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MAW: Where The Present Meets The Future

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MAW Championship: Bradley Blaze © vs Cheetah Boy

Miller Fforde vs Josh Jacobs

MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Harvey Robbinfield

MAW Tag Team Championships: DeMarcus and Gray vs Copperhead and Trix Triumph

Guillotine vs Ade Nelson

Joey Fili vs PN Cronin

The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


Bonus 1: What will be Match of the Night Fforde vs Jacobs

Bonus 2: Who is your favorite Graduate in this new class.

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MAW Championship: Bradley Blaze © vs Cheetah Boy


Miller Fforde vs Josh Jacobs


MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Harvey Robbinfield


MAW Tag Team Championships: DeMarcus and Gray vs Copperhead and Trix Triumph


Guillotine vs Ade Nelson


Joey Fili vs PN Cronin


The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


Bonus 1: What will be Match of the Night: Blaze vs Cheetah


Bonus 2: Who is your favorite Graduate in this new class.

Hector Hart. Like Tryker says, alliteration is a gateway to success. Plus, an ex-gang member is a ready made gimmick.

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In a pre-show bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Adam Nevada, Duke Freeman and Seth Whitehead defeated Hector Hart, Micheal Kipp and Tony Baker in 10:06 when Seth Whitehead submitted Micheal Kipp with a Minnesota Stretch. (21)


MAW Presents: Super Showdown




Marvin: Welcome everyone too the Super Showdown! Tonight, Bradley Blaze defends his Mid Atlantic title against the veteran, Cheetah Boy.


Ernest: But my personal match of the night is The Canadian Josh Jacobs taking on that dirt rat Miller Fforde.


Marvin: That's just your opinion Ernie. But lets get started in the action



In a decent match, The Heartbreak Express defeated The Past Masters in 6:37 when Johnny Needham pinned The Historian with The Score. (35)


Marvin: The Heartbreak Express continue their momentum.


Ernest: Yes but the Past Masters seem pissed. Especially The Sandman, who looks like he wants too kill someone.


Marvin: Maybe you can manage them.


Ernest: Yeah right, and risk my announcing job here.


Marvin: Well whatever the case, Johnny and Ralph continue too show themselves here as true contenders.


Ernest: Hold on Marv, some fan just got in the ring, with a mic!


Marvin: That's no fan Ernie, that's one of the recent TCW Graduates. Let's see what the newcomer has too say.




“My name is Preston Nathan Cronin, otherwise known as PN Cronin. I represent a class of individuals coming from Total Championship wrestling who are here too take over. We are the new stars of pro wrestling and we are the future champions you will see in the coming years. If you don't believe me, watch, as I take on some Samoan from the first class, which has disappointed tremendously so far. Watch and learn.” (23)



In a bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, PN Cronin defeated Joey Fili in 6:11 by pinfall with a Vision Savate Kick. (12)


Ernest: Well looks like PN Cronin will try to lead his class up into TCW.


Marvin: Yup. But wait, now Ade Nelson is out with a mic before his match again-




“Hold it hold it hold it! Im Ade Nelson, one of the best pro wrestlers alive today. You must earn the right to face me. So how bout you face one of my closet friends since the 1st grade. Zippy, come on .”



Zippy is shown in the crowd and jumps over the rail and gets into the ring.


Ade: Zip will always have my back and he will be taking this match for me, isnt that right Zip?


Zippy: That’s right Adrian and I will do my best too kick this man’s ass/


Ade: Go get em buddy! (26)



In a decent match, Guillotine defeated Zippy Deverell in 6:23 when Guillotine pinned Zippy with a sideswipe knee (17)


Ernest: Not surprised there.


Marvin: Should've been a handicap match with both best friends.


Ernest: Guillotine put him up there like Robespierre and chopped his head off.



In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Copperhead and Trix Triumph in 9:42 when Tyrone Gray pinned Copperhead with a Rocket Launcher. DeMarcus & Gray make defence number three of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


Ernest: DeMarcus and Gray contunie too show that they are the team too beat in all of the CO-






'DeMarcus and Gray are attacked by the WolfPack, Heartbreak Express come too the rescue only for Sand and Historian too come out' (25)




Ernest: Folks we are going into intermission as security rushes out too stop these eight men.





Starting in June of this year, MAW will induct a legend of MAW into the Hall Of Fame. We will announce who this legend is next month, and they will have a Hall of Fame Speech the weekend of The Fan Festival.



Marvin: Alright hello everybody, the situation is under control know.


Ernest: I have a hunk of Ralph Liotta's hair on my monitor. Yuck.


Marvin: Well, they call him a whole lot of love for a reason.


Ernest: Shut up Marv.




In a decent match, Jaylon Martins defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 13:47 when Jaylon Martins pinned Harvey Robbinfield with a Flying Forearm. Jaylon Martins makes defense number three of his MAW American Title. (25)


Marvin: Jaylon, Harvey and Seth are leading the pack in terms of TCW graduates, but Jaylon just seems too be better then Harvey.


Ernest: Well we will see if he can beat Seth Whitehead next month.




In a decent match, Josh Jacobs defeated Miller Fforde in 15:48 by pinfall with a handful of tights. (35)


Marvin: Oh come on!


Ernest: Look I dont like either of these men. They both pull these cheats/tricks too one up each other. Have a good ol fashioned brawl and then move on with your career.


Marvin: That's the most actual truthful thing Ive ever heard you say Ernest.


Ernest: Shut it.





In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Cheetah Boy in 22:06 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop. Bradley Blaze makes defence number four of the Mid Atlantic Championship title. (40)


Marvin: And just like that, Bradley Blaze gets probably his best title defense in.


Ernest: And who is too stop the cowboy.


Marvin: Uh oh, they might!




'The Architect (With some help from Jonah) attacked Bradley Blaze'


Ernest: Do you not remember that The Architect always has a scheme!


Marvin: But like this, uncalled for after a title defense like that!


Ernest: Im okay with it as long as it doesnt become a running habit.


Marvin: Jesus shut up


Ernest: Finally you stand up too me!


Marvin: Thank you all for watching as some of the security check on Bradley Blaze. See you all next month!



Attendance: 232 (+13)

Grade: 38



Sco Y2J 6/7

Kjarvs 5/7

Herrbear 5/7

Tryker 4/7

Historian 3/7


Impressive showing by all of you but Sco takes the win. PM me too get a worker you want too have a profile/story about them

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It was an easy month, No massive events. Thing will heat up come June for when we do The Hall Of Fame. I talked with the creative team and we came up with this card.






In The Main Event, Bradley Blaze and a Mysterious Partner take on The Scheme


The Tag Titles Are On The Line, IN A FOUR TEAM MATCH!


Jaylon Martins defends his title against Seth Whitehead


Will Ade Nelson finally face Guillotine?


All plus more!




Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)


MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead


MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


Ade Nelson vs Guillotine


Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy


Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

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Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)


MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead


MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


Ade Nelson vs Guillotine


Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy


Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

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Gonna preempt this by saying this is a pretty tricky card to predict.


Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)

Gonna stick with the champ, Jonah can eat the pin


MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead

I'm not big on the J-Train


MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters

If the champs win here they'll have run through the entire division in one match


Ade Nelson vs Guillotine

Rip Ade


Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy

I doubt Cronin can even manage double digits performances so he should lose here


Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

Alliteration is always right

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Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)

It seems like the most logical way to lead into a new challenger for Bradley's title


MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead

I could see this going the other way if Jaylon's being called up but until then I'll always bet on the developmental prospects


MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters

I love The Past Masters


Ade Nelson vs Guillotine

Guillotine seems like the better worker


Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy

Bit of a coinflip here, I'm not entirely up on a lot of the newer guys like Cronin so I'm going the other way


Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

Duke's a bit more established

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Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)

MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead


MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


Ade Nelson vs Guillotine


Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy

Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

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