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National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

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In a dark match, Bison Smith won a 10 man battle royale, last eliminating Nigel McGuinness. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout, the SATs defeated the Headhunters in 7:31 by pinfall. Los Maximos managed to take the fight to the much bigger Headhunters and Jose schoolboys Headhunter B for the win. (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera pans backstage and catches the Xtreme Horsemen arriving at the Cricket Arena. Corino, Tanaka, Victory and Acid march on by, barely paying any attention to the camera although Julio stops, pulls out a comb and slicks his already greasy hair back. He points at the camera and winks. [B]"This win tonight is for you Becky!"[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] The two masked Luchadores are already waiting in the ring as Godzilla hits and the King of the Monsters emerges from the crowd. Matt Weise defeats La Parka and Lizmark in 6:02 by pinfall. The two Mexicans manage to get some early double team offense in but their luck runs out when they run into a nasty Stan Hansen-esque double clothesline. Weise nails Lizmark with the Stump Grinder and then power bombs La Parka on to his fallen partner. He pins them both for the easy 1-2-3 and lets out a loud bellow before departing through the crowd. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage Steve Corino gives Acid and Dinero a pep talk before their match with Mexico's Most Wanted. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Trent Acid and Julio Dinero defeat Mexico's Most Wanted by pinfall in 9:54. Acid finishes off Damian 666 with the Acid Bomb following a distraction from Jack Victory. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As FUSION comes back from commercial, another Mr Wrestling III promo airs. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones fires the new D'Lo Brown/ Colt Cabana Second City Studs T-shirt (available now on NWAwrestling.com!) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Chris Hero defeats Doug Williams by pinfall in 12:13. Things were going well for the Anarchist who held the upper hand for most of the match until referee Brian Hebner got pulled in the way of a flying elbow by Chris Hero. In the ensuing confusion, a large man hops the rails and heads to the ring...... [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]The One Man Gang????[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]"That's the One Man Gang! What the hell is he doing here?"[/B] exclaims Scott Hudson. The Gang nails Doug with the 747 and Hero quickly follows up with the pin as Brian Hebner recovers just in time to count the pin. The Gang raises Hero's arm as the North American Champ takes the microphone. [B]"This title is much too important to me to leave anything to chance. I can't risk outside interference costing you fans their Brand New Hero! So without further adieu, I'm honored to introduce to you my new bodyguard, the One Man Gang!"[/B] The crowd boos as FUSION goes off the air. (B) [/QUOTE] RATING: B
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In a dark match, Bison Smith won a 10 man battle royale, last eliminating Nigel McGuinness. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout, the SATs defeated the Headhunters in 7:31 by pinfall. Los Maximos managed to take the fight to the much bigger Headhunters and Jose schoolboys Headhunter B for the win. (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera pans backstage and catches the Xtreme Horsemen arriving at the Cricket Arena. Corino, Tanaka, Victory and Acid march on by, barely paying any attention to the camera although Julio stops, pulls out a comb and slicks his already greasy hair back. He points at the camera and winks. [B]"This win tonight is for you Becky!"[/B] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] The two masked Luchadores are already waiting in the ring as Godzilla hits and the King of the Monsters emerges from the crowd. Matt Weise defeats La Parka and Lizmark in 6:02 by pinfall. The two Mexicans manage to get some early double team offense in but their luck runs out when they run into a nasty Stan Hansen-esque double clothesline. Weise nails Lizmark with the Stump Grinder and then power bombs La Parka on to his fallen partner. He pins them both for the easy 1-2-3 and lets out a loud bellow before departing through the crowd. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage Steve Corino gives Acid and Dinero a pep talk before their match with Mexico's Most Wanted. (A)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Trent Acid and Julio Dinero defeat Mexico's Most Wanted by pinfall in 9:54. Acid finishes off Damian 666 with the Acid Bomb following a distraction from Jack Victory. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As FUSION comes back from commercial, another Mr Wrestling III promo airs. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lauren Jones fires the new D'Lo Brown/ Colt Cabana Second City Studs T-shirt (available now on NWAwrestling.com!) into the crowd. (A*)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Chris Hero defeats Doug Williams by pinfall in 12:13. Things were going well for the Anarchist who held the upper hand for most of the match until referee Brian Hebner got pulled in the way of a flying elbow by Chris Hero. In the ensuing confusion, a large man hops the rails and heads to the ring...... [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]The One Man Gang????[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]"That's the One Man Gang! What the hell is he doing here?"[/B] exclaims Scott Hudson. The Gang nails Doug with the 747 and Hero quickly follows up with the pin as Brian Hebner recovers just in time to count the pin. The Gang raises Hero's arm as the North American Champ takes the microphone. [B]"This title is much too important to me to leave anything to chance. I can't risk outside interference costing you fans their Brand New Hero! So without further adieu, I'm honored to introduce to you my new bodyguard, the One Man Gang!"[/B] The crowd boos as FUSION goes off the air. (B) [/QUOTE] RATING: B
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Love your stuff brother. You really capture that old school feel with your new NWA. Plus I love how you are taking these younger guys and making them big stars. What I dont like however is the 2 on 1 match with Lizmark and La Parka vs The King Of Monsters. Ive never liked it when the smaller guys are made to look weak at the hands of a big man. Matt Weise is a nasty man and should be taking on heavyweights, not destroying luchas. Other than that great shows so far. Cant wait untill the rest of Fusion, plus the NWA Title of Corino is a great idea and I love D'Lo chasing the title. Also, lve The One Man Gang!
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Love your stuff brother. You really capture that old school feel with your new NWA. Plus I love how you are taking these younger guys and making them big stars. What I dont like however is the 2 on 1 match with Lizmark and La Parka vs The King Of Monsters. Ive never liked it when the smaller guys are made to look weak at the hands of a big man. Matt Weise is a nasty man and should be taking on heavyweights, not destroying luchas. Other than that great shows so far. Cant wait untill the rest of Fusion, plus the NWA Title of Corino is a great idea and I love D'Lo chasing the title. Also, lve The One Man Gang!
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Thanks guys. Thanks for reading. I think I'm just using the RaveX data if I'm not mistaken. Its definitely not a scenario. As for the booking of Matt Weise against the two Luchadores, I don't really look at it as a big man squashing two small men, I was basically just trying to squeeze some more shows out of this short story especially since one of the two Mexicans probably won't be around much longer. I like to think it has more to do with how nasty Weise is as opposed to his size. After all, he DID squash Mike Awesome on his way out the door so I think a lot of people have looked weak next to the King of the Monsters. One more thing, I feel a bit like George Lucas releasing special editions of Star Wars but I've gone back and added some things, most notably videos for PPV's and themes. I was inspired by Stallion and Nevermore's use of video so I figured I'd blatantly rip them off. :) These videos are: 1. Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter (from NWA SHOWDOWN) 2. Battle Without Honor or Humanity by Tomoyasu Hotei (The Horsemen theme) 3. Brand New by Rhymefest w/ Kanye West (D'Lo's theme) 4. Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult (Matt Weise's theme) 5. Intro to Its Dark Here and Hell is Hot by DMX (Showdown 2 theme) I think they're pretty good, so please check them out if you get a chance and let me know what you think. I've tried to stay pretty realistic with this diary so I know a promotion that is still only cult size wouldn't have access to music like this, especially for a TV show but here is my rationalization, FUSE is a music network and they have helped us get around all that. It works for me :rolleyes: Anyway, I think that's about it. If anyone has any guesses about Mr. Wrestling III, please send them to me in a private message, one guess per screename, and if anyone gets it, I'll find a spot for them in an upcoming episode of FUSION! Thanks for sticking with me. I think there's a lot more stories to tell here before all is said and done. Hopefully you guys want me to keep telling them. Have a great weekend everyone.
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Thanks guys. Thanks for reading. I think I'm just using the RaveX data if I'm not mistaken. Its definitely not a scenario. As for the booking of Matt Weise against the two Luchadores, I don't really look at it as a big man squashing two small men, I was basically just trying to squeeze some more shows out of this short story especially since one of the two Mexicans probably won't be around much longer. I like to think it has more to do with how nasty Weise is as opposed to his size. After all, he DID squash Mike Awesome on his way out the door so I think a lot of people have looked weak next to the King of the Monsters. One more thing, I feel a bit like George Lucas releasing special editions of Star Wars but I've gone back and added some things, most notably videos for PPV's and themes. I was inspired by Stallion and Nevermore's use of video so I figured I'd blatantly rip them off. :) These videos are: 1. Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter (from NWA SHOWDOWN) 2. Battle Without Honor or Humanity by Tomoyasu Hotei (The Horsemen theme) 3. Brand New by Rhymefest w/ Kanye West (D'Lo's theme) 4. Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult (Matt Weise's theme) 5. Intro to Its Dark Here and Hell is Hot by DMX (Showdown 2 theme) I think they're pretty good, so please check them out if you get a chance and let me know what you think. I've tried to stay pretty realistic with this diary so I know a promotion that is still only cult size wouldn't have access to music like this, especially for a TV show but here is my rationalization, FUSE is a music network and they have helped us get around all that. It works for me :rolleyes: Anyway, I think that's about it. If anyone has any guesses about Mr. Wrestling III, please send them to me in a private message, one guess per screename, and if anyone gets it, I'll find a spot for them in an upcoming episode of FUSION! Thanks for sticking with me. I think there's a lot more stories to tell here before all is said and done. Hopefully you guys want me to keep telling them. Have a great weekend everyone.
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]From NWAwrestling.com In the world of wrestling, the only thing constant is change. Too many organizations have gotten caught up in the present only to forget about the future. Others have been willing to mortgage their future to pacify the aging stars of today. This is not the way that NWA intends to run however. Via all of our NWA affiliates, we intend to constantly have our roster stocked with eager, talented young fighters from all over the globe. Places like NWA:Florida, NWA:ECCW, and NWA:Anarchy will continue to provide the tools for these young fighters to gain the necessary experience to make an impact once the reach the top level, the NWA itself. Our top NWA scouts and trainers have advised us on some of the cream of the territorial crop so to speak and as of last Wednesday in Charlotte before FUSION, we came to terms with four talented young performers. The NWA is proud to announce the signings of Sterling James Keenan, Michael "Dropkick" Murphy, Rainman, and Dave Prazak. We feel that all four men will mature into valuable members of our roster. They will continue to gain the necessary seasoning in our Alliance territories and you can expect to see them debut on FUSION sooner rather than later.[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]From NWAwrestling.com In the world of wrestling, the only thing constant is change. Too many organizations have gotten caught up in the present only to forget about the future. Others have been willing to mortgage their future to pacify the aging stars of today. This is not the way that NWA intends to run however. Via all of our NWA affiliates, we intend to constantly have our roster stocked with eager, talented young fighters from all over the globe. Places like NWA:Florida, NWA:ECCW, and NWA:Anarchy will continue to provide the tools for these young fighters to gain the necessary experience to make an impact once the reach the top level, the NWA itself. Our top NWA scouts and trainers have advised us on some of the cream of the territorial crop so to speak and as of last Wednesday in Charlotte before FUSION, we came to terms with four talented young performers. The NWA is proud to announce the signings of Sterling James Keenan, Michael "Dropkick" Murphy, Rainman, and Dave Prazak. We feel that all four men will mature into valuable members of our roster. They will continue to gain the necessary seasoning in our Alliance territories and you can expect to see them debut on FUSION sooner rather than later.[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER]
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Let's take a quick look at the current roster as of Friday, July 14th. [QUOTE] [B]Main Event Faces:[/B] D'Lo Brown: Old School Face La Parka: Masked Luchardore [B]Main Event Heels:[/B] Steve Corino: Old School Heel Matt Weise: Monster Masato Tanaka: Extremist[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Upper Midcard Faces:[/B] Colt Cabana: Fun Babyface Doug Williams: No Gimmick Required Mr. Wrestling III: Masked Grappler [B]Upper Midcard Heels:[/B] Tito Ortiz: Legitmate Athlete (UFC Superstar) Daniel Puder: Martial Artist (Tough Enough IV Winner) Chris Hero: Loose Cannon Vampiro: Crazy[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Midcard Faces:[/B] Jay and Mark Briscoe: Generation Next Nigel McGuiness: Ice Man Lizmark: Masked Luchadore [B]Midcard Heels:[/B] Julio Dinero: No Gimmick Required Trent Acid: Ego Maniac Gedo: No Gimmick Needed Jado: No Gimmick Needed Bison Smith: Hoss[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Lower Midcard Faces:[/B] Jody Fleish: Show Stealer Dropkick Murphy: No Gimmick Assigned Yet [B] Lower Midcard Heels:[/B] Evan Karagias: Teen Idol Christian York: Teen Idol Sterling Keenan: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Rainman: No Gimmick Assigned Yet [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Semi Active Wrestlers[/B]: One Man Gang (Heel): Bodyguard [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Managers:[/B] Lauren Jones (Face): Girl Next Door (Former Diva Search contestant) Don Callis (Heel): Executive Consultant (Formally Cyrus and The Jackyl) Jack Victory (Heel): Old School Heel Dave Prazak (Heel): No Gimmick Assigned Yet [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Stables:[/B] The Xtreme Horsemen: Corino, Tanaka, Acid, Dinero, Victory Team Punishment: Ortiz, Puder, Callis [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Tag Teams:[/B] The Briscoe Brothers: Jay and Mark Briscoe The Idols of America: York and Karagias The British Invasion: Fleish and McGuinness Trent Acid and Julio Dinero Team Punishment: Ortiz and Puder Gedo and Jado[/QUOTE]
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Let's take a quick look at the current roster as of Friday, July 14th. [QUOTE] [B]Main Event Faces:[/B] D'Lo Brown: Old School Face La Parka: Masked Luchardore [B]Main Event Heels:[/B] Steve Corino: Old School Heel Matt Weise: Monster Masato Tanaka: Extremist[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Upper Midcard Faces:[/B] Colt Cabana: Fun Babyface Doug Williams: No Gimmick Required Mr. Wrestling III: Masked Grappler [B]Upper Midcard Heels:[/B] Tito Ortiz: Legitmate Athlete (UFC Superstar) Daniel Puder: Martial Artist (Tough Enough IV Winner) Chris Hero: Loose Cannon Vampiro: Crazy[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Midcard Faces:[/B] Jay and Mark Briscoe: Generation Next Nigel McGuiness: Ice Man Lizmark: Masked Luchadore [B]Midcard Heels:[/B] Julio Dinero: No Gimmick Required Trent Acid: Ego Maniac Gedo: No Gimmick Needed Jado: No Gimmick Needed Bison Smith: Hoss[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Lower Midcard Faces:[/B] Jody Fleish: Show Stealer Dropkick Murphy: No Gimmick Assigned Yet [B] Lower Midcard Heels:[/B] Evan Karagias: Teen Idol Christian York: Teen Idol Sterling Keenan: No Gimmick Assigned Yet Rainman: No Gimmick Assigned Yet [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Semi Active Wrestlers[/B]: One Man Gang (Heel): Bodyguard [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Managers:[/B] Lauren Jones (Face): Girl Next Door (Former Diva Search contestant) Don Callis (Heel): Executive Consultant (Formally Cyrus and The Jackyl) Jack Victory (Heel): Old School Heel Dave Prazak (Heel): No Gimmick Assigned Yet [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Stables:[/B] The Xtreme Horsemen: Corino, Tanaka, Acid, Dinero, Victory Team Punishment: Ortiz, Puder, Callis [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Tag Teams:[/B] The Briscoe Brothers: Jay and Mark Briscoe The Idols of America: York and Karagias The British Invasion: Fleish and McGuinness Trent Acid and Julio Dinero Team Punishment: Ortiz and Puder Gedo and Jado[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday July 14th, 2006. Wade Keller: Okay Bruce, let's switch gears away from SummerSlam and touch on the NWA for a bit. What did you think of this week's episode of FUSION? Bruce Mitchell: It seemed a little weak compared to previous weeks. I think it had to do with a lack of star power on the show. I know D'Lo was over in Japan and both Colt Cabana and the Briscoes were over in England for the big ROH/1PW show. Plus factor in only a small role from Steve Corino who has absolutely exploded in the Mid-Atlantic area, especially in Charlotte. He is generating huge amounts of heat, the kind of heat Jeff Jarrett could only dream about. Now that being said, this was still a good show in that the actual matches were very entertaining, especially Acid and Dinero taking on Damian and Halloween. WK: I know the NWA has tried to come to terms with them to make more appearances but I heard they're having some work visa issues so it may be awhile before they appear again. I do agree that the action was good but the show was somewhat lacking in star power. I believe that roster should be back up to full strength this week though so I expect them to start building to D'Lo-Masato Tanaka at Showdown 3 then. BM: Have you heard anything about the rumors of pay-per view for the NWA? I've heard some rumblings about them inquiring about booking the Silver Spur Arena in Florida for a PPV broadcast in September. WK: I've heard the same rumors you have, nothing definitive though. I've gotten a lot of no comments from people I've asked. Its risky move for them financially because if it bombs, they could be in trouble. We will have to see how this plays out. Okay now switching topics, what do you think of TNA's first ever Falls Count Anywhere on Universal Studios Islands of Adventure match between Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar with special guest referee, Beetlejui.......[/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]Excerpt from the Bruce Mitchell Audio update on PWTorch.com for Friday July 14th, 2006. Wade Keller: Okay Bruce, let's switch gears away from SummerSlam and touch on the NWA for a bit. What did you think of this week's episode of FUSION? Bruce Mitchell: It seemed a little weak compared to previous weeks. I think it had to do with a lack of star power on the show. I know D'Lo was over in Japan and both Colt Cabana and the Briscoes were over in England for the big ROH/1PW show. Plus factor in only a small role from Steve Corino who has absolutely exploded in the Mid-Atlantic area, especially in Charlotte. He is generating huge amounts of heat, the kind of heat Jeff Jarrett could only dream about. Now that being said, this was still a good show in that the actual matches were very entertaining, especially Acid and Dinero taking on Damian and Halloween. WK: I know the NWA has tried to come to terms with them to make more appearances but I heard they're having some work visa issues so it may be awhile before they appear again. I do agree that the action was good but the show was somewhat lacking in star power. I believe that roster should be back up to full strength this week though so I expect them to start building to D'Lo-Masato Tanaka at Showdown 3 then. BM: Have you heard anything about the rumors of pay-per view for the NWA? I've heard some rumblings about them inquiring about booking the Silver Spur Arena in Florida for a PPV broadcast in September. WK: I've heard the same rumors you have, nothing definitive though. I've gotten a lot of no comments from people I've asked. Its risky move for them financially because if it bombs, they could be in trouble. We will have to see how this plays out. Okay now switching topics, what do you think of TNA's first ever Falls Count Anywhere on Universal Studios Islands of Adventure match between Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar with special guest referee, Beetlejui.......[/B]
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Again, your taking ideas, that I already have in my head for my game :-)...The Xtreme Horseman theme...I've always thought that would be a great theme for a wrestling TV show (It kind of has a retro feel to it) yet still appealing to todays tastes... i guess I'm lost on Wrestling III again...but for some reason Alex Wright just popped into my head
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Again, your taking ideas, that I already have in my head for my game :-)...The Xtreme Horseman theme...I've always thought that would be a great theme for a wrestling TV show (It kind of has a retro feel to it) yet still appealing to todays tastes... i guess I'm lost on Wrestling III again...but for some reason Alex Wright just popped into my head
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com The tournament for the NWA World Tag Team titles rolls on this week as the NWA rolls into Georgia. The Gwinnett Arena will be rocking as Jay and Mark Briscoe take on Team Punishment in a huge semifinal bout. The Briscoes emerged victorious in a first round classic against Gedo and Jado while the Ortiz and Puder looked dominant against the British Invasion. One of these teams will punch their ticket for the finals while the other will go home. Anything can happen when these two talented squads meet! From there we will have the debut of Mr. Wrestling III on FUSION as he will be in singles action Wednesday night! You won't want to miss this historic event! And then in our main event of the evening, the deadly Masato Tanaka will take on "Classic" Colt Cabana in one on one action. Tanaka is two and a half weeks away from taking on D'Lo Brown at SHOWDOWN 3 but first he will clash with his rival's best friend. Can the Classic One defeat the dangerous Horseman? Tune in Wednesday night to find out! All this and much more on FUSION, every Wednesday at 9PM EST, only on FUSE!
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[CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] From NWAwrestling.com The tournament for the NWA World Tag Team titles rolls on this week as the NWA rolls into Georgia. The Gwinnett Arena will be rocking as Jay and Mark Briscoe take on Team Punishment in a huge semifinal bout. The Briscoes emerged victorious in a first round classic against Gedo and Jado while the Ortiz and Puder looked dominant against the British Invasion. One of these teams will punch their ticket for the finals while the other will go home. Anything can happen when these two talented squads meet! From there we will have the debut of Mr. Wrestling III on FUSION as he will be in singles action Wednesday night! You won't want to miss this historic event! And then in our main event of the evening, the deadly Masato Tanaka will take on "Classic" Colt Cabana in one on one action. Tanaka is two and a half weeks away from taking on D'Lo Brown at SHOWDOWN 3 but first he will clash with his rival's best friend. Can the Classic One defeat the dangerous Horseman? Tune in Wednesday night to find out! All this and much more on FUSION, every Wednesday at 9PM EST, only on FUSE!
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[B]Wednesday July 19th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"It is time once again for the destination event of Wednesday night! This is FUSION! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette. Tonight FUSION has returned to Georgia with an amazing night of NWA action!" "That's right Scott starting with a huge NWA World Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final bout featuring Jay and Mark, the Briscoe Brothers taking on Team Punishment, Tito Ortiz and "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder! These amazing teams will square off with a birth in the finals and a shot at the gold on the line!" "And don't forget our big main event that speaks for its, Masato Tanaka, just a few weeks away from his huge match with D'Lo Brown at Showdown 3 will be taking on "Classic" Colt Cabana. Can the "Classic One" surive the onslaught of the Xtreme Horsemen's enforcer?" "Plus if that wasn't enough, we will have the FUSION debut of Mr. Wrestling III! Don't you dare change that channel! FUSION is next! [/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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[B]Wednesday July 19th, 2006, 9PM EST[/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] [B]"It is time once again for the destination event of Wednesday night! This is FUSION! I'm your host Scott Hudson joined once again by Mister James E. Cornette. Tonight FUSION has returned to Georgia with an amazing night of NWA action!" "That's right Scott starting with a huge NWA World Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final bout featuring Jay and Mark, the Briscoe Brothers taking on Team Punishment, Tito Ortiz and "Too Dangerous" Daniel Puder! These amazing teams will square off with a birth in the finals and a shot at the gold on the line!" "And don't forget our big main event that speaks for its, Masato Tanaka, just a few weeks away from his huge match with D'Lo Brown at Showdown 3 will be taking on "Classic" Colt Cabana. Can the "Classic One" surive the onslaught of the Xtreme Horsemen's enforcer?" "Plus if that wasn't enough, we will have the FUSION debut of Mr. Wrestling III! Don't you dare change that channel! FUSION is next! [/B] Cut to opening montage which features shots of NWA legends Lou Thesz, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Funk, Ernie Ladd, Jack Brisco, Antonino Rocca, Barry Windham, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Arn Anderson, The Midnight Express, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Ricky Steamboat spliced in with shots of today's stars of the NWA, Steve Corino, Tito Ortiz, D'Lo Brown, Masato Tanaka, Matt Wiese, Vampiro, Mr. Wrestling III, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, The Briscoe Brothers, La Parka, Doug Williams, Lizmark Jr, and Trent Acid. The screen goes black for a moment and the motto of the NWA appears, OUR TRADITION BUILDS LEGENDS. The theme song of FUSION is Burn by the Cure
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In dark matches Jody Fleisch defeated Evan Karagias and Bison Smith defeated Lizmark. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout, Nigel McGuinness defeated Christian York by pinfall in 3:12 following the Tower of London. (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Vampiro makes his way down to the ring and takes the microphone from Lauren Jones. [B]"So I guess you all forgot about me. It seems like the NWA Board of Directors sure has forgotten me. I get screwed at SHOWDOWN 2 by that twerp Chris Hero. So where is my rematch? I can't even get on TV since then! I've beaten some of the best in this business and I can't even get on this goddamn show! I want some piece of crap in that locker room to come out here and get the unholy hell beaten out of them!"[/B] No sooner are those words out of Vampiro's mouth than the arena goes dark. Summon the Heroes by John Williams begins to play and a single spotlight shines on Mr. Wrestling III! He is wearing a t-shirt that reads, [B]"Hard work is its own reward."[/B] He removes his shirt, looking lean and toned. He makes his way into the ring and the match is on! (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Vampiro in 7:37 by submission following a running kneelift and the Cloverleaf. As III graciously acknowledges the fans, Hudson and Cornette note how Vampiro was baffled by his opponents knowledge of counters and add how he once again wrestled one hundred percent clean. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera pans backstage to the locker room of Team Punishment and finds the fighters going over last minute strategies. When Callis sees the cameraman, he quickly throws him out of the locker room. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Briscoe Brothers are walking to the ring. As they reach the "Gorilla" position, they give each other fist and step through the curtains. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] The Briscoe Brothers defeat Team Punishment by pinfall in 13:09. Don Callis interference backfires and Jay schoolboys Daniel Puder for a surprising win. Puder and Ortiz are livid with Callis and drag him backstage by the scruff of his neck. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new NWA SHOWDOWN 3 T-shirts into the crowd (A*) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the main event of the evening Colt Cabana defeats Masato Tanaka by DQ when the rest of the Horsemen run in and dish out a nasty beatdown. D'Lo runs in with a chair to make the save but he falls prey to the superior numbers. The show ends with the boys from Chicago battered and beaten by the Xtreme Horsemen.(Match B, Angle B+)[/QUOTE] Rating: B
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In dark matches Jody Fleisch defeated Evan Karagias and Bison Smith defeated Lizmark. [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the opening bout, Nigel McGuinness defeated Christian York by pinfall in 3:12 following the Tower of London. (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Vampiro makes his way down to the ring and takes the microphone from Lauren Jones. [B]"So I guess you all forgot about me. It seems like the NWA Board of Directors sure has forgotten me. I get screwed at SHOWDOWN 2 by that twerp Chris Hero. So where is my rematch? I can't even get on TV since then! I've beaten some of the best in this business and I can't even get on this goddamn show! I want some piece of crap in that locker room to come out here and get the unholy hell beaten out of them!"[/B] No sooner are those words out of Vampiro's mouth than the arena goes dark. Summon the Heroes by John Williams begins to play and a single spotlight shines on Mr. Wrestling III! He is wearing a t-shirt that reads, [B]"Hard work is its own reward."[/B] He removes his shirt, looking lean and toned. He makes his way into the ring and the match is on! (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting [/CENTER] Mr. Wrestling III defeats Vampiro in 7:37 by submission following a running kneelift and the Cloverleaf. As III graciously acknowledges the fans, Hudson and Cornette note how Vampiro was baffled by his opponents knowledge of counters and add how he once again wrestled one hundred percent clean. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The camera pans backstage to the locker room of Team Punishment and finds the fighters going over last minute strategies. When Callis sees the cameraman, he quickly throws him out of the locker room. (B)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Briscoe Brothers are walking to the ring. As they reach the "Gorilla" position, they give each other fist and step through the curtains. (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] The Briscoe Brothers defeat Team Punishment by pinfall in 13:09. Don Callis interference backfires and Jay schoolboys Daniel Puder for a surprising win. Puder and Ortiz are livid with Callis and drag him backstage by the scruff of his neck. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Lauren Jones fires the new NWA SHOWDOWN 3 T-shirts into the crowd (A*) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[/CENTER] In the main event of the evening Colt Cabana defeats Masato Tanaka by DQ when the rest of the Horsemen run in and dish out a nasty beatdown. D'Lo runs in with a chair to make the save but he falls prey to the superior numbers. The show ends with the boys from Chicago battered and beaten by the Xtreme Horsemen.(Match B, Angle B+)[/QUOTE] Rating: B
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Nice TV show...It certainly is building to bigger things... Awesome way to elevate #3...Just when I thought Vampiro was building himself back up, he puts over Mr. Wrestling... The Briscoes are just awesome...They will win the NWA tag Titles....And cnice continuation of the dissension with Callis.. Main event simply furthered storylines with Extreme Horseman and Cabana/D'Lo
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