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Total Championship Wrestling: Against All Odds

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January 1st, 2020.

BriCo Headquarters, San Antonio, Texas.



BriCo’s offices were far bigger than the ones we had back in California. They had an entire 20 story building to themselves, with different floors dedicated to R&D, marketing, legal team, and the chief staff. And, in the middle of them all, two floors, really out of place as compared to the rest of the building, belonging to Total Championship Wrestling. The first floor, dedicated to our training school, and the seventh floor, for our general offices.


I pressed the button for the 7th floor, but before the elevator left, a couple of higher ups came in, heading towards the 19th floor. They all gave me weird looks and awkward nods, making me self conscious about wearing a blue tracksuit next to their important looking, neat suits. As I step into our offices, I look at the remnants of the New Year’s Eve party being cleaned up. The secretary tells me that the CEO is waiting for me, and I make my way to the back of the room, to the mahogany door that reads:


Kyle Rhodes

CEO of Total Championship Wrestling.


I knock on the door, waiting for a few seconds before I hear Kyle calling.


“Come in.”


I open the door. Kyle’s office was well kept. He had a green sofa with a glass coffee table, a mahogany desk where he kept nothing but his laptop, and a cupboard full of legal books, as this used to be the room of one of BriCo’s lawyers before being passed to us. Which he had apparently never bothered to clean up.




Kyle was sitting on his desk, typing on his laptop, before looking up and realizing it was me. He stood up and shook my hand.


“Hey, Brent. How’d your New Day’s Eve go? You left pretty early.”


“Sorry, I had some more plans with my family. We had a quiet party of our own. Though it was...weird.”


Kyle chuckled.


“It’s weird not being in LA after so many years, isn’t it? By the way, how are you liking Texas?”


“It’s a nice place to live, good place for my kids. They do miss the beach, though, and I can say the same.” I laughed.


“Take a seat.”


Kyle gestured to me, and I took the seat on the opposite end of his desk. He poured us both a glass of one of the expensive whiskies he had developed a taste for, and we shared a toast. This was our fifth January 1st meeting as CEO and head booker respectively, and I knew exactly what his first words would be:


“So, new year, new challenges. What did you think about last year, Brent?”


“I’d say we had a pretty successful year, all things considered, especially by the tail end. King of Kings was hugely successful, and Psycho Circus had a great reaction, especially Wolf’s match with Sammy. Speaking of which, how’d it go?”


Kyle smiled, taking a sip of his drink.


“He accepted the terms, he’ll be with us for the next 5 years. And since Aaron has 4 years left on his deal, we’re set for the next half of a decade.”


I nodded with a faint smile, but Kyle looked at me as if I had asked for his contract to be terminated.


“Something wrong with that?”


“Oh, no, no, it’s great that we’re keeping them in, but the problem is that...they’re all we’ve got, right now.”


“What do you mean? Wolf and Aaron are our largest draws by far.”


“Sure, but do you expect our fans to just accept Wolf and Aaron main eventing every pay-per-view until 2025, trading belts every couple shows?”


Kyle stood there for a second, his smile fading. He looked at his cupboard for a couple second, as if his books were going to tell him an answer. Finally, he looked back at me.


“Not true, we also have Sammy.”


“Sammy is growing old. He’s an excellent hand and still has some good years left in him, sure, but he’s not getting any younger. Plus, he’s only one man. We can’t turn him face and heel back and forth every couple shows so that we can have him feud with Aaron and Wolf back and forth. Kyle, it’s not gonna work.”


Kyle let out a sigh, standing up and turning his back on me to look through his window.


“We have some good guys in our midcard. I’m sure you’ll find someone who could fill in the void in our main event.”


“Our midcard’s growing old, Kyle. That’s another problem. We don’t have star power and our roster is growing older each day that passes. We have some guys already showing their ages, some that I’m not even sure will go past this year. That’s a real problem. I do have some good prospects to work with, but then, what else do we have? Some guys pushing their 40s, looking at their last few years in business?”


Kyle let out a defeated sigh. He walked back to his chair and sat down. He ruffled his graying hair, which I can only guess was accelerated by the stress of running our company and his constant meetings with BriCo execs.


“Alright. What’s your idea?”


“Well, we’ll have to hire some new faces, first of all. I’d say we need to rebuild our tag division from scratch. We can pair some of our stalled guys, sure, but we still need some new faces. Then, we’ll also need to fill up our midcard with new faces. Younger, hungrier kids trying to prove themselves. We might even be able to find a new big star.”


“We’re still working on a budget here, so don’t go crazy. Any of Joel’s guys in MAW that we could call up?”


“Hmmm...not at this time. Most of them are still greener than grass. They should work with Sam for a while longer.”


Kyle nodded.


“Alright. I’ll call Robert and Joel, too. You three will be watching most of the indie shows this month. Robert covers the west coast, Joel covers the east, and you take the center region. Is that all for now?”


“No, boss, that’s all. I’m having another drill with the boys in a couple minutes, anyway, so there’s not much time left.”


“Then, I guess our meeting’s over. I’ll have another meeting with BriCo executives later on to talk about new action figures.”


Kyle let out another sigh, and I could only reply by chuckling at him.


“Hopefully nothing worse than the Mighty Meaty Barbecue line.”


Kyle laughed, for the first time since we started our meeting.


“Oh, Jesus, how did I agree to that one? Alright Brent, you’re dismissed.”


“Thanks, boss. Don’t worry, we’re gonna take 2020 over by storm. I promise you.”


Kyle smiled, nodding.


“Against all odds?”


I nodded back, closing the door behind me.


“Against all odds.”

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship


Aaron Andrews

Since July 2019, 4 title defences so far

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TCW World Tag Team Championship


The Behemots

Since July 2019, 5 title defences so far

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TCW Television Championship


Greg Gauge

Since August 2019, 8 title defences so far

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