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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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A Night For Redemption was awesome. You know you're reading something good when you wish you were in the crowd at an imaginary PPV. Keep up the good work Wildfire. Oh btw, would you mind if I stole those pics of the Briscoes for use in my dynasty?(Cheap Plug: WWE: Rebirth, available at all Grey Dog Software TEW2005 Dynasties Forums) I'm using the crappy pics from RaveX's old EWR Pic Pack, and they ruin the whole thing.
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A Night For Redemption was awesome. You know you're reading something good when you wish you were in the crowd at an imaginary PPV. Keep up the good work Wildfire. Oh btw, would you mind if I stole those pics of the Briscoes for use in my dynasty?(Cheap Plug: WWE: Rebirth, available at all Grey Dog Software TEW2005 Dynasties Forums) I'm using the crappy pics from RaveX's old EWR Pic Pack, and they ruin the whole thing.
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com On the heels of the epic events of A Night for Redemption, the NWA returns home to Charlotte. There is a brand new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World and his name is D'Lo Brown. The new champ will be there live at the Cricket Arena as will the former champ, Steve Corino! In addition, the Danger Zone will be in action, taking on the British Invasion and Mr. Wrestling III will square off with Masato Tanaka! You will not want to miss all of the action on the fallout edition of FUSION, live Wednesday night, 9pm only on FUSE!
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com On the heels of the epic events of A Night for Redemption, the NWA returns home to Charlotte. There is a brand new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World and his name is D'Lo Brown. The new champ will be there live at the Cricket Arena as will the former champ, Steve Corino! In addition, the Danger Zone will be in action, taking on the British Invasion and Mr. Wrestling III will square off with Masato Tanaka! You will not want to miss all of the action on the fallout edition of FUSION, live Wednesday night, 9pm only on FUSE!
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[B]Wednesday September 6th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]"Coming off the biggest night in recent NWA history, we return home to Charlotte with a brand new Heavyweight Champion of the World! His name is "The Real Deal" D'Lo Brown and he is here tonight! I am your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette." "Thank you Scott and what a night the NWA had starting with a great performance by "the Godfather of Soul" James Brown and ending with a new champion. Not only is the new champ here but the man he defeated, Steve Corino is here as well and you KNOW he's going to have something to say!" "Absolutely! In addition to that, we have a big match between Mr. Wrestling III and "The Japanese Enforcer" Masato Tanaka! Mr. Wrestling III showed his incredible integrity by refusing to accept the North American title in what would have been a tainted victory." "Well facing Masato Tanaka is not exactly a reward for showing that integrity that's for sure! Also tonight, we're going to have the British Invasion, the high flying Jody Fleisch and the technician Nigel McGuinness, taking on the Danger Zone. We know Allison Danger will be here. The question is will that unstable maniac New Jack be here as well?" "I hope for everyone's sake he is not! Don't you dare go anywhere folks! FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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[B]Wednesday September 6th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]"Coming off the biggest night in recent NWA history, we return home to Charlotte with a brand new Heavyweight Champion of the World! His name is "The Real Deal" D'Lo Brown and he is here tonight! I am your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette." "Thank you Scott and what a night the NWA had starting with a great performance by "the Godfather of Soul" James Brown and ending with a new champion. Not only is the new champ here but the man he defeated, Steve Corino is here as well and you KNOW he's going to have something to say!" "Absolutely! In addition to that, we have a big match between Mr. Wrestling III and "The Japanese Enforcer" Masato Tanaka! Mr. Wrestling III showed his incredible integrity by refusing to accept the North American title in what would have been a tainted victory." "Well facing Masato Tanaka is not exactly a reward for showing that integrity that's for sure! Also tonight, we're going to have the British Invasion, the high flying Jody Fleisch and the technician Nigel McGuinness, taking on the Danger Zone. We know Allison Danger will be here. The question is will that unstable maniac New Jack be here as well?" "I hope for everyone's sake he is not! Don't you dare go anywhere folks! FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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In a dark match, La Parka won a ten man battle royale, eliminating Nosawa for the win. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, Mr. Wrestling III defeats Masato Tanaka by DQ in 6:14. After several minutes of even, back and forth wrestling, a clearly aggravated Steve Corino storms out of the dressing and attacks III from behind. Corino and Tanaka double team him and toss him out to the ringside floor. Corino takes the microphone, [B]"I'm not going to make any excuses. D'Lo Brown beat me fair and square. It was a fluke for sure but it was fair and square. Fortunately, "The King of Old School" prepares for every situation. If you check the fine print of your title contract, it clearly states that if I lose, I am entitled to a rematch.....at the time of MY choosing! And guess what "champ", I'm taking that rematch TONIGHT!"[/B] Corino throws down the microphone and they make their exit. (Match B, Promo A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Matt Bloom is backstage with Becky Bayless. [B]"Matt, thank you for joining me tonight. How are you enjoying your time here in the NWA so far?" "So far so good Becky. I didn't get the result that I wanted at A Night For Redemption but me and the King of the Monsters will cross paths again, that is a certainty. My ultimate goal here is to be the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and beating men like Matt Weise are things I will need to do. I'm trying to find the best competition in the world, be it here and in Japan. I'm looking to fight the best and beat the best. A wise man once said, "To be the man, you have to beat the man." I may not be the man yet, but I will be someday, and that someday will be soon regardless of who is in my way...Matt Weise, Steve Corino, D'Lo Brown...They're going to want to get off the tracks when the Derailer Express hits full speed!" "Okay Matt, thanks for the interview!" "My Pleasure."[/B] (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera shifts and catches Matt Weise watching that interview VERY intently. (B+) [/QUOTE][QUOTE] A video is played showing the attack of the Briscoes after their title defense at A Night For Revenge by Trent Acid and Julio Dinero. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] The Danger Zone defeat the British Invasion by pinfall in 12:03. The Messiah scores the pin on Nigel McGuinness following the Godsmack. After the bout, New Jack and Allison Danger join them in the ring where they begin to rough up Nigel and Jody. Almost on cue, Team Punishment come booking out of the locker room and the Danger Zone bail out quickly. Daniel Puder takes the microphone. [B]" You pieces of crap are really starting to p*ss us off. I don't know what prison you bailed that lowlife New Jack out of but its not going to help you one bit. We have a challenge for your boys Allison. Next week, your three mutants take on Team Punishment!" "You just signed your own death certificate Puder. You guys really are a dumb as you look. I could beat that twerp Don Callis myself. I shudder to think what New Jack could do to him. You got yourself a deal. Something wicked thi....."[/B] Tito interjects. [B]" This way comes....jeez, we've heard it before. Now we didn't say anything about old Donny boy here fighting. He's already proven that isn't his strong suite."[/B] Tito and Puder both cast sarcastic glances towards their agent who clearly looks perturbed. "[B]But....but what we did say, was that you would be facing Team Punishment. I guess you have a week to scour the internet to try to find out who it could possibly be! Necro, that's probably going to cut into your time searching for a girlfriend on myspace who doesn't mind hideously scarred freaks! Have a nice week fellows!" [/B][(Match C+, Save B-, Challenge B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The camera catches Steve Corino leaving the locker room and heading towards the ring with Jack Victory following close behind. His pace is swift and deliberate, his mood tense. He has the look of man looking to reclaim something that was taken from him. (A) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones. T-shirts. Blah (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage D'Lo Brown is lacing up his boots in preparation for his match with Steve Corino. He picks up the belt and takes a long look at it, almost mesmerized by it. He pounds on his chest and points to sky before tossing the belt over his shoulder and makes his way to the ring, displaying the confidence of a champion, previously unseen in "the Real Deal". (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] The two men battle back and forth for almost twenty minutes until D'Lo gains the upperhand and appears to be on the verge of victory. Jack Victory hops up on the ring apron to distract D'Lo and the champ goes right after him as referee Rudy Charles tries to break it up. Corino comes up from behind D'Lo and lowblows him, just out of the sight of the ref. Corino covers. One. Two. D'Lo gets his foot on the rope! Three! [B]"Dammit Steve Corino has just stolen the NWA title! The ref didn't see the low blow and didn't see D'Lo's foot on the rope. D'Lo Brown has just been screwed!"[/B] bemoans Jim Cornette. As Jack Victory goes to strap the belt back around the waist of Steve Corino, Mr. Wrestling III, wearing a shirt that says, [B]"Rules are rules." [/B],comes running out from the locker room and pulls the referee aside. III talks to him for a minute as Victory and Corino try to furiously dispute what he is saying. Finally Rudy Charles grabs the belt and calls for the microphone. [B]"Due to the controversy of this finish, I am throwing out the previous decision and restarting this match right now!"[/B] III dropkicks Jack Victory out of the ring and D'Lo schoolboys a startled Corino for the three count. D'Lo and III celebrate and the Horsemen steam as FUSION goes off the air. (A)[/QUOTE] Rating: B+
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In a dark match, La Parka won a ten man battle royale, eliminating Nosawa for the win. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, Mr. Wrestling III defeats Masato Tanaka by DQ in 6:14. After several minutes of even, back and forth wrestling, a clearly aggravated Steve Corino storms out of the dressing and attacks III from behind. Corino and Tanaka double team him and toss him out to the ringside floor. Corino takes the microphone, [B]"I'm not going to make any excuses. D'Lo Brown beat me fair and square. It was a fluke for sure but it was fair and square. Fortunately, "The King of Old School" prepares for every situation. If you check the fine print of your title contract, it clearly states that if I lose, I am entitled to a rematch.....at the time of MY choosing! And guess what "champ", I'm taking that rematch TONIGHT!"[/B] Corino throws down the microphone and they make their exit. (Match B, Promo A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Matt Bloom is backstage with Becky Bayless. [B]"Matt, thank you for joining me tonight. How are you enjoying your time here in the NWA so far?" "So far so good Becky. I didn't get the result that I wanted at A Night For Redemption but me and the King of the Monsters will cross paths again, that is a certainty. My ultimate goal here is to be the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and beating men like Matt Weise are things I will need to do. I'm trying to find the best competition in the world, be it here and in Japan. I'm looking to fight the best and beat the best. A wise man once said, "To be the man, you have to beat the man." I may not be the man yet, but I will be someday, and that someday will be soon regardless of who is in my way...Matt Weise, Steve Corino, D'Lo Brown...They're going to want to get off the tracks when the Derailer Express hits full speed!" "Okay Matt, thanks for the interview!" "My Pleasure."[/B] (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera shifts and catches Matt Weise watching that interview VERY intently. (B+) [/QUOTE][QUOTE] A video is played showing the attack of the Briscoes after their title defense at A Night For Revenge by Trent Acid and Julio Dinero. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] The Danger Zone defeat the British Invasion by pinfall in 12:03. The Messiah scores the pin on Nigel McGuinness following the Godsmack. After the bout, New Jack and Allison Danger join them in the ring where they begin to rough up Nigel and Jody. Almost on cue, Team Punishment come booking out of the locker room and the Danger Zone bail out quickly. Daniel Puder takes the microphone. [B]" You pieces of crap are really starting to p*ss us off. I don't know what prison you bailed that lowlife New Jack out of but its not going to help you one bit. We have a challenge for your boys Allison. Next week, your three mutants take on Team Punishment!" "You just signed your own death certificate Puder. You guys really are a dumb as you look. I could beat that twerp Don Callis myself. I shudder to think what New Jack could do to him. You got yourself a deal. Something wicked thi....."[/B] Tito interjects. [B]" This way comes....jeez, we've heard it before. Now we didn't say anything about old Donny boy here fighting. He's already proven that isn't his strong suite."[/B] Tito and Puder both cast sarcastic glances towards their agent who clearly looks perturbed. "[B]But....but what we did say, was that you would be facing Team Punishment. I guess you have a week to scour the internet to try to find out who it could possibly be! Necro, that's probably going to cut into your time searching for a girlfriend on myspace who doesn't mind hideously scarred freaks! Have a nice week fellows!" [/B][(Match C+, Save B-, Challenge B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The camera catches Steve Corino leaving the locker room and heading towards the ring with Jack Victory following close behind. His pace is swift and deliberate, his mood tense. He has the look of man looking to reclaim something that was taken from him. (A) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones. T-shirts. Blah (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage D'Lo Brown is lacing up his boots in preparation for his match with Steve Corino. He picks up the belt and takes a long look at it, almost mesmerized by it. He pounds on his chest and points to sky before tossing the belt over his shoulder and makes his way to the ring, displaying the confidence of a champion, previously unseen in "the Real Deal". (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] The two men battle back and forth for almost twenty minutes until D'Lo gains the upperhand and appears to be on the verge of victory. Jack Victory hops up on the ring apron to distract D'Lo and the champ goes right after him as referee Rudy Charles tries to break it up. Corino comes up from behind D'Lo and lowblows him, just out of the sight of the ref. Corino covers. One. Two. D'Lo gets his foot on the rope! Three! [B]"Dammit Steve Corino has just stolen the NWA title! The ref didn't see the low blow and didn't see D'Lo's foot on the rope. D'Lo Brown has just been screwed!"[/B] bemoans Jim Cornette. As Jack Victory goes to strap the belt back around the waist of Steve Corino, Mr. Wrestling III, wearing a shirt that says, [B]"Rules are rules." [/B],comes running out from the locker room and pulls the referee aside. III talks to him for a minute as Victory and Corino try to furiously dispute what he is saying. Finally Rudy Charles grabs the belt and calls for the microphone. [B]"Due to the controversy of this finish, I am throwing out the previous decision and restarting this match right now!"[/B] III dropkicks Jack Victory out of the ring and D'Lo schoolboys a startled Corino for the three count. D'Lo and III celebrate and the Horsemen steam as FUSION goes off the air. (A)[/QUOTE] Rating: B+
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[B]From NWAwrestling.com:[/B] [CENTER]Straight Shootin'[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Well hello there again folks. Its been a hell of a couple of days for the NWA huh? A Night For Redemption went off without a hitch and everyone in the back and in the office was really happy with how it all turned out. Hopefully this is stepping stone to bigger and better things for us. Let's get right down to business. * I have to start by extending a heartfelt congratulation to D'Lo Brown for winning his first World singles championship. I told him to cherish his time on top because it can end at any time. The kid has been through a lot to get to this point in his career and he deserves it. Kudos to him and Steve Corino for the amazing match that they put on at the PPV. * I have to mention the former champ Steve Corino as well. Even in defeat he impressed me and I know he has more great days ahead in his future. He's too damn talented not to. That being said, I don't like the crap him and his boys tried to pull on FUSION. Fortunately Mr. Wrestling III was there to prevent a blatant screwjob. * Speaking of that goofy masked bastard, can you believe someone in this day and age turning down a championship and all the money and perks that come with it because a victory wasn't one hundred percent clean? I don't know of any else who would. From what I have heard, he's taking his responsibility to the business as the successor to Mr. Wrestling II very seriously. With his level of skill, I'm sure gold will be in his future someday and probably someday very soon. * The action in the tag team division is starting to pick up. After an excellent series of matches with Jose and Joel Maximo, the Briscoe Brothers now have the Horsemen, Julio Dinero and Trent Acid squarely in their sights following that ambush at the PPV. Plus no one can overlook the abilities of Team Punishment and the Danger Zone, two tough as nails teams that clearly have some issues with one another. The British Invasion is young and they're taking their lumps now but with some more seasoning, they're going to be a damn good team. We can't rule out the SAT either, they were inches and seconds away from being the champs and I'm sure they'll be back for more. Rumor has it that Gedo and Jado may be back from Japan soon, looking to get a shot as well. Lastly, the NWA is scouring the globe looking for the best teams in the world so you never know who you are going to see. I like the fact that our tag team titles actually mean something unlike the titles of those knuckleheads up north. * To clear up some rumors, there is no word on if and when Vampiro will be back. He needs to get his head on straight before he returns. We don't want him breaking down in the ring again. There's no crying in wrestling! * Look for the NWA to be reaching out to more Japanese superstars in the near future. * I was very surprised that Kurt Angle and the WWE have parted ways but hopefully the Olympian can rest up and get himself healthy. I don't know what his future plans are be it wrestling or MMA but I hope he doesn't rush into anything. That competitive spirit that makes him great could also be dangerous to him. I know that once he's healed, we'd love to talk to him for sure but no one wants to see him risk his life. * Look for some of the young kids we've brought through the NWA system to debut on TV soon. * I had a nice talk with the son of my old buddy Terry Gordy the other day. Ray Gordy is doing well in WWE developmental. The kids got some talent and with some hard work, he could be a good one. I just worry if they'll know what to do with him there. That's it for my column. Till next time, take care and God bless. -STAN[/B][/COLOR]
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[B]From NWAwrestling.com:[/B] [CENTER]Straight Shootin'[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Well hello there again folks. Its been a hell of a couple of days for the NWA huh? A Night For Redemption went off without a hitch and everyone in the back and in the office was really happy with how it all turned out. Hopefully this is stepping stone to bigger and better things for us. Let's get right down to business. * I have to start by extending a heartfelt congratulation to D'Lo Brown for winning his first World singles championship. I told him to cherish his time on top because it can end at any time. The kid has been through a lot to get to this point in his career and he deserves it. Kudos to him and Steve Corino for the amazing match that they put on at the PPV. * I have to mention the former champ Steve Corino as well. Even in defeat he impressed me and I know he has more great days ahead in his future. He's too damn talented not to. That being said, I don't like the crap him and his boys tried to pull on FUSION. Fortunately Mr. Wrestling III was there to prevent a blatant screwjob. * Speaking of that goofy masked bastard, can you believe someone in this day and age turning down a championship and all the money and perks that come with it because a victory wasn't one hundred percent clean? I don't know of any else who would. From what I have heard, he's taking his responsibility to the business as the successor to Mr. Wrestling II very seriously. With his level of skill, I'm sure gold will be in his future someday and probably someday very soon. * The action in the tag team division is starting to pick up. After an excellent series of matches with Jose and Joel Maximo, the Briscoe Brothers now have the Horsemen, Julio Dinero and Trent Acid squarely in their sights following that ambush at the PPV. Plus no one can overlook the abilities of Team Punishment and the Danger Zone, two tough as nails teams that clearly have some issues with one another. The British Invasion is young and they're taking their lumps now but with some more seasoning, they're going to be a damn good team. We can't rule out the SAT either, they were inches and seconds away from being the champs and I'm sure they'll be back for more. Rumor has it that Gedo and Jado may be back from Japan soon, looking to get a shot as well. Lastly, the NWA is scouring the globe looking for the best teams in the world so you never know who you are going to see. I like the fact that our tag team titles actually mean something unlike the titles of those knuckleheads up north. * To clear up some rumors, there is no word on if and when Vampiro will be back. He needs to get his head on straight before he returns. We don't want him breaking down in the ring again. There's no crying in wrestling! * Look for the NWA to be reaching out to more Japanese superstars in the near future. * I was very surprised that Kurt Angle and the WWE have parted ways but hopefully the Olympian can rest up and get himself healthy. I don't know what his future plans are be it wrestling or MMA but I hope he doesn't rush into anything. That competitive spirit that makes him great could also be dangerous to him. I know that once he's healed, we'd love to talk to him for sure but no one wants to see him risk his life. * Look for some of the young kids we've brought through the NWA system to debut on TV soon. * I had a nice talk with the son of my old buddy Terry Gordy the other day. Ray Gordy is doing well in WWE developmental. The kids got some talent and with some hard work, he could be a good one. I just worry if they'll know what to do with him there. That's it for my column. Till next time, take care and God bless. -STAN[/B][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Unright;154458]*goes out and buys a 'Real Deal' t-shirt*[/QUOTE] That's right, Wildfire is moving gear! I don't see anyone buying Stallion or Nevermore's T-shirts! ;) Your T-shirt is in the mail Unright and you also get the complimentary brand new D'Lo Brown NWA Champ Bobblehead Doll! :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Unright;154458]*goes out and buys a 'Real Deal' t-shirt*[/QUOTE] That's right, Wildfire is moving gear! I don't see anyone buying Stallion or Nevermore's T-shirts! ;) Your T-shirt is in the mail Unright and you also get the complimentary brand new D'Lo Brown NWA Champ Bobblehead Doll! :rolleyes:
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com After several scouting trips through Mexico and Puerto Rico, the NWA has signed Eddie Colon, son of former NWA Champion Carlos Colon, and Ricky Banderas to contracts. They will continue to work in Mexico and Puerto Rico as well as in the territories of the NWA. Look for them to debut on the main roster soon.
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com After several scouting trips through Mexico and Puerto Rico, the NWA has signed Eddie Colon, son of former NWA Champion Carlos Colon, and Ricky Banderas to contracts. They will continue to work in Mexico and Puerto Rico as well as in the territories of the NWA. Look for them to debut on the main roster soon.
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[B]Wednesday September 13th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]"The NWA rolls on as FUSION returns to the North Charleston Colosseum in Charleston, South Carolina tonight and we have a great night of action for you! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined as always by the great Jim Cornette. Jim, we have a heck of main event for the fans at home tonight." "We sure do Scott. We have the army of "the Wicked Little Girl" Allison Danger taking on Team Punishment, The Necro Butcher, The Messiah, and New Jack facing off with Tito Ortiz, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder, and a mystery partner. There has been a lot of speculation as to who that will be but tonight we will find out." "Also tonight we will find out the latest on the situation from last week where Steve Corino appeared to win back the NWA title from D'Lo Brown only to get that decision thrown out due to the protests of Mr. Wrestling III. I'm sure everyone involved with have a lot to say. It won't take much to ignite that powder keg!" "Any time the Xtreme Horsemen are involved, you know it won't take much! And speaking of the Horsemen, they will be involved in another big six man tag tonight as Trent Acid, Julio Dinero, and Masato Tanaka team up to face the Briscoe Brothers and Mr. Wrestling III!" "All this plus the FUSION debut of NWA prospect Sterling James Keenan as he takes on Lizmark. You don't want to go anywhere. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, Mr. Wrestling II, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Matt Bloom, the SAT, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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[B]Wednesday September 13th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]"The NWA rolls on as FUSION returns to the North Charleston Colosseum in Charleston, South Carolina tonight and we have a great night of action for you! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined as always by the great Jim Cornette. Jim, we have a heck of main event for the fans at home tonight." "We sure do Scott. We have the army of "the Wicked Little Girl" Allison Danger taking on Team Punishment, The Necro Butcher, The Messiah, and New Jack facing off with Tito Ortiz, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder, and a mystery partner. There has been a lot of speculation as to who that will be but tonight we will find out." "Also tonight we will find out the latest on the situation from last week where Steve Corino appeared to win back the NWA title from D'Lo Brown only to get that decision thrown out due to the protests of Mr. Wrestling III. I'm sure everyone involved with have a lot to say. It won't take much to ignite that powder keg!" "Any time the Xtreme Horsemen are involved, you know it won't take much! And speaking of the Horsemen, they will be involved in another big six man tag tonight as Trent Acid, Julio Dinero, and Masato Tanaka team up to face the Briscoe Brothers and Mr. Wrestling III!" "All this plus the FUSION debut of NWA prospect Sterling James Keenan as he takes on Lizmark. You don't want to go anywhere. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, Mr. Wrestling II, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Matt Bloom, the SAT, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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In dark matches, Rainman defeated Mikey Batts and Dropkick Murphy defeated Christian York. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, Sterling James Keenan defeats Lizmark by pinfall in 7:21 following the STO. (C-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera is backstage and catches the Xtreme Horsemen arriving at the arena by limo. The boys, especially Steve Corino and Jack Victory do not look happy as they storm pass Becky Bayless not even acknowledging her request for comments. Julio Dinero does manage to wink and lick his lips at her though before joining the rest of his crew in the locker room. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played showcasing the ending of the D'Lo Brown-Steve Corino rematch from last week. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Tito Ortiz and "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder are standing outside the locker room talking with Don Callis. [B]"He's here boys, the newest member of Team Punishment, the Pi...."[/B] Tito interjects, [B]"Ah ah ah, not so fast Don. Not in front of the cameraman. I'm sure we don't want to spoil the surprise for the rejects in the Danger Zone. Let's go talk some strategy guys."[/B] The three men disappear into the locker room. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the second bout of the evening, the Briscoes Brothers and Mr. Wrestling III defeat Trent Acid, Julio Dinero, and Masato Tanaka by DQ in 13:01 following interference by Steve Corino. The match was even, flowing back and forth until finally the King of Old School emerged from the locker room and yanked Mr. Wrestling III out of the ring where he proceeded to pound him mercilessly as Jack Victory restrained the masked man. As referee Rudy Charles called for the bell, Acid, Dinero, and Tanaka went after the Briscoes, putting quite the hurting on them as well. The crowd chanted for D'Lo Brown, unaware that he was not in the building due to him being in New York to tape an appearance on the Conan O'Brien show. Corino takes the microphone. [B]"This is what happens when you stick your nose in business of the Horsemen! Mr. Wrestling III, you have messed with the wrong man. That title is rightfully mine and you robbed me of my rematch. Now the goddamn board is telling me I have to go the back of the line and work my way back up to number one contender status! I am in a REALLY bad mood now and that does not bode well for you, you masked freak! Next week on FUSION, its going to be me and you my friend although if I were you, I'd save myself the embarrassment and not even show up."[/B] Corino throws the microphone down onto III's chest and the Horsemen make their way to the back. As he walks past III, Trent Acid picks up the microphone, [B]"One more thing, Briscoes...shine up those belts real nice for me and Julio because they're coming to us REAL soon boys!."[/B] Acid kicks III in the ribs for good measure and drops the mic on his chest again. (Match B+, Attack B+, Promo A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As FUSION returns from commercial, we see the Briscoes and Mr. Wrestling III receiving medical attention. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the brand new NWA Showdown 4 T-shirts (Available now on NWAwrestling.com) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wicked Ways by Garbage plays and the Danger Zone make their way to the ring for the main event. Mosh by Eminem plays and Tito Oritz and Daniel Puder come out from curtain. Tito has a microphone. "[B]I can tell you losers are just DYING to know who is behind that curtain. Just dying to know who is going to come out to help us beat your @sses! Can you feel the excitement Daniel? I know I can!" [/B]Puder grins and nods. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, mutants, freaks, convicts and tramps, Team Punishment proudly presents, standing six foot three inches, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty eight pounds, hailing from the Soviet Republic of Belarus, "The Pit Bull" Andrei Arlovski!"[/B] Arlovski emerges from the back wearing his trademark fanged mouthpiece. He has a towel over his shoulder and Don Callis, who is grinning ear to ear, walks behind him. The three fighters charge the ring and the match is on. [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Team Punishment and the Danger Zone battle to a no decision in 8:46. Referee Brian Hebner quickly loses control of this bout as all six men are constantly in the ring brawling. He finally calls for the bell and bails out of the ring, leaving the animals to continue the fight amongst themselves. They continue to battle as FUSION goes off the air, with the last image being Daniel Puder slapping the Keylock on New Jack and deeply cranking it in, as the already bloodied New Jack howls in pain. (Match B, Brawl B-)[/QUOTE] Rating: B
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In dark matches, Rainman defeated Mikey Batts and Dropkick Murphy defeated Christian York. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, Sterling James Keenan defeats Lizmark by pinfall in 7:21 following the STO. (C-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera is backstage and catches the Xtreme Horsemen arriving at the arena by limo. The boys, especially Steve Corino and Jack Victory do not look happy as they storm pass Becky Bayless not even acknowledging her request for comments. Julio Dinero does manage to wink and lick his lips at her though before joining the rest of his crew in the locker room. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played showcasing the ending of the D'Lo Brown-Steve Corino rematch from last week. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Tito Ortiz and "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder are standing outside the locker room talking with Don Callis. [B]"He's here boys, the newest member of Team Punishment, the Pi...."[/B] Tito interjects, [B]"Ah ah ah, not so fast Don. Not in front of the cameraman. I'm sure we don't want to spoil the surprise for the rejects in the Danger Zone. Let's go talk some strategy guys."[/B] The three men disappear into the locker room. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the second bout of the evening, the Briscoes Brothers and Mr. Wrestling III defeat Trent Acid, Julio Dinero, and Masato Tanaka by DQ in 13:01 following interference by Steve Corino. The match was even, flowing back and forth until finally the King of Old School emerged from the locker room and yanked Mr. Wrestling III out of the ring where he proceeded to pound him mercilessly as Jack Victory restrained the masked man. As referee Rudy Charles called for the bell, Acid, Dinero, and Tanaka went after the Briscoes, putting quite the hurting on them as well. The crowd chanted for D'Lo Brown, unaware that he was not in the building due to him being in New York to tape an appearance on the Conan O'Brien show. Corino takes the microphone. [B]"This is what happens when you stick your nose in business of the Horsemen! Mr. Wrestling III, you have messed with the wrong man. That title is rightfully mine and you robbed me of my rematch. Now the goddamn board is telling me I have to go the back of the line and work my way back up to number one contender status! I am in a REALLY bad mood now and that does not bode well for you, you masked freak! Next week on FUSION, its going to be me and you my friend although if I were you, I'd save myself the embarrassment and not even show up."[/B] Corino throws the microphone down onto III's chest and the Horsemen make their way to the back. As he walks past III, Trent Acid picks up the microphone, [B]"One more thing, Briscoes...shine up those belts real nice for me and Julio because they're coming to us REAL soon boys!."[/B] Acid kicks III in the ribs for good measure and drops the mic on his chest again. (Match B+, Attack B+, Promo A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As FUSION returns from commercial, we see the Briscoes and Mr. Wrestling III receiving medical attention. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the brand new NWA Showdown 4 T-shirts (Available now on NWAwrestling.com) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wicked Ways by Garbage plays and the Danger Zone make their way to the ring for the main event. Mosh by Eminem plays and Tito Oritz and Daniel Puder come out from curtain. Tito has a microphone. "[B]I can tell you losers are just DYING to know who is behind that curtain. Just dying to know who is going to come out to help us beat your @sses! Can you feel the excitement Daniel? I know I can!" [/B]Puder grins and nods. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, mutants, freaks, convicts and tramps, Team Punishment proudly presents, standing six foot three inches, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty eight pounds, hailing from the Soviet Republic of Belarus, "The Pit Bull" Andrei Arlovski!"[/B] Arlovski emerges from the back wearing his trademark fanged mouthpiece. He has a towel over his shoulder and Don Callis, who is grinning ear to ear, walks behind him. The three fighters charge the ring and the match is on. [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Team Punishment and the Danger Zone battle to a no decision in 8:46. Referee Brian Hebner quickly loses control of this bout as all six men are constantly in the ring brawling. He finally calls for the bell and bails out of the ring, leaving the animals to continue the fight amongst themselves. They continue to battle as FUSION goes off the air, with the last image being Daniel Puder slapping the Keylock on New Jack and deeply cranking it in, as the already bloodied New Jack howls in pain. (Match B, Brawl B-)[/QUOTE] Rating: B
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Let's take a quick look at the current roster as of Friday, September 15th, 2006. [QUOTE]Main Event Faces: D'Lo Brown: Old School Face (The Real Deal, theme song:Brand New by Rhymefest feat. Kanye West) Mr. Wrestling III: Masked Grappler (theme song: Summon the Heroes by John Williams)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Main Event Heels: Steve Corino: Old School Heel (The King of Old School, theme song: Battle without Honor or Humanity by Tomoyasu Hotei) Matt Weise: Monster (The King of the Monsters, theme song: Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult) Masato Tanaka: Extremist (The Japanese Enforcer, theme song: same as Steve Corino)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Upper Midcard Faces: Colt Cabana: Fun Babyface (Classic, theme song: Copacabana by Barry Manillow) Doug Williams: No Gimmick Required (The Anarchist, theme song: Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols) Tito Ortiz: Legitmate Athlete (The Huntington Beach Bad Boy, theme song: Mosh by Eminem) Andrei Arlovski: Legitmate Athlete (The Pit Bull, theme song: same as Tito Ortiz) La Parka: Masked Luchadore (The Chair Man of the NWA) Matt Bloom: Hoss (The Derailer, theme song: Crazy Train by Ozzy)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Upper Midcard Heels: Chris Hero: Loose Cannon (Your Brand New Hero) Vampiro: Crazy (Currently on Leave) New Jack: Gangsta (theme song: Ridin' by Chamillionaire) Trent Acid: Ego Maniac (theme song: same as Steve Corino)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Midcard Faces: Jay and Mark Briscoe: Generation Next Nigel McGuiness: Ice Man Jose Maximo: Luchadore Joel Maximo; Luchadore Daniel Puder: Martial Artist (Too Dangerous, theme song: same as Tito Ortiz)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Midcard Heels: Julio Dinero: No Gimmick Required (The Xtreme HeartThrob, theme song: same as Steve Corino) Gedo: No Gimmick Needed Jado: No Gimmick Needed Bison Smith: Hoss Necro Butcher: Crazy (theme song: Wicked Ways by Garbage) The Messiah: Extremist (theme song: Wicked Ways by Garbage)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lower Midcard Faces: Jody Fleish: Show Stealer Dropkick Murphy: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Lizmark: Masked Luchadore Eduardo Colon: No Gimmick Assigned Yet[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lower Midcard Heels: Christian York: Teen Idol Sterling Keenan: Blue Chipper Rainman: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Ricky Banderas: No Gimmick Assigned Yet[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Semi Active Wrestlers: One Man Gang (Heel): Bodyguard Abdullah the Butcher (Face): Gate Keeper [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Managers: Lauren Jones (Face): Girl Next Door Don Callis (Face): Executive Consultant Jack Victory (Heel): Old School Heel Dave Prazak (Heel): No Gimmick Assigned Yet Allison Danger (Heel): Equality Fighter (The Wicked Little Girl)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Stables: The Xtreme Horsemen: Corino, Tanaka, Acid, Dinero, Victory Team Punishment: Ortiz, Puder, Arlovski, Callis The Danger Zone: Danger, Messiah, Butcher, New Jack[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Tag Teams: The Briscoe Brothers: Jay and Mark Briscoe The SAT: Jose and Joel Maximo The British Invasion: Fleisch and McGuinness Trent Acid and Julio Dinero Team Punishment: Ortiz and Puder Gedo and Jado[/QUOTE]
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Let's take a quick look at the current roster as of Friday, September 15th, 2006. [QUOTE]Main Event Faces: D'Lo Brown: Old School Face (The Real Deal, theme song:Brand New by Rhymefest feat. Kanye West) Mr. Wrestling III: Masked Grappler (theme song: Summon the Heroes by John Williams)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Main Event Heels: Steve Corino: Old School Heel (The King of Old School, theme song: Battle without Honor or Humanity by Tomoyasu Hotei) Matt Weise: Monster (The King of the Monsters, theme song: Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult) Masato Tanaka: Extremist (The Japanese Enforcer, theme song: same as Steve Corino)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Upper Midcard Faces: Colt Cabana: Fun Babyface (Classic, theme song: Copacabana by Barry Manillow) Doug Williams: No Gimmick Required (The Anarchist, theme song: Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols) Tito Ortiz: Legitmate Athlete (The Huntington Beach Bad Boy, theme song: Mosh by Eminem) Andrei Arlovski: Legitmate Athlete (The Pit Bull, theme song: same as Tito Ortiz) La Parka: Masked Luchadore (The Chair Man of the NWA) Matt Bloom: Hoss (The Derailer, theme song: Crazy Train by Ozzy)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Upper Midcard Heels: Chris Hero: Loose Cannon (Your Brand New Hero) Vampiro: Crazy (Currently on Leave) New Jack: Gangsta (theme song: Ridin' by Chamillionaire) Trent Acid: Ego Maniac (theme song: same as Steve Corino)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Midcard Faces: Jay and Mark Briscoe: Generation Next Nigel McGuiness: Ice Man Jose Maximo: Luchadore Joel Maximo; Luchadore Daniel Puder: Martial Artist (Too Dangerous, theme song: same as Tito Ortiz)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Midcard Heels: Julio Dinero: No Gimmick Required (The Xtreme HeartThrob, theme song: same as Steve Corino) Gedo: No Gimmick Needed Jado: No Gimmick Needed Bison Smith: Hoss Necro Butcher: Crazy (theme song: Wicked Ways by Garbage) The Messiah: Extremist (theme song: Wicked Ways by Garbage)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lower Midcard Faces: Jody Fleish: Show Stealer Dropkick Murphy: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Lizmark: Masked Luchadore Eduardo Colon: No Gimmick Assigned Yet[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lower Midcard Heels: Christian York: Teen Idol Sterling Keenan: Blue Chipper Rainman: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Ricky Banderas: No Gimmick Assigned Yet[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Semi Active Wrestlers: One Man Gang (Heel): Bodyguard Abdullah the Butcher (Face): Gate Keeper [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Managers: Lauren Jones (Face): Girl Next Door Don Callis (Face): Executive Consultant Jack Victory (Heel): Old School Heel Dave Prazak (Heel): No Gimmick Assigned Yet Allison Danger (Heel): Equality Fighter (The Wicked Little Girl)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Stables: The Xtreme Horsemen: Corino, Tanaka, Acid, Dinero, Victory Team Punishment: Ortiz, Puder, Arlovski, Callis The Danger Zone: Danger, Messiah, Butcher, New Jack[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Tag Teams: The Briscoe Brothers: Jay and Mark Briscoe The SAT: Jose and Joel Maximo The British Invasion: Fleisch and McGuinness Trent Acid and Julio Dinero Team Punishment: Ortiz and Puder Gedo and Jado[/QUOTE]
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Andrei Arlovski...WOW!!!! Nice Addition....(Again, he was a guy I want to use in my diary, which I'm waiting till 2007 to start) He'd be tremendous as a pro wrestler, not sure about his matches, but his look and Name...(Just wondering how much $$$ these MMA guys cost you, compared to pro wrestlers you sign.. Good show... Team Punishment, just took a step up in my book...Still not crazy yet about Danger Zone...I like the budding feud between Mr. Wrestling III and Corino...And good to see DLO on Connan:-) How are guys like La Park and Doug Williams as upper mid carders handling their pushes right now
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Andrei Arlovski...WOW!!!! Nice Addition....(Again, he was a guy I want to use in my diary, which I'm waiting till 2007 to start) He'd be tremendous as a pro wrestler, not sure about his matches, but his look and Name...(Just wondering how much $$$ these MMA guys cost you, compared to pro wrestlers you sign.. Good show... Team Punishment, just took a step up in my book...Still not crazy yet about Danger Zone...I like the budding feud between Mr. Wrestling III and Corino...And good to see DLO on Connan:-) How are guys like La Park and Doug Williams as upper mid carders handling their pushes right now
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[QUOTE]Andrei Arlovski...WOW!!!! Nice Addition....(Again, he was a guy I want to use in my diary, which I'm waiting till 2007 to start) He'd be tremendous as a pro wrestler, not sure about his matches, but his look and Name...(Just wondering how much $$$ these MMA guys cost you, compared to pro wrestlers you sign..[/QUOTE] I like Arlovski's look a lot as well. He wound up costing me around the same as my other upper midcarders. I didn't have to break the bank on him. :) [QUOTE]Still not crazy yet about Danger Zone[/QUOTE] Geez, does anyone like the Danger Zone or are they the Jar Jar Binks of my diary? :rolleyes: [QUOTE]I like the budding feud between Mr. Wrestling III and Corino[/QUOTE] I know a lot of people were looking forward to a series between III and Chris Hero but there are bigger things in store for our masked friend. This budding feud with Corino is just the beginning. [QUOTE]good to see DLO on Connan[/QUOTE] Sadly, he got bumped due to the show running long. Gosh darn Marcia Cross was just babbling on and on about the new season of Desperate Housewives and poor D'Lo gets bounced. ;) [QUOTE]How are guys like La Park and Doug Williams as upper mid carders handling their pushes right now[/QUOTE] La Parka is NOT happy with how things are going. Doug Williams is doing okay although he's not thrilled with all the jobs, but he's not as ticked off as La Parka.:mad:
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