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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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From NWAwrestling.com [CENTER][B]NWA SHOWDOWN 6, SATURDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 2ND AT 9PM EST![/B] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="Blue"]NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: D'LO BROWN VERSUS DANIEL PUDER[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Having turned back the top contender from the Land of the Rising Son, D'Lo Brown now has to turn his attention to the top contender from the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder! The champ hasn't backed down from any challenger but how will he fare against a man with the strong style-MMA hybrid skills of Puder, who is on a quest to become the youngest NWA World Heavyweight Champion in over twenty years! You will not want to miss the epic clash of styles at Showdown 6! Plus: [CENTER] [B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: THE BRISCOE BROTHERS VERSUS NIGEL McGUINNESS AND DOUG WILLIAMS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]NWA NORTH AMERICAN TRIPLE THREAT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: TITO ORTIZ VERSUS CHRIS HERO VERSUS JIMMY RAVE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] AND:[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Impact"] STEVE CORINO, MASATO TANAKA, JULIO DINERO, AND STERLING KEENAN VERSUS MR. WRESTLING III, THE PATRIOT AND THE SAT[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Impact"]MYSTERY PARTNER MAYHEM FOR THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER TO THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: MATT WEISE AND MYSTERY PARTNER VERSUS COLT CABANA AND A MYSTERY PARTNER VERSUS THE NECRO BUTCHER AND A MYSTERY PARTNER[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"] ELIJAH BURKE MAKES HIS IN RING DEBUT[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] All this and much more on NWA Showdown 6. Stay tuned to NWAwrestling.com for all the latest updates on Showdown 6.
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com With just days to go before Showdown 6, the NWA rolls into the Sunshine State as FUSION invades the Jenkins Arena. Last week Stan Hansen announced a Mystery Partner Mayhem match for Showdown 6 and the main event of FUSION will be a triple threat preview of that match featuring "Classic" Colt Cabana taking on "The King of the Monsters" Matt Weise and the unpredictable Necro Butcher! In addition, in his first match as a Horseman, "The Old School Prodigy" Sterling James Keenan teams with Julio Dinero as they take on the SAT, Jose and Joel Maximo. All this and much more on FUSION this week including Jody Fleisch taking on Christian York. Be sure to tune in this Wednesday night only on FUSE!
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[B]Wednesday November 29th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[SIZE="8"][FONT="Impact"] LIVE ON [/FONT][/SIZE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"We are live at the jam-packed Jenkins Arena in beautiful Lakeland, Florida and this is FUSION. I'm your host Scott Hudson joined as always by Jim Cornette. Jim, we are only three days away from Showdown 6 and four days from the debut of NWA COAST 2 COAST on F/X but we still have some great NWA action for you here tonight." "Absolutely, headlined by the big preview of the Mystery Partner Mayhem triple threat match featuring "Classic" Colt Cabana, the Necro Butcher, and "The King of the Monsters" Matt Weise squaring off tonight. "And in addition to that, we have the Xtreme Horsemen debut of Sterling James Keenan as he teams up with Julio Dinero to take on Jose and Joel Maxino, the SAT!" You will not want to miss a minute! All of this plus Jody Fleisch taking on Christian York tonight on FUSION. Let's head to the ring. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, Mr. Wrestling II, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Matt Bloom, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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In dark matches Rainman defeated Dropkick Murphy and Andrei Arlovski defeated Ricky Banderas. [QUOTE] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Jody Fleisch defeats Christian York by pinfall in 6:21 following the Phoenix DDT. After the bout Jody takes the microphone. [B]"I just want to wish my partner Nigel and our friend Doug the best of luck for their matchup with Jay and Mark Briscoe at Showdown 6. I owe my mates an apology for being a bit of a hothead and want them to know that I will be in their corner for their big match. Thank you."[/B] (Match C-, Promo D)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the recent events between Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave, and Tito Ortiz. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Becky Bayless is backstage with Don Callis. [B]"Mr. Callis thank you for taking the time to talk with me tonight. I know your team is up in Big Bear training for their matches for Showdown 6. What I want to know is, how big is Saturday night going to be for Team Punishment?" "Becky Saturday night is going to be the biggest night in the history of Team Punishment. First off "The Huntington Beach Bad" Tito Ortiz is going to successfully retain his North American title by defeating not one but two men, Chris Hero and Jimmy Rave. Those two clearly have some issue with one another but its not going to matter since Tito is just going to tear through both of them. The can resolve their issues with each other while they're sharing a hospital room. Then from there we will all be witness to the coronation of what will be the youngest NWA World Heavyweight Champion in over twenty years, Daniel Puder, the man who was too nasty for MMA, the man who was too dangerous for the WWE, and the man who damn near broke the Olympic Idiot Kurt Angle in half. D'Lo Brown, we have nothing but respect for you. You're a great champion, a fighting champion, a true credit to this sport but the future will not be denied and Daniel Puder is the future! Come Saturday night, Daniel Puder will take your title and we will usher in the start of the NWA COAST 2 COAST era Sunday night with a brand new heavyweight champion of the world!"[/B] (B+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played highlighting the feud between Mr. Wrestling III and Steve Corino which touches on the tension between III and his partner the Patriot. (B+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sterling James Keenan and Julio Dinero defeat the SAT by pinfall in 12:12 when a distraction by Jack Victory leads to the STO by Keenan on Joel and the easy one two three. (C+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played hyping the debut of NWA COAST 2 COAST on Sunday night. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Becky Bayless catches up with "Classic" Colt Cabana as he leaves his locker room on the way to the ring. [B]"Colt...can I a get a word with you before the match?" [/B]Colt stops, flashes a big smile and puts an arm around Becky. "[B]Sure what's up Beck?" "Well tonight you have a big match as you take on two dangerous opponents, the Necro Butcher and self-proclaimed "King of the Monsters" Matt Weise. Are you a bit apprehensive taking on a match like this three days away from the Mystery Partner Mayhem match at Showdown 6?" "Nervous? Why would "The Classic One" be nervous? Its not like I'm going to get eaten if I lose this match or something. Actually, come to think of it, with that big freak the Necro Butcher in the match, maybe I COULD get eaten? Geez, Becky now you got me all nervous for this. I don't want to end up a snack for that mutant!"[/B] Cabana looks very serious and nervous for minute before breaking out into a big smile. [B]"I'm just messing with you kiddo! Its going to take more than a match with these two monsters to wipe the smile off my face. I'm just going to go out there, give it my all, and entertain all the Cabanaramics out there." "One more question Colt if you don't mind. Can you give a hint as to who your mystery partner is going to be for Showdown 6?" "Well that would be spoiling the surprise Beck! I will say this, I did place a call to Lou Thesz so if he's free that night, I've got a heck of partner!" "Um...Colt, Lou Thsz has been dead for several years now." "He is? That explains why he hasn't called me back! Good thing I planned ahead and placed a call to Andre the Giant as well! Team Classic is going all the way at Showdown 6 baby!" "Um...Scott, Jim...back to you!" [/B](B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones fires the new I'm a Cabanaramic t-shirt (available now on NWAwrestling.com) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting "Classic" Colt Cabana defeats the Necro Butcher and Matt Weise in 14:57. Late in the bout, "Crazy Train" by Ozzy plays and "The Derailer" Matt Bloom comes out to observe the match at ringside. Weise rolls out of the ring and the two of them begin yelling and screaming at one another. Cabana takes advantage of the confusion to schoolboy the Butcher for the pin. FUSION ends with Hudson and Cornette plugging Showdown 6 and the debut of NWA COAST 2 COAST. (B)[/QUOTE] RATING: B-
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Hmmm... Looks like Cabana's partner is going to be ECW's Zombie... Hooray for dead people! And I'm predicting Matt Weise and Matt Bloom are teaming up for Showdown. And Necro Butcher with a tag team partner... No... No... NO! Not the Danger Zone again ;_; Well, those are my predictions anyway... I've been known to be wrong.
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday December 1st, 2006. Wade Keller: Well Bruce, we are one night away from the NWA's Showdown 6 so let's touch on that briefly. What are your thoughts on this event? Bruce Mitchell: I'm not so sure about this main event. Puder is still a little on the green side but he's been built up pretty well. I'm just not sure about how, you know, its going to hold up to D'Lo and Marufuji. I guess we'll have to see on that one. The Briscoes versus Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams should be a really good match if they give it enough time. WK: What about the "Mystery Partner Mayhem" match? Any thoughts on who we could see? BM: Well I have to question building up this match with a goofy Colt Cabana interview segment. It could be a decent match depending on who is in it. I assume Matt Bloom is going to wind up as Colt Cabana's partner although some people believe you could get the turn and he could go with Matt Weise. WK: Any other thoughts on the show Bruce? BM: I think the match between Tito Ortiz, Jimmy Rave, and Chris Hero could be a good one. I just want to see that storyline forwarded. WK: Okay Bruce. I guess we'll wrap this up so we can touch on this unconfirmed story about Cryme Tyme getting into a fight with Kevin Federline's posse backstage and how they alledgedly put the "rapper" in the hospital.......[/B] (sorry wishful thinking :) )
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[B]9:00 PM EST Saturday December 2nd 2006 [/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking live at the jam-packed Silver Spurs Arena in Central Florida. Tonight however, it is the center of the wrestling universe. Tonight is Showdown 6! I am your host Scott Hudson and I am joined once again by legendary manager of champions, Mister James E. Cornette. Jim, I know you're as excited as I am for this great night of NWA action!" "Absolutely Scott, a great night of NWA action headlined by the NWA World Heavyweight Champion D'Lo Brown defending the title against the number one contender, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder. D'Lo has been a fighting champion but he has never faced a man with the combination of skills like Puder possesses. Daniel Puder on the other hand is battling history. No one as young as he is has worn the NWA World Heavyweight title in over twenty years since a young "Wildfire" Tommy Rich defeated Harley Race. Tonight its youth versus experience, the heart of champion versus the desire of a warrior. Regardless of who wins, this should be a classic." "There is no doubt about that Jim and there is a lot more action tonight as well including the Briscoes defending the NWA World Tag Team titles against Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams plus North American champion Tito Ortiz in a triple threat match against Chris Hero and Jimmy Rave. All this and much much more tonight. Let's head to ring, Showdown 6 starts now!"[/B] The theme song for Showdown 6 is A Little Less Conversation by Elvis Presley
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In dark matches Rainman beat Mikey Batts and Eduardo Colon beat Dropkick Murphy. [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting In the opening bout of the evening, Elijah Burke beats Christian York by pinfall following the E.B.E. (the Elijah Burke Experience) in 5:11. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Three quick pre-taped promos from Tito Ortiz, Chris Hero and Jimmy Rave are shown. Highlights include: Ortiz: [B]"I don't care if you two idiots have a problem with each other but I do care about this shiny gold belt around my waist. You two can beat the crap out of each other until the cows come home but I'll be damned if I'm not who's hand gets raised at the end of this."[/B] (B) Hero: [B]"Even though things seem bleak for everyone's Brand New Hero, even though the deranged stalker Jimmy Rave will finally get me in the ring, even though my rematch for my title that was stolen from me is an against all odds triple threat match, even though some maniacal killing machine is holding my title, all is not lost. Just remember, your Brand New Hero always, ALWAYS has an ace up his sleeve!"[/B] (B-) Rave: [B]"I just want the NWA to know that what is about to happen to Chris Hero is not my fault. All the sins of his past have led to this one moment of vengeance. Hero, I feel no remorse for what I am about to do you knowing full well you deserve all of it and more. I've been to hell and back because of you. Tonight you will feel my wrath. Ortiz, I could give a damn about your title, but listen carefully. Do NOT get in my way!"[/B] (C+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Tito Ortiz defeats Chris Hero by pinfall in 9:32. The ending came when Jimmy Rave nails Hero with the Rave Review and waves on Tito Ortiz to make the pin, apparantly possessing no desire to win the title. After referee Brian Hebner calls for the bell, Rave blindsides the One Man Gang with a low blow as he is tending to Hero then proceeds to pounds Hero mercilessly until blood is pouring out of his head. Referees and officials finally pull him off but not before the ring looks like an absolute crime scene. (Match B, Attack B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Mystery Partner Mayhem match was won by Matt Weise and Matt Bloom by pinfall in 12:09 after Weise crushes La Parka with the Stump Grinder. Colt and La Parka came out first, followed by the Necro Butcher and Abdullah the Butcher. Matt Weise came out alone and wrestled a good chunk of the match alone until Bloom came down and blindsided La Parka which led to the Stump Grinder by Weise. After the pinfall, Weise and Bloom embrace as the crowd boos. Weise and Bloom are the new number one contenders to the NWA World Tag Team titles. (B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Back in the locker room, the camera catches Jody Fleisch wishing good luck to his partner Nigel McGuinness and their friend Doug Williams as they prepare for their title shot tonight. [B]"Remember mates, tonight, good guys win, bad guys lose, and as always England prevails!"[/B] exclaims Doug as they prepare to head towards the ring with Jody waving the Union Jack. (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Best in the World, Jay and Mark Briscoe defeat Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams by pinfall in 23:02 when Jay prevents Doug Williams from rolling through on the Chaos Theory and gets his shoulders down for the one two three. After the match both teams shake hands much the approval of the crowd. (Match B+, Handshake B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played highlighting the feud between Mr. Wrestling III, the issues between III and the Patriot and the debut of Sterling Keenan as the newest member of the Xtreme Horsemen. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Xtreme Horsemen defeat Mr. Wrestling III, the Patriot and the SAT by pinfall in 17:59. The ending came after Mr. Wrestling III misses Sterling Keenan with a running kneelift and blasts the Patriot by mistake. Steve Corino dumps the stunned Mr. Wresting III out of the ring and Keenan snags the quick pinfall with the help of a handful of tights. After the bout, III and the SAT try to explain to the Patriot what happened but, not wanting the hear it, he storms from the ring, leaving his partners behind, stopping briefly to flip off Mr. Wrestling III. (B+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones fires Showdown 6 t-shirts into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A highlight video of D'Lo Brown is played. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A highlight video of Daniel Puder including the infamous and unintentionally hillarious training montage is played (B)[/QUOTE] THE MAIN EVENT IS NEXT
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Lauren Jones is in the ring with a microphone in her hand. Daniel Puder and D'Lo Brown have both made their entrances and are awaiting the official announcements. [B]"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the National Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Championship of the World!" [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "Introducing first, the reigning and defending NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, standing in the corner to my left, weighing in tonight at two hundred and sixty seven pounds, standing six feet one inch tall, fighting out of Chicago, Illinois, the Real Deal, D'Lo Brown!" [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] "And the challenger, standing in the corner to my right, weighing in tonight at two hundred and thirty eight pounds, standing six feet two inches tall, fighting out of Cupertino, California, "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder." [CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] "When the bell rings, the man in charge will be NWA Senior Official, Mister Rudy Charles."[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] Rudy Charles calls both men into the center of the ring and Lauren Jones holds the microphone for him during final instructions. [B]"Okay men, I want a good, clean fight. On my sign, you will go back to you corner and when the bell rings come out fighting. Are there any questions?"[/B] Both men shake their heads no. There is an offer of a handshake by D'Lo which Puder accepts, gripping tightly and pulling the champ in until they're staring eye to eye. Rudy Charles separates them. [B]"Its time then. Good luck to you both."[/B] [B] DING DING DING[/B]
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Puder attacks from behind as D'Lo is distracted by Don Callis to start. Referee Rudy Charles wastes no time in ejecting Callis from ringside. Now one on one, D'Lo peppers Puder with jabs in an effort to keep him from shooting on him. D'Lo connects with a big clothesline and puts Puder down with a series of headbutts then nails a delayed vertical suplex and puts on an armbar. Puder rolls through to shift the momentum and staggers the champ with some kicks to the thigh. Puder irish whips him and nails a double cross chop to the throat which stuns D'Lo and then follows up with a series of Kawada kicks. A series of chops and lefts snap D'Lo back into reality but do eventually put him down. Puder spends the next several minutes working on D'Lo's arm as his strategy becomes apparant, set the champ up for the Keylock. Puder keeps attempting to lock the devastating hold on and D'Lo keeps fighting him off. The ending comes when Puder slaps on the Keylock. D'Lo fighting to retain his title, manages to make his way over to the ropes to break the hold. As Puder tries to drag him back into the center of the ring, D'Lo manages to scoop him into the Marufuji Perfect Inside Cradle for the surprise one two three. D'Lo rolls out of the ring nursing a sore left arm as Puder remain in the middle of the ring, frustrated that he came so close to winning. The match officially ends at 19:35. Before the show goes off the air, Stan Hansen comes out to congratulate both men on a great effort. He announces that the NWA will return to Pay Per View on January 6th 2007 and directs D'Lo and the fans to view this video. He then tells the fans to tune in to the debut of NWA COAST 2 COAST tommorrow night on F/X to hear the big announcement related to that PPV. (Match B, Angle B+) SHOW RATING: B
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First off let me start off by saying excellent diary. Just great. How did you get CW Anderson when he is under contract with WWE? Did he get released or something? And you found Mike Awesome in Japan? I could of swore he's been retired for years and working in real estate or something in Tampa? :p
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;168729]I just thought of someone who would be a great addition to this diary. Kurt Angle! He'd fit perfect with the wrestling/product style, plus he can face Puder. I'd love to do it in my diary but my promotion is to small for him to sign with. Consider it...[/QUOTE] As much as Daniel Puder would like that, Kurt in under contract to TNA in the game. It doesn't mean he won't stop calling him out though. :) [QUOTE]How did you get CW Anderson when he is under contract with WWE? Did he get released or something? And you found Mike Awesome in Japan? I could of swore he's been retired for years and working in real estate or something in Tampa? [/QUOTE] First off thanks for the compliment Kadekash. When I started the game I basically edited a bunch of guys into the NWA that I wanted to build around and thought it would be realistic to have. This was before ECW really got under way. The unexpected part was that the WWE in the game signed him away from me early on. As for Mike Awesome, I'm not sure where he was in the game but telling the NWA fans he was dominating in Japan sounds a lot more intimidating than he was selling real estate in Tampa. Regardless, Matt Weise crushed him on his way out the door to TNA! :rolleyes: Thanks again everybody. Coast 2 Coast is coming soon!
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Hey guys, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I'm back from a relaxing Christmas in Florida and will have the debut edition of NWA COAST 2 COAST up later today. I think this should be a big moment for the award winning NWA: A Return to Glory diary. Hopefully it will be worth the wait and hopefully it lives up to the hype that the voters have given me. While I'm at it, I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2007. See you in the ring! :)
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Sunday December 3rd 2006 [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"You are looking live at the sold-out UCF Arena on the campus of the University of Central Florida, right here in sunny Orlando! I am your host Scott Hudson and this is the debut edition of the National Wrestling Alliance's flagship show, NWA COAST-2-COAST! I'm proud to be joined by a legend of the wrestling business and a multiple time World champion. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present my new broadcast colleague....."[/B] Pomp and Circumstance plays and from off camera emerges..... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [B] "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!" "Oooooooooooooh yeah! Freak out, freak out! The madness has hit the sunshine state like a hurricane yeah! The Macho Man is home right here in the NWA brother, dig it!"[/B] Macho Man shakes hands with Scott Hudson as the crowd chants [B]"Macho, macho, macho!" "Macho Man, its a honor to be calling this show with you and its a thrill to be here for the premiere of this great show." "Oooooh yeah, a lot of things went down last night at Showdown 6 and tonight there's sure to be some repercussions. I can't wait to see what happens yeah!" "Absolutely! We're not going to want to miss a moment of this ninety minute extravaganza! Let's throw it to the beautiful Miss Lauren Jones in the ring for our first match. Get ready America, we're going COAST-2-COAST!"[/B] The theme song for COAST-2-COAST is You Could Be Mine by Guns and Roses.
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In dark matches the SAT defeated Eduardo Colon and Ricardo Banderas and Rainman defeated Mikey Batts. [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting In the opening bout of the evening, the British Invasion and Doug Williams defeat Gedo, Jado, and Bison Smith by pinfall following the Chaos Theory on Jado in 8:21. After the bout all three men celebrate in the ring as Jody waves the British flag. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Godzilla by the Blue Oyster Cult hits and "The King of the Monsters" Matt Weise makes his way to the ring followed by the "The Derailer" Matt Bloom who is greeted by the fans with a chorus of hearty boos. The two behemoths climb into the ring and Weise gets the microphone from Lauren Jones. [B]"Well well well. Look what we have here. Its the debut of NWA COAST 2 COAST right here on F/X. That's pretty ironic considering last night at Showdown 6, the world witnessed the genesis of a coast to coast rampage by "The King of the Monsters" and "The Derailer", a rampage that won't stop until those tag team titles are firmly around the waist of the uncrowned champions, THE MONSTERS OF THE MAT! Look at me, Matt Weise, six foot five, two hundred and eighty five pounds of pure dominance. Look at this beast, Matt Bloom, six feet seven inches and three hundred and thirty seven pounds of destruction. It took a little time for him to realize our potential together was far greater than wasting our time fighting each other. Isn't that right Bloom?"[/B] Matt Bloom takes the microphone. [B]"I can be a little dense sometimes but after pounding my head into a brick wall for a few months, I came to one conclusion. I can achieve a lot more with this monster on my side than by trying to take him down. So before Showdown 6, we came to a mutual understanding and the Monsters of the Mat were born and we're not stopping until we are the NWA Tag Team champions of the World. Jay, Mark....you've just been put on notice. The Monsters of the Mat are coming for you!"[/B] (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Andrei Arlovski defeats Jimmy Rave by pinfall following interference by Chris Hero in 7:02. After the bout, Hero, who is still bandaged from the beating he took last night by Rave, and the One Man Gang put the boots to him. Hero mounts his foe and unleashes a brutal series of elbows, busting Jimmy Rave's head open like a ripe melon until officials pour out of the locker room to break it up. Hero smirks as he wipes some of Jimmy Rave's blood onto his chest while he heads to the back. (Match C+, Attack B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Becky Bayless is backstage with Elijah Burke. [B]"Elijah, welcome to the NWA and welcome to COAST 2 COAST."[/B] [B]"Thanks baby. I'm thrilled to be here on the premiere of what is sure to become the greatest show in all of wrestling and what is sure the become the premier showcase for the Elijah Burke Experience. Last night at Showdown 6, I had my first match here in the NWA, puttiing on a little show for the fans before polishing off Christian York with the EBE. Tonight, I try to move one rung further up the ladder as I take one of the masters of lucha libre, the masked man known as Lizmark. This is just the next steppingstone on my way to becoming the NWA World Heavyweight champion. I'm here to tell Lizmark, its nothing personal my man, just business, but tonight you are the next lucky recipient of Elijah Burke Experience and that's a fact jack!"[/B] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Elijah Burke defeats Lizmark by pinfall in 6:50 following the EBE. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Masato Tanaka defeats La Parka by pinfall in 12:23 following the Roaring Elbow. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting "Classic" Colt Cabana and the Necro Butcher battle to a double countout as the match spills into the crowd and they continue brawling forcing referee Brian Hebner to make the ten count. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played featuring the eight man tag from Showdown 6 involving the Xtreme Horsemen, Mr. Wrestling III, the Patriot, and the SAT and highlights the continued strife between III and the Patriot. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Mr. Wrestling III defeats Julio Dinero by DQ in 14:28 when the rest of the Horsemen hit the ring and attack Mr. Wrestling III. As the beatdown begins, Steve Corino grabs a hold of Mr. Wrestling III's mask and struggles to yank it off. Before the mask can come off, the Patriot hits the ring with a chair and takes out everyone.....including Mr. Wrestling III with an errant swing. As the Horsemen flee, the Patriot revives his friend who is none too happy and a shoving match commences. The two masked men start shoving and are about to come to blows before the SAT hit the ring and separate them, cooling them down. (Match B+. Angle B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played showing D'Lo Brown's victory over Daniel Puder last night on Showdown 6. (B+) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones fires the new NWA COAST 2 COAST t-shirts into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As COAST 2 COAST returns from commercial, Stan Hansen is in the ring with a live microphone. [B]"Folks I hope you're enjoying the premiere of NWA COAST 2 COAST! Right now I have a big announcement to make regarding A NIGHT FOR HONOR and it affects all of our champions so I'd like to call them all out here right now. NWA North American Champion Tito Ortiz, NWA World Tag Team Champions, the Best in the World, Jay and Mark Briscoe, and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, the Real Deal, D'Lo Brown. Git out here boys."[/B] The four champions emerge from the back and head into the ring, with Tito coming out with Don Callis flanking him. Hansen shakes hands with everyone and continues.[B] "Now these four men are the best of the best in the NWA, heck, Jay and Mark have proclaimed themselves the Best in the World and I'd be hard-pressed to disagree. But, and this is a big but, in this business, words ain't squat and you boys have to prove it. The NWA is all about opportunity but its also about greatness and at A NIGHT FOR HONOR, you four are going to get the chance to achieve greatness. Now as many of you know, the promotion Ring of Honor has sadly gone out of business. What many of you do not know is that the NWA Board of Directors met with ROH owner Cary Silken a few weeks ago and an agreement was made. The NWA has purchased the remnants of ROH and at A NIGHT FOR HONOR we all shall see these remnants. Gentlemen, I'd like for you to meet some people. Boys come on out."[/B] The Final Countdown by Europe plays and four men emerge from the back and stand on the ramp.[B] "Please let me introduce to you, the Ring of Honor Pure Champion Roderick Strong, the Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions Davey Richards and Jack Evans, and the Ring of Honor Heavyweight Champion, "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, your opponents at A NIGHT FOR HONOR! That's right folks, we're going to have three title unification matches as Roderick Strong will face off with Tito Ortiz, Jay and Mark Briscoe will face off with Davey Richards and Jack Evans and D'Lo Brown will go one on one with Bryan Danielson!"[/B] The four ROH alumni enter the ring and go face to face with their NWA foes. After a brief staredown, they offer handshakes to them which are cautiously accepted as Hansen leads the crowd in raucous applause for all eight men. The screen goes black while the sounds of the crowd cheering continues as COAST 2 COAST goes off the air. (B+)[/QUOTE] RATING: B
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I love ROH and Bryan Danielson screams NWA...I just hope you dont become too ROHish if that makes any sense...Your NWA is very unique and truly feels like its own original product....I hope you keep it that way... On the other hand how many ROH guys have you signed...The 4 appearing at "A Night For Honor" are all awesome!
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