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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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[QUOTE]Andrei Arlovski...WOW!!!! Nice Addition....(Again, he was a guy I want to use in my diary, which I'm waiting till 2007 to start) He'd be tremendous as a pro wrestler, not sure about his matches, but his look and Name...(Just wondering how much $$$ these MMA guys cost you, compared to pro wrestlers you sign..[/QUOTE] I like Arlovski's look a lot as well. He wound up costing me around the same as my other upper midcarders. I didn't have to break the bank on him. :) [QUOTE]Still not crazy yet about Danger Zone[/QUOTE] Geez, does anyone like the Danger Zone or are they the Jar Jar Binks of my diary? :rolleyes: [QUOTE]I like the budding feud between Mr. Wrestling III and Corino[/QUOTE] I know a lot of people were looking forward to a series between III and Chris Hero but there are bigger things in store for our masked friend. This budding feud with Corino is just the beginning. [QUOTE]good to see DLO on Connan[/QUOTE] Sadly, he got bumped due to the show running long. Gosh darn Marcia Cross was just babbling on and on about the new season of Desperate Housewives and poor D'Lo gets bounced. ;) [QUOTE]How are guys like La Park and Doug Williams as upper mid carders handling their pushes right now[/QUOTE] La Parka is NOT happy with how things are going. Doug Williams is doing okay although he's not thrilled with all the jobs, but he's not as ticked off as La Parka.:mad:
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday September 15th, 2006. Wade Keller: Okay Bruce, we're just about three weeks away from NWA Showdown 4 which as of right now, has no main event announced. What do you think that match is going to be? Bruce Mitchell: Well after A Night for Redemption, I would have bet money that it would have been a rematch between D'Lo and Steve Corino, especially after they had such a great match. It seems like now though, they're heading towards a feud between Corino and Mr. Wrestling III. If I had to guess right now, I'd say its going to be an eight man tag between the Xtreme Horsemen and D'Lo, III, and the Briscoes. I'm not positive about that but its my best guess. WK: Speaking of Mr. Wrestling III, can you believe that his identity hasn't leaked yet? This has truly been one of the best kept secrets in wrestling history. BM: I've heard that most of the guys in the company don't even know who it is and that he arrives and leaves the arena wearing the mask. I'm wondering when, if ever this angle will be payed off. Maybe its no one big under the mask so they may not ever unmask him. WK: I can't imagine that it wouldn't be just anyone under the mask if they're putting him into a feud with Steve Corino who is just red-hot right now in the NWA's regions. Switching gears, what do you think of Andrei Arlovski joining Team Punishment? BM: Well I'm not sure about this one Wade. I don't think a lot of fans knew who he was. He's not as big a star as Tito and he wasn't on WWE tv like Puder, not to mention he's leaving the UFC after an embarassing loss to Tim Sylvia. Its not like they stole a Chuck Liddell or a Rich Franklin from Dana White. We will have to see how it all plays out. I'm thinking maybe they just want more legit bad-asses around if and when New Jack snaps and does something stupid. WK: Speaking of stupid, let's switch over to some of the recent TNA booking decisions, including Rikishi winning the X-Division title......[/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday September 15th, 2006. Wade Keller: Okay Bruce, we're just about three weeks away from NWA Showdown 4 which as of right now, has no main event announced. What do you think that match is going to be? Bruce Mitchell: Well after A Night for Redemption, I would have bet money that it would have been a rematch between D'Lo and Steve Corino, especially after they had such a great match. It seems like now though, they're heading towards a feud between Corino and Mr. Wrestling III. If I had to guess right now, I'd say its going to be an eight man tag between the Xtreme Horsemen and D'Lo, III, and the Briscoes. I'm not positive about that but its my best guess. WK: Speaking of Mr. Wrestling III, can you believe that his identity hasn't leaked yet? This has truly been one of the best kept secrets in wrestling history. BM: I've heard that most of the guys in the company don't even know who it is and that he arrives and leaves the arena wearing the mask. I'm wondering when, if ever this angle will be payed off. Maybe its no one big under the mask so they may not ever unmask him. WK: I can't imagine that it wouldn't be just anyone under the mask if they're putting him into a feud with Steve Corino who is just red-hot right now in the NWA's regions. Switching gears, what do you think of Andrei Arlovski joining Team Punishment? BM: Well I'm not sure about this one Wade. I don't think a lot of fans knew who he was. He's not as big a star as Tito and he wasn't on WWE tv like Puder, not to mention he's leaving the UFC after an embarassing loss to Tim Sylvia. Its not like they stole a Chuck Liddell or a Rich Franklin from Dana White. We will have to see how it all plays out. I'm thinking maybe they just want more legit bad-asses around if and when New Jack snaps and does something stupid. WK: Speaking of stupid, let's switch over to some of the recent TNA booking decisions, including Rikishi winning the X-Division title......[/B]
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;155043] WK: Speaking of stupid, let's switch over to some of the recent TNA booking decisions, including Rikishi winning the X-Division title......[/QUOTE] ROFL!!! That's awesome. Still loving this dynasty, it's definately one of the best (And 100x better than my own (CHEAP PLUG WARNING!!! WWE: Rebirth, on a forum near you)) Keep up the good work, I'm dying to find out who Mr Wrestling is.
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;155043] WK: Speaking of stupid, let's switch over to some of the recent TNA booking decisions, including Rikishi winning the X-Division title......[/QUOTE] ROFL!!! That's awesome. Still loving this dynasty, it's definately one of the best (And 100x better than my own (CHEAP PLUG WARNING!!! WWE: Rebirth, on a forum near you)) Keep up the good work, I'm dying to find out who Mr Wrestling is.
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[B]Wednesday September 20th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]"Welcome once again to what is now the Wednesday night tradition. It is time once again for the most action-packed hour on television, NWA FUSION! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette and we are live at the jam-packed Nashville Municipal Auditorium." "And these great fans here in Tennessee are in for a treat as "The King of Old School" Steve Corino squares off with the man he believes cost him the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Mr. Wrestling III!" "In addition to that, Stan Hansen will be here to make a special announcement from the NWA Championship committee regarding the main event of NWA Showdown 4! All this and much more. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, Mr. Wrestling II, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Matt Bloom, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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[B]Wednesday September 20th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]"Welcome once again to what is now the Wednesday night tradition. It is time once again for the most action-packed hour on television, NWA FUSION! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette and we are live at the jam-packed Nashville Municipal Auditorium." "And these great fans here in Tennessee are in for a treat as "The King of Old School" Steve Corino squares off with the man he believes cost him the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Mr. Wrestling III!" "In addition to that, Stan Hansen will be here to make a special announcement from the NWA Championship committee regarding the main event of NWA Showdown 4! All this and much more. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, Mr. Wrestling II, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Matt Bloom, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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In a dark match, Colt Cabana won a 15 man battle royale. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, North American Champion Chris Hero defeats La Parka by pinfall in 11:23 following the Hero's Welcome. After the bout, Hero takes the mic as the Gang stands menacingly behind him. [B]"Another one bites the dust! I am clearly the most dominant champion in this company. If I thought that there was the slightest chance he would accept, I would challenge that coward D'Lo Brown for the World title. I know he won't though so I will have to just continue being the greatest North American champion of all time. You know what the sad part is Gang? Its that all of my millions of fans are getting deprived of seeing their Brand New Hero square off with any serious competition at Showdown 4 since no one wants any part of me. Its really a curse being as amazing a wrestler as I......"[/B] Hero gets cut off as Crazy Train by Ozzy plays and "The Derailer" Matt Bloom emerges from the back. [B]"No competition huh? Well I guess that means you're willing to take on all comers, even someone as unworthy as little old me. I mean you're clearly not a coward or anything right Hero?" "Uh...um...no of course not. I just...I mean...the championship committee....I'll have to check with them." "No need to check with them big guy. I already spoke to Mr. Hansen about this and he said as long as you agreed then its a match. I know you wouldn't want to deprieve all of your MILLIONS of fans Hero." "Well...no...but I mean...of course not but...." "Excellent, I'll see you at Showdown 4 then champ!"[/B] As Bloom departs, Hero rolls out of the ring looking white as a ghost and nervous as all hell, babbling on to the One Man Gang the whole way to the back. (Match B, Angle B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Becky Bayless is backstage with Team Punishment. [B]"Guys last week you and the Danger Zone fought to a violent no contest but it doesn't seem like anything was solved. What happens now?"[/B] Puder takes the mic. [B]"Here's what happens now Becky. Its going to be one of two things. Either those mutants accept our challenge for Showdown 4 or if they're too afraid, then we're just going to have to find them in a parking lot or a locker room or an airport or somewhere and finish this for good!" "What is the challenge for Showdown 4?"[/B] Don Callis takes the mic. [B]"Its really simple actually. At Showdown 4, Tito Ortiz, Daniel Puder, and Andrei Arlovski will enter a 15 foot high steel cage. The question is will the Danger Zone have the balls to meet them there?"[/B] Tito pulls the mic from Callis. [B]"I doubt that one Don. I think Allison Danger is the one with the biggest set in that crew!"[/B] All four men laugh as Becky thanks them for the interview and leaves. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] As FUSION returns from commercial, the screen goes white and graphics written in a neon purple font appear. [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"AT SHOWDOWN 4, CATCH THE NEW WAVE."[/COLOR][/B] (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the events leading to tonight's main event, Mr. Wrestling III "costing" Steve Corino the NWA title and The King of Old School's vicious ambush last week. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Summon the Heroes plays and a single spotlight shines as Mr. Wrestling III emerges from the back. He is wearing a shirt that reads, [B]"Justice was served"[/B]. Battle without Honor or Humanity plays and Corino makes his way to the ring accompanied by Jack Victory. [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Steve Corino by pinfall in 21:09. Corino was about to nail the Old School Expulsion when III slips out and cradles his foe for the one two three. As Corino fumes, III rolls out of the ring looking to avoid another beatdown. Unfortunately for him, he rolls out and backs into Masato Tanaka who unbeknown to him had come out from the locker room. Tanaka levels III with the Roaring Elbow and the three of them put the boots to the masked marvel until D'Lo Brown and the Briscoes come out with chairs to make the save. (Match A, Attack B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new Briscoe Brothers, 'Best in the World' (Available now on NWAwrestling.com!) t-shirts into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Stan Hansen comes out from the back looking quite dapper in his suit and cowboy hat although its obvious this man of action is still not entirely comfortable being in a suit. [B]"Evenin' folks. The NWA Board of Directors have asked me to come out tonight to make a special announcement regarding the main event of NWA Showdown 4. The NWA World Heavyweight Championship has a legendary history. Its been defended by great champions against the best competition in the world in matches all over the globe. At Showdown 4, the NWA returns to its roots as the NWA Board of Directors have named an international superstar as the new number contender to the NWA World championship and this man will receive his title shot at the champ at that event. The NWA is proud to bring this huge match to you, our great fans. At Showdown 4 you will see D'Lo Brown defend his NWA Heavyweight Championship of the World against..........[/B] (dramatic pause) [B]NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/B] [/QUOTE] End of show Rating: B+
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In a dark match, Colt Cabana won a 15 man battle royale. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout of the evening, North American Champion Chris Hero defeats La Parka by pinfall in 11:23 following the Hero's Welcome. After the bout, Hero takes the mic as the Gang stands menacingly behind him. [B]"Another one bites the dust! I am clearly the most dominant champion in this company. If I thought that there was the slightest chance he would accept, I would challenge that coward D'Lo Brown for the World title. I know he won't though so I will have to just continue being the greatest North American champion of all time. You know what the sad part is Gang? Its that all of my millions of fans are getting deprived of seeing their Brand New Hero square off with any serious competition at Showdown 4 since no one wants any part of me. Its really a curse being as amazing a wrestler as I......"[/B] Hero gets cut off as Crazy Train by Ozzy plays and "The Derailer" Matt Bloom emerges from the back. [B]"No competition huh? Well I guess that means you're willing to take on all comers, even someone as unworthy as little old me. I mean you're clearly not a coward or anything right Hero?" "Uh...um...no of course not. I just...I mean...the championship committee....I'll have to check with them." "No need to check with them big guy. I already spoke to Mr. Hansen about this and he said as long as you agreed then its a match. I know you wouldn't want to deprieve all of your MILLIONS of fans Hero." "Well...no...but I mean...of course not but...." "Excellent, I'll see you at Showdown 4 then champ!"[/B] As Bloom departs, Hero rolls out of the ring looking white as a ghost and nervous as all hell, babbling on to the One Man Gang the whole way to the back. (Match B, Angle B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Becky Bayless is backstage with Team Punishment. [B]"Guys last week you and the Danger Zone fought to a violent no contest but it doesn't seem like anything was solved. What happens now?"[/B] Puder takes the mic. [B]"Here's what happens now Becky. Its going to be one of two things. Either those mutants accept our challenge for Showdown 4 or if they're too afraid, then we're just going to have to find them in a parking lot or a locker room or an airport or somewhere and finish this for good!" "What is the challenge for Showdown 4?"[/B] Don Callis takes the mic. [B]"Its really simple actually. At Showdown 4, Tito Ortiz, Daniel Puder, and Andrei Arlovski will enter a 15 foot high steel cage. The question is will the Danger Zone have the balls to meet them there?"[/B] Tito pulls the mic from Callis. [B]"I doubt that one Don. I think Allison Danger is the one with the biggest set in that crew!"[/B] All four men laugh as Becky thanks them for the interview and leaves. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] As FUSION returns from commercial, the screen goes white and graphics written in a neon purple font appear. [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"AT SHOWDOWN 4, CATCH THE NEW WAVE."[/COLOR][/B] (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the events leading to tonight's main event, Mr. Wrestling III "costing" Steve Corino the NWA title and The King of Old School's vicious ambush last week. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Summon the Heroes plays and a single spotlight shines as Mr. Wrestling III emerges from the back. He is wearing a shirt that reads, [B]"Justice was served"[/B]. Battle without Honor or Humanity plays and Corino makes his way to the ring accompanied by Jack Victory. [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Steve Corino by pinfall in 21:09. Corino was about to nail the Old School Expulsion when III slips out and cradles his foe for the one two three. As Corino fumes, III rolls out of the ring looking to avoid another beatdown. Unfortunately for him, he rolls out and backs into Masato Tanaka who unbeknown to him had come out from the locker room. Tanaka levels III with the Roaring Elbow and the three of them put the boots to the masked marvel until D'Lo Brown and the Briscoes come out with chairs to make the save. (Match A, Attack B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new Briscoe Brothers, 'Best in the World' (Available now on NWAwrestling.com!) t-shirts into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Stan Hansen comes out from the back looking quite dapper in his suit and cowboy hat although its obvious this man of action is still not entirely comfortable being in a suit. [B]"Evenin' folks. The NWA Board of Directors have asked me to come out tonight to make a special announcement regarding the main event of NWA Showdown 4. The NWA World Heavyweight Championship has a legendary history. Its been defended by great champions against the best competition in the world in matches all over the globe. At Showdown 4, the NWA returns to its roots as the NWA Board of Directors have named an international superstar as the new number contender to the NWA World championship and this man will receive his title shot at the champ at that event. The NWA is proud to bring this huge match to you, our great fans. At Showdown 4 you will see D'Lo Brown defend his NWA Heavyweight Championship of the World against..........[/B] (dramatic pause) [B]NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/B] [/QUOTE] End of show Rating: B+
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;155637][B]NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/B] [/QUOTE] ...bless you. Sorry felt a childish need to do that. Once again a top notch show and a 3 man tag match in a cage! That'll be brutal. And yes I'm one of the many who still want to know who Mr Wrestling III is but as it's not in your current plans (or doesn't seem to) to reveal him, we're in for a long wait.
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;155637][B]NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/B] [/QUOTE] ...bless you. Sorry felt a childish need to do that. Once again a top notch show and a 3 man tag match in a cage! That'll be brutal. And yes I'm one of the many who still want to know who Mr Wrestling III is but as it's not in your current plans (or doesn't seem to) to reveal him, we're in for a long wait.
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Marufuji, WOW!!!!! The NWA is bringing in the big guns!!!!!! Curious to the cost and his availbility... "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture I love Bloom thowing himself into the title mix...I'm sure The King Of Monsters, is going to have something to say about that... Corino is in a bit of slump, losing title, then to Wrestling III ...Is his identity ever going to be revealed, or are we just going to be left guessing..."I'm sticking with my pick on who III is....But I gotta admit, I like how you keep us all wondering Cant wait till Showdown 4, I like the simplicity of your ppv show titles...Taking from UFC (I think I may go that way myself)
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Marufuji, WOW!!!!! The NWA is bringing in the big guns!!!!!! Curious to the cost and his availbility... "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture I love Bloom thowing himself into the title mix...I'm sure The King Of Monsters, is going to have something to say about that... Corino is in a bit of slump, losing title, then to Wrestling III ...Is his identity ever going to be revealed, or are we just going to be left guessing..."I'm sticking with my pick on who III is....But I gotta admit, I like how you keep us all wondering Cant wait till Showdown 4, I like the simplicity of your ppv show titles...Taking from UFC (I think I may go that way myself)
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;155728] "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture[/QUOTE] See, I thought the same thing. I was like 'Hey, this sounds interesting...'
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;155728] "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture[/QUOTE] See, I thought the same thing. I was like 'Hey, this sounds interesting...'
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[QUOTE][QUOTE]"NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/QUOTE] ...bless you. Sorry felt a childish need to do that.[/QUOTE] Wow! I can't remember any time a booker got blessed before! It was a tough negotation with Marufuji but I do it all for the great fans of the NWA. :) [QUOTE]And yes I'm one of the many who still want to know who Mr Wrestling III is but as it's not in your current plans (or doesn't seem to) to reveal him, we're in for a long wait.[/QUOTE] Here's the inside scoop, this feud with Corino is the start of a series events that may or may not ultimately lead to him being unmasked in the next few months. You'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. :rolleyes: [QUOTE] "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliments. Its really the comments and feedback that keep me going. I know this diary might not be as star-studded as some of the other ones out there but I'm trying to go for as much realism as I possibly can. As for "Catch The New Wave", hopefully this works better than the Danger Zone, the unloved step child of this diary. :o [QUOTE] I love Bloom thowing himself into the title mix...I'm sure The King Of Monsters, is going to have something to say about that...[/QUOTE] He very well might. You might want to check out this week's episode of FUSION to find out. ;) [QUOTE]Corino is in a bit of slump, losing the title, then to Mr. Wrestling III[/QUOTE] The King of Old School is NOT in a good mood these days! He calls at all hours of the morning demanding this and demanding that! I never should have given him my cell phone number! [QUOTE]Cant wait till Showdown 4, I like the simplicity of your ppv show titles...Taking from UFC [/QUOTE] Actually I'm envisioning more like WCW's Clash of the Champions. I may eventually get into subtitling the numbered Showdown event's like UFC does but I think that's down the road. If everything goes according to plan, there may be in change in my 3 PPV, 9 TV special format in the coming months and should be a good changeover point to switch over to a TEW 2007 Diary when it comes out. Ideally I'm hoping to provide some closure to this diary AND have a good point to continue the story on TEW 2007. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again for all the comments and compliments guys! I really appreciate it. It seems like every time I consider bailing out on this, the comments show up and keep me going. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me and remember, "OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS!"
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[QUOTE][QUOTE]"NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!"[/QUOTE] ...bless you. Sorry felt a childish need to do that.[/QUOTE] Wow! I can't remember any time a booker got blessed before! It was a tough negotation with Marufuji but I do it all for the great fans of the NWA. :) [QUOTE]And yes I'm one of the many who still want to know who Mr Wrestling III is but as it's not in your current plans (or doesn't seem to) to reveal him, we're in for a long wait.[/QUOTE] Here's the inside scoop, this feud with Corino is the start of a series events that may or may not ultimately lead to him being unmasked in the next few months. You'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. :rolleyes: [QUOTE] "Catch The New Wave" I love the way you hype it....A simple graphic and I'm like "What can this be all about", I actually have to sit and remind myself this isn't real, because your writing paints a vivid picture[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliments. Its really the comments and feedback that keep me going. I know this diary might not be as star-studded as some of the other ones out there but I'm trying to go for as much realism as I possibly can. As for "Catch The New Wave", hopefully this works better than the Danger Zone, the unloved step child of this diary. :o [QUOTE] I love Bloom thowing himself into the title mix...I'm sure The King Of Monsters, is going to have something to say about that...[/QUOTE] He very well might. You might want to check out this week's episode of FUSION to find out. ;) [QUOTE]Corino is in a bit of slump, losing the title, then to Mr. Wrestling III[/QUOTE] The King of Old School is NOT in a good mood these days! He calls at all hours of the morning demanding this and demanding that! I never should have given him my cell phone number! [QUOTE]Cant wait till Showdown 4, I like the simplicity of your ppv show titles...Taking from UFC [/QUOTE] Actually I'm envisioning more like WCW's Clash of the Champions. I may eventually get into subtitling the numbered Showdown event's like UFC does but I think that's down the road. If everything goes according to plan, there may be in change in my 3 PPV, 9 TV special format in the coming months and should be a good changeover point to switch over to a TEW 2007 Diary when it comes out. Ideally I'm hoping to provide some closure to this diary AND have a good point to continue the story on TEW 2007. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again for all the comments and compliments guys! I really appreciate it. It seems like every time I consider bailing out on this, the comments show up and keep me going. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me and remember, "OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS!"
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[ [QUOTE]Thanks again for all the comments and compliments guys! I really appreciate it. It seems like every time I consider bailing out on this, the comments show up and keep me going. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me and remember, "OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS!"[/QUOTE] DON'T BAIL...This diary is so addictive....Your right about the realism, and the fact that it is not as star studded makes this the most appealing diary on these boards in my book... What are you doing when 2007 comes out? Continuing this, starting over, picking up where you left off, new concept??? Anyways, keep it up for now and look forward to what ever you bring to the table for 2007
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[ [QUOTE]Thanks again for all the comments and compliments guys! I really appreciate it. It seems like every time I consider bailing out on this, the comments show up and keep me going. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me and remember, "OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS!"[/QUOTE] DON'T BAIL...This diary is so addictive....Your right about the realism, and the fact that it is not as star studded makes this the most appealing diary on these boards in my book... What are you doing when 2007 comes out? Continuing this, starting over, picking up where you left off, new concept??? Anyways, keep it up for now and look forward to what ever you bring to the table for 2007
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[QUOTE]What are you doing when 2007 comes out? Continuing this, starting over, picking up where you left off, new concept???[/QUOTE] I'm hoping to find a logical point to end this diary for TEW 2005 and then continue the story as a new TEW 2007 diary. At least that is the plan for now. We shall see. :cool:
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[QUOTE]What are you doing when 2007 comes out? Continuing this, starting over, picking up where you left off, new concept???[/QUOTE] I'm hoping to find a logical point to end this diary for TEW 2005 and then continue the story as a new TEW 2007 diary. At least that is the plan for now. We shall see. :cool:
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com As we close in on NWA Showdown 4, FUSION rolls on into the bayou as the NWA invades the Baton Rouge River Center. The King of the Monsters, Matt Weise will be in action against the Anarchist Doug Williams in a clash of violence versus science. In addition, the Danger Zone will reveal their response to the punk card thrown down by Team Punishment. Will they accept the steel cage challenge laid down by their arch-rivals? Also, earlier this week Steve Corino taped a special sit down interview with Jim Cornette. He has a lot on his mind lately including Mr. Wrestling III, the NWA World title, and being left out of the main event of Showdown 4. You will not want to miss what the King of Old School has to say! And if that wasn't enough, there will be a special look at the new number one contender Naomichi Marufuji, featuring highlights of his bout with Jun Akiyama from Japan! All this plus Trent Acid and Julio Dinero in action. You will not want to miss a moment of the action this Wednesday! [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]Expect NWA fans to flip over Marufuji.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com As we close in on NWA Showdown 4, FUSION rolls on into the bayou as the NWA invades the Baton Rouge River Center. The King of the Monsters, Matt Weise will be in action against the Anarchist Doug Williams in a clash of violence versus science. In addition, the Danger Zone will reveal their response to the punk card thrown down by Team Punishment. Will they accept the steel cage challenge laid down by their arch-rivals? Also, earlier this week Steve Corino taped a special sit down interview with Jim Cornette. He has a lot on his mind lately including Mr. Wrestling III, the NWA World title, and being left out of the main event of Showdown 4. You will not want to miss what the King of Old School has to say! And if that wasn't enough, there will be a special look at the new number one contender Naomichi Marufuji, featuring highlights of his bout with Jun Akiyama from Japan! All this plus Trent Acid and Julio Dinero in action. You will not want to miss a moment of the action this Wednesday! [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]Expect NWA fans to flip over Marufuji.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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