with Mighty Meat is done and they go over... then what? They are nowhere near ready to go higher in the card and also because there are plenty workers more deserving of that push. They don't offer much to lower pop face teams because their lacking in-ring ability means the matches won't score highly so the gained pop is limited.

Only thing left is recycle face tag teams to face them and lose. But this keeps your tag division in limbo.


Meh, just not a fan of them I guess. Massive respect for anyone who can make it work though! I will just wait out for Papa Swoll and Dreadnought to ripen up :p

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