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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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[B]Thursday, December 14th, 2006[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com The NWA is excited to announce that in the main event of this week on NWA COAST-2-COAST, NWA World Champion D'Lo Brown and ROH Champion Bryan Danielson will team up for the first time ever as they face the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Jay and Mark Briscoe in a non-title match. Stay tuned to NWAwrestling.com for more information as it comes available.
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;186428] The NWA is proud to announce that this week on NWA COAST-2-COAST, NWA World Champion D'Lo Brown and ROH Champion Bryan Danielson will team up for the first time ever as they face the NWA World Tag Team Champions, the Best in the World, Jay and Mark Briscoe in a non-title match in the main event. Stay tuned to NWAwrestling.com for more information as it comes available.[/QUOTE] How great would that match be IRL? *Dreams*
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Sunday December 17th 2006 [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]"You are looking live at the jam-packed North Charleston Colisseum right here in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina ! I am your host Scott Hudson......" "Oooooooooooooh yeah and I'm the Macho Man Randy Savage, yeah dig it!" "And this is NWA COAST-2-COAST! We have an loaded lineup coming at you tonight featuring our big main event, NWA World Heavyweight Champion D'Lo Brown teaming up for the first time with ROH Champion Bryan Danielson to take on the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Jay and Mark Briscoe in a non-title match. Randy its tough to get much bigger than this." "Ooooh yeah, its a big match yeah. But its a tough spot for all four men involved. Tough to have a match this big just a few weeks before their unification matches at A NIGHT FOR HONOR yeah." "In addition, we have the ROH Tag Team Champions, Jack Evans and Davey Richards facing off Los Maximos, Jose and Joel, the SAT!" "Ooooh yeah, plus we've got a rematch from last week's FUSION as Elijah Burke takes on "The Pitbull" Andrei Arlovski, dig it!" "All this and much, much more! Folks you're not going to want to miss a moment of this ninety minute extravaganza! Let's throw it to the beautiful Miss Lauren Jones in the ring for our first match. Get ready America, we're going COAST-2-COAST!"[/B] The theme song for COAST-2-COAST is You Could Be Mine by Guns and Roses.
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In a dark match, Dropkick Murphy won a 15 man battle royale. [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting In the opening bout of the evening, the Necro Butcher defeats La Parka by pinfall with the Belly to Belly Suplex in 7:56. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As COAST-2-COAST returns from commercial, the following vignette airs. [B]"La Revolución se televisará. Los Nuevos Invasores de la Edad vienen![/B]" (Translation: The Revolution will be televised. The New Age Invaders are coming!) (C) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Elijah Burke defeats Andrei Arlovski by pinfall following the EBE in 17:21 in a hard fought bout that feature several near falls by both men. After the bout, Arlovski begrudgingly shake his foe's hand. (Match B, Handshake B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Chris Hero and Daizee Haze are backstage. Hero has a live microphone. Daizee has her arm seductively around her man. [B]"It must kill you Jimmy. It must kill you to see Daizee with me and not with you. The future was so clear, wasn't it? You. Her. Small house. White picket fence. dog. One point five kids. It was all in your grasp. You were going to be happy for once in your miserable life weren't you? And then....poof...she's gone. The dream is gone. Your last pathetic grasp at happiness was gone. Gone for good. One day you woke up and Daizee was with a real man. Even worse she was with a man you knew was better than you. You knew it. She knew it. I sure as hell knew it. So now this brings us to the so-called Match Without Honor. One way or another this is going to be the end of this little saga, for you, for me, and for this lovely little lady! Don't worry Jimbo, I'll try to put an end to your misery for you pal![/B]" (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Colt Cabana defeats Lizmark by pinfall in 8:01 following the Colt 45. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Davey Richards, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong and Bryan Danielson are all shown in their locker room room warming up. Strong and Danielson wish the tag champs luck as they leave to make their way to the ring for their match with the SAT. (B-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Davey Richards and Jack Evans defeat the SAT by pinfall in 16:25. The ending of this high flying bout came when Davey Richards breaks up an attempt of the Spanish Fly on Evans and crushes Joel with the Butterfly Brainbuster for the one two three. After the bout, Jack Evans looks directly into the camera and exclaims,[B] "Jay, Mark..just remember. SPEED KILLS!"[/B] (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] A video is played showing highlights of "The Great Koji" Satoshi Kojima in action. (B-) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The camera catches D'Lo Brown in the locker room with Jay and Mark Briscoe, shaking hands before their match and wishing them luck. There is a knock on the door and Bryan Danielson walks in. [B]"Hey boys. Good luck tonight. You about ready to go champ?"[/B] D'Lo smiles. [B]"Yeah Bryan lets roll. Jay, Mark...see you guys in the ring. And, remember go easy on me, I'm getting old." [/B]Everyone laughes. D'Lo and Bryan leave the locker room and head towards the ring. Bryan gives D'Lo fist. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Jay and Mark Briscoe defeat Bryan Danielson and D'Lo Brown by countout in 17:43. Miscommunication between the NWA and ROH champs led to the countout and before long both men are in each other's face. Jay and Mark try to break up which leads to Jack Evans, Davey Richards, and Roderick Strong coming out to break it up. Tito Ortiz runs out to evens up the odds and further escalates the situation. All eight men are nose to nose and are on the verge of coming to blows as COAST-2-COAST goes off the air. (A)[/QUOTE]
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I smell a WARGAMES! in the future... Otherwise, just an average (by your standards) coast-coast... It seems like undercard was used to basically give some guys some air time and keep them happy (not that there's anything wrong with that)... Anyways, I love how your shows always come to a "cliffhanger" type ending as the show goes of the air. Thats a trademark of the old UWF! Also very nice Kojima video.
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[B]Monday, December 18th, 2006[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com NWAwrestling.com has learned that this week on FUSION, the Patriot will be there to make a special announcement regarding Mr. Wrestling III. Tune in Wednesday night to find out what he has to say. In addition, the main event of the evening will feature "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder squaring off with his former rival "The Anarchist" Doug Williams. All this and much more Wednesday night on FUSION, only on the FUSE network!
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[B]Wednesday December 20th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[SIZE="8"][FONT="Impact"] LIVE ON [/FONT][/SIZE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"We are live at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina and this is FUSION! I am your host Scott Hudson joined once again by the legendary Jim Cornette. Jim, A NIGHT FOR HONOR is right around the corner but firstwe have a great night of NWA action for you, headlined by "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder taking on "The Anarchist" Doug Williams." "That's right Scott, the two former rivals square off for the first time in months. Tensions are sure to be running high in this one." "Speaking of tensions running high, the Patriot will be here to make a statement regarding Mr. Wrestling III. You are not going to want to miss this one folks. Let's head to the ring. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Elijah Burke, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;192023]Your style of posting shows in delayed segments is pretty interesting. Just wanted to say still loving this diary.[/QUOTE] Its not really a style as much is its due to me being addicted to the damn World of Warcraft expansion combined with me struggling to figure out exactly how to word the Patriot's promo. Its a fairly key point and I can't get it the way I want. Damn writer's block. I'm hoping to have it up tonight. [QUOTE] Location: The conference room of the law firm of Duey, Cheatum, and Howe loves the three stooges reference[/QUOTE] Thank you for getting that dcxbox! I'm glad someone did. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Any updates for us on this :-D I'm missing my fix of NWA....I've only now started getting my fix of Nevermore's ECW again. Don't make us go cold turkey on NWA now will ya. Seriously, any news on when (or if) you can get this restarted.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Ugh, I'm sorry there hasn't been an update on this forever but things have just been crazy with my real life. I really do plan to continue this. Rarely a day goes by that I don't come up with new ideas for the NWA. I just hate leaving everyone hanging. Part of me is thinking that I should maybe just spill the beans on all the secrets and storylines rather than leaving everyone hanging for an uncertain amount of time. What does everyone think, should I just post all the juicy stuff and end the diary or should I make everyone wait until I can continue it properly. Thoughts? -WILDFIRE
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  • 3 weeks later...
***I AM REPOSTING THIS SINCE I'M BACK TO CONTINUE THIS DIARY*** [B]Wednesday December 20th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[SIZE="8"][FONT="Impact"] LIVE ON [/FONT][/SIZE]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"We are live at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina and this is FUSION! I am your host Scott Hudson joined once again by the legendary Jim Cornette. Jim, A NIGHT FOR HONOR is right around the corner but firstwe have a great night of NWA action for you, headlined by "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder taking on "The Anarchist" Doug Williams." "That's right Scott, the two former rivals square off for the first time in months. Tensions are sure to be running high in this one." "Speaking of tensions running high, the Patriot will be here to make a statement regarding Mr. Wrestling III. You are not going to want to miss this one folks. Let's head to the ring. FUSION starts now!"[/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Elijah Burke, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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