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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works. If you pre-book something for TV and don’t use it, then you still get a penalty regardless of your settings


At least, that’s how it used to work when TEW2020 first came out. Maybe that’s been changed by a recent patch?


Not sure if it was patched or not (it would be a weird thing to get through testing...) but those options definitely work now.


Where can I turn off fog of war? Can't seem to find the option in TEW 2020


I hate being even mildly confrontational, but in addition to being covered in the handbook, this was answered four posts above yours using the exact same terminology. :(


Can we, like, at least look on the same page of the same thread before asking questions? Thanks. :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Undertaker666" data-cite="Undertaker666" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> If you add a contract to someone in a company that has a developmental company you can change the "In Developmental" stat on the contract to "Yes" and it should add them into the developmental company rather than the parent employer.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This works if I want to send someone to a Developmental company, but what I was asking is if I have a performance center as a training facility, can I send a worker to the performance center via the pre-game editor or is it only available once you start a game?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hammerglenn" data-cite="hammerglenn" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This works if I want to send someone to a Developmental company, but what I was asking is if I have a performance center as a training facility, can I send a worker to the performance center via the pre-game editor or is it only available once you start a game?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think you can, no. At least, I can't find an option for it and the default SWF starts with nobody at their PC.</p>
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Where can I see what contract people are currently on?


When sending people to development, can we no longer choose what to develop? Or if they’re sent to work or develop? They keep saying it’s ‘too small for them’

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Where can I see what contract people are currently on?


On their profile, click the < or > arrow next to the Popularity pane. This will bring up their contract info. Alternatively, to see your entire roster's contract info at once there's a Contracts button on the roster screen.


When sending people to development, can we no longer choose what to develop? Or if they’re sent to work or develop? They keep saying it’s ‘too small for them’


There's no longer the option to tell them what to work on, no. Being sent to development now has limited extra benefit other than the natural benefit they get from working shows. If your development company don't have a TV show, I've found it's arguably better not to send them to development in certain circumstances and just use them on pre-show matches. If you have a performance centre, send them there instead.

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I just hired a new announcer and he appears to have excellent experience with everyone I put with him, even people that I asked to be commentators who have never done it before. Can this happen with certain workers, or is that a bug? Feels really weird to me.
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In the database editor where abouts is the manager set up, ive done some basic fiddling with a database, when i go to run it the only errors are people who ive moved to other companies being set as managers to talents, setting the people ive moved to never manage doesnt seem to work, I cant see anything on the talents database entry about managers
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShikariFC" data-cite="ShikariFC" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In the database editor where abouts is the manager set up, ive done some basic fiddling with a database, when i go to run it the only errors are people who ive moved to other companies being set as managers to talents, setting the people ive moved to never manage doesnt seem to work, I cant see anything on the talents database entry about managers</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's in the contracts section of the editor. You would need to go into the "being managed by" worker's contract screen in the editor and set manger to none if you have moved their manager to another company. For example, in the CVerse, say you moved Hannah (SWF) to TCW, you would need to go into Valiant's contract screen and remove Hannah as his manager to avoid the database error.</p>
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cable subscription.... is that something like HBO NOW, or CBS subscription service?


Cable subscription is like HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. The "premium channels" that don't air commercials. Cable commercial is your CBS subscription service (as well as things like Comedy Central, HGTV, Lifetime, ESPN, etc) because they air ads.

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Just a series of quick questions regarding the Trios mechanics in the game.


Say Person A and Person B have great chemistry when tagging together and now they're put in a 3v3 match with Person C as their other partner. Does the match still get a bonus from Person A & Person B's chemistry?


What if Person B and Person C also have great chemistry. Do the two chemistry bonuses stack?


If Person A & Person B were in a team, would they gain tag experience from the trio match?

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Just a series of quick questions regarding the Trios mechanics in the game.


Say Person A and Person B have great chemistry when tagging together and now they're put in a 3v3 match with Person C as their other partner. Does the match still get a bonus from Person A & Person B's chemistry?


What if Person B and Person C also have great chemistry. Do the two chemistry bonuses stack?


If Person A & Person B were in a team, would they gain tag experience from the trio match?


Nope to all three

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So I have a created company up to 99 pop in the USA and Greg Gauge has been capped at 89 popularity for over a year now. I'm aware this is great popularity but in my company he's just not quite at that top level I want him to be at.


The way I understand the new popularity cap to work is it's based on their ring skills, and it appears experience may have some relevance too im not sure. I have edited some workers to have amazing skills that are really young and they seem to get capped at 70... but that makes sense to me.


Point is... Greg Gauge (unedited) is absolutely one of the best workers on my roster with plenty of experience and charisma and I've got other guys well into the 90s that ARENT as skilled as him in the ring.


I'm sure I'm missing something somewhere does anyone have an idea as to what it could be? Is it just a random thing? Do some guys just have random caps hard coded that others dont? I thought I saw in the help file that thats not how the system works this year and it's based on in ring skills.


I just want to note that I'm fully aware that a pop of 89 is just fine in this game. Not complaining. If thats what he is I'm happy with it. I just was hoping to get him to that iconic status. And really in general I'm just gathering information.

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The way I understand the new popularity cap to work is it's based on their ring skills, and it appears experience may have some relevance too im not sure.


This isn't what the handbook says. Have you tried checking the 'Popularity Caps' entry there?

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This isn't what the handbook says. Have you tried checking the 'Popularity Caps' entry there?


Yes it does say that.


it says first factor is company's size and broadcasting which for me isn't an issue im at 99 and broadcasting is enormous in USA and i have lots of coverage other parts of the world. So I left that out of my post as it's irrelevant to my problem.


Right under that it says it's based on workers skills. Also a hidden destiny value so I guess that could be it as I previously mentioned.

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Question: How is this a thing?




Kanzen just ran their first show in August 2020 and received an 85 overall score. They run their standard product of Lucha Libre Entertainment, match focus is Ensemble and angle focus is Highlights. I don't see any way they should receive an 85 overall. Based on the handbook, the overall rating should be a 43 (match rating of 41, angle rating of 53, weighted against each other 80:20 according to the current product, since AI booking doesn't give any segment lengths and hence can't be weighted according to their actual in-show ratio).


This result makes me feel like either the game is ridiculously slanted in favor of AI companies or the calculation of the final rating is not working properly. I don't mind having my ass handed to me by similarly sized companies, since FCW, CZCW and others are kicking my (PSW's) butt regularly and I simply put it down to being a bad booker. But if a tiny company receives a rating that USPW, TCW and SWF combined have only equaled or topped nine times during the game so far, something feels broken and makes me question the ratings of every other AI company retrospectively.


Or am I supposed to believe that 53 people showed up in Hawaii to listen to Jack Bruce cut an 89 minute promo and went home feeling like they had just witnessed one of the best wrestling shows the US had seen all year? :confused:

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Nope to all three

Thanks heaps! That's too bad since I can be a bit of minmaxer sometimes and was thinking of running a lot of trios stables.


According to the handbook, the third situation would actually be a yes since tag teams gain experience with each other even if they are competing in multi-man tag matches.

I tested this myself just in case and yeah, the tag experience did go up. Thank you!

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Is there a place that lists which storylines you've moved on in a show and which you haven't?


Given you can get dinged for not doing so it feels like the game should tell you if you're going to fail at this.


The booking analysis screen won't list specific storylines, but it will highlight how many you have moved on out of how many needed per show (it's usually listed right under any match aim requirements for a show).

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How do you try to buy another promotion that is in the red?


Go to their profile > Contact > Attempt Takeover.


Question: How is this a thing?




Kanzen just ran their first show in August 2020 and received an 85 overall score. They run their standard product of Lucha Libre Entertainment, match focus is Ensemble and angle focus is Highlights. I don't see any way they should receive an 85 overall. Based on the handbook, the overall rating should be a 43 (match rating of 41, angle rating of 53, weighted against each other 80:20 according to the current product, since AI booking doesn't give any segment lengths and hence can't be weighted according to their actual in-show ratio).


This result makes me feel like either the game is ridiculously slanted in favor of AI companies or the calculation of the final rating is not working properly. I don't mind having my ass handed to me by similarly sized companies, since FCW, CZCW and others are kicking my (PSW's) butt regularly and I simply put it down to being a bad booker. But if a tiny company receives a rating that USPW, TCW and SWF combined have only equaled or topped nine times during the game so far, something feels broken and makes me question the ratings of every other AI company retrospectively.


Or am I supposed to believe that 53 people showed up in Hawaii to listen to Jack Bruce cut an 89 minute promo and went home feeling like they had just witnessed one of the best wrestling shows the US had seen all year? :confused:


Yeeaaahhh, that looks like a bug. No way that should be happening.


Maybe with Tight Focus it would be a decent show, but still nowhere near 85. With Ensemble focus and those other angles it should be much, much lower.


And how the hell did a promotion that can only draw 53 fans hire Jack Bruce? :p


So I have a created company up to 99 pop in the USA and Greg Gauge has been capped at 89 popularity for over a year now. I'm aware this is great popularity but in my company he's just not quite at that top level I want him to be at.


The way I understand the new popularity cap to work is it's based on their ring skills, and it appears experience may have some relevance too im not sure. I have edited some workers to have amazing skills that are really young and they seem to get capped at 70... but that makes sense to me.


Point is... Greg Gauge (unedited) is absolutely one of the best workers on my roster with plenty of experience and charisma and I've got other guys well into the 90s that ARENT as skilled as him in the ring.


I'm sure I'm missing something somewhere does anyone have an idea as to what it could be? Is it just a random thing? Do some guys just have random caps hard coded that others dont? I thought I saw in the help file that thats not how the system works this year and it's based on in ring skills.


I just want to note that I'm fully aware that a pop of 89 is just fine in this game. Not complaining. If thats what he is I'm happy with it. I just was hoping to get him to that iconic status. And really in general I'm just gathering information.


As you know, popularity caps can change now, based on a worker's skill progression (ie, an untalented, charisma black hole is unlikely to have a good cap when he debuts, but if he gains sufficient skill over time, he won't be stuck at the same cap he was generated with like in previous games). But there is still a cap based on their current skills and destiny.


Unedited Greg is a pretty fantastic worker, but he "only" has 74 SQ and his entertainment is around the high 60s/mid 70s. That's really really good, but it's not The Rock or Steve Austin. He'd still need a bit of help from destiny to become a legend, which I'm guessing he hasn't received in your save.


Since the developmental trainer option no longer exists, is there a point to sending veteran workers to developmental?


Since workers in development improve more quickly the same way that any other worker does: by wrestling against better opponents, it will obviously help to have some better opponents down there for them to wrestle against.


But I'm not aware of any specific benefit outside of the normal game mechanics.


Is there a place that lists which storylines you've moved on in a show and which you haven't?


Given you can get dinged for not doing so it feels like the game should tell you if you're going to fail at this.


Booking Analysis screen.

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