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TCW: The Texan Rides Again

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You're going to have to tell us what you're paying Zimmy now. But he's the person in the game I would most like to sign, so I won't judge you!


4 years

110K per month

20% Bonus Per Event

35% Merchandise Cut


I started to have second thoughts when we got near the 100K mark, especially cause Zimmy is (surprisingly to me) 37. But, along with his star quality, Zimmy is statistically one of the best performers in the game. His psychology and fundamental skills are all 85+, stats in which I care a lot about.


Like I said before, this is my last big free agent steal for awhile unless one of my personal favs come along or a guy like Golden becomes available. I feel good about the roster now, time to start focusing more on developing new stars.

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August – Week 2 – 2020


Tuesday Afternoon

Just Arriving For Tonight’s Episode of Total Wrestling


Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson and CEO Kyle Rhodes chat away as they head towards catering. RDJ knows that the coffee at catering isn’t going to be great, but he still needs a kick after the drive to The Ranch of San Antonio.


Rhodes: So, are you cooking up anything special for tonight’s show? Anything we haven’t discussed?


RDJ: *thinks about it* No, I’m pretty sure we went over everything I’d like to do tonight. The big swerve, setting up the big tag team match for Showcase. The Tag Title story swerve. The Bach-Huggins feud. I’m really invested in that story, I think that could be money.


Rhodes: It certainly could be quite the soap opera, brewing this sibling drama.


RDJ: Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but we’ve never seen issues between Freddy & Laura before. They’ve both been here for over a decade. I just thought…what if that relationship suddenly wasn’t as perfect as it always has been?


Rhodes: I like it. We’re touching topics we haven’t done yet with the Huggins. You just reminded me, though. There’s something I wanted to toss at you to brainstorm.


After pouring his coffee, RDJ turned back to Kyle while blowing on the hot beverage.


RDJ: Oooooohhhhhh, do tell!


Rhodes: Well, you know I’m trying to expand horizons this year with TCW…


RDJ: Take over the world.


Rhodes: *grins* Yes Rick, I’m trying to take over the world. I want to build a product that could hit any possible demographic. Deliver a product that the average person could tune in to and find something they like, and hopefully we hook them.


RDJ: Sounds good, but what’s left? Not like we can start doing Death Matches with the sponsors we have. Never going to use a weed whacker in this company.


Rhodes: *laughs* No, man! I’m talking about building a Women’s Division. I’d really like to eventually start up one.


RDJ: Really? I guess that makes sense. But, where is the television time to build this division?


Rhodes: Well, that’s where you got me. Hopefully, in the next year, we get more television time, and then we can really invest into creating the division.


RDJ: Christ Rick, if you tell me I need to book another television show, I’m going to cry. I’m still learning how to do this job, for the love of god.


Rhodes: *smiles* Well, eventually! But relax Rick, I’m not saying this is going to happen tomorrow. I’m looking at the bigger picture, and the bigger picture tells me we should have had a women's division a long time ago.


RDJ: Yeah, I suppose you’re right.


Rhodes: In the next year, I’d love to have more television time somewhere, and I’d love to get this women’s division off the ground. I think it would vastly improve our reach to the world.


RDJ: Hell man, how much thought have you put into this?


Rhodes: How much thought? I already have Joel Bryant scouting female wrestlers to hopefully recruit one day. He’s out there, letting them know that it’s in our plans.


RDJ: Wow, you really are all over this. Speaking of which, any news on the you-know-what?


RDJ knows better than to say it aloud, Kyle Rhodes’s attempt of purchasing TCW from BriCo. As far as RDJ knew, he was one of the few people that actually knew it was going down.


Before answering Rick, Kyle looks around to make sure no one is listening to the conversation.


Rhodes: It’s slow but steady. Lots of money, lots of contracts to discuss. As long as we don’t go backwards, I’d say it’s going okay.


RDJ: Are you ever going to tell me who this big money benefactor is? The one who is helping you do this?


Rhodes: *grins* You know I can’t do that, I told you already. By contract, they’re anonymous until its official. But when I can tell you, I’ll be sure to tell you.


RDJ: *sarcastic* Yeah yeah, you and your dirty diplomatic secrets…


RDJ cuts off the conversation when he sees Eddie Chandler, the newest (and only) member to Rick’s Booking Staff. Chandler greets the both of them, shaking hands with each.


RDJ: Eddie, please tell me you coming bearing good news. Did you do what I asked?


Chandler: I did. I stuck my butt in front of a monitor at each house show this week and watched Joss Thompson and Jay Chord wrestle over and over.


RDJ: Good, good. So, please tell me we have gold waiting for us with their match at Hotter Than Hell.


Chandler cringes a bit, not really wanting to answer. Both RDJ and Rhodes see it and groan.


Rhodes: That bad?


Chandler: I’m afraid so. I wouldn’t say zero chemistry, but their chemistry is pretty awful. Jay and Joss just seem to be two guys that don’t gel well together.


RDJ: Crap….


Rhodes: Well…that’s why we do those house shows…


RDJ: I guess. Could Jay and Joss tell it wasn’t going well?


Chandler: I mean, they wouldn’t say it aloud. They’re too prideful to do that. But, you can see it in their eyes coming back from the ring. It just wasn’t there.


Letting out a long sigh, RDJ rolls his eyes while carefully taking a sip of his coffee.


Rhodes: So what now, “Booker Man”? What do you want to do?


RDJ: I mean, what is there to do? With the Lethal Lottery Tournament going on, it doesn’t leave us many options.


Rhodes: Were Jay and Joss going to main event the show?


RDJ: *shakes head* No. I was going to promote it heavy the next three weeks, but it wasn’t going to go on last. What would you do, “Boss Man”?


Rhodes: *grins* Is the match important to the story going on?


RDJ: Absolutely crucial? No. But important? Yeah…yeah I’d say so.


Kyle turns to Eddie Chandler.


Rhodes: What do you think? You think Jay and Joss could put together a decent enough match on the P-P-V?


Chandler: *shrugs* Sure, they’re plenty talented enough. Fans could buy into it for sure. We just have to lower expectations. I don’t think we’re going to get an instant classic by any means.


Rhodes: Well…at this point, I’d say bite the bullet, and then never do the match again.


RDJ: Yeah…I suppose you’re right. Well, here’s hoping my next plan doesn’t go to s***.


Rhodes: And what plan is that?


RDJ: Well…finding out if Andrews and Thompson can gel as tag team partners…


Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

TCW Uprising!




Uprising Shorts

* It is revealed by One Man Army and Vita that fellow W.M.D. member Human Arsenal will be unable to compete this Saturday on Showcase. As a result, their Tag Team Title rematch against the new champions, The Shade Gang has been canceled.


Later on in the show, The Shade Gang is interviewed by Kyle Rhodes inside the arena. Hocking, Speed, & Tornado are mighty proud of their actions, brutally attacking Human Arsenal and injuring him on Total Wrestling. They try to defend their actions, though, claiming Arsenal started the fight backstage, but…everyone can tell they’re not exactly telling the truth!


Tornado: Well…I guess that means Shade Gang officially don’t have any to do this Saturday on Showcase. We’re going to enjoy the fine weekend off…with the Tag Team gold, of course!


That comment brings out Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson to interrupt the interview, and he brings some news that the Shade Gang doesn’t care for.


RDJ: Wow, you really think that is how it’s going to go down? You just injured one of the challengers, and I just give you the weekend off? Hell, children, if that was how it worked, I would have injured people left and right when I was still an active wrestler! No, this is how it’s going down. No, W.M.D. cannot compete as a team this Saturday. But you guys? Speed & Hocking? You are STILL are defending those Tag Team Titles! So, your butts are going to show up this weekend, and your opponents? Well…you will just have to find out this Saturday, right before your match starts!


Tornado: You’re not going to tell them their opponents? That’s not fair!


RDJ: Fair? You should have thought of fair before you attacked Human Arsenal! Now, you can deal with the consequences!


** After having to see his stablemate Dazzling Dave Diamond injured by Kirk Jameson, then having a confrontation with Jameson this week on Total Wrestling, Beautiful Love’s Danny Fonzarelli is out for revenge. Fonzarelli wants a piece of Jameson, and officially challenges him to a one-on-one match.


*** After watching his Sinner Society destroy some enhancement talent, Floyd Goldworthy took to the mic and talked a big game with his men huddled around him.


Goldworthy: I don’t know what’s with this change of attitude by Eddie Peak, but if he thinks he can take on all my men, then he’s really lost his mind! But where is Eddie, anyway? I thought he was supposed to take my men out! He’s nowhere to be found! What happened Eddie? Are you afraid? Or did you just come to your senses?


Goldworthy is suddenly interrupted by a loud, cackling laugh that we’ve all come to know. Suddenly, on grainy footage, the sadistic, grinning face of Eddie Peak appears on the titantron.


Peak: Oh, Goldy, I haven’t gone anywhere. I am just building the anticipation. What’s a good story without a little anticipation? But don’t worry, Goldy, you will see me soon. Next week, I will begin to have my fun. Next week? The Purge Begins!


**** After the main event, the credits roll, signaling the end of the show. But instead, we abruptly cut to Joss Thompson. His head covered by a hoodie, an irate Thompson paces back and forth before speaking.


Thompson: Jay Chord…Greg Gauge…yeah…you got the best of me. I didn’t see it coming. And maybe I’m a little crazy to rush right back into the lion’s den, knowing what a deadly duo you two can be. But, it’s that little crazy that makes me who I am! You boys want a fight? Well, you came to the right man. But Jay? I’m not waiting until Hotter Than Hell for our singles match. Nah, I’m way too impatient for that.


Thompson throws off his hood and stares into the camera.


Thompson: I’ll be at Saturday Night Showcase, and you can bet your a** that I’m coming for both of you!

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase

The Official Card For The August 2020 Edition!


A Blockbuster Tag Team Main Event!

“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Aaron Andrews & “TCW Television Champion” Mainstream Hernandez


Destiny (Jay Chord & Greg Gauge)


TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) ( C ) Vs. ?????

Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson promises Shade Gang will learn who their challengers are…right before the match starts!


Joshua Taylor vs Wolf Hawkins


Mighty Mo Vs. Aztec Prince


Fatal Four Way Match

Doc Hammond Vs. Davis Wayne Newton Vs. Frederique Vs. Masked Cougar

Winner receives a future TCW Television Championship Match!


2 Out of 3 Falls Tag Team Match

Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)


Also, Mr. Lucha will be in action!

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A Blockbuster Tag Team Main Event!

“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Aaron Andrews & “TCW Television Champion” Mainstream Hernandez


Destiny (Jay Chord & Greg Gauge)


TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) ( C ) Vs. ?????

Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson promises Shade Gang will learn who their challengers are…right before the match starts!


Joshua Taylor vs Wolf Hawkins


Mighty Mo Vs. Aztec Prince


Fatal Four Way Match

Doc Hammond Vs. Davis Wayne Newton Vs. Frederique Vs. Masked Cougar

Winner receives a future TCW Television Championship Match!


2 Out of 3 Falls Tag Team Match

Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)


Also, Mr. Lucha will be in action!

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“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Aaron Andrews & “TCW Television Champion” Mainstream Hernandez vs Destiny (Jay Chord & Greg Gauge)


It would be a sad start to Destiny if they lost here!


TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) ( C ) vs ???


Always fear the ???, but I'm still going for Shade.


Joshua Taylor vs Wolf Hawkins


Toughie to call, but it's Hawkins, so...


Mighty Mo Vs. Aztec Prince


But by DQ


Fatal Four Way Match

Doc Hammond Vs. Davis Wayne Newton Vs. Frederique Vs. Masked Cougar

Winner receives a future TCW Television Championship Match!


Makes sense as the next challenger to Hernandez


2 Out of 3 Falls Tag Team Match

Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)


Soft spot for RR


Also, Mr. Lucha will be in action


I think he can win against no name... unless he's picked a fight with a certain debutant!

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TCW Saturday Saturday Night Showcase

August 2020 Edition




2 Out of 3 Falls Tag Team Match

Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus

Freddy Huggins joins commentary to watch his Freddy Corp. finish off their feud with Benny Benson & Jimmy Foxx. Foxx is ready to put Remus away inside the ring, but gets tripped by Laura Huggins when he goes to run off the ropes. The distraction works, Foxx focuses on Laura, allowing Remus to hit Jimmy with a flying knee to the back. As Watson pulls Benson off the apron and brawl outside the ring, Remus hits Foxx with his patented Brainbuster Suplex, then rolls through, locking on the Remus Clutch! Foxx is stuck in middle of the ring, and is forced to tap! Freddy Corp. takes Fall #1!


Jason Azaria: It’s 1-0 early for Watson & Remus.


Freddy Huggins: Of course, it is! Keep it up, boys!


Freddy Corp. attack Foxx immediately at the start of the second fall. Watson & Remus attempt the Double Back Body Toss, but Foxx manages to break off behind them. Foxx dropkicks Remus in the back, sending him to the floor, and then hits Watson with a Tornado DDT when Julian tries to lift him up. Benson gets the tag and goes on a tear! Benson wipes both Watson & Remus out with a Double Cross Body Block. Foxx takes cares of Watson outside the ring as Benson heads to the top rope. Shockwave From Next Year, hit perfectly on Remus! 1,2,3! Benny & The Foxx take Fall#2!


Mitch Naess: It’s all tied up!


Freddy Huggins: Come on, Freddy Corp.! Get it together!


Benson tries to keep the momentum going, but Remus slows him down with a rake to the eyes, followed by a Freddy Corp. Double Flapjack for a nearfall. Watson looks to finish it is with the Tiger Claw DDT, but Foxx retaliates against Freddy Corp.’s dirty tactics by breaking it up with a Flying Double Axe Handle. Foxx gets the tag, and it’s all out mayhem now, all four men going at it. Foxx attempts a suicide dive outside the ring, but Watson & Remus manages to catch him and throw him into the steel steps! Freddy Corp. double teams Benson in-ring, but Benny thwarts a Double Suplex attempt by sending both Watson & Remus flipping with a flying headscissors. Remus is sent rolling out of the ring as Foxx heads to the top rope. Benson hoists Remus up as Foxx connects with the Flying Foxx! 1,2,3! Benny & The Foxx win the match!


Jason Azaria: A big win for Benny & Foxx, and I think it’s safe to say their reunion is officially a success.


MC Motormouth: I don’t know, it feels like a fluke to me. Right Freddy? Freddy?


Freddy Huggins doesn’t answer Motormouth, but instead storms away from the commentary. Freddy leaves his entire stable behind him and departs from the arena, apparently disgusted to see Benny & The Foxx win.


Mitch Naess: It sure does seem these issues with his sister Laura and Sammy Bach are really getting to Freddy.


MC Motormouth: A minor setback! I’m sure Freddy and his Corp. will bounce back very soon.


Jason Azaria: As for Benny & The Foxx, you have to believe they just put themselves at the front of the line for a future Tag Team Title Match. The former champs could eventually be Two-Timers!


Mr. Lucha Vs. Chance Fortune

Mr. Lucha faces his biggest challenge to date against the longtime TCW veteran Fortune. A ton of back of forth between two athletic men, and it looks like for a moment Fortune might end Lucha’s streak. But, Lucha manages to reverse Fortune’s Stroke of Luck attempt in a big German Suplex. Lucha follows up with his patented Lucha Sault and gets the 3. Lucha picks up another big win in his young TCW career!


Mitch Naess: The roster better start keeping an eye out. Mr. Lucha is plowing through the competition right now, and he doesn’t show any sign of slowing down.


Jason Azaria: Certainly, Mr. Lucha is one of the brightest new stars in TCW.


Backstage, The Shade Gang confronts Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson and try to get the Commish to tell them who their Mystery Tag Title Challengers are tonight. Troy Tornado calls it an injustice that Marc Speed & Matt Hocking don’t know their opponents, but RDJ hears none of it. But, when Shade Gang goes to walk away, RDJ stops them.


RDJ: Hold on there, Troy. No need to follow your buddies out to the ring. You have a match tonight.


Tornado: What do you mean? I have no match scheduled!


RDJ: Well, ya do now! So go get ready, because you guys injured Human Arsenal? You, Troy, get to go one-on-one with Arsenal’s tag partner, One Man Army!


The entire group start to complain, but RDJ shuts that down quickly.


RDJ: Yeah yeah yeah, I don’t want to hear it. Troy, you can go get your gear on, and you can forget about Speed & Hocking being at ringside for your match, too.


Mighty Mo Vs. Aztec Prince

Referee Bull loses control of this match pretty fast. Nothing technical about this one, it is a flat out, ugly brawl. Mo is out for revenge, and Prince is more than ready for a fight. Eventually, the fight leads to outside the ring, and nothing Referee Bull does can get the competitors back in the ring. Bull lets it slide for awhile, but the competitors push it too far. When Bull tries get in between them, Mo shoves the referee away. When Bull tries again, Prince tosses the referee aside! Referee Bull has no choice but to call for the bell and Disqualify Both Mo & Prince! That doesn’t stop the fight, though!


Jason Azaria: Mo and Prince took it too far, and now both are leaving Showcase without a win!


The fight continues at ringside in front of the announce table. Aztec Prince attempts to whip Mighty Mo into the steel steps, but Mo reverses the whip into a powerful clothesline. Prince gets up, only for Mo to smash his face off the announce table. Mo begins to strip clean the announce table, and yells at the announcers to get out of the way.


Mitch Naess: Well, time to go.


MC Motormouth: You don’t have to tell me twice…


Mighty Mo begins to set Prince up for a Powerbomb, but all of sudden he gets a steel chair cracked across his spine by none other than the Syndicate leader, Wolf Hawkins! When Mo turns around, Hawkins drives the chair into Mo’s ribs. The beatdown begins by the Syndicate, and then Hawkins gives Prince his orders. Prince shows off his amazing strength, lifting Mo up, AND POWERBOMBING HIM THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!


Jason Azaria: My God! Aztec Prince just absolutely destroyed Mighty Mo! Our announce table has been broken to bits!


Mitch Naess: Mo is hurt guys. We need the medical team help out here.


Hawkins is all smiles as he stands over Mo, talking a little trash. The icing on the cake, Hawkins proudly raises his protégé Prince’s arm in the air, as if he won the match. Cue a big bunch of boos from the live crowd.


MC Motormouth: When is Mighty Mo going to learn? He cannot beat Wolf Hawkins, he cannot beat the numbers of The Syndicate.


Jason Azaria: I hate to say it, but that appears to be the case. Mo’s war with the Syndicate has led to nothing but tragedy for him.


TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) Vs. ?????


The arena grows as Speed & Hocking wait in the ring to find out who is Commissioner RDJ’s handpicked challengers for the Tag Team Champion. After a long pause, “Dare” by Gorillaz begins to play, erupting the crowd into cheers. Speed & Hocking are already complaining to Referee Johnson as Dharma Gregg leads out her men, Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright!


Mitch Naess: Oh boy…Tana & T-Bone are coming off two big tag team wins in previous weeks, and it looks like RDJ has awarded them for their success!


MC Motormouth: This is insane! How can you think this is fair, making the champs fight Tana & T-Bone without notice? They’re twice the size of Speed & Hocking!


Jason Azaria: It’s called a punishment, MC! That’s what they get for deliberately injuring another competitor!


MC Motormouth: This isn’t a punishment! This is downright torture!


The size difference is perfectly clear, as Tana & T-Bone use it to control and dominate the Tag Team Champions for most of the match. But, Speed & Hocking actually manage to take the giant Tana down by the left knee. They keep Tana down, pulling and tearing at that knee. But all it takes is one mistake, Hocking trying to go aerial, and Tana turns the tide with a single giant chop to the cranium. T-Bone gets the tag, and all out mayhem ensues. Referee Johnson loses control of this match as all four men go at it. As T-Bone and Speed duke it out in the ring, Tana stalks Hocking around ringside, chopping Matt and whipping him into the barricade. Suddenly, behind Referee Johnson’s back, The Syndicate’s Akima Brave & Chris Flynn appear and attack Tana at ringside!


Mitch Naess: Are you kidding me?! The Syndicate are back at it already!


Both T-Bone and the referee don’t see The Syndicate attacking Tana at ringside. Dharma Gregg tries to get their attention, but the action in-ring between T-Bone and Speed is too heated. Together, Brave & Flynn send Tana hard into the steel steps! Tana is down and hurt, while The Syndicate disappear as if they were never there! Having no clue what happened, T-Bone is left alone with Shade Gang. The heavyweight tries to hold his own, but eventually the numbers disadvantage is too much. Speed & Hocking manage to lift up T-Bone, then plant him with their Elevated DDT! 1,2,3! The Shade Gang retain the Tag Team Titles!


Jason Azaria: Unbelievable! The Shade Gang has managed to sneak their away with the gold.


MC Motormouth: Believe it! What a courageous, impressive victory by the Tag Team Champions.


Mitch Naess: Are you kidding? Did you see the match?


Mc Motormouth: I see Speed & Hocking leaving with the titles. Isn’t that what matters?


The Shade Gang make their 1st successful title defense. They have been the TCW World Tag Team Champions for 13 days. This is both Speed & Hocking’s 1st reign as TCW Tag Team Champions.


Kyle Rhodes is standing by on the interview stage, where he introduces Sammy Bach to a huge pop. Rhodes questions Bach about his issues with Freddy Huggins, and how he came out on Total Wrestling to save Laura Cathertine Huggins from her brother’s rage.


Bach: Kyle, I didn’t save anyone. I just did what was right. I don’t know what’s going on in the Huggins family, but I do know one thing. You don’t treat a woman like Freddy has been treating his sister! Freddy keeps on going around, blaming Laura for his loss to me at Summer Showdown. When, last time I checked? I didn’t make Laura tap out. I made Freddy tap out!


Rhodes: So, where does this leave you now with Freddy Huggins?


Bach: Frankly? I don’t know, but if Freddy needs to be taught a lesson about respect? Then I’ll be more than happy to be the man to give it to him!


Joshua Taylor Vs. Wolf Hawkins

Taylor takes Hawkins’s best shots, refuses to give up, and rallies back into the match. Taylor thwarts Hawkins’s attempt at a Superplex, instead hitting Wolf with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Taylor heads back to the top rope, flies off when Hawkins returns to his feet, and connects with a perfect Flying Knee to the face! The cover, 1,2,Kickout! Taylor calls for the end, looking to lock in the Butterfly Lock, when suddenly “Man with a Plan” by Chapel of Rock begins to play. Taylor immediately turns to the entranceway.


Mitch Naess: That’s Davis Wayne Newton’s music, but where is he?


Jason Azaria: Something doesn’t seem right here.


Taylor continues to wait for his heated rival to appear, but instead, Newton’s music just stops playing. Taylor shakes it off and returns his attention to Hawkins. Taylor attempts to lock on the Butterfly Lock, but Hawkins fights it and rolls through. Both men charge each other, and Hawkins drops Taylor with a Jumping Knee to the face. As Taylor struggles to recover, Hawkins flies! The Full Moon Rising! He hits it! The cover, 1,2,3! Wolf Hawkins picks up the big win.


Mitch Naess: What just happened?! Why did Newton’s music play?


MC Motormouth: Clearly a malfunction, Mitch. But, more importantly, Wolf Hawkins picks up another huge win on his way back into the World Title picture.


Jason Azaria: Wait, you think that was a malfunction?


Mitch Naess: More like someone got paid $50 in the production truck to play a trick on Joshua Taylor…


One Man Army Vs. Troy Tornado

Without his Shade Gang buddies out there to help Tornado, Troy finds himself in trouble against a determined, vengeful One Man Army. Tornado is able to slow Army down a moment with a rake to the eyes when Referee Long is out of place, but isn’t able to capitalize. Army manages to recover and leaves Tornado reeling. Army connects with the Guided Missile and gets the 1,2,3! One Man Army picks up the victory and a little payback for his partner, Human Arsenal.


Jason Azaria: I’m sure One Man Army would have rather been teaming with Human Arsenal tonight, but you have to believe that win over Tornado had to be sweet.


Mitch Naess: I’m sure it did. We don’t have a time table for Arsenal’s recovery, but when he does return? W.M.D. contractually deserve a title rematch against Shade Gang, and you can bet they’re going to make sure they get it!


Backstage, Destiny cut a promo, hyping their upcoming tag team match against Aaron Andrews & Mainstream Hernandez. Jay Chord & Greg Gauge are awfully confident going into their match with the World Heavyweight and Television Champion.


Chord: Tonight? We put the name Destiny on the map. Everyone learns that it’s not just some gimmick, it’s not just moniker. It is a revelation, it is a prophecy ready to be fulfilled. Greg & I are destined to rule Total Championship Wrestling, to rule the entire wrestling world. This industry runs through our veins, and no matter what Andrews and Hernandez might think of themselves? That isn’t something they can say.


Gauge: Andrew and Hernandez might be wearing championship gold right now, but we’re not talking about a single title reign. We’re talking about a dynasty! We are talking about being on top of this industry for years to come. And just like Jay said, tonight is the night. Tonight? Destiny has its official coming out party!


Fatal Four Way Match

Doc Hammond Vs. Davis Wayne Newton Vs. Frederique Vs. Masked Cougar

Newton looks to be ready to punch his ticket to a future TCW Television Title Match after dodging Cougar’s attempt at the Cougar Pounce, instead hitting Cougar with a punishing Neckbreaker. Newton sets Cougar up for his Fisherman’s Suplex, but he gets dragged out of the ring by an enraged Joshua Taylor!


MC Motormouth: Hey! Taylor has no business getting involved in this match!


Mitch Naess: Come on, MC! You know Newton deserves this after earlier tonight!


Haley Buck screams at Taylor as he pummels away at her client Newton. The two men begin to brawl all the way up the entrance stage! Meanwhile, back in the ring, Frederique fights off Hammond’s attempt at the Texas Cloverleaf. Frederique attempts to hit the Romeo is Bleeding, but Hammond breaks free, and instead plants Frederique his patented Exploder Suplex! Hammond covers Frederique, 1,2, Cougar comes flying off the top rope! I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar! Cougar crashes down onto both Hammond and Frederique before the three count! Cougar covers Frederique, 1,2,3! Masked Cougar picks up the win and the TV Title shot!


Jason Azaria: Wow! Masked Cougar snatches away the victory, probably the biggest win of his TCW career!


Mitch Naess: That’s just the way a Fatal Four Way goes! But think about this. Mainstream Hernandez versus Masked Cougar for the TV Title? What an amazing match that is going to be!


Back from commercials, a sit down interview is played, as Kyle Rhodes talks to TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews about his victory over Jay Chord at Summer Showdown. Breaking down the match, Andrews gives his thoughts on one of the biggest matches in TCW history.


Andrews: Jay Chord gave me one of the toughest fights I ever had. Jay took me to the brink, and he is certainly as good as he think he is. Jay will go down as one of the best wrestlers in this business, I have no doubt about it. But, this is my time. This is the Aaron Andrews Era in TCW, and I intend to keep it going for a very long time.


Rhodes: Some have said your match with Jay Chord isn’t without some controversy. The way that the Special Enforcer Joss Thompson got involved. Jay Chord even blames Joss for his loss to you. What would you say to that claim?


Andrews: Jay Chord has no one to blame but himself. He got frustrated when he couldn’t beat me, so he tried to use a chair. If he had just stayed calm and focused, hell, maybe he would be the World Champion right now. But to be World Champion? You need more than just talented. You need awareness, instinct, and even some dumb luck. Jay was clearly lacking all that at Summer Showdown. As for Joss Thompson? He was just doing his job as the special enforcer, making sure a foreign object wasn’t used.


Rhodes: You and Joss Thompson had a little of a face off after the match. Joss seemed to be quite interested in your World Title. Do you think we will see you two battle in the ring in the future?


Andrews grins at the question.


Andrews: I’m counting on it!




Aaron Andrews & Mainstream Hernandez Vs. Destiny

Hernandez manages to tag Andrews into the match after taking quite the beating from Jay Chord & Greg Gauge. Andrews beats up both Chord & Gauge, then knocks both of them to the floor. Andrews tags back in Hernandez, who goes flying over the top rope, wiping out Destiny with a Somersault Plancha! Gauge & Hernandez battle back into the ring, while Andrews & Chord brawl around ringside. Andrews sends Chord into the barricade, then charges. Andrews attempts his patented Spear, but Chord dodges it! Andrews goes crashing through the barricade! BOOM!


Mitch Naess: Oh My God!


Back in the ring, Hernandez rocks Gauge with a Super Kick, then goes for his finisher. Hernandez starts running up the turnbuckles to hit the Apparition #14 on Gauge, but Chord races across the apron and pulls Hernandez down by the leg, crotching him on the top turnbuckle! Gauge takes advantage of Chord’s work and lifts Hernandez onto his shoulders! The Broken Gauge! Gauge hits it! The cover, 1,2,3! Destiny wins the Tag Team Main Event!


MC Motormouth: What an impressive win by Chord & Gauge. Destiny just showed the world what a fine, oiled machine they are!


Mitch Naess: Greg Gauge just pinned the man who took the TV Title away from him. That should definitely make the title picture awfully muddy.


Referee Young attempts to raise Jay Chord and Greg Gauge’s hands in victory, but Destiny push the referee away. Instead, they start to kick away at Mainstream Hernandez on the mat. Referee Young gets thrown aside when he attempts to break it up.


Jason Azaria: Come on! This isn’t necessary! You already won the dang match!


Aaron Andrews slides back into the ring and starts to fight both Chord and Gauge, hoping to save Hernandez from the beatdown. After dropping both men, Andrews looks to hit Gauge with the Ace in the Hole, but Chord blindsides Aaron before he can do so. Destiny now begins the double team on Andrews. All of sudden, the crowd erupts to the sound of “A Thousand Fists” by Disturbed.


Mitch Naess: Oh Boy! Here comes trouble for Chord & Gauge!


Destiny turns towards the curtains, anticipating Joss Thompson to come through the curtains. But instead, Thompson appears through the crowd and tackles Jay Chord from behind. The crowd goes nuts as Thompson pummels Chord and Gauge back and forth. Just when it looks like Destiny might overwhelm Thompson, Aaron Andrews is back up and swinging. Andrews and Thompson bring the fight to Destiny, knocking them all over the ring! Thompson goes to hit Gauge with the Clean Clutter, but Chord pulls Gauge free before it can happen. Destiny flees from the ring!


Jason Azaria: I don’t know if Joss Thompson was out here for a rescue, but he definitely saved Andrews & Hernandez from any possible injuries.


Mitch Naess: Thompson got a little bit of revenge on Destiny, but I’m sure he was hoping for a lot more!


MC Motormouth: Yeah yeah, that’s all details. All I know is that Chord and Gauge just defeated the World Heavyweight Champion AND the Television Champion, both at once! That’s all that matters!


In ring, Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson face off briefly, but the tension is broken up when Andrews offers a handshake. Thompson accepts it, but quickly breaks free to turn his attention to Destiny. As Chord & Gauge make their exit up the entrance stage, the two sides exchange threats, vowing revenge next time their paths cross.


Jason Azaria: What a chaotic way to end the show, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes! Thank you for joining us tonight folks, and thank you for helping us celebrate the return of Saturday Night Showcase! Have a good night!

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A quick fyi, if you check out my booking picture for Saturday Night Showcase, Andrews/Hernandez Vs. Destiny was actually booked as a Cage Match. Yeah....that was a mistake, a mistake I didn't even realize I made until AFTER I wrote up the results for the diary. It was supposed to be a standard tag team match. My bad!
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dbritton987" data-cite="dbritton987" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A quick fyi, if you check out my booking picture for Saturday Night Showcase, Andrews/Hernandez Vs. Destiny was actually booked as a Cage Match. Yeah....that was a mistake, a mistake I didn't even realize I made until AFTER I wrote up the results for the diary. It was supposed to be a standard tag team match. My bad!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Booking picture? I'm feeling really thick, but I've got no idea what you mean!</p><p> </p><p> I did get close to the Mo / Prince result though...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="eayragt" data-cite="eayragt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Booking picture? I'm feeling really thick, but I've got no idea what you mean!<p> </p><p> I did get close to the Mo / Prince result though...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I always include a link to a picture of the booking grid for each show. That's what I'm talking about. I hope it's been showing up, been doing it since the start. lol</p><p> </p><p> Here, in case it didn't work last time. </p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/a/MynXf6f" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/MynXf6f</a></p>
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I always include a link to a picture of the booking grid for each show. That's what I'm talking about. I hope it's been showing up, been doing it since the start. lol


Here, in case it didn't work last time.




So that's weird. Having quoted your post, I see the link, and it works when copied and pasted.


I can not, and never have been, able to see the image.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="eayragt" data-cite="eayragt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So that's weird. Having quoted your post, I see the link, and it works when copied and pasted.<p> </p><p> I can not, and never have been, able to see the image.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I might have been messing things up when uploading my images on imgur.com, a site I just started using when I started this diary. I think I got it now.</p><p> </p><p> But yeah, I always tried to include an image of the booking grid for each show. I know lengthy play-by-play isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I wanted to give that option rather than reading my dribble. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">August– Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booking Grid</span></strong></p><p>

<a href="https://imgur.com/a/X0N8QsD" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/X0N8QsD</a></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Total Wrestling opens up to the sound of “Uprising” by Muse. Cue the boos, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Syndicate</strong></span></em><em> head down to the ring. Leader </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins and Akima Brave</strong></span></em><em> are dressed to wrestle, while </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Chris Flynn</strong></span></em><em> accompanies them in street clothes. A smirking Hawkins calls for a mic and proceeds to bash </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mighty Mo</strong></span></em><em>. He mocks Mo about how he and fellow Syndicate </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aztec Prince</strong></span></em><em> put the Mighty One through the announce table on Saturday Night Showcase.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hawkins:</strong> That only leaves one thing to discuss. Mo, when are you going to learn? When are you going to realize that you can’t beat me? When are you going to realize that you can’t beat the Syndicate? Keep standing back up for the sake of your pride, and we will keep knocking you down! Mo…this isn’t a fight you can win…so stay down!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hawkins turns to the curtains.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hawkins:</strong> Which brings me to <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Tana The Mighty.</strong></span> That overgrown freak was so upset about what I did to his friend that he demanded a tag team match with the Syndicate tonight. Not just the Syndicate, he demanded that I…ME! He wants me involved! Well big guy, ask and you shall receive! You want a fight? We’ll put you on the shelf, right next to your buddy, Mo!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Akima Brave)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Unfortunately for Tana & T-Bone, Wolf Hawkins is able to back up his words tonight. For awhile, Tana & T-Bone has The Syndicate reeling. Tana even gets his hands on Hawkins and gets a beating that Wolf will feel in the morning. Tana sets Hawkins up for a Double Handed Chokeslam. But, with Referee Bull trying to break up a brawl between T-Bone & Brave, the illegal men in the match, Chris Flynn takes advantage. Flynn sneaks and delivers a boot to the face, rocking the giant Tana! Flynn is out of the ring before Referee Bull notices, and Hawkins flies through the air and hits the Full Moon Rising on Tana! Brave keeps T-Bone busy as Hawkins pins Tana for the 1,2,3. </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>A big tag team win for The Syndicate.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> When are these boys going to learn? You go up to the Syndicate, you are going to get burned.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch Naess:</strong> Guys like Mo and Tana, they’re tired of the Syndicate, MC. They’re tired of the cheating, they’re tired of the ambushes. They have to do something.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> Do what? Continue to get beat up? Continue to lose? Cause that’s what is going to happen!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azara:</strong> Nevertheless, Mighty Mo isn’t here tonight after what happened on Showcase, but you know he’s watching, and he’s itching to get back. Mo is the type of the man that will never stop fighting.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, we go backstage as Kyle Rhodes interviews </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Masked Cougar</strong></span></em><em> about his big win on Showcase, thus earning a TV Title Match. Rhodes reveals that Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> has booked the TV Title match for next week! Hernandez vs Cougar!</strong></span></em><em> Rhodes asks Cougar for his thoughts, but before he can get very far, the interview is interrupted by </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Syndicate’s Wolf Hawkins, fresh from the ring, and has protégé Aztec Prince</strong></span></em><em> by his side.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Hawkins:</strong></em><em> Come on Cougar, let’s be honest. You got lucky, everyone knows it. Our boy </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Doc (Hammond)</strong></span></em><em> had that match won, and you stole it right from under him. You’re just a thief.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cougar:</strong></em><em> Thief? I earned that win, fair and square. I earned everything that I’ve accomplished here in TCW!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Hawkins:</strong></em><em> Is that so? Prove it, then. </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Put your title shot on the line tonight.</strong></span></em><em> Doc isn’t here right now, but Prince here? He’s more than happy to fight you.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Cougar steps forward on Hawkins. Prince starts to react, but Hawkins holds him back.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cougar:</strong></em><em> You think I’m scared of you, Wolf? You think I’m scared of your boys? I’m not scared of anyone, of any challenge. </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>I’ll put my title shot on the line tonight,</strong></span></em><em> and I’ll beat your boy here…just like I beat Doc and Chris!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mr. Lucha Vs. Roderick Remus</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Lucha almost becomes a victim of Freddy Corp.’s antics, as “Coach” Julian Watson gets involved on Remus’s behalf, distracting Lucha from ringside. Lucha, though, manages to survive the Remus Clutch and fight back into the mat. Lucha hits a perfect trio of German Suplex, then heads to the top rope! Lucha Sault! He hits it! 1,2,3! </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mr. Lucha picks up another win as he moves up the ranks!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>To a massive pop, TCW World Heavyweight Champion </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></span></em></em><em><em> makes his way to the ring in street clothes. Not in the best of moods after Showcase, Andrews calls for a mic.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Andrews:</strong></em><em> I’m not in a talking mood tonight. After what is going the best few weeks, after finding out who has been screwing with my career, I don’t want to talk. I want to fight! I’ll fight anyone, but there’s one man I want to put my fist through more than anyone. </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge!</strong></span></em><em> You came out here and admitted that you were the one that cost me the World Title against Wolf Hawkins. You’re the one that put me through hell. You forced me to scratch and claw my way back to the top. You’re the one who smashed that metal pipe into my skull! Well Greg…it’s time for your receipt. Don’t make me come find you. Come out here and get the a**kicking that you deserve!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Andrews paces the ring fuming until finally “Destiny” by NF begins to play. Cue the boos, Juliet Balconi leads out the duo of </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge & Jay Chord, also known as Destiny.</strong></span></em></em><em><em> All three are smirking, seemingly amused by the Champ’s rage.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Gauge:</strong></em><em> So, let me get this straight…you want me to come down there and…fight you? Not in a match, just fight you? Just waltz down there and give you a chance to injure me? No, I’m not an idiot. Actually, I’m an opportunist. There’s only one way you’re going to get me in that ring one-on-one, Aaron. You know what that is.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Andrews holds up the World Title. He stares at the gold for a moment, then looks back at Gauge.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Andrews:</strong></em><em> If that’s what takes to get your a** in this ring? Then let me say it again. I’m a fighting champion! I’ll put this title on the line anytime, anywhere! So yeah Greg, you got your title match. So, go get your gear on and let’s do it!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>The crowd pops for the Champ, but Destiny simply laughs at what Andrews has said.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Gauge:</strong></em><em> You want to do it tonight? Hah! You want to fight me? You do it on my terms! We do this in twelve days, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>live on pay-per-view at Hotter Than Hell!</strong></span></em><em> What d’ya say, champ? Can you fit me into your busy schedule?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Andrews:</strong></em><em> Greg…let me make this abundantly clear. I’ll fight you whenever, wherever. You want your title match at Hotter Than Hell? </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Fine by me!</strong></span></em><em> But, you need to listen to me, Greg. When this is all said and done? I’m going to bust your face with my boot! And if you have doubt in me doing so? Just ask your buddy Jay there! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Benny & The Foxx Vs. Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Petr Novak</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

It looks like Benny Benson & Jimmy Foxx’s successful reunion tour is finally going to hit a speed bump, courtesy of the monsters Shark & Novak. The size disadvantage becomes too much, that’s painfully clear. But, as Novak sets Benson up for a chokeslam, the lights suddenly go out in the arena!</span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> Uh oh…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">When the lights finally go back on, nothing has seemingly happened. Then, everyone turns to the entrance stage, where </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Eddie Peak</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> has Sinner Society member </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Nick Booth.</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> by the throat! Booth is on one knee, gasping for air, while Peak cackles away. Peak turns to look at the rest of Sinner Society in the ring…and smiles wide! Peak lifts Booth in to the air, AND PLANTS HIM ON THE STEEL STAGE WITH THE PEAK OF PERFECTION!</span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> OH MY GOD!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> That maniac might has just broken Booth’s back!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span>Completely forgetting about the tag team match, </span></em><em><span><strong>Floyd Goldworthy</strong></span></em><em><span> orders his men to go after Eddie Peak. Shark and Novak start up the entrance stage towards the cackling Peak, when the lights go out again! When they turn back on a moment later…</span></em><em><span><strong>Eddie Peak is gone!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> What is he?! Batman?!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Shark and Novak check on the motionless Nick Booth, when suddenly the bell is called for. </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Referee Johnson has Counted Sinner Society Out! Benny & The Foxx win the tag match!</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> An enraged Shark and Novak head back to the ring, but Benson & Foxx smartly bail, seeing no need to fight the two monsters anymore!</span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> Eddie Peak promised us his purge on his own Sinner Society would begin this week, and unfortunately….Eddie wasn’t lying.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> We’re going to need medics out here. There’s no way Nick Booth is walking out of here on his own after that.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> Ya think?! Someone get the police in here! That maniac Peak might have just caused Nick permanent damage!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Masked Cougar Vs Aztec Prince</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

With his mentor </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> at ringside, Prince overwhelms Cougar with his amazing strength, punishing Cougar with powerful move after powerful move. But Cougar is resilient, and manages to reverse Prince’s Triple Powerbomb into a skull crushing DDT! Cougar speeds up the match and has Prince reeling after each electric move. Cougar connects with the Cougar Pounce, then heads to the top rope. That’s Wolf Hawkins’s cue to climb onto the apron and distract Referee Bull. As Cougar stands up on the top rope, </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Doc Hammond</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> comes running down to the ring and leaps onto the apron. He shoves Cougar off the top rope! Cougar crashes and burns hard as he hits the mat!</span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> Oh Come On!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Hammond is gone before Referee Bull returns his focus back to the match. Prince takes advantage of Hammond’s work and delivers the Triple Powerbomb to Cougar! 1,2,3! </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aztec Prince earns the win, and takes Masked Cougar’s TV Title Shot!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> I can’t believe this! What a travesty!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> What did I say? If you challenge The Syndicate, you are going to fall! You are going to get hurt!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> I hate to agree with MC, but he’s right. Masked Cougar should have known that Wolf Hawkins had a plan, some type of trap. He coerced Cougar into put his title shot on the line, and sadly, look what happened.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Back from commercials, we cut to Commissioner </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></span></em></em><em><em> backstage.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> Hey folks, first off, I have to speak on the TV Title Picture. I’m not happy with how the match went down between </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Masked Cougar and Aztec Prince.</strong></span></em><em> Nevertheless, Cougar did put his TV Title Shot on the line against Prince, and Prince did win. I have no choice but abide by the referee’s decision. So, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>next week, right here on Total Wrestling, Mainstream Hernandez will defend the TCW Television Championship against The Syndicate’s Aztec Prince!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Grinning, RDJ holds up his index finger.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> Now, onto Hotter Than Hell, and onto the </em><em><strong>Lethal Lottery Tournament!</strong></em><em> It is now time to reveal four more entries in the eight tag team, totally random tournament! Are you ready? I am!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>RDJ snaps his fingers, thus “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC begins to play. As RDJ announces the names, the wrestler’s image appears on the scene.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> Alright, starting us off…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

…another Syndicate member joins the tournament…</em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Chris Flynn!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

…one half of Benny & The Foxx and former International Champion, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Benny Benson!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

…joining his Shade Gang buddy, it’s Tag Team Champion </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Marc Speed!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

…and finally this week, one of the baddest men walking this planet, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mighty Mo!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> Make sure to tune in next week to find out the final four names in the tournament! Now, back to the action!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Bart Biggins & Elliot Thomas Vs. Freddy Corp. (Freddy Huggins & Julian Watson)</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

The new duo of Biggins & Thomas give Freddy Corp. a run for their money, and Biggins nearly wins the match for his team after planting Watson with the B-Dropper. But, when Huggins dodges a Flying Cross Body by Thomas and watches Elliot crash and burn from the top rope, that leads to the new duo’s demise. </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Huggins plants Thomas with the Huggins’s Kiss for the 1,2,3, and picks up the win for Freddy Corp.</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Coming back from commercials, we cut to a promo by </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joss Thompson</strong></span></em></em><em><em>. Red hot after recent incidents with </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Destiny,</strong></span></em></em><em><em> Thompson issues a warning to Jay Chord & Greg Gauge.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Thompson:</strong></em><em> There will be hell to pay for the both of you, I promise you that. I came to TCW with goals, and I’m not going to let some punk kids with daddy issues stop me from obtaining them! First, I’m going to take care of you, Jay, at Hotter Than Hell. Then, it’s you, Greg. If Aaron Andrews leaves anything left of you, Greg, then I’m coming for it. And please, just don’t take me by my threats. Take me by my actions! </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Next week, right here on Total Wrestling? I’m going to make my TCW wrestling debut!</strong></span></em><em> I don’t know who I’m wrestling yet, and I don’t care. I just want you two to watch, watch and see what’s in store for the both of you!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Non-Title Match</span></strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

Jack Avatar & Roger Monteiro Vs. The Shade (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking)</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Squash Match! The TCW World Tag Team Champions put on a clinic. Avatar gets in a couple shots for his team, but Speed & Hocking shut down his offense quick. Speed & Hocking put an end to this match by spiking Monteiro with their patented Elevated DDT, which MC Motormouth reveals that they’re now calling </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>A Mouthful of Mat.</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Hocking pins Monteiro, 1,2,3. </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>An easy win for the Shade Gang.</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>We phase backstage, where Commissioner </em></em><em><em><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></em></em><em><em> is watching the show on a television monitor. The camera pulls back as RDJ realizes there is someone next to him. It’s </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>One Man Army and his manager Vita.</strong></span></em></em><em><em> Clearly by their faces, they’re not too crazy to see </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>their rivals Shade Gang</strong></span></em></em><em><em> on the monitor screen.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> Just who I wanted to talk to. I decided I made a mistake, just taking away your Tag Title Shot on Showcase. Despite </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Human Arsenal</strong></span></em><em> being hurt, I should have given you some type of rematch opportunity. So, I’m going to make it up to you.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Vita:</strong></em><em> What do you have in mind?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> It’s simple. Just because Arsenal is out doesn’t mean Army here can’t get his title rematch. Next week, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Shade Gang will defend their Tag Team Titles against you, Army, and a partner of you choosing.</strong></span></em><em> And because Shade Gang were the ones who injured Arsenal, I mean it. You can choose </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>anyone!</strong></span></em><em> Ya know…as long as they are wrestlers…are alive…have all are of their limbs…and they’re not me!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>One Man Army and Vita look at each other, then look back at RDJ.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Army:</strong></em><em> I guess I have to find a partner…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach Vs. Eddie Chandler</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

With a little help from his partner </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Nate Johnson</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> at ringside, Chandler gives the beloved Bach quite the battle. After surviving the Fabulous Stretch, Bach manages to break out of the Elitist Suplex attempt, then plants Chandler with a Reverse DDT. Bach has Chandler reeling now, until Eddie gets planted hard with the Adrenaline Shot. After knocking Nate Johnson off the apron, Bach locks Chandler in the Bach on your Back! Chandler has no choice but to tap! </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Bach wins by submission!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Sammy Bach</strong></span></em></em><em><em> high fives the crowd as he circles ringside after a impressive win. Unfortunately, his celebration is cut short when he suddenly gets blindsided by </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Freddy Corp.’s Julian Watson & Roderick Remus!</strong></span></em></em><em><em> Bach tries to fight back and almost escapes the ambush, but that’s when he gets clobbered by </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Freddy Huggins!</strong></span></em></em><em><em> The 3-on-1 beatdown begins at ringside. Watson & Remus drag Bach up and whip him hard into the steel steps. Not satisfied, Huggins orders his men to drag Bach up the entrance stage!</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> Where are they going?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Freddy Corp. drag Bach all the way up to the top of stage. Huggins orders his men to bring Bach over to the edge, and that’s when Freddy takes hold of Sammy. Huggins sets up Bach for a Powerbomb, right on the edge of the stage!</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> No no no, Freddy! This is too far! Don’t do this!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>With Watson & Remus by his side to assist him, Huggins prepares to lift Bach up into the air. That’s when </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Laura Catherine Huggins</strong></span></em></em><em><em> comes racing out from the curtains, and she stands in between them and the end of the stage!</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Laura Huggins:</strong></em><em> NO! You’re not doing this! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Freddy Huggins:</strong></em><em> WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OUT OF THE WAY!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Laura Huggins:</strong></em><em> NO! THIS IS TOO FAR!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Before the Huggins siblings can argue any further, Commissioner </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></span></em></em><em><em> is leading officials onto the stage to break it up. RDJ screams at Freddy Corp. to leave.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>RDJ:</strong></em><em> GET OUT OF HERE! GET OUT OF HERE OR I’LL FIRE YOU ON THE SPOT!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Medics appear on the scene to check on Sammy Bach as Freddy Corp. disappear through the curtains. Freddy and Laura continue to argue along the way.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> My god…Laura Catherine might just saved Sammy Bach’s career. Heck, his life!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> I can’t believe Freddy was about to take his issues with Sammy so far. Something has really gone wrong in that’s man head.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> Am I wrong in thinking that something is going on between Sammy and Laura? Why would she do that?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> That’s none of my business, MC. That’s their business, if there is any. All I care about is that Sammy is not badly harmed.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">As “Diamonds from Sierra Leone” by Kanye West plays lightly in the background, we are treated to another vignette this week. Exiting a stretch limousine, the man formerly known as </span></em></em><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Zimmy Bumfhole</strong></span></em></em><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> walks into the quite the tailor shop. We watch as he is measured by the tailor in the store, then one by one tries on pricey suit after pricey suit.</span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">

“I was told that I had a good guy’s face, so I should be a good guy. Be the bubbly babyface! Go out there and smile! Make the crowd happy! Be like the common man, and they will love you!”</span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">

The tailoring business done, he begins to gaze through the store’s stock of expensive jewelry. Rings, Earrings, Necklaces, Watches. He tries on a bunch of them, and every single one shines bright with diamonds.</span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">

“But that’s just the problem. That’s why it was just never right. I am not the bubbly babyface. I am not the common man. I’m not just sap who you can find any day walking down the street.”</span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">

Many digits are punched into the cash register, totaling to quite the large sum. One swipe of a card, and the word “ACCEPTED” flashes bright on the register. He walks out of the shop with his pair of bodyguards following him, both carrying large bags in each hand.</span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;">

“It’s time for the world to see. It’s time for you all to see the true man. And you will all come to realize than I’m not just some common man. No, sir. I…am better…than all of you…</span></em></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#008000;">

</span></em><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Z-Man</span></strong></span></em></em></p><p><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Coming Soon To T-C-W</span></strong></span></em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</span></strong></span></em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>One Man Army Vs. Jay Chord</strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

With his partner Human Arsenal out, Army is out tonight to prove that he is still just as deadly as a singles competitor. It is a brutal encounter between two of TCW’s finest, as Chord quickly learns that he cannot overlook Army, despite his match with Joss Thompson just twelve days away. Army dumps Chord hard to the ringside floor, reversing Jay’s attempt at the Super DDT. Army pummels Chord around ringside, the brawl ending back in the ring. Army plants Chord with a punishing Jackhammer. The cover, 1,2,Kickout! Army attempts the Guided Missile, but Chord smartly holds onto the ropes. When Referee Young tries to break the two apart, Chord catches with an elbow strike that rocks Army. Army stumbles a bit, then walks into a painful Spinebuster by Chord. Here it comes. The Cradle Piledriver! Chord hits it! 1,2,3! </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord picks up the win over Army.</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> One Man Army brought quite the fight, but Jay Chord was just one step ahead and came out with the victory.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> Joss Thompson is talking about wanting Jay to watch him inside the ring. Well, I hope Joss watched Jay do his business!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> Trust me, MC. I’m sure he was.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Jay Chord</strong></span></em></em><em><em> has a little smirk on his face as Referee Young raises his arm. That smirk, though, quickly disappears as his music switches out to “Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed! The crowd goes nuts, and Chord turns to the curtains, awaiting </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joss Thompson</strong></span></em></em><em><em> to appear. Then, after a long moment, something clicks in Chord’s head and he turns around.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></em><em> Look at Jay, he remembers that </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joss came out of the crowd on Showcase!</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Jay Chord starts get anxious, calling Thompson on. He’s right, Joss comes out of the crowd…</em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>on the opposite end from last time!</strong></span></em></em><em><em> Thompson slides into the ring behind Chord! Thompson spins Chord and boots him in the gut. Clean Cutter! Thompson lays out Chord!</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> My God! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></em><em> What a dirty attack by Joss Thompson! Too scared to fight Jay face to face?!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>Joss Thompson turns around just in time to see </em></em><em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge</strong></span></em></em><em><em> rushing to the ring. Greg smartly puts on the brakes right before the ring. Thompson challenges Gauge to get in the ring, but Greg is smart enough to know better. Instead, he pulls Chord out of the ring and helps his Destiny pal from ringside.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></em><em> Joss Thompson got the best of Jay Chord tonight, but man…what a war we are going to see next Sunday at Hotter Than Hell! Good night folks, and thank you for joining us for Total Wrestling!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><em>As Gauge helps him up the entrance stage, Chord exchanges threads with Thompson from across the arena. Total Wrestling draws to black on the intense face of Thompson, standing tall in the ring.</em></em></p><p><em>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">August – Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>

</strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booking Grid</span></strong></p><p>

<a href="https://imgur.com/gwWcNe7" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/gwWcNe7</a></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Uprising Shorts</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>*</strong></span> After dismantling Kenny Calloway on his way to an impressive victory, <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Kirk Jameson</strong></span> takes to the mic and officially accepts the challenge laid down by Beautiful Love’s <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Danny Fonzarelli.</strong></span> Jameson attempted to injure Fonzarelli’s stablemate Dave Diamond with the Kata Ha Jime, and now Fonz is out for vengeance. Later on in the show, it is revealed that it is now official. Commish RDJ has approved the matchup, and now Jameson & Fonzarelli will do battle at <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Hotter Than Hell!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>**</strong></span> After his victory over Capitao Brasil Jr., <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span> and his manager Haley Buck are heading out of the arena. They are surprised, though, to find Commissioner <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></span> standing by on the interview stage and calling them over. After Newton and Buck joins RDJ, the Commish also calls out <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></span> to join them on the stage. Tensions mount as the two heated rivals face off! After warning them that he wants nothing physical to go down, RDJ explains why he has brought them both onto the interview stage.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> This rivalry you’ve got going on? It’s gone on too long! You guys seemingly can’t get past each other, so I’m going to do it for you! You both have a singles win over each other, so we need a rubber match. But first, <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>next week on Total Wrestling? You will compete in a Tag Team Match, and you both get to choose your partners. The winner of the tag match gets choose the stipulations for the rubber match!</strong></span> But until the tag match? I don’t want my staff breaking up another brawl between you two. Because if they do? You guys will be finding your paychecks awfully light this month!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>***</strong></span> Kyle Rhodes welcomes his guests <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>One Man Army and his manager Vita</strong></span> onto the interview stage. The purpose of the interview is simple and to the point. <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Who has One Man Army chosen to be his tag team partner to challenge The Shade Gang for the Tag Team Titles, next Tuesday on Total Wrestling?</strong></span> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vita:</strong> When Commissioner RDJ said it could be anyone…we took him for real. While Army and I wish <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Human Arsenal</strong></span> was right beside us next Tuesday, it’s just not possible with his injury. But, we did talk this over with Arsenal, and he agrees with our choice. Ya see, we heard a certain someone is supposed to debut in-ring next Tuesday on Total Wrestling. Hearing that to be the case, we could not think of anyone else better to be our choice. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Vita, do you mean who I think you mean?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vita:</strong> Oh, you know who I mean! When Total Wrestling is all said and done next week, One Man Army will be once again wearing Tag Team Gold, and he’ll be wearing it with…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>One Man Army:</strong>… <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>JOSS…THOMPSON!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>****</strong></span> After his impressive victory over Nate Johnson in the main event, Television Champion <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong></span> calls for a mic. With the gold shining on his shoulder, Hernandez hypes his upcoming title defense next week against <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Aztec Prince,</strong></span> and also gives his thoughts on how Syndicate stole the title shot from Masked Cougar.</p><p> </p><p>

That’s when “Destiny” by AF begins to play. Out through the curtains comes the former TV Champion, Destiny’s <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Greg Gauge,</strong></span> accompanied by Juliet Balconi. Standing in front of the curtains, Gauge issues a warning to Hernandez from across the arena.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gauge:</strong> Good luck next week Hernandez, but don’t forget. You owe me a title rematch! RDJ might have postponed our rematch, but my personal lawyer is dealing with that right now. After I beat <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></span> for the World Title at Hotter Than Hell? I’m coming back for you, and I’m taking back my TV Title! <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>I’m going to be the first man to wear both the TCW World and TCW Television Title at the same time!</strong></span> You can’t stop destiny, James, and my destiny is to take my title back! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Friday Afternoon</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

BriCo Headquarters</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The CEO of Total Championship Wrestling </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kyle Rhodes</strong></span></em><em> finishes up the meeting in the boardroom specifically assigned to TCW in BriCo Headquarters. This meeting used to happen weekly when Kyle still was the Head Booker of TCW. It used to be a Creative Meeting mere months ago. Kyle’s invite for </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></span></em><em> to join the Creative Meeting was how RDJ rejoined the company. Half a year later, Kyle decided to name RDJ the Head Booker when he realized just how beneficial it was to have Rick behind the scenes, working close with the roster. Now, it was just a meeting for the top staff in TCW to get together and discuss the company’s current status. It wasn’t weekly anymore, everyone involved was too busy with their assignments for that. Instead, once or twice a month, Kyle would assign a date for all of his tops guy to meet up at BriCo Headquarters.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

For a couple hours, Kyle broke the company down step by step. First, of course, would be Kyle giving the state of the company. The CEO kept the company’s finances tight to his chest, but he would always tell his top men enough. RDJ could tell by the smile on Kyle’s face that it was a good month financially for the company. Kyle was also proud to mention that TCW had been once again </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>ranked higher than USPW in August.</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After Kyle speaks, the meeting is broken down into primarily four parts. It starts with RDJ and his upcoming plans for the main roster. Then, it was onto </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Marvin Ernest,</strong></span></em><em> CEO of TCW’s child company, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Elite Championship Wrestling.</strong></span></em><em> Marvin, too, would let the group know about his current product, but also brought up the discussion of which wrestlers were shining down there, thus marking their tickets for a future call up to TCW. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Brent Hill</strong></span></em><em> was deeply involved in this topic as well. As the President of TCW’s Developmental Facility, Brent worked closely with Marvin while also leading the training aspect of the company’s young wrestlers. That leads to </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joel Bryant,</strong></span></em><em> Head Scout for TCW. Joel now did what he loved most. Traveled the country, sometimes outside the country, exploring the independent scene. It was Joel’s job to find the talent that the wrestling world had yet to witness. For the most part, RDJ didn’t know the majority of the names that Joel spoke about, but he trusted Joel’s judgment. A lot of TCW’s best workers were in the company because of Joel’s due diligence.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, good meeting folks. I miss doing this weekly, but we’re all awfully busy nowadays, and that’s a good thing. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hill:</strong> If we weren’t busy, then we’d probably out of jobs.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The entire room has a good laugh over Hill’s joke.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Ain’t that the truth. Okay, unless someone anything else to say. Let’s call it a day. We’ll do this again real soon.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As soon as RDJ finished saying his goodbyes to the rest of the group, what he expected to happen does in fact happen.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Hey Rick, come here. I need to show you something before you leave.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kyle did it everytime, there was always that extra something he needed to talk to Rick about. Rick didn’t mind, he found it funny in fact. Kyle just cared about the company that much. That’s why </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kyle wanted to purchase it from BriCO,</strong></span></em><em> and ensure TCW’s future for years to come. Also, there always will be a little Head Booker in Kyle, no matter how much Kyle claimed he didn’t miss the job. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As the boardroom began to empty, RDJ joins Kyle at the head of the table. Kyle doesn’t get up from his seat. Instead, he insists RDJ sit down next to him. Kyle opens up his laptop and went to work on it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> There’s someone I’d like you to meet, if you haven’t already. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> Aw hell, Kyle. You didn’t replace me already, have you?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> *chuckles* No, not yet, but she might be good enough to kick you to the curb.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> She? </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Making a Facetime call on his laptop, a face that RDJ recognized popped up on screen. On the other end, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></span></em><em> smiled after confirming that the connection was good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Joanne, sorry. I’m running a little late calling you. Hope I didn’t hold you up. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> No problem at all. I was just sitting here, editing my latest <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Podcast</strong></span> episode. How are you?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Good, thank you! Rick, have you met Joanne before?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> Unfortunately no, but I’ve heard plenty to be honored. Nice to meet you, Joanne.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Nice to meet you, Rick, and likewise!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Rick, I have some pretty big news. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joanne is joining us,</strong></span> and in fact taking on a big role. I told you about my plans to build a women’s division in TCW, and Joanne has agreed to help us do that.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s great news. Nice to have you on board, Joanne.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Thank you, glad to be on board.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Joanne will be working closely with Joel and the scouting department, using her knowledge of the women’s wrestling industry to help us decide who to bring in. Before we establish the women’s division on the main roster, we’ll have a bunch of them do some work down in ECW. Joanne then will also help Marvin down there, and help our female wrestlers find their footing. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> Wow Kyle, you weren’t kidding about building a solid women’s division. I didn’t realize how far along you were with all this.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> Like I told you last week, Rick, <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>I think the women’s division is the next big step for TCW.</strong></span> I want to make sure it’s built right, and Joanne to going to help us do that. Right, Joanne?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> That’s right. I always want to give back to this business, even after my wrestling days. I see a lot of women out there just waiting for their opportunity, and I want to try to help them get it. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhodes:</strong> I hope we can do that, too. But, the reason I wanted you guys to meet right now is because <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joanne here has also spoken about her desire to become a personality on television.</strong></span> I’m sure there’s something you and Joanne could cook up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> For someone as talented as Joanne? Of course! I’m sure we can figure something out. Are you going to start to come to the television shows soon?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Yup, I’ll be there next week at Total Wrestling, in fact. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> Perfect. I’ll give it some thought, you give it some thought, and we’ll work on some ideas when we meet up at Total Wrestling. How does that sound?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Sure, but I have an question for you, Rick. Would you be cool with <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>being a guest on my podcast?</strong></span> We could grab something to eat and knock it all out in one seating.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> You want my old rear for a podcast? Are you sure those kiddies want to hear what grandpa has to say?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Are you kidding, Rick? You’d be one of my biggest guests, the former World Champion. I’d bet your interview would be one of the most downloaded episodes, guaranteed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> I think you’re highly overrating my star value. Nevertheless, I’d be more than happy to do the interview. Early Tuesday then?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>J-Ro:</strong> Early Tuesday it is! </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">August– Week 4 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booking Grid</span></strong></p><p>

<a href="https://imgur.com/ZFGPNmJ" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/ZFGPNmJ</a></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Total Wrestling opens up to Kyle Rhodes standing by on the interview stage. To a huge pop, Rhodes introduces the TCW World Heavyweight Champion </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aaron Andrews.</strong></span></em><em> Rhodes interviews Andrews about his upcoming title defense against </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge at Hotter Than Hell</strong></span></em><em> this Sunday. Andrews proceeds to hype the match, as Aaron is out for revenge after all his issues with the new duo known as </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Destiny.</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Much to his surprise, Andrews is interrupted when </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></span></em><em> walks out and joins Aaron and Rhodes on the stage.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Taylor:</strong> Sorry to interrupt you, Champ. I don’t know if you heard but RDJ booked myself and <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Davis Wayne Newton in a tag match tonight, the winner getting the opportunity to choose the stipulations in our rubber match. We also have the choice to pick our tag team partners.</strong></span> Now…I…REALLY…want to win tonight, because I want to make sure that Newton gets the whooping he badly deserves. So…I’m going straight to the top with my choice. Aaron, will you be my partner tonight?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd seems to approve, and a smile grows over Andrews.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Andrews:</strong> Well Josh, we can all apparently agree on one thing. Davis Wayne Newton is in much need of a good whooping. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Yes Josh, I will be your tag partner tonight!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tana The Mighty Vs. Chris Flynn</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tana & T-Bone’s war against The Syndicate continues tonight, this time in singles competition. </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Akima Brave</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> attempts to interfere on behalf of Flynn, but </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> tackles Brave at ringside before he can do any significant harm. Tana survives Flynn’s best shots, then rocks the Syndicate’s Enforcer with a giant chop to the cranium. With Flynn down, Tana crushes him with the Big Fat Samoan Splash! 1,2,3! </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tana The Mighty gets his revenge tonight!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That must have been quite the satisfying win for Tana, after Chris Flynn cost him his tag team match last week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> That’s great, but that’s one measly win. Tana & T-Bone have to decide, though, if this entire war against The Syndicate is really worth it. Most of the time, they end up on their backs!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>We go backstage, where an annoyed </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></span></em><em> is trying to walk away from </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Shade Gang</strong></span></em><em>. The trio bicker about their Tag Title Defense tonight against </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>One Man Army</strong></span></em><em> and his handpicked partner, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joss Thompson.</strong></span></em><em> They throw every excuse at the Commissioner, clearly wanting none of Thompson in his TCW debut match. When RDJ’s reaches his office door, he spins around to Shade Gang and holds a hand up.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RDJ:</strong> Listen! I don’t want to hear it! You made your bed when you attacked and injured <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Human Arsenal.</strong></span> Like I told you before, there are your consequences for actions. And if you lose the Tag Titles tonight? You can only blame yourselves!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>That said, RDJ enters his office and slams the door on their faces.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Cip Conduit & Red Partner Vs. Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Petr Novak)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Squash Match! Floyd Goldworthy’s monsters absolutely demolish the enhancement talent. Conduit & Panther never have a chance. Novak plants Conduit with the Chokeslam, then Shark crushes Cip with the Shark Bite. </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sinner Society gets the easy, impressive win.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Floyd Goldworthy</strong></span></em><em> joins his </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Sinner Society</strong></span></em><em> in the ring with a mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldworthy:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Eddie Peak!</strong></span> We are tired of your little phantom tricks! You think you’re going to hurt <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Nick Booth</strong></span> and we’re just going to roll over? No no no, that’s just not happening. No more phantom tricks Eddie, it’s time to be a man! You see Petr Novak here? You insulted him! You called him an impostor, said he doesn’t belong. Well, be a man Eddie and prove it! <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Petr here challenges you to a one on one match, next week here on Total Wrestling!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Goldworthy continues to ramble on, but he’s interrupted by the cackling laugh of the Hardcore Assassin over the PA. Seemingly from the heavens, we hears Peak’s voice, but he is nowhere to be seen.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peak:</strong> A challenge! How exciting! Impostor or not, I wouldn’t dare back down from a challenge. Petr Novak! <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>I’ll meet you in the ring next week!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Flying Jimmy Foxx Vs. Greg Gauge</strong></span></p><p>

Foxx has Gauge reeling with some flashy, high flying moves. But, Gauge is on his game tonight, just days before his big title shot at Hotter Than Hell. No matter what Foxx does, Gauge is able to recover and bring the fight right back. After dodging the Flying Foxx, Gauge plants Jimmy with the Broken Gauge. For added measure, <strong>Gauge then locks on the Proton Lock and forces Foxx to tap out for the victory.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the post, Juliet Balconi joins her client in the ring as </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge</strong></span></em><em> demands a microphone. Gauge proceeds to hype </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>his title match at Hotter Hell against TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews.</strong></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gauge:</strong> Andrews, you let everyone in the world know you’re out for revenge. You want to make me pay for what I did to you. Well, you worry about revenge, I’m more worried about history! I’m going to beat you and take that World Title. But that’s not enough history, I want more! I’m going to beat you, and then I’m going to beat Mainstream Hernandez for the TV Title in my return match. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>I’m going to be the first man to wear both belts at the same time!</strong></span> There’s nothing you can do about it, Aaron. Why? Why else? It’s a little thing called <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Destiny!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) ( C ) Vs. One Man Army & Joss Thompson</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

While Speed & Hocking use their tag experience to control a lengthy period of the title contest, all hell breaks loose when Thompson gets the hot tag for his makeshift team. Thompson drops Speed & Hocking over and over. Even Troy Tornado gets a fist in the mouth when he tries to interfere on behalf of his Shade Gang brethren. The champions look to be trouble, as Army gets back in the fight, as a brawl between Army and Speed falls to the floor. Here it comes. Thompson plants Hocking with the Clean Cutter! Thompson goes to cover Hocking, but is attacked by </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> before he can do so! Chord pummels Thompson as Referee Young has no choice but to </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Disqualify The Shade Gang for Jay’s interference!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Come on! We were about to have new tag team champions!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> Maybe, but not anymore! <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Shade Gang keep the Tag Team Gold!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch Naess:</strong> How could they possibly be proud of that?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Shade Gang double team One Man Army at ringside, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joss Thompson</strong></span></em><em> starts to battle back against </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Jay Chord.</strong></span></em><em> That, though, is thwarted when he gets blindsided by Chord’s Destiny buddy, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Greg Gauge!</strong></span></em><em> The two on one beatdown on Thompson begins, but it doesn’t last long! The crowd erupts as “Feel Invincible” by Skillet begins to play. </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></span></em><em> races to the ring!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch Naess:</strong> Here comes the World Champion for the rescue!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The tide quickly turns on Destiny as Andrews hits the ring. At ringside, One Man Army is able to arm himself with a steel chair, leading the Shade Gang to think smartly and head for the exit! Back in the ring, Andrews is able to clothesline Gauge to the floor. Andrews and Thompson set Chord up for a double team, but Gauge saves his Destiny pal and drags Jay from the ring. Destiny head for the exit, as Thompson and Andrews stand tall in the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a turn of events! What a pair of blockbuster singles matches we are going to see this Sunday at Hotter Than Hell!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> I can’t wait, but best of all? Aaron Andrews won’t be able to rescue Joss Thompson this Sunday from the beating that Jay Chord delivers!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch Naess:</strong> We’ll see about that. All I know is that we’re going see two very personal singles matches at Hotter Than Hell, and it might get ugly fast in both accounts!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;"><strong>The Shade Gang’s Marc Speed & Matt Hocking</strong></span><span style="color:#008000;"> make their 2nd successful title defense as TCW World Tag Team Champions. They have been Tag Champions now for 23 days. This is both Speed & Hocking’s 1st reign as TCW World Tag Team Champions.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mr. Lucha Vs. Darryl Devine</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Devine tries to avenge his tag team partner Chance Fortune, and do what Chance couldn’t and defeat the rising star Lucha. It looked he might do that after dodging Lucha’s patented Lucha DDT and getting a nearfall with a painful backbreaker. But, Lucha sees Devine’s Missile Dropkick coming and is able to dodge it, then rock Devine big time with a shining wizard. Lucha heads to the top rope with Devine down. Lucha Sault! He hits it! 1,2,3! </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mr. Lucha picks up another big win in his young TCW career!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span></em><em> is standing by his manager Haley Buck. A confident smirk is on Newton’s face as Jason Azaria questions him about his tag team partner tonight. Buck answers at first for her client.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buck:</strong> Joshua Taylor is so terrified about his rubber match with my client Davis that he ran to the World Champion. He got on his knees and begged <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></span> to be his tag team partner tonight! Really, it was pathetic!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Haley, that’s not what happened at all. Joshua, he-…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buck:</strong> Shut up, LOSER, I’m talking! So, scared little Joshua gets the World Champion to tag team with him?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Newton:</strong> It’s fine with me, Jay, because I went out and found someone who has pinned the World Champion, and did so recently!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The camera pans out, and in walks </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></span></em><em>, smiling ear to ear.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Huggins:</strong> For one night only, Freddy Corp. has aligned itself with one of TCW’s hottest upcoming stars, Davis Wayne Newton. Our reasoning is simple and always the same. We want what is best for TCW! And what is best for TCW? Why, putting Joshua Taylor out to pasture for good! And of course…Freddy Huggins pinning the World Champion Aaron Andrews, thus making the Commissioner give me the World Title Match I deserve!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> But Freddy, you did face Aaron for the World Title and you lost. Why do you-.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buck:</strong> SHUT UP, LOSER!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

Beautiful Love Vs. Kirk Jameson & The Elite</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

We have quite the competitive, back and forth contest here. That is, until Eddie Chandler makes the tag to Kirk Jameson. Danny Fonzarelli is legal man for Beautiful Love, and Jameson’s opponent this Sunday at Hotter Than Hell. Fonzarelli is ready for a fight, but instead of entering the ring, Jameson hops off the apron! With The Elite yelling at him, Jameson takes a walk!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch Naess:</strong> Jameson would rather abandon a match rather than a fight the big Fonz? I guess Kirk’s not as tough as he thinks he is.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MC Motormouth:</strong> You better hope Kirk didn’t hear you, Mitch.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Facing a 3-on-2 disadvantage, The Elite do their best to stay competitive. But, the numbers is eventually too much for Chandler & Johnson. Fonzarelli hoists Johnson up as Frederique leaps off the second rope. The Rocket of Love! 1,2,3! </strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><strong>Beautiful Love pick up the win! As the trio celebrate the victory, Fonzarelli points and threatens Kirk Jameson, who watches from the stage. Jameson simply grins at Fonz’s threats before walking away.</strong></strong></span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><em>We go backstage, where The Syndicate’s </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Aztec Prince</span></em></strong></strong><strong><em> is warming up with weights, moments before his title match versus TCW Television Champion, Mainstream Hernandez. The camera pans out, and there looking into the camera is Prince’s mentor, Syndicate leader </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Wolf Hawkins.</span></em></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Hawkins:</strong></strong><strong> I told you all that The Syndicate will become stronger than it has ever been before. If your simple mind cannot recognize the truth already, tonight then my protégé will deliver a message that the entire wrestling world cannot ignore. Mainstream Hernandez, your TV Title victory at Summer Showdown was quite the memorable moment. Unfortunately, Aztec Prince in mere moments will cut your reign awfully short. The TV Title belongs to the Syndicate after tonight, as will the rest of the TCW gold in only a matter of time! </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Television Match</span></span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mainstream Hernandez ( C ) Vs. Aztec Prince</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Hernandez survives Prince’s heavy hits to fight back into this contest. After rocking Prince with a pair of Super Kicks, Hernandez sets up Prince for the Apparition #14. But, </span></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Wolf Hawkins</span></strong></strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> manages to distracts Hernandez before he does so. That time wasted allows Prince to break free from Hernandez’s attempt at the Apparition #14, as he throws him hard to the mat. Hawkins orders Prince to end it here and now. Prince sets Hernandez up for the Triple Hernandez, and that’s when “Breathe” by Fabulous begins to play! Prince and Hawkins quickly turn their attention towards the curtains!</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></strong><strong> It’s Mo! Mighty Mo is here!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong><strong> We haven’t seen Mo since Prince & Hawkins put him through the announce table!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">The crowd erupts as a determined </span></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mighty Mo</span></strong></strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> marches out and heads straight to the ring. Hawkins yells at Mo that he has no business being out here, but Mo ignores him. Mo also doesn’t do anything, except, stand several feet from Hawkins and talk trash with Wolf. Several of TCW’s staff rush down to ringside to keep Hawkins and Mo apart. Aztec Prince is watching all this happen, when he suddenly gets rolled up from behind by Mainstream Hernandez! Prince kicks like crazy! 1,2,3! He got it! </span></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream Hernandez sneaks away with the successful title defense!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong><strong> I don’t believe it!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mainstream Hernandez</span></em></strong></strong><strong><em> smartly rolls out of the ring as an outraged </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Wolf Hawkins</span></em></strong></strong><strong><em> joins </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Aztec Prince</span></em></strong></strong><strong><em> in the ring. Hawkins berates Referee Bull over the decision, while Hernandez retrieves his TV Title and heads for the exit. Hawkins and Prince are furious in the ring, while Hernandez is all smiles. So is </em></strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mighty Mo, </span></em></strong></strong><strong><em> who mocks The Syndicate by raising Hernandez’s arm as the victor!</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong><strong> For the first time in TCW, Aztec Prince gets a taste of defeat! Mainstream Hernandez hands him his first loss!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong><strong> Are you kidding me?! How can you just justify how Hernandez won that title match?!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></strong><strong> It’s just like you said, MC. All that matters is who leaves with the gold!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong><strong> But…but…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong><strong> Nevertheless, I’m pretty sure Mighty Mo came out here for a bit more physical type of vengeance against The Syndicate. But, by the smile on his face, I think Mo thoroughly enjoyed what just happened! </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Mainstream Hernandez</span></strong></strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;"> makes his 2nd successful title defense as TCW Television Champion. Hernandez has been champion now for 23 days. This is Hernandez’s first reign as TCW TV Champion.</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><em>Back from commercials, “Shoot to Thrill” by AC/DC begins to play. To a pop, Commissioner </em></strong><strong><strong><em>Ricky Dale Johnson</em></strong></strong><strong><em> walks out onto the stage with a mic in hand.</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>RDJ:</strong></strong><strong> Alright folks, we are about to have our huge tag team main event in a moment. But, I have just a bit of business before then. What business? Why…it is time to reveal the final entries for the </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Lethal Lottery Tournament at Hotter Than Hell!</span></strong></strong><strong> Here are the final men to join the group of sixteen that will be in the </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">completely random tag team tournament!</span></strong></strong><strong>[/i]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><em>RDJ snaps his fingers, thus “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC begins to play. As RDJ announces the entries, their images appear on the titantron above the Commish.</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>RDJ:</strong></strong><strong> Here we go, first…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

…6-time TCW World Tag Team Champion and member of W.M.D., </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">One Man Army</span></strong></strong><strong>…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

…3- time TCW World Tag Team Champion and the leader of Freddy Corp, </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Freddy Huggins</span></strong></strong><strong>…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

…one of TCW’s hottest new stars, the super exciting </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Masked Cougar</span></strong></strong><strong>…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

…and last but not least…the TCW Television Champion, </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mainstream Hernandez!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>RDJ:</strong></strong><strong> Unfortunately, I have some more news for the Lethal Lottery Tournament. Due to injuries caused by The Shade Gang, W.M.D. member </strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Human Arsenal</span></strong></strong><strong> will not be able to compete in the tournament. So, I was forced to find a substitution. Without further to do, allow me to introduce the final entry in the Lethal Lottery Tournament!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><em>RDJ’s point to the titantron right above him. After a long moment, “Diamonds from Sierre Leone” by Kanye West begins to play. A hype video plays of the man formerly known as Zimmy Bumfhole.</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>RDJ:</strong></strong><strong> Making his TCW debut this Sunday in the Lethal Lottery Tournament…Ladies and Gentlemen…</strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Z-MAN!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</em></span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Aaron Andrews & Joshua Taylor Vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Freddy Huggins</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

It’s all out mayhem after the World Champion gets the hot tag. Newton & Huggins control a lot of the match, keeping Taylor in their corner, but now they’re in trouble as Andrews hits them with everything he’s got. Andrews looks to put away Huggins with the Ace in the Hole, but he gets blindsided by Newton before he can do so. Newton goes to whip Andrews into the ropes, but Andrews reverses it. At ringside, </span></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Laura Catherine Huggins/b] accidentally trips Newton, thinking it was going to be Andrews coming off the ropes!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> What is Laura thinking?!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Newton’s manager </span></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Haley Buck</span></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> begins to yell at Laura Huggins at ringside, and Laura screams right back at her. Freddy Huggins is up on the apron, and he’s yelling at his sister!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Freddy Huggins:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> COULD YOU </strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>“PLEASE”</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> STOP SCREWING THINGS UP!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Freddy gets back into the ring, and now Newton is arguing with Freddy! He’s not happy with what his sister did! These four continue to argue, while Andrews and Taylor just stand and watch. They’re smiling and laughing while watching it all go down!</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Huggins & Newton might want to get their heads back in the match!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Having seen enough, Taylor and Andrews rush forward! Taylor dropkicks Newton out of the ring, while Andrews hits his patented spear on Huggins! Taylor flies through the ropes with the suicide dive, wiping out Newton at ringside! Andrews calls for the end as Huggins staggers up. The Ace in the Hole! Andrews hits it this time! 1,2,3! </span></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Andrews & Taylor pick up the big tag team win!</span></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Well, that didn’t go well for Huggins and Newton…</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Ya think?!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> And with this tag win, </strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Joshua Taylor earns to right to pick the stipulations in his rubber match with Davis Wayne Newton!</span></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> WAIT A MINUTE! </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Aaron Andrews</span></em></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><em> doesn’t get to celebrate at all after the match, as he gets IMMEDIATELY blindsided by </em></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Greg Gauge!</span></em></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><em> From behind, Gauge clobbers Andrews in the skull with Aaron’s own World Title! Andrews hits the mat hard and is motionless! Gauge stands over the World Champion with a big grin on his face, then holds up the gold to his face and becomes mesmerized with the championship.</em></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>MC Motormouth:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Take a long look folks. This is what we might see at the end of Hotter Than Hell. Greg Gauge might be standing over Aaron Andrews as the NEW World Champion!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Mitch Naess:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Maybe, but this Sunday, he’ll have to fight Aaron face-to-face!</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><em>Gauge shares some words with the motionless Andrews before raising the World Title up into the air with both hands. The crowd boos him loudly, but Gauge sure doesn’t seem to care.</em></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Jason Azaria:</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> Greg Gauge calls it his destiny to become TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Well, he’ll have his chance this Sunday to turn his destiny into a reality! Good night folks, and we’ll see you this Sunday at Hotter Than Hell! </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>


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<p>That Hotter Than Hell go-home show was pretty sweet. I half-expected you to pull the trigger on OMA & Thompson to take those tag straps off Shade Gang to go with the "odd-couple" champs. </p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream/Prince match had me interested when booked. Reading through, it's pretty clear Prince is being groomed to become a major player and was curious to see how you'd play out this match. Nice execution. Also, Mighty Mo...he's a curious case. Always keeping an eye on him. </p><p> </p><p>

Were you using "Shut up, loser!" as Buck's catchphrase before? I don't remember it, but it works! It's a good chuckle. Very catty and bratty.</p><p> </p><p>

The Huggins siblings coming apart is a great story and just slow building it is good for the anticipation side. The wrestling fan in me has me thinking Bach and Laura end up together at the end of this, but not knowing Bach's destiny roll and where he is at in this game for you, *shrugs* I guess nothing is off the table.</p><p> </p><p>

It was only a matter of time before putting a stable of 2nd-gen guys together. While Chord and Gauge are the usual suspects in TCW, the handful of other 2nd-gen guys in the game world has me wondering if someone else joins them. I will say though, you have weaved Gauge into the main event almost flawlessly. </p><p> </p><p>

Last, but certainly not least, the Lethal Lottery tournament! Oh man lol I'm totally looking forward to reading that. Nice save in replacing Arsenal with a debuting Z-Man. That seems like a happy coincidence. On a side note, I really love that you actually just randomized the names otherwise. The authenticity of it gives the entire premise of this tournament an extra flavor.</p>

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