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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Once on WrestleWorld I want to run "specials" like Clash of the Champions every so often - not monthly, maybe 4 to 6 times a year. Would it need to be set up as a TV show with X amount of episodes? Or would it be set up as a second monthly event on the months it runs?
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Once on WrestleWorld I want to run "specials" like Clash of the Champions every so often - not monthly, maybe 4 to 6 times a year. Would it need to be set up as a TV show with X amount of episodes? Or would it be set up as a second monthly event on the months it runs?

I mean, i assume you have a deal with wrestleworld for events, so why not just set up an event like the others? After you do the first, change the date for the event. If you want the specials to feel less than your regular event you can change the intention (? I don't remember the name of that option right now) from normal to lesser.

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I mean, i assume you have a deal with wrestleworld for events, so why not just set up an event like the others? After you do the first, change the date for the event. If you want the specials to feel less than your regular event you can change the intention (? I don't remember the name of that option right now) from normal to lesser.


Normal, Lesser, Tour, and Throwaway are the four event tiers, if I recall correctly.

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I have two brands in my save game and I drug tested the entire roster. Obviously some of these came back positive but most of them are on the same brand. Because of this and the associated fines or punishment the locker room morale for one of my shows has plummeted to around 25%. Obviously this is having a massively negative impact on just one of my my brands.


Is there anyway to get rid of the negative connotations and penalties associated with this low morale. I have tried giving work as bonuses and this does raise the backstage morale percentage a small amount but this drops again massively after every show regardless.


I've altered the backstage rules to give more positive effects but again this isn't enough to reverse the 25% overall.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's having a massive effect on my shows rating

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I have two brands in my save game and I drug tested the entire roster. Obviously some of these came back positive but most of them are on the same brand. Because of this and the associated fines or punishment the locker room morale for one of my shows has plummeted to around 25%. Obviously this is having a massively negative impact on just one of my my brands.


Is there anyway to get rid of the negative connotations and penalties associated with this low morale. I have tried giving work as bonuses and this does raise the backstage morale percentage a small amount but this drops again massively after every show regardless.


I've altered the backstage rules to give more positive effects but again this isn't enough to reverse the 25% overall.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's having a massive effect on my shows rating


Time. It will go away with time as the issues lose their effect on the locker room. You can also try to bring in locker room leader types who can have positive impacts on the locker room.

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Yeah I get plenty. What database are you playing on?


The original database. I should specify because my post was a little unclear, I have had mentor/protege relationships in the save, but I haven't seen one in about four years. My post made it seem like I'm four years in and haven't seen a single one.

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The original database. I should specify because my post was a little unclear, I have had mentor/protege relationships in the save, but I haven't seen one in about four years. My post made it seem like I'm four years in and haven't seen a single one.


Ah! Yes that's what I thought you were saying. I'm stumped then, and I've never played a save for that long yet so can't even comment if I've seen a similar downward trend.

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Not at home, so hoping someone can give me an answer.


I've done a lot of work to the newest update of the 92 mod and I'd hate to lose all that work, but I want to keep everything I've done except the contracts.


If I delete all the contracts and import from the base 92 mod, will that cause any errors? It won't vacate titles or anything? Anything I need to be wary of?

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What's the point of non-exclusive written contracts? They don't seem to have any features that can't be replicated with handshake deals already.


Well, a worker can walk away from a handshake deal at any time. With a written deal (if iron clad), they have to see out the length of the contract.

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What's the point of non-exclusive written contracts? They don't seem to have any features that can't be replicated with handshake deals already.


Written contracts are actual contracts and need to be fullfilled no matter what.

Wrestlers on Handshake deals can just leave, be hired by someone else or request pay raises.


Getting someone on a 6k contract for three years and trippling their worth by year one, is absolutely worth it and they usually only recieve exclusive offers at the end of their Written contract time

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Haven't played in about a 9 months and was about to look at my old save to try to figure out where I left off.


I thought I'd check if there were any patches and what changes they made to game play. Where are they on the new site?



nvm, I found it. oddly, I can't find my save I was playing. I'm missing over a year of game play



one last update that I'm a bit confused on. I did some searching and found that for some odd reason I have 3 seperate TEW 2020 folders, one of which was a back up and has files that are close to if not in line with when I last posted on here so I was able to recapture the missing stuff. No idea why I have that or why I would have moved the active game play files and folders.


I paroozed the logs from my last patch update looks like a ton has changed. Which things affect gameplay the most?

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Haven't played in about a year and was about to look at my old save to try to figure out where I left off.


I thought I'd check if there were any patches and what changes they made to game play. Where are they on the new site?


As always, patches are always in the tech support forum for whichever game you're looking for. Here is a link directly to the patch thread and most changes are documented



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