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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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Like your Stan Hanson column Not so into the Danger Zone yet, But you do an incredible job of getting workers over in the minds of readers (At least you do with me) Hero and OMG (I love the Gang) vs Cabana & Wrestling III...I'm hoping we now see Wrestling III work his way into the title mix...It should make for great matches based on the style he wrestled with Vampiro (and based on, my thoughts on who III is)... I love the Briscoes, not crazy about maximos...But this is a good early tag team rivalry...I'm looking forward to challenges from Extreme Horseman, British Invasion even team Punishment... I concur with Stallion in regards to Matt Bloom, either a great team or great feud with "The King of Monsters" should be awesome.. I'm kind of rooting for Corino in the Big World title match...He just screams Old school NWA wrestling and D'Lo is doing really well in that Babyface chasing the title roll...
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In dark matches the British Invasion defeated Rainman and Sterling Keenan and Bison Smith defeated Lizmark. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening "The Derailer" Matt Bloom crushes Christian York by pinfall in 2:04 following the Trainwreck (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Cue Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult and out comes Matt Weise.[B]"Very nice job Matthew. You look pretty impressive beating a man half your size. They should probably give you a title shot right now for such a win. Let's me let you in on a little secret, they won't. Men like you and me don't get the respect from the front office. We're not the pretty boys that sell t-shirts and spout cute catch phrases. Beasts are sideshows, not the ones they can sell to their precious TV networks. Here's the thing though....together, we could be unstoppable. We could cut a reign of terror through this company the likes of which this industry has never seen, leaving shattered body after body in our wake. I've already begun that quest, just ask Mike Awesome, I think he's finally out of traction. So what do you think, join with me and be the Rodan to my Godzilla so to speak (Weise chuckles)?[/B] Bloom shakes his head in disgust and goes to walk away before Weise grabs him on the shoulder. [B]"Don't you walk away from me boy. Don't you dare...."[/B] The Derailer doesn't take kindly to being grabbed and nails a stiff right cross on Weise that gets his attention and the brawl is on, two monsters slugging it out. The locker rooms exit and separate the two before greater damage can be done. Weise screams across the ring, [B]"This isn't done Bloom, not by a longshot!"[/B] (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the Briscoe-SAT feud and previewing the ladder match at A Night For Redemption. (C+) [/QUOTE][QUOTE] Becky Bayless is backstage with Team Punishment's agent, Don Callis, [B]"Mister Callis, you have requested this time. What is on your mind?"[/B] Don Callis begins,[B] "Becky this so-called Danger Zone has made a huge mistake. They've awakened a sleeping giant. Right now Tito and Daniel are training in Big Bear for this match and are more focused now that I have ever seen them. They have wanted to have those NWA World Tag Team titles that they have been screwed out of so far. But now...now they HAVE to have the blood of these mutants on their hands! You boys and that dumb broad have made a mistake of Biblical proportions because my two fighting machines are going to rip you limb from limb, never to be seen or heard from again!"[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the second bout of the night, Masato Tanaka defeats Doug Williams with the Roaring Elbow in 12:03. After the match, Tanaka continues to put the boots to the Anarchist as Julio and Trent run down and join in on the beating until the British Invasion run down to make the save. (Match B+, Post Match attack B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the D'Lo Brown - Steve Corino feud (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones, T-shirts blah blah blah (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the main event of the evening, Mr. Wrestling III and Colt Cabana defeat Chris Hero and the One Man Gang by pinfall after III snags Hero in the La Magistral cradle. After the bout, as III and Colt celebrate inside the ring, Hero berates the Gang for not making the save. (B+)[/QUOTE] Show Rating: B
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In dark matches the British Invasion defeated Rainman and Sterling Keenan and Bison Smith defeated Lizmark. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening "The Derailer" Matt Bloom crushes Christian York by pinfall in 2:04 following the Trainwreck (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Cue Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult and out comes Matt Weise.[B]"Very nice job Matthew. You look pretty impressive beating a man half your size. They should probably give you a title shot right now for such a win. Let's me let you in on a little secret, they won't. Men like you and me don't get the respect from the front office. We're not the pretty boys that sell t-shirts and spout cute catch phrases. Beasts are sideshows, not the ones they can sell to their precious TV networks. Here's the thing though....together, we could be unstoppable. We could cut a reign of terror through this company the likes of which this industry has never seen, leaving shattered body after body in our wake. I've already begun that quest, just ask Mike Awesome, I think he's finally out of traction. So what do you think, join with me and be the Rodan to my Godzilla so to speak (Weise chuckles)?[/B] Bloom shakes his head in disgust and goes to walk away before Weise grabs him on the shoulder. [B]"Don't you walk away from me boy. Don't you dare...."[/B] The Derailer doesn't take kindly to being grabbed and nails a stiff right cross on Weise that gets his attention and the brawl is on, two monsters slugging it out. The locker rooms exit and separate the two before greater damage can be done. Weise screams across the ring, [B]"This isn't done Bloom, not by a longshot!"[/B] (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the Briscoe-SAT feud and previewing the ladder match at A Night For Redemption. (C+) [/QUOTE][QUOTE] Becky Bayless is backstage with Team Punishment's agent, Don Callis, [B]"Mister Callis, you have requested this time. What is on your mind?"[/B] Don Callis begins,[B] "Becky this so-called Danger Zone has made a huge mistake. They've awakened a sleeping giant. Right now Tito and Daniel are training in Big Bear for this match and are more focused now that I have ever seen them. They have wanted to have those NWA World Tag Team titles that they have been screwed out of so far. But now...now they HAVE to have the blood of these mutants on their hands! You boys and that dumb broad have made a mistake of Biblical proportions because my two fighting machines are going to rip you limb from limb, never to be seen or heard from again!"[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the second bout of the night, Masato Tanaka defeats Doug Williams with the Roaring Elbow in 12:03. After the match, Tanaka continues to put the boots to the Anarchist as Julio and Trent run down and join in on the beating until the British Invasion run down to make the save. (Match B+, Post Match attack B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the D'Lo Brown - Steve Corino feud (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones, T-shirts blah blah blah (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the main event of the evening, Mr. Wrestling III and Colt Cabana defeat Chris Hero and the One Man Gang by pinfall after III snags Hero in the La Magistral cradle. After the bout, as III and Colt celebrate inside the ring, Hero berates the Gang for not making the save. (B+)[/QUOTE] Show Rating: B
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Nice show, good rating... I like how you didn't waste any time with Weise/Bloom confrotation... Team Punishment needed a little rub and Callis helps out with that in his interview... The British Invasion needed something as well and getting involved with the extreme horseman accomplihes that...(By the way I think Doug illiams may be most under utilized guy you have) Mr Wrestling III gets the pinfall on NA Champ Chris Hero, sets up a singles run here as well as turn on OMG (so there is certainly some intrigue where this is going to go.. Just my $.02, but in this fans opinion your top 5 most over are 1. "The King Of Monsters" Matt Weise 2. Chris Hero (I love his cowardly champion stuff) 3. Steve Corino (He is the World champ) 4. Masato Tanaka (I like him being the guy you have to go through just to get to Corino) 5. Mr. Wrestling III (Great hype and debut and now working his way into title picture)
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Nice show, good rating... I like how you didn't waste any time with Weise/Bloom confrotation... Team Punishment needed a little rub and Callis helps out with that in his interview... The British Invasion needed something as well and getting involved with the extreme horseman accomplihes that...(By the way I think Doug illiams may be most under utilized guy you have) Mr Wrestling III gets the pinfall on NA Champ Chris Hero, sets up a singles run here as well as turn on OMG (so there is certainly some intrigue where this is going to go.. Just my $.02, but in this fans opinion your top 5 most over are 1. "The King Of Monsters" Matt Weise 2. Chris Hero (I love his cowardly champion stuff) 3. Steve Corino (He is the World champ) 4. Masato Tanaka (I like him being the guy you have to go through just to get to Corino) 5. Mr. Wrestling III (Great hype and debut and now working his way into title picture)
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[QUOTE]I like how you didn't waste any time with Weise/Bloom confrotation...[/QUOTE] It was pretty obvious to everyone and it should make for a good PPV match and maybe more. [QUOTE]Team Punishment needed a little rub and Callis helps out with that in his interview...[/QUOTE] I feel bad for Tito and Puder because I had more planned for them and they just got pushed to the wayside a bit. Tito never caught on with the fans the way I thought he would initially but he's starting to come around so expect mor in the near future. Callis is money on the microphone too. [QUOTE]The British Invasion needed something as well and getting involved with the extreme horseman accomplishes that...(By the way I think Doug Williams may be most under utilized guy you have)[/QUOTE] The British Invasion still need to pay some more dues I think, mostly due to Fleisch inexperience and lack of popularity here in the states. I think they'll get there though. I agree with you on Doug but I've had trouble finding his voice so to speak. He's talented for sure but I haven't quite figured him out yet. I agree that he needs more to do than get the crap kicked out of him. [QUOTE]Mr Wrestling III gets the pinfall on NA Champ Chris Hero, sets up a singles run here as well as turn on OMG (so there is certainly some intrigue where this is going to go..[/QUOTE] Expect big things from III after A Night For Redemption but probably not in the way you expect. [QUOTE]Just my $.02, but in this fans opinion your top 5 most over are 1. "The King Of Monsters" Matt Weise 2. Chris Hero (I love his cowardly champion stuff) 3. Steve Corino (He is the World champ) 4. Masato Tanaka (I like him being the guy you have to go through just to get to Corino) 5. Mr. Wrestling III (Great hype and debut and now working his way into title picture)[/QUOTE] I love the King of the Monsters too. He has been the easiest one to write for by far. I've actually modelled him a bit on Hannibal Lechter, being super creepy and intimidating without all the yelling and screaming and still coming across as a bit of an intelligent gentleman, at least that is what I'm going for. Hero is fun too. I've envisioned him as a cross between WCW era heel Chris Jericho and (my personal favorite) the Honky Tonk Man. There is something about a heel who doesn't quite realize that everyone hates him that really appeals to me. Actual Top 5: 1.Steve Corino: He has absolutely exploded in popularity like no one in the company, at least in our two main regions, the mid-atlantic (A*) and the southeast (A). The champ can do no wrong in these areas! The absolute franchise of the NWA. 2.D'Lo Brown: Great chemistry with Corino and a hot feud with him has led to a surge in popularity for the Real Deal as well. 3. Matt Weise: Squashing Mike Awesome really helped. 4. Mr. Wrestling III: III is popular in our core regions and apparantly on these boards as well! 5. Masato Tanaka: Solid All-Around performer for me. No complaints about the Japanese version of Arn Anderson to Corino's Ric Flair. Chris Hero is rising quickly but he's not as popular as these boys....yet!
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[QUOTE]I like how you didn't waste any time with Weise/Bloom confrotation...[/QUOTE] It was pretty obvious to everyone and it should make for a good PPV match and maybe more. [QUOTE]Team Punishment needed a little rub and Callis helps out with that in his interview...[/QUOTE] I feel bad for Tito and Puder because I had more planned for them and they just got pushed to the wayside a bit. Tito never caught on with the fans the way I thought he would initially but he's starting to come around so expect mor in the near future. Callis is money on the microphone too. [QUOTE]The British Invasion needed something as well and getting involved with the extreme horseman accomplishes that...(By the way I think Doug Williams may be most under utilized guy you have)[/QUOTE] The British Invasion still need to pay some more dues I think, mostly due to Fleisch inexperience and lack of popularity here in the states. I think they'll get there though. I agree with you on Doug but I've had trouble finding his voice so to speak. He's talented for sure but I haven't quite figured him out yet. I agree that he needs more to do than get the crap kicked out of him. [QUOTE]Mr Wrestling III gets the pinfall on NA Champ Chris Hero, sets up a singles run here as well as turn on OMG (so there is certainly some intrigue where this is going to go..[/QUOTE] Expect big things from III after A Night For Redemption but probably not in the way you expect. [QUOTE]Just my $.02, but in this fans opinion your top 5 most over are 1. "The King Of Monsters" Matt Weise 2. Chris Hero (I love his cowardly champion stuff) 3. Steve Corino (He is the World champ) 4. Masato Tanaka (I like him being the guy you have to go through just to get to Corino) 5. Mr. Wrestling III (Great hype and debut and now working his way into title picture)[/QUOTE] I love the King of the Monsters too. He has been the easiest one to write for by far. I've actually modelled him a bit on Hannibal Lechter, being super creepy and intimidating without all the yelling and screaming and still coming across as a bit of an intelligent gentleman, at least that is what I'm going for. Hero is fun too. I've envisioned him as a cross between WCW era heel Chris Jericho and (my personal favorite) the Honky Tonk Man. There is something about a heel who doesn't quite realize that everyone hates him that really appeals to me. Actual Top 5: 1.Steve Corino: He has absolutely exploded in popularity like no one in the company, at least in our two main regions, the mid-atlantic (A*) and the southeast (A). The champ can do no wrong in these areas! The absolute franchise of the NWA. 2.D'Lo Brown: Great chemistry with Corino and a hot feud with him has led to a surge in popularity for the Real Deal as well. 3. Matt Weise: Squashing Mike Awesome really helped. 4. Mr. Wrestling III: III is popular in our core regions and apparantly on these boards as well! 5. Masato Tanaka: Solid All-Around performer for me. No complaints about the Japanese version of Arn Anderson to Corino's Ric Flair. Chris Hero is rising quickly but he's not as popular as these boys....yet!
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday September 1st, 2006. Wade Keller: Well Bruce, tommorrow night is the NWA's first pay-per view, A Night For Redemption. What are your thoughts? Bruce Mitchell: I think its an interesting card with a strong buildup on the top and not much development on the bottom. Corino and Brown should be a good main event and the ladder match should be interesting. Not so sure about the rest of the show. WK: I agree Bruce. A lot of it does feel like filler and like they're trying to squeeze people onto the show but the actual matches should be pretty good I think. What do you make of these rumors of a former ECW star making an appearance? BM: I've heard a lot of rumors. Obviously we know its not any of the TNA guys since they can't even negotiate with any of their talent that was there at the time of the split with the NWA. That rules out the Dudleys, Shane Douglas, Raven, the Sinister Minister, Simon Diamond and Rhino. I highly doubt its going to be anyone in the new ECW now either. That leaves a handful of independent guys, Justin Credible, New Jack, Lance Storm, Johnny Swinger, Kid Kash. Nothing that really gets you too excited. WK: I agree and the fact that this hasn't been hyped up leads me to believe its either a BS rumor or its nothing major, maybe something like bringing in a Joel Gertner for interviews or commentary maybe. Okay switching gears to post-SummerSlam storylines, since the rumored DX vs NWO feud is out, what do you think about the much less exciting rumor of DX vs. a Los Boricuas feud.....[/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday September 1st, 2006. Wade Keller: Well Bruce, tommorrow night is the NWA's first pay-per view, A Night For Redemption. What are your thoughts? Bruce Mitchell: I think its an interesting card with a strong buildup on the top and not much development on the bottom. Corino and Brown should be a good main event and the ladder match should be interesting. Not so sure about the rest of the show. WK: I agree Bruce. A lot of it does feel like filler and like they're trying to squeeze people onto the show but the actual matches should be pretty good I think. What do you make of these rumors of a former ECW star making an appearance? BM: I've heard a lot of rumors. Obviously we know its not any of the TNA guys since they can't even negotiate with any of their talent that was there at the time of the split with the NWA. That rules out the Dudleys, Shane Douglas, Raven, the Sinister Minister, Simon Diamond and Rhino. I highly doubt its going to be anyone in the new ECW now either. That leaves a handful of independent guys, Justin Credible, New Jack, Lance Storm, Johnny Swinger, Kid Kash. Nothing that really gets you too excited. WK: I agree and the fact that this hasn't been hyped up leads me to believe its either a BS rumor or its nothing major, maybe something like bringing in a Joel Gertner for interviews or commentary maybe. Okay switching gears to post-SummerSlam storylines, since the rumored DX vs NWO feud is out, what do you think about the much less exciting rumor of DX vs. a Los Boricuas feud.....[/B]
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Just read Fusion, another top quality show. I love the way I rell ant to know who Mr Wrestling III because I really am clueless as you haven't given much away about him. I also like the way you develop the wrestler on your roster who are could be's/should have been's/never were's. Some very good storylines going on in this diary.
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Just read Fusion, another top quality show. I love the way I rell ant to know who Mr Wrestling III because I really am clueless as you haven't given much away about him. I also like the way you develop the wrestler on your roster who are could be's/should have been's/never were's. Some very good storylines going on in this diary.
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[B]9:00 PM EST Saturday September 2ND, 2006 The Silver Spurs Arena, Kissimmee, Florida[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking live at the jam-packed Silver Spurs Arena in Central Florida. Tonight however, it is the center of the wrestling universe because tonight is A Night For Redemption! I am your host Scott Hudson and I am joined once again by legendary manager of champions, Mister James E. Cornette. Jim, I know you're as excited as I am for this watershed moment for the NWA." "Absolutely Scott. This isn't just a huge moment for the NWA, but a huge moment for the entire wrestling industry, for all the fans of wrestling, and for all the great competitors of this great sport. Tonight a message goes out that there is a new company on the block! A company where talent and performance are rewarded! A company where I promise you will never see any of our fighters kissing a sixty year old owner's ass! A company where you won't see guys holding back their best efforts to make their champion/ owner look better. Tonight, the oldest sanctioning body in wrestling is here to announce that we are back from the dead! Tonight you are all witness to what is hopefully the beginning of the end of that mind-numbing, intelligence-insulting sports entertainment crap! Tonight isn't just a Night For Redemption for Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown and Matt Weise and Masato Tanaka and all the rest of the hardest working crew in the sport. Tonight is a Night For Redemption for this whole industry. Tonight we are one step closer to reclaiming the legacy of this great sport and I for one, can't wait!" "I can't say it better than that Jim. Let's throw it to the lovely Lauren Jones for a special announcement."[/B] The theme song of[B] A Night For Redemption[/B] is [B]One Step Closer[/B] by [B]Linkin Park[/B]. [CENTER][/CENTER]
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[B]9:00 PM EST Saturday September 2ND, 2006 The Silver Spurs Arena, Kissimmee, Florida[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking live at the jam-packed Silver Spurs Arena in Central Florida. Tonight however, it is the center of the wrestling universe because tonight is A Night For Redemption! I am your host Scott Hudson and I am joined once again by legendary manager of champions, Mister James E. Cornette. Jim, I know you're as excited as I am for this watershed moment for the NWA." "Absolutely Scott. This isn't just a huge moment for the NWA, but a huge moment for the entire wrestling industry, for all the fans of wrestling, and for all the great competitors of this great sport. Tonight a message goes out that there is a new company on the block! A company where talent and performance are rewarded! A company where I promise you will never see any of our fighters kissing a sixty year old owner's ass! A company where you won't see guys holding back their best efforts to make their champion/ owner look better. Tonight, the oldest sanctioning body in wrestling is here to announce that we are back from the dead! Tonight you are all witness to what is hopefully the beginning of the end of that mind-numbing, intelligence-insulting sports entertainment crap! Tonight isn't just a Night For Redemption for Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown and Matt Weise and Masato Tanaka and all the rest of the hardest working crew in the sport. Tonight is a Night For Redemption for this whole industry. Tonight we are one step closer to reclaiming the legacy of this great sport and I for one, can't wait!" "I can't say it better than that Jim. Let's throw it to the lovely Lauren Jones for a special announcement."[/B] The theme song of[B] A Night For Redemption[/B] is [B]One Step Closer[/B] by [B]Linkin Park[/B]. [CENTER][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]Lauren Jones is standing in the center of the ring with a microphone. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, the NWA is proud to present, the Godfather of Soul, the Hardest Workin' Man in Showbiz, Mister James Brown!"[/B] [CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="1"]James Brown brings down the house with a stunning rendition of LIVING IN AMERICA[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Camera cuts back to Scott Hudson and Jim Cornette at ringside. [B]"Wow Jim, what a coup by the NWA to get a superstar like James Brown for tonight's epic event! "That's right Scott, an amazing performance by a legendary star! Now its time for some great NWA action. Let's go backstage with Becky Bayless who is with the Xtreme Horsemen." [/B] [B]"Thanks guys. I'm here with Masato Tanaka, Trent Acid, Jack Victory, and [/B](a look of disgust crosses her face.) [B].....Julio Dinero. Masato, what are you thoughts about this big six man tag against Doug Williams and the British Invasion?"[/B] Becky holds the mic in front of Tanaka who stares blankly at her and says nothing. Trent Acid pulls the microphone closer to him. "[B]Um....he doesn't speak english there Einstein. To answer your question though, its a joke that Julio and myself aren't challenging for the NWA tag team titles while those idiots Hose A and Hose B Maximo are. So what are we going to do? We're going to take it out on those tea and crumpet, fish and chip eatin' limey Brits. Doug, Jody, Nigel....you picked the wrong night to be facing us boys."[/B] Julio takes the microphone. [B]"And after tonight Becky if you want, you and me could head over to Disney World and have some fun.....or we could head back to my hotel room and I can ride the Giant Tea Cups there."[/B] The rest of the Horsemen stare blankly at Julio, even Masato looks more befuddled than usual. Becky, looking majorly skeeved out, yanks the microphone away from Julio. [B]"I have no idea what that means but it sounds gross. Scott, Jim, back to you guys."[/B](B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, the Xtreme Horsemen defeat Doug Williams and the British Invasion by pinfall in 13:02. The end came when Trent nailed Nigel with the Acid Reflux and scored the one two three. (B) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Bison Smith upsets La Parka by pinfall in 8:42 with the Bisontenial. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting Tito Ortiz and Daniel Puder's training routine in Big Bear. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, the cameraman catches up with the Danger Zone in their locker room. Allison Danger has a microphone and is flanked by the Messiah and the Necro Butcher whose expression are beyond serious. [B]"So are we supposed to be scared of that? Tito and Danny have some expensive workout machines, some fancy sparring routine. Is that really supposed to intimidate us? These two men have gone through hell in this business and they've come out stronger for it. William has broken bones. He's shed blood. He has lost his goddamn thumb because this business! Dylan has been put through tables, been slashed with barbed wire, had glass shattered on him. What can you two idiots do to them that hasn't already been done? NOTHING! Don Callis, you say that your team wants...no NEEDS to get our blood their hands. They're welcome to try but remind them of the price its going to take to do that.....make sure they're prepared to shed their own blood. The Danger Zone has left them broken and beaten once before. I have a hunch the same thing and worse will befall them tonight. Something wicked this way comes. Unfortunately for Team Punishment, its too late to get out the way.[/B]" She drops the microphone and the Danger Zone leave the locker room, walking out into the hall...... (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] ....where they walk right into a sneak attack by Team Punishment. The two teams violently brawl throughout the hallway making their way through the curtain and out into the walkway to the ring where referee Brian Hebner calls for the bell to start the match..... (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Team Punishment defeats the Danger Zone by DQ in 14:21. The two teams brawled and we on the verge of a double DQ seemingly the entire bout although referee Brian Hebner, sensing the passion of the two teams, let them get a way with a lot more than normal. As Tito and the Butcher were brawling outside the ring, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder slapped the Keylock on the Messiah who seemed on the verge of tapping when Ridin' by Chamillionaire started playing and out from the crowd came New Jack wielding a kendo stick. That kendo stick quickly met with Puder's skull after which Hebner called for the bell. New Jack grabbed the ref by the shirt and said, [B]" You get the (bleep) out of here before I kick the livin' (bleep) out of you!"[/B] before tossing him down to the ground. The Danger Zone and New Jack then proceeded to give a nasty, bloody beatdown to Team Punishment including Don Callis. Officials poured out of the locker room but not in time to help Tito, Daniel and Don who all needed to be stretchered out as the Danger Zone left through the crowd. (Match B-, Attack B) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, the cameraman catches Matt Weise watching the beatdown on one of the monitors. He turns to the cameraman and goes, [B]"Beautiful wasn't it? A stunning symphony showcasing the sweet science of sheer sadism. [/B](Weise laughs.) [B]A prime example of what is about to happen to 'the Little Engine That Could". Bloom, your time is up courtesy of the King of the Monsters."[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Matt Weise defeats Matt Bloom by pinfall in 8:34 following the Stump Grinder. After the bout Weise tried to further rough up 'the Derailer' but Bloom recovered enough and managed to toss 'the King of the Monsters' out of the ring. Surprisingly, Weise had a small smile on his face when he got up. (Match B, Failed Attack B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the events between Chris Hero, the One Man Gang, Colt Cabana, and Mr. Wrestling III. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Colt Cabana is shown backstage shaking hands and getting his picture taken with James Brown, obviously extremely excited by the legend's presence. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Enter the Heroes begins to plays and the arena goes dark. Once again a single spotlight shines on Mr. Wrestling III who emerges from the back, salutes the crowd and heads to the ring.[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Chris Hero and Colt Cabana in 17:47 by pinfall. Hero tosses Colt Cabana out of the ring but falls prey to a German suplex by III. As the referee counts to three, Hero gets his shoulder up and III's shoulders are still on the mat. Chris Hero howls in protest as the Gang gets into the ring to point this out to the referee as well. As referee Rudy Charles goes to award the title to Mr. Wrestling III, III refuses the title telling him this is not how he wants to win and rules are rules. Charles reverses the decision and proclaims Hero the winner and still the champion. III goes to shake the champion's hand but Hero looks at his gesture and laughs, leaving the ring having escaped with his title once again. III receives a nice ovation from the crowd for his gesture of sportsmanship. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the matches between the Briscoes Brothers and the SAT which led to this ladder match for the NWA World Tag Team Championships. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Jay and Mark Briscoe defeat Joel and Jose Maximo in 24:56 to retain the NWA World Tag team titles in the ladder match after Mark managed to scale the ladder at the same time as Jose and barely managed to snatch the belt and fall down to the ground just a fraction of a second before his rival. The Maximos offer handshakes after the bout which are graciously accepted. (Match B+, Handshake B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The Briscoes continue to play to the crowd after the SATs leave. Jay and Mark climb up on opposite sides of the ladder and hold the belts high over their heads must to the approval of the crowd. The celebration ended quickly when Trent Acid and Julio Dinero hit the ring and topple the ladder sending the Briscoes crashing down to ringside. The Horsemen proceed to beat down the exhausted champs and take their belts. Julio and Trent pose with the titles before dumping them on the broken remains of the Briscoes and spitting on the fallen foes, their message having been delivered. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video package is played covering the history between Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new Night For Redemption T-shirts (Available now on NWAwrestling.com!) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The camera heads to the back and catches the final preparation of Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown. Corino is calmly getting taped up while D'Lo looks to be trying to work off some nervous energy while talking with Colt Cabana and Mr. Wrestling III. (Corino A, D'Lo B+)[/QUOTE] The Main Event is next!
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[QUOTE]Lauren Jones is standing in the center of the ring with a microphone. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, the NWA is proud to present, the Godfather of Soul, the Hardest Workin' Man in Showbiz, Mister James Brown!"[/B] [CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="1"]James Brown brings down the house with a stunning rendition of LIVING IN AMERICA[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Camera cuts back to Scott Hudson and Jim Cornette at ringside. [B]"Wow Jim, what a coup by the NWA to get a superstar like James Brown for tonight's epic event! "That's right Scott, an amazing performance by a legendary star! Now its time for some great NWA action. Let's go backstage with Becky Bayless who is with the Xtreme Horsemen." [/B] [B]"Thanks guys. I'm here with Masato Tanaka, Trent Acid, Jack Victory, and [/B](a look of disgust crosses her face.) [B].....Julio Dinero. Masato, what are you thoughts about this big six man tag against Doug Williams and the British Invasion?"[/B] Becky holds the mic in front of Tanaka who stares blankly at her and says nothing. Trent Acid pulls the microphone closer to him. "[B]Um....he doesn't speak english there Einstein. To answer your question though, its a joke that Julio and myself aren't challenging for the NWA tag team titles while those idiots Hose A and Hose B Maximo are. So what are we going to do? We're going to take it out on those tea and crumpet, fish and chip eatin' limey Brits. Doug, Jody, Nigel....you picked the wrong night to be facing us boys."[/B] Julio takes the microphone. [B]"And after tonight Becky if you want, you and me could head over to Disney World and have some fun.....or we could head back to my hotel room and I can ride the Giant Tea Cups there."[/B] The rest of the Horsemen stare blankly at Julio, even Masato looks more befuddled than usual. Becky, looking majorly skeeved out, yanks the microphone away from Julio. [B]"I have no idea what that means but it sounds gross. Scott, Jim, back to you guys."[/B](B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, the Xtreme Horsemen defeat Doug Williams and the British Invasion by pinfall in 13:02. The end came when Trent nailed Nigel with the Acid Reflux and scored the one two three. (B) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Bison Smith upsets La Parka by pinfall in 8:42 with the Bisontenial. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting Tito Ortiz and Daniel Puder's training routine in Big Bear. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, the cameraman catches up with the Danger Zone in their locker room. Allison Danger has a microphone and is flanked by the Messiah and the Necro Butcher whose expression are beyond serious. [B]"So are we supposed to be scared of that? Tito and Danny have some expensive workout machines, some fancy sparring routine. Is that really supposed to intimidate us? These two men have gone through hell in this business and they've come out stronger for it. William has broken bones. He's shed blood. He has lost his goddamn thumb because this business! Dylan has been put through tables, been slashed with barbed wire, had glass shattered on him. What can you two idiots do to them that hasn't already been done? NOTHING! Don Callis, you say that your team wants...no NEEDS to get our blood their hands. They're welcome to try but remind them of the price its going to take to do that.....make sure they're prepared to shed their own blood. The Danger Zone has left them broken and beaten once before. I have a hunch the same thing and worse will befall them tonight. Something wicked this way comes. Unfortunately for Team Punishment, its too late to get out the way.[/B]" She drops the microphone and the Danger Zone leave the locker room, walking out into the hall...... (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] ....where they walk right into a sneak attack by Team Punishment. The two teams violently brawl throughout the hallway making their way through the curtain and out into the walkway to the ring where referee Brian Hebner calls for the bell to start the match..... (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Team Punishment defeats the Danger Zone by DQ in 14:21. The two teams brawled and we on the verge of a double DQ seemingly the entire bout although referee Brian Hebner, sensing the passion of the two teams, let them get a way with a lot more than normal. As Tito and the Butcher were brawling outside the ring, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder slapped the Keylock on the Messiah who seemed on the verge of tapping when Ridin' by Chamillionaire started playing and out from the crowd came New Jack wielding a kendo stick. That kendo stick quickly met with Puder's skull after which Hebner called for the bell. New Jack grabbed the ref by the shirt and said, [B]" You get the (bleep) out of here before I kick the livin' (bleep) out of you!"[/B] before tossing him down to the ground. The Danger Zone and New Jack then proceeded to give a nasty, bloody beatdown to Team Punishment including Don Callis. Officials poured out of the locker room but not in time to help Tito, Daniel and Don who all needed to be stretchered out as the Danger Zone left through the crowd. (Match B-, Attack B) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, the cameraman catches Matt Weise watching the beatdown on one of the monitors. He turns to the cameraman and goes, [B]"Beautiful wasn't it? A stunning symphony showcasing the sweet science of sheer sadism. [/B](Weise laughs.) [B]A prime example of what is about to happen to 'the Little Engine That Could". Bloom, your time is up courtesy of the King of the Monsters."[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Matt Weise defeats Matt Bloom by pinfall in 8:34 following the Stump Grinder. After the bout Weise tried to further rough up 'the Derailer' but Bloom recovered enough and managed to toss 'the King of the Monsters' out of the ring. Surprisingly, Weise had a small smile on his face when he got up. (Match B, Failed Attack B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the events between Chris Hero, the One Man Gang, Colt Cabana, and Mr. Wrestling III. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Colt Cabana is shown backstage shaking hands and getting his picture taken with James Brown, obviously extremely excited by the legend's presence. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Enter the Heroes begins to plays and the arena goes dark. Once again a single spotlight shines on Mr. Wrestling III who emerges from the back, salutes the crowd and heads to the ring.[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Chris Hero and Colt Cabana in 17:47 by pinfall. Hero tosses Colt Cabana out of the ring but falls prey to a German suplex by III. As the referee counts to three, Hero gets his shoulder up and III's shoulders are still on the mat. Chris Hero howls in protest as the Gang gets into the ring to point this out to the referee as well. As referee Rudy Charles goes to award the title to Mr. Wrestling III, III refuses the title telling him this is not how he wants to win and rules are rules. Charles reverses the decision and proclaims Hero the winner and still the champion. III goes to shake the champion's hand but Hero looks at his gesture and laughs, leaving the ring having escaped with his title once again. III receives a nice ovation from the crowd for his gesture of sportsmanship. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the matches between the Briscoes Brothers and the SAT which led to this ladder match for the NWA World Tag Team Championships. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Jay and Mark Briscoe defeat Joel and Jose Maximo in 24:56 to retain the NWA World Tag team titles in the ladder match after Mark managed to scale the ladder at the same time as Jose and barely managed to snatch the belt and fall down to the ground just a fraction of a second before his rival. The Maximos offer handshakes after the bout which are graciously accepted. (Match B+, Handshake B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The Briscoes continue to play to the crowd after the SATs leave. Jay and Mark climb up on opposite sides of the ladder and hold the belts high over their heads must to the approval of the crowd. The celebration ended quickly when Trent Acid and Julio Dinero hit the ring and topple the ladder sending the Briscoes crashing down to ringside. The Horsemen proceed to beat down the exhausted champs and take their belts. Julio and Trent pose with the titles before dumping them on the broken remains of the Briscoes and spitting on the fallen foes, their message having been delivered. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video package is played covering the history between Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new Night For Redemption T-shirts (Available now on NWAwrestling.com!) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The camera heads to the back and catches the final preparation of Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown. Corino is calmly getting taped up while D'Lo looks to be trying to work off some nervous energy while talking with Colt Cabana and Mr. Wrestling III. (Corino A, D'Lo B+)[/QUOTE] The Main Event is next!
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Lauren Jones is in the ring with a microphone in her hand. Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown have both made their entrances and are awaiting the official announcements. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the National Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Championship of the World!" [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] "Introducing first, the reigning and defending NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, standing in the corner to my left, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty two pounds, standing six feet two inches tall, hailing from Sea Isle City, New Jersey, he is the King of Old School, Steve Corino!" [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "And the challenger, standing in the corner to my right, weighing in tonight at two hundred and sixty seven pounds, standing six feet one inch tall, fighting out of Chicago, Illinois, the Real Deal, D'Lo Brown! [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "When the bell rings, the man in charge will be NWA Senior Official, Mister Rudy Charles."[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Rudy Charles calls both men into the center of the ring and Lauren Jones holds the microphone for him during final instructions. [B]"Okay men, I want a good, clean fight. On my sign, you will go back to you corner and when the bell rings come out fighting. Are there any questions?"[/B] Both men shake their heads no. There is no attempt at a handshake. Corino looks calm and collected, D'Lo excited and full of energy. [B]"Its time then. Good luck to you both."[/B] [B] DING DING DING[/B]
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Lauren Jones is in the ring with a microphone in her hand. Steve Corino and D'Lo Brown have both made their entrances and are awaiting the official announcements. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the National Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Championship of the World!" [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] "Introducing first, the reigning and defending NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, standing in the corner to my left, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty two pounds, standing six feet two inches tall, hailing from Sea Isle City, New Jersey, he is the King of Old School, Steve Corino!" [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "And the challenger, standing in the corner to my right, weighing in tonight at two hundred and sixty seven pounds, standing six feet one inch tall, fighting out of Chicago, Illinois, the Real Deal, D'Lo Brown! [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "When the bell rings, the man in charge will be NWA Senior Official, Mister Rudy Charles."[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Rudy Charles calls both men into the center of the ring and Lauren Jones holds the microphone for him during final instructions. [B]"Okay men, I want a good, clean fight. On my sign, you will go back to you corner and when the bell rings come out fighting. Are there any questions?"[/B] Both men shake their heads no. There is no attempt at a handshake. Corino looks calm and collected, D'Lo excited and full of energy. [B]"Its time then. Good luck to you both."[/B] [B] DING DING DING[/B]
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Fusion Review - At first I thought you were going with the Bloom/Weise tag team, but then it broke down into the fistfight. I can’t wait to see what kind of match these two monsters put on for the crowd. Classic big man brawl (but hopefully not the tediously slow WWE style brawl). - I see that you take advantage of the game by putting Lauren Jones in a looks angle before the main event. Smart, very smart. - I hope to see a Hero/ Mr. Wrestling III feud here soon. Those two would tear the house down. The show was good, buts its painfully obvious that its very difficult to do a whole lot on just 1 hour a week. It’s the way with TNA right now as well. Well it seems that my prayers were answered when it comes to Hero and Mr. Wrestling III, however in the form for a Triple Threat with Colt Cabana. Now I love Classic Colt as much as the next guy, however its hard to see him in a Title scene. DX vs. Los Boricuas?! I could see the WWE doing something to that extent. Night For Redemption Review - You should have actually created James Brown in your game and had him perform, that would have gotten a sure A+ to start out your show. - Not sure about New Jack. The guy is too much of a loose cannon for any company. - This thing between Matt Bloom and Matt Weise is not over by a long shot. - So does that go down as a loose for Mr. Wrestling III? Shame that’s the way it went down. - Cant wait for the main event brother!
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Fusion Review - At first I thought you were going with the Bloom/Weise tag team, but then it broke down into the fistfight. I can’t wait to see what kind of match these two monsters put on for the crowd. Classic big man brawl (but hopefully not the tediously slow WWE style brawl). - I see that you take advantage of the game by putting Lauren Jones in a looks angle before the main event. Smart, very smart. - I hope to see a Hero/ Mr. Wrestling III feud here soon. Those two would tear the house down. The show was good, buts its painfully obvious that its very difficult to do a whole lot on just 1 hour a week. It’s the way with TNA right now as well. Well it seems that my prayers were answered when it comes to Hero and Mr. Wrestling III, however in the form for a Triple Threat with Colt Cabana. Now I love Classic Colt as much as the next guy, however its hard to see him in a Title scene. DX vs. Los Boricuas?! I could see the WWE doing something to that extent. Night For Redemption Review - You should have actually created James Brown in your game and had him perform, that would have gotten a sure A+ to start out your show. - Not sure about New Jack. The guy is too much of a loose cannon for any company. - This thing between Matt Bloom and Matt Weise is not over by a long shot. - So does that go down as a loose for Mr. Wrestling III? Shame that’s the way it went down. - Cant wait for the main event brother!
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They lock up to start and struggle in the corner. D'Lo grabs an armbar but Corino fights back and grabs a headlock. They lock up again and Corino forces Brown to the ropes, slapping him on the break, causing the crowd to break out in a chorus of boos. D'Lo slaps on a wristlock but Corino gets out with a roll throuugh and a belly to belly suplex. He puts on his own wristlock but D'Lo rolls through and nails his own belly to belly suplex. He puts on a hammerlock but Corino goes to the corner forcing a break. Corino hits with the greco-roman thumb to the eye and follows with a hip toss and an armbar takedown. D'Lo gets out and slaps him back. He hits a the double leg takedown and unloads with a series of rights but Corino gets to the ropes. D'Lo pulls him off and locks on a figure four and slaps Corino as he has it on. Corino gets under the ropes. D'Lo hits a pair of knee drops for two. He goes for his patented D'Lo Brown Bobblehead legdrop and misses. Corino gets a roll up for two. He gets another for one and a half. D'Lo stops his momentum with a clothesline. He puts on the rear chinlock but Corino gets to the ropes again. He droptoe holds D'Lo throat first on the rope and proceeds to choke him using the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, looking to drop a leg on the prone D'Lo but he moves and Corino gets crotched on the second rope. D'Lo comes back with a forearm to the back and hits a butterfly suplex for two. He follows up with a knee lift and Corino falls to the floor. D'Lo follows him out, nailing the baseball slide. Back in the ring D'Lo comes off the top with a crossbody for two. He sets up Corino on the top rope but he blocks the right hand and hits a European uppercut. He stands up on the top rope and hits a diving clothesline. D'Lo blocks the Old School Expulsion and gets a roll up for one and a half. Corino is visably frustrated. He gouges D'Lo's eyes again and puts on the Koji clutch, hooking D'Lo's arm with his other leg when he gets close to the ropes. D'Lo finally drapes his leg on the bottom rope to force the break. D'Lo almost hits the Sky High but Corino slips and goes for a dragon suplex but that gets blocked. D'Lo hits a stiff forearm to the back and puts on the Dragon Sleeper. Corino quickly gets to the ropes. They trade forearms and jabs until Corino surprises him with an uranage and follows up by mounting him and unloading with a series of right hands until D'Lo is busted open. The two men battle back and forth for nearly all of the forty five minute time limit. D'Lo has an advantage and Jack Victory, sensing the end is near hops on the ring apron to distract the referee before Brown can finish off the champ. D'Lo knocks Victory off the ring apron with a left hand but Corino corrals him from behind with a rollup. D'Lo manages however to roll through the roll-up and kicks Steve Corino in the gut, doubling him over. Trent Acid, Masato Tanaka, and Julio Dinero come running out to make the save but get cut off at the pass by the Briscoe Brothers, Mr. Wrestling III and Colt Cabana. Seconds away from the time limit expiring, D'Lo nails Corino with his own finisher, the Old School Expulsion for the one, two, three at the 44:52 mark! [B]"D'Lo Brown is the new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World!" [/B]exclaims Scott Hudson. The Briscoes, Colt, III all pour into the ring to celebrate with D'Lo. Colt and III hoist him up on their shoulders and the crowd cheers wildly. The Horsemen drag their leader back to the locker room, vowing revenge the whole way. Colt and III put D'Lo down and out from the back comes James Brown who takes the belt from ringside and presents it to the new champion. As the pay per view goes off the air, James Brown takes the mic and breaks out into an impromptu rendition of I Feel Good as everyone dances and celebrates. (Match A*, Celebration A) Show Rating: A
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They lock up to start and struggle in the corner. D'Lo grabs an armbar but Corino fights back and grabs a headlock. They lock up again and Corino forces Brown to the ropes, slapping him on the break, causing the crowd to break out in a chorus of boos. D'Lo slaps on a wristlock but Corino gets out with a roll throuugh and a belly to belly suplex. He puts on his own wristlock but D'Lo rolls through and nails his own belly to belly suplex. He puts on a hammerlock but Corino goes to the corner forcing a break. Corino hits with the greco-roman thumb to the eye and follows with a hip toss and an armbar takedown. D'Lo gets out and slaps him back. He hits a the double leg takedown and unloads with a series of rights but Corino gets to the ropes. D'Lo pulls him off and locks on a figure four and slaps Corino as he has it on. Corino gets under the ropes. D'Lo hits a pair of knee drops for two. He goes for his patented D'Lo Brown Bobblehead legdrop and misses. Corino gets a roll up for two. He gets another for one and a half. D'Lo stops his momentum with a clothesline. He puts on the rear chinlock but Corino gets to the ropes again. He droptoe holds D'Lo throat first on the rope and proceeds to choke him using the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, looking to drop a leg on the prone D'Lo but he moves and Corino gets crotched on the second rope. D'Lo comes back with a forearm to the back and hits a butterfly suplex for two. He follows up with a knee lift and Corino falls to the floor. D'Lo follows him out, nailing the baseball slide. Back in the ring D'Lo comes off the top with a crossbody for two. He sets up Corino on the top rope but he blocks the right hand and hits a European uppercut. He stands up on the top rope and hits a diving clothesline. D'Lo blocks the Old School Expulsion and gets a roll up for one and a half. Corino is visably frustrated. He gouges D'Lo's eyes again and puts on the Koji clutch, hooking D'Lo's arm with his other leg when he gets close to the ropes. D'Lo finally drapes his leg on the bottom rope to force the break. D'Lo almost hits the Sky High but Corino slips and goes for a dragon suplex but that gets blocked. D'Lo hits a stiff forearm to the back and puts on the Dragon Sleeper. Corino quickly gets to the ropes. They trade forearms and jabs until Corino surprises him with an uranage and follows up by mounting him and unloading with a series of right hands until D'Lo is busted open. The two men battle back and forth for nearly all of the forty five minute time limit. D'Lo has an advantage and Jack Victory, sensing the end is near hops on the ring apron to distract the referee before Brown can finish off the champ. D'Lo knocks Victory off the ring apron with a left hand but Corino corrals him from behind with a rollup. D'Lo manages however to roll through the roll-up and kicks Steve Corino in the gut, doubling him over. Trent Acid, Masato Tanaka, and Julio Dinero come running out to make the save but get cut off at the pass by the Briscoe Brothers, Mr. Wrestling III and Colt Cabana. Seconds away from the time limit expiring, D'Lo nails Corino with his own finisher, the Old School Expulsion for the one, two, three at the 44:52 mark! [B]"D'Lo Brown is the new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World!" [/B]exclaims Scott Hudson. The Briscoes, Colt, III all pour into the ring to celebrate with D'Lo. Colt and III hoist him up on their shoulders and the crowd cheers wildly. The Horsemen drag their leader back to the locker room, vowing revenge the whole way. Colt and III put D'Lo down and out from the back comes James Brown who takes the belt from ringside and presents it to the new champion. As the pay per view goes off the air, James Brown takes the mic and breaks out into an impromptu rendition of I Feel Good as everyone dances and celebrates. (Match A*, Celebration A) Show Rating: A
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D'LO the new champ.....personally I like the heel champ with face chasing him, but you already did that with D'Lo...Nice buildup...But this fan predicts a short reign with "The King Of Old School" becoming a 2Time champ The Briscoes retaining...I would've predicted...It kind of ends the little rivalry with the maximos (Which was a decent program for the first set of title defenses) but the impending feud with The Extreme Horseman has grabbed my attention as far as NWA Tag Titles are concerned... Mr. Wrestling III wins the title, but essentially hands it back to Hero...I love Hero in "NWA Return To Glory" and this outcome only elevates this program...And the matches between these 2 should be great...Especially if I'm right on who I believe is behind the Mask of Mr. Wrestling III. Weise vs Bloom feud...needs a little buildup for me to get into...Weise is my favorite character...I'm hoping you get into writing for Matt Bloom like you have with "The King of Monsters" Not a big fan of the Danger Zone (yet) and I just have a hard time envisioning New Jack in anything NWA related...But its still early here, so I'll wait and see where you go with this... All in All...Another great show, I love your format and writing style...Keep up the good stuff
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D'LO the new champ.....personally I like the heel champ with face chasing him, but you already did that with D'Lo...Nice buildup...But this fan predicts a short reign with "The King Of Old School" becoming a 2Time champ The Briscoes retaining...I would've predicted...It kind of ends the little rivalry with the maximos (Which was a decent program for the first set of title defenses) but the impending feud with The Extreme Horseman has grabbed my attention as far as NWA Tag Titles are concerned... Mr. Wrestling III wins the title, but essentially hands it back to Hero...I love Hero in "NWA Return To Glory" and this outcome only elevates this program...And the matches between these 2 should be great...Especially if I'm right on who I believe is behind the Mask of Mr. Wrestling III. Weise vs Bloom feud...needs a little buildup for me to get into...Weise is my favorite character...I'm hoping you get into writing for Matt Bloom like you have with "The King of Monsters" Not a big fan of the Danger Zone (yet) and I just have a hard time envisioning New Jack in anything NWA related...But its still early here, so I'll wait and see where you go with this... All in All...Another great show, I love your format and writing style...Keep up the good stuff
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